Economical Interlocking Hex Drawers 3D Printer Model

Author: @
License: CC BY-NC-SA
File formats: scad,stl
Download type: zip
Size:63.65 KB

The file 'Economical Interlocking Hex Drawers 3D Printer Model' is (scad,stl) file type, size is 63.65 KB.


I was inspired by O3D's HIVE Modular Hex Drawers. They are absolutely brilliant, but I wanted something a little more efficient on plastic. My first thought was a quick remix, but I ended up redesigning them from scratch.

The result uses 2cm of sturdy interlocking ends and a single-thickness wall for the rest of the frame. This uses about half the plastic of the HIVE design, while also being 50% longer. This gives me a bit more space while still fitting in my MPSM's 12x12x12cm build volume.

Using the same settings (2 perimeters, 30% infill, sli3cr)
Economical Hex Drawer Frames: 42g
Economical Hex Drawer Drawers: 20g

v1.1 Add brace to stiffen front of drawer where handle attaches, about 2% more plastic
v1.2 Add optional brace to frame (hexDrawers_v1.2_bodyBraced.stl), this version uses 53g of plastic

I'd strongly suggest using the updated versions. Each pair only uses abut 15% more plastic, but they feel a lot sturdier and will hold up to more wear.
