i just wanted to share this "PS5 LED STAND" with you.
LED colors can be changed by using an iOS App of WLED or easily using the website of this small IoT-thing. Alexa & Hue are also embedded.
"D1 Mini NodeMcu with ESP8266-12F WLAN Module CH340G", but any WEMOS D1 Mini should do. Just attach and glue it as described near the power connector.
Connections are easy. Red +5V; G = GND/brown; Orange = D4 and secured with a 470 Ohms resistor (not nessesary, but more secure for your hardware).
Please visit https://github.com/Aircoookie/WLED and flash WLED_0.9.1_ESP8266.bin (or later version) to this module. Thanks to them for this great software! You´ll find a perfect and easy FAQ there.
My LED strip is 5mm broad, but smaller strips will do also and even better. Connected here are 26 LEDs, but up to 30 should´t be a problem - even for USB power connectors. Even a powerbank can power this ;-)
Easy print. Just a very little support is needed for the base. Put the ring around the base and you´re done.
Stay save!
PS5LEDSTAND_RING_V1.stl | 25.1KB | |
PS5LEDSTAND_V1.stl | 113.1KB |