Easy Folding Phone Stand 3D Printer Model

Author: @
License: CC BY
File formats: stl,dxf,obj
Download type: zip

The file 'Easy Folding Phone Stand 3D Printer Model' is (stl,dxf,obj) file type, size is 693.3KB.


A sturdy folding phone stand that sets up easily, locks in place, and collapses quickly to a slim 12mm. It also raises the phone high enough to allow a charging cord to be attached.

back_plate.stl 139.6KB
brace.stl 17.8KB
complete_stand.stl 198.1KB
front_plate.stl 66.5KB
iPhone_stand.dxf 1.1MB
iPhone_stand.obj 196.3KB
iPhone_stand_v2017_v2019.dxf 1.1MB
iPhone_stand_v2017_v2019.obj 196.3KB
shelf.stl 39.0KB