Dynamic Diameter Spool Holder 3D Printer Model

Author: @
License: CC BY-SA
File formats: stl
Download type: zip

The file 'Dynamic Diameter Spool Holder 3D Printer Model' is (stl) file type, size is 646.4KB.


As it's name states, this is a self adjusting spring loaded spool holder. It expands in order to fit most common spools inner diameter.

This is something I have been thinking for a while as an upgrade to my previous spool holder http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:770657 and during my previous researches stumbled upon this site/reference (http://richrap.blogspot.com/2014/03/universal-3d-printing-filament-spool.html) where they're also tackling the issue in their way.

I accepted the challenge 48 hours prior it's dead line, this allowed me to learn more about rhino and grasshoper as well as to try to solve one of my own issues, which is more and more clients requesting multi-color prints and that means I have to change filament spools very often since these prints don't take much time.


Almost at the end of this design iteration I came up with two other ideas and designs that will require less parts. I will be working on them and testing.

Please let me know any feedback or ideas that might apply, thanks :)

DDSH-001.stl 170.4KB
DDSH-002.stl 387.2KB
DDSH-003.stl 784.2KB
DDSH-004.stl 670.3KB
DDSH-005.stl 185.2KB
DDSH-006.stl 417.8KB