Dungeons And Dragons D&D Battle Tokens 3D Printer Model

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License: CC BY-NC-SA
File formats: stl,3dm
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D&D Battle Tokens

Note (Sept 8, 2019): this is take two; the old tokens can still be found in OldTokens.3dm and OldTokensAll.stl. Changelog: all symbols and bases are printable separately, simpler base shape, more clear directional arrow, larger symbols, symbols are also geometrically easier.

An (incomplete) set of battle tokens for Dungeons and Dragons. The token symbol and base are constructed to be printed separately and joined together, to be able to print everything in different colors.

Each symbol attaches to the base via two cylindrical pins. The pin position should be more or less unique; you may need a bit of mix & match when associating the bases to the symbols but it should be no problem.

The tokens are designed to fit (more or less) a standard grid with 15mm squares. The base are all octagons, where the side-to-side distance is exactly 15mm, but the corner-to-corner distance is 16.24mm. Having a little bit of bleeding make the tokens more nice looking (otherwise they're really small), but if you really want them to fit within a square, you need to set the scale factor to 0.924.

The set includes:

  • ten numbered tokens from 0 to 9
  • adapters for larger tokens (2x2, e.g. an enlarged creature, 2x1 a creature on horseback)
  • one token with the symbol of Pelor
  • one token with the symbol of Fharlanghn
  • one token with a double axed
  • one token with a (spell) book
  • one token with a lute
  • one token with a flaming skull (wannabe Wee Jas symbol)
  • one token with a Revan mask (shout out to Rægel who plays with a mask in our campaign)
  • one token with a wrapped carpet with an adapter to attach it to another token

Provided STL:

  • AllNums.stl all number symbols, facing down
  • AllNumsBases.stl all bases for the numerical symbol
  • AllPiecesAligned.stl all bases + symbols, numbers and symbols, aligned as if mounted
  • Individual tokens (X.stl) with their bases (XBase.stl) facing up (print with support)
    • Axe.stl
    • Fharlanghn.stl
    • Lute.stl
    • Pelor.stl
    • Revan.stl
    • Spellbook.stl
    • WeeJas.stl
    • Carpet.stl
  • Adapters to attach or enlarge tokens Adapter2x1.stl, Adapter2x2.stl, CarpetSideBase.stl (only for the carpet).

You can find the Thoqqua in the pictures here.


  • Dec 16, 2019: minor changes to all bases, added adapters and carpet base
Adapter2x1.stl 15.0KB
Adapter2x2.stl 16.8KB
AllNumBases.stl 752.4KB
AllNums.stl 4.1MB
AllPiecesAligned.stl 17.0MB
Axe.stl 206.4KB
AxeBase.stl 74.1KB
Carpet.stl 3.2MB
CarpetBase.stl 74.7KB
CarpetSideBase.stl 71.4KB
Fharlanghn.stl 289.4KB
FharlanghnBase.stl 77.9KB
Lute.stl 283.1KB
LuteBase.stl 74.2KB
OldTokens.3dm 5.7MB
OldTokensAll.stl 9.0MB
Pelor.stl 1001.6KB
PelorBase.stl 75.2KB
Revan.stl 351.9KB
RevanBase.stl 74.6KB
Spellbook.stl 374.6KB
SpellbookBase.stl 76.9KB
Tokens.3dm 10.7MB
WeeJas.stl 2.7MB
WeeJasBase.stl 76.4KB