Dune 2021 Duke Leto Atreides Ornithopter Headset 3D Printer Model

Author: @
License: CC BY-SA
File formats: zip,stl
Download type: zip

The file 'Dune 2021 Duke Leto Atreides Ornithopter Headset 3D Printer Model' is (zip,stl) file type, size is 1.1MB.


Parts to build the headset used by Oscar Issac (Duke Leto) in Dune 2021 as seen in the harvester attack scene.
The back of the headset is a HTC Vive Deluxe Audio Strap. (You need one of these).
Additional parts, screws, aluminium arms etc are listed in a txt file included.
See assembly order image. Black disks are 2mm eva foam cut to disks.

A wire support is required to hold the headset around your head and the Audio strap ear pad arms need to be slightly bent out near the hinge to stop them popping open. See photos of the real headset for reference. Also, there is more info in my thread on the Replica Prop Forum. (The RPF)

I recommend printing all the large parts vertically for best appearance. The disks print flat.

Any questions, feel free to ask!

Dune_Duke_Leto_headset.zip 895.5KB
optional_ear_pad_with_no_speaker_cut_out.stl 666.9KB