Dual Lane Spool Heads Racing SR1 1:64 Scale Diecast Racing Track – Straight Track And 45 Degree Turn 3D Printer Model

License: CC BY-NC
File formats: stl,dxf,f3d
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The file 'Dual Lane Spool Heads Racing SR1 1:64 Scale Diecast Racing Track – Straight Track And 45 Degree Turn 3D Printer Model' is (stl,dxf,f3d) file type, size is 822.8KB.


UPDATE: SR1 track has been upgraded to SR2. Check it out here:


Introducing the Spool Heads Racing SR1 3D printable 1:64 scale diecast racing track (Hot Wheels compatible).

Here are the instructions on how to make your own compatible SR1 track pieces:

Here is the launch video which shows off the track pieces: https://youtu.be/swgDecW7Sdo

Spool Heads Racing SR1 track series is inspired by the mallemattias 45 degree curve. I needed to modify it to fit with Adventure Force Nascar Crash Racers track so I started from scratch in Fusion 360.

This is a relatively low speed track and doesn't do well with high profile diecast cars. I have plans to also add larger radius turn and banked versions in the future, as well as single lane versions.

The turn radius is 210mm. Multiple turns can be connected to create a 90 or 180 degree turn or chicane or serpentine curve.

The 190mm dual lane straight track is designed to be printed on smaller build build plates like the Ender 3. The 254mm dual lane straight track is designed to be printed on larger build plates like the CR-10.

These are all compatible with the SR1 track spacers, Adventure Force Nascar Crash Racers, and Hot Wheels Track. You can even use the Hot Wheels blue connectors if you'd like.

To see the track in action, check out this video:

Here is a link to mallemattias original design https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4526820

If you print this track, please let me know what you think of it and if you have any suggestions or questions. Thanks!

2022-01-13 UPDATE: Modified the inside wall on the dual lane tracks to fit better with future single lane track. Also included a Fusion 360 files with the sketches of the single and dual lane track so you can make your own designs. Or in Fusion 360 go to "Insert" and then selected the DXF files that are also included in the downloads. Thanks!

2022-01-18 UPDATE: Added the SR1 22.5 degree turn.

2022-01-28 UPDATE: Added SR1 140mm dual lane track and SR1 45° turn with 300mm radius.

Mallemattias_Connector_Flat.stl 10.1KB
Mallemattias_Connector_New_Old.stl 76.8KB
SR1_140mmDualLaneStraight_20220128.stl 332.9KB
SR1_190mmDualLaneStraight_20220113.stl 386.2KB
SR1_22.5degreeDualLaneCurve_20220115.stl 346.0KB
SR1_254mmDualLaneStraight_20220113.stl 450.9KB
SR1_45degreeDualLaneCurve_20220113.stl 444.8KB
SR1_45degreeDualLaneCurve_300mmRadius_20220128.stl 517.0KB
SR1_5DegInDualLane190mm_20220113.stl 285.3KB
SR1_5DegOutDualLane190mm_20220113.stl 282.4KB
SR1_DualLane_Profile_20220113.dxf 7.0KB
SR1_Profiles_20220113.f3d 46.0KB
SR1_SingleLane_Profile_20220113.dxf 4.4KB
SR1_TrackSpacer.stl 122.2KB