The file 'DT-12 Blaster Accessories For A KJ Works MK 1 Airsoft Pistol 3D Printer Model' is (stl) file type, size is 5.8MB.
These parts were originally provided by Thingiverse member: Straeker. Big thank you goes out to Straeker for making these parts available to us.
I have used most of his parts and adapted them to fit on a KJ Works MK1 airsoft pistol. The objective of the project was to produce a "screen accurate" DT-12 Heavy Blaster Pistol (Battlefront version).
The following pieces remain unchanged from Straeker's files (all credit to Straeker):
-DT-12 barrel endcap
-DT-12 stylus
-DT-12 stylus head
-Merr Sonn power disk (I split these from 5 into 2)
-Merr Sonn power twinky (split it into 1 file)
-Merr Sonn screw on twinky (UG-175 reducer, was cut in half to print with less overhang)
I remixed the following pieces:
-DT-12 flash hider (enlarged to 1.16% to fit over KJW MK1 barrel)
-DT-12 flash hider cone (enlarged to 1.16% to fit in flash hider)
-DT-12 sight antenna main (cut out a 3mm hole to allow metal coat hanger to pass through)
-DT-12 sight antenna ends (cut out a 3mm hole to allow metal coat hanger to pass through)
New pieces added:
-DT-12 barrel ring (to simulate barrel on ring on real Ruger MK1 pistol, missing on airsoft pistol)
-flash hider cone extension (to make cone protrude from flash hider)
-power twinky extension (placed under power twinky to give more surface area to attach to pistol's cartridge ejection portl)
dt-12_12mm_barrel_ring.stl | 18.7KB | |
dt-12_barrel_endcap.stl | 30.2KB | |
dt-12_flash_hider_cone_elevator.stl | 4.6KB | |
dt-12_flash_hider_cone_enlarged.stl | 15.9KB | |
dt-12_flash_hider_enlarged.stl | 104.8KB | |
dt-12_sight_antenna-ends_cutout.stl | 195.5KB | |
dt-12_sight_antenna-main_cutout.stl | 27.7KB | |
dt-12_stylus_1.stl | 16.7MB | |
dt-12_stylus_head.stl | 29.2KB | |
Merr_Sonn_Power_2_disk.stl | 3.4MB | |
Merr_Sonn_Power_Twinky1.stl | 553.8KB | |
PowerTwinkyElevator.stl | 684.0B | |
UG-175_reducer_half.stl | 55.4KB |