Here's a quick example of how I put very nice numbers around a stove knob I made to replace a worn one on our stove. Putting the numbers around the dial had me stumped for a while, but I ended up with this bit of a hack, but very workable solution. I thought I'd share. The code is available in the SCAD file and it's reasonably well commented so you should be able to go from there.
Essentially, I created a STL file for each of the letters/digits I needed to use. Then I referenced these digits individually in an array that specified the angular position of whatever letters I needed to use. I built up dial readings by groups of individual letters, and adjusted the rotations accordingly. The results are fantastic, and the knob printed beautifully.
0.stl | 20.8KB | |
1.stl | 1.5KB | |
2.stl | 23.7KB | |
3.stl | 30.3KB | |
5.stl | 21.2KB | |
7.stl | 6.7KB | |
knob.stl | 1.5MB | |
knob_oven.scad | 5.3KB |