The file 'Dota 2 Itsy Courier 3D Printer Model' is (blend,stl) file type, size is 2.5MB.
This is a model of the Itsy Courier from Dota 2. I've also separated out her backpack from her body, so you can print them separately and glue together, or use a dual extrusion printer to print both together.
I printed a poor version the other day (some legs failed, the picture on the cover is that one). I'm going to try again with dual extrusion and ninjaflex, so I'll post pictures when I've got a better version to show off. If you can't wait until then, I suggest flipping her upside-down, since her legs don't seem to generate supports well in Simplify 3D.
Edit: All of my dual extrusion printers broke, so It'll be a little bit longer on the ninjaflex print. So sorry!
Blender Files, Pictures and Simplify 3D Factory Files will be coming shortly!
Itsy.blend | 15.5MB | |
Itsy.stl | 180.9KB | |
Itsy_Backpack.stl | 12.6KB | |
Itsy_Body.stl | 169.8KB |