The file 'Dop Stick Holder For Lapidary Work 3D Printer Model' is (stl,scad) file type, size is 18.5KB.
This is intended to serve as a dop stick holder for lapidary work, but surely has application for holding other tools. The model has a ridge at the bottom of the holes, which is intended to be useful in retaining the orientation of a rod with a notch in the bottom, particularly for gemstone faceting.
The STL included has two rows of five holes, the holes are made for 1/2 inch sticks, and has the index in the bottom of the holes.
The SCAD file is parametric and will let you adjust the number of rows and columns of holes, the size of the holes, spacing between them, the height of the overall part, the depth of the hole, and whether or not it has the index in the bottom. Download the .scad file to make changes and export your own, or use customizer to make your changes.
To adapt large holes for smaller dop sticks, use the adapter over here:
The printed holder pictured was printed in ProtoParadigm Woodchip ProSpec PLA.
dop-stick-holder-3-8.stl | 252.4KB | |
simple_dop_holder.scad | 1.7KB |