This one printed out well but was not as easy as the shed to glue together. It needed a few mods to get it to work.
I cut the hinge brackets from the door and glued some mini hinges to it. To make it work I also had to round the shelf from around the outside of the greenhouse at the edges to the door frame and the same on the ledge on the door.
The roof was designed to lift off but I found the top of the greenhouse splayed a little. This meant that when the roof was sat on it fell through. To sort this I printed a support bar and stuck it near the top of the front and back to hold them at the correct distance.
I used some thin plastic to make the windows. I found a laminator sheet was perfect for this.
Overall I think it came out OK but could have done better. Since this is just a one of print for the wives dollhouse, I am not going to make any mods to the design but if you want the original Fusion 360 files then I am happy to share them if you message me.
For the shelves see:
For some pots and bits:
Door.stl | 122.2KB | |
Front.stl | 13.4KB | |
LeftRoof.stl | 5.7KB | |
LeftSide.stl | 22.3KB | |
Rear.stl | 19.0KB | |
RightRoof.stl | 4.6KB | |
RightSide.stl | 22.3KB |