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0.00392157 0.00392) - (157 / 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0) . %AI8_EndPluginObject %AI5_End_NonPrinting-- %AI5_Begin_NonPrinting Np %AI9_BeginArtStyles /KnownStyle : (Anon 771) /Name , /ActiveStyle : /CompoundFilter : (Chain Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , /CompoundFilter : (Stack Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , /BasicFilter : (Stroke Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , 2 /FillOrStroke , /Dictionary : /NotRecorded , /StrokeStyle : 0 R 0 G 0 1 0 0 0 Xy 1 J 0 j 2.86625 w 4 M []0 d 0 XR 1 0 Xd /Def ; (StrokeStyle) , /Dictionary : /NotRecorded , 1 /Int (BSAdvStrokeDictionaryVersion) , /Array : 0 /Real , 0.2694 /Real , 0.9964 /Real , 1 /Real , ; (BSVariableWidthTValuesArray) , 2 /Int (BSWidthSource) , /Array : 0.3489 /Real , 1 /Real , 0.0479 /Real , 0.3981 /Real , ; (BSCenteredWidthsArray) , ; (kAIBeautifulStrokesParamsDictKey) , ; /Dict ; /Part , /BasicFilter : (Conduit Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , ; /Part , /BasicFilter : (Fill Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , /Dictionary : /NotRecorded , 0 /Bool (UseEvenOdd) , /FillStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy 0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR 0 0 Xd /Def ; (FillStyle) , ; /Dict ; /Part , ; /Part , /BasicFilter : (Blend Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , /Dictionary : /NotRecorded , /BlendStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy 0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR /Def ; (BlendStyle) , ; /Dict ; /Part , ; /Execution ; /Def ; /KnownStyle : (Anon 772) /Name , /ActiveStyle : /CompoundFilter : (Chain Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , /CompoundFilter : (Stack Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , /BasicFilter : (Stroke Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , 2 /FillOrStroke , /Dictionary : /NotRecorded , /StrokeStyle : 0 R 0 G 0 1 0 0 0 Xy 1 J 0 j 2.62571 w 4 M []0 d 0 XR 1 0 Xd /Def ; (StrokeStyle) , /Dictionary : /NotRecorded , 1 /Int (BSAdvStrokeDictionaryVersion) , /Array : 0 /Real , 0.029 /Real , 0.2592 /Real , 0.9952 /Real , 1 /Real , ; (BSVariableWidthTValuesArray) , 2 /Int (BSWidthSource) , /Array : 0.3808 /Real , 0.5199 /Real , 1 /Real , 0.0629 /Real , 0.5239 /Real , ; (BSCenteredWidthsArray) , ; (kAIBeautifulStrokesParamsDictKey) , ; /Dict ; /Part , /BasicFilter : (Conduit Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , ; /Part , /BasicFilter : (Fill Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , /Dictionary : /NotRecorded , 0 /Bool (UseEvenOdd) , /FillStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy 0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR 0 0 Xd /Def ; (FillStyle) , ; /Dict ; /Part , ; /Part , /BasicFilter : (Blend Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , /Dictionary : /NotRecorded , /BlendStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy 0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR /Def ; (BlendStyle) , ; /Dict ; /Part , ; /Execution ; /Def ; /KnownStyle : (Anon 773) /Name , /ActiveStyle : /CompoundFilter : (Chain Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , /CompoundFilter : (Stack Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , /BasicFilter : (Stroke Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , 2 /FillOrStroke , /Dictionary : /NotRecorded , /StrokeStyle : 0 R 0 G 0 1 0 0 0 Xy 1 J 0 j 2.53709 w 4 M []0 d 0 XR 1 0 Xd /Def ; (StrokeStyle) , /Dictionary : /NotRecorded , 1 /Int (BSAdvStrokeDictionaryVersion) , /Array : 0 /Real , 0.3047 /Real , 0.9979 /Real , 1 /Real , ; (BSVariableWidthTValuesArray) , 2 /Int (BSWidthSource) , /Array : 0.3942 /Real , 1 /Real , 0.0808 /Real , 0.5639 /Real , ; (BSCenteredWidthsArray) , ; (kAIBeautifulStrokesParamsDictKey) , ; /Dict ; /Part , /BasicFilter : (Conduit Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , ; /Part , /BasicFilter : (Fill Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , /Dictionary : /NotRecorded , 0 /Bool (UseEvenOdd) , /FillStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy 0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR 0 0 Xd /Def ; (FillStyle) , ; /Dict ; /Part , ; /Part , /BasicFilter : (Blend Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , /Dictionary : /NotRecorded , /BlendStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy 0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR /Def ; (BlendStyle) , ; /Dict ; /Part , ; /Execution ; /Def ; /KnownStyle : (Anon 774) /Name , /ActiveStyle : /CompoundFilter : (Chain Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , /CompoundFilter : (Stack Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , /BasicFilter : (Stroke Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , 2 /FillOrStroke , /Dictionary : /NotRecorded , /StrokeStyle : 0 R 0 G 0 1 0 0 0 Xy 1 J 0 j 2.2753 w 4 M []0 d 0 XR 1 0 Xd /Def ; (StrokeStyle) , /Dictionary : /NotRecorded , 1 /Int (BSAdvStrokeDictionaryVersion) , /Array : 0 /Real , 0.3928 /Real , 0.9974 /Real , 1 /Real , ; (BSVariableWidthTValuesArray) , 2 /Int (BSWidthSource) , /Array : 0.4395 /Real , 1 /Real , 0.0503 /Real , 0.6515 /Real , ; (BSCenteredWidthsArray) , ; (kAIBeautifulStrokesParamsDictKey) , ; /Dict ; /Part , /BasicFilter : (Conduit Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , ; /Part , /BasicFilter : (Fill Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , /Dictionary : /NotRecorded , 0 /Bool (UseEvenOdd) , /FillStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy 0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR 0 0 Xd /Def ; (FillStyle) , ; /Dict ; /Part , ; /Part , /BasicFilter : (Blend Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , /Dictionary : /NotRecorded , /BlendStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy 0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR /Def ; (BlendStyle) , ; /Dict ; /Part , ; /Execution ; /Def ; /KnownStyle : (Anon 775) /Name , /ActiveStyle : /CompoundFilter : (Chain Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , /CompoundFilter : (Stack Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , /BasicFilter : (Stroke Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , 2 /FillOrStroke , /Dictionary : /NotRecorded , /StrokeStyle : 0 R 0 G 0 1 0 0 0 Xy 1 J 0 j 3.43207 w 4 M []0 d 0 XR 1 0 Xd /Def ; (StrokeStyle) , /Dictionary : /NotRecorded , 1 /Int (BSAdvStrokeDictionaryVersion) , /Array : 0 /Real , 0.3552 /Real , 0.9953 /Real , 1 /Real , ; (BSVariableWidthTValuesArray) , 2 /Int (BSWidthSource) , /Array : 0.2914 /Real , 1 /Real , 0.0838 /Real , 0.4633 /Real , ; (BSCenteredWidthsArray) , ; (kAIBeautifulStrokesParamsDictKey) , ; /Dict ; /Part , /BasicFilter : (Conduit Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , ; /Part , /BasicFilter : (Fill Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , /Dictionary : /NotRecorded , 0 /Bool (UseEvenOdd) , /FillStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy 0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR 0 0 Xd /Def ; (FillStyle) , ; /Dict ; /Part , ; /Part , /BasicFilter : (Blend Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , /Dictionary : /NotRecorded , /BlendStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy 0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR /Def ; (BlendStyle) , ; /Dict ; /Part , ; /Execution ; /Def ; /KnownStyle : (Anon 776) /Name , /ActiveStyle : /CompoundFilter : (Chain Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , /CompoundFilter : (Stack Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , /BasicFilter : (Stroke Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , 2 /FillOrStroke , /Dictionary : /NotRecorded , /StrokeStyle : 0 R 0 G 0 1 0 0 0 Xy 1 J 0 j 1.7775 w 4 M []0 d 0 XR 1 0 Xd /Def ; (StrokeStyle) , /Dictionary : /NotRecorded , 1 /Int (BSAdvStrokeDictionaryVersion) , /Array : 0 /Real , 0.4966 /Real , 0.994 /Real , 1 /Real , ; (BSVariableWidthTValuesArray) , 2 /Int (BSWidthSource) , /Array : 0.5626 /Real , 1 /Real , 0.1085 /Real , 0.5626 /Real , ; (BSCenteredWidthsArray) , ; (kAIBeautifulStrokesParamsDictKey) , ; /Dict ; /Part , /BasicFilter : (Conduit Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , ; /Part , /BasicFilter : (Fill Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , /Dictionary : /NotRecorded , 0 /Bool (UseEvenOdd) , /FillStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy 0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR 0 0 Xd /Def ; (FillStyle) , ; /Dict ; /Part , ; /Part , /BasicFilter : (Blend Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , /Dictionary : /NotRecorded , /BlendStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy 0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR /Def ; (BlendStyle) , ; /Dict ; /Part , ; /Execution ; /Def ; /KnownStyle : (Anon 777) /Name , /ActiveStyle : /CompoundFilter : (Chain Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , /CompoundFilter : (Stack Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , /BasicFilter : (Stroke Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , 2 /FillOrStroke , /Dictionary : /NotRecorded , /StrokeStyle : 0 R 0 G 0 1 0 0 0 Xy 1 J 0 j 1.55757 w 4 M []0 d 0 XR 1 0 Xd /Def ; (StrokeStyle) , /Dictionary : /NotRecorded , 1 /Int (BSAdvStrokeDictionaryVersion) , /Array : 0 /Real , 0.0069 /Real , 0.4225 /Real , 0.9936 /Real , 1 /Real , ; (BSVariableWidthTValuesArray) , 2 /Int (BSWidthSource) , /Array : 0.642 /Real , 0.0989 /Real , 1 /Real , 0.1064 /Real , 0.642 /Real , ; (BSCenteredWidthsArray) , ; (kAIBeautifulStrokesParamsDictKey) , ; /Dict ; /Part , /BasicFilter : (Conduit Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , ; /Part , /BasicFilter : (Fill Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , /Dictionary : /NotRecorded , 0 /Bool (UseEvenOdd) , /FillStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy 0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR 0 0 Xd /Def ; (FillStyle) , ; /Dict ; /Part , ; /Part , /BasicFilter : (Blend Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , /Dictionary : /NotRecorded , /BlendStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy 0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR /Def ; (BlendStyle) , ; /Dict ; /Part , ; /Execution ; /Def ; /KnownStyle : (Anon 778) /Name , /ActiveStyle : /CompoundFilter : (Chain Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , /CompoundFilter : (Stack Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , /BasicFilter : (Stroke Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , 2 /FillOrStroke , /Dictionary : /NotRecorded , /StrokeStyle : 0 R 0 G 0 1 0 0 0 Xy 1 J 0 j 3.06784 w 4 M []0 d 0 XR 1 0 Xd /Def ; (StrokeStyle) , /Dictionary : /NotRecorded , 1 /Int (BSAdvStrokeDictionaryVersion) , /Array : 0 /Real , 0.0317 /Real , 0.3033 /Real , 0.9859 /Real , 1 /Real , ; (BSVariableWidthTValuesArray) , 2 /Int (BSWidthSource) , /Array : 0.5731 /Real , 0.0425 /Real , 1 /Real , 0.0508 /Real , 0.58 /Real , ; (BSCenteredWidthsArray) , ; (kAIBeautifulStrokesParamsDictKey) , ; /Dict ; /Part , /BasicFilter : (Conduit Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , ; /Part , /BasicFilter : (Fill Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , /Dictionary : /NotRecorded , 0 /Bool (UseEvenOdd) , /FillStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy 0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR 0 0 Xd /Def ; (FillStyle) , ; /Dict ; /Part , ; /Part , /BasicFilter : (Blend Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , /Dictionary : /NotRecorded , /BlendStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy 0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR /Def ; (BlendStyle) , ; /Dict ; /Part , ; /Execution ; /Def ; /KnownStyle : (Anon 779) /Name , /ActiveStyle : /CompoundFilter : (Chain Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , /CompoundFilter : (Stack Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , /BasicFilter : (Stroke Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , 2 /FillOrStroke , /Dictionary : /NotRecorded , /StrokeStyle : 0 R 0 G 0 1 0 0 0 Xy 1 J 0 j 1.72988 w 4 M []0 d 0 XR 1 0 Xd /Def ; (StrokeStyle) , /Dictionary : /NotRecorded , 1 /Int (BSAdvStrokeDictionaryVersion) , /Array : 0 /Real , 0.2062 /Real , 0.9916 /Real , 1 /Real , ; (BSVariableWidthTValuesArray) , 2 /Int (BSWidthSource) , /Array : 0.5781 /Real , 1 /Real , 0.0668 /Real , 0.7356 /Real , ; (BSCenteredWidthsArray) , ; (kAIBeautifulStrokesParamsDictKey) , ; /Dict ; /Part , /BasicFilter : (Conduit Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , ; /Part , /BasicFilter : (Fill Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , /Dictionary : /NotRecorded , 0 /Bool (UseEvenOdd) , /FillStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy 0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR 0 0 Xd /Def ; (FillStyle) , ; /Dict ; /Part , ; /Part , /BasicFilter : (Blend Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , /Dictionary : /NotRecorded , /BlendStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy 0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR /Def ; (BlendStyle) , ; /Dict ; /Part , ; /Execution ; /Def ; /KnownStyle : (Anon 780) /Name , /ActiveStyle : /CompoundFilter : (Chain Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , /CompoundFilter : (Stack Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , /BasicFilter : (Stroke Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , 2 /FillOrStroke , /Dictionary : /NotRecorded , /StrokeStyle : 0 R 0 G 0 1 0 0 0 Xy 1 J 0 j 2.38325 w 4 M []0 d 0 XR 1 0 Xd /Def ; (StrokeStyle) , /Dictionary : /NotRecorded , 1 /Int (BSAdvStrokeDictionaryVersion) , /Array : 0 /Real , 0.0133 /Real , 0.1743 /Real , 0.9885 /Real , 1 /Real , ; (BSVariableWidthTValuesArray) , 2 /Int (BSWidthSource) , /Array : 0.4196 /Real , 0.069 /Real , 1 /Real , 0.0341 /Real , 0.4196 /Real , ; (BSCenteredWidthsArray) , ; (kAIBeautifulStrokesParamsDictKey) , ; /Dict ; /Part , /BasicFilter : (Conduit Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , ; /Part , /BasicFilter : (Fill Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , /Dictionary : /NotRecorded , 0 /Bool (UseEvenOdd) , /FillStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy 0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR 0 0 Xd /Def ; (FillStyle) , ; /Dict ; /Part , ; /Part , /BasicFilter : (Blend Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , /Dictionary : /NotRecorded , /BlendStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy 0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR /Def ; (BlendStyle) , ; /Dict ; /Part , ; /Execution ; /Def ; /KnownStyle : (Anon 781) /Name , /ActiveStyle : /CompoundFilter : (Chain Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , /CompoundFilter : (Stack Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , /BasicFilter : (Stroke Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , 2 /FillOrStroke , /Dictionary : /NotRecorded , /StrokeStyle : 0 R 0 G 0 1 0 0 0 Xy 1 J 0 j 1 w 4 M []0 d 0 XR 1 0 Xd /Def ; (StrokeStyle) , /Dictionary : /NotRecorded , 1 /Int (BSAdvStrokeDictionaryVersion) , /Array : 0 /Real , 0.9599 /Real , 1 /Real , ; (BSVariableWidthTValuesArray) , 2 /Int (BSWidthSource) , /Array : 0.5435 /Real , 0.2453 /Real , 1 /Real , ; (BSCenteredWidthsArray) , ; (kAIBeautifulStrokesParamsDictKey) , ; /Dict ; /Part , /BasicFilter : (Conduit Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , ; /Part , /BasicFilter : (Fill Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , /Dictionary : /NotRecorded , 0 /Bool (UseEvenOdd) , /FillStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy 0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR 0 0 Xd /Def ; (FillStyle) , ; /Dict ; /Part , ; /Part , /BasicFilter : (Blend Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , /Dictionary : /NotRecorded , /BlendStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy 0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR /Def ; (BlendStyle) , ; /Dict ; /Part , ; /Execution ; /Def ; /KnownStyle : (Anon 782) /Name , /ActiveStyle : /CompoundFilter : (Chain Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , /CompoundFilter : (Stack Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , /BasicFilter : (Stroke Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , 2 /FillOrStroke , /Dictionary : /NotRecorded , /StrokeStyle : 0 R 0 G 0 1 0 0 0 Xy 1 J 0 j 1 w 4 M []0 d 0 XR 1 0 Xd /Def ; (StrokeStyle) , /Dictionary : /NotRecorded , 1 /Int (BSAdvStrokeDictionaryVersion) , /Array : 0 /Real , 0.9309 /Real , 1 /Real , ; (BSVariableWidthTValuesArray) , 2 /Int (BSWidthSource) , /Array : 1 /Real , 0.1431 /Real , 1 /Real , ; (BSCenteredWidthsArray) , ; (kAIBeautifulStrokesParamsDictKey) , ; /Dict ; /Part , /BasicFilter : (Conduit Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , ; /Part , /BasicFilter : (Fill Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , /Dictionary : /NotRecorded , 0 /Bool (UseEvenOdd) , /FillStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy 0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR 0 0 Xd /Def ; (FillStyle) , ; /Dict ; /Part , ; /Part , /BasicFilter : (Blend Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , /Dictionary : /NotRecorded , /BlendStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy 0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR /Def ; (BlendStyle) , ; /Dict ; /Part , ; /Execution ; /Def ; /KnownStyle : (Anon 783) /Name , /ActiveStyle : /CompoundFilter : (Chain Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , /CompoundFilter : (Stack Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , /BasicFilter : (Stroke Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , 2 /FillOrStroke , /Dictionary : /NotRecorded , /StrokeStyle : 0 R 0 G 0 1 0 0 0 Xy 1 J 0 j 1.04577 w 4 M []0 d 0 XR 1 0 Xd /Def ; (StrokeStyle) , /Dictionary : /NotRecorded , 1 /Int (BSAdvStrokeDictionaryVersion) , /Array : 0 /Real , 0.1889 /Real , 0.9629 /Real , 1 /Real , ; (BSVariableWidthTValuesArray) , 2 /Int (BSWidthSource) , /Array : 0.9562 /Real , 1 /Real , 0.0786 /Real , 0.9562 /Real , ; (BSCenteredWidthsArray) , ; (kAIBeautifulStrokesParamsDictKey) , ; /Dict ; /Part , /BasicFilter : (Conduit Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , ; /Part , /BasicFilter : (Fill Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , /Dictionary : /NotRecorded , 0 /Bool (UseEvenOdd) , /FillStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy 0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR 0 0 Xd /Def ; (FillStyle) , ; /Dict ; /Part , ; /Part , /BasicFilter : (Blend Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , /Dictionary : /NotRecorded , /BlendStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy 0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR /Def ; (BlendStyle) , ; /Dict ; /Part , ; /Execution ; /Def ; /KnownStyle : (Anon 784) /Name , /ActiveStyle : /CompoundFilter : (Chain Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , /CompoundFilter : (Stack Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , /BasicFilter : (Stroke Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , 2 /FillOrStroke , /Dictionary : /NotRecorded , /StrokeStyle : 0 R 0 G 0 1 0 0 0 Xy 1 J 0 j 1.7999 w 4 M []0 d 0 XR 1 0 Xd /Def ; (StrokeStyle) , /Dictionary : /NotRecorded , 1 /Int (BSAdvStrokeDictionaryVersion) , /Array : 0 /Real , 0.4141 /Real , 0.9323 /Real , 1 /Real , ; (BSVariableWidthTValuesArray) , 2 /Int (BSWidthSource) , /Array : 0.5556 /Real , 0.6481 /Real , 0.1553 /Real , 1 /Real , ; (BSCenteredWidthsArray) , ; (kAIBeautifulStrokesParamsDictKey) , ; /Dict ; /Part , /BasicFilter : (Conduit Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , ; /Part , /BasicFilter : (Fill Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , /Dictionary : /NotRecorded , 0 /Bool (UseEvenOdd) , /FillStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy 0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR 0 0 Xd /Def ; (FillStyle) , ; /Dict ; /Part , ; /Part , /BasicFilter : (Blend Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , /Dictionary : /NotRecorded , /BlendStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy 0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR /Def ; (BlendStyle) , ; /Dict ; /Part , ; /Execution ; /Def ; /KnownStyle : (Anon 785) /Name , /ActiveStyle : /CompoundFilter : (Chain Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , /CompoundFilter : (Stack Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , /BasicFilter : (Stroke Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , 2 /FillOrStroke , /Dictionary : /NotRecorded , /StrokeStyle : 0 R 0 G 0 1 0 0 0 Xy 1 J 0 j 1.57573 w 4 M []0 d 0 XR 1 0 Xd /Def ; (StrokeStyle) , /Dictionary : /NotRecorded , 1 /Int (BSAdvStrokeDictionaryVersion) , /Array : 0 /Real , 0.4083 /Real , 0.9387 /Real , 1 /Real , ; (BSVariableWidthTValuesArray) , 2 /Int (BSWidthSource) , /Array : 0.6346 /Real , 0.782 /Real , 0.1547 /Real , 1 /Real , ; (BSCenteredWidthsArray) , ; (kAIBeautifulStrokesParamsDictKey) , ; /Dict ; /Part , /BasicFilter : (Conduit Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , ; /Part , /BasicFilter : (Fill Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , /Dictionary : /NotRecorded , 0 /Bool (UseEvenOdd) , /FillStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy 0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR 0 0 Xd /Def ; (FillStyle) , ; /Dict ; /Part , ; /Part , /BasicFilter : (Blend Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , /Dictionary : /NotRecorded , /BlendStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy 0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR /Def ; (BlendStyle) , ; /Dict ; /Part , ; /Execution ; /Def ; /KnownStyle : (Anon 786) /Name , /ActiveStyle : /CompoundFilter : (Chain Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , /CompoundFilter : (Stack Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , /BasicFilter : (Stroke Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , 2 /FillOrStroke , /Dictionary : /NotRecorded , /StrokeStyle : 0 R 0 G 0 1 0 0 0 Xy 1 J 0 j 1.44631 w 4 M []0 d 0 XR 1 0 Xd /Def ; (StrokeStyle) , /Dictionary : /NotRecorded , 1 /Int (BSAdvStrokeDictionaryVersion) , /Array : 0 /Real , 0.9726 /Real , 1 /Real , ; (BSVariableWidthTValuesArray) , 2 /Int (BSWidthSource) , /Array : 0.6914 /Real , 0.3136 /Real , 1 /Real , ; (BSCenteredWidthsArray) , ; (kAIBeautifulStrokesParamsDictKey) , ; /Dict ; /Part , /BasicFilter : (Conduit Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , ; /Part , /BasicFilter : (Fill Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , /Dictionary : /NotRecorded , 0 /Bool (UseEvenOdd) , /FillStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy 0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR 0 0 Xd /Def ; (FillStyle) , ; /Dict ; /Part , ; /Part , /BasicFilter : (Blend Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , /Dictionary : /NotRecorded , /BlendStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy 0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR /Def ; (BlendStyle) , ; /Dict ; /Part , ; /Execution ; /Def ; /KnownStyle : (Anon 787) /Name , /ActiveStyle : /CompoundFilter : (Chain Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , /CompoundFilter : (Stack Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , /BasicFilter : (Stroke Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , 2 /FillOrStroke , /Dictionary : /NotRecorded , /StrokeStyle : 0 R 0 G 0 1 0 0 0 Xy 1 J 0 j 1.7527 w 4 M []0 d 0 XR 1 0 Xd /Def ; (StrokeStyle) , /Dictionary : /NotRecorded , 1 /Int (BSAdvStrokeDictionaryVersion) , /Array : 0 /Real , 0.4007 /Real , 0.9345 /Real , 1 /Real , ; (BSVariableWidthTValuesArray) , 2 /Int (BSWidthSource) , /Array : 0.5705 /Real , 0.9833 /Real , 0.1313 /Real , 1 /Real , ; (BSCenteredWidthsArray) , ; (kAIBeautifulStrokesParamsDictKey) , ; /Dict ; /Part , /BasicFilter : (Conduit Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , ; /Part , /BasicFilter : (Fill Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , /Dictionary : /NotRecorded , 0 /Bool (UseEvenOdd) , /FillStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy 0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR 0 0 Xd /Def ; (FillStyle) , ; /Dict ; /Part , ; /Part , /BasicFilter : (Blend Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , /Dictionary : /NotRecorded , /BlendStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy 0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR /Def ; (BlendStyle) , ; /Dict ; /Part , ; /Execution ; /Def ; /KnownStyle : (Anon 788) /Name , /ActiveStyle : /CompoundFilter : (Chain Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , /CompoundFilter : (Stack Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , /BasicFilter : (Stroke Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , 2 /FillOrStroke , /Dictionary : /NotRecorded , /StrokeStyle : 0 R 0 G 0 1 0 0 0 Xy 1 J 0 j 2.0183 w 4 M []0 d 0 XR 1 0 Xd /Def ; (StrokeStyle) , /Dictionary : /NotRecorded , 1 /Int (BSAdvStrokeDictionaryVersion) , /Array : 0 /Real , 0.2889 /Real , 0.9599 /Real , 1 /Real , ; (BSVariableWidthTValuesArray) , 2 /Int (BSWidthSource) , /Array : 0.4955 /Real , 0.8757 /Real , 0.2034 /Real , 1 /Real , ; (BSCenteredWidthsArray) , ; (kAIBeautifulStrokesParamsDictKey) , ; /Dict ; /Part , /BasicFilter : (Conduit Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , ; /Part , /BasicFilter : (Fill Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , /Dictionary : /NotRecorded , 0 /Bool (UseEvenOdd) , /FillStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy 0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR 0 0 Xd /Def ; (FillStyle) , ; /Dict ; /Part , ; /Part , /BasicFilter : (Blend Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , /Dictionary : /NotRecorded , /BlendStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy 0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR /Def ; (BlendStyle) , ; /Dict ; /Part , ; /Execution ; /Def ; /KnownStyle : (Anon 789) /Name , /ActiveStyle : /CompoundFilter : (Chain Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , /CompoundFilter : (Stack Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , /BasicFilter : (Stroke Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , 2 /FillOrStroke , /Dictionary : /NotRecorded , /StrokeStyle : 0 R 0 G 0 1 0 0 0 Xy 1 J 0 j 1.99069 w 4 M []0 d 0 XR 1 0 Xd /Def ; (StrokeStyle) , /Dictionary : /NotRecorded , 1 /Int (BSAdvStrokeDictionaryVersion) , /Array : 0 /Real , 0.1636 /Real , 0.9586 /Real , 1 /Real , ; (BSVariableWidthTValuesArray) , 2 /Int (BSWidthSource) , /Array : 0.5023 /Real , 0.7365 /Real , 0.1189 /Real , 1 /Real , ; (BSCenteredWidthsArray) , ; (kAIBeautifulStrokesParamsDictKey) , ; /Dict ; /Part , /BasicFilter : (Conduit Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , ; /Part , /BasicFilter : (Fill Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , /Dictionary : /NotRecorded , 0 /Bool (UseEvenOdd) , /FillStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy 0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR 0 0 Xd /Def ; (FillStyle) , ; /Dict ; /Part , ; /Part , /BasicFilter : (Blend Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , /Dictionary : /NotRecorded , /BlendStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy 0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR /Def ; (BlendStyle) , ; /Dict ; /Part , ; /Execution ; /Def ; /KnownStyle : (Anon 790) /Name , /ActiveStyle : /CompoundFilter : (Chain Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , /CompoundFilter : (Stack Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , /BasicFilter : (Stroke Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , 2 /FillOrStroke , /Dictionary : /NotRecorded , /StrokeStyle : 0 R 0 G 0 1 0 0 0 Xy 1 J 0 j 1.25766 w 4 M []0 d 0 XR 1 0 Xd /Def ; (StrokeStyle) , /Dictionary : /NotRecorded , 1 /Int (BSAdvStrokeDictionaryVersion) , /Array : 0 /Real , 0.4851 /Real , 0.947 /Real , 1 /Real , ; (BSVariableWidthTValuesArray) , 2 /Int (BSWidthSource) , /Array : 0.7951 /Real , 0.5214 /Real , 0.1175 /Real , 1 /Real , ; (BSCenteredWidthsArray) , ; (kAIBeautifulStrokesParamsDictKey) , ; /Dict ; /Part , /BasicFilter : (Conduit Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , ; /Part , /BasicFilter : (Fill Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , /Dictionary : /NotRecorded , 0 /Bool (UseEvenOdd) , /FillStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy 0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR 0 0 Xd /Def ; (FillStyle) , ; /Dict ; /Part , ; /Part , /BasicFilter : (Blend Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , /Dictionary : /NotRecorded , /BlendStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy 0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR /Def ; (BlendStyle) , ; /Dict ; /Part , ; /Execution ; /Def ; /KnownStyle : (Anon 791) /Name , /ActiveStyle : /CompoundFilter : (Chain Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , /CompoundFilter : (Stack Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , /BasicFilter : (Stroke Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , 2 /FillOrStroke , /Dictionary : /NotRecorded , /StrokeStyle : 0 R 0 G 0 1 0 0 0 Xy 1 J 0 j 1.24257 w 4 M []0 d 0 XR 1 0 Xd /Def ; (StrokeStyle) , /Dictionary : /NotRecorded , 1 /Int (BSAdvStrokeDictionaryVersion) , /Array : 0 /Real , 0.9663 /Real , 1 /Real , ; (BSVariableWidthTValuesArray) , 2 /Int (BSWidthSource) , /Array : 0.8048 /Real , 0.2249 /Real , 1 /Real , ; (BSCenteredWidthsArray) , ; (kAIBeautifulStrokesParamsDictKey) , ; /Dict ; /Part , /BasicFilter : (Conduit Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , ; /Part , /BasicFilter : (Fill Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , /Dictionary : /NotRecorded , 0 /Bool (UseEvenOdd) , /FillStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy 0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR 0 0 Xd /Def ; (FillStyle) , ; /Dict ; /Part , ; /Part , /BasicFilter : (Blend Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , /Dictionary : /NotRecorded , /BlendStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy 0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR /Def ; (BlendStyle) , ; /Dict ; /Part , ; /Execution ; /Def ; /KnownStyle : (Anon 792) /Name , /ActiveStyle : /CompoundFilter : (Chain Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , /CompoundFilter : (Stack Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , /BasicFilter : (Stroke Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , 2 /FillOrStroke , /Dictionary : /NotRecorded , /StrokeStyle : 0 R 0 G 0 1 0 0 0 Xy 1 J 0 j 1 w 4 M []0 d 0 XR 1 0 Xd /Def ; (StrokeStyle) , /Dictionary : /NotRecorded , 1 /Int (BSAdvStrokeDictionaryVersion) , /Array : 0 /Real , 0.5 /Real , 1 /Real , ; (BSVariableWidthTValuesArray) , 2 /Int (BSWidthSource) , /Array : 0.1 /Real , 1 /Real , 0.2 /Real , ; (BSCenteredWidthsArray) , ; (kAIBeautifulStrokesParamsDictKey) , ; /Dict ; /Part , /BasicFilter : (Conduit Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , ; /Part , /BasicFilter : (Fill Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , /Dictionary : /NotRecorded , 0 /Bool (UseEvenOdd) , /FillStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy 0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR 0 0 Xd /Def ; (FillStyle) , ; /Dict ; /Part , ; /Part , /BasicFilter : (Blend Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , /Dictionary : /NotRecorded , /BlendStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy 0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR /Def ; (BlendStyle) , ; /Dict ; /Part , ; /Execution ; /Def ; /KnownStyle : (Anon 793) /Name , /ActiveStyle : /CompoundFilter : (Chain Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , /CompoundFilter : (Stack Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , /BasicFilter : (Stroke Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , 2 /FillOrStroke , /Dictionary : /NotRecorded , /StrokeStyle : 0 R 0 G 0 1 0 0 0 Xy 1 J 0 j 3.54707 w 4 M []0 d 0 XR 1 0 Xd /Def ; (StrokeStyle) , /Dictionary : /NotRecorded , 1 /Int (BSAdvStrokeDictionaryVersion) , /Array : 0 /Real , 0.2538 /Real , 0.9841 /Real , 1 /Real , ; (BSVariableWidthTValuesArray) , 2 /Int (BSWidthSource) , /Array : 0.2819 /Real , 1 /Real , 0.118 /Real , 0.567 /Real , ; (BSCenteredWidthsArray) , ; (kAIBeautifulStrokesParamsDictKey) , ; /Dict ; /Part , /BasicFilter : (Conduit Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , ; /Part , /BasicFilter : (Fill Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , /Dictionary : /NotRecorded , 0 /Bool (UseEvenOdd) , /FillStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy 0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR 0 0 Xd /Def ; (FillStyle) , ; /Dict ; /Part , ; /Part , /BasicFilter : (Blend Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , /Dictionary : /NotRecorded , /BlendStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy 0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR /Def ; (BlendStyle) , ; /Dict ; /Part , ; /Execution ; /Def ; /KnownStyle : (Anon 794) /Name , /ActiveStyle : /CompoundFilter : (Chain Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , /CompoundFilter : (Stack Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , /BasicFilter : (Stroke Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , 2 /FillOrStroke , /Dictionary : /NotRecorded , /StrokeStyle : 0 R 0 G 0 1 0 0 0 Xy 1 J 0 j 1.94325 w 4 M []0 d 0 XR 1 0 Xd /Def ; (StrokeStyle) , /Dictionary : /NotRecorded , 1 /Int (BSAdvStrokeDictionaryVersion) , /Array : 0 /Real , 0.1087 /Real , 0.982 /Real , 1 /Real , ; (BSVariableWidthTValuesArray) , 2 /Int (BSWidthSource) , /Array : 0.5146 /Real , 1 /Real , 0.1015 /Real , 0.7634 /Real , ; (BSCenteredWidthsArray) , ; (kAIBeautifulStrokesParamsDictKey) , ; /Dict ; /Part , /BasicFilter : (Conduit Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , ; /Part , /BasicFilter : (Fill Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , /Dictionary : /NotRecorded , 0 /Bool (UseEvenOdd) , /FillStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy 0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR 0 0 Xd /Def ; (FillStyle) , ; /Dict ; /Part , ; /Part , /BasicFilter : (Blend Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , /Dictionary : /NotRecorded , /BlendStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy 0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR /Def ; (BlendStyle) , ; /Dict ; /Part , ; /Execution ; /Def ; /KnownStyle : (Anon 795) /Name , /ActiveStyle : /CompoundFilter : (Chain Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , /CompoundFilter : (Stack Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , /BasicFilter : (Stroke Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , 2 /FillOrStroke , /Dictionary : /NotRecorded , /StrokeStyle : 0 R 0 G 0 1 0 0 0 Xy 1 J 0 j 1 w 4 M []0 d 0 XR 1 0 Xd /Def ; (StrokeStyle) , /Dictionary : /NotRecorded , 1 /Int (BSAdvStrokeDictionaryVersion) , /Array : 0 /Real , 0.1087 /Real , 0.935 /Real , 1 /Real , ; (BSVariableWidthTValuesArray) , 2 /Int (BSWidthSource) , /Array : 1 /Real , 0.9107 /Real , 0.1225 /Real , 0.6366 /Real , ; (BSCenteredWidthsArray) , ; (kAIBeautifulStrokesParamsDictKey) , ; /Dict ; /Part , /BasicFilter : (Conduit Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , ; /Part , /BasicFilter : (Fill Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , /Dictionary : /NotRecorded , 0 /Bool (UseEvenOdd) , /FillStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy 0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR 0 0 Xd /Def ; (FillStyle) , ; /Dict ; /Part , ; /Part , /BasicFilter : (Blend Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , /Dictionary : /NotRecorded , /BlendStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy 0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR /Def ; (BlendStyle) , ; /Dict ; /Part , ; /Execution ; /Def ; /KnownStyle : (Anon 796) /Name , /ActiveStyle : /CompoundFilter : (Chain Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , /CompoundFilter : (Stack Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , /BasicFilter : (Stroke Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , 2 /FillOrStroke , /Dictionary : /NotRecorded , /StrokeStyle : 0 R 0 G 0 1 0 0 0 Xy 1 J 0 j 1.94325 w 4 M []0 d 0 XR 1 0 Xd /Def ; (StrokeStyle) , /Dictionary : /NotRecorded , 1 /Int (BSAdvStrokeDictionaryVersion) , /Array : 0 /Real , 0.1087 /Real , 0.982 /Real , 1 /Real , ; (BSVariableWidthTValuesArray) , 2 /Int (BSWidthSource) , /Array : 0.5146 /Real , 1 /Real , 0 /Real , 0.5146 /Real , ; (BSCenteredWidthsArray) , ; (kAIBeautifulStrokesParamsDictKey) , ; /Dict ; /Part , /BasicFilter : (Conduit Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , ; /Part , /BasicFilter : (Fill Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , /Dictionary : /NotRecorded , 0 /Bool (UseEvenOdd) , /FillStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy 0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR 0 0 Xd /Def ; (FillStyle) , ; /Dict ; /Part , ; /Part , /BasicFilter : (Blend Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , /Dictionary : /NotRecorded , /BlendStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy 0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR /Def ; (BlendStyle) , ; /Dict ; /Part , ; /Execution ; /Def ; /KnownStyle : (Anon 797) /Name , /ActiveStyle : /CompoundFilter : (Chain Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , /CompoundFilter : (Stack Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , /BasicFilter : (Stroke Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , 2 /FillOrStroke , /Dictionary : /NotRecorded , /StrokeStyle : 0 R 0 G 0 1 0 0 0 Xy 1 J 0 j 1.94325 w 4 M []0 d 0 XR 1 0 Xd /Def ; (StrokeStyle) , /Dictionary : /NotRecorded , 1 /Int (BSAdvStrokeDictionaryVersion) , /Array : 0 /Real , 0.1087 /Real , 0.982 /Real , 1 /Real , ; (BSVariableWidthTValuesArray) , 2 /Int (BSWidthSource) , /Array : 0.5146 /Real , 1 /Real , 0.1213 /Real , 0.426 /Real , ; (BSCenteredWidthsArray) , ; (kAIBeautifulStrokesParamsDictKey) , ; /Dict ; /Part , /BasicFilter : (Conduit Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , ; /Part , /BasicFilter : (Fill Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , /Dictionary : /NotRecorded , 0 /Bool (UseEvenOdd) , /FillStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy 0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR 0 0 Xd /Def ; (FillStyle) , ; /Dict ; /Part , ; /Part , /BasicFilter : (Blend Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , /Dictionary : /NotRecorded , /BlendStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy 0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR /Def ; (BlendStyle) , ; /Dict ; /Part , ; /Execution ; /Def ; /KnownStyle : (Illuminate Yellow ) /Name , /ActiveStyle : /CompoundFilter : (Chain Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , /CompoundFilter : (Stack Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , /BasicFilter : (Conduit Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , ; /Part , /CompoundFilter : (Chain Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , /BasicFilter : (Adobe Calligraphic Brush Tool) 1 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , (CalligBrushTool.aip) /PluginFileName , (Calligraphic Brush) /Title , 2 /FillOrStroke , /Dictionary : /NotRecorded , /StrokeStyle : 0 R 0.054902 0.094209 0.812833 0 0.956863 0.854902 0.313726 XA 0 1 0 0 0 Xy 0 J 0 j 0.25 w 1 M []0 d 0 XR 1 0 Xd /Def ; (StrokeStyle) , 0 /Int (RoundnessDependsOn) , (5 pt. Flat) /UnicodeString (DisplayString) , 0 /Real (RoundnessVariation) , 5 /Real (Diameter) , 0 /Real (Roundness) , 0 /Real (DiameterVariation) , 90 /Real (Angle) , /GObjRef : (5 pt. Flat) (Adobe Calligraphic Brush Tool) /PluginObject ; (Brush) , 0 /Real (AngleVariation) , 0 /Int (AngleDependsOn) , 0 /Int (DiameterDependsOn) , 0 /Int (AngleRelativeTo) , ; /Dict ; /Part , /BasicFilter : (Blend Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , /Dictionary : /NotRecorded , /BlendStyle : 0 0.58 0 0 0 Xy 0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR /Def ; (BlendStyle) , ; /Dict ; /Part , ; /Part , /BasicFilter : (Stroke Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , 2 /FillOrStroke , /Dictionary : /NotRecorded , /StrokeStyle : 0 R 0.068635 0.296483 0.702296 0 0.92549 0.713726 0.396078 XA 0 1 0 0 0 Xy 0 J 0 j 0.25 w 1 M []0 d 0 XR 1 0 Xd /Def ; (StrokeStyle) , ; /Dict ; /Part , /CompoundFilter : (Chain Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , /BasicFilter : (Adobe Offset Path) 1 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , (OffsetPath.aip) /PluginFileName , (Offset Path) /Title , /Dictionary : /NotRecorded , 4 /Real (mlim) , -0.1601 /Real (ofst) , 2 /Int (jntp) , ; /Dict ; /Part , /BasicFilter : (Adobe Calligraphic Brush Tool) 1 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , (CalligBrushTool.aip) /PluginFileName , (Calligraphic Brush) /Title , 2 /FillOrStroke , /Dictionary : /NotRecorded , /StrokeStyle : 0 R 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 XA 0 1 0 0 0 Xy 0 J 0 j 0.25 w 1 M []0 d 0 XR 1 0 Xd /Def ; (StrokeStyle) , 0 /Int (RoundnessDependsOn) , (5 pt. Flat) /UnicodeString (DisplayString) , 0 /Real (RoundnessVariation) , 2 /Real (Diameter) , 0 /Real (Roundness) , 0 /Real (DiameterVariation) , 90 /Real (Angle) , /GObjRef : (5 pt. Flat) (Adobe Calligraphic Brush Tool) /PluginObject ; (Brush) , 0 /Real (AngleVariation) , 0 /Int (AngleDependsOn) , 0 /Int (DiameterDependsOn) , 0 /Int (AngleRelativeTo) , ; /Dict ; /Part , /BasicFilter : (Blend Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , /Dictionary : /NotRecorded , /BlendStyle : 2 0.49 0 0 0 Xy 0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR /Def ; (BlendStyle) , ; /Dict ; /Part , ; /Part , /CompoundFilter : (Chain Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , /BasicFilter : (Fill Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , /Dictionary : /NotRecorded , 0 /Bool (UseEvenOdd) , /FillStyle : 0 O 0 1 0 0 0 Xy 0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR 0 1 Xd Bb 2 (Unnamed gradient 26) 0 0 -90 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 Bg 0 BB /Def ; (FillStyle) , ; /Dict ; /Part , /BasicFilter : (Blend Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , /Dictionary : /NotRecorded , /BlendStyle : 2 0.7 0 0 0 Xy 0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR /Def ; (BlendStyle) , ; /Dict ; /Part , ; /Part , /CompoundFilter : (Chain Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , /BasicFilter : (Fill Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , /Dictionary : /NotRecorded , 0 /Bool (UseEvenOdd) , /FillStyle : 0 O 0 1 0 0 0 Xy 0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR 0 1 Xd Bb 0 0 0 0 Bh 2 (Unnamed gradient 30) 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0.5 Bg 0 BB /Def ; (FillStyle) , ; /Dict ; /Part , /BasicFilter : (Blend Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , /Dictionary : /NotRecorded , /BlendStyle : 2 0.51 0 0 0 Xy 0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR /Def ; (BlendStyle) , ; /Dict ; /Part , ; /Part , /BasicFilter : (Fill Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , /Dictionary : /NotRecorded , 0 /Bool (UseEvenOdd) , /FillStyle : 0 O 0 1 0 0 0 Xy 0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR 0 1 Xd Bb 2 (Unnamed gradient 31) 0 0 90 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 Bg 0 BB /Def ; (FillStyle) , ; /Dict ; /Part , /BasicFilter : (Fill Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , /Dictionary : /NotRecorded , 0 /Bool (UseEvenOdd) , /FillStyle : 0 O 0.05536 0.113802 0.88513 0 0.956863 0.839216 0.227451 Xa 0 1 0 0 0 Xy 0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR 0 1 Xd /Def ; (FillStyle) , ; /Dict ; /Part , ; /Part , /BasicFilter : (Blend Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , /Dictionary : /NotRecorded , /BlendStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy 0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR /Def ; (BlendStyle) , ; /Dict ; /Part , ; /Execution ; /Def ; /KnownStyle : (Live Reflect X) /Name , /ActiveStyle : /CompoundFilter : (Chain Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , /CompoundFilter : (Stack Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , /BasicFilter : (Stroke Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , 2 /FillOrStroke , /Dictionary : /NotRecorded , /StrokeStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy 0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR 0 0 Xd /Def ; (StrokeStyle) , ; /Dict ; /Part , /BasicFilter : (Conduit Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , ; /Part , /BasicFilter : (Fill Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , /Dictionary : /NotRecorded , 0 /Bool (UseEvenOdd) , /FillStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy 0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR 0 0 Xd /Def ; (FillStyle) , ; /Dict ; /Part , ; /Part , /BasicFilter : (Adobe Transform) 1 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , (Transform.aip) /PluginFileName , (Transform) /Title , /Dictionary : /NotRecorded , 0 /Bool (transformPatterns) , 1 /Bool (reflectX) , 0 /Bool (reflectY) , 1 /Real (scaleH_Factor) , 0 /Real (rotate_Radians) , 0 /Real (rotate_Degrees) , 0 /Bool (randomize) , 100 /Real (scaleH_Percent) , 3 /Int (pinPoint) , 100 /Real (scaleV_Percent) , 0 /Real (moveV_Pts) , 1 /Real (scaleV_Factor) , 0 /Bool (scaleLines) , 0 /Real (moveH_Pts) , 1 /Int (numCopies) , ; /Dict ; /Part , /BasicFilter : (Blend Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , /Dictionary : /NotRecorded , /BlendStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy 0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR /Def ; (BlendStyle) , ; /Dict ; /Part , ; /Execution ; /Def ; /KnownStyle : (Round Corners 10 pt) /Name , /ActiveStyle : /CompoundFilter : (Chain Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , /BasicFilter : (Adobe Round Corners) 1 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , (Round.aip) /PluginFileName , (Round Corners) /Title , /Dictionary : /NotRecorded , 10 /Real (radius) , ; /Dict ; /Part , /CompoundFilter : (Stack Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , /BasicFilter : (Stroke Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , 2 /FillOrStroke , /Dictionary : /NotRecorded , /StrokeStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy 0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR 0 0 Xd /Def ; (StrokeStyle) , ; /Dict ; /Part , /BasicFilter : (Conduit Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , ; /Part , /BasicFilter : (Fill Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , /Dictionary : /NotRecorded , 0 /Bool (UseEvenOdd) , /FillStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy 0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR 0 0 Xd /Def ; (FillStyle) , ; /Dict ; /Part , ; /Part , /BasicFilter : (Blend Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , /Dictionary : /NotRecorded , /BlendStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy 0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR /Def ; (BlendStyle) , ; /Dict ; /Part , ; /Execution ; /Def ; /KnownStyle : (Shadow) /Name , /ActiveStyle : /CompoundFilter : (Chain Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , /CompoundFilter : (Stack Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , /BasicFilter : (Stroke Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , 2 /FillOrStroke , /Dictionary : /NotRecorded , /StrokeStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy 0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR 0 0 Xd /Def ; (StrokeStyle) , ; /Dict ; /Part , /BasicFilter : (Conduit Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , ; /Part , /CompoundFilter : (Chain Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , /BasicFilter : (Fill Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , /Dictionary : /NotRecorded , 0 /Bool (UseEvenOdd) , /FillStyle : 0 O 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 Xa 0 1 0 0 0 Xy 0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR 0 1 Xd /Def ; (FillStyle) , ; /Dict ; /Part , /BasicFilter : (Adobe Drop Shadow) 1 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , (DropShadow.aip) /PluginFileName , (Drop Shadow) /Title , /Dictionary : /NotRecorded , 3 /Real (horz) , 1 /Int (blnd) , /FillStyle : 0 O 0.697627 0.675227 0.638575 0.739559 0.137255 0.121569 0.12549 Xa 0 1 0 0 0 Xy 0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR 0 1 Xd /Def ; (sclr) , 0.75 /Real (opac) , 1 /Bool (pair) , 6 /Real (blur) , 3 /Real (vert) , 50 /Real (dark) , 1 /Int (csrc) , ; /Dict ; /Part , ; /Part , ; /Part , /BasicFilter : (Blend Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , /Dictionary : /NotRecorded , /BlendStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy 0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR /Def ; (BlendStyle) , ; /Dict ; /Part , ; /Execution ; /Def ; /KnownStyle : (Tissue Paper) /Name , /ActiveStyle : /CompoundFilter : (Chain Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , /CompoundFilter : (Stack Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , /BasicFilter : (Stroke Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , 2 /FillOrStroke , /Dictionary : /NotRecorded , /StrokeStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy 0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR 0 0 Xd /Def ; (StrokeStyle) , ; /Dict ; /Part , /BasicFilter : (Conduit Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , ; /Part , /CompoundFilter : (Chain Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , /BasicFilter : (Fill Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , /Dictionary : /NotRecorded , 0 /Bool (UseEvenOdd) , /FillStyle : 0 O 0.902037 0.334844 0.976532 0.260471 0 0.407843 0.219608 Xa 0 1 0 0 0 Xy 0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR 0 1 Xd /Def ; (FillStyle) , ; /Dict ; /Part , /BasicFilter : (PSAdapter_plugin_Pntl) 1 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , (Pointillize.plugin) /PluginFileName , (Pointillize) /Title , /Dictionary : /NotRecorded , 36 /Int (dataSize) , 300 /Int (PrevDres) , /Binary : /ASCII85Decode , %!!!!"6Yo\IzCi=3(!!!"E7VktDzCi=3(9-!".~> ; (data) , 1 /Bool (go) , ; /Dict ; /Part , /BasicFilter : (Blend Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , /Dictionary : /NotRecorded , /BlendStyle : 7 0.7 0 0 0 Xy 0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR /Def ; (BlendStyle) , ; /Dict ; /Part , ; /Part , /CompoundFilter : (Chain Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , /BasicFilter : (Fill Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , /Dictionary : /NotRecorded , 0 /Bool (UseEvenOdd) , /FillStyle : 0 O 0.001678 0.745113 0.986419 0.000305 0.94902 0.396078 0.133333 Xa 0 1 0 0 0 Xy 0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR 0 1 Xd /Def ; (FillStyle) , ; /Dict ; /Part , /BasicFilter : (PSAdapter_plugin_Pntl) 1 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , (Pointillize.plugin) /PluginFileName , (Pointillize) /Title , /Dictionary : /NotRecorded , 36 /Int (dataSize) , 300 /Int (PrevDres) , /Binary : /ASCII85Decode , %!!!!"6Yo\IzCi=3(!!!"(7VktDzCi=3(9-!".~> ; (data) , 1 /Bool (go) , ; /Dict ; /Part , /BasicFilter : (Blend Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , /Dictionary : /NotRecorded , /BlendStyle : 9 0.7 0 0 0 Xy 0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR /Def ; (BlendStyle) , ; /Dict ; /Part , ; /Part , /CompoundFilter : (Chain Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , /BasicFilter : (Fill Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , /Dictionary : /NotRecorded , 0 /Bool (UseEvenOdd) , /FillStyle : 0 O 0 1 0 0 0 Xy 0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR 0 1 Xd Bb 2 (Green, Yellow, Orange) 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 Bg 0 BB /Def ; (FillStyle) , ; /Dict ; /Part , /BasicFilter : (PSAdapter_plugin_Pntl) 1 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , (Pointillize.plugin) /PluginFileName , (Pointillize) /Title , /Dictionary : /NotRecorded , 36 /Int (dataSize) , 300 /Int (PrevDres) , /Binary : /ASCII85Decode , %!!!!"6Yo\IzCi=3(!!!"b7VktDzCi=3(9-!".~> ; (data) , 1 /Bool (go) , ; /Dict ; /Part , /BasicFilter : (Blend Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , /Dictionary : /NotRecorded , /BlendStyle : 9 0.4 0 0 0 Xy 0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR /Def ; (BlendStyle) , ; /Dict ; /Part , ; /Part , ; /Part , /BasicFilter : (Blend Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , /Dictionary : /NotRecorded , /BlendStyle : 0 0.75 0 0 0 Xy 0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR /Def ; (BlendStyle) , ; /Dict ; /Part , ; /Execution ; /Def ; /KnownStyle : ([Default]) /Name , /SimpleStyle : 0 O 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 Xa 0 R 0.697627 0.675227 0.638575 0.739559 0.137255 0.121569 0.12549 XA 0 1 0 0 0 Xy 0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR 1 1 Xd /Paint ; /Def ; %AI9_EndArtStyles %AI5_End_NonPrinting-- %AI5_BeginPalette 0 0 Pb 0.75021 0.679683 0.670222 0.90164 0 0 0 ([Registration]) 0 1 Xz ([Registration]) Pc 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 Xa (White) Pc 0.697627 0.675227 0.638575 0.739559 0.137255 0.121569 0.12549 Xa (Black) Pc 0.004456 0.991424 0.973236 0.000946 0.929412 0.109804 0.141176 Xa (CMYK Red) Pc 0.038819 0 0.932555 0 1 0.94902 0 Xa (CMYK Yellow) Pc 0.827542 0.064729 0.957824 0.002594 0 0.65098 0.317647 Xa (CMYK Green) Pc 0.693446 0.140078 0 0 0 0.682353 0.937255 Xa (CMYK Cyan) Pc 0.991302 0.965484 0.034943 0.005005 0.180392 0.192157 0.572549 Xa (CMYK Blue) Pc 0.006653 0.990021 0.005615 0 0.92549 0 0.54902 Xa (CMYK Magenta) Pc 0.178103 1 0.910002 0.077974 0.745098 0.117647 0.176471 Xa (C=15 M=100 Y=90 K=10) Pc 0 0.897398 0.84744 0 0.937255 0.254902 0.211765 Xa (C=0 M=90 Y=85 K=0) Pc 0 0.79855 0.939544 0.000092 0.945098 0.352941 0.160784 Xa (C=0 M=80 Y=95 K=0) Pc 0.000732 0.495003 0.984894 0 0.968627 0.580392 0.117647 Xa (C=0 M=50 Y=100 K=0) Pc 0 0.349462 0.845243 0 0.984314 0.690196 0.25098 Xa (C=0 M=35 Y=85 K=0) Pc 0.05594 0 0.899687 0 0.976471 0.929412 0.196078 Xa (C=5 M=0 Y=90 K=0) Pc 0.197513 0.001373 0.983734 0 0.843137 0.87451 0.137255 Xa (C=20 M=0 Y=100 K=0) Pc 0.49723 0.00293 0.989471 0 0.552941 0.776471 0.247059 Xa (C=50 M=0 Y=100 K=0) Pc 0.746151 0 0.99704 0.000092 0.223529 0.709804 0.290196 Xa (C=75 M=0 Y=100 K=0) Pc 0.861662 0.165713 1 0.032532 0 0.580392 0.266667 Xa (C=85 M=10 Y=100 K=10) Pc 0.902037 0.334844 0.976532 0.260471 0 0.407843 0.219608 Xa (C=90 M=30 Y=95 K=30) Pc 0.750637 0 0.748928 0 0.168627 0.713726 0.45098 Xa (C=75 M=0 Y=75 K=0) Pc 0.788235 0.104707 0.45008 0.000885 0 0.654902 0.615686 Xa (C=80 M=10 Y=45 K=0) Pc 0.702144 0.15375 0 0 0.152941 0.666667 0.882353 Xa (C=70 M=15 Y=0 K=0) Pc 0.848356 0.500084 0 0 0.109804 0.458824 0.737255 Xa (C=85 M=50 Y=0 K=0) Pc 0.993927 0.930846 0.059907 0.003601 0.168627 0.223529 0.564706 Xa (C=100 M=95 Y=5 K=0) Pc 1 1 0.301427 0.214023 0.14902 0.133333 0.384314 Xa (C=100 M=100 Y=25 K=25) Pc 0.745205 0.985168 0.0094 0.002289 0.4 0.176471 0.568627 Xa (C=75 M=100 Y=0 K=0) Pc 0.501945 0.992706 0.014649 0.00116 0.572549 0.152941 0.560784 Xa (C=50 M=100 Y=0 K=0) Pc 0.360327 1 0.353826 0.089052 0.619608 0.121569 0.388235 Xa (C=35 M=100 Y=35 K=10) Pc 0.092134 0.99704 0.484413 0.004273 0.854902 0.109804 0.360784 Xa (C=10 M=100 Y=50 K=0) Pc 0 0.946166 0.204593 0 0.933333 0.164706 0.482353 Xa (C=0 M=95 Y=20 K=0) Pc 0.251163 0.245762 0.398383 0 0.760784 0.709804 0.607843 Xa (C=25 M=25 Y=40 K=0) Pc 0.391943 0.442054 0.491554 0.061463 0.607843 0.521569 0.47451 Xa (C=40 M=45 Y=50 K=5) Pc 0.514702 0.509239 0.616327 0.227451 0.447059 0.4 0.345098 Xa (C=50 M=50 Y=60 K=25) Pc 0.549706 0.600061 0.645899 0.398749 0.34902 0.290196 0.258824 Xa (C=55 M=60 Y=65 K=40) Pc 0.233463 0.391485 0.638086 0.01416 0.768627 0.603922 0.423529 Xa (C=25 M=40 Y=65 K=0) Pc 0.304051 0.497078 0.750851 0.094057 0.662745 0.486275 0.313726 Xa (C=30 M=50 Y=75 K=10) Pc 0.358953 0.60058 0.803098 0.236179 0.545098 0.368627 0.235294 Xa (C=35 M=60 Y=80 K=25) Pc 0.392248 0.642969 0.886656 0.354772 0.458824 0.298039 0.160784 Xa (C=40 M=65 Y=90 K=35) Pc 0.418647 0.692348 0.974792 0.488502 0.376471 0.223529 0.07451 Xa (C=40 M=70 Y=100 K=50) Pc 0.516899 0.701045 0.792386 0.691859 0.235294 0.141176 0.082353 Xa (C=50 M=70 Y=80 K=70) Pc Bb 2 (Fade to Black) 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 Bg 0 BB (Fade to Black) Pc Bb 0 0 0 0 Bh 2 (Super Soft Black Vignette) 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 Bg 0 BB (Super Soft Black Vignette) Pc Bb 2 (Green, Yellow, Orange) 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 Bg 0 BB (Green, Yellow, Orange) Pc Bb 0 0 0 0 Bh 2 (Purple Radial) 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 Bg 0 BB (Purple Radial) Pc (Laguna) 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 [1 0 0 1 0 0] p (Laguna) Pc 1 (Grays) 1 Pg 0.697627 0.675227 0.638575 0.739559 0.137255 0.121569 0.12549 Xa (C=0 M=0 Y=0 K=100) Pc 0.677577 0.618402 0.58056 0.456641 0.254902 0.25098 0.258824 Xa (C=0 M=0 Y=0 K=90) Pc 0.638788 0.555108 0.526177 0.275181 0.345098 0.34902 0.356863 Xa (C=0 M=0 Y=0 K=80) Pc 0.583215 0.494575 0.46363 0.148043 0.427451 0.431373 0.443137 Xa (C=0 M=0 Y=0 K=70) Pc 0.522423 0.426978 0.407874 0.062379 0.501961 0.509804 0.521569 Xa (C=0 M=0 Y=0 K=60) Pc 0.450904 0.360815 0.34818 0.01294 0.576471 0.584314 0.596078 Xa (C=0 M=0 Y=0 K=50) Pc 0.36173 0.282292 0.271336 0 0.654902 0.662745 0.67451 Xa (C=0 M=0 Y=0 K=40) Pc 0.264164 0.199466 0.195499 0 0.737255 0.745098 0.752941 Xa (C=0 M=0 Y=0 K=30) Pc 0.169863 0.120485 0.123751 0 0.819608 0.827451 0.831373 Xa (C=0 M=0 Y=0 K=20) Pc 0.08426 0.057374 0.057435 0 0.901961 0.905882 0.909804 Xa (C=0 M=0 Y=0 K=10) Pc 0.040528 0.02359 0.026154 0 0.945098 0.94902 0.94902 Xa (C=0 M=0 Y=0 K=5) Pc 1 (Brights) 1 Pg 0.004456 0.991424 0.973236 0.000946 0.929412 0.109804 0.141176 Xa (C=0 M=100 Y=100 K=0) Pc 0.001678 0.745113 0.986419 0.000305 0.94902 0.396078 0.133333 Xa (C=0 M=75 Y=100 K=0) Pc 0.017365 0.087495 0.969451 0 1 0.870588 0.090196 Xa (C=0 M=10 Y=95 K=0) Pc 0.838437 0.093416 0.997711 0.007263 0 0.631373 0.294118 Xa (C=85 M=10 Y=100 K=0) Pc 0.995392 0.873075 0.030457 0.001434 0.129412 0.25098 0.603922 Xa (C=100 M=90 Y=0 K=0) Pc 0.594476 0.896818 0 0.000122 0.498039 0.247059 0.596078 Xa (C=60 M=90 Y=0 K=0) Pc PB %AI5_EndPalette %AI5_Begin_NonPrinting Np %AI9_BeginArtStyleList ([Default]) (Shadow) (Round Corners 10 pt) (Live Reflect X) (Illuminate Yellow ) (Tissue Paper) %AI9_EndArtStyleList %AI5_End_NonPrinting-- %AI5_Begin_NonPrinting Np %AI10_BeginSymbolList (Cube) (Grime) (Florid Strokes) (Bow) (Bubble) (Roman Trim Marks \(9-Slice\)) %AI10_EndSymbolList %AI5_End_NonPrinting-- %AI9_BeginDocumentData %_/Document : %_/Dictionary : %_0 /Real (BleedRightValue) , %_0 /Real (BleedTopValue) , %_0 /Real (BleedBottomValue) , %_/XMLNode : %_(#document) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , %_ /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , %_9 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , %_/Array : %_/XMLNode : %_(metadata) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , %_ /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , %_1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , %_/Array : %_/XMLNode : %_(variableSets) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , %_ /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , %_1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , %_/Array : %_/XMLNode : %_(variableSet) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , %_ /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , %_1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , %_/Array : %_/XMLNode : %_(variables) /String 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24) (Unnamed gradient 24) 0 2 Bd [ 0.583215 0.494575 0.46363 0.148043 0.427451 0.431373 0.443137 4 %_Br [ 0.3 0 0 6 50 100 %_BS %_0.3 0 0 6 50 100 Bs 0.3 0 1 6 50 0 %_BS %_0.3 0 1 6 50 0 Bs BD %AI5_EndGradient %AI5_BeginGradient: (Unnamed gradient 26) (Unnamed gradient 26) 0 3 Bd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0.296483 0.702296 0 0.92549 0.713726 0.396078 2 1 6 23.7288 50 Bs 0.054902 0.094209 0.812833 0 0.956863 0.854902 0.313726 2 0.22 6 50 0 %_BS %_0.054902 0.094209 0.812833 0 0.956863 0.854902 0.313726 2 0.22 6 50 0 Bs BD %AI5_EndGradient %AI5_BeginGradient: (Unnamed gradient 55) (Unnamed gradient 55) 0 2 Bd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%AI5_End_NonPrinting-- %AI5_Begin_NonPrinting Np %AI3_BeginPattern: (Laguna) (Laguna) 0 3.1914 84.1563 84.791 %_u %_0 1 0 0 0 Xy %_0 J 0 j 1 w 4 M []0 d %_0 XR %_0 3.1914 m %_0 84.791 L %_84.1563 84.791 L %_84.1563 3.1914 L %_0 3.1914 L %_n %_0 O %_0.004456 0.991424 0.973236 0.000946 0.929412 0.109804 0.141176 Xa %_10 M %_42.0781 30.3906 m %_12.2227 12.8779 9.0488 12.4082 V %_7.2871 14.1709 0 30.3906 Y %_13.1641 20.5186 29.1484 23.3389 42.0781 30.3906 C %_f %_42.0781 57.5908 m %_12.2227 40.0781 9.0488 39.6094 V %_7.2871 41.3711 0 57.5908 Y %_13.1641 47.7178 29.1484 50.5391 42.0781 57.5908 C %_f %_42.0781 84.791 m %_12.2227 67.2773 9.0488 66.8096 V %_7.2871 68.5703 0 84.791 Y %_13.1641 74.918 29.1484 77.7402 42.0781 84.791 C %_f %_0.594476 0.896818 0 0.000122 0.498039 0.247059 0.596078 Xa %_84.1563 30.3906 m %_54.3008 12.8779 51.127 12.4082 V %_49.3652 14.1709 42.0781 30.3906 Y %_55.2422 20.5186 71.2266 23.3389 84.1563 30.3906 C %_f %_84.1563 57.5908 m %_54.3008 40.0781 51.127 39.6094 V %_49.3652 41.3711 42.0781 57.5908 Y %_55.2422 47.7178 71.2266 50.5391 84.1563 57.5908 C %_f %_84.1563 84.791 m %_54.3008 67.2773 51.127 66.8096 V %_49.3652 68.5703 42.0781 84.791 Y %_55.2422 74.918 71.2266 77.7402 84.1563 84.791 C %_f %_0.838437 0.093416 0.997711 0.007263 0 0.631373 0.294118 Xa %_21.0391 33.582 m %_19.2773 33.582 17.8477 32.1523 17.8477 30.3906 c %_17.8477 28.6289 19.2773 27.2002 21.0391 27.2002 c %_22.8008 27.2002 24.2285 28.6289 24.2285 30.3906 c %_24.2285 32.1523 22.8008 33.582 21.0391 33.582 c %_f %_21.0391 6.3818 m %_19.2773 6.3818 17.8477 4.9531 17.8477 3.1914 c %_17.8477 1.4287 19.2773 0 21.0391 0 c %_22.8008 0 24.2285 1.4287 24.2285 3.1914 c %_24.2285 4.9531 22.8008 6.3818 21.0391 6.3818 c %_f %_21.0391 60.7822 m %_19.2773 60.7822 17.8477 59.3525 17.8477 57.5908 c %_17.8477 55.8291 19.2773 54.3994 21.0391 54.3994 c %_22.8008 54.3994 24.2285 55.8291 24.2285 57.5908 c %_24.2285 59.3525 22.8008 60.7822 21.0391 60.7822 c %_f %_21.0391 87.9824 m %_19.2773 87.9824 17.8477 86.5547 17.8477 84.791 c %_17.8477 83.0283 19.2773 81.5996 21.0391 81.5996 c %_22.8008 81.5996 24.2285 83.0283 24.2285 84.791 c %_24.2285 86.5547 22.8008 87.9824 21.0391 87.9824 c %_f %_63.1172 33.582 m %_61.3555 33.582 59.9258 32.1523 59.9258 30.3906 c %_59.9258 28.6289 61.3555 27.2002 63.1172 27.2002 c %_64.8789 27.2002 66.3066 28.6289 66.3066 30.3906 c %_66.3066 32.1523 64.8789 33.582 63.1172 33.582 c %_f %_63.1172 6.3818 m %_61.3555 6.3818 59.9258 4.9531 59.9258 3.1914 c %_59.9258 1.4287 61.3555 0 63.1172 0 c %_64.8789 0 66.3066 1.4287 66.3066 3.1914 c %_66.3066 4.9531 64.8789 6.3818 63.1172 6.3818 c %_f %_63.1172 60.7822 m %_61.3555 60.7822 59.9258 59.3525 59.9258 57.5908 c %_59.9258 55.8291 61.3555 54.3994 63.1172 54.3994 c %_64.8789 54.3994 66.3066 55.8291 66.3066 57.5908 c %_66.3066 59.3525 64.8789 60.7822 63.1172 60.7822 c %_f %_63.1172 87.9824 m %_61.3555 87.9824 59.9258 86.5547 59.9258 84.791 c %_59.9258 83.0283 61.3555 81.5996 63.1172 81.5996 c %_64.8789 81.5996 66.3066 83.0283 66.3066 84.791 c %_66.3066 86.5547 64.8789 87.9824 63.1172 87.9824 c %_f %_0.594476 0.896818 0 0.000122 0.498039 0.247059 0.596078 Xa %_0 3.1914 m %_29.8535 20.7041 33.0273 21.1738 V %_34.79 19.4111 42.0781 3.1914 Y %_28.9141 13.0645 12.9277 10.2422 0 3.1914 C %_f %_0 30.3906 m %_29.8535 47.9033 33.0273 48.374 V %_34.79 46.6104 42.0781 30.3906 Y %_28.9141 40.2646 12.9277 37.4434 0 30.3906 C %_f %_0 57.5908 m %_29.8535 75.1035 33.0273 75.5752 V %_34.79 73.8105 42.0781 57.5908 Y %_28.9141 67.4648 12.9277 64.6436 0 57.5908 C %_f %_0.004456 0.991424 0.973236 0.000946 0.929412 0.109804 0.141176 Xa %_42.0781 3.1914 m %_71.9316 20.7041 75.1055 21.1738 V %_76.8691 19.4111 84.1563 3.1914 Y %_70.9922 13.0645 55.0059 10.2422 42.0781 3.1914 C %_f %_42.0781 30.3906 m %_71.9316 47.9033 75.1055 48.374 V %_76.8691 46.6104 84.1563 30.3906 Y %_70.9922 40.2646 55.0059 37.4434 42.0781 30.3906 C %_f %_42.0781 57.5908 m %_71.9316 75.1035 75.1055 75.5752 V %_76.8691 73.8105 84.1563 57.5908 Y %_70.9922 67.4648 55.0059 64.6436 42.0781 57.5908 C %_f %_U E %AI3_EndPattern %AI5_End_NonPrinting-- %AI5_Begin_NonPrinting Np %AI8_BeginBrushPattern (New Pattern 1) 0 A 0 Xw u 0 1 0 0 0 Xy 0 J 0 j 1 w 4 M []0 d 0 XR -7885 7795 m -7885 7736.0254 L -7869.4902 7736.0254 L -7869.4902 7795 L -7885 7795 L n 0 O 0.697627 0.675227 0.638575 0.739559 0.137255 0.121569 0.12549 Xa 10 M -7885 7746.0586 m -7885 7745.5742 L -7869.4878 7745.5742 L -7869.4878 7746.0586 L -7885 7746.0586 L f -7885 7763.3838 m -7885 7762.8965 L -7869.4878 7762.8965 L -7869.4878 7763.3838 L -7885 7763.3838 L f -7884.9995 7748.3682 m -7884.9995 7747.6494 L -7869.4878 7747.6494 L -7869.4878 7748.3682 L -7884.9995 7748.3682 L f -7884.9995 7758.6328 m -7884.9995 7757.9121 L -7869.4878 7757.9121 L -7869.4878 7758.6328 L -7884.9995 7758.6328 L f -7884.9995 7756.4951 m -7884.9995 7755.4141 L -7869.4878 7755.4141 L -7869.4878 7756.4951 L -7884.9995 7756.4951 L f -7884.9995 7750.9395 m -7884.9995 7749.8594 L -7869.4878 7749.8594 L -7869.4878 7750.9395 L -7884.9995 7750.9395 L f -7884.9995 7753.9854 m -7884.9995 7752.334 L -7869.4878 7752.334 L -7869.4878 7753.9854 L -7884.9995 7753.9854 L f *u 1 D -7869.4888 7762.1455 m -7884.9995 7762.1455 L -7884.9995 7761.6816 L -7884.6514 7761.6816 L -7884.6514 7760.4844 L -7884.9995 7760.4844 L -7884.9995 7760.0215 L -7869.4888 7760.0215 L -7869.4888 7760.4844 L -7869.8408 7760.4844 L -7869.8408 7761.6846 L -7869.4888 7761.6846 L -7869.4888 7762.1455 L f 0 D -7881.1255 7761.6846 m -7880.4199 7761.6846 L -7880.4199 7760.4844 L -7881.1255 7760.4844 L -7881.1255 7761.6846 L f -7881.8306 7760.4844 m -7882.5361 7760.4844 L -7882.5361 7761.6846 L -7881.8306 7761.6846 L -7881.8306 7760.4844 L f -7879.7144 7761.6846 m -7879.0098 7761.6846 L -7879.0098 7760.4844 L -7879.7144 7760.4844 L -7879.7144 7761.6846 L f -7878.3042 7761.6846 m -7877.5986 7761.6846 L -7877.5986 7760.4844 L -7878.3042 7760.4844 L -7878.3042 7761.6846 L f -7876.8936 7761.6846 m -7876.1885 7761.6846 L -7876.1885 7760.4844 L -7876.8936 7760.4844 L -7876.8936 7761.6846 L f -7875.4834 7761.6846 m -7874.7778 7761.6846 L -7874.7778 7760.4844 L -7875.4834 7760.4844 L -7875.4834 7761.6846 L f -7874.0718 7761.6846 m -7873.3672 7761.6846 L -7873.3672 7760.4844 L -7874.0718 7760.4844 L -7874.0718 7761.6846 L f -7872.6616 7761.6846 m -7871.9575 7761.6846 L -7871.9575 7760.4844 L -7872.6616 7760.4844 L -7872.6616 7761.6846 L f -7871.2515 7761.6846 m -7870.5454 7761.6846 L -7870.5454 7760.4844 L -7871.2515 7760.4844 L -7871.2515 7761.6846 L f -7883.9463 7761.6846 m -7883.2407 7761.6846 L -7883.2407 7760.4844 L -7883.9463 7760.4844 L -7883.9463 7761.6846 L f *U U %AI8_EndBrushPattern %AI8_BeginBrushPattern (New Pattern 2) 0 A 0 Xw u 0 1 0 0 0 Xy 0 J 0 j 1 w 4 M []0 d 0 XR -7885 7794.998 m -7885 7736.0225 L -7826.0254 7736.0225 L -7826.0254 7794.998 L -7885 7794.998 L n *u 1 D 0 O 0.697627 0.675227 0.638575 0.739559 0.137255 0.121569 0.12549 Xa 10 M -7858.4902 7754.4453 m -7856.9678 7755.9678 -7857.5166 7758.9834 -7859.7153 7761.1836 c -7861.9146 7763.3809 -7864.9302 7763.9297 -7866.4526 7762.4082 c -7867.9751 7760.8857 -7867.4263 7757.8682 -7865.2271 7755.6709 c -7863.0288 7753.4717 -7860.0127 7752.9238 -7858.4902 7754.4453 c f 0 D -7859.1519 7755.0781 m -7860.5728 7753.6582 -7863.2241 7754.0059 -7865.0728 7755.8545 c -7866.9214 7757.7031 -7867.2695 7760.3545 -7865.8486 7761.7754 c -7864.4282 7763.1953 -7861.7769 7762.8486 -7859.9282 7761 c -7858.0786 7759.1504 -7857.7314 7756.5 -7859.1519 7755.0781 c f *U -7876.5327 7745.2607 m -7875.7969 7745.1309 l -7875.71 7744.4385 l -7870.9458 7749.9814 l -7876.5327 7745.2607 l f -7865.9409 7742.3145 m -7866.1235 7740.7266 L -7865.7002 7740.4512 -7865.3184 7740.1309 -7864.9346 7739.8145 C -7864.6841 7742.9189 L -7864.3535 7742.9453 L -7864.4678 7739.4395 L -7864.0503 7739.1162 -7863.6089 7738.8213 -7863.0913 7738.6152 C -7863.1235 7743.7266 L -7862.9063 7743.7734 L -7862.5938 7738.4521 L -7862.2007 7738.3516 -7861.7632 7738.3008 -7861.2642 7738.3213 C -7862.0376 7747.4463 L -7860.7666 7738.3594 L -7860.3359 7738.4063 -7859.96 7738.4746 -7859.6289 7738.5625 C -7860.4551 7745.334 L -7860.2998 7745.2109 L -7859.1465 7738.7148 L -7858.7471 7738.8633 -7858.4238 7739.0449 -7858.1528 7739.25 C -7858.7334 7744.0762 L -7858.4688 7743.9414 L -7857.7114 7739.6426 L -7857.2256 7740.1494 -7856.9194 7740.7344 -7856.5127 7741.2822 C -7857.0713 7743.3496 L -7856.6001 7743.1709 L -7856.1338 7741.7383 L -7855.8096 7742.082 -7855.4063 7742.3945 -7854.8394 7742.6406 c -7854.8506 7742.6357 -7853.7393 7742.6826 -7853.7466 7742.6533 c -7853.7959 7742.4375 -7854.6655 7742.2998 -7854.6455 7742.3105 c -7857.2974 7740.8965 -7856.3232 7738.3301 -7860.8735 7737.873 c -7864.4072 7737.5176 -7865.2515 7740.75 -7868.0962 7741.0615 c -7868.1152 7741.0625 -7868.7632 7741.3174 -7868.8442 7741.4502 C -7868.8486 7741.625 -7868.4595 7741.5186 -7868.2417 7741.4766 c -7867.6001 7741.3477 -7867.0498 7741.2402 -7866.5728 7740.9912 C -7866.4023 7742.1914 L -7865.9409 7742.3145 L f -7878.6626 7754.9463 m -7880.2495 7754.7637 L -7880.5254 7755.1865 -7880.8462 7755.5693 -7881.1626 7755.9521 C -7878.0576 7756.2031 L -7878.0322 7756.5352 L -7881.5376 7756.4189 L -7881.8608 7756.8369 -7882.1558 7757.2783 -7882.3618 7757.7959 C -7877.2505 7757.7637 L -7877.2031 7757.9814 L -7882.5249 7758.293 L -7882.6265 7758.6865 -7882.6758 7759.125 -7882.6558 7759.623 C -7873.5298 7758.8496 L -7882.6177 7760.1201 L -7882.5713 7760.5498 -7882.5024 7760.9277 -7882.4146 7761.2578 C -7875.6426 7760.4316 L -7875.7656 7760.5869 L -7882.2622 7761.7402 L -7882.1138 7762.1406 -7881.9312 7762.4629 -7881.7271 7762.7344 C -7876.9014 7762.1533 L -7877.0352 7762.418 L -7881.3335 7763.1768 L -7880.8271 7763.6621 -7880.2417 7763.9688 -7879.6943 7764.375 C -7877.6274 7763.8145 L -7877.8066 7764.2871 L -7879.2383 7764.752 L -7878.8945 7765.0762 -7878.5825 7765.4814 -7878.3359 7766.0479 c -7878.3408 7766.0361 -7878.2935 7767.1484 -7878.3242 7767.1416 c -7878.54 7767.0908 -7878.6768 7766.2227 -7878.6675 7766.2412 c -7880.0806 7763.5898 -7882.6475 7764.5645 -7883.1045 7760.0127 c -7883.4595 7756.4805 -7880.2271 7755.6367 -7879.9165 7752.791 c -7879.9136 7752.7725 -7879.6602 7752.125 -7879.5273 7752.043 C -7879.3535 7752.0381 -7879.4575 7752.4277 -7879.5015 7752.6455 c -7879.6294 7753.2871 -7879.7368 7753.8369 -7879.9858 7754.3145 C -7878.7842 7754.4854 L -7878.6626 7754.9463 L f -7849.0127 7753.2285 m -7844.2495 7754.6348 -7842.9502 7756.9209 -7842.9746 7758.5654 C -7842.5366 7755.459 -7840.6558 7757.8652 -7840.1313 7759.0029 C -7841.0498 7755.416 -7838.4463 7758.5439 -7838.2715 7758.8496 C -7839.2593 7755.4063 -7846.3955 7752.9404 -7849.0127 7753.2285 C f -7854.9775 7752.2197 m -7858.3242 7746.1738 -7855.4233 7744.5703 -7854.7354 7744.377 c -7854.9233 7744.4287 -7855.3135 7745.2949 -7855.2026 7745.6367 C -7854.9482 7745.0928 -7854.4111 7744.8193 -7853.8994 7744.6094 C -7855.1626 7745.6094 -7855.6943 7748.4111 -7854.9082 7751.9512 c -7854.9775 7752.2197 l f -7857.2222 7752.5254 m -7859.6035 7750.1016 -7861.0474 7749.2773 -7859.1035 7746.668 c -7859.2202 7746.8262 -7859.3838 7747.7168 -7859.1758 7748.0117 C -7859.0942 7747.418 -7858.6626 7746.998 -7858.2358 7746.6455 C -7859.9395 7750.0732 -7857.2222 7752.5254 y f -7849.6577 7751.4199 m -7849.9897 7749.5615 -7848.4922 7748.4688 -7846.8662 7747.8496 C -7847.4194 7747.8662 -7848.0176 7747.9307 -7848.4482 7748.3496 C -7848.4302 7747.9893 -7847.7598 7747.3184 -7847.5654 7747.3359 c -7848.2778 7747.2744 -7850.4951 7746.8447 -7849.8408 7751.6191 c -7849.6577 7751.4199 l f -7846.5576 7752.1133 m -7846.1538 7750.7266 -7843.9502 7750.459 V -7844.5342 7750.2871 -7845.2314 7750.3662 -7845.6626 7750.7852 C -7845.6455 7750.4258 -7844.8408 7749.7178 -7844.6479 7749.7568 c -7846.3921 7749.4141 -7846.6782 7751.9072 y -7846.5576 7752.1133 l f -7843.1152 7753.3213 m -7842.8408 7752.627 -7842.0942 7752.1201 -7841.2646 7752 C -7841.6475 7751.8975 -7842.0854 7751.9873 -7842.4297 7752.3242 C -7842.4175 7752.0352 -7841.7744 7751.4863 -7841.6182 7751.502 c -7843.2729 7751.3496 -7843.1152 7753.3213 Y f -7852.5562 7751.4629 m -7852.6504 7748.1309 -7851.4175 7746.4541 -7849.9761 7745.6514 C -7850.5264 7745.7148 -7851.1162 7745.8271 -7851.5103 7746.2793 C -7851.5249 7745.9189 -7850.9087 7745.1953 -7850.7134 7745.1973 c -7851.4287 7745.1943 -7854.0034 7745.0898 -7852.7866 7751.7109 c -7852.5562 7751.4629 l f -7867.7944 7772.0137 m -7866.3882 7776.7754 -7864.1006 7778.0762 -7862.4575 7778.0518 C -7865.5635 7778.4893 -7863.1567 7780.3701 -7862.0195 7780.8945 C -7865.6074 7779.9766 -7862.4795 7782.5791 -7862.1729 7782.7549 C -7865.6162 7781.7676 -7868.0825 7774.6309 -7867.7944 7772.0137 C f -7868.8022 7766.0488 m -7874.8481 7762.7002 -7876.4521 7765.6025 -7876.6465 7766.291 c -7876.5938 7766.1025 -7875.7295 7765.7119 -7875.3857 7765.8242 C -7875.9297 7766.0781 -7876.2017 7766.6152 -7876.4126 7767.127 C -7875.4126 7765.8633 -7872.6113 7765.334 -7869.0703 7766.1182 c -7868.8022 7766.0488 l f -7868.4966 7763.8037 m -7870.9214 7761.4229 -7871.7446 7759.9805 -7874.3535 7761.9229 c -7874.1968 7761.8066 -7873.3057 7761.6426 -7873.0112 7761.8496 C -7873.6064 7761.9307 -7874.0239 7762.3633 -7874.3774 7762.79 C -7870.9487 7761.0879 -7868.4966 7763.8037 y f -7869.6025 7771.3682 m -7871.4614 7771.0361 -7872.5537 7772.5342 -7873.1729 7774.1602 C -7873.1558 7773.6074 -7873.0918 7773.0098 -7872.6719 7772.5791 C -7873.0327 7772.5957 -7873.7041 7773.2656 -7873.6865 7773.4609 c -7873.7485 7772.75 -7874.1777 7770.5313 -7869.4038 7771.1846 c -7869.6025 7771.3682 l f -7868.9087 7774.4688 m -7870.2959 7774.873 -7870.5649 7777.0762 V -7870.7354 7776.4922 -7870.6558 7775.7949 -7870.2368 7775.3633 C -7870.5967 7775.3809 -7871.3042 7776.1865 -7871.2666 7776.3789 c -7871.6079 7774.6348 -7869.1152 7774.3477 y -7868.9087 7774.4688 l f -7867.7007 7777.9111 m -7868.3955 7778.1846 -7868.9009 7778.9307 -7869.0234 7779.7617 C -7869.1265 7779.3789 -7869.0337 7778.9404 -7868.6982 7778.5967 C -7868.9873 7778.6104 -7869.5361 7779.252 -7869.5215 7779.4082 c -7869.6729 7777.7529 -7867.7007 7777.9111 Y f -7869.5591 7768.4697 m -7872.8921 7768.377 -7874.5679 7769.6094 -7875.3696 7771.0508 C -7875.3081 7770.502 -7875.1953 7769.9102 -7874.7422 7769.5146 C -7875.1035 7769.5029 -7875.8262 7770.1162 -7875.8257 7770.3135 c -7875.8286 7769.5967 -7875.9321 7767.0234 -7869.3115 7768.2402 c -7869.5591 7768.4697 l f u u -7879.0234 7744.709 m -7879.2856 7744.1953 -7879.0479 7743.6689 -7877.2905 7743.6504 C -7878.0322 7742.9082 L -7879.9927 7742.9941 -7880.3423 7744.1777 -7880.1665 7744.7578 c -7879.9736 7745.3906 -7879.5488 7745.9023 -7879.2085 7746.25 C -7880.2031 7746.6113 -7880.2505 7747.3916 -7880.0479 7747.79 c -7879.7729 7748.334 -7879.2998 7748.752 -7878.9487 7749.0176 C -7879.9448 7749.377 -7879.8623 7750.1133 -7879.6074 7750.457 c -7879.2856 7750.8906 -7878.8174 7751.2031 -7878.4751 7751.4023 C -7879.4585 7751.8301 -7879.3022 7752.5234 -7879.0239 7752.8154 c -7878.6929 7753.166 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L -7875.0103 7778.3066 L -7875.3066 7778.7168 -7875.6455 7779.084 -7875.98 7779.4512 C -7870.9951 7779.6475 L -7870.7817 7779.9814 L -7876.3774 7779.8984 L -7876.7202 7780.2998 -7877.0361 7780.7266 -7877.2681 7781.2314 C -7870.3535 7781.3926 L -7870.3169 7781.6113 L -7877.4546 7781.7227 L -7877.5742 7782.1094 -7877.6465 7782.5439 -7877.6514 7783.0449 C -7870.0688 7782.8262 L -7870.0688 7782.9951 L -7877.6362 7783.543 L -7877.6113 7783.9746 -7877.5615 7784.3545 -7877.4888 7784.6895 C -7870.0142 7784.0781 L -7869.9995 7784.3145 L -7877.3599 7785.1777 L -7877.2314 7785.585 -7877.0654 7785.916 -7876.8755 7786.1973 C -7870.2485 7785.7354 L -7870.3945 7785.9932 L -7876.5034 7786.6572 L -7876.0215 7787.168 -7875.4521 7787.502 -7874.9238 7787.9336 C -7870.9946 7787.2139 L -7871.3135 7787.6768 L -7874.4878 7788.334 L -7873.4409 7789.2373 -7873.4814 7790.9297 -7873.6914 7790.7637 c -7873.8657 7790.627 -7873.9985 7789.8281 -7873.9897 7789.8486 c -7874.2656 7789.2637 -7874.6035 7788.8438 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7786.3047 -7861.1055 7785.2959 c -7863.2129 7782.9902 -7864.8481 7783.2861 -7866.9248 7779.3174 c -7869.2095 7774.9521 -7870.2695 7769.0723 -7867.7959 7764.9082 C -7867.7954 7764.1387 L -7868.0479 7763.5439 -7868.0249 7763.085 -7868.2134 7762.168 c -7868.3818 7761.3535 -7868.6689 7761.085 -7868.9575 7760.9121 C -7869.1304 7760.7969 -7869.5015 7760.9053 -7869.5054 7761.1445 c -7869.52 7761.7461 -7868.7842 7761.5225 -7868.8271 7761.584 c -7869.1895 7762.0869 -7869.7329 7761.7295 -7869.8345 7761.377 c -7869.9648 7760.9287 -7869.6606 7760.5762 -7869.3145 7760.4902 C -7868.6655 7760.3594 -7868.1968 7760.9277 -7867.9575 7761.457 c -7867.4365 7762.6074 -7867.4746 7764.252 -7866.2607 7764.8574 c -7865.4385 7765.2471 -7864.5537 7764.9277 -7863.7271 7764.6328 c -7860.8296 7763.6016 -7857.3096 7760.082 -7856.2783 7757.1836 c -7855.9834 7756.3574 -7855.6641 7755.4727 -7856.0537 7754.6494 c -7856.6606 7753.4375 -7858.3042 7753.4746 -7859.4546 7752.9541 c -7859.9834 7752.7148 -7860.5513 7752.2461 -7860.4214 7751.5967 C -7860.3345 7751.25 -7859.9824 7750.9473 -7859.5327 7751.0762 c -7859.1826 7751.1797 -7858.8242 7751.7227 -7859.3281 7752.084 c -7859.3882 7752.127 -7859.1655 7751.3906 -7859.7681 7751.4053 c -7860.0054 7751.4111 -7860.1143 7751.7813 -7859.9995 7751.9541 C -7859.8257 7752.2422 -7859.5591 7752.5293 -7858.7422 7752.6973 c -7857.7085 7752.9102 -7857.2578 7752.8535 -7856.5386 7753.2266 C -7856.1167 7753.2266 L -7851.9546 7750.7529 -7846.0674 7751.8008 -7841.7095 7754.0977 c -7841.0527 7754.4551 -7840.4834 7754.8008 -7839.9126 7755.1475 c -7838.5488 7755.9766 -7836.5542 7758.8857 Y -7836.1782 7759.332 -7835.9521 7759.7979 -7835.5225 7760.0625 c -7834.3569 7760.7783 -7832.8184 7759.5215 -7833.8154 7757.8193 c -7833.9614 7757.5703 -7831.9385 7757.1455 -7831.8057 7760.1064 C -7829.5874 7761.2988 -7829.0698 7759.9121 -7829.4795 7759.7178 c -7830.0889 7759.4316 -7830.9087 7758.7998 -7831.2705 7757.7041 c -7832.5342 7753.8623 -7829.3599 7752.0234 -7829.4463 7750.3262 C -7829.3008 7749.5322 -7829.6514 7748.1719 -7830.4961 7748.459 c -7831.4282 7748.7725 -7832.4126 7751.168 -7835.1606 7751.9414 c -7837.9175 7752.6768 -7840.4897 7752.125 -7842.8774 7750.4717 C -7846.0034 7748.084 -7848.0234 7744.959 -7851.8818 7744.041 C -7856.3623 7743.1777 -7861.4902 7745.873 -7862.4126 7750.3037 C -7862.5391 7750.2266 L -7862.1729 7745.2656 -7856.6592 7742.1426 -7851.8818 7743.0615 C -7850.0361 7743.502 -7848.6104 7744.4453 -7847.2822 7745.5723 C -7842.7393 7745.5723 L -7841.2607 7744.4668 -7840.1943 7742.7725 -7837.6143 7742.9053 c -7834.4585 7743.0664 -7833.8882 7744.3633 -7832.9409 7745.5723 C -7826.0264 7745.5723 L -7826.0264 7746.0566 L f 0 D -7855.1362 7755.4121 m -7847.5166 7755.4121 L -7848.5635 7754.8301 -7849.5435 7754.3184 -7850.8057 7753.9873 C -7855.6079 7753.9873 L -7855.2998 7754.3809 -7855.1055 7754.8701 -7855.1362 7755.4121 C f -7856.0591 7757.9111 m -7844.5254 7757.9111 L -7844.6338 7757.6201 -7845.0063 7756.9404 -7845.8042 7756.4922 C -7855.4321 7756.4922 L -7855.6118 7756.9727 -7855.8232 7757.4463 -7856.0591 7757.9111 C f -7844.8096 7760.0225 m -7844.3174 7759.4395 -7844.2568 7759.2207 -7844.3857 7758.6309 C -7856.4521 7758.6309 L -7856.7295 7759.1074 -7857.0322 7759.5723 -7857.3599 7760.0225 C -7849.2568 7760.0225 L -7848.9111 7759.2041 -7848.1665 7759.3711 -7847.8218 7760.0225 C -7844.8096 7760.0225 L f -7846.1201 7760.4824 m -7846.1201 7760.8242 L -7845.5664 7760.7861 -7845.4995 7760.752 -7845.1982 7760.4824 C -7846.1201 7760.4824 L f -7847.4863 7760.4824 m -7847.3311 7760.6719 -7847.0264 7760.8154 -7846.8257 7760.8457 C -7846.8257 7760.4824 L -7847.4863 7760.4824 L f -7850.3535 7760.4824 m -7850.3535 7761.6826 L -7849.6465 7761.6826 L -7849.6465 7760.4824 L -7850.3535 7760.4824 L f -7851.7622 7760.4824 m -7851.7622 7761.6826 L -7851.0576 7761.6826 L -7851.0576 7760.4824 L -7851.7622 7760.4824 L f -7853.1729 7760.4824 m -7853.1729 7761.6826 L -7852.4678 7761.6826 L -7852.4678 7760.4824 L -7853.1729 7760.4824 L f -7854.5835 7760.4824 m -7854.5835 7761.6826 L -7853.8774 7761.6826 L -7853.8774 7760.4824 L -7854.5835 7760.4824 L f -7855.9946 7760.4824 m -7855.9946 7761.6826 L -7855.2886 7761.6826 L -7855.2886 7760.4824 L -7855.9946 7760.4824 L f -7861 7771.7695 m -7861 7763.6504 L -7861.4497 7763.9756 -7861.9146 7764.2754 -7862.3911 7764.5449 C -7862.3911 7776.6406 L -7861.8018 7776.7695 -7861.5825 7776.709 -7861 7776.2158 C -7861 7773.2041 L -7861.6514 7772.8613 -7861.8169 7772.1152 -7861 7771.7695 C f -7860.5391 7771.3799 m -7859.3394 7771.3799 L -7859.3394 7770.6748 L -7860.5391 7770.6748 L -7860.5391 7771.3799 L f -7859.3394 7769.9688 m -7859.3394 7769.2637 L -7860.5391 7769.2637 L -7860.5391 7769.9688 L -7859.3394 7769.9688 L f -7859.3394 7768.5586 m -7859.3394 7767.8535 L -7860.5391 7767.8535 L -7860.5391 7768.5586 L -7859.3394 7768.5586 L f -7859.3394 7767.1484 m -7859.3394 7766.4434 L -7860.5391 7766.4434 L -7860.5391 7767.1484 L -7859.3394 7767.1484 L f -7859.3394 7765.7373 m -7859.3394 7765.0313 L 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-7860.5391 7793.2441 L -7860.5391 7793.9482 L -7859.3394 7793.9482 L -7859.3394 7793.2441 L f -7859.3394 7791.834 m -7860.3896 7791.834 L -7860.4375 7791.8838 -7860.4878 7791.9297 -7860.5391 7791.9678 C -7860.5391 7792.5381 L -7859.3394 7792.5381 L -7859.3394 7791.834 L f -7859.3394 7790.4209 m -7860.0039 7790.4209 L -7859.9702 7790.6475 -7859.9595 7790.9121 -7860.0137 7791.1279 C -7859.3394 7791.1279 L -7859.3394 7790.4209 L f -7859.3394 7789.0117 m -7860.5015 7789.0117 L -7860.3872 7789.2461 -7860.2798 7789.4814 -7860.1919 7789.7168 C -7859.3394 7789.7168 L -7859.3394 7789.0117 L f -7859.3394 7787.9033 m -7859.4614 7788.0625 -7859.5938 7788.2197 -7859.6753 7788.3066 C -7859.3394 7788.3066 L -7859.3394 7787.9033 L f -7859.4399 7772.4395 m -7859.6968 7772.2891 -7861.0845 7771.8135 -7861.0737 7772.5381 c -7861.0674 7772.9502 -7860.4512 7773.2412 -7860.2495 7773.4473 c -7859.6338 7774.0703 -7859.1885 7775.5254 -7860.2974 7776.4238 c -7862.6328 7778.3145 -7864.1865 7776.5879 Y -7868.1118 7772.7324 -7868.1104 7767.1113 Y -7869.2295 7771.334 -7867.9663 7776.3936 -7866.4048 7779.1426 c -7863.8818 7783.584 -7862.9575 7782.0566 -7860.6113 7784.9482 c -7859.8047 7785.9434 -7860.1294 7788.3818 -7862.9546 7787.75 c -7863.2026 7787.6934 -7862.7759 7788.2949 -7862.2681 7788.5498 c -7860.1104 7789.6406 -7858.8618 7787.1631 -7859.1338 7785.8594 c -7859.4761 7784.2109 -7860.0986 7783.3662 -7862.1616 7782.2246 C -7861.8311 7782.2373 -7860.2134 7782.541 -7859.2295 7781.0088 c -7859.0195 7780.6826 -7858.8745 7779.7578 -7859.3042 7779.877 c -7859.3906 7779.9023 -7859.6416 7780.1973 -7859.9414 7780.3613 c -7861.9321 7781.3945 -7862.7075 7779.0137 Y -7860.4165 7778.8418 -7859.7515 7778.7637 -7858.2559 7776.7637 c -7858.0542 7776.4941 -7857.1162 7773.8047 -7859.4399 7772.4395 c f -7860.5391 7779.1367 m -7860.5391 7780.0225 L -7860.2993 7779.998 -7859.9302 7779.957 -7859.3394 7779.4033 C -7859.3394 7779.1367 L -7860.5391 7779.1367 L f -7861.9946 7779.2305 m -7861.8042 7779.7031 -7861.4185 7779.9473 -7861 7780.0127 C -7861 7779.1709 L -7861.3857 7779.2354 -7861.9946 7779.2305 Y f -7859.3394 7782.666 m -7859.3394 7781.959 L -7859.6382 7781.959 L -7859.9136 7782.1475 -7860.2246 7782.293 -7860.5391 7782.3818 C -7860.5391 7782.666 L -7859.3394 7782.666 L f -7859.9897 7783.3682 m -7859.7935 7783.5342 -7859.5576 7783.7813 -7859.3394 7784.1084 C -7859.3394 7783.3682 L -7859.9897 7783.3682 L f -7861.2495 7782.4746 m -7861.1914 7782.5273 -7861.1025 7782.5967 -7861 7782.6719 C -7861 7782.4668 L -7861.0835 7782.4746 -7861.1675 7782.4785 -7861.2495 7782.4746 C f -7860.5391 7774.9063 m -7860.5391 7775.8262 L -7860.2715 7775.5273 -7860.2358 7775.46 -7860.1982 7774.9063 C -7860.5391 7774.9063 L f -7860.1758 7774.2012 m -7860.2065 7774.002 -7860.3506 7773.6943 -7860.5391 7773.54 C -7860.5391 7774.2012 L -7860.1758 7774.2012 L f -7848.1865 7762.8975 m -7848.4233 7762.6943 -7848.6401 7762.4463 -7848.8271 7762.1426 C -7858.8794 7762.1426 L -7858.8794 7772.1992 L -7858.5762 7772.3857 -7858.3271 7772.6025 -7858.1255 7772.8408 C -7858.1265 7762.8975 L -7848.1865 7762.8975 L f -7841.6226 7761.6826 m -7841.0698 7761.0928 -7841.0298 7760.7227 -7841.0034 7760.4824 C -7841.8887 7760.4824 L -7841.8887 7761.6826 L -7841.6226 7761.6826 L f -7841.8564 7760.0225 m -7841.0127 7760.0225 L -7841.0791 7759.6045 -7841.3232 7759.2188 -7841.7959 7759.0273 C -7841.7915 7759.6367 -7841.8564 7760.0225 V f -7838.3623 7760.4824 m -7838.6455 7760.4824 L -7838.7334 7760.7979 -7838.8799 7761.1084 -7839.0674 7761.3838 C -7839.0674 7761.6826 L -7838.3623 7761.6826 L -7838.3623 7760.4824 L f -7838.3545 7760.0225 m -7838.4302 7759.9199 -7838.4995 7759.8311 -7838.5518 7759.7734 C -7838.5479 7759.8555 -7838.5518 7759.9395 -7838.5601 7760.0225 C -7838.3545 7760.0225 L f -7836.9185 7761.6826 m -7837.2446 7761.4648 -7837.4912 7761.2305 -7837.6577 7761.0332 C -7837.6577 7761.6826 L -7836.9185 7761.6826 L f -7832.7202 7761.3477 m -7832.8066 7761.4287 -7832.9639 7761.5615 -7833.1226 7761.6826 C -7832.7202 7761.6826 L -7832.7202 7761.3477 L f -7832.4751 7758.7549 m -7832.7329 7758.2461 -7833.0913 7757.8945 -7833.2778 7758.0684 c -7833.4248 7758.2041 -7832.4424 7759.9434 -7833.9009 7760.7725 c -7834.7158 7761.2354 -7835.8721 7760.873 -7836.2842 7760.3066 c -7838.5615 7757.1836 -7838.4746 7756.5586 -7841.8848 7754.6172 c -7844.6318 7753.0537 -7849.6943 7751.793 -7853.9155 7752.9121 C -7848.2935 7752.9102 -7844.4385 7756.8359 V -7842.7119 7758.3906 -7844.6025 7760.7246 v -7845.5015 7761.834 -7846.9551 7761.3887 -7847.5791 7760.7734 c -7847.7842 7760.5703 -7848.0752 7759.9551 -7848.4873 7759.9482 c -7849.2134 7759.9385 -7848.7378 7761.3242 -7848.5874 7761.582 c -7847.2217 7763.9063 -7844.5322 7762.9678 -7844.2622 7762.7656 c -7842.2622 7761.2705 -7842.1846 7760.6064 -7842.0127 7758.3145 C -7839.6328 7759.0898 -7840.6655 7761.0801 v -7840.8286 7761.3809 -7841.1245 7761.6318 -7841.1489 7761.7178 c -7841.2695 7762.1475 -7840.3423 7762.0029 -7840.0176 7761.7949 c -7838.4858 7760.8086 -7838.7881 7759.1914 -7838.8018 7758.8613 C -7837.6602 7760.9248 -7836.8154 7761.5469 -7835.1675 7761.8887 c -7833.8633 7762.1602 -7831.3857 7760.9121 -7832.4751 7758.7549 c f -7831.3096 7760.8301 m -7831.5454 7760.7422 -7831.7817 7760.6357 -7832.0142 7760.5215 C -7832.0142 7761.6826 L -7831.3096 7761.6826 L -7831.3096 7760.8301 L f -7829.8994 7761.0088 m -7830.1143 7761.0625 -7830.3794 7761.0518 -7830.6055 7761.0186 C -7830.6055 7761.6826 L -7829.8994 7761.6826 L -7829.8994 7761.0088 L f -7827.7822 7761.6826 m -7827.0767 7761.6826 L -7827.0767 7760.4824 L -7827.7822 7760.4824 L -7827.7822 7761.6826 L f -7829.1934 7761.6826 m -7828.4878 7761.6826 L -7828.4878 7760.4824 L -7829.0586 7760.4824 L -7829.0967 7760.5342 -7829.1426 7760.585 -7829.1934 7760.6328 C -7829.1934 7761.6826 L f *U U %AI8_EndBrushPattern %AI8_BeginBrushPattern (Unnamed 3) 0 A 0 Xw u u 0 1 0 0 0 Xy 0 J 0 j 1 w 4 M []0 d 0 XR -4012.5 3922.291 m -3913.5696 3922.291 L -3913.5696 3905.9272 L -4012.5 3905.9272 L -4012.5 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C -3956.3743 3909.4951 L -3956.4817 3909.7349 L -3955.0967 3909.9102 L -3955.3591 3909.9385 -3955.4482 3910.2407 -3955.5852 3910.4688 C -3955.4065 3910.4893 -3955.2295 3910.6274 -3955.0413 3910.7783 C -3955.0808 3910.2803 -3955.0559 3909.9287 -3954.8816 3909.9385 C -3953.9905 3910.0566 -3953.4951 3910.5039 -3953.1663 3911.0728 C -3953.1321 3911.0615 -3953.0935 3911.0493 -3953.0625 3911.0376 C -3953.2119 3910.5269 -3952.4297 3910.1201 -3952.1536 3909.5977 C -3952.1672 3910.1265 -3951.6943 3909.915 -3951.4375 3910.1846 C -3951.3008 3909.5791 -3951.4832 3908.7432 -3951.7959 3908.248 C -3952.3984 3908.8013 -3952.1335 3908.8062 -3952.4182 3909.5923 C -3953.3848 3910.1157 L -3953.1687 3909.6328 L -3953.6511 3909.4199 -3954.1145 3910.0576 -3954.0791 3909.4292 C -3953.8242 3909.0103 -3953.4033 3909.2646 -3953.1504 3908.8438 C -3953.4695 3908.6143 L -3952.9065 3907.9966 -3953.1809 3909.209 -3952.4993 3908.7783 C -3952.75 3908.2437 -3952.4375 3908.7393 -3952.1455 3908.3809 C -3952.3799 3908.0093 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3911.5811 -3919.5935 3911.5269 C -3919.6184 3911.5449 -3919.6497 3911.5576 -3919.6609 3911.5811 C -3919.2649 3911.9375 L -3919.6023 3912.4951 -3919.9473 3911.6743 -3920.2864 3912.2344 C -3920.3152 3912.7646 L -3920.5791 3912.7661 -3920.9375 3912.9956 -3921.1023 3913.2705 C -3920.7 3913.3604 -3920.6152 3913.2212 -3920.1653 3913.1108 C -3920.1023 3913.4463 -3920.4192 3913.6953 -3920.4648 3913.731 C -3920.3977 3913.4292 L -3920.9343 3912.9902 -3921.2 3913.9375 -3921.8679 3913.8389 C -3921.9688 3913.8174 -3921.9072 3913.7783 -3921.8848 3913.6772 C -3922.4255 3914.1909 -3922.9561 3913.4873 -3923.4817 3914.165 C -3923.3103 3913.8853 L -3923.6682 3914.1108 -3924.3679 3914.6328 -3925.0671 3915.1377 C -3925.0728 3915.3438 L -3924.9951 3915.4683 -3925.2576 3915.4604 -3925.3984 3915.3774 C -3925.3977 3915.374 L -3925.7483 3915.6265 -3926.0852 3915.8584 -3926.3608 3916.0313 C -3926.2727 3916.1592 -3926.1599 3916.2661 -3926.0305 3916.2959 C -3925.9209 3916.0537 -3925.2783 3916.2524 -3925.3665 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-3976.5913 3906.6318 L -3976.5872 3906.8354 -3976.6785 3907.0625 -3976.6599 3907.248 C -3975.9065 3907.2061 L f -3976.8584 3906.249 m -3976.8896 3906.3896 -3976.9873 3906.5166 -3977.0967 3906.6367 C -3976.5913 3906.6318 L -3976.5945 3906.479 -3976.6511 3906.3408 -3976.8584 3906.249 C f -3976.7607 3917.0894 m -3976.9241 3917.1079 L -3977.1711 3917.2646 L -3976.7607 3917.0894 L f -3979.3152 3916.1963 m -3979.1201 3916.5044 -3978.75 3916.2705 -3978.6262 3916.1924 C -3979.0527 3916.2017 -3978.8679 3916.0854 -3979.3152 3916.1963 C f -3978.7881 3919.4966 m -3979.1992 3919.6709 L -3979.1609 3919.731 L -3978.7881 3919.4966 L f -3991.6223 3908.8281 m -3991.6897 3908.8398 -3991.7551 3908.8486 -3991.8232 3908.8623 C -3991.7312 3908.8643 -3991.6711 3908.8496 -3991.6223 3908.8281 C f -3988.0945 3908.3252 m -3989.0752 3907.7334 -3987.4519 3907.833 -3987.76 3907.0752 C -3988.2937 3907.3262 L -3988.2483 3907.123 L -3988.8992 3907.1895 L -3988.7656 3907.5376 -3988.6653 3907.5591 -3988.6943 3907.9248 C 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-3998.4919 3907.6201 m -3998.9641 3907.833 -3998.9385 3908.4229 -3998.6809 3908.6919 C -3999.1145 3908.9648 -3998.9097 3908.0576 -3999.2083 3908.6807 C -3999.1985 3909.1064 -3998.6641 3908.8564 -3998.5413 3908.7783 C -3998.4919 3907.6201 L f -3995.0081 3907.9307 m -3995.1409 3908.1753 L -3994.8137 3908.2393 L -3995.0081 3907.9307 L f -3995.1409 3908.1753 m -3995.4656 3908.1094 L -3995.4431 3908.291 -3995.4209 3908.4683 -3995.3679 3908.5923 C -3995.1409 3908.1753 L f -3996.3176 3907.9395 m -3996.4551 3907.8955 -3996.6072 3907.8623 -3996.7922 3907.8462 C -3996.3176 3907.9395 L f -3995.9463 3908.0894 m -3995.9573 3908.0127 L -3996.3176 3907.9395 L -3996.1848 3907.9854 -3996.0657 3908.0356 -3995.9463 3908.0894 C f -3995.4656 3908.1094 m -3995.5183 3907.6963 -3995.5801 3907.2622 -3996.0496 3907.3774 C -3995.9573 3908.0127 L -3995.4656 3908.1094 L f -3981.7783 3918.874 m -3982.1497 3919.1079 L -3982.1104 3919.1719 L -3981.7393 3918.9375 L -3981.7783 3918.874 L f -3983.9209 3918.4966 m -3984.0127 3918.5688 -3984.0823 3918.6455 -3984.1455 3918.7236 C -3984.0488 3918.6782 -3983.9719 3918.6094 -3983.9209 3918.4966 C f -3985.5137 3921.3188 m -3985.9504 3920.9033 -3984.9111 3920.7695 -3985.72 3920.5854 C -3985.7913 3920.1982 -3985.4121 3919.6992 -3985.0313 3919.8916 C -3985.0615 3920.2559 -3985.4023 3920.125 -3985.1682 3920.4966 C -3984.9153 3920.0752 -3984.8191 3920.3623 -3984.9072 3919.8135 C -3984.4817 3919.4712 -3984.4343 3919.0811 -3984.1455 3918.7236 C -3984.6599 3918.9648 -3985.74 3918.4019 -3986.3928 3919.1064 C -3986.7527 3919.7661 -3986.5344 3920.667 -3986.5359 3921.6201 C -3986.4817 3921.8438 -3985.5488 3921.9502 -3985.5137 3921.3188 C f -3984.8264 3922.2705 m -3984.6243 3922.3174 -3984.5625 3922.2793 -3984.4385 3922.1997 C -3984.4719 3921.874 -3984.6631 3922.2559 -3984.8264 3922.2705 C f -3989.4719 3915.0942 m -3989.5105 3915.2295 -3989.8762 3915.3975 -3989.7976 3915.6318 C -3989.2432 3915.4604 L -3989.3733 3915.4385 -3989.4192 3915.2725 -3989.4719 3915.0942 C f -3989 3915.3877 m -3989.2432 3915.4604 L -3989.1824 3915.4727 -3989.1072 3915.4541 -3989 3915.3877 C f -3989.4983 3915.0093 m -3989.4895 3915.0376 -3989.4817 3915.0664 -3989.4719 3915.0942 C -3989.4641 3915.0654 -3989.4656 3915.0356 -3989.4983 3915.0093 C f -3997.6631 3907.7017 m -3997.6553 3907.4404 -3997.9023 3907.5967 -3998.0264 3907.6743 C -3997.9255 3907.6963 -3997.7839 3907.7822 -3997.6631 3907.7017 C f -4006.9641 3908.731 m -4007.1824 3908.5225 L -4007.1052 3908.6475 -4007.0657 3908.709 -4006.9641 3908.731 C f -4010.3279 3915.8765 m -4010.3342 3915.9272 -4010.3503 3915.9692 -4010.3721 3916.0093 C -4010.3503 3915.9771 -4010.3352 3915.9336 -4010.3279 3915.8765 c f -4010.3721 3916.0093 m -4010.5212 3916.2271 -4010.9817 3915.8887 -4011.1472 3916.2192 C -4011.1262 3916.1187 L -4011.4343 3916.3145 L -4011.1455 3916.2856 -4010.5393 3916.3267 -4010.3721 3916.0093 C f U 9 () XW U 9 () XW U 9 () XW U %AI8_EndBrushPattern %AI8_BeginBrushPattern (Unnamed Brush Pat 40) 0 A 0 Xw u 0 1 0 0 0 Xy 0 J 0 j 1 w 4 M []0 d 0 XR -7882.4521 7793.5977 m -7490.6909 7793.5977 L -7490.6909 7701.9082 L -7882.4521 7701.9082 L -7882.4521 7793.5977 L n 0 O 0.697627 0.675227 0.638575 0.739559 0.137255 0.121569 0.12549 Xa 1 XR -7495.3535 7735.9209 m -7497.1113 7735.9209 -7616.7817 7738.0918 -7692.6519 7739.4717 C -7713.4663 7738.5352 -7734.2529 7737.2227 -7755.0547 7735.502 C -7757.5327 7735.1514 -7760.3472 7734.7949 -7761.8584 7734.6006 c -7762.7114 7734.4863 -7763.5732 7734.3857 -7764.4375 7734.293 C -7763.9829 7734.0605 -7763.54 7733.7998 -7763.1167 7733.4941 C -7762.25 7732.7324 -7761.3955 7731.832 -7760.8735 7730.4541 C -7760.8979 7730.1689 -7760.6997 7729.8193 -7760.6523 7729.5293 c -7760.5532 7728.9121 -7760.6382 7728.1631 -7760.7319 7727.627 c -7760.7939 7727.2725 -7760.9551 7727.0254 -7761.0259 7726.7314 c -7761.0488 7726.6348 -7760.9785 7726.5762 -7761.0059 7726.502 c -7761.1396 7726.1484 -7761.5313 7725.5518 -7761.7539 7725.2266 c -7761.8579 7725.0762 -7761.9873 7724.9775 -7762.1035 7724.8193 c -7762.1196 7724.7969 -7762.0669 7724.7354 -7762.0928 7724.7061 c -7762.6484 7724.0664 -7763.4312 7723.541 -7764.3955 7723.0762 c -7764.4546 7723.0508 -7764.4639 7723.1445 -7764.5366 7723.0869 C -7764.8213 7722.9658 -7765.1143 7722.8535 -7765.3945 7722.791 c -7766.8965 7722.4629 -7768.7163 7722.8477 -7769.8027 7723.6328 c -7770.7998 7724.3555 -7771.5308 7725.8623 -7771.4678 7727.0742 c -7771.4126 7728.1094 -7770.6665 7729.2578 -7769.4458 7730.0352 c -7768.3604 7730.7295 -7767.0479 7730.9834 -7766.2373 7730.3594 C -7766.6499 7730.2295 -7766.9688 7730.0332 -7767.0811 7729.7529 C -7767.0908 7729.4766 -7767.0967 7729.1992 -7766.8755 7728.8594 C -7766.4517 7728.4863 -7765.7925 7728.248 -7765.1235 7728.7158 c -7764.1846 7729.3701 -7764.0728 7730.7891 -7765.0342 7731.5361 C -7765.3086 7731.6406 -7765.5586 7731.8789 -7765.75 7731.9834 c -7766.1826 7732.2188 -7766.5586 7732.3857 -7766.9751 7732.543 c -7768.0938 7732.959 -7769.4839 7733.418 -7770.5327 7733.5977 c -7770.7114 7733.6289 -7770.8989 7733.6475 -7771.0806 7733.6738 C -7774.4038 7733.3789 -7777.54 7733.0693 -7780.1416 7732.5264 C -7780.1138 7732.5234 -7780.0908 7732.5244 -7780.0586 7732.5205 c -7779.2378 7732.4199 -7778.6309 7732.2529 -7777.9043 7732.0137 c -7777.6328 7731.9238 -7777.3184 7731.9121 -7777.0825 7731.8154 c -7776.9985 7731.7852 -7776.9409 7731.6602 -7776.8472 7731.6133 c -7776.5371 7731.4609 -7776.2129 7731.3662 -7775.8999 7731.1602 c -7774.9097 7730.5059 -7773.8774 7729.3359 -7773.7617 7727.8682 C -7773.9463 7726.8262 -7774.3643 7725.8525 -7775.5938 7725.0781 c -7775.7217 7724.9961 -7775.8662 7724.96 -7775.9995 7724.8828 C -7777.8516 7724.2168 -7779.5913 7725.3135 -7779.8066 7727.2061 C -7779.7119 7727.375 -7779.6499 7727.5527 -7779.6616 7727.752 C -7779.2939 7728.4492 -7777.9033 7729.0557 -7777.3057 7728.6143 C -7777.6133 7728.5566 -7777.7495 7728.5254 -7777.8638 7728.2637 C -7777.8892 7727.6074 -7777.0679 7727.4336 -7776.6528 7728.0176 C -7776.4966 7728.7021 -7776.7676 7729.2529 -7777.2939 7729.8105 c -7777.5068 7730.0361 -7777.7837 7730.1689 -7778.0566 7730.3545 c -7778.4199 7730.6016 -7778.7495 7730.8828 -7779.1118 7731.0332 c -7779.4385 7731.1689 -7779.8115 7731.2012 -7780.1445 7731.2891 c -7780.2349 7731.3105 -7780.2969 7731.3613 -7780.3706 7731.3789 c -7780.6274 7731.4336 -7780.8359 7731.5146 -7781.0879 7731.5469 c -7781.4209 7731.585 -7781.7739 7731.5488 -7782.1528 7731.585 c -7782.3398 7731.6055 -7782.5195 7731.6953 -7782.7144 7731.7109 c -7782.8413 7731.7207 -7782.9722 7731.7207 -7783.1025 7731.7227 C -7785.8135 7730.8213 -7788.0957 7729.6094 -7789.9814 7727.2793 c -7793.6704 7722.7227 -7788.0415 7718.5566 -7786.9902 7722.5977 C -7788.9668 7724.0361 -7792.5874 7727.1201 -7784.8892 7727.2471 C -7776.6045 7725.7549 -7783.6982 7710.4922 -7793.6509 7714.5576 c -7802.0151 7717.9746 -7798.1328 7726.6387 -7792.4658 7730.293 c -7783.9902 7735.7559 -7774.5376 7736.4922 -7764.7012 7736.584 C -7775.3862 7741.0488 -7789.9243 7738.4033 -7797.9897 7730.3809 c -7802.1011 7726.293 -7806.0435 7719.9912 -7804.8193 7713.8896 c -7803.5742 7707.6816 -7797.1616 7713.4238 -7802.0957 7713.4424 C -7801.8896 7719.0059 -7788.6387 7712.9648 -7794.9307 7704.8281 c -7800.6011 7697.4922 -7810.5698 7705.5225 -7812.3242 7711.9482 c -7818.0239 7732.8359 -7788.3545 7738.7129 -7774.3813 7739.4238 C -7786.1143 7742.7754 -7802.3892 7740.2734 -7813.5547 7735.7852 c -7817.9663 7734.0098 -7822.9707 7730.8926 -7825.5479 7726.7773 c -7829.4619 7720.5264 -7822.4268 7716.2842 -7821.8955 7718.4033 c -7821.4697 7720.0957 -7827.3765 7720.623 -7822.8267 7723.6992 c -7818.8091 7726.418 -7815.2759 7720.209 -7814.4619 7717.0781 c -7810.6782 7702.5322 -7832.0601 7704.4609 -7834.3667 7718.1982 c -7839.5103 7748.8271 -7793.3071 7742.457 -7777.4902 7741.5928 C -7777.7124 7741.7617 -7777.9331 7741.9189 -7778.1543 7742.082 C -7783.4346 7743.585 -7788.6416 7745.7861 -7793.46 7748.5469 C -7807.9546 7750.2813 -7820.7495 7739.8906 -7836.5913 7734.6152 c -7845.5635 7731.6289 -7856.0933 7735.9277 -7864.2778 7731.3145 c -7868.6235 7728.8545 -7871.6982 7726.2656 -7873.2959 7721.0518 C -7874.9092 7712.1104 -7865.2979 7710.9717 -7867.1396 7715.6416 C -7868.8428 7715.9688 -7868.1772 7714.834 -7869.3354 7714.8418 C -7873.2861 7718.5479 -7865.0244 7723.7314 -7861.1606 7720.4316 c -7854.4497 7714.7031 -7859.2563 7706.332 -7866.0864 7704.0557 C -7884.5703 7704.25 -7885 7726.8613 -7879.0474 7739.3594 c -7863.2217 7772.585 -7829.1445 7760.582 -7801.5376 7753.5479 C -7805.2817 7756.0732 -7807.8975 7759.6426 -7810.5747 7763.2158 c -7815.2197 7769.416 -7817.6694 7778.8545 -7809.0024 7782.8613 C -7808.1616 7786.9834 -7806.6392 7790.8857 -7802.5669 7792.7695 c -7797.7471 7795 -7792.8457 7792.5586 -7791.5508 7787.4512 C -7791.4766 7784.6729 -7792.1968 7782.8262 -7794.5938 7781.3887 c -7796.1733 7780.4414 -7801.5176 7780.5313 -7798.8574 7783.5342 C -7796.9663 7782.041 -7797.1323 7784.4873 -7798.0112 7785.6006 C -7800.8823 7785.5693 -7801.5771 7783.4873 -7801.5156 7780.5186 c -7801.5151 7780.4961 -7801.5142 7780.4697 -7801.5146 7780.4434 C -7801.3574 7773.1367 -7800.1343 7767.3242 -7798.0718 7762.7285 C -7798.0713 7762.7305 -7798.0708 7762.7314 -7798.0698 7762.7324 c -7797.8242 7763.2158 -7797.4819 7763.5 -7797.2485 7763.8945 c -7797.1729 7764.0234 -7797.2495 7764.1387 -7797.1753 7764.2334 c -7796.8262 7764.6855 -7795.9971 7765.3701 -7795.5313 7765.7402 c -7795.3135 7765.9121 -7795.0835 7765.998 -7794.8477 7766.1729 c -7794.8125 7766.1973 -7794.8613 7766.3105 -7794.8115 7766.3418 c -7793.7256 7767.0176 -7792.3638 7767.4277 -7790.7661 7767.6709 C -7790.6699 7767.6816 -7790.6978 7767.543 -7790.5669 7767.5938 C -7790.1035 7767.6406 -7789.6309 7767.6738 -7789.1982 7767.6387 c -7786.8862 7767.4453 -7784.4316 7766.084 -7783.2129 7764.4668 c -7782.0942 7762.9854 -7781.7095 7760.4854 -7782.3379 7758.7646 c -7782.8774 7757.2949 -7784.4629 7755.9697 -7786.5684 7755.3906 c -7788.4419 7754.873 -7790.4492 7755.084 -7791.3408 7756.3477 C -7790.6875 7756.3535 -7790.1406 7756.4941 -7789.8545 7756.8477 C -7789.7178 7757.2422 -7789.5859 7757.6387 -7789.7539 7758.2266 C -7790.2002 7758.9541 -7791.0469 7759.5898 -7792.2178 7759.2129 c -7793.4604 7758.8135 -7794.2119 7757.5781 -7794.0532 7756.3486 C -7788.7505 7750.2031 -7781.0386 7747.6465 -7772.2539 7747.0537 C -7772.2886 7747.0684 -7772.3218 7747.0801 -7772.3604 7747.0977 c -7773.5015 7747.6064 -7774.3027 7748.1143 -7775.2437 7748.7832 c -7775.5957 7749.0332 -7776.0439 7749.1914 -7776.3428 7749.4316 c -7776.4492 7749.5166 -7776.4766 7749.7227 -7776.5913 7749.8301 c -7776.9707 7750.1895 -7777.3975 7750.4688 -7777.7563 7750.9063 c -7778.8945 7752.2891 -7779.8662 7754.4346 -7779.3809 7756.6016 C -7778.6523 7758.0234 -7777.6162 7759.2441 -7775.4995 7759.8145 c -7775.2788 7759.875 -7775.0542 7759.8633 -7774.8276 7759.918 C -7771.8613 7760.0537 -7769.8369 7757.7021 -7770.3667 7754.875 C -7770.5781 7754.6738 -7770.7471 7754.4434 -7770.8184 7754.1514 C -7771.6582 7753.3105 -7773.9336 7753.0508 -7774.5996 7753.9521 C -7774.1309 7753.9004 -7773.9199 7753.8848 -7773.6387 7754.2109 C -7773.3105 7755.1475 -7774.4189 7755.7617 -7775.2759 7755.1045 C -7775.8052 7754.1865 -7775.6587 7753.2695 -7775.1479 7752.2314 c -7774.9409 7751.8105 -7774.5991 7751.5 -7774.2881 7751.1104 c -7773.8735 7750.5938 -7773.5239 7750.041 -7773.0669 7749.6621 c -7772.6563 7749.3232 -7772.1318 7749.1094 -7771.6899 7748.8369 c -7771.5708 7748.7646 -7771.5039 7748.6641 -7771.4043 7748.6074 c -7771.0596 7748.4121 -7770.7935 7748.2031 -7770.4438 7748.0469 c -7769.9819 7747.8418 -7769.4561 7747.7373 -7768.9253 7747.5146 c -7768.6636 7747.4063 -7768.4443 7747.1953 -7768.1709 7747.085 c -7768.0063 7747.0215 -7767.8311 7746.9688 -7767.6592 7746.9141 C -7766.2695 7746.918 -7764.8613 7746.957 -7763.4375 7747.0342 c -7761.7285 7747.0801 -7759.4653 7747.0938 -7757.5728 7747.166 C -7725.4688 7743.6533 -7692.98 7742.7305 -7660.4746 7742.2822 C -7587.0664 7743.6152 -7496.8774 7745.248 -7495.3535 7745.248 c -7492.7773 7745.248 -7490.6909 7743.1602 -7490.6909 7740.584 c -7490.6909 7738.0078 -7492.7773 7735.9209 -7495.3535 7735.9209 c f U %AI8_EndBrushPattern %AI5_End_NonPrinting-- %AI5_Begin_NonPrinting Np %AI10_BeginSVGFilter /SVGFilter : /XMLNode : (filter) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : /XMLNode : (feTurbulence) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : /XMLNode : (type) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (turbulence) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (type) , /XMLNode : (result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (turb) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (result) , /XMLNode : (baseFrequency) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (0.05) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (baseFrequency) , /XMLNode : (stitchTiles) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (noStitch) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (stitchTiles) , /XMLNode : (numOctaves) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (numOctaves) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; , /XMLNode : (feComposite) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : /XMLNode : (in2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (turb) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (in2) , /XMLNode : (in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (SourceGraphic) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (in) , /XMLNode : (operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (operator) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; , ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : /XMLNode : (y) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (0%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (y) , /XMLNode : (x) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (0%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (x) , /XMLNode : (height) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (100%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (height) , /XMLNode : (width) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (100%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (width) , /XMLNode : (filterUnits) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (objectBoundingBox) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (filterUnits) , /XMLNode : (id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , (AI_Alpha_1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (id) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; /Def ; /SVGFilter : /XMLNode : (filter) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : /XMLNode : (feTurbulence) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : /XMLNode : (type) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (fractalNoise) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (type) , /XMLNode : (result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (turb) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (result) , /XMLNode : (baseFrequency) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (0.1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (baseFrequency) , /XMLNode : (stitchTiles) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (noStitch) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (stitchTiles) , /XMLNode : (numOctaves) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (numOctaves) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; , /XMLNode : (feComposite) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : /XMLNode : (in2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (turb) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (in2) , /XMLNode : (in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (SourceGraphic) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (in) , /XMLNode : (operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (operator) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; , ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : /XMLNode : (y) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (0%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (y) , /XMLNode : (x) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (0%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (x) , /XMLNode : (height) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (100%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (height) , /XMLNode : (width) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (100%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (width) , /XMLNode : (filterUnits) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (objectBoundingBox) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (filterUnits) , /XMLNode : (id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , (AI_Alpha_4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (id) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; /Def ; /SVGFilter : /XMLNode : (filter) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : /XMLNode : (feGaussianBlur) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : /XMLNode : (result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (blur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (result) , /XMLNode : (in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (SourceAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (in) , /XMLNode : (stdDeviation) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (stdDeviation) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; , /XMLNode : (feOffset) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : /XMLNode : (result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (offsetBlur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (result) , /XMLNode : (in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (blur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (in) , /XMLNode : (dy) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (dy) , /XMLNode : (dx) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (dx) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; , /XMLNode : (feSpecularLighting) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : /XMLNode : (fePointLight) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : /XMLNode : (y) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (-10000) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (y) , /XMLNode : (x) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (-5000) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (x) , /XMLNode : (z) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (-20000) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (z) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; , ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : /XMLNode : (result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (specOut) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (result) , /XMLNode : (in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (blur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (in) , /XMLNode : (specularConstant) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (specularConstant) , /XMLNode : (surfaceScale) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (5) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (surfaceScale) , /XMLNode : (specularExponent) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (10) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (specularExponent) , /XMLNode : (style) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (lighting-color:white) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (style) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; , /XMLNode : (feComposite) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : /XMLNode : (result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (specOut) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (result) , /XMLNode : (in2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (SourceAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (in2) , /XMLNode : (in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (specOut) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (in) , /XMLNode : (operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (operator) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; , /XMLNode : (feComposite) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : /XMLNode : (result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (litPaint) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (result) , /XMLNode : (in2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (specOut) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (in2) , /XMLNode : (in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (SourceGraphic) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (in) , /XMLNode : (operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (arithmetic) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (operator) , /XMLNode : (k4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (0) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (k4) , /XMLNode : (k1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (0) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (k1) , /XMLNode : (k2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (k2) , /XMLNode : (k3) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (k3) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; , /XMLNode : (feMerge) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : /XMLNode : (feMergeNode) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : /XMLNode : (in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (offsetBlur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (in) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; , /XMLNode : (feMergeNode) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : /XMLNode : (in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (litPaint) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (in) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; , ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; , ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : /XMLNode : (y) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (-20%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (y) , /XMLNode : (x) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (-20%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (x) , /XMLNode : (height) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (140%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (height) , /XMLNode : (width) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (140%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (width) , /XMLNode : (id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , (AI_BevelShadow_1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (id) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; /Def ; /SVGFilter : /XMLNode : (filter) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : /XMLNode : (feMorphology) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : /XMLNode : (result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (a) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (result) , /XMLNode : (in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (SourceAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (in) , /XMLNode : (operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (dilate) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (operator) , /XMLNode : (id) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (a) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (id) , /XMLNode : (radius) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (1.2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (radius) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; , /XMLNode : (feMorphology) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : /XMLNode : (result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (b) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (result) , /XMLNode : (in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (a) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (in) , /XMLNode : (operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (dilate) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (operator) , /XMLNode : (id) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (b) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (id) , /XMLNode : (radius) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (1.2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (radius) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; , /XMLNode : (feOffset) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : /XMLNode : (result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (b1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (result) , /XMLNode : (in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (b) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (in) , /XMLNode : (id) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (b1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (id) , /XMLNode : (dy) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (-4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (dy) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; , /XMLNode : (feTurbulence) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : /XMLNode : (type) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (fractalNoise) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (type) , /XMLNode : (result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (b2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (result) , /XMLNode : (baseFrequency) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (0.2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (baseFrequency) , /XMLNode : (stitchTiles) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (noStitch) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (stitchTiles) , /XMLNode : (numOctaves) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (5) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (numOctaves) , /XMLNode : (in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (b1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (in) , /XMLNode : (id) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (b2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (id) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; , /XMLNode : (feDisplacementMap) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : /XMLNode : (scale) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (3) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (scale) , /XMLNode : (result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (b3) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (result) , /XMLNode : (in2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (b2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (in2) , /XMLNode : (in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (b1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (in) , /XMLNode : (id) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (b3) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (id) , /XMLNode : (yChannelSelector) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (A) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (yChannelSelector) , /XMLNode : (xChannelSelector) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (R) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (xChannelSelector) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; , /XMLNode : (feColorMatrix) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : /XMLNode : (type) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (matrix) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (type) , /XMLNode : (result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (b4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (result) , /XMLNode : (in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (b3) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (in) , /XMLNode : (id) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (b4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (id) , /XMLNode : (values) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (values) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; , /XMLNode : (feGaussianBlur) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : /XMLNode : (animate) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : /XMLNode : (fill) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (freeze) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (fill) , /XMLNode : (calcMode) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (linear) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (calcMode) , /XMLNode : (begin) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (0s) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (begin) , /XMLNode : (dur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (5s) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (dur) , /XMLNode : (attributeName) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (stdDeviation) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (attributeName) , /XMLNode : (additive) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (replace) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (additive) , /XMLNode : (accumulate) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (none) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (accumulate) , /XMLNode : (from) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (from) , /XMLNode : (restart) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (always) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (restart) , /XMLNode : (to) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (5) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (to) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; , ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : /XMLNode : (result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (b5) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (result) , /XMLNode : (in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (b4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (in) , /XMLNode : (id) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (b5) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (id) , /XMLNode : (stdDeviation) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (stdDeviation) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; , /XMLNode : (feOffset) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : /XMLNode : (result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (c1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (result) , /XMLNode : (in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (b) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (in) , /XMLNode : (id) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (c1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (id) , /XMLNode : (dy) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (-8) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (dy) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; , /XMLNode : (feTurbulence) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : /XMLNode : (type) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (fractalNoise) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (type) , /XMLNode : (result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (c2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (result) , /XMLNode : (baseFrequency) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (0.05) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (baseFrequency) , /XMLNode : (stitchTiles) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (noStitch) /Unicode endstream endobj 60 0 obj <>stream endstream endobj 61 0 obj <>stream endstream endobj 62 0 obj <>stream endstream endobj 63 0 obj <>stream endstream endobj 64 0 obj <>stream endstream endobj 65 0 obj <>stream endstream endobj 66 0 obj <>stream endstream endobj 67 0 obj <>stream endstream endobj 68 0 obj <>stream endstream endobj 69 0 obj <>stream endstream endobj 70 0 obj <>stream String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (stitchTiles) , /XMLNode : (numOctaves) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (10) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (numOctaves) , /XMLNode : (in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (c1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (in) , /XMLNode : (id) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (c2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (id) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; , /XMLNode : (feDisplacementMap) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : /XMLNode : (scale) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (8) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (scale) , /XMLNode : (result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (c3) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (result) , /XMLNode : (in2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (c2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (in2) , /XMLNode : (in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (c1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (in) , /XMLNode : (id) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (c3) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (id) , /XMLNode : (yChannelSelector) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (A) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (yChannelSelector) , /XMLNode : (xChannelSelector) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (R) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (xChannelSelector) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; , /XMLNode : (feColorMatrix) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : /XMLNode : (type) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (matrix) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (type) , /XMLNode : (result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (c4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (result) , /XMLNode : (in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (c3) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (in) , /XMLNode : (id) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (c4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (id) , /XMLNode : (values) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (values) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; , /XMLNode : (feGaussianBlur) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : /XMLNode : (result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (c5) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (result) , /XMLNode : (in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (c4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (in) , /XMLNode : (id) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (c5) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (id) , /XMLNode : (stdDeviation) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (stdDeviation) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; , /XMLNode : (feMerge) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : /XMLNode : (feMergeNode) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : /XMLNode : (in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (c5) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (in) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; , /XMLNode : (feMergeNode) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : /XMLNode : (in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (b5) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (in) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; , /XMLNode : (feMergeNode) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : /XMLNode : (in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (a) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (in) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; , ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; , ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : /XMLNode : (y) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (-40%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (y) , /XMLNode : (x) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (-5%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (x) , /XMLNode : (height) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (140%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (height) , /XMLNode : (width) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (110%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (width) , /XMLNode : (filterUnits) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (objectBoundingBox) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (filterUnits) , /XMLNode : (id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , (AI_CoolBreeze) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (id) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; /Def ; /SVGFilter : /XMLNode : (filter) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : /XMLNode : (feMorphology) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : /XMLNode : (in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (SourceGraphic) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (in) , /XMLNode : (operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (dilate) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (operator) , /XMLNode : (radius) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (3) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (radius) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; , ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : /XMLNode : (id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , (AI_Dilate_3) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (id) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; /Def ; /SVGFilter : /XMLNode : (filter) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : /XMLNode : (feMorphology) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : /XMLNode : (in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (SourceGraphic) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (in) , /XMLNode : (operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (dilate) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (operator) , /XMLNode : (radius) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (6) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (radius) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; , ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : /XMLNode : (id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , (AI_Dilate_6) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (id) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; /Def ; /SVGFilter : /XMLNode : (filter) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : /XMLNode : (feMorphology) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : /XMLNode : (in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (SourceGraphic) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (in) , /XMLNode : (operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (erode) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (operator) , /XMLNode : (radius) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (3) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (radius) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; , ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : /XMLNode : (id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , (AI_Erode_3) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (id) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; /Def ; /SVGFilter : /XMLNode : (filter) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : /XMLNode : (feMorphology) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : /XMLNode : (in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (SourceGraphic) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (in) , /XMLNode : (operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (erode) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (operator) , /XMLNode : (radius) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (6) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (radius) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; , ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : /XMLNode : (id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , (AI_Erode_6) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (id) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; /Def ; /SVGFilter : /XMLNode : (filter) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : /XMLNode : (feGaussianBlur) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : /XMLNode : (stdDeviation) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (stdDeviation) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; , ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : /XMLNode : (id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , (AI_GaussianBlur_4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (id) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; /Def ; /SVGFilter : /XMLNode : (filter) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : /XMLNode : (feGaussianBlur) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : /XMLNode : (stdDeviation) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (7) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (stdDeviation) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; , ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : /XMLNode : (id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , (AI_GaussianBlur_7) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (id) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; /Def ; /SVGFilter : /XMLNode : (filter) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : /XMLNode : (animate) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : /XMLNode : (fill) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (remove) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (fill) , /XMLNode : (calcMode) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (spline) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (calcMode) , /XMLNode : (values) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (1 1;20 15;200 200; 15 20;1 1 ) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (values) , /XMLNode : (begin) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (0s) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (begin) , /XMLNode : (dur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (10s) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (dur) , /XMLNode : (attributeName) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (filterRes) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (attributeName) , /XMLNode : (additive) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (replace) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (additive) , /XMLNode : (accumulate) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (none) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (accumulate) , /XMLNode : (restart) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (always) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (restart) , /XMLNode : (repeatDur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (indefinite) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (repeatDur) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; , /XMLNode : (feGaussianBlur) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : /XMLNode : (result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (blur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (result) , /XMLNode : (in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (SourceAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (in) , /XMLNode : (id) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (blur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (id) , /XMLNode : (stdDeviation) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (7) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (stdDeviation) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; , /XMLNode : (feComposite) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : /XMLNode : (result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (compositeOut) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (result) , /XMLNode : (in2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (SourceGraphic) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (in2) , /XMLNode : (in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (blur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (in) , /XMLNode : (operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (operator) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; , /XMLNode : (feComposite) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : /XMLNode : (result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (compositeOut1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (result) , /XMLNode : (in2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (SourceAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (in2) , /XMLNode : (in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (compositeOut) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (in) , /XMLNode : (operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (arithmetic) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (operator) , /XMLNode : (k4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (0) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (k4) , /XMLNode : (k1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (0) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (k1) , /XMLNode : (k2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (k2) , /XMLNode : (k3) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (k3) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; , /XMLNode : (feMerge) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : /XMLNode : (feMergeNode) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : /XMLNode : (in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (compositeOut1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (in) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; , ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; , ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : /XMLNode : (filterUnits) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (objectBoundingBox) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (filterUnits) , /XMLNode : (id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , (AI_PixelPlay_1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (id) , /XMLNode : (filterRes) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (50 50) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (filterRes) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; /Def ; /SVGFilter : /XMLNode : (filter) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : /XMLNode : (animate) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : /XMLNode : (fill) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (remove) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (fill) , /XMLNode : (calcMode) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (linear) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (calcMode) , /XMLNode : (values) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (50 50;20 20;50 50) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (values) , /XMLNode : (begin) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (0s) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (begin) , /XMLNode : (dur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (10s) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (dur) , /XMLNode : (attributeName) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (filterRes) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (attributeName) , /XMLNode : (additive) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (replace) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (additive) , /XMLNode : (accumulate) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (none) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (accumulate) , /XMLNode : (restart) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (always) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (restart) , /XMLNode : (repeatDur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (indefinite) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (repeatDur) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; , /XMLNode : (feGaussianBlur) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : /XMLNode : (result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (blur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (result) , /XMLNode : (in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (SourceAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (in) , /XMLNode : (id) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (blur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (id) , /XMLNode : (stdDeviation) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (7) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (stdDeviation) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; , /XMLNode : (feDiffuseLighting) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : /XMLNode : (animate) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : /XMLNode : (fill) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (remove) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (fill) , /XMLNode : (calcMode) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (linear) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (calcMode) , /XMLNode : (values) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (yellow;green;blue;indigo;violet;red;orange) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (values) , /XMLNode : (begin) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (0s) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (begin) , /XMLNode : (dur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (15s) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (dur) , /XMLNode : (attributeName) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (lighting-color) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (attributeName) , /XMLNode : (additive) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (replace) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (additive) , /XMLNode : (accumulate) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (none) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (accumulate) , /XMLNode : (restart) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (always) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (restart) , /XMLNode : (repeatDur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (indefinite) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (repeatDur) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; , /XMLNode : (feDistantLight) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : /XMLNode : (elevation) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (60) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (elevation) , /XMLNode : (azimuth) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (180) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (azimuth) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; , ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : /XMLNode : (result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (diffuse) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (result) , /XMLNode : (in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (blur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (in) , /XMLNode : (id) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (diffuse) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (id) , /XMLNode : (surfaceScale) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (5) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (surfaceScale) , /XMLNode : (lighting-color) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (yellow) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (lighting-color) , /XMLNode : (diffuseConstant) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (diffuseConstant) , /XMLNode : (resultScale) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (resultScale) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; , /XMLNode : (feSpecularLighting) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : /XMLNode : (animate) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : /XMLNode : (fill) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (remove) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (fill) , /XMLNode : (calcMode) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (linear) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (calcMode) , /XMLNode : (values) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (indigo;green;yellow;blue;violet;red;orange) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (values) , /XMLNode : (begin) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (0s) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (begin) , /XMLNode : (dur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (15s) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (dur) , /XMLNode : (attributeName) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (lighting-color) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (attributeName) , /XMLNode : (additive) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (replace) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (additive) , /XMLNode : (accumulate) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (none) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (accumulate) , /XMLNode : (restart) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (always) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (restart) , /XMLNode : (repeatDur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (indefinite) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (repeatDur) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; , /XMLNode : (feDistantLight) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : /XMLNode : (id) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (light) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (id) , /XMLNode : (elevation) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (60) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (elevation) , /XMLNode : (azimuth) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (180) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (azimuth) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; , ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : /XMLNode : (result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (specularOut) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (result) , /XMLNode : (in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (blur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (in) , /XMLNode : (specularConstant) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (10) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (specularConstant) , /XMLNode : (surfaceScale) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (15) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (surfaceScale) , /XMLNode : (specularExponent) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (15) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (specularExponent) , /XMLNode : (lighting-color) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (red) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (lighting-color) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; , /XMLNode : (feComposite) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : /XMLNode : (result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (specularOut) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (result) , /XMLNode : (in2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (SourceAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (in2) , /XMLNode : (in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (specularOut) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (in) , /XMLNode : (operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (operator) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; , /XMLNode : (feComposite) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : /XMLNode : (result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (litPaint) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (result) , /XMLNode : (in2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (diffuse) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (in2) , /XMLNode : (in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (SourceGraphic) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (in) , /XMLNode : (operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (arithmetic) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (operator) , /XMLNode : (k4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (0) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (k4) , /XMLNode : (k1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (k1) , /XMLNode : (k2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (0) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (k2) , /XMLNode : (k3) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (0) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (k3) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; , /XMLNode : (feComposite) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : /XMLNode : (result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (litPaint1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (result) , /XMLNode : (in2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (specularOut) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (in2) , /XMLNode : (in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (litPaint) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (in) , /XMLNode : (operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (arithmetic) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (operator) , /XMLNode : (k4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (0) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (k4) , /XMLNode : (k1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (0) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (k1) , /XMLNode : (k2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (k2) , /XMLNode : (k3) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (k3) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; , /XMLNode : (feMerge) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : /XMLNode : (feMergeNode) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : /XMLNode : (in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (litPaint1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (in) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; , ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; , ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : /XMLNode : (filterUnits) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (objectBoundingBox) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (filterUnits) , /XMLNode : (id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , (AI_PixelPlay_2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (id) , /XMLNode : (filterRes) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (50 50) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (filterRes) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; /Def ; /SVGFilter : /XMLNode : (filter) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : /XMLNode : (feGaussianBlur) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : /XMLNode : (result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (blur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (result) , /XMLNode : (in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (SourceAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (in) , /XMLNode : (stdDeviation) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (stdDeviation) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; , /XMLNode : (feOffset) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : /XMLNode : (result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (offsetBlurredAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (result) , /XMLNode : (in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (blur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (in) , /XMLNode : (dy) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (dy) , /XMLNode : (dx) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (dx) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; , /XMLNode : (feMerge) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : /XMLNode : (feMergeNode) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : /XMLNode : (in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (offsetBlurredAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (in) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; , /XMLNode : (feMergeNode) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : /XMLNode : (in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (SourceGraphic) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (in) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; , ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; , ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : /XMLNode : (filterUnits) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (objectBoundingBox) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (filterUnits) , /XMLNode : (id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , (AI_Shadow_1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (id) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; /Def ; /SVGFilter : /XMLNode : (filter) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : /XMLNode : (feGaussianBlur) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : /XMLNode : (result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (blur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (result) , /XMLNode : (in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (SourceAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (in) , /XMLNode : (stdDeviation) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (6) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (stdDeviation) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; , /XMLNode : (feOffset) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : /XMLNode : (result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (offsetBlurredAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (result) , /XMLNode : (in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (blur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (in) , /XMLNode : (dy) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (8) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (dy) , /XMLNode : (dx) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (8) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (dx) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; , /XMLNode : (feMerge) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : /XMLNode : (feMergeNode) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : /XMLNode : (in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (offsetBlurredAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (in) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; , /XMLNode : (feMergeNode) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : /XMLNode : (in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (SourceGraphic) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (in) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; , ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; , ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : /XMLNode : (y) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (-15%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (y) , /XMLNode : (x) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (-15%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (x) , /XMLNode : (height) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (130%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (height) , /XMLNode : (width) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (140%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (width) , /XMLNode : (filterUnits) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (objectBoundingBox) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (filterUnits) , /XMLNode : (id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , (AI_Shadow_2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (id) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; /Def ; /SVGFilter : /XMLNode : (filter) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : /XMLNode : (feTurbulence) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : /XMLNode : (animate) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : /XMLNode : (fill) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (remove) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (fill) , /XMLNode : (calcMode) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (linear) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (calcMode) , /XMLNode : (dur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (5s) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (dur) , /XMLNode : (attributeName) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (baseFrequency) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (attributeName) , /XMLNode : (additive) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (replace) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (additive) , /XMLNode : (accumulate) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (none) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (accumulate) , /XMLNode : (from) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (0.5) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (from) , /XMLNode : (restart) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (always) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (restart) , /XMLNode : (to) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (0.7) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (to) , /XMLNode : (repeatDur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (indefinite) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (repeatDur) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; , ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : /XMLNode : (type) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (fractalNoise) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (type) , /XMLNode : (result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (c2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (result) , /XMLNode : (baseFrequency) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (0.5) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (baseFrequency) , /XMLNode : (stitchTiles) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (noStitch) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (stitchTiles) , /XMLNode : (numOctaves) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (10) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (numOctaves) , /XMLNode : (in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (c1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (in) , /XMLNode : (id) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (c2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (id) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; , /XMLNode : (feComposite) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : /XMLNode : (in2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (SourceAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (in2) , /XMLNode : (in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (c2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (in) , /XMLNode : (operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (operator) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; , ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : /XMLNode : (filterUnits) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (objectBoundingBox) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (filterUnits) , /XMLNode : (id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , (AI_Static) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (id) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; /Def ; /SVGFilter : /XMLNode : (filter) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : /XMLNode : (feTurbulence) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : /XMLNode : (type) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (turbulence) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (type) , /XMLNode : (result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (turb) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (result) , /XMLNode : (baseFrequency) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (0.05) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (baseFrequency) , /XMLNode : (stitchTiles) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (noStitch) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (stitchTiles) , /XMLNode : (numOctaves) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (8) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (numOctaves) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; , /XMLNode : (feComposite) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : /XMLNode : (in2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (SourceAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (in2) , /XMLNode : (in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (turb) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (in) , /XMLNode : (operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (operator) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; , ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : /XMLNode : (y) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (0%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (y) , /XMLNode : (x) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (0%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (x) , /XMLNode : (height) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (100%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (height) , /XMLNode : (width) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (100%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (width) , /XMLNode : (filterUnits) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (objectBoundingBox) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (filterUnits) , /XMLNode : (id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , (AI_Turbulence_3) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (id) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; /Def ; /SVGFilter : /XMLNode : (filter) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : /XMLNode : (feTurbulence) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : /XMLNode : (type) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (fractalNoise) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (type) , /XMLNode : (result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (turb) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (result) , /XMLNode : (baseFrequency) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (0.4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (baseFrequency) , /XMLNode : (stitchTiles) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (noStitch) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (stitchTiles) , /XMLNode : (numOctaves) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (numOctaves) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; , /XMLNode : (feComposite) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : /XMLNode : (in2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (SourceAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (in2) , /XMLNode : (in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (turb) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (in) , /XMLNode : (operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (operator) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; , ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : /XMLNode : (y) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (0%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (y) , /XMLNode : (x) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (0%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (x) , /XMLNode : (height) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (100%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (height) , /XMLNode : (width) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (100%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (width) , /XMLNode : (filterUnits) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (objectBoundingBox) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (filterUnits) , /XMLNode : (id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , (AI_Turbulence_5) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (id) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; /Def ; /SVGFilter : /XMLNode : (filter) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : /XMLNode : (feGaussianBlur) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : /XMLNode : (result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (blur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (result) , /XMLNode : (in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (SourceGraphic) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (in) , /XMLNode : (id) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (blur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (id) , /XMLNode : (stdDeviation) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (stdDeviation) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; , /XMLNode : (feOffset) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : /XMLNode : (result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (offsetBlurredAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (result) , /XMLNode : (in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (blur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (in) , /XMLNode : (id) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (offset) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (id) , /XMLNode : (dy) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (dy) , /XMLNode : (dx) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (dx) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; , /XMLNode : (feFlood) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : /XMLNode : (result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (color) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (result) , /XMLNode : (id) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (color) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (id) , /XMLNode : (style) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (flood-color:black; flood-opacity:0.4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (style) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; , /XMLNode : (feComposite) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : /XMLNode : (result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (offsetBlurredAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (result) , /XMLNode : (in2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (offsetBlurredAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (in2) , /XMLNode : (in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (color) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (in) , /XMLNode : (operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (operator) , /XMLNode endstream endobj 71 0 obj <>stream endstream endobj 72 0 obj <>stream )D]t 5^)W'Q?_WTo Io'<rPD3 fy;H^ff][U<$s^( ^xm5V@ endstream endobj 73 0 obj <>stream 5*-{$Z 'loH#,^ *bO7  .M<Thwv> f#Yw]NJ0  -e@9#EyEQ F9yv5 YH9W\N <9cq #{Im endstream endobj 74 0 obj <>stream +!C,_i ss^}J+{ gZR+>d'gg 7m!jv>N U$bc(rW"r7hS 8+Ab_#d O'Ywkg<?$h~I7! endstream endobj 75 0 obj <>stream CwdA"P.w9(88 IJZ i.rMz1s68UDL@|!r~hD^-ND>stream 8f fw /,*k-a _d5DDf&ggC8;2w aCHqC!G] [" :;v^2%C&k [ ~V KN=KFfM^YbDv1fIYc$ J h4N-UӢyT/ 'S~gѵwww{G>{p#Z*F!? /,YP *J%g0;; <DD$D.D1<@4@(AAB 911z(X 7 Uq*\9$p>fwA6 U_1 Pm endstream endobj 77 0 obj <>stream 1& w"]w(- Q6 Q;)=H$ +w^l6&: pw`P6N=W41o1''"1-,459ANC\lGB;!4-[$ v<qZ :/Yy #Pe&IN-w1; 9L d[ endstream endobj 78 0 obj <>stream 3ck\G /R@| $|m K^4*Wkw%e5oXE 7!orGwy v !:lB#kM$xM!Hn]#v%<Jmm@ 'Fea6 endstream endobj 79 0 obj <>stream a4BM%cwt_I5 .=KZix&;Nbv (Bcw i/[YM?1#'T endstream endobj 80 0 obj <>stream L}ub&J`1RQkR9* r R@`@:@wVT5q;nGoF(yQ&y gSX/[bdX 'p uc28`n=&VxIA endstream endobj 81 0 obj <>stream : (id) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (shadowColor) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (id) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; , /XMLNode : (feDiffuseLighting) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : /XMLNode : (feDistantLight) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : /XMLNode : (id) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (light2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (id) , /XMLNode : (elevation) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (60) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (elevation) , /XMLNode : (azimuth) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (135) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (azimuth) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; , ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : /XMLNode : (result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (diffuse) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (result) , /XMLNode : (in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (blur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (in) , /XMLNode : (id) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (diffuse) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (id) , /XMLNode : (surfaceScale) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (5) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (surfaceScale) , /XMLNode : (lighting-color) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (white) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (lighting-color) , /XMLNode : (diffuseConstant) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (diffuseConstant) , /XMLNode : (resultScale) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (resultScale) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; , /XMLNode : (feSpecularLighting) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : /XMLNode : (feDistantLight) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : /XMLNode : (id) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (light) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (id) , /XMLNode : (elevation) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (60) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (elevation) , /XMLNode : (azimuth) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (135) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (azimuth) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; , ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : /XMLNode : (result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (specularOut) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (result) , /XMLNode : (in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (blur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (in) , /XMLNode : (specularConstant) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (specularConstant) , /XMLNode : (surfaceScale) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (5) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (surfaceScale) , /XMLNode : (specularExponent) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (10) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (specularExponent) , /XMLNode : (lighting-color) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (white) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (lighting-color) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; , /XMLNode : (feComposite) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : /XMLNode : (result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (specularOut) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (result) , /XMLNode : (in2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (SourceAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (in2) , /XMLNode : (in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (specularOut) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (in) , /XMLNode : (operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (operator) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; , /XMLNode : (feComposite) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : /XMLNode : (result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (litPaint) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (result) , /XMLNode : (in2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (diffuse) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (in2) , /XMLNode : (in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (SourceGraphic) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (in) , /XMLNode : (operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (arithmetic) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (operator) , /XMLNode : (k4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (0) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (k4) , /XMLNode : (k1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (k1) , /XMLNode : (k2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (0) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (k2) , /XMLNode : (k3) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (0) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (k3) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; , /XMLNode : (feComposite) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : /XMLNode : (result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (litPaint) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (result) , /XMLNode : (in2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (specularOut) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (in2) , /XMLNode : (in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (litPaint) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (in) , /XMLNode : (operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (arithmetic) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (operator) , /XMLNode : (k4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (0) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (k4) , /XMLNode : (k1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (0) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (k1) , /XMLNode : (k2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (k2) , /XMLNode : (k3) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (k3) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; , /XMLNode : (feMerge) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : /XMLNode : (feMergeNode) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : /XMLNode : (in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (offsetBlurredAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (in) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; , /XMLNode : (feMergeNode) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : /XMLNode : (in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (litPaint) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (in) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; , ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; , /XMLNode : (feTurbulence) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : /XMLNode : (type) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (fractalNoise) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (type) , /XMLNode : (result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (Turbulence) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (result) , /XMLNode : (baseFrequency) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (.05) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (baseFrequency) , /XMLNode : (stitchTiles) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (noStitch) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (stitchTiles) , /XMLNode : (numOctaves) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (10) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (numOctaves) , /XMLNode : (in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (SourceAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (in) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; , /XMLNode : (feColorMatrix) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : /XMLNode : (type) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (matrix) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (type) , /XMLNode : (result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (Grayscale) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (result) , /XMLNode : (in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (Turbulence) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (in) , /XMLNode : (values) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (values) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; , /XMLNode : (feGaussianBlur) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : /XMLNode : (result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (BlurredAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (result) , /XMLNode : (in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (SourceAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (in) , /XMLNode : (stdDeviation) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (stdDeviation) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; , /XMLNode : (feOffset) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : /XMLNode : (result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (OffsetBlurredAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (result) , /XMLNode : (in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (BlurredAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (in) , /XMLNode : (dy) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (-5) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (dy) , /XMLNode : (dx) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (-4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (dx) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; , /XMLNode : (feComposite) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : /XMLNode : (result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (CompBlurTurb) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (result) , /XMLNode : (in2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (OffsetBlurredAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (in2) , /XMLNode : (in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (Grayscale) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (in) , /XMLNode : (operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (operator) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; , /XMLNode : (feGaussianBlur) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : /XMLNode : (result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (CompBlurTurb2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (result) , /XMLNode : (in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (CompBlurTurb) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (in) , /XMLNode : (stdDeviation) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (1.5) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (stdDeviation) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; , /XMLNode : (feComponentTransfer) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : /XMLNode : (feFuncR) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : /XMLNode : (type) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (table) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (type) , /XMLNode : (tableValues) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (2 0) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (tableValues) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; , /XMLNode : (feFuncG) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : /XMLNode : (type) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (table) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (type) , /XMLNode : (tableValues) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (.7 0 ) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (tableValues) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; , /XMLNode : (feFuncB) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : /XMLNode : (type) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (table) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (type) , /XMLNode : (tableValues) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (.1 0) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (tableValues) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; , ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : /XMLNode : (result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (CompXferFire) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (result) , /XMLNode : (in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (Grayscale) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (in) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; , /XMLNode : (feComposite) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : /XMLNode : (result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (CompSourceFire) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (result) , /XMLNode : (in2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (SourceGraphic) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (in2) , /XMLNode : (in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (CompXferFire) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (in) , /XMLNode : (operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (operator) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; , /XMLNode : (feMerge) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : /XMLNode : (feMergeNode) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : /XMLNode : (in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (CompSourceFire) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (in) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; , ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : /XMLNode : (result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (MergeAll) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (result) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; , ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : /XMLNode : (y) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (-10%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (y) , /XMLNode : (x) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (-10%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (x) , /XMLNode : (height) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (150%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (height) , /XMLNode : (width) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (150%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (width) , /XMLNode : (filterUnits) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , (objectBoundingBox) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (filterUnits) , /XMLNode : (id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , (AI_Woodgrain) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; (id) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , ; /Def ; %AI10_EndSVGFilter %AI5_End_NonPrinting-- %AI5_Begin_NonPrinting Np %AI14_BeginSymbol (Bow) 0 A 0 Xw u u u u u 0 O 0.004456 0.991424 0.973236 0.000946 0.929412 0.109804 0.141176 Xa 0 1 0 0 0 Xy 0 J 0 j 1 w 4 M []0 d 0 XR 9.28125 -6.25977 m 9.48633 -4.69727 8.71484 -2.48926 6.14844 0.925293 c -0.576172 9.87256 -6.45313 30.9917 -0.886719 38.0776 C -1.61523 34.0015 1.36328 28.4526 V 2.91211 32.1167 7.26367 36.4917 V 6.30469 29.2944 6.97461 21.8198 v 7.53906 15.5112 8.67773 9.2749 11.7715 4.36475 C 12.1992 3.23389 12.7305 1.80225 13.1992 0.463867 c 13.9375 -1.63965 11.8086 -4.22168 9.28125 -6.25977 C f %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-1.570796) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 0.120974 1 1 0.025788 0.815686 0.094118 0.121569 Xa 15.7051 -4.54688 m 14.1738 -6.91504 11.666 -8.58496 9.85742 -9.5625 c 8.61523 -10.2295 -0.415527 -16.7256 -4.48926 -22.8516 C -7.96924 -22.2949 L 0.70459 -13.5967 4.00586 -11.1445 v 6.04492 -9.62793 8.94922 -8.79102 9.28125 -6.25977 C 11.8086 -4.22168 13.9375 -1.63965 13.1992 0.463867 c 12.7305 1.80225 12.1992 3.23389 11.7715 4.36475 C 12.7891 2.74951 14.0156 1.27881 15.5039 -0.003906 c 15.5137 -0.013672 15.5215 -0.022461 15.5313 -0.033203 C 16.0996 -1.30078 16.6133 -3.1416 15.7051 -4.54688 c f %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-1.570796) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 0.252506 1 1 0.259007 0.588235 0.031373 0.043137 Xa 8.77344 -12.3672 m 3.19531 -15.0938 1.33203 -21.9023 1.03906 -23.7383 C -4.48926 -22.8516 L -0.415527 -16.7256 8.61523 -10.2295 9.85742 -9.5625 c 11.666 -8.58496 14.1738 -6.91504 15.7051 -4.54688 c 16.6133 -3.1416 16.0996 -1.30078 15.5313 -0.033203 C 21.4902 -5.20313 14.3418 -9.64746 8.77344 -12.3672 c f %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-1.570796) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ U 9 () XW u 0.120974 1 1 0.025788 0.815686 0.094118 0.121569 Xa 2.16992 -10.6143 m 4.38086 -14.998 0.675293 -22.0254 Y 0.168945 -22.0771 L -5.19824 -27.2363 L -1.51709 -18.5898 -5.04785 -21.752 -3.50928 -18.2197 c -2.15967 -15.1201 -3.95215 -11.6094 -9.42627 -7.7334 C -6.72607 -8.19531 -4.23584 -8.30469 -2.95313 -8.44434 c -1.16211 -8.64453 1.05078 -9.91016 2.16992 -10.6143 C f %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-1.570796) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 0.004456 0.991424 0.973236 0.000946 0.929412 0.109804 0.141176 Xa -2.95313 -8.44434 m -4.23584 -8.30469 -6.72607 -8.19531 -9.42627 -7.7334 C -11.5293 -6.24512 -14.1748 -4.70313 -17.3945 -3.10938 c -28.9971 2.62451 -20.6064 18.3433 -17.3442 24.0522 c -14.085 29.769 -15.0815 34.5347 Y -12.4902 31.7261 -11.9829 24.9487 Y -8.66553 27.5933 -6.58643 32.3101 Y -4.771 24.5522 -16.7061 10.7319 -17.7847 3.70264 c -18.8613 -3.32422 -0.445801 -5.99316 2.04883 -10.3545 c 2.09766 -10.4375 2.12695 -10.5283 2.16992 -10.6143 C 1.05078 -9.91016 -1.16211 -8.64453 -2.95313 -8.44434 c f %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-1.570796) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ U 9 () XW u 0.120974 1 1 0.025788 0.815686 0.094118 0.121569 Xa -23.4019 -29.4639 m -24.7476 -29.9775 -26.1152 -30.8916 -27.3066 -31.8438 C -27.293 -31.8203 -27.2842 -31.7998 -27.2715 -31.7744 c -27.0356 -31.4072 -26.7773 -30.9785 -26.5078 -30.5176 c -25.6133 -28.9766 -24.6001 -26.9707 -23.8149 -24.8975 C -23.0469 -24.3857 -21.9175 -23.4512 -21.5151 -22.1738 c -21.1235 -20.9316 -21.9038 -19.2842 -22.6309 -17.8857 C -22.7285 -17.293 -22.8999 -16.7471 -23.1738 -16.2676 c -23.8823 -15.0273 -24.625 -13.1221 -25.167 -11.168 c -25.5928 -9.63281 -25.8906 -8.07227 -25.9512 -6.7832 C -23.1738 -11.3301 -18.0356 -15.6328 -16.4829 -19.2588 c -14.4063 -24.1016 -19.7695 -28.0781 -23.4019 -29.4639 c f %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-1.570796) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 0.004456 0.991424 0.973236 0.000946 0.929412 0.109804 0.141176 Xa -4.58496 -26.8018 m -4.59424 -26.7432 -4.71973 -26.7227 -5.69971 -27.8105 c -6.95361 -29.2031 -17.2446 -37.3438 -22.8159 -38.042 c -26.1133 -38.4531 -29.4502 -35.2979 -27.3066 -31.8438 C -26.1152 -30.8916 -24.7476 -29.9775 -23.4019 -29.4639 c -19.7695 -28.0781 -14.4063 -24.1016 -16.4829 -19.2588 c -18.0356 -15.6328 -23.1738 -11.3301 -25.9512 -6.7832 C -26.0532 -4.56445 -25.4429 -3.16016 -23.5195 -4.12305 c -23.4854 -4.13867 -23.4448 -4.16113 -23.4092 -4.17969 C -23.9448 -4.22852 -24.3384 -4.48145 -24.2358 -5.16602 c -23.9888 -6.81152 -10.0571 -14.2803 -6.36572 -17.252 C -6.14307 -17.5449 -5.96338 -17.8223 -5.83936 -18.0635 c -4.23145 -21.2852 -4.55908 -26.4287 -4.58496 -26.8018 C f %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-1.570796) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 0.252506 1 1 0.259007 0.588235 0.031373 0.043137 Xa -21.5151 -22.1738 m -21.9175 -23.4512 -23.0469 -24.3857 -23.8149 -24.8975 C -22.8892 -22.4424 -22.2969 -19.8906 -22.6309 -17.8857 C -21.9038 -19.2842 -21.1235 -20.9316 -21.5151 -22.1738 c f %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-1.570796) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ U 9 () XW u 0.120974 1 1 0.025788 0.815686 0.094118 0.121569 Xa 14.3047 -22.1982 m 15.4531 -19.7773 23.8242 -13.0352 25.8691 -7.78711 C 25.7402 -8.84473 25.4941 -10.0137 25.1738 -11.168 c 24.6328 -13.1221 23.8887 -15.0264 23.1816 -16.2666 c 22.9082 -16.7471 22.7363 -17.292 22.6387 -17.8838 C 21.9121 -19.2822 21.1289 -20.9307 21.5215 -22.1729 c 21.9258 -23.4502 23.0527 -24.3848 23.8223 -24.8965 C 24.6055 -26.9697 25.6211 -28.9756 26.5156 -30.5176 c 26.7832 -30.9785 27.041 -31.4072 27.2793 -31.7744 c 27.7793 -32.5605 27.9863 -33.3271 27.9844 -34.0469 C 27.2188 -33.3809 25.8398 -32.7354 23.4727 -31.8828 c 19.1465 -30.3271 12.748 -25.4844 14.3047 -22.1982 c f %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-1.570796) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 0.004456 0.991424 0.973236 0.000946 0.929412 0.109804 0.141176 Xa 22.8223 -38.041 m 17.252 -37.3438 6.96094 -29.2031 5.70703 -27.8105 c 4.72656 -26.7227 4.60156 -26.7422 4.5918 -26.8018 C 4.56445 -26.4277 4.23828 -21.2842 5.84766 -18.0635 c 5.9707 -17.8223 6.15234 -17.5439 6.37109 -17.251 C 10.0645 -14.2793 23.9941 -6.81152 24.2422 -5.16602 c 24.3438 -4.48145 23.9512 -4.22852 23.418 -4.17969 C 23.4531 -4.16113 23.4922 -4.13867 23.5273 -4.12305 c 25.7246 -3.02246 26.207 -5.01855 25.8691 -7.78711 C 23.8242 -13.0352 15.4531 -19.7773 14.3047 -22.1982 c 12.748 -25.4844 19.1465 -30.3271 23.4727 -31.8828 c 25.8398 -32.7354 27.2188 -33.3809 27.9844 -34.0469 C 27.9785 -36.5146 25.3926 -38.3623 22.8223 -38.041 c f %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-1.570796) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 0.252506 1 1 0.259007 0.588235 0.031373 0.043137 Xa 21.5215 -22.1729 m 21.1289 -20.9307 21.9121 -19.2822 22.6387 -17.8838 C 22.3047 -19.8896 22.8965 -22.4404 23.8223 -24.8965 C 23.0527 -24.3848 21.9258 -23.4502 21.5215 -22.1729 c f %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-1.570796) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ U 9 () XW 0.73315 1 0.31928 0.275364 0.32549 0.086275 0.345098 Xa 24.2422 -5.16602 m 24.3438 -4.48145 23.9512 -4.22852 23.418 -4.17969 C 19.2207 -6.31348 9.1543 -13.5605 6.37109 -17.251 C 10.0645 -14.2793 23.9941 -6.81152 24.2422 -5.16602 c f %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-1.570796) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 0.004456 0.991424 0.973236 0.000946 0.929412 0.109804 0.141176 Xa -4.58789 -26.8359 m -4.58643 -26.8154 -4.58496 -26.8018 V -4.58252 -26.8154 -4.58789 -26.8359 Y f %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-1.570796) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 0.73315 1 0.31928 0.275364 0.32549 0.086275 0.345098 Xa -24.2358 -5.16602 m -24.3384 -4.48145 -23.9448 -4.22852 -23.4092 -4.17969 C -19.2124 -6.31348 -9.14502 -13.5605 -6.36572 -17.252 C -10.0571 -14.2803 -23.9888 -6.81152 -24.2358 -5.16602 c f %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-1.570796) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 0 0.248478 0.247013 0 0.984314 0.784314 0.705882 Xa -24.4727 -33.7764 m -24.8608 -35.5254 -23.1128 -35.7197 v -21.3652 -35.9131 -9.51465 -29.1152 y -18.4507 -33.3877 -20.3936 -33.1934 v -22.3369 -32.999 -23.8896 -32.416 -24.4727 -33.7764 c f %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-1.570796) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 9.92969 -29.0547 m 19.4336 -36.4336 24.3379 -36.4336 v 24.8828 -36.4336 26.1172 -33.4883 24.0605 -34.209 c 21.2754 -35.1836 9.92969 -29.0547 y f %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-1.570796) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 0.252506 1 1 0.259007 0.588235 0.031373 0.043137 Xa 4.62695 -24.8398 m 11.0176 -29.4639 11.4258 -28.6484 v 11.834 -27.8311 6.53125 -25.1104 y 10.4746 -25.79 10.6094 -25.248 v 10.7461 -24.7041 5.58008 -23.8887 y 10.7461 -21.8486 10.7461 -21.3047 v 10.7461 -20.7598 5.85156 -22.5273 y 11.1543 -16.4092 10.4746 -16.1357 v 9.79492 -15.8652 5.71484 -20.4883 5.17188 -21.168 c 4.62695 -21.8486 4.62695 -24.8398 y f %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-1.570796) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ -4.8916 -24.8408 m -11.2822 -29.4639 -11.6919 -28.6484 v -12.0991 -27.8311 -6.7959 -25.1113 y -10.7393 -25.79 -10.8745 -25.249 v -11.0112 -24.7051 -5.84424 -23.8896 y -11.0112 -21.8486 -11.0112 -21.3047 v -11.0112 -20.7607 -6.11475 -22.5283 y -11.418 -16.4102 -10.7393 -16.1377 v -10.0596 -15.8652 -5.97949 -20.4893 -5.43506 -21.168 c -4.8916 -21.8486 -4.8916 -24.8408 y f %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-1.570796) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ u 0.120974 1 1 0.025788 0.815686 0.094118 0.121569 Xa 5.83594 -18.8613 m 5.79883 -19.3467 5.74805 -20.002 5.67969 -20.7451 C -0.700195 -19.0732 -4.93994 -19.9688 -6.69043 -20.541 C -6.74854 -19.9307 -6.75293 -19.3584 -6.7041 -18.8447 C -3.61035 -18.4316 1.14453 -18.085 5.83594 -18.8613 C f %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-1.570796) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 0.252506 1 1 0.259007 0.588235 0.031373 0.043137 Xa -6.7041 -18.8447 m -6.59326 -17.7051 -6.18555 -16.8926 -5.28271 -16.8135 c -2.08008 -16.5342 5.99414 -16.8135 5.85547 -18.6201 c 5.84961 -18.6934 5.8418 -18.7813 5.83594 -18.8613 C 1.14453 -18.085 -3.61035 -18.4316 -6.7041 -18.8447 C f %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-1.570796) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 0.004456 0.991424 0.973236 0.000946 0.929412 0.109804 0.141176 Xa 5.67969 -20.7451 m 5.4668 -23.0713 5.08984 -26.168 4.46289 -26.9756 c 3.60352 -28.0869 -3.6123 -28.2305 -4.58789 -27.3945 c -5.16309 -26.8984 -6.4209 -23.3887 -6.69043 -20.541 C -4.93994 -19.9688 -0.700195 -19.0732 5.67969 -20.7451 C f %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-1.570796) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ U 9 () XW 0 0.248478 0.247013 0 0.984314 0.784314 0.705882 Xa -4.48389 -25.9297 m -3.80371 -26.8809 -0.811523 -26.8809 v 2.17969 -26.8799 4.21875 -25.7939 y 3.94727 -24.5693 2.58984 -24.9756 v 1.22852 -25.3857 -0.268555 -26.4727 -1.76367 -25.7939 c -3.25928 -25.1113 -4.89111 -24.5693 -4.48389 -25.9297 c f %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-1.570796) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ -24.9473 -5.40527 m -23.4746 -8.48145 -15.981 -12.2305 v -24.8125 -9.15234 -24.9473 -5.40527 v f %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-1.570796) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 13.3223 -14.3691 m 25.498 -7.94727 25.2305 -5.80566 v 14.9258 -13.2988 13.3223 -14.3691 v f %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-1.570796) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ U 9 () XW U 9 () XW U 9 () XW U %_/ArtDictionary : %_; %_ 9 () XW %AI10_EndSymbol %AI14_BeginSymbol (Bubble) 0 A 0 Xw u u 0 O 0 1 0 0 0 Xy 0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR 11.0005 0 m 11.0005 6.0752 6.07471 11 0 11 c -6.0752 11 -11 6.0752 -11 0 c -11 -6.0752 -6.0752 -11 0 -11 c 6.07471 -11 11.0005 -6.0752 11.0005 0 c Bb 0 0 0 0 Bh 1 (Unnamed gradient 1) -0.199 -0.2801 0 1.1472 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 Bg 18.6933 0 0 -18.6933 -7889.3779 7801.1621 Bm f 0 BB U 4 M 0 0 Xd 6 () XW U %_/ArtDictionary : %_; %_ 9 () XW %AI10_EndSymbol %AI14_BeginSymbol (Cube) 0 A 0 Xw u 0 O 0.004456 0.991424 0.973236 0.000946 0.929412 0.109804 0.141176 Xa 0 R 0.697627 0.675227 0.638575 0.739559 0.137255 0.121569 0.12549 XA 0 1 0 0 0 Xy 0 J 1 j 1.5 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR -48.417 11.0503 m 0.067383 44.0073 L 0.067383 -32.2642 L -56.123 -61.5298 L -48.417 11.0503 L b %_/ArtDictionary : %_0 /Int (ArtGridPlane) , %_0 /Real (ArtGridPlaneOffset) , %_; %_ -88.0889 -15.9155 m -48.5176 10.9829 L -56.2373 -61.5894 L -100.6279 -84.7095 L -88.0889 -15.9155 L b %_/ArtDictionary : %_0 /Int (ArtGridPlane) , %_0 /Real (ArtGridPlaneOffset) , %_; %_ -121.0791 -38.3403 m -88.1709 -15.9712 L -100.7188 -84.7563 L -136.6729 -103.4829 L -121.0791 -38.3403 L b %_/ArtDictionary : %_0 /Int (ArtGridPlane) , %_0 /Real (ArtGridPlaneOffset) , %_; %_ -42.6572 66.0669 m 0.077148 100.1099 L 0.081055 44.0034 L -48.5186 10.9683 L -42.6572 66.0669 L b %_/ArtDictionary : %_0 /Int (ArtGridPlane) , %_0 /Real (ArtGridPlaneOffset) , %_; %_ -78.3232 37.6558 m -42.6582 66.0669 L -48.5156 10.9995 L -88.085 -15.8989 L -78.3232 37.6558 L b %_/ArtDictionary : %_0 /Int (ArtGridPlane) , %_0 /Real (ArtGridPlaneOffset) , %_; %_ -108.6748 13.479 m -78.3994 37.5962 L -88.168 -15.9546 L -121.0752 -38.3237 L -108.6748 13.479 L b %_/ArtDictionary : %_0 /Int (ArtGridPlane) , %_0 /Real (ArtGridPlaneOffset) , %_; %_ -38.0508 109.2813 m -0.012695 142.9854 L -0.024414 100.0103 L -42.6465 66.0601 L -38.0508 109.2813 L b %_/ArtDictionary : %_0 /Int (ArtGridPlane) , %_0 /Real (ArtGridPlaneOffset) , %_; %_ -70.5068 80.5435 m -38.0596 109.2949 L -42.6572 66.0806 L -78.3213 37.6685 L -70.5068 80.5435 L b %_/ArtDictionary : %_0 /Int (ArtGridPlane) , %_0 /Real (ArtGridPlaneOffset) , %_; %_ -98.5742 55.6714 m -70.5762 80.4819 L -78.3975 37.6089 L -108.6709 13.4917 L -98.5742 55.6714 L b %_/ArtDictionary : %_0 /Int (ArtGridPlane) , %_0 /Real (ArtGridPlaneOffset) , %_; %_ 0.038819 0 0.932555 0 1 0.94902 0 Xa 88.1592 -15.855 m 121.0889 -38.2397 L 136.6729 -103.3921 L 100.6904 -84.6489 L 88.1592 -15.855 L b %_/ArtDictionary : %_1 /Int (ArtGridPlane) , %_0 /Real (ArtGridPlaneOffset) , %_; %_ 48.5635 11.0464 m 88.1494 -15.8589 L 100.6807 -84.6597 L 56.2725 -61.5288 L 48.5635 11.0464 L b %_/ArtDictionary : %_1 /Int (ArtGridPlane) , %_0 /Real (ArtGridPlaneOffset) , %_; %_ 0.069336 44.0122 m 48.5518 11.0581 L 56.2568 -61.52 L 0.069336 -32.2544 L 0.069336 44.0122 L b %_/ArtDictionary : %_1 /Int (ArtGridPlane) , %_0 /Real (ArtGridPlaneOffset) , %_; %_ 78.4053 37.7095 m 108.6982 13.5767 L 121.0889 -38.229 L 88.1611 -15.8442 L 78.4053 37.7095 L b %_/ArtDictionary : %_1 /Int (ArtGridPlane) , %_0 /Real (ArtGridPlaneOffset) , %_; %_ 42.7666 66.1128 m 78.4346 37.6978 L 88.1924 -15.8501 L 48.6201 11.0522 L 42.7666 66.1128 L b %_/ArtDictionary : %_1 /Int (ArtGridPlane) , %_0 /Real (ArtGridPlaneOffset) , %_; %_ 0.082031 100.1011 m 42.7139 66.1401 L 48.5615 11.0728 L 0.084961 44.0278 L 0.082031 100.1011 L b %_/ArtDictionary : %_1 /Int (ArtGridPlane) , %_0 /Real (ArtGridPlaneOffset) , %_; %_ 70.6416 80.5972 m 98.6436 55.7788 L 108.7334 13.6118 L 78.4541 37.7388 L 70.6416 80.5972 L b %_/ArtDictionary : %_1 /Int (ArtGridPlane) , %_0 /Real (ArtGridPlaneOffset) , %_; %_ 38.292 109.126 m 70.7334 80.3843 L 78.5576 37.4897 L 42.9014 65.8862 L 38.292 109.126 L b %_/ArtDictionary : %_1 /Int (ArtGridPlane) , %_0 /Real (ArtGridPlaneOffset) , %_; %_ 0.15625 143.0273 m 38.1865 109.3271 L 42.7803 66.1196 L 0.166992 100.0708 L 0.15625 143.0273 L b %_/ArtDictionary : %_1 /Int (ArtGridPlane) , %_0 /Real (ArtGridPlaneOffset) , %_; %_ 0.949126 0.692073 0.009644 0 0 0.356863 0.666667 Xa 45.6104 -103.3989 m 100.6865 -84.6538 L 136.6729 -103.3989 L 83.251 -118.896 L 45.6104 -103.3989 L b %_/ArtDictionary : %_2 /Int (ArtGridPlane) , %_0 /Real (ArtGridPlaneOffset) , %_; %_ 0.163086 -118.8687 m 45.7119 -103.3657 L 83.3506 -118.8677 L 38.4326 -131.8979 L 0.163086 -118.8687 L b %_/ArtDictionary : %_2 /Int (ArtGridPlane) , %_0 /Real (ArtGridPlaneOffset) , %_; %_ -38.2031 -131.9253 m 0.066406 -118.9009 L 38.3369 -131.9253 L 0.066406 -143.0269 L -38.2031 -131.9253 L b %_/ArtDictionary : %_2 /Int (ArtGridPlane) , %_0 /Real (ArtGridPlaneOffset) , %_; %_ 0.068359 -84.6665 m 56.2588 -61.5356 L 100.6689 -84.6675 L 45.5986 -103.4087 L 0.068359 -84.6665 L b %_/ArtDictionary : %_2 /Int (ArtGridPlane) , %_0 /Real (ArtGridPlaneOffset) , %_; %_ -45.3818 -103.3608 m 0.168945 -84.6079 L 45.7002 -103.3608 L 0.151367 -118.8638 L -45.3818 -103.3608 L b %_/ArtDictionary : %_2 /Int (ArtGridPlane) , %_0 /Real (ArtGridPlaneOffset) , %_; %_ -83.1172 -118.897 m -45.4775 -103.3999 L 0.054688 -118.897 L -38.2139 -131.9224 L -83.1172 -118.897 L b %_/ArtDictionary : %_2 /Int (ArtGridPlane) , %_0 /Real (ArtGridPlaneOffset) , %_; %_ -56.124 -61.5298 m 0.063477 -32.2642 L 56.2549 -61.5288 L 0.06543 -84.6597 L -56.124 -61.5298 L b %_/ArtDictionary : %_2 /Int (ArtGridPlane) , %_0 /Real (ArtGridPlaneOffset) , %_; %_ -100.4775 -84.6021 m -56.0439 -61.4556 L 0.155273 -84.6021 L -45.3955 -103.356 L -100.4775 -84.6021 L b %_/ArtDictionary : %_2 /Int (ArtGridPlane) , %_0 /Real (ArtGridPlaneOffset) , %_; %_ -136.5537 -103.396 m -100.5713 -84.6499 L -45.4912 -103.396 L -83.1309 -118.8931 L -136.5537 -103.396 L b %_/ArtDictionary : %_2 /Int (ArtGridPlane) , %_0 /Real (ArtGridPlaneOffset) , %_; %_ 1 1 0 0 0 Xy 0 j 1 w -136.5537 -103.396 m 0.067383 -32.2642 L 136.2764 -103.3921 L -0.139648 -142.9673 L -136.5537 -103.396 L Bb 1 (Unnamed gradient 24) 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 Bg 272.8301 0 0 -114.7031 -8021.5537 7939.9673 Xm 412.3838 0 0 -114.7031 -8433.9375 7939.9673 Bc 272.8301 0 0 -114.7031 -8021.5537 7939.9673 Bm 412.3838 0 0 -114.7031 -7748.7236 7939.9673 Bc f 0 BB %_/ArtDictionary : %_2 /Int (ArtGridPlane) , %_0 /Real (ArtGridPlaneOffset) , %_; %_ -98.5742 55.6714 m 0.15625 143.0273 L 0.067383 -32.2642 L -136.6729 -103.4829 L -98.5742 55.6714 L Bb 1 (Unnamed gradient 24) 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 Bg 136.8291 0 0 -250.5102 -8021.6729 7900.4829 Xm 276.502 0 0 -250.5102 -8298.1748 7900.4829 Bc 136.8291 0 0 -250.5102 -8021.6729 7900.4829 Bm 276.502 0 0 -250.5102 -7884.8438 7900.4829 Bc f 0 BB %_/ArtDictionary : %_0 /Int (ArtGridPlane) , %_0 /Real (ArtGridPlaneOffset) , %_; %_ 0.15625 143.0273 m 98.6436 55.7788 L 136.2764 -103.3921 L 0.067383 -32.2642 L 0.15625 143.0273 L Bb 1 (Unnamed gradient 55) 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 Bg 136.209 0 0 -250.4194 -7884.9326 7900.3921 Xm 139.1416 0 0 -250.4194 -8024.0742 7900.3921 Bc 136.209 0 0 -250.4194 -7884.9326 7900.3921 Bm 139.1416 0 0 -250.4194 -7748.7236 7900.3921 Bc f 0 BB %_/ArtDictionary : %_1 /Int (ArtGridPlane) , %_0 /Real (ArtGridPlaneOffset) , %_; %_ U %_/ArtDictionary : %_68.7117 206.135 215.666 71.8887 0 0 /RealMatrix %_ (AI13Pattern9SliceScalingGridKey) , %_1 /Int (AI13PatternExportType) , %_5 /Int (AI13PatternRegistrationType) , %_0 /Bool (AI13PatternEnableGuides) , %_; %_ 9 () XW %AI10_EndSymbol %AI14_BeginSymbol (Florid Strokes) 0 A 0 Xw u u u u 0 O 0 g 0 1 0 0 0 Xy 0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR 112.1406 4.83105 m 137.8379 -7.30566 165.6299 -15.1543 193.959 -18.3877 C 201.0469 -19.1904 208.1816 -19.6118 215.3213 -19.6621 C 218.8916 -19.686 222.4629 -19.6152 226.0303 -19.4312 C 229.6074 -19.2598 233.1504 -18.9341 236.6777 -18.6543 C 243.749 -18.0737 250.8457 -17.4424 257.9082 -16.354 C 264.9648 -15.2729 271.9951 -13.6929 278.751 -11.2378 C 282.1299 -10.019 285.4326 -8.57959 288.6211 -6.91943 C 291.8164 -5.26318 294.8623 -3.34375 297.8008 -1.31543 C 303.6729 2.75293 309.2334 7.45068 313.5977 13.2261 C 315.7676 16.1094 317.6045 19.2715 318.9043 22.6611 C 320.2031 26.0469 320.9414 29.6582 321.0391 33.2773 C 321.1406 36.8906 320.7236 40.5156 319.7266 43.9922 C 318.7275 47.457 317.1289 50.8125 314.708 53.5566 C 312.3105 56.3062 308.9736 58.2739 305.376 58.9106 C 303.584 59.2417 301.7529 59.2881 299.957 59.1099 C 298.1699 58.9521 296.3506 58.5205 294.7031 57.7607 C 291.3799 56.2617 288.6738 53.4785 287.2666 50.1309 C 285.8398 46.8086 285.7168 42.855 287.3184 39.5605 C 288.1113 37.9243 289.2988 36.4878 290.7324 35.3877 C 292.1543 34.2896 293.8105 33.4233 295.6133 33.1279 C 297.4023 32.8145 299.2695 33.0273 300.9482 33.7002 C 302.624 34.3584 304.1445 35.5322 305.0459 37.1206 C 305.9678 38.6885 306.166 40.6816 305.4902 42.377 C 304.8418 44.0674 303.5068 45.4858 301.8369 46.187 C 300.1797 46.917 298.1504 46.7539 296.6699 45.7056 C 296.2998 45.4487 295.9424 45.1787 295.6709 44.7954 C 295.4023 44.4258 295.2266 43.9966 295.1289 43.5566 C 295.0322 43.1157 295.0029 42.6655 295.0078 42.2192 C 295.0186 41.772 294.9795 41.3306 294.6016 40.8291 C 294.5889 40.8125 l 294.3203 40.4561 294.3906 39.9497 294.7471 39.6812 c 295.1035 39.4126 295.6094 39.4834 295.8779 39.8398 c 296.1426 40.1904 296.0771 40.6875 295.7344 40.959 c 295.2568 41.3379 295.1426 41.7808 295.1465 42.2202 C 295.1465 42.6592 295.1797 43.0986 295.2764 43.5229 C 295.457 44.3882 296.0127 45.1021 296.7695 45.5566 C 298.2168 46.5557 300.1572 46.6885 301.7461 45.9717 C 303.3447 45.2817 304.6172 43.8989 305.2207 42.2754 C 305.8467 40.6499 305.6396 38.7754 304.749 37.292 C 303.873 35.7891 302.4229 34.688 300.8018 34.0693 C 299.1836 33.4399 297.3945 33.2559 295.6914 33.5723 C 293.9814 33.8701 292.4092 34.7109 291.0439 35.7856 C 289.6777 36.8574 288.5625 38.2383 287.8242 39.8018 C 286.335 42.9463 286.4873 46.7095 287.8818 49.8662 C 289.2568 53.0479 291.8613 55.6641 295.0215 57.0508 C 296.6064 57.7549 298.2871 58.1479 300.0313 58.2744 C 301.7637 58.4209 303.5107 58.3481 305.2021 58.0098 C 308.5957 57.353 311.6719 55.4741 313.8984 52.8491 C 316.1436 50.229 317.6299 47.0044 318.5391 43.6602 C 319.4492 40.3062 319.7998 36.7983 319.6504 33.3296 C 319.5039 29.8608 318.75 26.4395 317.4639 23.2246 C 316.1768 20.0078 314.3701 17.0083 312.2451 14.2568 C 307.9688 8.74951 302.4961 4.23682 296.6836 0.325195 C 290.875 -3.64551 284.6221 -6.8252 277.9932 -9.09863 C 264.7227 -13.6807 250.5625 -14.9785 236.4717 -16.0317 C 232.9297 -16.2896 229.4082 -16.5894 225.9023 -16.7339 C 222.3877 -16.8926 218.8682 -16.939 215.3486 -16.8926 C 208.3096 -16.8066 201.2783 -16.3037 194.2725 -15.5503 C 180.2705 -13.9805 166.3643 -11.2935 152.7021 -7.78369 C 145.8701 -6.00684 139.1152 -3.93066 132.4209 -1.66797 C 125.7129 0.564453 119.1074 3.09277 112.541 5.74805 C 112.2842 5.85156 111.9932 5.72754 111.8896 5.47168 c 111.79 5.2251 111.9033 4.94385 112.1406 4.83105 C f U %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 0 0 Xd 6 () XW %_112.3408 5.28955 m %_129.04 -2.05078 146.7705 -8.01709 164.5742 -11.9746 c %_186.4805 -16.8442 208.9023 -19.499 231.3389 -17.75 c %_253.332 -16.0352 274.6689 -14.728 293.6436 -2.84424 c %_305.959 4.86816 319.0967 16.1587 320.2773 32.085 c %_321.209 44.6641 315.1914 60.6528 299.1299 58.5996 c %_286.3223 56.9624 281.6221 40.5981 292.6016 34.4463 c %_295.877 32.6108 299.4941 32.9561 302.1738 34.5142 c %_304.9883 36.1509 306.6436 39.4429 305.2188 42.6631 c %_303.6904 46.1143 299.3828 47.9399 296.1816 45.2261 c %_294.9629 44.1929 294.9854 42.4844 295.168 40.894 c %_N %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 1 (Anon 771) XW u 0 O 0 g 54.6563 42.0425 m 65.3516 41.8101 75.9199 39.9868 86.3184 37.4941 C 96.7266 35.0137 107.0303 32.0239 117.499 29.4897 C 122.7305 28.2158 128.0098 27.0835 133.3428 26.1753 C 138.6592 25.2295 144.1494 24.7075 149.585 24.8047 C 160.4619 24.9761 171.3721 27.2305 181.2168 31.9453 C 191.0469 36.6099 199.7568 43.896 205.4629 53.2168 C 206.8857 55.5474 208.0781 58.042 208.9033 60.6587 C 209.7354 63.2734 210.2061 65.9893 210.3867 68.707 C 210.4766 70.0664 210.4971 71.4272 210.4629 72.7842 C 210.4307 74.126 210.3613 75.5264 210.0586 76.8838 C 209.4824 79.5752 208.1855 82.2441 205.9287 83.9976 C 204.8096 84.8618 203.4551 85.4487 202.0439 85.6182 C 200.6338 85.7983 199.2021 85.5786 197.8975 85.1035 C 197.2422 84.8677 196.6152 84.5684 196.0146 84.23 C 195.4277 83.895 194.8174 83.5083 194.3096 83.0049 C 193.29 82.0112 192.6191 80.7236 192.2559 79.3857 C 191.543 76.7002 191.9238 73.7549 193.3428 71.3696 C 194.0547 70.1821 195.0488 69.1533 196.2412 68.4399 C 197.4326 67.7246 198.7939 67.3228 200.1621 67.2134 C 202.8955 66.9585 205.7217 67.8008 207.8398 69.5386 C 209.9814 71.2524 211.4629 73.6689 212.2861 76.2432 C 213.1123 78.8252 213.3047 81.6016 212.8467 84.2666 C 212.6162 85.5986 212.2207 86.9019 211.6631 88.1323 C 211.3848 88.7476 211.0664 89.3447 210.7109 89.918 C 210.375 90.5176 209.833 90.9175 210.0098 91.9492 C 210.0137 91.9746 l 210.1143 92.5601 209.7207 93.1157 209.1357 93.2158 c 208.5508 93.3164 207.9951 92.9229 207.8945 92.3379 c 207.7939 91.7524 208.1875 91.1968 208.7725 91.0967 c 208.8271 91.0874 208.8877 91.082 208.9414 91.0811 c 209.9629 91.0698 210.1973 90.3716 210.5635 89.8271 C 210.9092 89.2568 211.2168 88.6636 211.4854 88.0532 C 212.0225 86.8325 212.3994 85.5425 212.6123 84.2275 C 213.0361 81.5962 212.8164 78.8662 211.9795 76.3438 C 211.1455 73.8281 209.6689 71.4897 207.5859 69.8594 C 205.5225 68.2061 202.8213 67.4365 200.207 67.7061 C 198.9023 67.8247 197.627 68.2192 196.5215 68.8994 C 195.4141 69.5781 194.4971 70.5459 193.8418 71.6665 C 192.5322 73.9131 192.2041 76.7153 192.8975 79.2075 C 193.249 80.4492 193.8809 81.6177 194.8008 82.4922 C 195.7148 83.3296 196.959 83.936 198.1553 84.3696 C 199.376 84.791 200.6768 84.9624 201.9326 84.7803 C 203.1885 84.6074 204.375 84.0693 205.3662 83.2783 C 207.3633 81.6772 208.5381 79.2012 209.0313 76.6729 C 209.293 75.3999 209.3369 74.1045 209.3477 72.7651 C 209.3584 71.4385 209.3154 70.1133 209.207 68.7954 C 208.9863 66.1616 208.4883 63.5581 207.6504 61.0679 C 206.8164 58.5757 205.6377 56.2104 204.2275 53.9834 C 198.541 45.0283 189.9883 38.1064 180.3779 33.7354 C 170.7461 29.3477 160.1348 27.2192 149.5615 27.1558 C 144.2559 27.1138 139.0146 27.6567 133.7705 28.6377 C 128.5225 29.5669 123.3174 30.7793 118.1152 32.0317 C 107.7148 34.5605 97.335 37.3833 86.7744 39.5513 C 81.4971 40.6377 76.1797 41.5801 70.8184 42.2295 C 65.4629 42.8716 60.0498 43.2617 54.6563 43.0425 C 54.6475 43.042 l 54.3711 43.0308 54.1563 42.7979 54.168 42.522 c 54.1787 42.2573 54.3955 42.0488 54.6563 42.0425 C f U %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 0 0 Xd 6 () XW %_54.6563 42.5425 m %_81.791 42.7524 110.5732 30.8228 136.9922 26.8477 c %_160.4717 23.3149 188.1104 30.3618 202.9043 50.7241 c %_207.5713 57.147 210.3252 63.7642 209.8643 74.1685 c %_209.4883 82.6577 203.1191 88.3252 195.498 83.4897 c %_190.0156 80.0112 191.2568 68.0405 200.4434 67.4375 c %_211.4629 66.7139 217.0488 82.1982 209.4756 91.5151 c %_N %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 1 (Anon 772) XW u 0 O 0 g 28.2222 35.9365 m 39.2793 37.8105 50.5918 36.7578 61.4775 34.2856 C 72.3926 31.8037 83.0186 28.1387 93.6904 24.5557 C 99.0313 22.77 104.3955 21.0107 109.8418 19.4727 C 115.2939 17.9131 120.8223 16.7119 126.3438 15.5674 C 137.4014 13.2979 148.5742 11.5215 159.8301 10.4434 C 171.082 9.37695 182.4248 8.98096 193.7383 9.63232 C 205.043 10.291 216.3232 11.9585 227.2734 14.9629 C 238.2178 17.9609 248.8184 22.3301 258.5742 28.1675 C 263.4502 31.084 268.1133 34.3584 272.5078 37.9575 C 274.708 39.7583 276.833 41.6309 278.9004 43.5967 C 280.9629 45.5776 282.8926 47.6777 284.7207 49.8589 C 288.374 54.2241 291.6387 58.9038 294.4521 63.8501 C 297.2578 68.7969 299.6191 74.0254 301.209 79.5215 C 302.7852 85.0024 303.5889 90.8135 302.8545 96.564 C 302.1592 102.3022 299.6963 107.8569 295.8271 112.1567 C 291.9824 116.4287 287.0869 119.855 281.4863 121.4385 C 275.9023 123.0469 269.793 122.4976 264.5205 120.186 C 259.2275 117.894 254.6768 114.0449 251.4316 109.314 C 248.2119 104.606 246.2158 98.8154 246.8652 93.0103 C 247.5869 87.2954 250.1924 81.856 254.25 77.7813 C 258.2686 73.7012 263.8721 71.0723 269.6602 71.0771 C 275.3955 71.0854 281.1367 73.3804 285.1162 77.5493 C 287.0908 79.6318 288.5557 82.2388 289.1582 85.0625 C 289.458 86.4746 289.5908 87.9082 289.4531 89.3633 C 289.3086 90.8027 288.9287 92.2051 288.3721 93.5293 C 287.2598 96.1558 285.3848 98.583 282.7568 99.8838 C 281.4541 100.5283 279.9902 100.8491 278.541 100.8096 C 277.0908 100.7778 275.668 100.4229 274.3477 99.874 C 273.6904 99.5957 273.0371 99.292 272.4258 98.9048 C 271.8076 98.5117 271.2568 98.0342 270.7676 97.5015 C 269.8047 96.4287 269.0342 95.1724 268.6152 93.7803 C 268.2178 92.3838 268.1875 90.9033 268.4775 89.4907 C 268.7695 88.085 269.417 86.709 270.499 85.7114 C 271.5635 84.6797 273.1172 84.2769 274.5469 84.3843 C 275.9883 84.4736 277.4404 85.0996 278.373 86.2427 C 279.3145 87.3828 279.6709 88.8677 279.6787 90.2959 C 279.6826 91.7383 279.1221 93.1987 278.085 94.2188 C 277.0615 95.2568 275.6221 95.8013 274.2061 95.9126 C 272.7813 96.0464 271.3516 95.8647 269.9775 95.5293 C 268.6016 95.1924 267.2705 94.6963 265.9863 94.1079 C 265.3447 93.8135 264.7148 93.4927 264.0977 93.1514 C 263.4434 92.8594 263.0137 92.2397 261.9473 92.5859 C 261.9355 92.5898 l 261.3359 92.7847 260.6914 92.4561 260.4971 91.8564 c 260.3018 91.2563 260.6299 90.6123 261.2305 90.4175 c 261.8301 90.2227 262.4746 90.5508 262.6689 91.1509 c 262.6934 91.2251 262.71 91.3062 262.7188 91.3809 c 262.8379 92.4839 263.6191 92.582 264.1992 92.9663 C 264.8145 93.3008 265.4414 93.6152 266.0801 93.9028 C 267.3564 94.478 268.6777 94.9595 270.0371 95.2832 C 271.3936 95.6045 272.7979 95.7715 274.1777 95.6323 C 275.5557 95.5137 276.9033 94.9854 277.8652 94 C 279.8447 92.0479 279.7529 88.5771 278.0918 86.4771 C 277.2246 85.4282 275.876 84.8535 274.5215 84.7778 C 273.1631 84.6924 271.7607 85.0654 270.7852 86.022 C 269.793 86.9473 269.1865 88.2437 268.9189 89.5815 C 268.6514 90.9238 268.6924 92.3379 269.0742 93.6465 C 269.4746 94.9478 270.2227 96.1494 271.1396 97.1577 C 272.0586 98.1841 273.2578 98.8633 274.5498 99.3789 C 275.8271 99.8999 277.1855 100.2256 278.5518 100.2466 C 279.916 100.2744 281.2783 99.9648 282.4941 99.354 C 284.9443 98.124 286.7266 95.8057 287.7744 93.2793 C 288.2998 92.0083 288.6533 90.6616 288.7813 89.2998 C 288.9014 87.9517 288.7656 86.5479 288.4707 85.2148 C 287.8779 82.5278 286.4688 80.0557 284.5645 78.0723 C 280.7314 74.1016 275.1582 71.9155 269.6621 71.9497 C 264.1348 71.9824 258.7852 74.5293 254.9502 78.4746 C 251.0801 82.4048 248.6074 87.6797 247.957 93.1304 C 247.377 98.5996 249.3027 104.126 252.4297 108.6274 C 255.5742 113.1509 259.9814 116.8213 265.041 118.9692 C 270.0859 121.1367 275.8398 121.6064 281.0938 120.0576 C 286.3525 118.541 291.0264 115.2163 294.6504 111.123 C 298.2852 107.0107 300.5459 101.7954 301.166 96.3535 C 301.8203 90.9033 301.0176 85.3311 299.4482 80.0361 C 297.8672 74.7271 295.5254 69.6436 292.7441 64.8291 C 289.9551 60.0151 286.7188 55.4531 283.1152 51.2163 C 281.3115 49.1011 279.4111 47.0674 277.4111 45.1543 C 275.3926 43.2505 273.2861 41.4082 271.125 39.6538 C 266.7988 36.1396 262.2139 32.9468 257.4209 30.1055 C 247.8311 24.4185 237.415 20.1719 226.6465 17.2671 C 215.8711 14.356 204.7549 12.7549 193.5957 12.1489 C 182.4316 11.5317 171.2129 11.856 160.0615 12.897 C 148.9063 13.938 137.8135 15.6729 126.8193 17.9014 C 121.3232 19.0435 115.835 20.1841 110.4463 21.6567 C 105.0459 23.1216 99.6943 24.8145 94.3438 26.542 C 83.6445 29.98 72.9346 33.6504 61.8301 35.9248 C 56.2871 37.0669 50.6572 37.8745 44.9873 38.1152 C 39.3232 38.3682 33.6104 38.0044 28.0542 36.9219 C 28.043 36.9199 l 27.772 36.8672 27.5952 36.6045 27.6479 36.3335 c 27.7002 36.0669 27.9561 35.8916 28.2222 35.9365 C f U %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 0 0 Xd 6 () XW %_28.1382 36.4292 m %_58.5273 41.9556 88.3467 25.397 117.1621 18.7778 c %_170.8379 6.44775 233.9287 3.2876 277.4355 43.6958 c %_293.7051 58.8062 315.334 94.7739 292.0742 114.7632 c %_270.4922 133.3105 244.4355 110.6304 247.5518 92.0479 c %_249.4854 80.5151 258.7637 71.6641 269.54 71.5137 c %_278.7656 71.3848 288.9277 77.834 289.166 88.0503 c %_289.3145 94.395 283.3613 104.3589 273.1162 99.0063 c %_271.291 98.0527 270.0137 96.4131 269.2188 94.7148 c %_267.8018 91.6904 268.5049 86.9844 271.5107 85.2173 c %_273.6807 83.9414 278.207 84.3105 279.2705 88.4331 c %_280.2402 92.1919 278.1631 94.9497 275.1924 95.6147 c %_271.4102 96.4614 266.415 94.5947 262.333 91.9834 c %_N %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 1 (Anon 773) XW u 0 O 0 g -23.3828 1.49707 m -20.5283 5.78955 -17.3711 9.88135 -13.6943 13.4521 C -10.0444 17.0439 -5.75586 19.9082 -1.09229 21.9873 C 3.56494 24.0771 8.54248 25.418 13.5962 26.1909 C 18.6553 26.9575 23.7949 27.2065 28.9219 27.0332 C 39.1826 26.6787 49.3789 24.7983 59.2285 21.8828 C 69.1104 19.0557 78.3379 14.4316 87.2334 9.22998 C 96.1357 4.02637 104.7285 -1.76709 113.6797 -7.06201 C 122.5996 -12.3574 131.6592 -17.4316 140.876 -22.2075 C 159.3096 -31.752 178.4307 -40.0371 198.1719 -46.5239 C 208.0469 -49.7271 218.0215 -52.667 228.21 -54.811 C 238.3887 -56.9287 248.8008 -58.2715 259.25 -57.9492 C 264.4668 -57.7837 269.6836 -57.1875 274.7842 -56.0249 C 277.334 -55.4453 279.8535 -54.7231 282.3193 -53.8477 C 283.5547 -53.4155 284.7705 -52.9355 285.9775 -52.4229 C 287.1973 -51.8916 288.3682 -51.2852 289.5049 -50.6133 C 294.042 -47.9146 297.9453 -44.2559 301.0879 -40.0586 C 304.2158 -35.856 306.6152 -31.0557 307.7412 -25.9058 C 308.9072 -20.7393 308.3721 -15.3433 306.9473 -10.332 C 306.2158 -7.81934 305.2197 -5.37109 303.8643 -3.1167 C 302.5146 -0.869141 300.7734 1.19775 298.5742 2.69238 C 296.3877 4.20166 293.7266 4.99658 291.0723 4.95752 C 289.7402 4.94775 288.3828 4.5835 287.2393 3.87549 C 286.0869 3.1748 285.1543 2.16602 284.4551 1.03955 C 283.0664 -1.23291 282.5039 -3.93018 282.667 -6.55713 C 282.7988 -9.22266 284.0293 -11.6826 285.5176 -13.8101 C 287.0449 -15.9375 288.9355 -17.7793 291.0137 -19.3477 C 293.0918 -20.9204 295.3613 -22.2339 297.752 -23.2661 C 302.5225 -25.4004 307.9355 -25.9165 313.0527 -25.0327 C 318.1982 -24.1729 323.0342 -22.1094 327.6396 -19.7617 C 329.9482 -18.584 332.2119 -17.3232 334.4736 -16.064 C 337.873 -14.1875 L 339.585 -13.2729 L 340.1602 -12.9814 340.6807 -12.5635 341.6172 -13.0034 C 342.2129 -13.2832 342.9229 -13.0273 343.2021 -12.4321 c 343.4824 -11.8364 343.2266 -11.127 342.6309 -10.8467 c 342.0352 -10.5669 341.3252 -10.8228 341.0459 -11.4185 c 341.0078 -11.498 340.9805 -11.5801 340.9609 -11.6631 c 340.959 -11.6753 l 340.7354 -12.6909 340.1035 -12.8618 339.5303 -13.1685 C 337.8125 -14.0747 L 334.4014 -15.9331 L 332.1328 -17.1802 329.8633 -18.4272 327.5527 -19.5908 C 322.9424 -21.9092 318.1143 -23.9355 313.0078 -24.7598 C 302.7676 -26.668 291.9922 -21.7319 285.8818 -13.5522 C 284.4355 -11.46 283.2676 -9.0835 283.1543 -6.52539 C 283.0098 -3.99658 283.5742 -1.38965 284.9053 0.758301 C 285.5752 1.82373 286.4561 2.76172 287.5254 3.40332 C 288.5918 4.05176 289.8301 4.37061 291.085 4.36963 C 293.6113 4.37988 296.1328 3.60254 298.2002 2.14502 C 300.2813 0.700195 301.9414 -1.30176 303.2295 -3.49512 C 304.5225 -5.69434 305.4727 -8.09277 306.1631 -10.5552 C 307.5098 -15.4824 307.9736 -20.7285 306.7969 -25.6968 C 305.6602 -30.6709 303.2803 -35.3242 300.1953 -39.3857 C 297.0977 -43.4424 293.2598 -46.9609 288.8633 -49.519 C 286.6797 -50.8125 284.3105 -51.7422 281.877 -52.5811 C 279.4551 -53.415 276.9805 -54.0986 274.4766 -54.6431 C 269.4658 -55.7354 264.3398 -56.2725 259.207 -56.3867 C 248.9277 -56.6069 238.6582 -55.188 228.5986 -52.9946 C 218.5293 -50.7925 208.6113 -47.8447 198.8066 -44.6045 C 179.2061 -38.0845 160.2646 -29.689 141.917 -20.1963 C 132.7363 -15.4536 123.7109 -10.4136 114.8135 -5.146 C 105.9287 0.093262 97.3252 5.87891 88.3359 11.1191 C 83.8428 13.7378 79.2559 16.23 74.5029 18.4023 C 69.7637 20.5825 64.8154 22.4199 59.8037 23.8394 C 49.7822 26.7256 39.4287 28.5586 28.9751 28.8442 C 18.5654 29.1147 7.87988 27.7485 -1.69531 23.3047 C -6.45947 21.1021 -10.8726 18.0557 -14.5537 14.3242 C -18.2603 10.6187 -21.4038 6.41357 -24.2168 2.04785 C -24.3687 1.81738 -24.3042 1.50732 -24.0732 1.35547 c -23.8447 1.20557 -23.5356 1.271 -23.3828 1.49707 C f U %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 0 0 Xd 6 () XW %_-23.7998 1.77246 m %_-20.6387 6.61133 -17.0532 11.2354 -12.8516 15.1045 c %_6.55322 32.9697 39.9941 29.2876 63.2393 21.709 c %_81.2217 15.8452 97.2754 3.99121 113.4072 -5.60742 c %_141.8086 -22.5068 171.6553 -37.1812 203.2021 -47.0869 c %_228.4316 -55.0088 259.5908 -62.5864 285.2949 -52.0034 c %_297.0947 -47.145 307.4775 -33.709 307.9121 -20.8286 c %_308.2402 -11.1108 303.2314 4.6709 291.1279 4.66455 c %_284.249 4.66113 281.5244 -4.04932 283.5234 -9.58838 c %_286.2871 -17.2451 295.6094 -23.2471 302.9482 -24.7559 c %_317.1846 -27.6826 329.874 -17.9946 341.2881 -12.3394 c %_N %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 1 (Anon 774) XW u 0 O 0 g -15.5288 -2.6665 m -12.8291 1.52148 -9.92383 5.56787 -6.2998 8.87598 C -4.49365 10.5332 -2.53174 12.0156 -0.474609 13.3677 C 1.56396 14.7339 3.71143 15.7881 6.00928 16.6113 C 10.5889 18.2471 15.4971 18.877 20.3906 19.0098 C 25.2964 19.123 30.2227 18.668 35.082 17.8477 C 39.9414 17.0215 44.7441 15.8228 49.4268 14.29 C 51.7637 13.5225 54.0869 12.665 56.3301 11.7178 C 58.6426 10.7412 60.8447 9.73242 63.0684 8.62842 C 67.4824 6.42627 71.7676 3.98145 75.8799 1.25195 C 79.9971 -1.4707 83.9551 -4.44629 87.832 -7.55176 C 91.7109 -10.6553 95.5156 -13.876 99.3389 -17.0991 C 103.1641 -20.3247 107.0127 -23.5283 110.8945 -26.6953 C 118.6602 -33.0239 126.5586 -39.2202 134.7754 -45 C 151.1455 -56.6221 168.7393 -66.7236 187.4844 -74.0996 C 196.8379 -77.8154 206.459 -80.8423 216.208 -83.2676 C 225.9873 -85.668 236.0039 -87.3589 246.1504 -87.3921 C 251.2148 -87.3979 256.3057 -86.9707 261.2842 -85.8848 C 266.2578 -84.8052 271.1201 -83.043 275.5449 -80.4722 C 280.0303 -77.9575 283.8721 -74.2661 286.5986 -69.9092 C 287.9639 -67.7271 289.0518 -65.354 289.7197 -62.8428 C 290.3809 -60.3364 290.6016 -57.6685 290.1377 -55.0708 C 289.6836 -52.4727 288.5059 -50.0146 286.7959 -48.0166 C 285.1445 -46.0693 283.1455 -44.3223 280.8115 -43.1455 C 278.4873 -41.9614 275.8174 -41.3979 273.209 -41.6348 C 270.5986 -41.8525 268.0967 -42.8193 265.9561 -44.2593 C 261.6855 -47.1475 258.6689 -51.876 258.1328 -57.0273 C 257.8623 -59.5918 258.2705 -62.2314 259.3203 -64.585 C 260.3613 -66.9463 262.0039 -68.9961 263.9307 -70.6572 C 265.8564 -72.3291 268.0645 -73.6333 270.3506 -74.6909 C 272.6357 -75.7554 274.9951 -76.6274 277.3682 -77.4307 C 282.1113 -79.0415 286.9463 -80.3369 291.5674 -82.188 C 293.8672 -83.1211 296.123 -84.2021 298.1182 -85.6611 C 300.1064 -87.1074 301.7998 -89.0215 302.6523 -91.3364 C 303.5215 -93.644 303.5459 -96.2002 303.1172 -98.6318 C 302.9053 -99.853 302.5859 -101.0571 302.1973 -102.2378 C 301.7783 -103.3999 301.5283 -104.6694 300.2451 -105.4487 C 299.7891 -105.7256 299.6436 -106.3203 299.9199 -106.7764 c 300.1973 -107.2324 300.792 -107.3779 301.248 -107.1011 c 301.5977 -106.8882 301.7656 -106.4888 301.6982 -106.1079 c 301.6963 -106.0981 l 301.4287 -104.5947 302.1123 -103.543 302.4824 -102.3335 C 302.8867 -101.145 303.2207 -99.9297 303.4482 -98.6909 C 303.9063 -96.2261 303.9131 -93.6006 303.0342 -91.1958 C 302.1719 -88.7827 300.4258 -86.7783 298.4023 -85.2783 C 296.3701 -83.7632 294.0889 -82.6475 291.7744 -81.6821 C 287.125 -79.77 282.2949 -78.4287 277.5908 -76.7813 C 272.9219 -75.1191 268.1748 -73.2983 264.4746 -70.0347 C 262.6367 -68.4199 261.1006 -66.4556 260.1416 -64.2261 C 259.1768 -62.0024 258.8184 -59.5337 259.0938 -57.1294 C 259.6367 -52.3071 262.5361 -47.8345 266.5801 -45.2012 C 268.5986 -43.8838 270.9248 -43.0303 273.3057 -42.8662 C 275.6865 -42.6855 278.0879 -43.2271 280.1992 -44.3384 C 282.3223 -45.4487 284.1465 -47.0752 285.6953 -48.9551 C 287.208 -50.7783 288.2344 -52.9971 288.6074 -55.333 C 289.3721 -60.0522 287.7129 -64.9277 285.1104 -68.9648 C 282.4717 -73.04 278.8389 -76.4414 274.5664 -78.7578 C 270.3057 -81.1499 265.6357 -82.7788 260.835 -83.7588 C 256.0293 -84.7441 251.0957 -85.0981 246.1689 -85.0298 C 236.3008 -84.875 226.4756 -83.0952 216.8926 -80.6128 C 207.2734 -78.085 197.8252 -74.9727 188.6084 -71.2813 C 170.1602 -63.9009 152.8789 -53.8535 136.7285 -42.2529 C 128.6484 -36.4512 120.7627 -30.3613 113.0078 -24.0928 C 109.1309 -20.9565 105.2832 -17.7813 101.4531 -14.5791 C 97.6201 -11.376 93.7822 -8.15283 89.8418 -5.02734 C 81.9873 1.23047 73.5771 7.04004 64.4033 11.3687 C 62.1338 12.4536 59.7734 13.4888 57.4658 14.4204 C 55.0898 15.3804 52.7061 16.2168 50.2822 16.9712 C 45.4414 18.4722 40.501 19.624 35.4932 20.3955 C 30.4868 21.1602 25.4067 21.5522 20.3169 21.356 C 15.2373 21.1636 10.1191 20.333 5.31104 18.4834 C 2.92578 17.5635 0.585938 16.3335 -1.48633 14.853 C -3.56152 13.3965 -5.55273 11.7944 -7.37695 10.0142 C -11.0659 6.46436 -13.8477 2.16602 -16.3784 -2.13916 C -16.52 -2.37598 -16.4429 -2.68311 -16.2061 -2.82471 c -15.9751 -2.96289 -15.6753 -2.88916 -15.5288 -2.6665 C f U %_/ArtDictionary : %_/Array : %_/Array : %_1 /Real , %_0.0551 /Real , %_; , %_/Array : %_2 /Real , %_0.177 /Real , %_; , %_/Array : %_3 /Real , %_0.2834 /Real , %_; , %_/Array : %_4 /Real , %_0.5611 /Real , %_; , %_; (kAIBeautifulStrokes_WidthProfileAnchors) , %_9 /Int (kAIBeautifulStrokes_WidthProfileRememberedPtCount) , %_0 /Bool (kAIBeautifulStrokes_WidthProfileRememberedPathClosure) , %_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 0 0 Xd 6 () XW %_-15.9536 -2.40283 m %_-11.4097 4.95361 -7.77441 9.58594 -0.487305 14.4438 c %_14.7637 24.6104 41.2344 19.522 56.8135 13.1045 c %_74.5723 5.78955 85.5518 -3.36768 99.8564 -15.3867 c %_136.0752 -45.8184 167.708 -69.1343 215.1338 -81.5747 c %_244.2207 -89.2046 263.6367 -86.8589 276.6621 -78.6533 c %_286.8877 -72.2114 294.1152 -57.9434 286.2783 -48.5244 c %_269.7715 -28.6851 243.4277 -60.7397 269.5664 -73.8887 c %_285.7432 -82.0264 311.9277 -81.2778 300.9707 -105.7734 c %_N %_/ArtDictionary : %_/Array : %_/Array : %_1 /Real , %_0.0551 /Real , %_; , %_/Array : %_2 /Real , %_0.177 /Real , %_; , %_/Array : %_3 /Real , %_0.2834 /Real , %_; , %_/Array : %_4 /Real , %_0.5611 /Real , %_; , %_; (kAIBeautifulStrokes_WidthProfileAnchors) , %_9 /Int (kAIBeautifulStrokes_WidthProfileRememberedPtCount) , %_0 /Bool (kAIBeautifulStrokes_WidthProfileRememberedPathClosure) , %_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 1 (Anon 775) XW u 0 O 0 g -5.61133 4.61621 m -4.10059 5.83105 -2.6543 7.08301 -1.02246 8 C 0.625977 8.92383 2.36621 9.79688 4.09082 10.6006 C 7.55225 12.2012 11.1953 13.4175 14.9331 13.7065 C 22.5078 14.2598 30.1265 12.5176 37.2217 9.75732 C 44.3428 6.97217 51.085 3.22607 57.501 -0.992676 C 60.7031 -3.10693 63.8672 -5.32471 66.9082 -7.64941 C 69.8877 -9.98389 72.6318 -12.6665 75.1992 -15.4966 C 80.3564 -21.1616 84.7871 -27.4932 89.4648 -33.6626 C 94.1855 -39.8066 99.1758 -45.7715 104.7119 -51.2178 C 110.2402 -56.6611 116.3857 -61.5171 123.1445 -65.3276 C 126.5176 -67.2393 130.041 -68.8828 133.667 -70.2427 C 135.4805 -70.9214 137.3184 -71.5322 139.1768 -72.0723 C 140.1055 -72.3433 141.0391 -72.5972 141.9775 -72.833 C 143.3867 -73.1763 L 143.8604 -73.2778 144.3291 -73.3887 144.7119 -73.8979 C 144.9307 -74.188 145.3418 -74.2466 145.6318 -74.0283 c 145.9219 -73.8101 145.9805 -73.3984 145.7627 -73.1084 c 145.5664 -72.8481 145.21 -72.7769 144.9307 -72.9224 c 144.373 -73.2109 143.8975 -73.1172 143.4336 -72.9844 C 142.0322 -72.6221 L 141.1006 -72.374 140.1729 -72.1074 139.251 -71.8242 C 137.4063 -71.2603 135.584 -70.626 133.7891 -69.9248 C 130.1982 -68.5205 126.7197 -66.8369 123.3965 -64.8911 C 116.7412 -60.998 110.7861 -56.0166 105.4238 -50.5078 C 100.0566 -44.9902 95.2295 -38.9668 90.6689 -32.7598 C 86.0801 -26.5708 81.6992 -20.1558 76.5049 -14.3213 C 73.9111 -11.4023 71.0898 -8.68164 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241.2563 -513.9531 L 241.2563 -518.7568 239.8198 -522.0791 237.2158 -524.4131 c 234.792 -526.5674 231.3354 -527.6455 227.7891 -527.6455 c 224.2422 -527.6455 220.7856 -526.5674 218.3618 -524.4131 c f *U *u 249.0205 -518.8018 m 250.8159 -520.7764 253.5547 -522.2578 256.4277 -522.2578 c 259.1211 -522.2578 261.0063 -520.5977 261.0063 -518.3076 c 261.0063 -514.2676 255.1704 -513.7734 250.9507 -511.3047 c 248.4819 -509.8682 246.5063 -507.7139 246.5063 -504.167 c 246.5063 -498.5557 251.6689 -495.3232 256.8765 -495.3232 c 260.0635 -495.3232 263.0264 -496.0869 265.9893 -498.2861 c 262.8472 -502.7754 L 261.5898 -501.6084 259.48 -500.71 257.415 -500.71 c 255.1255 -500.71 252.5669 -501.6982 252.5669 -504.1221 c 252.5669 -509.1953 267.0669 -507.624 267.0669 -518.2178 c 267.0669 -523.7842 262.084 -527.6455 256.4277 -527.6455 c 252.2075 -527.6455 248.3022 -525.8945 245.0698 -522.9316 C 249.0205 -518.8018 l f *U *u 278.2881 -501.1592 m 278.2881 -507.6689 L 287.9395 -507.6689 L 287.9395 -513.0557 L 278.2881 -513.0557 L 278.2881 -521.8096 L 291.5308 -521.8096 L 291.5308 -527.1963 L 272.2275 -527.1963 L 272.2275 -495.7725 L 291.082 -495.7725 L 291.082 -501.1592 L 278.2881 -501.1592 l f *U *u 315.0957 -514.4023 m 315.0957 -527.1963 L 309.0361 -527.1963 L 309.0361 -495.7725 L 320.8418 -495.7725 L 324.8818 -495.7725 327.2617 -496.7598 329.0127 -498.6006 c 330.583 -500.2168 331.4814 -502.6406 331.4814 -505.1094 c 331.4814 -507.5791 330.583 -510.0029 329.0127 -511.6191 c 327.3066 -513.415 324.8818 -514.4023 320.8418 -514.4023 C 315.0957 -514.4023 l f 1 D 320.5723 -509.0156 m 322.6377 -509.0156 323.6699 -508.5215 324.3887 -507.7588 c 325.0615 -507.04 325.4209 -506.1426 325.4209 -505.1094 c 325.4209 -504.0771 325.0615 -503.1348 324.3887 -502.416 c 323.6699 -501.6533 322.6377 -501.1592 320.5723 -501.1592 c 315.0957 -501.1592 L 315.0957 -509.0156 L 320.5723 -509.0156 l f *U *u 0 D 328.7861 -527.1963 m 342.2539 -495.7725 L 346.5186 -495.7725 L 359.9854 -527.1963 L 353.6563 -527.1963 L 350.6934 -520.2383 L 338.0791 -520.2383 L 335.1162 -527.1963 L 328.7861 -527.1963 l f 1 D 340.3682 -514.8516 m 348.3584 -514.8516 L 344.3633 -505.5586 L 340.3682 -514.8516 l f *U *u 0 D 373.4521 -495.7725 m 378.4346 -495.7725 381.7119 -496.8496 384.2705 -498.7354 c 388.1309 -501.6084 390.5107 -506.2773 390.5107 -511.4844 c 390.5107 -516.6914 388.1309 -521.3604 384.2705 -524.2334 c 381.7119 -526.1191 378.4346 -527.1963 373.4521 -527.1963 c 363.5752 -527.1963 L 363.5752 -495.7725 L 373.4521 -495.7725 l f 1 D 382.1611 -504.6611 m 380.4102 -502.4609 377.8516 -501.1592 374.125 -501.1592 c 369.6357 -501.1592 L 369.6357 -521.8096 L 374.125 -521.8096 L 377.8516 -521.8096 380.4102 -520.5078 382.1611 -518.3076 c 383.5977 -516.5117 384.4502 -514.0879 384.4502 -511.4844 c 384.4502 -508.8809 383.5977 -506.4561 382.1611 -504.6611 c f *U *u 0 D 409.4512 -519.1162 m 410.7529 -520.9561 412.9082 -522.2578 415.2871 -522.2578 c 418.25 -522.2578 421.168 -519.9238 421.168 -516.5566 c 421.168 -513.2803 418.4746 -510.8105 414.9727 -510.8105 c 413.7158 -510.8105 412.3691 -511.125 411.2021 -511.709 c 411.2021 -508.1172 L 417.083 -501.1592 L 406.5781 -501.1592 L 406.5781 -495.7725 L 425.6572 -495.7725 L 425.6572 -499.3633 L 419.9561 -506.3662 L 424.2656 -508.0273 427.2285 -511.7988 427.2285 -516.5566 c 427.2285 -523.2012 422.0205 -527.6455 415.5117 -527.6455 c 411.6064 -527.6455 407.8799 -525.8945 405.0967 -522.752 C 409.4512 -519.1162 l f *U *u 443.1631 -495.3232 m 451.1982 -495.3232 454.1611 -502.5508 454.1611 -511.4844 c 454.1611 -520.418 451.1982 -527.6455 443.1631 -527.6455 c 435.127 -527.6455 432.1641 -520.418 432.1641 -511.4844 c 432.1641 -502.5508 435.127 -495.3232 443.1631 -495.3232 c f 1 D 443.1631 -500.71 m 439.5264 -500.71 438.2246 -505.5586 438.2246 -511.4844 c 438.2246 -517.4102 439.5264 -522.2578 443.1631 -522.2578 c 446.7988 -522.2578 448.1006 -517.4102 448.1006 -511.4844 c 448.1006 -505.5586 446.7988 -500.71 443.1631 -500.71 c f *U *u 0 D 470.0957 -495.3232 m 478.1309 -495.3232 481.0938 -502.5508 481.0938 -511.4844 c 481.0938 -520.418 478.1309 -527.6455 470.0957 -527.6455 c 462.0596 -527.6455 459.0967 -520.418 459.0967 -511.4844 c 459.0967 -502.5508 462.0596 -495.3232 470.0957 -495.3232 c f 1 D 470.0957 -500.71 m 466.459 -500.71 465.1572 -505.5586 465.1572 -511.4844 c 465.1572 -517.4102 466.459 -522.2578 470.0957 -522.2578 c 473.7314 -522.2578 475.0332 -517.4102 475.0332 -511.4844 c 475.0332 -505.5586 473.7314 -500.71 470.0957 -500.71 c f *U *u 0 D 497.0293 -495.3232 m 505.0645 -495.3232 508.0273 -502.5508 508.0273 -511.4844 c 508.0273 -520.418 505.0645 -527.6455 497.0293 -527.6455 c 488.9932 -527.6455 486.0303 -520.418 486.0303 -511.4844 c 486.0303 -502.5508 488.9932 -495.3232 497.0293 -495.3232 c f 1 D 497.0293 -500.71 m 493.3926 -500.71 492.0908 -505.5586 492.0908 -511.4844 c 492.0908 -517.4102 493.3926 -522.2578 497.0293 -522.2578 c 500.665 -522.2578 501.9668 -517.4102 501.9668 -511.4844 c 501.9668 -505.5586 500.665 -500.71 497.0293 -500.71 c f *U U 10 M 0 0 Xd 6 () XW LB %AI5_EndLayer-- %%PageTrailer gsave annotatepage grestore showpage %%Trailer %%EOF endstream endobj 87 0 obj <>stream 2 C 1.78076 10.9019 0.08252 10.0044 -1.6123 8.99072 C -3.33105 7.96045 -4.7876 6.625 -6.25195 5.38379 C -6.46289 5.20508 -6.48877 4.88965 -6.31055 4.6792 c -6.13477 4.47168 -5.82666 4.44336 -5.61621 4.6123 c -5.61133 4.61621 L f U %_/ArtDictionary : %_/Array : %_/Array : %_1 /Real , %_0.0583 /Real , %_; , %_; (kAIBeautifulStrokes_WidthProfileAnchors) , %_6 /Int (kAIBeautifulStrokes_WidthProfileRememberedPtCount) , %_0 /Bool (kAIBeautifulStrokes_WidthProfileRememberedPathClosure) , %_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 0 0 Xd 6 () XW %_-5.93164 5 m %_-2.77734 7.63574 -2.30518 8.03027 1.00244 9.77295 c %_5.50488 12.1445 10.1982 14.1636 15.335 14.4956 c %_33.4287 15.6636 52.293 4.28271 66.2617 -6.03955 c %_77.1221 -14.0645 84.4023 -26.0273 92.6113 -36.5454 c %_106.8799 -54.8276 121.6338 -68.2227 144.8213 -73.4102 c %_N %_/ArtDictionary : %_/Array : %_/Array : %_1 /Real , %_0.0583 /Real , %_; , %_; (kAIBeautifulStrokes_WidthProfileAnchors) , %_6 /Int (kAIBeautifulStrokes_WidthProfileRememberedPtCount) , %_0 /Bool (kAIBeautifulStrokes_WidthProfileRememberedPathClosure) , %_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 1 (Anon 776) XW u 0 O 0 g -32.7676 32.1729 m -32.0796 32.2197 -31.543 31.9902 -31.0288 31.7168 C -30.5112 31.4521 -29.9902 31.1948 -29.459 30.958 C -28.3994 30.4785 -27.3159 30.0522 -26.2124 29.6826 C -24.0063 28.9404 -21.7188 28.4399 -19.4043 28.1729 C -14.7715 27.6284 -10.0356 28.0991 -5.55762 29.4209 C -1.05566 30.7153 3.08691 33.0225 6.98438 35.5415 C 10.8994 38.0547 14.6592 40.7817 18.6851 43.0034 C 22.6885 45.25 27.0518 46.7798 31.5107 47.8184 C 35.9717 48.8721 40.5605 49.3457 45.1553 49.4185 C 54.3623 49.5454 63.5508 48.2334 72.7852 47.2432 C 82.0068 46.248 91.4199 45.5596 100.71 47.0864 C 105.3145 47.8662 109.958 49.2017 113.9121 51.8823 C 115.876 53.2158 117.6182 54.9131 118.9229 56.9121 C 120.2334 58.9072 121.0859 61.1758 121.5254 63.4961 C 122.3896 68.1494 121.8154 72.9902 120.1025 77.3545 C 119.2344 79.5342 118.0313 81.5933 116.4688 83.3535 C 114.915 85.1162 112.9658 86.5498 110.7754 87.4185 C 109.6846 87.8569 108.5381 88.1592 107.3789 88.3271 C 106.2334 88.5073 105.0645 88.6357 103.9014 88.6875 C 101.5723 88.791 99.21 88.5889 96.9678 87.9146 C 94.7217 87.2515 92.6377 86.1089 90.8047 84.6733 C 89.8877 83.9541 89.0254 83.168 88.21 82.3394 C 87.8008 81.9258 87.4063 81.4985 87.0186 81.0664 C 86.6416 80.6221 86.2441 80.2041 85.5596 80.0117 C 85.2354 79.9224 85.0449 79.5864 85.1348 79.2622 c 85.2246 78.9375 85.5605 78.7476 85.8848 78.8374 c 86.1357 78.9072 86.3076 79.1279 86.3291 79.374 c 86.3877 80.0713 86.7451 80.5347 87.1436 80.9536 C 87.5342 81.3804 87.9307 81.8018 88.3408 82.2095 C 89.1592 83.0259 90.0215 83.7983 90.9365 84.5024 C 92.7656 85.9077 94.8311 87.0142 97.0459 87.6465 C 99.2588 88.29 101.5859 88.4678 103.8848 88.3447 C 106.1768 88.1797 108.5098 87.9233 110.623 87.042 C 112.7432 86.1787 114.6201 84.772 116.1162 83.0439 C 117.6172 81.3145 118.752 79.2842 119.5664 77.1455 C 121.1729 72.8633 121.6504 68.1143 120.7441 63.6514 C 120.2852 61.4248 119.4365 59.2822 118.167 57.415 C 116.9023 55.5449 115.2363 53.9653 113.3477 52.7217 C 109.5479 50.2222 105.0322 48.98 100.5195 48.2852 C 91.416 46.9556 82.123 47.6592 72.9463 48.6982 C 63.7549 49.7334 54.5049 51.144 45.125 50.8955 C 40.4482 50.7856 35.7568 50.2671 31.1919 49.1523 C 26.644 48.0063 22.1958 46.3359 18.146 43.9575 C 14.0869 41.6094 10.3755 38.7974 6.54248 36.2129 C 2.71973 33.623 -1.28955 31.2729 -5.70313 29.8965 C -10.0962 28.5112 -14.7764 28.0044 -19.3711 28.48 C -21.6675 28.7163 -23.9429 29.1836 -26.1436 29.8936 C -27.2441 30.2471 -28.3267 30.6572 -29.3862 31.1211 C -29.9175 31.3496 -30.4399 31.5996 -30.9575 31.8564 C -31.48 32.1045 -31.959 32.4346 -32.2832 33.0479 C -32.4375 33.3394 -32.7988 33.4512 -33.0903 33.2969 c -33.3823 33.1426 -33.4937 32.7813 -33.3394 32.4893 c -33.2256 32.2744 -32.9956 32.1577 -32.7676 32.1729 C f U %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 0 0 Xd 6 () XW %_-32.5254 32.6104 m %_-23.3765 27.3755 -12.7012 26.75 -2.91943 30.605 c %_6.35986 34.2617 13.7437 41.8623 23.0054 45.7603 c %_46.123 55.4897 69.2412 45.9619 92.9238 46.9482 c %_107.7568 47.5659 119.6768 52.042 121.3721 65.0044 c %_122.54 73.9321 118.3447 86.2803 107.6377 88.0972 c %_97.5615 89.8071 91.668 86.5967 85.9443 79.6929 c %_N %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 1 (Anon 777) XW u 0 O 0 g -43.9658 -21.8794 m -42.8721 -21.8047 -41.7998 -21.8857 -40.7563 -21.9951 C -39.707 -22.0952 -38.6763 -22.2563 -37.6465 -22.4307 C -35.5913 -22.7988 -33.5044 -23.0366 -31.4053 -23.0396 C -29.3091 -23.0342 -27.1958 -22.8491 -25.1387 -22.3442 C -23.085 -21.8408 -21.0776 -21.0957 -19.1899 -20.1089 C -15.4453 -18.1162 -12.0181 -15.5645 -8.88281 -12.7017 C -7.31445 -11.27 -5.83545 -9.74268 -4.42334 -8.16113 C -3.05371 -6.6123 -1.67188 -5.18994 -0.134277 -3.90234 C 1.3999 -2.63037 3.02832 -1.49414 4.75244 -0.585938 C 6.47266 0.338867 8.30859 0.905762 10.2441 1.33936 C 14.0977 2.18701 18.126 2.13232 21.9692 1.19336 C 29.6958 -0.689941 36.4834 -5.81396 41.3799 -12.2207 C 46.3242 -18.6445 49.499 -26.4565 49.9365 -34.6572 C 50.5811 -42.8892 50.1016 -51.252 50.3164 -59.6211 C 50.4238 -63.8052 50.708 -68.0078 51.4834 -72.1455 C 52.2568 -76.2642 53.6104 -80.3735 56.0654 -83.8369 C 58.4902 -87.3188 62.0586 -89.9019 65.9766 -91.3887 C 67.9355 -92.1436 69.9717 -92.6753 72.0322 -93.0322 C 73.0625 -93.2114 74.0986 -93.3496 75.1387 -93.4531 C 76.1807 -93.5444 77.2012 -93.7393 78.2236 -94.5029 C 78.2344 -94.5107 l 78.7129 -94.8687 79.3916 -94.77 79.749 -94.291 c 80.1064 -93.812 80.0078 -93.1338 79.5293 -92.7764 c 79.1621 -92.502 78.6748 -92.4971 78.3076 -92.7256 c 77.2471 -93.3887 76.1865 -93.4263 75.1563 -93.292 C 74.1221 -93.1699 73.0928 -93.0142 72.0713 -92.8169 C 70.0293 -92.4248 68.0195 -91.8604 66.0996 -91.0796 C 62.2559 -89.5386 58.8242 -86.9473 56.5264 -83.5171 C 54.1973 -80.103 52.9473 -76.0703 52.2598 -72.0063 C 51.5732 -67.9233 51.4561 -63.7603 51.4668 -59.6089 C 51.5029 -51.2969 52.2646 -42.9678 51.8467 -34.5303 C 51.7344 -32.4336 51.5605 -30.2979 51.1553 -28.1826 C 50.7666 -26.0732 50.1865 -24.0039 49.4727 -21.9844 C 48.0293 -17.9492 45.9941 -14.1318 43.4727 -10.6558 C 40.9551 -7.17578 37.8906 -4.07715 34.4043 -1.50928 C 30.9204 1.05469 26.9478 3.04492 22.6826 4.09863 C 18.4268 5.16553 13.9009 5.25342 9.59961 4.3291 C 7.45996 3.8877 5.29395 3.14453 3.34375 2.06934 C 1.38232 1.01953 -0.398926 -0.294922 -2.00244 -1.76807 C -3.60742 -3.22607 -5.08301 -4.86182 -6.35693 -6.53857 C -7.62109 -8.15625 -8.96191 -9.7085 -10.353 -11.2163 C -13.1504 -14.21 -16.271 -16.9365 -19.7378 -19.1479 C -23.188 -21.3496 -27.2617 -22.5781 -31.4102 -22.6997 C -35.5269 -22.7197 -39.835 -22.4692 -43.5254 -20.1772 C -43.54 -20.168 l -43.9751 -19.8984 -44.5459 -20.0317 -44.8159 -20.4663 c -45.0859 -20.9009 -44.9526 -21.4722 -44.5176 -21.7422 c -44.3462 -21.8486 -44.1528 -21.8926 -43.9658 -21.8794 C f U %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 0 0 Xd 6 () XW %_-43.7456 -21.0283 m %_-34.7847 -23.3892 -26.7998 -24.1841 -18.6177 -19.1274 c %_-13.396 -15.9004 -8.97559 -11.6836 -5.08008 -6.98096 c %_-1.72412 -2.92969 2.69824 0.776367 7.79932 2.29248 c %_28.9907 8.58936 48.4248 -11.7925 50.6191 -31.4868 c %_53.4209 -56.6318 41.5986 -91.8706 78.2656 -93.6143 c %_N %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 1 (Anon 778) XW u 0 O 0 g 51.1797 -6.39502 m 54.7773 -8.10596 57.9395 -10.5957 60.6191 -13.5151 C 63.3096 -16.4297 65.4941 -19.7964 67.1689 -23.3818 C 68.8467 -26.9639 69.9883 -30.8125 70.3564 -34.7275 C 70.6797 -38.6826 70.6094 -42.7144 70.5518 -46.7622 C 70.5205 -50.8047 70.4727 -54.9541 71.4824 -59.0332 C 71.9893 -61.0605 72.7891 -63.0469 73.9365 -64.8218 C 75.0703 -66.6064 76.5342 -68.1567 78.1514 -69.4727 C 81.418 -72.0991 85.2012 -73.8369 89.0576 -75.2041 C 92.9238 -76.5103 97.0889 -77.4448 101.2773 -76.7612 C 103.3604 -76.4204 105.3691 -75.5313 107.0098 -74.1865 C 107.8291 -73.5098 108.5664 -72.7031 109.0977 -71.7446 C 109.6289 -70.7935 109.9258 -69.6646 109.8262 -68.5459 C 109.7363 -67.4253 109.2627 -66.3833 108.6309 -65.5176 C 107.9893 -64.6616 107.2275 -63.918 106.3262 -63.3213 C 104.54 -62.1045 102.1787 -61.8252 100.1553 -62.4546 C 98.1143 -63.0566 96.3584 -64.3174 94.957 -65.8408 C 93.5605 -67.3745 92.4814 -69.2119 91.9375 -71.228 C 91.668 -72.2344 91.5449 -73.2891 91.6289 -74.3384 C 91.7148 -75.3735 91.9639 -76.4048 92.3477 -77.3652 C 93.1172 -79.3013 94.4072 -80.9614 95.8428 -82.4048 C 98.7422 -85.2969 102.2041 -87.4595 105.2998 -90.0352 C 106.8564 -91.3105 108.2646 -92.7607 109.4043 -94.415 C 110.5518 -96.0562 111.415 -97.9111 111.7813 -99.8818 C 112.1543 -101.8506 112.0146 -103.8979 111.4922 -105.8359 C 110.9736 -107.7788 110.1133 -109.6201 109.1035 -111.3638 C 108.0908 -113.1084 106.9258 -114.7637 105.7031 -116.3716 C 105.0908 -117.1753 104.4639 -117.9683 103.8281 -118.7539 C 103.1426 -119.499 102.7422 -120.4819 101.4551 -120.7246 C 101.0078 -120.8091 100.7129 -121.2402 100.7979 -121.6875 c 100.8818 -122.1348 101.3135 -122.4292 101.7607 -122.3447 c 102.1543 -122.2705 102.4297 -121.9263 102.4316 -121.54 c 102.4404 -120.2295 103.333 -119.6572 103.9248 -118.8335 C 104.5674 -118.0513 105.2002 -117.2617 105.8193 -116.4609 C 107.0557 -114.8584 108.2363 -113.207 109.2676 -111.4595 C 110.2949 -109.7134 111.1768 -107.8628 111.7168 -105.8965 C 112.2598 -103.936 112.4189 -101.8481 112.0518 -99.832 C 111.6914 -97.8145 110.8213 -95.9121 109.667 -94.2349 C 108.5205 -92.5459 107.0938 -91.0571 105.5313 -89.7588 C 102.4238 -87.1489 98.9893 -84.9502 96.1895 -82.0649 C 94.8008 -80.6304 93.5811 -79.0054 92.877 -77.1582 C 92.1631 -75.3169 91.998 -73.2847 92.5654 -71.3994 C 93.1016 -69.5112 94.1514 -67.7739 95.4951 -66.3398 C 96.8398 -64.9136 98.5166 -63.7593 100.3779 -63.2402 C 102.2305 -62.7012 104.2607 -62.978 105.8281 -64.0703 C 107.3574 -65.1411 108.7266 -66.8066 108.8438 -68.6221 C 108.9863 -70.4585 107.8223 -72.1846 106.334 -73.355 C 104.8262 -74.5518 103.001 -75.3354 101.0869 -75.6196 C 97.2236 -76.2017 93.2246 -75.2749 89.5 -73.9507 C 85.7754 -72.563 82.1035 -70.8384 79.0723 -68.3481 C 77.5664 -67.1001 76.2314 -65.6577 75.207 -64.0146 C 74.1699 -62.3804 73.4512 -60.5576 72.9922 -58.6602 C 72.0791 -54.8481 72.1406 -50.8125 72.21 -46.7886 C 72.29 -42.751 72.4395 -38.6777 72.0654 -34.5654 C 71.6592 -30.4199 70.4443 -26.4019 68.6807 -22.6694 C 66.9014 -18.9404 64.5254 -15.5049 61.6738 -12.5225 C 58.8145 -9.55859 55.4023 -7.06152 51.5938 -5.48486 C 51.585 -5.48145 l 51.3301 -5.37598 51.0381 -5.49707 50.9326 -5.75195 c 50.8301 -5.99902 50.9414 -6.28125 51.1797 -6.39502 C f U %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 0 0 Xd 6 () XW %_51.3867 -5.93994 m %_62.3916 -10.8096 70.4404 -23.6406 71.2705 -35.3486 c %_72.4092 -51.4185 67.1182 -64.4341 84.9473 -72.7959 c %_90.3672 -75.3379 98.5215 -77.9941 104.3633 -75.2168 c %_108.5625 -73.2202 111.2871 -69.0532 107.6641 -65.0732 c %_101.2705 -58.0483 91.207 -67.1504 91.9492 -74.5298 c %_92.7676 -82.6758 103.0029 -86.8198 107.8574 -92.208 c %_117.1592 -102.5327 109.4297 -112.1602 101.9434 -121.1323 c %_N %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 1 (Anon 779) XW U %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 9 () XW u 0 O 0 g -32.3169 60.5527 m -32.8887 62.9541 -35.4351 63.541 -37.2495 62.5884 C -38.1807 62.1313 -38.8394 61.1084 -38.9375 60.0635 C -39.0747 58.978 -38.7124 57.9067 -38.1558 57.0293 C -37.0195 55.2734 -35.2622 54.0391 -33.4697 53.1948 C -31.6689 52.3252 -29.7939 51.6885 -27.8872 51.1772 C -24.0894 50.1826 -20.1084 49.6528 -16.1387 49.8657 C -12.1865 50.0649 -8.24023 50.8584 -4.52441 52.2568 C -0.80127 53.6436 2.66113 55.6333 5.83545 57.9399 C 9.01367 60.2515 11.9204 62.8696 14.687 65.5898 C 17.4614 68.3066 20.0752 71.1538 22.6753 73.9961 C 26.5732 78.252 L 27.9097 79.6816 29.1523 81.2319 30.2559 82.8618 C 31.3589 84.4966 32.3438 86.2251 33.084 88.0894 C 33.8076 89.9326 34.3232 92.0156 34.0518 94.0854 C 33.8145 96.1226 33.0645 98.1567 31.5884 99.6973 C 30.1309 101.2529 27.936 102.0205 25.8853 101.9165 C 24.8535 101.8794 23.853 101.6865 22.8906 101.3721 C 21.8447 101.001 20.9844 100.3516 20.3037 99.5537 C 18.9565 97.9409 18.3652 95.8882 18.3042 93.8838 C 18.2539 91.877 18.7603 89.813 19.9673 88.1563 C 21.1553 86.4795 23.127 85.4375 25.1196 85.2422 C 26.1172 85.1289 27.1177 85.1836 28.0913 85.3403 C 29.0498 85.4985 30.0044 85.6987 30.9458 85.9448 C 32.8271 86.4365 34.668 87.126 36.373 88.0781 C 38.0771 89.0278 39.6406 90.2412 40.9521 91.6855 C 42.2656 93.1294 43.3271 94.7871 44.1455 96.5464 C 45.7871 100.0771 46.5273 103.9238 46.9766 107.7427 C 47.1982 109.6577 47.3408 111.5796 47.4541 113.5015 C 47.6045 116.3857 L 47.6387 117.3472 47.6787 118.3096 48.2119 119.2441 C 48.3652 119.5122 48.2715 119.8535 48.0039 120.0068 c 47.7354 120.1597 47.3936 120.0664 47.2412 119.7979 c 47.1504 119.6401 47.1475 119.4536 47.2139 119.2979 c 47.6426 118.3105 47.584 117.3506 47.5127 116.3906 C 47.3223 113.5103 L 47.1816 111.5913 47.0117 109.6748 46.7637 107.7686 C 46.2637 103.9688 45.4688 100.1572 43.8047 96.7085 C 42.1768 93.2534 39.4814 90.3262 36.1133 88.5527 C 34.4424 87.6504 32.6392 87.0029 30.792 86.5479 C 28.9453 86.1245 27.0386 85.6963 25.209 85.96 C 23.3779 86.1855 21.6802 87.144 20.6553 88.6494 C 19.6147 90.1396 19.187 92.0244 19.2734 93.8486 C 19.3623 95.6689 19.9609 97.5078 21.1299 98.8384 C 21.7061 99.4946 22.4575 100.0112 23.2349 100.2705 C 24.1069 100.5361 25.0186 100.688 25.9121 100.7002 C 27.7036 100.7422 29.4434 100.0698 30.6143 98.7754 C 31.7993 97.4971 32.4243 95.7168 32.5977 93.9468 C 32.7979 92.167 32.3208 90.3916 31.6147 88.6865 C 30.896 86.9854 29.9307 85.3682 28.8472 83.8374 C 27.7578 82.3037 26.5542 80.8672 25.2324 79.5117 C 21.2466 75.3286 L 18.5918 72.5449 15.9385 69.7729 13.2031 67.1099 C 7.75 61.8101 1.72607 56.9702 -5.32373 54.4116 C -8.8252 53.1221 -12.5234 52.4155 -16.2588 52.2412 C -19.9839 51.9893 -23.7285 52.3975 -27.4219 53.1362 C -29.2578 53.5186 -31.0762 54.0229 -32.8037 54.6963 C -34.5288 55.3516 -36.1704 56.2368 -37.2983 57.6294 C -37.8472 58.313 -38.2197 59.1455 -38.209 59.9966 C -38.2012 60.875 -37.792 61.7158 -37.0278 62.21 C -36.2729 62.6938 -35.2783 62.8506 -34.3809 62.6167 C -33.938 62.4995 -33.4922 62.2769 -33.2363 61.8901 C -33.1157 61.6958 -33.0547 61.4717 -33.063 61.2539 C -33.0728 61.019 -33.1582 60.8813 -33.314 60.624 C -33.4736 60.3608 -33.3896 60.0181 -33.1265 59.8589 c -32.8633 59.6992 -32.5205 59.7832 -32.3613 60.0464 c -32.2822 60.1763 -32.2632 60.3257 -32.2954 60.4629 c -32.3169 60.5527 L f U %_/ArtDictionary : %_/Array : %_/Array : %_1 /Real , %_0.055 /Real , %_; , %_/Array : %_2 /Real , %_0.0998 /Real , %_; , %_/Array : %_3 /Real , %_0.1592 /Real , %_; , %_/Array : %_4 /Real , %_0.4659 /Real , %_; , %_/Array : %_5 /Real , %_0.5695 /Real , %_; , %_/Array : %_6 /Real , %_0.6472 /Real , %_; , %_; (kAIBeautifulStrokes_WidthProfileAnchors) , %_9 /Int (kAIBeautifulStrokes_WidthProfileRememberedPtCount) , %_0 /Bool (kAIBeautifulStrokes_WidthProfileRememberedPathClosure) , %_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 0 0 Xd 6 () XW %_-32.8154 60.5884 m %_-32.4282 63.4946 -37.9541 63.8472 -38.5371 60.3472 c %_-38.9365 57.9502 -36.7139 55.6475 -33.8931 54.291 c %_-28.855 51.8687 -22.2061 51.0151 -18.6196 50.9971 c %_1.3335 50.896 11.9399 64.0459 26.1528 79.1479 c %_29.7129 82.9307 33.7129 88.9307 33.3652 93.5884 c %_32.9688 98.895 29.2695 102.5562 23.3706 100.9175 c %_16.5166 99.0137 16.73 83.8286 28.1772 85.6875 c %_46.6436 88.686 46.8965 104.2393 47.7129 119.271 c %_N %_/ArtDictionary : %_/Array : %_/Array : %_1 /Real , %_0.055 /Real , %_; , %_/Array : %_2 /Real , %_0.0998 /Real , %_; , %_/Array : %_3 /Real , %_0.1592 /Real , %_; , %_/Array : %_4 /Real , %_0.4659 /Real , %_; , %_/Array : %_5 /Real , %_0.5695 /Real , %_; , %_/Array : %_6 /Real , %_0.6472 /Real , %_; , %_; (kAIBeautifulStrokes_WidthProfileAnchors) , %_9 /Int (kAIBeautifulStrokes_WidthProfileRememberedPtCount) , %_0 /Bool (kAIBeautifulStrokes_WidthProfileRememberedPathClosure) , %_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 1 (Anon 780) XW u 0 O 0 g 16.6948 67.5942 m 17.8032 68.4253 18.9233 69.2183 20.0562 70.0156 C 21.188 70.8154 22.3091 71.6152 23.4683 72.3643 C 25.793 73.8477 28.2148 75.189 30.7622 76.2505 C 33.3086 77.3223 35.9844 78.0376 38.6885 78.5869 C 40.042 78.8599 41.4043 79.0864 42.7705 79.2866 C 44.8232 79.5693 L 45.5098 79.6465 46.1846 79.8311 46.9268 79.4551 C 47.2236 79.3047 47.5859 79.4233 47.7363 79.7202 c 47.8867 80.0166 47.7676 80.3794 47.4707 80.5298 c 47.2461 80.6436 46.9834 80.6025 46.8037 80.4473 c 46.1738 79.9014 45.4766 79.9131 44.792 79.8096 C 42.7363 79.5176 L 41.3672 79.3115 40.002 79.0781 38.6455 78.7993 C 35.9326 78.2476 33.252 77.4829 30.6836 76.4414 C 28.1108 75.4033 25.6602 74.082 23.3076 72.6187 C 22.1245 71.897 20.9678 71.1265 19.8188 70.3633 C 18.6665 69.6021 17.5059 68.8306 16.3774 68.0356 C 16.2539 67.9507 16.2227 67.7813 16.3076 67.6577 c 16.3926 67.5342 16.562 67.5029 16.6855 67.5879 c 16.6875 67.5889 16.6929 67.5928 16.6948 67.5942 C f U %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 0 0 Xd 6 () XW %_16.5361 67.8149 m %_17.98 68.873 19.4819 69.8721 20.957 70.8867 c %_24.2969 73.1851 27.7944 75.2388 31.5908 76.6919 c %_36.502 78.5708 41.6758 79.3115 46.8652 79.9512 c %_N %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 1 (Anon 781) XW u 0 O 0 g 53.6104 49.4658 m 55.3389 49.208 57.0967 49.2793 58.7939 49.4731 C 60.4941 49.6782 62.1738 49.9775 63.8359 50.3877 C 67.1436 51.2017 70.3926 52.5083 73.0889 54.6309 C 74.4209 55.6919 75.6572 56.9219 76.5137 58.4155 C 77.376 59.8877 77.9053 61.6025 77.7813 63.3281 C 77.666 65.0522 76.8115 66.686 75.5352 67.8262 C 74.9004 68.4048 74.1309 68.8276 73.3145 69.0894 C 72.4941 69.3652 71.6504 69.5049 70.7051 69.6855 C 70.6836 69.6895 l 70.3926 69.7451 70.1113 69.5542 70.0557 69.2632 c 70 68.9717 70.1914 68.6909 70.4824 68.6353 c 70.6123 68.6104 70.7412 68.6348 70.8477 68.6953 c 71.5801 69.1113 72.4648 69.1582 73.2686 68.9375 C 74.0732 68.709 74.8105 68.2676 75.4277 67.7056 C 76.667 66.5791 77.4795 64.9858 77.5781 63.3135 C 77.6846 61.6401 77.1572 59.9727 76.3018 58.54 C 75.4492 57.0952 74.248 55.8779 72.9014 54.8745 C 70.2021 52.8564 66.9814 51.6533 63.71 50.9331 C 62.0684 50.583 60.3926 50.3652 58.7217 50.2285 C 57.0508 50.1011 55.3857 50.1123 53.7725 50.4531 C 53.502 50.5098 53.2363 50.3369 53.1787 50.0664 c 53.1221 49.7964 53.2949 49.5308 53.5654 49.4736 c 53.5742 49.4717 53.584 49.4702 53.5938 49.4688 c 53.6104 49.4658 L f U %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 0 0 Xd 6 () XW %_53.6914 49.9595 m %_56.0635 49.5298 58.5811 49.7729 60.9434 50.1255 c %_65.8906 50.8633 71.1367 52.6201 74.7129 56.271 c %_77.4238 59.0381 78.9131 63.2974 76.4336 66.709 c %_75.0781 68.5737 73.0469 69.5181 70.7764 69.1904 c %_N %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 1 (Anon 782) XW u 0 O 0 g 216.7813 13.7759 m 219.5254 14.1318 222.2422 14.4438 224.9893 14.6431 C 227.7324 14.8335 230.4805 14.916 233.2295 14.9146 C 235.9795 14.9053 238.7295 14.7544 241.4707 14.5039 C 244.21 14.2515 246.9502 13.8652 249.7002 13.561 C 255.1934 12.9507 260.7559 12.5049 266.2803 13.0356 C 269.0342 13.2988 271.7881 13.8042 274.3721 14.8218 C 275.6611 15.3301 276.9053 15.9634 278.041 16.7598 C 279.21 17.5425 280.0762 18.5737 281.4355 19.2915 C 281.4424 19.2944 l 281.71 19.4355 281.8125 19.7671 281.6709 20.0352 c 281.5293 20.3027 281.1982 20.4053 280.9307 20.2637 c 280.7891 20.1895 280.6934 20.0596 280.6563 19.9165 c 280.2832 18.48 279.0898 17.6265 277.9863 16.8389 C 276.8506 16.0576 275.6094 15.4385 274.3242 14.9443 C 271.748 13.9565 269.0059 13.4707 266.2627 13.2407 C 260.7539 12.835 255.2334 13.3955 249.7715 14.1318 C 247.0352 14.4971 244.3096 14.9453 241.5498 15.2637 C 238.7939 15.5791 236.0234 15.7949 233.2461 15.8677 C 230.4697 15.9521 227.6875 15.8994 224.916 15.6958 C 222.1504 15.5044 219.3701 15.2046 216.6445 14.7661 C 216.6377 14.7651 l 216.3652 14.7217 216.1797 14.4648 216.2236 14.1924 c 216.2666 13.9248 216.5146 13.7412 216.7813 13.7759 C f U %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 0 0 Xd 6 () XW %_216.7129 14.271 m %_225.9746 15.6255 234.5264 15.8057 243.8525 14.6152 c %_254.5029 13.2554 273.3086 9.94971 281.0459 19.604 c %_N %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 1 (Anon 783) XW u 0 O 0 g 183.9053 33.8096 m 187.0586 35.001 189.7988 36.9644 192.4766 38.8276 C 195.1533 40.7046 197.8643 42.5439 200.5938 44.3228 C 203.3447 46.0474 206.1426 47.7871 209.3037 48.5972 C 210.8711 49.0244 212.5088 49.1768 214.1396 49.1587 C 215.7607 49.0596 217.4434 49.2754 218.9453 48.043 C 219.4033 47.6675 220.0791 47.7344 220.4551 48.1924 c 220.8301 48.6504 220.7637 49.3262 220.3057 49.7017 c 219.9697 49.9775 219.5127 50.0127 219.1465 49.832 c 217.3896 48.9619 215.8018 49.48 214.1416 49.4131 C 212.4951 49.4292 210.8408 49.3076 209.2139 48.9834 C 205.958 48.3003 202.9141 46.8394 200.0674 45.1885 C 197.1992 43.5469 194.4883 41.6895 191.7754 39.8286 C 189.085 37.9526 186.4727 36.0073 183.5205 34.7324 C 183.2666 34.623 183.1504 34.3286 183.2598 34.0752 c 183.3662 33.8291 183.6465 33.7119 183.8945 33.8052 c 183.9053 33.8096 L f U %_/ArtDictionary : %_/Array : %_/Array : %_1 /Real , %_0.289 /Real , %_; , %_; (kAIBeautifulStrokes_WidthProfileAnchors) , %_3 /Int (kAIBeautifulStrokes_WidthProfileRememberedPtCount) , %_0 /Bool (kAIBeautifulStrokes_WidthProfileRememberedPathClosure) , %_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 0 0 Xd 6 () XW %_183.7129 34.271 m %_187.0264 35.582 190.249 38.0474 193.21 40.0811 c %_206.2129 49.0137 209.4629 50.0137 219.0459 48.9375 c %_N %_/ArtDictionary : %_/Array : %_/Array : %_1 /Real , %_0.289 /Real , %_; , %_; (kAIBeautifulStrokes_WidthProfileAnchors) , %_3 /Int (kAIBeautifulStrokes_WidthProfileRememberedPtCount) , %_0 /Bool (kAIBeautifulStrokes_WidthProfileRememberedPathClosure) , %_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 1 (Anon 784) XW u 0 O 0 g 203.0342 -18.229 m 205.5625 -18.3916 208.0996 -18.2974 210.6211 -18.043 C 213.1357 -17.752 215.6553 -17.335 218.084 -16.541 C 220.499 -15.7441 222.8633 -14.6035 224.7695 -12.8828 C 225.7031 -12.0117 226.502 -10.9771 226.9863 -9.79395 C 227.2344 -9.20703 227.4023 -8.58545 227.4854 -7.95361 C 227.5811 -7.31934 227.7061 -6.70996 228.1631 -5.98047 C 228.207 -5.91113 l 228.5205 -5.41162 228.3701 -4.75293 227.8701 -4.43896 c 227.3711 -4.12549 226.7119 -4.27637 226.3984 -4.77588 c 226.1162 -5.22559 226.21 -5.80469 226.5967 -6.14453 c 227.1826 -6.66113 227.3096 -7.31348 227.2432 -7.92236 C 227.1631 -8.5332 227.001 -9.13232 226.7607 -9.69873 C 226.2734 -10.832 225.459 -11.8047 224.4844 -12.5508 C 222.5381 -14.0752 220.1465 -14.8691 217.7764 -15.4858 C 215.3896 -16.0889 212.9482 -16.5176 210.4834 -16.7695 C 208.0205 -17.042 205.54 -17.1846 203.0576 -17.229 C 202.7813 -17.2344 202.5605 -17.4619 202.5654 -17.7383 c 202.5703 -18 202.7783 -18.2114 203.0342 -18.229 C f U %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 0 0 Xd 6 () XW %_203.0459 -17.729 m %_210.1328 -17.9165 228.4785 -16.5781 227.3799 -6.0625 c %_N %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 1 (Anon 785) XW u 0 O 0 g 292.8848 -48.1606 m 295.4785 -46.5117 298.2568 -45.1719 301.1387 -44.0952 C 304.0322 -43.0537 307.0381 -42.3105 310.0938 -41.9209 C 313.1484 -41.522 316.2549 -41.5483 319.3076 -41.9312 C 320.834 -42.127 322.3486 -42.4199 323.8369 -42.8115 C 324.5811 -43.0068 325.3184 -43.2266 326.0488 -43.4707 C 327.1367 -43.8545 L 327.501 -43.9766 327.8389 -44.1821 328.0244 -44.7319 C 328.2207 -45.3101 328.8477 -45.6201 329.4258 -45.4243 c 330.0029 -45.229 330.3135 -44.6021 330.1182 -44.0239 c 329.9219 -43.4458 329.2949 -43.1357 328.7168 -43.3315 c 328.6738 -43.3462 328.6318 -43.3633 328.5918 -43.3828 c 328.5713 -43.3931 l 328.0391 -43.6528 327.6553 -43.5771 327.2939 -43.4292 C 326.1904 -43.043 L 325.4512 -42.7974 324.7031 -42.5767 323.9492 -42.3799 C 322.4414 -41.9873 320.9082 -41.6934 319.3623 -41.499 C 316.2695 -41.1006 313.1348 -41.1387 310.04 -41.4688 C 306.9434 -41.8076 303.8857 -42.5059 300.9336 -43.5093 C 297.9678 -44.478 295.1133 -45.7871 292.3789 -47.2974 C 292.374 -47.3003 l 292.1318 -47.4341 292.0439 -47.7383 292.1777 -47.9805 c 292.3115 -48.2222 292.6162 -48.3101 292.8574 -48.1763 c 292.8662 -48.1714 292.876 -48.166 292.8848 -48.1606 C f U %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 0 0 Xd 6 () XW %_292.6318 -47.729 m %_303.3857 -41.3511 316.4717 -39.2393 328.2979 -44.0625 c %_N %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 1 (Anon 786) XW u 0 O 0 g 208.3994 -49.0693 m 210.5898 -50.6567 213.1563 -51.5889 215.5713 -52.5034 C 216.7842 -52.9668 217.9893 -53.4155 219.1348 -53.9434 C 220.2646 -54.4634 221.3994 -55.103 222.5459 -55.7104 C 224.8281 -56.9355 227.1025 -58.2012 229.2422 -59.6943 C 230.3242 -60.4238 231.3535 -61.229 232.3496 -62.0732 C 233.2705 -62.9932 234.5547 -63.5537 234.709 -65.2676 C 234.7666 -65.9043 235.3291 -66.374 235.9658 -66.3169 c 236.6035 -66.2593 237.0723 -65.6963 237.0156 -65.0596 c 236.9629 -64.4814 236.4902 -64.0405 235.9277 -64.0078 c 234.2002 -63.9053 233.5723 -62.6787 232.5303 -61.8687 C 229.6064 -59.228 L 227.624 -57.4976 225.5479 -55.8374 223.335 -54.3872 C 222.2256 -53.6714 221.1104 -52.9673 219.8701 -52.3755 C 218.6504 -51.7861 217.3994 -51.3203 216.1553 -50.8906 C 213.6641 -50.0205 211.2012 -49.3438 208.9033 -48.2061 C 208.6553 -48.083 208.3545 -48.1846 208.2324 -48.4326 c 208.1221 -48.6548 208.1924 -48.9199 208.3867 -49.0605 c 208.3994 -49.0693 L f U %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 0 0 Xd 6 () XW %_208.6514 -48.6377 m %_212.1924 -50.8247 217.0078 -51.7021 220.834 -53.8354 c %_226.5908 -57.0454 230.5869 -60.062 235.3184 -64.6377 c %_N %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 1 (Anon 787) XW u 0 O 0 g 163.6875 -61.5249 m 165.1016 -62.8486 166.6025 -64.0767 168.1045 -65.2788 C 169.5957 -66.4985 171.1191 -67.6592 172.6094 -68.8555 C 175.5957 -71.2168 178.4336 -73.751 180.7422 -76.7275 C 183.0605 -79.6875 184.626 -83.2358 185.1357 -87.0156 C 185.4053 -88.9004 185.416 -90.8232 185.2813 -92.7324 C 185.2041 -93.687 185.0947 -94.6396 184.9561 -95.5884 C 184.8037 -96.5313 184.8047 -97.5215 183.6729 -98.2656 C 183.0107 -98.7012 182.8262 -99.5913 183.2617 -100.2539 c 183.6973 -100.916 184.5879 -101.0996 185.25 -100.6641 c 185.9121 -100.2285 186.0957 -99.3389 185.6602 -98.6763 c 185.6592 -98.6753 l 185.6514 -98.6631 l 184.8975 -97.5186 185.2354 -96.6118 185.3672 -95.6494 C 185.5127 -94.6934 185.6289 -93.7324 185.7109 -92.7671 C 185.8857 -90.8379 185.918 -88.8906 185.752 -86.9458 C 185.4551 -83.0498 184.0439 -79.2158 181.8213 -75.9531 C 179.6221 -72.6611 176.7334 -69.9229 173.7158 -67.4775 C 172.2031 -66.2617 170.6592 -65.0908 169.0742 -63.9927 C 167.499 -62.8774 165.9189 -61.792 164.3027 -60.7368 C 164.0703 -60.585 163.7598 -60.6504 163.6084 -60.8823 c 163.4727 -61.0898 163.5127 -61.3618 163.6875 -61.5249 C f U %_/ArtDictionary : %_/Array : %_/Array : %_1 /Real , %_0.2888 /Real , %_; , %_; (kAIBeautifulStrokes_WidthProfileAnchors) , %_3 /Int (kAIBeautifulStrokes_WidthProfileRememberedPtCount) , %_0 /Bool (kAIBeautifulStrokes_WidthProfileRememberedPathClosure) , %_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 0 0 Xd 6 () XW %_163.9951 -61.1309 m %_167.3799 -63.7876 170.3721 -65.8926 173.7324 -68.6265 c %_184.8643 -77.6841 187.2441 -85.5947 184.6621 -98.4644 c %_N %_/ArtDictionary : %_/Array : %_/Array : %_1 /Real , %_0.2888 /Real , %_; , %_; (kAIBeautifulStrokes_WidthProfileAnchors) , %_3 /Int (kAIBeautifulStrokes_WidthProfileRememberedPtCount) , %_0 /Bool (kAIBeautifulStrokes_WidthProfileRememberedPathClosure) , %_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 1 (Anon 788) XW u 0 O 0 g 81.0977 -22.3945 m 83.0293 -24.7676 85.5498 -26.6138 88.1563 -28.1675 C 90.7578 -29.7529 93.4961 -31.0752 96.2969 -32.2109 C 99.0957 -33.3516 101.9287 -34.3779 104.79 -35.3115 C 109.0664 -36.7471 L 111.2041 -37.4639 L 111.5557 -37.5957 111.9277 -37.6689 112.2578 -37.8643 C 112.584 -38.0767 112.875 -38.3921 113.0654 -39.0068 C 113.3457 -39.9072 114.3018 -40.4106 115.2021 -40.1309 c 116.1035 -39.8516 116.6064 -38.8945 116.3271 -37.9941 c 116.0469 -37.0938 115.0898 -36.5903 114.1895 -36.8701 c 114.0098 -36.9258 113.8389 -37.0142 113.6943 -37.1182 c 112.6504 -37.873 111.9961 -37.4624 111.2773 -37.2417 C 109.1377 -36.5332 L 107.7109 -36.0649 106.3018 -35.541 104.8926 -35.0244 C 102.0947 -33.9336 99.3203 -32.7827 96.6396 -31.4512 C 93.9629 -30.1143 91.3486 -28.6704 88.8701 -27.0405 C 86.4004 -25.3804 84.1143 -23.5552 81.793 -21.6758 C 81.5771 -21.5015 81.2617 -21.5347 81.0869 -21.75 c 80.9355 -21.938 80.9414 -22.2021 81.0879 -22.3828 c 81.0977 -22.3945 L f U %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 0 0 Xd 6 () XW %_81.4453 -22.0352 m %_90.0078 -30.5977 103.3135 -34.7129 113.3799 -38.0625 c %_N %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 1 (Anon 789) XW u 0 O 0 g 70.8809 -52.0381 m 70.791 -53.9971 71.0566 -55.9424 71.3877 -57.8267 C 71.7178 -59.7158 72.1123 -61.5757 72.2598 -63.4497 C 72.4209 -65.3115 72.3027 -67.2295 71.5547 -68.9736 C 71.1865 -69.8423 70.6807 -70.6567 70.0645 -71.3799 C 69.7568 -71.7417 69.4238 -72.0815 69.0771 -72.4058 C 68.7432 -72.7412 68.3252 -73.0044 67.6543 -72.9038 C 67.1504 -72.8281 66.6807 -73.1753 66.6055 -73.6792 c 66.5303 -74.1831 66.877 -74.6523 67.3809 -74.728 c 67.8848 -74.8037 68.3545 -74.4565 68.4297 -73.9526 c 68.4316 -73.9404 68.4336 -73.9282 68.4346 -73.916 c 68.4375 -73.8882 l 68.5107 -73.1899 68.8164 -72.8301 69.1758 -72.5103 C 69.5225 -72.1777 69.8467 -71.8237 70.1582 -71.459 C 70.7783 -70.7295 71.3379 -69.9395 71.7715 -69.0742 C 72.6572 -67.3462 72.9717 -65.3486 72.8945 -63.4141 C 72.8213 -61.4717 72.4639 -59.5771 72.2002 -57.6978 C 71.9297 -55.8179 71.7363 -53.9463 71.8789 -52.0869 C 71.9004 -51.8115 71.6943 -51.5713 71.4189 -51.5498 c 71.1436 -51.5288 70.9033 -51.7349 70.8818 -52.0103 c 70.8818 -52.0146 70.8809 -52.0195 70.8809 -52.0239 c 70.8809 -52.0381 L f U %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 0 0 Xd 6 () XW %_71.3799 -52.0625 m %_70.9092 -59.856 76.125 -66.9683 68.0459 -73.396 c %_N %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 1 (Anon 790) XW u 0 O 0 g 9.40576 1.96875 m 11.4653 1.88379 13.4878 1.57959 15.4727 1.05957 C 17.4443 0.507813 19.3486 -0.297363 21.0996 -1.37305 C 22.8564 -2.44189 24.4067 -3.82764 25.793 -5.34717 C 26.4844 -6.11035 27.1318 -6.91357 27.7412 -7.74512 C 28.0469 -8.16064 28.3403 -8.58496 28.6279 -9.01367 C 28.8706 -9.46777 29.3647 -9.77539 29.0498 -10.5688 C 28.8394 -11.0991 29.0981 -11.6992 29.6284 -11.9097 c 30.1587 -12.1201 30.7588 -11.8613 30.9692 -11.3311 c 31.1797 -10.8008 30.9204 -10.2007 30.3906 -9.99023 c 30.3013 -9.95459 30.2017 -9.93213 30.1104 -9.92236 c 29.251 -9.83447 29.1938 -9.26563 28.8633 -8.85693 C 28.5757 -8.42383 28.2817 -7.99512 27.9756 -7.57471 C 27.3652 -6.73242 26.7148 -5.91797 26.019 -5.14307 C 24.6333 -3.58594 23.0391 -2.2168 21.2983 -1.06104 C 19.5557 0.093262 17.6367 0.983398 15.6396 1.61572 C 13.6538 2.28467 11.5708 2.67529 9.50635 2.96387 C 9.49609 2.96533 l 9.22168 3.00342 8.96875 2.8125 8.93066 2.53857 c 8.89209 2.26465 9.0835 2.01172 9.35742 1.97314 c 9.37354 1.9707 9.39014 1.96973 9.40576 1.96875 C f U %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-2.904797) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 0 0 Xd 6 () XW %_9.45605 2.46631 m %_18.8667 1.62939 24.7695 -2.354 29.5801 -10.2456 c %_N %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-2.904797) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 1 (Anon 791) XW u 0 O 0 g 44.1719 60.1191 m 44.4307 59.9863 44.6689 59.9243 44.876 59.8794 C 45.0977 59.8276 45.3135 59.8198 45.5322 59.8149 C 45.9668 59.8354 46.4219 59.896 46.877 60.228 C 46.9316 60.2681 46.9434 60.3452 46.9033 60.3999 c 46.8955 60.4106 46.8857 60.4209 46.875 60.4282 c 46.4219 60.7515 45.9697 60.8247 45.498 60.8145 C 45.0439 60.7793 44.5186 60.6475 44.1543 60.2178 C 44.1309 60.1919 44.1328 60.1523 44.1582 60.1289 c 44.1621 60.1255 44.168 60.1216 44.1719 60.1191 C f U %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 0 0 Xd 6 () XW %_44.1631 60.1685 m %_45.0527 60.354 45.9473 60.3193 46.876 60.3281 c %_N %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 1 (Anon 792) XW u 0 O 0 g 70.665 66.1846 m 70.8896 66.0493 71.0371 65.9663 71.1865 65.8994 C 71.3281 65.8262 71.4492 65.7832 71.5498 65.7339 C 71.7578 65.6465 71.8984 65.6543 72.3145 65.4111 C 72.3223 65.4063 l 72.3857 65.3691 72.4678 65.3901 72.5059 65.4541 c 72.5059 65.4556 72.5078 65.4575 72.5078 65.459 c 72.6289 65.6875 72.6074 65.9604 72.4785 66.1899 C 72.3545 66.4268 72.1221 66.5879 71.8906 66.6738 C 71.6523 66.7466 71.4121 66.7559 71.1943 66.6865 C 70.9844 66.6235 70.7725 66.4966 70.6455 66.2822 C 70.6416 66.2759 l 70.623 66.2441 70.6338 66.2031 70.665 66.1846 C f U %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 0 0 Xd 6 () XW %_70.6553 66.2334 m %_71.4258 66.4102 72.2168 66.2183 72.4111 65.4351 c %_N %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 1 (Anon 792) XW u 0 O 0 g 90.4688 75.9238 m 90.7529 75.8711 90.9961 75.8843 91.2109 75.9092 C 91.4346 75.9287 91.6348 75.9844 91.834 76.0376 C 92.0273 76.104 92.2197 76.1685 92.4092 76.2715 C 92.6016 76.3667 92.7949 76.478 93.0049 76.667 C 93.0098 76.6714 l 93.0605 76.7168 93.0645 76.7944 93.0195 76.8447 c 93.0117 76.853 93.002 76.8604 92.9932 76.8662 c 92.5137 77.1675 91.9844 77.1357 91.5225 76.9878 C 91.0693 76.8174 90.6455 76.5249 90.4219 76.0127 C 90.4072 75.981 90.4219 75.9434 90.4531 75.9287 c 90.458 75.9268 90.4639 75.9248 90.4688 75.9238 C f U %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 0 0 Xd 6 () XW %_90.4453 75.9683 m %_91.2266 76.3892 92.0244 76.71 92.999 76.7666 c %_N %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 1 (Anon 792) XW u 0 O 0 g 111.9434 64.9385 m 111.8398 64.7236 111.792 64.5454 111.7441 64.4409 C 111.6934 64.3081 111.6777 64.1982 111.6602 64.0903 C 111.6533 63.9819 111.6455 63.8804 111.668 63.7524 C 111.6787 63.6265 111.7021 63.4858 111.7529 63.2627 C 111.7559 63.248 l 111.7715 63.1772 111.8389 63.1309 111.9092 63.1387 c 112.1436 63.1655 112.3232 63.2905 112.4502 63.4531 C 112.5781 63.6167 112.6357 63.8174 112.6582 64.0176 C 112.6563 64.2192 112.6211 64.4175 112.5176 64.5903 C 112.4053 64.7891 112.2627 64.9043 112.0371 64.9746 C 112.0303 64.9766 l 111.9961 64.9873 111.959 64.9707 111.9434 64.9385 C f U %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 0 0 Xd 6 () XW %_111.9902 64.9565 m %_112.249 64.3843 112.2363 63.7148 111.8311 63.2007 c %_N %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 1 (Anon 792) XW u 0 O 0 g 49.958 105.1792 m 50.123 105.3208 50.2119 105.4497 50.2773 105.5425 C 50.3496 105.6484 50.376 105.7485 50.3984 105.8481 C 50.416 106.0542 50.3887 106.2441 50.1611 106.5757 C 50.1572 106.582 l 50.1152 106.6426 50.04 106.666 49.9736 106.645 c 49.5771 106.52 49.4385 106.2334 49.4043 105.9561 C 49.3945 105.6855 49.4863 105.355 49.8584 105.1694 C 49.8896 105.1519 49.9307 105.1587 49.958 105.1792 C f U %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 0 0 Xd 6 () XW %_49.9082 105.1743 m %_49.8467 105.668 49.8994 106.1563 50.0674 106.6104 c %_N %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 1 (Anon 792) XW u 0 O 0 g 66.3467 38.4141 m 66.9736 38.0669 67.5732 37.9697 68.1455 37.8604 C 68.7256 37.7783 69.2783 37.6821 69.9775 37.7339 C 70.04 37.7383 70.0869 37.792 70.082 37.854 c 70.0811 37.8779 70.0713 37.8999 70.0576 37.9175 c 69.6104 38.4736 68.9551 38.7471 68.2959 38.8491 C 67.6289 38.9272 66.9717 38.8555 66.3467 38.5137 C 66.3193 38.499 66.3086 38.4644 66.3232 38.437 c 66.3291 38.4268 66.3369 38.4189 66.3467 38.4141 C f U %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 0 0 Xd 6 () XW %_66.3467 38.4639 m %_67.7305 38.4595 68.7266 38.3916 70.0176 37.8257 c %_N %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 1 (Anon 792) XW u 0 O 0 g 210.2607 86.1499 m 210.2334 85.6484 210.4053 85.3232 210.5947 85.0391 C 210.7021 84.9058 210.8096 84.7773 210.9551 84.6724 C 211.0938 84.5625 211.251 84.4648 211.4854 84.3828 C 211.4941 84.3794 l 211.5625 84.3555 211.6377 84.3916 211.6621 84.4604 c 211.6631 84.4634 211.6641 84.4668 211.665 84.4697 c 211.7959 84.9546 211.6152 85.3452 211.3887 85.6475 C 211.1367 85.9395 210.833 86.1616 210.3369 86.2144 C 210.2988 86.2188 210.2656 86.1914 210.2607 86.1538 c 210.2607 86.1523 210.2607 86.1509 210.2607 86.1499 C f U %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 0 0 Xd 6 () XW %_210.2988 86.1821 m %_210.752 85.6465 211.2578 85.0806 211.5752 84.4263 c %_N %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 1 (Anon 792) XW u 0 O 0 g 212.7432 46.167 m 212.999 46.1997 213.1934 46.2754 213.3496 46.3447 C 213.5195 46.4155 213.6533 46.5073 213.7832 46.5972 C 213.9053 46.6958 214.0225 46.7876 214.1279 46.9165 C 214.2393 47.0347 214.3457 47.168 214.4795 47.3779 C 214.4863 47.3877 l 214.5254 47.4487 214.5068 47.5298 214.4463 47.5688 c 214.4434 47.5703 214.4404 47.5723 214.4385 47.5732 c 214.2119 47.6973 213.9707 47.7075 213.75 47.6631 C 213.5293 47.6187 213.3369 47.5103 213.165 47.3833 C 212.8516 47.1108 212.6152 46.7241 212.665 46.2305 C 212.668 46.1929 212.7002 46.1641 212.7383 46.1665 c 212.7393 46.1665 212.7422 46.167 212.7432 46.167 C f U %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 0 0 Xd 6 () XW %_212.7041 46.1987 m %_213.1543 46.7705 213.7363 47.3232 214.459 47.4756 c %_N %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 1 (Anon 792) XW u 0 O 0 g 265.542 91.2451 m 266.0176 91.106 266.3721 91.1997 266.6973 91.3486 C 267.0039 91.5166 267.2695 91.7148 267.4707 92.1543 C 267.4727 92.1597 l 267.5039 92.2266 267.4736 92.3052 267.4072 92.3359 c 267.4043 92.3374 267.4004 92.3389 267.3965 92.3398 c 266.9385 92.5039 266.5576 92.3994 266.2324 92.2344 C 265.9277 92.0459 265.6514 91.8047 265.4951 91.334 C 265.4834 91.2974 265.5029 91.2583 265.5391 91.2461 c 265.54 91.2456 265.541 91.2456 265.542 91.2451 C f U %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 0 0 Xd 6 () XW %_265.5186 91.2896 m %_266.1455 91.6099 266.7617 91.9814 267.4336 92.2471 c %_N %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 1 (Anon 792) XW u 0 O 0 g 274.7568 14.1587 m 274.8643 13.916 275.1045 13.751 275.3242 13.6631 C 275.5547 13.5645 275.8008 13.5469 276.0352 13.5596 C 276.502 13.6162 276.9336 13.8164 277.2041 14.2715 C 277.2402 14.332 277.2197 14.4102 277.1592 14.4458 c 277.1514 14.4507 277.1406 14.4551 277.1318 14.458 c 276.6377 14.6196 276.2764 14.5869 275.9277 14.5537 C 275.7549 14.5225 275.5889 14.498 275.4121 14.4448 C 275.2246 14.4019 275.0625 14.3359 274.792 14.2524 C 274.7588 14.2422 274.7402 14.207 274.751 14.1738 c 274.751 14.1714 274.752 14.1689 274.7529 14.167 c 274.7568 14.1587 L f U %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 0 0 Xd 6 () XW %_274.7744 14.2056 m %_275.5371 13.8853 276.4102 14.0732 277.168 14.3647 c %_N %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 1 (Anon 792) XW u 0 O 0 g 228.5371 -10.7134 m 229.0254 -10.4878 229.2725 -10.1973 229.4941 -9.87305 C 229.6914 -9.53662 229.8438 -9.19629 229.8457 -8.68066 C 229.8477 -8.61035 229.792 -8.55176 229.7217 -8.5498 c 229.7129 -8.5498 229.7002 -8.55127 229.6914 -8.55273 c 229.1729 -8.66357 228.8613 -8.99561 228.6387 -9.35547 C 228.4385 -9.72803 228.3076 -10.1592 228.4473 -10.6694 C 228.4551 -10.7041 228.4902 -10.7256 228.5254 -10.7178 c 228.5283 -10.7168 228.5342 -10.7144 228.5371 -10.7134 C f U %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 0 0 Xd 6 () XW %_228.4922 -10.6914 m %_228.832 -9.97217 229.2539 -9.23584 229.7686 -8.6167 c %_N %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 1 (Anon 792) XW u 0 O 0 g 293.0967 46.9595 m 292.6357 47.0303 292.292 46.7974 292.084 46.4639 C 291.8916 46.1304 291.8584 45.6182 292.2305 45.3149 C 292.2871 45.2686 292.3701 45.2744 292.4199 45.3262 c 292.4297 45.3364 l 292.7314 45.6528 292.8477 45.7734 292.959 45.981 C 293.0527 46.1919 293.1406 46.4224 293.1611 46.8833 C 293.1631 46.9209 293.1338 46.9541 293.0967 46.9595 C f U %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 0 0 Xd 6 () XW %_293.1289 46.9214 m %_292.6406 46.5269 292.2598 45.9766 292.3301 45.3257 c %_N %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 1 (Anon 792) XW u 0 O 0 g 236.2793 -60.6807 m 236.2744 -60.9297 236.3457 -61.1221 236.4707 -61.3008 C 236.5791 -61.4722 236.7266 -61.5977 236.8799 -61.707 C 237.2031 -61.8984 237.5723 -62.0093 238.0273 -61.853 C 238.0986 -61.8286 238.1367 -61.751 238.1123 -61.6797 c 238.1113 -61.6772 238.1104 -61.6729 238.1094 -61.6704 c 237.9277 -61.231 237.6738 -61.0264 237.4014 -60.854 C 237.2588 -60.7803 237.1162 -60.7109 236.9453 -60.6738 C 236.792 -60.6411 236.6006 -60.604 236.3477 -60.6084 C 236.3105 -60.6089 236.2803 -60.6436 236.2793 -60.6807 C f U %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 0 0 Xd 6 () XW %_236.3135 -60.6445 m %_236.7646 -61.105 237.4404 -61.4829 238.0684 -61.7617 c %_N %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 1 (Anon 792) XW u 0 O 0 g 186.5791 -89.0454 m 186.5684 -89.5034 186.7617 -89.772 186.9473 -89.9761 C 187.0537 -90.0693 187.1592 -90.1558 187.2979 -90.2119 C 187.4316 -90.2739 187.5811 -90.3193 187.8066 -90.3408 C 187.8203 -90.3418 l 187.8926 -90.3486 187.958 -90.2988 187.9727 -90.2285 c 188.0635 -89.7773 187.8555 -89.4609 187.6289 -89.2441 C 187.374 -89.0371 187.1006 -88.9219 186.6455 -88.9712 C 186.6074 -88.9756 186.5801 -89.0083 186.5791 -89.0454 C f U %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 0 0 Xd 6 () XW %_186.6123 -89.0083 m %_187.0107 -89.377 187.5469 -89.7773 187.8896 -90.2847 c %_N %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 1 (Anon 792) XW u 0 O 0 g 305.4238 -102.6675 m 305.5273 -102.8281 305.4355 -103.0757 305.4551 -103.3057 C 305.4453 -103.54 305.46 -103.7759 305.4736 -104.0122 C 305.5195 -104.4912 305.6143 -104.9336 305.8037 -105.458 C 305.8105 -105.4761 l 305.832 -105.5352 305.8975 -105.5659 305.957 -105.5444 c 305.9707 -105.5396 305.9824 -105.5322 305.9932 -105.5234 c 306.2451 -105.3037 306.3574 -105.0122 306.4229 -104.7393 C 306.4922 -104.4619 306.4922 -104.1831 306.4678 -103.9067 C 306.4248 -103.6323 306.3604 -103.3584 306.2139 -103.0967 C 306.1455 -102.9653 306.0547 -102.8384 305.9375 -102.7188 C 305.8701 -102.6621 305.8066 -102.603 305.7129 -102.5605 C 305.665 -102.54 305.6143 -102.5234 305.5586 -102.52 C 305.4854 -102.5156 305.4365 -102.5425 305.416 -102.5679 C 305.3965 -102.5918 305.3965 -102.625 305.4121 -102.6494 c 305.4238 -102.6675 L f U %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 0 0 Xd 6 () XW %_305.4199 -102.6177 m %_305.9014 -102.5098 306.168 -104.7075 305.8984 -105.4907 c %_N %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 1 (Anon 792) XW u 0 O 0 g 138.9238 -69.1367 m 138.9004 -69.2749 139.0303 -69.4634 139.1465 -69.5684 C 139.2695 -69.6787 139.4023 -69.7593 139.5381 -69.8174 C 139.8076 -69.939 140.0752 -69.9746 140.332 -69.9971 C 140.8564 -70.0142 141.3086 -69.9189 141.8125 -69.6807 C 141.8232 -69.6758 l 141.8818 -69.6479 141.9072 -69.5781 141.8789 -69.519 c 141.873 -69.5063 141.8643 -69.4946 141.8555 -69.4854 c 141.6289 -69.2632 141.3574 -69.1626 141.1064 -69.0962 C 140.8525 -69.0254 140.6055 -69.0103 140.3682 -68.9976 C 140.1299 -69.0015 139.9004 -69.0103 139.6816 -69.0435 C 139.3604 -69.085 L 139.2441 -69.1001 139.1748 -69.1294 139 -69.0713 C 138.9707 -69.0615 138.9395 -69.0776 138.9297 -69.1064 c 138.9287 -69.1094 138.9277 -69.1118 138.9277 -69.1143 c 138.9238 -69.1367 L f U %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 0 0 Xd 6 () XW %_138.9619 -69.104 m %_139.3389 -69.6802 141.0176 -69.4063 141.834 -69.583 c %_N %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 1 (Anon 792) XW u 0 O 0 g 103.833 -31.3271 m 104.0342 -31.7803 104.4121 -31.9814 104.748 -32.0977 C 105.1064 -32.1919 105.4551 -32.2139 105.8945 -32.0137 C 105.9619 -31.9844 105.9932 -31.9058 105.9648 -31.8379 c 105.9629 -31.834 105.959 -31.8271 105.957 -31.8232 c 105.708 -31.396 105.3564 -31.2349 105.0176 -31.1343 C 104.6572 -31.0557 104.3389 -31.0508 103.8682 -31.2334 C 103.834 -31.2471 103.8164 -31.2856 103.8301 -31.3203 c 103.8301 -31.3213 103.832 -31.3262 103.833 -31.3271 C f U %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 0 0 Xd 6 () XW %_103.8506 -31.2803 m %_104.5273 -31.5522 105.2354 -31.6909 105.9258 -31.9185 c %_N %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 1 (Anon 792) XW u 0 O 0 g 72.5254 -71.6792 m 72.4473 -71.9214 72.4219 -72.1216 72.3945 -72.2612 C 72.3662 -72.4287 72.374 -72.5781 72.3818 -72.7324 C 72.4258 -73.0391 72.4912 -73.3496 72.79 -73.7241 C 72.8359 -73.7832 72.9209 -73.7944 72.9795 -73.7485 c 72.9824 -73.7466 72.9863 -73.7427 72.9893 -73.7407 c 73.3457 -73.4087 73.4189 -73.0059 73.374 -72.6079 C 73.3359 -72.4102 73.2725 -72.2119 73.1484 -72.0376 C 73.0156 -71.8374 72.8555 -71.71 72.6152 -71.6362 C 72.6104 -71.6348 l 72.5742 -71.6235 72.5361 -71.6436 72.5254 -71.6792 C f U %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 0 0 Xd 6 () XW %_72.5703 -71.6577 m %_72.9063 -72.2783 72.9473 -73.0229 72.8896 -73.7324 c %_N %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 1 (Anon 792) XW u 0 O 0 g 73.2031 -90.3799 m 73.71 -90.7832 74.1846 -90.9565 74.71 -91.0903 C 75.2324 -91.1958 75.7725 -91.2593 76.3779 -91.0654 C 76.4395 -91.0459 76.4736 -90.9805 76.4541 -90.9189 c 76.4482 -90.9004 76.4375 -90.8838 76.4248 -90.8711 c 75.9736 -90.4272 75.459 -90.2329 74.9189 -90.1123 C 74.3828 -90.02 73.7871 -89.9966 73.2148 -90.2803 C 73.1855 -90.2935 73.1729 -90.3281 73.1855 -90.3579 c 73.1895 -90.3657 73.1963 -90.374 73.2031 -90.3799 C f U %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 0 0 Xd 6 () XW %_73.209 -90.3301 m %_74.2646 -90.4463 75.3574 -90.7212 76.4014 -90.9683 c %_N %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 1 (Anon 792) XW u 0 O 0 g 323.4854 -45.458 m 323.4912 -45.9678 323.6709 -46.3003 323.8711 -46.582 C 324.0986 -46.8623 324.3594 -47.1074 324.8408 -47.2324 C 324.9111 -47.252 324.9834 -47.2109 325.0029 -47.1406 c 325.0049 -47.1353 325.0059 -47.1265 325.0068 -47.1211 c 325.0674 -46.626 324.8887 -46.2661 324.6523 -45.9575 C 324.3799 -45.6577 324.0664 -45.4272 323.5596 -45.3906 C 323.5225 -45.3867 323.4893 -45.4136 323.4863 -45.4502 c 323.4854 -45.4521 323.4854 -45.4561 323.4854 -45.458 C f U %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 0 0 Xd 6 () XW %_323.5225 -45.4243 m %_324.0488 -45.9775 324.4961 -46.5366 324.9238 -47.1768 c %_N %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 1 (Anon 792) XW u 0 O 0 g 115.3057 13.4204 m 115.2803 13.1777 115.3232 12.9941 115.457 12.8018 C 115.5742 12.623 115.7441 12.4985 115.9355 12.4028 C 116.1357 12.3301 116.3486 12.2915 116.5566 12.3315 C 116.7627 12.3701 116.957 12.4663 117.1074 12.6548 C 117.1533 12.7134 117.1455 12.7979 117.0898 12.8467 c 117.082 12.853 l 116.9043 13.0088 116.7695 13.0947 116.6465 13.1636 C 116.5273 13.2427 116.4209 13.2852 116.3115 13.3291 C 116.2002 13.3657 116.085 13.4048 115.9385 13.4243 C 115.8125 13.4365 115.6221 13.4849 115.3779 13.4888 C 115.3408 13.4893 115.3096 13.4565 115.3057 13.4204 C f U %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 0 0 Xd 6 () XW %_115.3418 13.4546 m %_115.8076 12.9053 116.3838 12.6646 117.0947 12.7539 c %_N %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 1 (Anon 792) XW u 0 O 0 g 94.6377 16.2163 m 94.7949 15.9106 94.9834 15.666 95.1504 15.4565 C 95.3232 15.2295 95.5117 15.0352 95.6963 14.8369 C 95.8896 14.6465 96.0771 14.4536 96.2969 14.2773 C 96.5078 14.0933 96.7344 13.915 97.0313 13.7549 C 97.0859 13.7227 97.1563 13.7417 97.1885 13.7964 c 97.1982 13.814 97.2031 13.8369 97.2031 13.8555 c 97.2002 14.1973 97.1006 14.5049 96.96 14.7881 C 96.8184 15.0713 96.6201 15.3179 96.4023 15.5449 C 96.1699 15.7554 95.918 15.9463 95.6299 16.0806 C 95.3301 16.2231 95.0342 16.3047 94.6904 16.3013 C 94.6592 16.3022 94.6318 16.2769 94.6309 16.2451 c 94.6309 16.2358 94.6338 16.2246 94.6377 16.2163 C f U %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 0 0 Xd 6 () XW %_94.6641 16.2588 m %_95.6924 15.6528 96.5215 14.8267 97.1172 13.8052 c %_N %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 1 (Anon 792) XW u 0 O 0 g 158.0107 11.0986 m 163.7393 10.1035 169.5586 9.64404 175.3818 9.58105 C 178.2959 9.53418 181.2109 9.63037 184.125 9.78467 C 187.0361 9.98633 189.9482 10.2402 192.8447 10.6411 C 198.6338 11.4521 204.4033 12.5918 210.0127 14.3594 C 215.623 16.0957 221.0957 18.4277 226.1064 21.5791 C 231.1133 24.6997 235.6553 28.7354 239.0371 33.5762 C 242.4619 38.3413 245.0947 43.8296 245.873 49.7061 C 246.2617 52.6284 246.2207 55.6104 245.6768 58.4985 C 245.1455 61.3892 244.1416 64.1704 242.8174 66.7671 C 241.4902 69.3657 239.8408 71.7852 237.9746 74.0083 C 237.043 75.1211 236.0596 76.1899 235.0313 77.2114 C 234.0488 78.2939 232.7324 78.9658 232.3721 80.7729 C 232.3701 80.7827 l 232.2324 81.4761 231.5586 81.9263 230.8652 81.7881 c 230.1719 81.6499 229.7217 80.9761 229.8604 80.2832 c 229.9775 79.6953 230.4805 79.2822 231.0537 79.2544 c 232.8701 79.1665 233.6631 77.8652 234.707 76.8926 C 235.707 75.8608 236.6602 74.7847 237.5596 73.6675 C 239.3623 71.4365 240.9385 69.0239 242.1895 66.4556 C 244.6836 61.3228 245.6729 55.4648 244.666 49.8916 C 243.7031 44.3057 240.9863 39.1621 237.5205 34.7139 C 234.0771 30.2173 229.6504 26.6201 224.7539 23.8364 C 219.8564 21.042 214.5264 19.041 209.0859 17.4741 C 203.627 15.9482 198.0332 14.8486 192.3809 14.1401 C 189.5547 13.7842 186.7217 13.459 183.875 13.2456 C 181.0313 12.9814 178.1787 12.8184 175.3203 12.6577 C 169.6016 12.3613 163.8672 12.2368 158.083 12.0957 C 157.8057 12.0894 157.5859 11.8589 157.5928 11.5815 c 157.5986 11.3379 157.7793 11.1387 158.0107 11.0986 C f U %_/ArtDictionary : %_/Array : %_/Array : %_1 /Real , %_0.6491 /Real , %_; , %_; (kAIBeautifulStrokes_WidthProfileAnchors) , %_3 /Int (kAIBeautifulStrokes_WidthProfileRememberedPtCount) , %_0 /Bool (kAIBeautifulStrokes_WidthProfileRememberedPathClosure) , %_; %_ 0 0 Xd 6 () XW %_158.0469 11.5972 m %_183.7324 9.67432 220.8965 12.3906 237.2129 32.7637 c %_250.8799 49.8286 246.9629 66.7637 231.7129 80.0137 c %_N %_/ArtDictionary : %_/Array : %_/Array : %_1 /Real , %_0.6491 /Real , %_; , %_; (kAIBeautifulStrokes_WidthProfileAnchors) , %_3 /Int (kAIBeautifulStrokes_WidthProfileRememberedPtCount) , %_0 /Bool (kAIBeautifulStrokes_WidthProfileRememberedPathClosure) , %_; %_ 1 (Anon 793) XW u 0 O 0 g 89.7578 37.2729 m 96.7295 35.8398 103.876 35.2505 111.0059 35.3169 C 118.1367 35.3809 125.2764 36 132.292 37.3555 C 139.2959 38.7231 146.2021 40.7988 152.6563 43.9043 C 159.1904 47.001 164.7607 51.8286 169.1787 57.4458 C 173.5615 63.0811 176.9092 69.6714 178.0361 76.7832 C 178.5869 80.3242 178.5215 83.9902 177.626 87.4751 C 176.7451 90.9614 175.001 94.2085 172.6523 96.9048 C 170.3115 99.6172 167.4121 101.7935 164.2979 103.5088 C 161.1914 105.27 157.623 106.2329 154.0527 106.2275 C 150.4746 106.2476 146.957 105.4067 143.6299 104.1875 C 141.9629 103.5767 140.334 102.8682 138.7344 102.104 C 137.1084 101.3818 135.6758 100.3174 133.6953 100.2505 C 133.2383 100.2354 132.8799 99.853 132.8945 99.3955 c 132.9092 98.9385 133.292 98.5796 133.749 98.5947 c 134.0166 98.603 134.2529 98.7422 134.3984 98.9438 c 135.5371 100.5537 137.249 101.1196 138.8262 101.9102 C 140.4268 102.6597 142.0547 103.3525 143.7168 103.9468 C 147.0342 105.1343 150.5264 105.937 154.0488 105.8896 C 157.5674 105.8662 161.0508 104.8965 164.0938 103.1416 C 167.1611 101.4214 169.998 99.2534 172.2705 96.5781 C 174.5361 93.9038 176.1787 90.7144 176.9834 87.3154 C 177.8008 83.9175 177.8115 80.356 177.2227 76.915 C 176.0205 70.0063 172.6484 63.6021 168.2754 58.1641 C 163.8691 52.7393 158.3623 48.1323 152.0234 45.2544 C 145.6475 42.3354 138.876 40.3145 131.9717 39.0479 C 125.0645 37.7788 118.0273 37.2329 110.998 37.2349 C 103.9629 37.2461 96.9463 37.7144 89.8945 38.2632 C 89.6191 38.2847 89.3779 38.0786 89.3564 37.8027 c 89.3369 37.5483 89.5137 37.3228 89.7578 37.2729 C f U %_/ArtDictionary : %_/Array : %_/Array : %_1 /Real , %_0.3784 /Real , %_; , %_; (kAIBeautifulStrokes_WidthProfileAnchors) , %_4 /Int (kAIBeautifulStrokes_WidthProfileRememberedPtCount) , %_0 /Bool (kAIBeautifulStrokes_WidthProfileRememberedPathClosure) , %_; %_ 0 0 Xd 6 () XW %_89.8262 37.7681 m %_110.5186 34.832 133.958 35.7456 152.9287 44.8574 c %_174.1016 55.0269 191.2334 88.6523 163.8408 103.5225 c %_153.7109 109.0215 143.3418 104.5986 134.0469 99.5972 c %_N %_/ArtDictionary : %_/Array : %_/Array : %_1 /Real , %_0.3784 /Real , %_; , %_; (kAIBeautifulStrokes_WidthProfileAnchors) , %_4 /Int (kAIBeautifulStrokes_WidthProfileRememberedPtCount) , %_0 /Bool (kAIBeautifulStrokes_WidthProfileRememberedPathClosure) , %_; %_ 1 (Anon 794) XW u 0 O 0 g -4.6377 -25.5278 m -2.33691 -26.2949 -0.211426 -27.2305 1.74854 -28.4761 C 3.69678 -29.7168 5.45166 -31.2603 6.88184 -33.0996 C 9.75391 -36.79 11.3555 -41.4053 12.1963 -46.0918 C 13.0264 -50.8018 13.2007 -55.6504 12.9097 -60.4688 C 12.6177 -65.2896 11.8901 -70.0991 10.7026 -74.7935 C 11.2993 -74.9561 L 12.0156 -72.1172 13.3906 -69.4707 15.1221 -67.085 C 16.8325 -64.6763 18.8936 -62.5244 20.6655 -60.1382 C 22.4424 -57.7725 23.8555 -55.04 24.2183 -52.0742 C 24.4126 -50.6016 24.3794 -49.106 24.1875 -47.6362 C 24.0889 -46.9014 23.9521 -46.1724 23.7876 -45.4497 C 23.606 -44.7285 23.4102 -44.0264 23.6851 -43.1558 C 23.7871 -42.835 23.6094 -42.4922 23.2891 -42.3906 c 22.9683 -42.2886 22.6255 -42.4663 22.5239 -42.7866 c 22.4448 -43.0356 22.5361 -43.2993 22.73 -43.4517 c 23.4336 -44 23.6387 -44.7256 23.7847 -45.4502 C 23.9448 -46.1738 24.0771 -46.9033 24.1714 -47.6387 C 24.3545 -49.1079 24.3784 -50.6016 24.1758 -52.0684 C 23.9756 -53.5352 23.5444 -54.9678 22.9097 -56.3042 C 22.2695 -57.6387 21.4487 -58.8779 20.5474 -60.0488 C 18.7378 -62.3911 16.6597 -64.5151 14.8457 -66.8799 C 13.0249 -69.2314 11.5303 -71.8931 10.7026 -74.793 C 11.2993 -74.9556 L 12.6372 -70.2549 13.5313 -65.4297 14.001 -60.5532 C 14.4438 -55.6797 14.5034 -50.7271 13.7275 -45.834 C 12.9536 -40.9707 11.3999 -36.0684 8.35449 -31.9746 C 6.83887 -29.9448 4.94531 -28.146 2.73682 -26.8579 C 0.544434 -25.5615 -1.95654 -24.7842 -4.41309 -24.5532 C -4.43164 -24.5518 l -4.70801 -24.5254 -4.95264 -24.7285 -4.97852 -25.0044 c -5.00098 -25.2417 -4.85449 -25.4556 -4.6377 -25.5278 C f U 0 0 Xd 6 () XW %_-4.52539 -25.0405 m %_17.0352 -29.5313 15.2759 -59.1411 11.001 -74.8745 C %_14.5391 -61.9087 28.3335 -59.8345 23.2075 -43.3037 c %_N 1 (Anon 796) XW u 0 O 0 g -5.12988 64.4268 m -2.53516 64.2305 0.085449 65.1084 2.30273 66.4775 C 4.55176 67.8252 6.48486 69.6387 8.03271 71.6924 C 9.6001 73.7378 10.793 76.0161 11.749 78.3555 C 12.7056 80.6992 13.4111 83.1221 13.9658 85.5654 C 13.3315 85.8691 L 12.3501 84.4712 11.103 83.2554 9.68408 82.269 C 8.26758 81.2754 6.68604 80.5112 5.04199 79.9316 C 3.39941 79.3452 1.7002 78.9087 -0.018066 78.5854 C -0.876465 78.4204 -1.73926 78.2754 -2.60352 78.1421 C -3.90137 77.9502 L -4.33398 77.8867 -4.75977 77.7646 -5.26709 78.269 C -5.5874 78.5879 -6.10596 78.5864 -6.4248 78.2661 c -6.74365 77.9453 -6.74219 77.4272 -6.42139 77.1084 c -6.10107 76.7896 -5.58252 76.791 -5.26367 77.1113 c -5.21436 77.1611 -5.17041 77.2197 -5.13623 77.2778 c -4.77637 77.8965 -4.33496 77.8906 -3.90088 77.9458 C -2.60107 78.124 L -1.73486 78.2476 -0.870117 78.3828 -0.009277 78.5391 C 1.71045 78.8589 3.42627 79.228 5.09863 79.7646 C 6.76563 80.3081 8.40088 80.9927 9.91309 81.9189 C 11.4224 82.8457 12.7925 84.0317 13.9058 85.4395 C 13.2715 85.7427 L 11.915 81.001 9.86523 76.4043 6.77441 72.6958 C 5.2251 70.8579 3.41113 69.2646 1.35205 68.1064 C -0.729004 66.9551 -2.93457 66.2617 -5.27344 65.416 C -5.53857 65.3203 -5.67578 65.0278 -5.58008 64.7627 c -5.50977 64.5679 -5.33301 64.4419 -5.13867 64.4272 c -5.12988 64.4268 L f U 0 0 Xd 6 () XW %_-5.20166 64.9214 m %_5.8667 66.3882 11.1748 76.0654 13.6187 85.6543 C %_9.25879 79.8242 1.5708 78.666 -5.20166 77.7734 c %_N 1 (Anon 796) XW u 0 O 0 g -5.46582 -30.8765 m -4.53027 -31.3979 -3.70557 -32.0254 -2.99561 -32.813 C -2.29102 -33.5957 -1.7334 -34.52 -1.33301 -35.5186 C -0.9375 -36.5186 -0.682129 -37.585 -0.564453 -38.6694 C -0.506836 -39.2119 -0.476563 -39.7578 -0.469238 -40.3047 C -0.493652 -40.8477 -0.354004 -41.4126 -0.78418 -41.9248 C -0.922363 -42.0898 -0.901367 -42.3354 -0.736328 -42.4741 c -0.571289 -42.6128 -0.325195 -42.5913 -0.186523 -42.4263 c -0.078125 -42.2969 -0.069336 -42.1147 -0.149414 -41.9766 c -0.489746 -41.394 -0.296875 -40.8613 -0.313477 -40.3062 C -0.297852 -39.7549 -0.305176 -39.2021 -0.340332 -38.6504 C -0.408691 -37.5474 -0.5625 -36.4385 -0.895508 -35.3643 C -1.22168 -34.291 -1.72559 -33.2544 -2.41553 -32.3384 C -3.09473 -31.4233 -3.98438 -30.6245 -4.9375 -30.0269 C -4.95605 -30.0156 l -5.19043 -29.8687 -5.49902 -29.9395 -5.646 -30.1733 c -5.79248 -30.4077 -5.72168 -30.7163 -5.48779 -30.8633 c -5.48096 -30.8677 -5.47266 -30.8726 -5.46582 -30.8765 C f U 0 0 Xd 6 () XW %_-5.20166 -30.4517 m %_-0.994629 -32.9399 -0.09375 -37.417 -0.466797 -41.9507 c %_N 1 (Anon 795) XW u 0 O 0 g 88.2119 46.2637 m 90.8252 45.8022 93.4541 45.7705 96.0859 45.8887 C 98.7158 46.0078 101.3535 46.1909 103.9775 46.5552 C 109.2061 47.2651 114.4668 48.6914 119.0625 51.3516 C 123.6719 53.9419 127.8936 57.0474 132.0986 60.1558 C 134.2598 61.6543 136.1016 63.5332 138.1611 65.1387 C 139.1914 65.9385 140.2754 66.6807 141.4531 67.2461 C 142.042 67.5288 142.6533 67.7656 143.2832 67.9404 C 143.9053 68.0771 144.5664 68.4063 145.2422 67.7646 C 145.5352 67.4863 145.998 67.498 146.2764 67.7915 c 146.5547 68.0845 146.543 68.5474 146.25 68.8257 c 145.957 69.104 145.4941 69.0918 145.2158 68.7988 c 145.21 68.7925 145.2031 68.7861 145.1982 68.7793 c 145.1836 68.7627 l 144.5537 68.0439 143.9199 68.1548 143.2813 67.9473 C 142.6494 67.7783 142.0352 67.5464 141.4434 67.2686 C 140.2568 66.7124 139.1641 65.9785 138.124 65.186 C 136.041 63.6025 134.1338 61.7949 131.9551 60.3594 C 127.6172 57.4507 123.2559 54.5293 118.6113 52.2271 C 113.9932 49.8647 108.8984 48.7876 103.7725 48.2573 C 101.2041 47.9956 98.6191 47.855 96.0244 47.8062 C 93.4297 47.7568 90.8291 47.7163 88.2139 47.2637 C 87.9375 47.2158 87.752 46.9531 87.7998 46.6772 c 87.8369 46.4609 88.0078 46.3003 88.2119 46.2637 C f U 0 0 Xd 6 () XW %_88.2129 46.7637 m %_97.9238 46.7476 108.8848 46.8252 117.7207 51.2163 c %_122.835 53.7578 127.9082 57.3525 132.5107 60.5991 c %_136.502 63.4146 140.0352 67.957 145.2129 68.2637 c %_N 1 (Anon 796) XW u 0 O 0 g 153.0234 43.9712 m 154.5146 44.2178 155.8105 44.8652 157.0596 45.5728 C 160.8037 47.6909 L 163.291 49.1045 165.7676 50.5249 168.3281 51.7852 C 170.8877 53.0439 173.5361 54.1328 176.29 54.9214 C 177.6719 55.2861 179.0762 55.5894 180.501 55.7583 C 181.2129 55.8403 181.9277 55.897 182.6445 55.9248 C 183.0029 55.9375 183.3613 55.9443 183.7197 55.9453 C 184.0752 55.9067 184.4502 56.1128 184.7705 55.417 C 185.0459 55.4033 185.2813 55.6152 185.2949 55.8911 c 185.3096 56.167 185.0977 56.4019 184.8213 56.416 c 184.4248 55.7539 184.083 55.9819 183.7207 55.9526 C 183.3613 55.9575 183.0029 55.9565 182.6436 55.9497 C 181.9258 55.9331 181.209 55.8887 180.4941 55.8179 C 179.0645 55.6812 177.6387 55.4717 176.2314 55.1636 C 173.4023 54.605 170.6387 53.7153 167.9365 52.688 C 165.2324 51.6587 162.5869 50.4766 160.002 49.2065 C 156.1533 47.2642 L 154.873 46.6172 153.6348 45.9175 152.5684 44.8618 C 152.3623 44.6577 152.3604 44.3257 152.5645 44.1196 c 152.6885 43.9951 152.8623 43.9458 153.0234 43.9712 C f U 0 0 Xd 6 () XW %_152.7959 44.4165 m %_162.3252 49.2651 173.3018 56.5034 184.7959 55.9165 c %_N 1 (Anon 796) XW u 0 O 0 g 232.5547 26.6489 m 234.0039 27.4004 235.1709 28.4009 236.3105 29.4883 C 237.4473 30.5693 238.5859 31.6636 239.6807 32.8159 C 240.7813 33.9863 241.8115 35.1362 242.8408 36.3271 C 243.8691 37.5176 244.8906 38.7324 245.8252 40.0273 C 247.7617 42.6172 248.9229 45.6826 249.6533 48.7354 C 250.0381 50.2651 250.3311 51.8101 250.5898 53.356 C 250.957 55.6763 L 251.1338 56.8364 L 251.2148 57.2188 251.1455 57.6289 251.6201 57.9395 C 251.8984 58.1211 251.9756 58.4937 251.7939 58.7715 c 251.6123 59.0498 251.2402 59.1274 250.9619 58.9458 c 250.6836 58.7642 250.6064 58.3916 250.7881 58.1133 c 250.793 58.1055 250.7998 58.0957 250.8057 58.0879 c 251.1406 57.6289 250.9336 57.2695 250.8789 56.8813 C 250.6475 55.731 L 250.1729 53.4355 L 249.8447 51.9092 249.4814 50.3926 249.0322 48.9072 C 248.1162 45.9414 246.8027 43.1182 244.8281 40.7939 C 243.8555 39.6079 242.7891 38.4883 241.7012 37.3765 C 240.5977 36.2783 239.5283 35.1079 238.4365 34.0469 C 237.3359 32.9697 236.1797 31.9365 235.0117 30.9033 C 233.8467 29.8755 232.6943 28.7773 231.8711 27.3784 C 231.8682 27.3735 l 231.7227 27.1265 231.8047 26.8081 232.0518 26.6626 c 232.2109 26.5688 232.4023 26.5713 232.5547 26.6489 C f U 0 0 Xd 6 () XW %_232.2129 27.0137 m %_234.8926 29.5576 237.7969 32.0049 240.293 34.7173 c %_242.1953 36.7856 244.2793 38.9165 245.9131 41.1992 c %_249.3623 46.0176 250.1777 52.333 251.2129 58.0137 c %_N 1 (Anon 797) XW U %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 9 () XW u u u 0 O 0 g -112.5396 5.74805 m -119.106 3.09277 -125.7119 0.564453 -132.4199 -1.66797 C -139.1147 -3.93066 -145.8696 -6.00684 -152.7012 -7.78369 C -166.3633 -11.2935 -180.2695 -13.9805 -194.272 -15.5503 C -201.2769 -16.3037 -208.3086 -16.8066 -215.3481 -16.8926 C -218.8672 -16.939 -222.3872 -16.8926 -225.9019 -16.7339 C -229.4072 -16.5894 -232.9287 -16.2896 -236.4702 -16.0317 C -250.562 -14.9785 -264.7217 -13.6807 -277.9922 -9.09863 C -284.6211 -6.8252 -290.8745 -3.64551 -296.6821 0.325195 C -302.4951 4.23682 -307.9673 8.74951 -312.2441 14.2568 C -314.3691 17.0083 -316.1753 20.0078 -317.4629 23.2246 C -318.7495 26.4395 -319.5029 29.8608 -319.6499 33.3296 C -319.7988 36.7983 -319.4478 40.3062 -318.5381 43.6602 C -317.6289 47.0044 -316.1431 50.229 -313.897 52.8491 C -311.6704 55.4741 -308.5947 57.353 -305.2007 58.0098 C -303.5103 58.3481 -301.7632 58.4209 -300.0308 58.2744 C -298.2861 58.1479 -296.606 57.7549 -295.0205 57.0508 C -291.8599 55.6641 -289.2559 53.0479 -287.8809 49.8662 C -286.4863 46.7095 -286.3335 42.9463 -287.8237 39.8018 C -288.561 38.2383 -289.6768 36.8574 -291.0435 35.7856 C -292.4082 34.7109 -293.98 33.8701 -295.6909 33.5723 C -297.3931 33.2559 -299.1831 33.4399 -300.8008 34.0693 C -302.4219 34.688 -303.8726 35.7891 -304.748 37.292 C -305.6382 38.7754 -305.8457 40.6499 -305.2197 42.2754 C -304.6162 43.8989 -303.3442 45.2817 -301.7451 45.9717 C -300.1563 46.6885 -298.2153 46.5557 -296.769 45.5566 C -296.0117 45.1021 -295.4556 44.3882 -295.2759 43.5229 C -295.1787 43.0986 -295.145 42.6592 -295.1455 42.2202 C -295.1416 41.7808 -295.2554 41.3379 -295.7339 40.959 C -296.0835 40.6821 -296.1426 40.1743 -295.8657 39.8247 c -295.5889 39.4751 -295.0806 39.416 -294.731 39.6929 c -294.3867 39.9658 -294.3242 40.4624 -294.5869 40.8115 c -294.6001 40.8291 l -294.9785 41.3306 -295.0176 41.772 -295.0073 42.2192 C -295.002 42.6655 -295.0313 43.1157 -295.1274 43.5566 C -295.2261 43.9966 -295.4014 44.4258 -295.6694 44.7954 C -295.9419 45.1787 -296.2983 45.4487 -296.6689 45.7056 C -298.1499 46.7539 -300.1782 46.917 -301.8364 46.187 C -303.5059 45.4858 -304.8403 44.0674 -305.4897 42.377 C -306.165 40.6816 -305.9668 38.6885 -305.0449 37.1206 C -304.1431 35.5322 -302.623 34.3584 -300.9468 33.7002 C -299.269 33.0273 -297.4014 32.8145 -295.6118 33.1279 C -293.8096 33.4233 -292.1528 34.2896 -290.7314 35.3877 C -289.2974 36.4878 -288.1099 37.9243 -287.3179 39.5605 C -285.7158 42.855 -285.8389 46.8086 -287.2661 50.1309 C -288.6724 53.4785 -291.3789 56.2617 -294.7017 57.7607 C -296.3496 58.5205 -298.1685 58.9521 -299.9561 59.1099 C -301.752 59.2881 -303.583 59.2417 -305.375 58.9106 C -308.9731 58.2739 -312.3091 56.3062 -314.7065 53.5566 C -317.1284 50.8125 -318.7266 47.457 -319.7251 43.9922 C -320.7227 40.5156 -321.1401 36.8906 -321.0386 33.2773 C -320.9399 29.6582 -320.2021 26.0469 -318.9038 22.6611 C -317.6035 19.2715 -315.7666 16.1094 -313.5967 13.2261 C -309.2324 7.45068 -303.6719 2.75293 -297.8003 -1.31543 C -294.8613 -3.34375 -291.8154 -5.26318 -288.6201 -6.91943 C -285.4316 -8.57959 -282.1284 -10.019 -278.7505 -11.2378 C -271.9941 -13.6929 -264.9644 -15.2729 -257.9072 -16.354 C -250.8452 -17.4424 -243.7476 -18.0737 -236.6763 -18.6543 C -233.1494 -18.9341 -229.6069 -19.2598 -226.0293 -19.4312 C -222.4624 -19.6152 -218.8906 -19.686 -215.3208 -19.6621 C -208.1807 -19.6118 -201.0454 -19.1904 -193.958 -18.3877 C -165.6294 -15.1543 -137.8374 -7.30566 -112.1401 4.83105 C -111.8896 4.94824 -111.7822 5.24609 -111.8994 5.49658 c -112.0122 5.7373 -112.2959 5.84521 -112.5396 5.74805 C f U %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 0 0 Xd 6 () XW %_-112.3398 5.28955 m %_-129.0391 -2.05078 -146.7695 -8.01709 -164.5732 -11.9746 c %_-186.4795 -16.8442 -208.9014 -19.499 -231.3379 -17.75 c %_-253.3311 -16.0352 -274.668 -14.728 -293.6426 -2.84424 c %_-305.958 4.86816 -319.0957 16.1587 -320.2764 32.085 c %_-321.208 44.6641 -315.1904 60 endstream endobj 88 0 obj <>stream .6528 -299.1289 58.5996 c %_-286.3213 56.9624 -281.6211 40.5981 -292.6006 34.4463 c %_-295.876 32.6108 -299.4932 32.9561 -302.1729 34.5142 c %_-304.9873 36.1509 -306.6426 39.4429 -305.2178 42.6631 c %_-303.6895 46.1143 -299.3818 47.9399 -296.1807 45.2261 c %_-294.9619 44.1929 -294.9844 42.4844 -295.167 40.894 c %_N %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 1 (Anon 771) XW u 0 O 0 g -54.6548 43.0425 m -60.0483 43.2617 -65.4619 42.8716 -70.8179 42.2295 C -76.1782 41.5801 -81.4956 40.6377 -86.7734 39.5513 C -97.3345 37.3833 -107.7139 34.5605 -118.1143 32.0317 C -123.3169 30.7793 -128.522 29.5669 -133.769 28.6377 C -139.0137 27.6567 -144.2549 27.1138 -149.561 27.1558 C -160.1343 27.2192 -170.7456 29.3477 -180.377 33.7354 C -189.9868 38.1064 -198.54 45.0283 -204.2266 53.9834 C -205.6367 56.2104 -206.8159 58.5757 -207.6494 61.0679 C -208.4873 63.5581 -208.9854 66.1616 -209.2061 68.7954 C -209.3145 70.1133 -209.3574 71.4385 -209.3462 72.7651 C -209.3354 74.1045 -209.2925 75.3999 -209.0303 76.6729 C -208.5366 79.2012 -207.3623 81.6772 -205.3652 83.2783 C -204.374 84.0693 -203.187 84.6074 -201.9312 84.7803 C -200.6763 84.9624 -199.375 84.791 -198.1548 84.3696 C -196.9585 83.936 -195.7139 83.3296 -194.8003 82.4922 C -193.8799 81.6177 -193.2485 80.4492 -192.8965 79.2075 C -192.2031 76.7153 -192.5317 73.9131 -193.8413 71.6665 C -194.4966 70.5459 -195.4136 69.5781 -196.5205 68.8994 C -197.626 68.2192 -198.9019 67.8247 -200.2056 67.7061 C -202.8208 67.4365 -205.522 68.2061 -207.585 69.8594 C -209.6685 71.4897 -211.1445 73.8281 -211.978 76.3438 C -212.8149 78.8662 -213.0347 81.5962 -212.6113 84.2275 C -212.3984 85.5425 -212.0215 86.8325 -211.4844 88.0532 C -211.2163 88.6636 -210.9082 89.2568 -210.562 89.8271 C -210.1963 90.3716 -209.9619 91.0698 -208.9409 91.0811 C -208.3472 91.0879 -207.8711 91.5747 -207.8779 92.1685 c -207.8848 92.7622 -208.3716 93.2383 -208.9653 93.2314 c -209.5591 93.2246 -210.0352 92.7378 -210.0283 92.144 c -210.0273 92.0884 -210.0225 92.0342 -210.0142 91.981 c -210.0083 91.9492 l -209.8315 90.9175 -210.3745 90.5176 -210.71 89.918 C -211.0659 89.3447 -211.3843 88.7476 -211.6626 88.1323 C -212.2192 86.9019 -212.6157 85.5986 -212.8457 84.2666 C -213.3037 81.6016 -213.1118 78.8252 -212.2856 76.2432 C -211.4619 73.6689 -209.98 71.2524 -207.8384 69.5386 C -205.7202 67.8008 -202.895 66.9585 -200.1611 67.2134 C -198.793 67.3228 -197.4316 67.7246 -196.2407 68.4399 C -195.0483 69.1533 -194.0532 70.1821 -193.3423 71.3696 C -191.9229 73.7549 -191.5425 76.7002 -192.2544 79.3857 C -192.6187 80.7236 -193.2891 82.0112 -194.3086 83.0049 C -194.8169 83.5083 -195.4263 83.895 -196.0137 84.23 C -196.6147 84.5684 -197.2417 84.8677 -197.8965 85.1035 C -199.2012 85.5786 -200.6323 85.7983 -202.0435 85.6182 C -203.4541 85.4487 -204.8081 84.8618 -205.9277 83.9976 C -208.1846 82.2441 -209.4814 79.5752 -210.0571 76.8838 C -210.3604 75.5264 -210.4297 74.126 -210.4619 72.7842 C -210.4961 71.4272 -210.4751 70.0664 -210.3862 68.707 C -210.2046 65.9893 -209.7344 63.2734 -208.9028 60.6587 C -208.0767 58.042 -206.8843 55.5474 -205.4614 53.2168 C -199.7559 43.896 -191.0459 36.6099 -181.2163 31.9453 C -171.3716 27.2305 -160.4609 24.9761 -149.5845 24.8047 C -144.1484 24.7075 -138.6582 25.2295 -133.3413 26.1753 C -128.0093 27.0835 -122.7295 28.2158 -117.498 29.4897 C -107.0298 32.0239 -96.7251 35.0137 -86.3174 37.4941 C -75.9185 39.9868 -65.3506 41.8101 -54.6558 42.0425 C -54.3794 42.0483 -54.1606 42.2773 -54.1665 42.5532 c -54.1724 42.8184 -54.3833 43.0308 -54.6445 43.042 c -54.6548 43.0425 L f U %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 0 0 Xd 6 () XW %_-54.6553 42.5425 m %_-81.79 42.7524 -110.5723 30.8228 -136.9912 26.8477 c %_-160.4707 23.3149 -188.1094 30.3618 -202.9033 50.7241 c %_-207.5703 57.147 -210.3242 63.7642 -209.8633 74.1685 c %_-209.4873 82.6577 -203.1182 88.3252 -195.4971 83.4897 c %_-190.0146 80.0112 -191.2559 68.0405 -200.4424 67.4375 c %_-211.4619 66.7139 -217.0479 82.1982 -209.4746 91.5151 c %_N %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 1 (Anon 772) XW u 0 O 0 g -28.0537 36.9219 m -33.6099 38.0044 -39.3228 38.3682 -44.9863 38.1152 C -50.6563 37.8745 -56.2866 37.0669 -61.8296 35.9248 C -72.9346 33.6504 -83.6445 29.9795 -94.3433 26.542 C -99.6934 24.8145 -105.0454 23.1216 -110.4458 21.6567 C -115.834 20.1841 -121.3228 19.0435 -126.8188 17.9009 C -137.8125 15.6729 -148.9058 13.938 -160.0605 12.897 C -171.2129 11.856 -182.4312 11.5317 -193.5952 12.1489 C -204.7544 12.7549 -215.8701 14.356 -226.6455 17.2671 C -237.4146 20.1719 -247.8306 24.4189 -257.4199 30.1055 C -262.2134 32.9473 -266.7979 36.1396 -271.124 39.6538 C -273.2852 41.4082 -275.3921 43.251 -277.4102 45.1543 C -279.4106 47.0674 -281.3101 49.1011 -283.1143 51.2168 C -286.7173 55.4531 -289.9541 60.0151 -292.7437 64.8296 C -295.5249 69.644 -297.8662 74.7275 -299.4473 80.0366 C -301.0171 85.3315 -301.8193 90.9033 -301.1655 96.3535 C -300.5449 101.7954 -298.2842 107.0107 -294.6494 111.123 C -291.0254 115.2163 -286.3516 118.541 -281.0928 120.0576 C -275.8394 121.6064 -270.0845 121.1367 -265.0396 118.9688 C -259.9805 116.8213 -255.5732 113.1509 -252.4282 108.6274 C -249.3018 104.1255 -247.3765 98.5996 -247.9561 93.1304 C -248.606 87.6797 -251.0796 82.4048 -254.9492 78.4741 C -258.7842 74.5293 -264.1338 71.9824 -269.6616 71.9497 C -275.1572 71.9155 -280.73 74.1021 -284.5635 78.0723 C -286.4683 80.0557 -287.877 82.5278 -288.4697 85.2148 C -288.7646 86.5479 -288.9004 87.9517 -288.7798 89.2998 C -288.6523 90.6616 -288.2988 92.0083 -287.7739 93.2793 C -286.7256 95.8057 -284.9438 98.124 -282.4932 99.354 C -281.2769 99.9648 -279.9155 100.2744 -278.5503 100.2466 C -277.1846 100.2256 -275.8257 99.8999 -274.5488 99.3789 C -273.2563 98.8633 -272.0571 98.1841 -271.1387 97.1572 C -270.2212 96.1494 -269.4736 94.9473 -269.0737 93.6465 C -268.6914 92.3379 -268.6504 90.9238 -268.918 89.5815 C -269.1855 88.2437 -269.7925 86.9473 -270.7847 86.022 C -271.7598 85.0654 -273.1616 84.6924 -274.521 84.7778 C -275.8755 84.8535 -277.2241 85.4282 -278.0908 86.4771 C -279.7515 88.5771 -279.8438 92.0479 -277.8643 94 C -276.9023 94.9854 -275.5547 95.5137 -274.1772 95.6323 C -272.7964 95.7715 -271.3926 95.6045 -270.0361 95.2832 C -268.6768 94.9595 -267.356 94.478 -266.0791 93.9028 C -265.4404 93.6152 -264.8135 93.3008 -264.1978 92.9663 C -263.6177 92.582 -262.8369 92.4839 -262.7173 91.3809 C -262.6499 90.7539 -262.0864 90.3003 -261.4595 90.3682 c -260.832 90.436 -260.3789 90.999 -260.4463 91.6265 c -260.5142 92.2534 -261.0776 92.707 -261.7046 92.6392 c -261.7822 92.6309 -261.8574 92.6147 -261.9292 92.5918 c -261.9468 92.5859 l -263.0132 92.2397 -263.4429 92.8594 -264.0962 93.1514 C -264.7144 93.4927 -265.3438 93.8135 -265.9858 94.1079 C -267.2695 94.6963 -268.6001 95.1924 -269.9771 95.5293 C -271.3511 95.8647 -272.7803 96.0464 -274.2051 95.9126 C -275.6216 95.8013 -277.0605 95.2568 -278.084 94.2188 C -279.1211 93.1987 -279.6812 91.7383 -279.6772 90.2959 C -279.6704 88.8677 -279.3135 87.3828 -278.3716 86.2427 C -277.4395 85.0996 -275.9873 84.4736 -274.5464 84.3843 C -273.1162 84.2769 -271.563 84.6797 -270.498 85.7114 C -269.416 86.709 -268.7686 88.085 -268.4766 89.4907 C -268.186 90.9033 -268.2173 92.3838 -268.6143 93.7803 C -269.0332 95.1724 -269.8037 96.4282 -270.7666 97.5015 C -271.2559 98.0342 -271.8071 98.5117 -272.4243 98.9048 C -273.0361 99.292 -273.6895 99.5957 -274.3462 99.874 C -275.667 100.4229 -277.0898 100.7778 -278.54 100.8096 C -279.9888 100.8491 -281.4531 100.5283 -282.7554 99.8838 C -285.3838 98.583 -287.2588 96.1558 -288.3711 93.5293 C -288.9282 92.2051 -289.3076 90.8027 -289.4526 89.3633 C -289.5898 87.9082 -289.4565 86.4746 -289.1572 85.0625 C -288.5542 82.2388 -287.0898 79.6323 -285.1152 77.5493 C -281.1362 73.3804 -275.394 71.0854 -269.6592 71.0771 C -263.8711 71.0718 -258.2681 73.7012 -254.2485 77.7813 C -250.1914 81.8555 -247.5864 87.2954 -246.8643 93.0098 C -246.2148 98.8154 -248.2104 104.606 -251.4312 109.314 C -254.6763 114.0449 -259.2266 117.894 -264.5195 120.1855 C -269.792 122.4976 -275.9014 123.0469 -281.4854 121.4385 C -287.0859 119.855 -291.981 116.4287 -295.8262 112.1567 C -299.6953 107.8574 -302.1582 102.3022 -302.853 96.564 C -303.5879 90.814 -302.7847 85.0024 -301.2085 79.5215 C -299.6182 74.0254 -297.2563 68.7974 -294.4517 63.8506 C -291.6377 58.9043 -288.373 54.2241 -284.7202 49.8594 C -282.8916 47.6777 -280.9619 45.5781 -278.8999 43.5967 C -276.8325 41.6313 -274.7075 39.7583 -272.5073 37.958 C -268.1123 34.3584 -263.4497 31.0845 -258.5737 28.1675 C -248.8179 22.3301 -238.2168 17.9609 -227.2729 14.9634 C -216.3223 11.9585 -205.0425 10.291 -193.7373 9.63232 C -182.4238 8.98096 -171.0811 9.37695 -159.8291 10.4434 C -148.5737 11.5215 -137.4009 13.2974 -126.3428 15.5674 C -120.8218 16.7119 -115.2935 17.9131 -109.8413 19.4722 C -104.3945 21.0107 -99.0308 22.7695 -93.6904 24.5557 C -83.0181 28.1387 -72.3926 31.8037 -61.4766 34.2856 C -50.5908 36.7578 -39.2783 37.8105 -28.2217 35.9365 C -27.9497 35.8901 -27.6914 36.0732 -27.6455 36.3457 c -27.6001 36.6138 -27.7769 36.8682 -28.042 36.9199 c -28.0537 36.9219 L f U %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 0 0 Xd 6 () XW %_-28.1377 36.4292 m %_-58.5264 41.9556 -88.3457 25.397 -117.1611 18.7778 c %_-170.8369 6.44775 -233.9277 3.2876 -277.4346 43.6958 c %_-293.7041 58.8062 -315.333 94.7739 -292.0732 114.7632 c %_-270.4912 133.3105 -244.4346 110.6304 -247.5508 92.0479 c %_-249.4844 80.5151 -258.7627 71.6641 -269.5391 71.5137 c %_-278.7646 71.3848 -288.9268 77.834 -289.165 88.0503 c %_-289.3135 94.395 -283.3604 104.3589 -273.1152 99.0063 c %_-271.29 98.0527 -270.0127 96.4131 -269.2178 94.7148 c %_-267.8008 91.6904 -268.5039 86.9844 -271.5098 85.2173 c %_-273.6797 83.9414 -278.2061 84.3105 -279.2695 88.4331 c %_-280.2393 92.1919 -278.1621 94.9497 -275.1914 95.6147 c %_-271.4092 96.4614 -266.4141 94.5947 -262.332 91.9834 c %_N %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 1 (Anon 773) XW u 0 O 0 g 24.2178 2.04785 m 21.4048 6.41357 18.2612 10.6187 14.5547 14.3242 C 10.8735 18.0557 6.46045 21.1021 1.69629 23.3047 C -7.87891 27.7485 -18.5645 29.1147 -28.9741 28.8442 C -39.4282 28.5586 -49.7817 26.7256 -59.8027 23.8394 C -64.8149 22.4199 -69.7627 20.5825 -74.502 18.4023 C -79.2554 16.23 -83.8423 13.7378 -88.335 11.1191 C -97.3242 5.87891 -105.9272 0.093262 -114.8125 -5.146 C -123.7095 -10.4136 -132.7354 -15.4536 -141.9155 -20.1963 C -160.2637 -29.689 -179.2051 -38.0845 -198.8062 -44.6045 C -208.6104 -47.8447 -218.5288 -50.7925 -228.5972 -52.9946 C -238.6572 -55.188 -248.9268 -56.6069 -259.2065 -56.3867 C -264.3394 -56.2725 -269.4653 -55.7354 -274.4756 -54.6431 C -276.98 -54.0986 -279.4541 -53.415 -281.876 -52.5811 C -284.3096 -51.7422 -286.6787 -50.8125 -288.8628 -49.519 C -293.2583 -46.9609 -297.0962 -43.4424 -300.1938 -39.3857 C -303.2793 -35.3242 -305.6592 -30.6709 -306.7964 -25.6968 C -307.9722 -20.7285 -307.5093 -15.4824 -306.1621 -10.5552 C -305.4717 -8.09277 -304.5215 -5.69434 -303.228 -3.49512 C -301.9404 -1.30176 -300.2803 0.700195 -298.1987 2.14502 C -296.1318 3.60254 -293.6104 4.37988 -291.0835 4.36963 C -289.8291 4.37061 -288.5908 4.05176 -287.5244 3.40332 C -286.4551 2.76172 -285.5742 1.82373 -284.9043 0.758301 C -283.5728 -1.38965 -283.0083 -3.99658 -283.1533 -6.52539 C -283.2666 -9.0835 -284.4346 -11.46 -285.8804 -13.5522 C -291.9917 -21.7319 -302.7666 -26.668 -313.0073 -24.7598 C -318.1128 -23.9355 -322.9419 -21.9092 -327.5518 -19.5908 C -329.8628 -18.4272 -332.1313 -17.1802 -334.4004 -15.9331 C -337.811 -14.0747 L -339.5293 -13.1685 L -340.1021 -12.8618 -340.7349 -12.6909 -340.958 -11.6753 C -340.9595 -11.6694 l -341.1006 -11.0264 -341.7363 -10.6201 -342.3789 -10.7617 c -343.0215 -10.9028 -343.4282 -11.5381 -343.2866 -12.1812 c -343.1455 -12.8237 -342.5098 -13.2305 -341.8672 -13.0889 c -341.7808 -13.0698 -341.6934 -13.0391 -341.6162 -13.0034 c -340.6802 -12.5635 -340.1597 -12.9814 -339.584 -13.2729 C -337.8721 -14.1875 L -334.4727 -16.064 L -332.2104 -17.3232 -329.9473 -18.584 -327.6387 -19.7617 C -323.0332 -22.1094 -318.1973 -24.1729 -313.0518 -25.0327 C -307.9346 -25.9165 -302.5215 -25.4004 -297.751 -23.2661 C -295.3604 -22.2339 -293.0913 -20.9204 -291.0132 -19.3477 C -288.9341 -17.7793 -287.0444 -15.9375 -285.5161 -13.8101 C -284.0278 -11.6826 -282.7983 -9.22266 -282.666 -6.55713 C -282.5029 -3.93018 -283.0654 -1.23291 -284.4541 1.03955 C -285.1538 2.16602 -286.0859 3.1748 -287.2378 3.87549 C -288.3813 4.5835 -289.7393 4.94775 -291.0713 4.95752 C -293.7261 4.99658 -296.3872 4.20166 -298.5737 2.69238 C -300.7725 1.19775 -302.5137 -0.869141 -303.8633 -3.1167 C -305.2183 -5.37109 -306.2148 -7.81934 -306.9458 -10.332 C -308.3706 -15.3433 -308.9067 -20.7393 -307.7397 -25.9058 C -306.6143 -31.0557 -304.2144 -35.856 -301.0869 -40.0586 C -297.9438 -44.2559 -294.041 -47.9146 -289.5034 -50.6133 C -288.3667 -51.2852 -287.1968 -51.8916 -285.9766 -52.4229 C -284.769 -52.9355 -283.5537 -53.4155 -282.3184 -53.8477 C -279.8525 -54.7231 -277.333 -55.4453 -274.7832 -56.0249 C -269.6826 -57.1875 -264.4658 -57.7837 -259.249 -57.9492 C -248.8003 -58.2715 -238.3872 -56.9287 -228.2095 -54.811 C -218.02 -52.667 -208.0464 -49.7271 -198.1714 -46.5239 C -178.4302 -40.0371 -159.3081 -31.752 -140.875 -22.2075 C -131.6582 -17.4316 -122.5981 -12.3574 -113.6787 -7.06201 C -104.7271 -1.76709 -96.1348 4.02637 -87.2319 9.22998 C -78.3374 14.4316 -69.1099 19.0557 -59.2275 21.8828 C -49.3784 24.7983 -39.1816 26.6787 -28.9209 27.0332 C -23.7939 27.2065 -18.6543 26.9575 -13.5952 26.1909 C -8.5415 25.418 -3.56396 24.0771 1.09326 21.9873 C 5.75684 19.9082 10.0454 17.0439 13.6953 13.4521 C 17.3716 9.88135 20.5293 5.78955 23.3838 1.49707 C 23.5366 1.2666 23.8467 1.20459 24.0767 1.35742 c 24.3047 1.50879 24.3657 1.81885 24.2178 2.04785 C f U %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 0 0 Xd 6 () XW %_23.8008 1.77246 m %_20.6396 6.61133 17.0537 11.2354 12.8525 15.1045 c %_-6.55176 32.9697 -39.9932 29.2876 -63.2383 21.709 c %_-81.2207 15.8452 -97.2744 3.99121 -113.4063 -5.60742 c %_-141.8076 -22.5068 -171.6543 -37.1812 -203.2012 -47.0869 c %_-228.4307 -55.0088 -259.5898 -62.5864 -285.2939 -52.0034 c %_-297.0938 -47.145 -307.4766 -33.709 -307.9111 -20.8286 c %_-308.2393 -11.1108 -303.2305 4.6709 -291.127 4.66455 c %_-284.248 4.66113 -281.5234 -4.04932 -283.5225 -9.58838 c %_-286.2861 -17.2451 -295.6084 -23.2471 -302.9473 -24.7559 c %_-317.1836 -27.6826 -329.873 -17.9946 -341.2871 -12.3394 c %_N %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 1 (Anon 774) XW u 0 O 0 g 16.3789 -2.13916 m 13.8486 2.16602 11.0669 6.46436 7.37793 10.0146 C 5.55371 11.7944 3.5625 13.3965 1.48682 14.8535 C -0.584961 16.3335 -2.92529 17.5635 -5.31006 18.4834 C -10.1187 20.333 -15.2363 21.1636 -20.3164 21.356 C -25.4058 21.5522 -30.4858 21.1602 -35.4922 20.3955 C -40.4995 19.624 -45.4409 18.4722 -50.2817 16.9712 C -52.7051 16.2163 -55.0894 15.3804 -57.4653 14.4199 C -59.7725 13.4888 -62.1333 12.4536 -64.4023 11.3687 C -73.5762 7.04004 -81.9868 1.23047 -89.8413 -5.02783 C -93.7813 -8.15283 -97.6196 -11.376 -101.4521 -14.5791 C -105.2822 -17.7817 -109.1294 -20.957 -113.0063 -24.0928 C -120.7617 -30.3613 -128.6475 -36.4512 -136.7275 -42.2529 C -152.8779 -53.8535 -170.1592 -63.9014 -188.6079 -71.2813 C -197.8247 -74.9727 -207.272 -78.085 -216.8911 -80.6128 C -226.4741 -83.0952 -236.3003 -84.875 -246.168 -85.0298 C -251.0942 -85.0981 -256.0288 -84.7441 -260.834 -83.7588 C -265.6348 -82.7788 -270.3047 -81.1499 -274.5659 -78.7578 C -278.8384 -76.4414 -282.4707 -73.04 -285.1094 -68.9648 C -287.7119 -64.9277 -289.3706 -60.0522 -288.6069 -55.333 C -288.2334 -52.9971 -287.207 -50.7783 -285.6943 -48.9551 C -284.1455 -47.0752 -282.3213 -45.4487 -280.1987 -44.3384 C -278.0869 -43.2271 -275.686 -42.6855 -273.3052 -42.8662 C -270.9233 -43.0303 -268.5977 -43.8838 -266.5786 -45.2012 C -262.5347 -47.8345 -259.6353 -52.3076 -259.0928 -57.1294 C -258.8174 -59.5337 -259.1753 -62.0024 -260.1411 -64.2261 C -261.0996 -66.4556 -262.6362 -68.4199 -264.4736 -70.0347 C -268.1738 -73.2983 -272.9209 -75.1191 -277.5898 -76.7813 C -282.2935 -78.4287 -287.1245 -79.77 -291.7729 -81.6826 C -294.0879 -82.6475 -296.3687 -83.7632 -298.4009 -85.2783 C -300.4248 -86.7783 -302.1709 -88.7827 -303.0327 -91.1958 C -303.9121 -93.6006 -303.9048 -96.2261 -303.4473 -98.6909 C -303.2202 -99.9297 -302.8857 -101.145 -302.4819 -102.3335 C -302.1118 -103.543 -301.4282 -104.5947 -301.6953 -106.0981 C -301.6968 -106.1055 l -301.79 -106.6313 -301.4399 -107.1328 -300.9146 -107.2266 c -300.3892 -107.3198 -299.8872 -106.9697 -299.7939 -106.4443 c -299.7222 -106.0405 -299.9141 -105.6504 -300.2441 -105.4487 c -301.5278 -104.6694 -301.7769 -103.3999 -302.1958 -102.2378 C -302.585 -101.0571 -302.9043 -99.853 -303.1162 -98.6318 C -303.5444 -96.2002 -303.5205 -93.644 -302.6514 -91.3369 C -301.7988 -89.0215 -300.105 -87.1074 -298.1172 -85.6611 C -296.1221 -84.2021 -293.8662 -83.1211 -291.5659 -82.188 C -286.9453 -80.3369 -282.1104 -79.0415 -277.3667 -77.4307 C -274.9941 -76.6274 -272.6348 -75.7554 -270.3496 -74.6909 C -268.0635 -73.6333 -265.856 -72.3291 -263.9297 -70.6572 C -262.0034 -68.9961 -260.3608 -66.9463 -259.3193 -64.585 C -258.27 -62.2314 -257.8608 -59.5918 -258.1313 -57.0273 C -258.6685 -51.876 -261.6841 -47.1475 -265.9551 -44.2593 C -268.0952 -42.8193 -270.5977 -41.8525 -273.208 -41.6348 C -275.8159 -41.3979 -278.4858 -41.9614 -280.8105 -43.1455 C -283.1445 -44.3223 -285.144 -46.0693 -286.7944 -48.0166 C -288.5044 -50.0146 -289.6826 -52.4727 -290.1362 -55.0708 C -290.6011 -57.6685 -290.3799 -60.3364 -289.7188 -62.8428 C -289.0503 -65.354 -287.9634 -67.7271 -286.5981 -69.9092 C -283.8711 -74.2656 -280.0288 -77.957 -275.5439 -80.4722 C -271.1191 -83.043 -266.2573 -84.8052 -261.2837 -85.8848 C -256.3047 -86.9707 -251.2134 -87.3979 -246.1499 -87.3921 C -236.0029 -87.3589 -225.9863 -85.668 -216.207 -83.2676 C -206.4585 -80.8423 -196.8374 -77.8154 -187.4834 -74.0996 C -168.7383 -66.7241 -151.145 -56.6221 -134.7749 -45 C -126.5576 -39.2207 -118.6592 -33.0244 -110.8936 -26.6953 C -107.0117 -23.5283 -103.1631 -20.3247 -99.3379 -17.0996 C -95.5146 -13.876 -91.71 -10.6553 -87.8311 -7.55176 C -83.9541 -4.44678 -79.9956 -1.4707 -75.8789 1.25146 C -71.7666 3.98145 -67.4814 6.42627 -63.0679 8.62793 C -60.8442 9.73242 -58.6416 10.7412 -56.3296 11.7178 C -54.0859 12.665 -51.7632 13.5225 -49.4263 14.2896 C -44.7432 15.8228 -39.9404 17.0215 -35.0806 17.8477 C -30.2222 18.668 -25.2959 19.123 -20.3901 19.0098 C -15.4966 18.877 -10.5879 18.2471 -6.0083 16.6113 C -3.71045 15.7881 -1.56299 14.7344 0.475586 13.3677 C 2.53223 12.0156 4.49414 10.5332 6.30029 8.87646 C 9.9248 5.56836 12.8301 1.52197 15.5293 -2.6665 C 15.6787 -2.89893 15.9883 -2.96582 16.2207 -2.81592 c 16.4468 -2.67041 16.5137 -2.36914 16.3789 -2.13916 C f U %_/ArtDictionary : %_/Array : %_/Array : %_1 /Real , %_0.0551 /Real , %_; , %_/Array : %_2 /Real , %_0.177 /Real , %_; , %_/Array : %_3 /Real , %_0.2834 /Real , %_; , %_/Array : %_4 /Real , %_0.5611 /Real , %_; , %_; (kAIBeautifulStrokes_WidthProfileAnchors) , %_9 /Int (kAIBeautifulStrokes_WidthProfileRememberedPtCount) , %_0 /Bool (kAIBeautifulStrokes_WidthProfileRememberedPathClosure) , %_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 0 0 Xd 6 () XW %_15.9541 -2.40283 m %_11.4111 4.95361 7.77539 9.58594 0.488281 14.4438 c %_-14.7627 24.6104 -41.2334 19.522 -56.8125 13.1045 c %_-74.5713 5.78955 -85.5508 -3.36768 -99.8555 -15.3867 c %_-136.0742 -45.8184 -167.707 -69.1343 -215.1328 -81.5747 c %_-244.2197 -89.2046 -263.6357 -86.8589 -276.6611 -78.6533 c %_-286.8867 -72.2114 -294.1143 -57.9434 -286.2773 -48.5244 c %_-269.7705 -28.6851 -243.4268 -60.7397 -269.5654 -73.8887 c %_-285.7422 -82.0264 -311.9268 -81.2778 -300.9697 -105.7734 c %_N %_/ArtDictionary : %_/Array : %_/Array : %_1 /Real , %_0.0551 /Real , %_; , %_/Array : %_2 /Real , %_0.177 /Real , %_; , %_/Array : %_3 /Real , %_0.2834 /Real , %_; , %_/Array : %_4 /Real , %_0.5611 /Real , %_; , %_; (kAIBeautifulStrokes_WidthProfileAnchors) , %_9 /Int (kAIBeautifulStrokes_WidthProfileRememberedPtCount) , %_0 /Bool (kAIBeautifulStrokes_WidthProfileRememberedPathClosure) , %_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 1 (Anon 775) XW u 0 O 0 g 6.25293 5.38379 m 4.78857 6.625 3.33154 7.96045 1.61328 8.99072 C -0.081055 10.0044 -1.77979 10.9019 -3.54053 11.7646 C -7.04443 13.4619 -10.8174 14.8525 -14.8057 15.2051 C -22.7017 15.856 -30.5527 14.1196 -37.8389 11.3687 C -45.1543 8.59521 -51.9746 4.73633 -58.4727 0.488281 C -61.7192 -1.65479 -64.8892 -3.875 -67.9878 -6.2417 C -71.0889 -8.68164 -73.9102 -11.4023 -76.5039 -14.3213 C -81.6982 -20.1558 -86.0786 -26.5708 -90.6685 -32.7598 C -95.2285 -38.9668 -100.0562 -44.9902 -105.4233 -50.5078 C -110.7847 -56.0166 -116.7402 -60.998 -123.3955 -64.8911 C -126.7188 -66.8369 -130.1973 -68.5205 -133.7876 -69.9248 C -135.583 -70.626 -137.4058 -71.2603 -139.25 -71.8242 C -140.1719 -72.1074 -141.0991 -72.374 -142.0313 -72.6221 C -143.4326 -72.9844 L -143.8965 -73.1172 -144.3726 -73.2109 -144.9297 -72.9224 C -145.2505 -72.7529 -145.6479 -72.8755 -145.8174 -73.1963 c -145.9868 -73.5176 -145.8638 -73.915 -145.543 -74.084 c -145.2549 -74.2363 -144.9023 -74.1489 -144.7109 -73.8979 c -144.3276 -73.3887 -143.8599 -73.2778 -143.3862 -73.1763 C -141.9766 -72.833 L -141.0386 -72.5972 -140.105 -72.3433 -139.1758 -72.0723 C -137.3174 -71.5322 -135.4795 -70.9214 -133.666 -70.2427 C -130.0396 -68.8828 -126.5171 -67.2393 -123.144 -65.3276 C -116.3843 -61.5171 -110.2388 -56.6611 -104.7109 -51.2178 C -99.1753 -45.7715 -94.1841 -39.8066 -89.4639 -33.6626 C -84.7861 -27.4932 -80.355 -21.1616 -75.1982 -15.4966 C -72.6309 -12.6665 -69.8867 -9.98389 -66.9072 -7.64941 C -63.8657 -5.32471 -60.7021 -3.10693 -57.5 -0.992676 C -51.0835 3.22607 -44.3423 6.97217 -37.2207 9.75732 C -30.1255 12.5176 -22.5068 14.2598 -14.9321 13.7065 C -11.1943 13.4175 -7.55127 12.2012 -4.08984 10.6006 C -2.36523 9.79688 -0.625 8.92383 1.02344 8 C 2.65479 7.08301 4.10156 5.83105 5.6123 4.61621 C 5.6167 4.61279 l 5.83203 4.43945 6.14648 4.47363 6.31982 4.68896 c 6.48975 4.90039 6.45898 5.20898 6.25293 5.38379 C f U %_/ArtDictionary : %_/Array : %_/Array : %_1 /Real , %_0.0583 /Real , %_; , %_; (kAIBeautifulStrokes_WidthProfileAnchors) , %_6 /Int (kAIBeautifulStrokes_WidthProfileRememberedPtCount) , %_0 /Bool (kAIBeautifulStrokes_WidthProfileRememberedPathClosure) , %_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 0 0 Xd 6 () XW %_5.93262 5 m %_2.77832 7.63574 2.30566 8.03027 -1.00098 9.77295 c %_-5.50391 12.1445 -10.1973 14.1636 -15.334 14.4956 c %_-33.4277 15.6636 -52.292 4.28271 -66.2607 -6.03955 c %_-77.1211 -14.0645 -84.4014 -26.0273 -92.6104 -36.5454 c %_-106.8789 -54.8276 -121.6328 -68.2227 -144.8203 -73.4102 c %_N %_/ArtDictionary : %_/Array : %_/Array : %_1 /Real , %_0.0583 /Real , %_; , %_; (kAIBeautifulStrokes_WidthProfileAnchors) , %_6 /Int (kAIBeautifulStrokes_WidthProfileRememberedPtCount) , %_0 /Bool (kAIBeautifulStrokes_WidthProfileRememberedPathClosure) , %_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 1 (Anon 776) XW u 0 O 0 g 32.2842 33.0479 m 31.96 32.4346 31.481 32.1045 30.9585 31.8564 C 30.4409 31.5996 29.9185 31.3496 29.3872 31.1211 C 28.3276 30.6572 27.2451 30.2471 26.1445 29.8936 C 23.9438 29.1836 21.6685 28.7163 19.3721 28.48 C 14.7773 28.0044 10.0972 28.5112 5.7041 29.8965 C 1.29053 31.2734 -2.71826 33.623 -6.5415 36.2134 C -10.3745 38.7974 -14.0859 41.6094 -18.145 43.957 C -22.1948 46.3354 -26.6431 48.0063 -31.1909 49.1523 C -35.7559 50.2671 -40.4473 50.7856 -45.124 50.8955 C -54.5034 51.144 -63.7539 49.7334 -72.9453 48.6982 C -82.1221 47.6592 -91.415 46.9556 -100.5181 48.2852 C -105.0313 48.98 -109.5469 50.2222 -113.3462 52.7217 C -115.2358 53.9658 -116.9009 55.5454 -118.166 57.415 C -119.436 59.2822 -120.2842 61.4248 -120.7432 63.6519 C -121.6494 68.1143 -121.1724 72.8633 -119.5659 77.1455 C -118.751 79.2842 -117.6162 81.3145 -116.1152 83.0439 C -114.6191 84.772 -112.7422 86.1787 -110.6221 87.042 C -108.5093 87.9233 -106.1758 88.1797 -103.8838 88.3447 C -101.585 88.4678 -99.2578 88.29 -97.0454 87.6465 C -94.8296 87.0142 -92.7651 85.9077 -90.9355 84.5024 C -90.021 83.7983 -89.1582 83.0259 -88.3394 82.2095 C -87.9292 81.8018 -87.5332 81.3804 -87.1426 80.9536 C -86.7441 80.5347 -86.3867 80.0713 -86.3281 79.374 C -86.3003 79.0386 -86.0054 78.7891 -85.6699 78.8174 c -85.3345 78.8457 -85.0854 79.1401 -85.1138 79.4756 c -85.1357 79.7358 -85.3213 79.9448 -85.5586 80.0117 c -86.2437 80.2041 -86.6406 80.6221 -87.0171 81.0664 C -87.4053 81.4985 -87.7998 81.9258 -88.2085 82.3394 C -89.0244 83.168 -89.8862 83.9541 -90.8032 84.6733 C -92.6367 86.1089 -94.7207 87.2515 -96.9663 87.9146 C -99.209 88.5889 -101.5718 88.7905 -103.9004 88.6875 C -105.0635 88.6357 -106.2324 88.5073 -107.3779 88.3271 C -108.5376 88.1592 -109.6836 87.8569 -110.7744 87.4185 C -112.9648 86.5498 -114.9141 85.1162 -116.4678 83.3535 C -118.0308 81.5933 -119.2329 79.5342 -120.1011 77.3545 C -121.8149 72.9902 -122.3887 68.1494 -121.5244 63.4961 C -121.085 61.1758 -120.2324 58.9072 -118.9214 56.9126 C -117.6177 54.9131 -115.875 53.2158 -113.9111 51.8823 C -109.9575 49.2017 -105.3135 47.8662 -100.709 47.0864 C -91.4189 45.5596 -82.0059 46.248 -72.7847 47.2432 C -63.5498 48.2334 -54.3613 49.5454 -45.1543 49.4185 C -40.5596 49.3457 -35.9712 48.8721 -31.5098 47.8184 C -27.0508 46.7793 -22.6875 45.2495 -18.6841 43.0034 C -14.6582 40.7817 -10.8984 38.0547 -6.9834 35.542 C -3.08545 33.0229 1.05713 30.7158 5.55859 29.4209 C 10.0366 28.0991 14.7729 27.6284 19.4053 28.1729 C 21.7197 28.4399 24.0073 28.9404 26.2134 29.6826 C 27.3169 30.0522 28.4004 30.4785 29.46 30.958 C 29.9912 31.1943 30.5122 31.4521 31.0298 31.7168 C 31.5439 31.9902 32.0806 32.2197 32.7686 32.1729 C 33.0977 32.1489 33.3838 32.396 33.4082 32.7251 c 33.4326 33.0537 33.1855 33.3403 32.8564 33.3643 c 32.6133 33.3823 32.3926 33.249 32.2842 33.0479 C f U %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 0 0 Xd 6 () XW %_32.5264 32.6104 m %_23.3779 27.3755 12.7021 26.75 2.9209 30.605 c %_-6.3584 34.2617 -13.7432 41.8623 -23.0049 45.7603 c %_-46.1221 55.4897 -69.2402 45.9619 -92.9229 46.9482 c %_-107.7559 47.5659 -119.6758 52.042 -121.3711 65.0044 c %_-122.5391 73.9321 -118.3438 86.2803 -107.6367 88.0972 c %_-97.5605 89.8071 -91.667 86.5967 -85.9434 79.6929 c %_N %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 1 (Anon 777) XW u 0 O 0 g 43.5273 -20.1772 m 39.8369 -22.4692 35.5283 -22.7197 31.4116 -22.6997 C 27.2632 -22.5781 23.1895 -21.3496 19.7393 -19.1484 C 16.2725 -16.937 13.1519 -14.21 10.3545 -11.2163 C 8.96289 -9.70898 7.62256 -8.15625 6.3584 -6.53857 C 5.08447 -4.8623 3.60889 -3.22607 2.00391 -1.76855 C 0.400391 -0.294922 -1.38086 1.01953 -3.34229 2.06934 C -5.29248 3.14453 -7.4585 3.8877 -9.59814 4.3291 C -13.8994 5.25342 -18.4253 5.16553 -22.6812 4.09863 C -26.9463 3.04492 -30.9189 1.05469 -34.4028 -1.50928 C -37.8887 -4.07715 -40.9536 -7.17578 -43.4712 -10.6558 C -45.9927 -14.1318 -48.0283 -17.9492 -49.4717 -21.9839 C -50.1855 -24.0034 -50.7661 -26.0728 -51.1543 -28.1826 C -51.5596 -30.2979 -51.7334 -32.4336 -51.8457 -34.5303 C -52.2642 -42.9678 -51.5024 -51.2969 -51.4658 -59.6089 C -51.4546 -63.7598 -51.5723 -67.9233 -52.2588 -72.0063 C -52.9458 -76.0703 -54.1968 -80.103 -56.5249 -83.5171 C -58.8228 -86.9473 -62.2544 -89.5386 -66.0981 -91.0796 C -68.019 -91.8604 -70.0283 -92.4248 -72.0703 -92.8169 C -73.0913 -93.0142 -74.1211 -93.1699 -75.1548 -93.292 C -76.1855 -93.4263 -77.2466 -93.3887 -78.3071 -92.7256 C -78.814 -92.4087 -79.4814 -92.563 -79.7983 -93.0698 c -80.1152 -93.5767 -79.9614 -94.2446 -79.4546 -94.5615 c -79.0654 -94.8047 -78.582 -94.7705 -78.2349 -94.5127 c -78.2222 -94.5029 l -77.1997 -93.7393 -76.1797 -93.5444 -75.1372 -93.4531 C -74.0977 -93.3496 -73.061 -93.2114 -72.0308 -93.0322 C -69.9707 -92.6753 -67.9341 -92.1436 -65.9751 -91.3887 C -62.0576 -89.9019 -58.4897 -87.3188 -56.0649 -83.8369 C -53.6094 -80.3735 -52.2563 -76.2642 -51.4824 -72.145 C -50.707 -68.0078 -50.4224 -63.8052 -50.3154 -59.6206 C -50.1011 -51.252 -50.5806 -42.8892 -49.936 -34.6572 C -49.498 -26.4561 -46.3228 -18.6445 -41.3784 -12.2207 C -36.4819 -5.81348 -29.6943 -0.689941 -21.9678 1.19336 C -18.1245 2.13232 -14.0962 2.18701 -10.2427 1.33936 C -8.30713 0.905762 -6.47119 0.338867 -4.75098 -0.585938 C -3.02686 -1.49414 -1.39844 -2.63037 0.135742 -3.90234 C 1.67334 -5.18994 3.05469 -6.61279 4.42432 -8.16113 C 5.83691 -9.74316 7.31592 -11.2705 8.88428 -12.7021 C 12.0195 -15.5649 15.4463 -18.1162 19.1914 -20.1094 C 21.0791 -21.0962 23.0864 -21.8408 25.1401 -22.3442 C 27.1973 -22.8491 29.3105 -23.0342 31.4067 -23.0396 C 33.5059 -23.0366 35.5928 -22.7988 37.6475 -22.4307 C 38.6777 -22.2563 39.708 -22.0952 40.7578 -21.9951 C 41.8008 -21.8857 42.874 -21.8047 43.9668 -21.8794 C 44.4775 -21.9146 44.9199 -21.5288 44.9551 -21.0186 c 44.9893 -20.5078 44.6045 -20.0659 44.0938 -20.0308 c 43.8926 -20.0171 43.7012 -20.0688 43.542 -20.168 c 43.5273 -20.1772 L f U %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 0 0 Xd 6 () XW %_43.7471 -21.0283 m %_34.7861 -23.3892 26.8008 -24.1841 18.6182 -19.1274 c %_13.3975 -15.9004 8.97656 -11.6836 5.08105 -6.98096 c %_1.72559 -2.92969 -2.69727 0.776367 -7.79785 2.29248 c %_-28.9893 8.58936 -48.4238 -11.7925 -50.6182 -31.4868 c %_-53.4199 -56.6318 -41.5977 -91.8706 -78.2646 -93.6143 c %_N %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 1 (Anon 778) XW u 0 O 0 g -51.5933 -5.48486 m -55.4009 -7.06152 -58.8135 -9.55859 -61.6724 -12.5225 C -64.5244 -15.5049 -66.9004 -18.9404 -68.6797 -22.6694 C -70.4438 -26.4019 -71.6582 -30.4199 -72.0645 -34.5654 C -72.4385 -38.6777 -72.2886 -42.751 -72.209 -46.7886 C -72.1396 -50.8125 -72.0781 -54.8481 -72.9917 -58.6602 C -73.4502 -60.5576 -74.1689 -62.3804 -75.2061 -64.0146 C -76.23 -65.6577 -77.5654 -67.1001 -79.0718 -68.3481 C -82.1025 -70.8384 -85.7739 -72.563 -89.499 -73.9507 C -93.2241 -75.2749 -97.2231 -76.2017 -101.0864 -75.6196 C -103 -75.3354 -104.8247 -74.5518 -106.333 -73.355 C -107.8208 -72.1846 -108.9854 -70.4585 -108.8428 -68.6221 C -108.7251 -66.8066 -107.356 -65.1411 -105.8276 -64.0703 C -104.2593 -62.978 -102.23 -62.7012 -100.377 -63.2402 C -98.5156 -63.7593 -96.8389 -64.9136 -95.4941 -66.3398 C -94.1509 -67.7739 -93.1001 -69.5112 -92.5645 -71.3994 C -91.9971 -73.2847 -92.1621 -75.3169 -92.876 -77.1582 C -93.5801 -79.0054 -94.7993 -80.6304 -96.1885 -82.0649 C -98.9883 -84.9502 -102.4233 -87.1489 -105.5308 -89.7588 C -107.0933 -91.0571 -108.52 -92.5459 -109.6655 -94.2349 C -110.8208 -95.9121 -111.6909 -97.8145 -112.0508 -99.832 C -112.418 -101.8481 -112.2588 -103.936 -111.7163 -105.8965 C -111.1753 -107.8628 -110.2935 -109.7134 -109.2661 -111.4595 C -108.2354 -113.207 -107.0547 -114.8584 -105.8184 -116.4609 C -105.1992 -117.2617 -104.5659 -118.0513 -103.9238 -118.8335 C -103.332 -119.6572 -102.4395 -120.2295 -102.4307 -121.54 C -102.4282 -121.9951 -102.0566 -122.3618 -101.6016 -122.3589 c -101.146 -122.356 -100.7793 -121.9849 -100.7822 -121.5293 c -100.7852 -121.1284 -101.0742 -120.7964 -101.4541 -120.7246 c -102.7407 -120.4819 -103.1421 -119.499 -103.8267 -118.7539 C -104.4629 -117.9683 -105.0894 -117.1753 -105.7021 -116.3716 C -106.9248 -114.7637 -108.0894 -113.1084 -109.1025 -111.3638 C -110.1118 -109.6201 -110.9722 -107.7788 -111.4917 -105.8359 C -112.0132 -103.8979 -112.1528 -101.8506 -111.7798 -99.8818 C -111.4141 -97.9111 -110.5503 -96.0562 -109.4038 -94.415 C -108.2637 -92.7607 -106.8555 -91.3105 -105.2988 -90.0352 C -102.2036 -87.4595 -98.7417 -85.2969 -95.8418 -82.4048 C -94.4063 -80.9614 -93.1167 -79.3013 -92.3467 -77.3652 C -91.9629 -76.4048 -91.7134 -75.3735 -91.6274 -74.3384 C -91.5444 -73.2891 -91.667 -72.2344 -91.936 -71.228 C -92.48 -69.2119 -93.5596 -67.3745 -94.9561 -65.8408 C -96.3569 -64.3174 -98.1133 -63.0566 -100.1548 -62.4546 C -102.1777 -61.8252 -104.5391 -62.1045 -106.3252 -63.3213 C -107.2266 -63.918 -107.9883 -64.6616 -108.6304 -65.5176 C -109.2612 -66.3833 -109.7354 -67.4253 -109.8252 -68.5459 C -109.9248 -69.6646 -109.6279 -70.7935 -109.0967 -71.7446 C -108.5659 -72.7031 -107.8286 -73.5098 -107.0088 -74.1865 C -105.3687 -75.5313 -103.3594 -76.4204 -101.2764 -76.7612 C -97.0874 -77.4448 -92.9224 -76.5103 -89.0566 -75.2041 C -85.2002 -73.8369 -81.417 -72.0991 -78.1504 -69.4727 C -76.5337 -68.1567 -75.0693 -66.6064 -73.936 -64.8218 C -72.7881 -63.0469 -71.9883 -61.0605 -71.481 -59.0332 C -70.4722 -54.9541 -70.5195 -50.8047 -70.5513 -46.7622 C -70.6084 -42.7144 -70.6787 -38.6826 -70.356 -34.7275 C -69.9873 -30.8125 -68.8457 -26.9639 -67.1675 -23.3818 C -65.4937 -19.7964 -63.3081 -16.4297 -60.6182 -13.5151 C -57.9385 -10.5957 -54.7764 -8.10596 -51.1782 -6.39502 C -50.9292 -6.27637 -50.8232 -5.97803 -50.9414 -5.72852 c -51.0562 -5.4873 -51.3394 -5.38037 -51.583 -5.48096 c -51.5933 -5.48486 L f U %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 0 0 Xd 6 () XW %_-51.3857 -5.93994 m %_-62.3906 -10.8096 -70.4395 -23.6406 -71.2695 -35.3486 c %_-72.4082 -51.4185 -67.1172 -64.4341 -84.9463 -72.7959 c %_-90.3662 -75.3379 -98.5205 -77.9941 -104.3623 -75.2168 c %_-108.5615 -73.2202 -111.2861 -69.0532 -107.6631 -65.0732 c %_-101.2695 -58.0483 -91.2061 -67.1504 -91.9482 -74.5298 c %_-92.7666 -82.6758 -103.002 -86.8198 -107.8564 -92.208 c %_-117.1582 -102.5327 -109.4287 -112.1602 -101.9424 -121.1323 c %_N %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 1 (Anon 779) XW U %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 9 () XW u 0 O 0 g 33.3154 60.624 m 33.1592 60.8813 33.0732 61.019 33.0635 61.2539 C 33.0557 61.4717 33.1162 61.6958 33.2373 61.8901 C 33.4932 62.2769 33.9385 62.4995 34.3818 62.6167 C 35.2793 62.8506 36.2734 62.6938 37.0283 62.21 C 37.793 61.7158 38.2021 60.8755 38.21 59.9966 C 38.2207 59.1455 37.8477 58.313 37.2988 57.6294 C 36.1719 56.2373 34.5303 55.3521 32.8047 54.6963 C 31.0771 54.0229 29.2593 53.5186 27.4229 53.1362 C 23.7295 52.3975 19.9849 51.9893 16.2603 52.2412 C 12.5244 52.4155 8.82617 53.1216 5.32471 54.4116 C -1.72461 56.9702 -7.74902 61.8101 -13.2021 67.1099 C -15.937 69.7729 -18.5908 72.5449 -21.2451 75.3286 C -25.231 79.5117 L -26.5527 80.8672 -27.7563 82.3037 -28.8462 83.8374 C -29.9292 85.3677 -30.895 86.9854 -31.6138 88.6865 C -32.3198 90.3911 -32.7969 92.167 -32.5967 93.9468 C -32.4233 95.7163 -31.7983 97.4966 -30.6133 98.7754 C -29.4429 100.0698 -27.7031 100.7422 -25.9116 100.7002 C -25.0181 100.6885 -24.1064 100.5361 -23.2344 100.2705 C -22.457 100.0112 -21.7051 99.4946 -21.1289 98.8384 C -19.96 97.5078 -19.3618 95.6694 -19.2725 93.8486 C -19.1865 92.0244 -19.6138 90.1396 -20.6548 88.6494 C -21.6792 87.144 -23.377 86.1855 -25.2085 85.96 C -27.0381 85.6963 -28.9443 86.1245 -30.791 86.5479 C -32.6382 87.0029 -34.4414 87.6504 -36.1128 88.5527 C -39.4805 90.3262 -42.1758 93.2534 -43.8032 96.7085 C -45.4683 100.1572 -46.2627 103.9688 -46.7627 107.7686 C -47.0112 109.6748 -47.1812 111.5913 -47.3208 113.5103 C -47.5117 116.3906 L -47.5825 117.3506 -47.6416 118.3105 -47.2129 119.2979 C -47.0894 119.5815 -47.2192 119.9106 -47.5024 120.0337 c -47.7856 120.1567 -48.1152 120.0273 -48.2383 119.7441 c -48.311 119.5771 -48.2939 119.3911 -48.2109 119.2441 c -47.6782 118.3096 -47.6372 117.3472 -47.603 116.3857 C -47.4526 113.5015 L -47.3403 111.5796 -47.1973 109.6577 -46.9751 107.7427 C -46.5264 103.9238 -45.7861 100.0771 -44.144 96.5464 C -43.3262 94.7871 -42.2651 93.1294 -40.9517 91.6855 C -39.6401 90.2412 -38.0767 89.0278 -36.3726 88.0781 C -34.6675 87.126 -32.8267 86.4365 -30.9453 85.9448 C -30.0034 85.6987 -29.0488 85.4985 -28.0903 85.3403 C -27.1172 85.1836 -26.1167 85.1289 -25.1191 85.2422 C -23.126 85.4375 -21.1548 86.4795 -19.9668 88.1563 C -18.7593 89.813 -18.2534 91.877 -18.3037 93.8838 C -18.3647 95.8882 -18.9561 97.9409 -20.3027 99.5537 C -20.9839 100.3516 -21.8442 101.001 -22.8901 101.3721 C -23.8525 101.6865 -24.853 101.8794 -25.8848 101.9165 C -27.9355 102.0205 -30.1299 101.2529 -31.5874 99.6968 C -33.064 98.1563 -33.8135 96.1221 -34.0508 94.085 C -34.3218 92.0156 -33.8066 89.9321 -33.083 88.0889 C -32.3428 86.2246 -31.3574 84.4961 -30.2549 82.8618 C -29.1509 81.2319 -27.9082 79.6812 -26.5718 78.252 C -22.6738 73.9961 L -20.0737 71.1538 -17.46 68.3066 -14.686 65.5898 C -11.9194 62.8696 -9.01221 60.251 -5.83398 57.9395 C -2.65967 55.6333 0.802246 53.6436 4.52588 52.2568 C 8.24121 50.8584 12.1875 50.0649 16.1396 49.8657 C 20.1094 49.6528 24.0903 50.1826 27.8887 51.1772 C 29.7949 51.6885 31.6699 52.3252 33.4707 53.1948 C 35.2627 54.0396 37.0205 55.2734 38.1572 57.0293 C 38.7139 57.9067 39.0752 58.9785 38.9385 60.0635 C 38.8398 61.1084 38.1816 62.1313 37.25 62.5884 C 35.4355 63.541 32.8896 62.9541 32.3179 60.5527 C 32.2969 60.4644 l 32.2256 60.165 32.4102 59.8643 32.7095 59.793 c 33.0088 59.7217 33.3096 59.9067 33.3809 60.2061 c 33.416 60.354 33.3877 60.5034 33.3154 60.624 C f U %_/ArtDictionary : %_/Array : %_/Array : %_1 /Real , %_0.055 /Real , %_; , %_/Array : %_2 /Real , %_0.0998 /Real , %_; , %_/Array : %_3 /Real , %_0.1592 /Real , %_; , %_/Array : %_4 /Real , %_0.4659 /Real , %_; , %_/Array : %_5 /Real , %_0.5695 /Real , %_; , %_/Array : %_6 /Real , %_0.6472 /Real , %_; , %_; (kAIBeautifulStrokes_WidthProfileAnchors) , %_9 /Int (kAIBeautifulStrokes_WidthProfileRememberedPtCount) , %_0 /Bool (kAIBeautifulStrokes_WidthProfileRememberedPathClosure) , %_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 0 0 Xd 6 () XW %_32.8164 60.5884 m %_32.4287 63.4946 37.9551 63.8472 38.5381 60.3472 c %_38.9375 57.9502 36.7148 55.6475 33.8936 54.291 c %_28.8564 51.8687 22.207 51.0151 18.6201 50.9971 c %_-1.33301 50.896 -11.9385 64.0459 -26.1514 79.1479 c %_-29.7119 82.9307 -33.7119 88.9307 -33.3643 93.5884 c %_-32.9678 98.895 -29.2686 102.5562 -23.3701 100.9175 c %_-16.5156 99.0137 -16.7295 83.8286 -28.1768 85.6875 c %_-46.6426 88.686 -46.8955 104.2393 -47.7119 119.271 c %_N %_/ArtDictionary : %_/Array : %_/Array : %_1 /Real , %_0.055 /Real , %_; , %_/Array : %_2 /Real , %_0.0998 /Real , %_; , %_/Array : %_3 /Real , %_0.1592 /Real , %_; , %_/Array : %_4 /Real , %_0.4659 /Real , %_; , %_/Array : %_5 /Real , %_0.5695 /Real , %_; , %_/Array : %_6 /Real , %_0.6472 /Real , %_; , %_; (kAIBeautifulStrokes_WidthProfileAnchors) , %_9 /Int (kAIBeautifulStrokes_WidthProfileRememberedPtCount) , %_0 /Bool (kAIBeautifulStrokes_WidthProfileRememberedPathClosure) , %_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 1 (Anon 780) XW u 0 O 0 g -16.3765 68.0356 m -17.5049 68.8306 -18.666 69.6021 -19.8179 70.3633 C -20.9668 71.1265 -22.1235 71.897 -23.3066 72.6187 C -25.6592 74.082 -28.1099 75.4028 -30.6826 76.4409 C -33.2515 77.4829 -35.9316 78.2476 -38.6445 78.7993 C -40.001 79.0781 -41.3667 79.3115 -42.7354 79.5176 C -44.791 79.8096 L -45.4756 79.9131 -46.1729 79.9014 -46.8032 80.4473 C -47.0547 80.6655 -47.4351 80.6382 -47.6528 80.3867 c -47.8706 80.1353 -47.8438 79.7549 -47.5923 79.5371 c -47.4019 79.3721 -47.1372 79.3481 -46.9253 79.4551 c -46.1831 79.8311 -45.5088 79.6465 -44.8228 79.5693 C -42.7695 79.2866 L -41.4033 79.0864 -40.0405 78.8599 -38.6875 78.5869 C -35.9834 78.0376 -33.3071 77.3223 -30.7612 76.2505 C -28.2139 75.189 -25.792 73.8477 -23.4673 72.3643 C -22.3081 71.6152 -21.187 70.8154 -20.0552 70.0156 C -18.9229 69.2178 -17.8022 68.4253 -16.6938 67.5942 C -16.5737 67.5039 -16.4033 67.5283 -16.313 67.6484 c -16.2231 67.7686 -16.2476 67.939 -16.3677 68.0293 c -16.3696 68.0308 -16.375 68.0342 -16.3765 68.0356 C f U %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 0 0 Xd 6 () XW %_-16.5352 67.8149 m %_-17.9795 68.873 -19.4814 69.8721 -20.9561 70.8867 c %_-24.2959 73.1851 -27.7939 75.2388 -31.5898 76.6919 c %_-36.501 78.5708 -41.6748 79.3115 -46.8643 79.9512 c %_N %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 1 (Anon 781) XW u 0 O 0 g -53.771 50.4531 m -55.3848 50.1123 -57.0498 50.1011 -58.7202 50.2285 C -60.3911 50.3652 -62.0679 50.583 -63.7085 50.9331 C -66.981 51.6533 -70.2012 52.8564 -72.9009 54.8745 C -74.2466 55.8779 -75.4478 57.0952 -76.3008 58.54 C -77.1563 59.9727 -77.6836 61.6401 -77.5771 63.3135 C -77.4785 64.9858 -76.6655 66.5791 -75.4268 67.7056 C -74.8101 68.2676 -74.0718 68.709 -73.2676 68.9375 C -72.4639 69.1582 -71.5791 69.1113 -70.8467 68.6953 C -70.5889 68.5493 -70.2617 68.6396 -70.1152 68.8975 c -69.9688 69.1553 -70.0591 69.4824 -70.3169 69.6289 c -70.4321 69.6943 -70.561 69.7124 -70.6821 69.6895 c -70.7041 69.6855 l -71.6494 69.5049 -72.4937 69.3652 -73.3135 69.0894 C -74.1304 68.8276 -74.8994 68.4048 -75.5347 67.8262 C -76.811 66.686 -77.6646 65.0522 -77.7803 63.3281 C -77.9043 61.6025 -77.3745 59.8877 -76.5122 58.4155 C -75.6563 56.9219 -74.4199 55.6919 -73.0884 54.6309 C -70.3916 52.5083 -67.1426 51.2017 -63.835 50.3877 C -62.1729 49.9775 -60.4932 49.6782 -58.793 49.4731 C -57.0952 49.2793 -55.3384 49.208 -53.6099 49.4658 C -53.5938 49.4683 l -53.3203 49.5093 -53.1318 49.7637 -53.1729 50.0371 c -53.2134 50.3105 -53.4683 50.499 -53.7417 50.458 c -53.751 50.457 -53.7617 50.4551 -53.771 50.4531 C f U %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 0 0 Xd 6 () XW %_-53.6904 49.9595 m %_-56.0625 49.5298 -58.5801 49.7729 -60.9424 50.1255 c %_-65.8896 50.8633 -71.1357 52.6201 -74.7119 56.271 c %_-77.4229 59.0381 -78.9121 63.2974 -76.4326 66.709 c %_-75.0771 68.5737 -73.0459 69.5181 -70.7754 69.1904 c %_N %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 1 (Anon 782) XW u 0 O 0 g -216.6431 14.7661 m -219.3696 15.2046 -222.1494 15.5044 -224.915 15.6958 C -227.686 15.8994 -230.4688 15.9521 -233.2451 15.8677 C -236.0225 15.7949 -238.7935 15.5791 -241.5493 15.2637 C -244.3086 14.9453 -247.0342 14.4971 -249.7705 14.1318 C -255.2329 13.3955 -260.7529 12.835 -266.2617 13.2407 C -269.0049 13.4707 -271.7476 13.9565 -274.3237 14.9443 C -275.6084 15.4385 -276.8496 16.0576 -277.9849 16.8389 C -279.0894 17.6265 -280.2822 18.48 -280.6548 19.9165 C -280.731 20.21 -281.0298 20.3857 -281.3228 20.3096 c -281.6157 20.2339 -281.7915 19.9346 -281.7158 19.6416 c -281.6758 19.4873 -281.5737 19.3652 -281.4429 19.2954 c -281.4351 19.2915 l -280.0752 18.5737 -279.209 17.5425 -278.0396 16.7598 C -276.9038 15.9634 -275.6597 15.3301 -274.3711 14.8218 C -271.7871 13.8042 -269.0327 13.2988 -266.2798 13.0356 C -260.7544 12.5049 -255.1924 12.9507 -249.6992 13.561 C -246.9492 13.8652 -244.2085 14.2515 -241.4697 14.5039 C -238.7285 14.7544 -235.9785 14.9053 -233.229 14.9146 C -230.4795 14.916 -227.731 14.8335 -224.9888 14.6431 C -222.2407 14.4438 -219.5239 14.1318 -216.7808 13.7759 C -216.5068 13.7402 -216.2559 13.9336 -216.2207 14.207 c -216.1855 14.4756 -216.3706 14.7222 -216.6362 14.7651 c -216.6431 14.7661 L f U %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 0 0 Xd 6 () XW %_-216.7119 14.271 m %_-225.9736 15.6255 -234.5254 15.8057 -243.8516 14.6152 c %_-254.502 13.2554 -273.3076 9.94971 -281.0449 19.604 c %_N %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 1 (Anon 783) XW u 0 O 0 g -183.5195 34.7324 m -186.4717 36.0073 -189.0845 37.9526 -191.7749 39.8286 C -194.4868 41.6895 -197.1987 43.5469 -200.0664 45.1885 C -202.9126 46.8394 -205.957 48.3003 -209.2129 48.9834 C -210.8403 49.3076 -212.4946 49.4292 -214.1411 49.4131 C -215.8008 49.48 -217.3892 48.9619 -219.1455 49.832 C -219.6753 50.0967 -220.3193 49.8813 -220.584 49.3516 c -220.8486 48.8218 -220.6338 48.1777 -220.104 47.9131 c -219.7148 47.7188 -219.2612 47.7861 -218.9443 48.043 c -217.4424 49.2754 -215.7598 49.0596 -214.1387 49.1587 C -212.5078 49.1768 -210.8701 49.0244 -209.3022 48.5972 C -206.1411 47.7871 -203.3438 46.0474 -200.5928 44.3228 C -197.8633 42.5439 -195.1519 40.7046 -192.4751 38.8276 C -189.7983 36.9644 -187.0571 35.001 -183.9043 33.8096 C -183.8945 33.8057 l -183.6362 33.708 -183.3477 33.8384 -183.25 34.0967 c -183.1553 34.3472 -183.2764 34.627 -183.5195 34.7324 C f U %_/ArtDictionary : %_/Array : %_/Array : %_1 /Real , %_0.289 /Real , %_; , %_; (kAIBeautifulStrokes_WidthProfileAnchors) , %_3 /Int (kAIBeautifulStrokes_WidthProfileRememberedPtCount) , %_0 /Bool (kAIBeautifulStrokes_WidthProfileRememberedPathClosure) , %_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 0 0 Xd 6 () XW %_-183.7119 34.271 m %_-187.0254 35.582 -190.248 38.0474 -193.209 40.0811 c %_-206.2119 49.0137 -209.4619 50.0137 -219.0449 48.9375 c %_N %_/ArtDictionary : %_/Array : %_/Array : %_1 /Real , %_0.289 /Real , %_; , %_; (kAIBeautifulStrokes_WidthProfileAnchors) , %_3 /Int (kAIBeautifulStrokes_WidthProfileRememberedPtCount) , %_0 /Bool (kAIBeautifulStrokes_WidthProfileRememberedPathClosure) , %_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 1 (Anon 784) XW u 0 O 0 g -203.0562 -17.229 m -205.5391 -17.1846 -208.0195 -17.042 -210.4824 -16.7695 C -212.9478 -16.5176 -215.3887 -16.0889 -217.7759 -15.4858 C -220.1455 -14.8691 -222.5376 -14.0752 -224.4839 -12.5508 C -225.4575 -11.8047 -226.2725 -10.832 -226.7603 -9.69873 C -227.0005 -9.13232 -227.1621 -8.5332 -227.2422 -7.92236 C -227.3086 -7.31348 -227.1812 -6.66113 -226.5952 -6.14453 C -226.1528 -5.75439 -226.1108 -5.07959 -226.501 -4.63721 c -226.8911 -4.19482 -227.5659 -4.15234 -228.0078 -4.54248 c -228.4063 -4.89404 -228.48 -5.47559 -228.2065 -5.91113 c -228.1626 -5.98047 l -227.7046 -6.70996 -227.5796 -7.31934 -227.4839 -7.95361 C -227.4009 -8.58545 -227.2334 -9.20703 -226.9849 -9.79395 C -226.5005 -10.9771 -225.7021 -12.0117 -224.7681 -12.8828 C -222.8623 -14.6035 -220.4976 -15.7441 -218.0835 -16.541 C -215.6543 -17.335 -213.1348 -17.752 -210.6196 -18.043 C -208.0986 -18.2974 -205.562 -18.3916 -203.0337 -18.229 C -202.7578 -18.2114 -202.5483 -17.9736 -202.5659 -17.6978 c -202.582 -17.4365 -202.7993 -17.2349 -203.0562 -17.229 C f U %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 0 0 Xd 6 () XW %_-203.0449 -17.729 m %_-210.1318 -17.9165 -228.4775 -16.5781 -227.3789 -6.0625 c %_N %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 1 (Anon 785) XW u 0 O 0 g -292.3784 -47.2974 m -295.1123 -45.7871 -297.9668 -44.478 -300.9326 -43.5093 C -303.8848 -42.5059 -306.9419 -41.8076 -310.0386 -41.4688 C -313.1343 -41.1387 -316.2686 -41.1006 -319.3613 -41.499 C -320.9072 -41.6934 -322.4404 -41.9873 -323.9487 -42.3799 C -324.7026 -42.5767 -325.4502 -42.7974 -326.1899 -43.043 C -327.293 -43.4292 L -327.6548 -43.5771 -328.0381 -43.6528 -328.5698 -43.3931 C -328.585 -43.3853 l -329.1333 -43.1177 -329.7949 -43.3447 -330.063 -43.8931 c -330.3306 -44.4414 -330.1035 -45.1025 -329.5552 -45.3706 c -329.0073 -45.6387 -328.3457 -45.4111 -328.0776 -44.8633 c -328.0576 -44.8223 -328.0386 -44.7744 -328.0239 -44.7319 c -327.8379 -44.1821 -327.5 -43.9766 -327.1357 -43.8545 C -326.0474 -43.4707 L -325.3179 -43.2266 -324.5801 -43.0068 -323.8359 -42.8115 C -322.3477 -42.4199 -320.8335 -42.127 -319.3066 -41.9312 C -316.2534 -41.5483 -313.1475 -41.522 -310.0923 -41.9209 C -307.0366 -42.3105 -304.0313 -43.0537 -301.1377 -44.0952 C -298.2559 -45.1719 -295.4771 -46.5117 -292.8833 -48.1606 C -292.6499 -48.3086 -292.3408 -48.2402 -292.1929 -48.0068 c -292.0444 -47.7734 -292.1133 -47.4644 -292.3467 -47.3159 c -292.355 -47.311 -292.3633 -47.3057 -292.3716 -47.3013 c -292.3784 -47.2974 L f U %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 0 0 Xd 6 () XW %_-292.6309 -47.729 m %_-303.3848 -41.3511 -316.4707 -39.2393 -328.2969 -44.0625 c %_N %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 1 (Anon 786) XW u 0 O 0 g -208.9023 -48.2061 m -211.1997 -49.3438 -213.6626 -50.0205 -216.1538 -50.8906 C -217.3984 -51.3203 -218.6489 -51.7861 -219.8696 -52.3755 C -221.1094 -52.9673 -222.2246 -53.6714 -223.3335 -54.3872 C -225.5474 -55.8374 -227.6235 -57.4976 -229.6055 -59.228 C -232.5293 -61.8687 L -233.5713 -62.6787 -234.1987 -63.9053 -235.9268 -64.0078 C -236.5649 -64.0439 -237.0532 -64.5908 -237.0171 -65.229 c -236.981 -65.8672 -236.4341 -66.3555 -235.7959 -66.3193 c -235.2158 -66.2866 -234.7598 -65.8291 -234.708 -65.2676 c -234.5537 -63.5537 -233.2695 -62.9932 -232.3491 -62.0732 C -231.3525 -61.229 -230.3232 -60.4238 -229.2412 -59.6943 C -227.1016 -58.2012 -224.8271 -56.9355 -222.5449 -55.7104 C -221.3989 -55.103 -220.2632 -54.4634 -219.1343 -53.9434 C -217.9878 -53.4155 -216.7837 -52.9668 -215.5703 -52.5034 C -213.1553 -51.5889 -210.5894 -50.6567 -208.3984 -49.0693 C -208.3862 -49.0605 l -208.1621 -48.8984 -208.1118 -48.585 -208.2744 -48.3608 c -208.4199 -48.1597 -208.687 -48.0991 -208.9023 -48.2061 C f U %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 0 0 Xd 6 () XW %_-208.6504 -48.6377 m %_-212.1914 -50.8247 -217.0068 -51.7021 -220.833 -53.8354 c %_-226.5898 -57.0454 -230.5859 -60.062 -235.3174 -64.6377 c %_N %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 1 (Anon 787) XW u 0 O 0 g -164.3018 -60.7368 m -165.9175 -61.792 -167.498 -62.8774 -169.0728 -63.9927 C -170.6587 -65.0908 -172.2026 -66.2617 -173.7153 -67.4775 C -176.7319 -69.9229 -179.6211 -72.6611 -181.8203 -75.9531 C -184.0435 -79.2158 -185.4546 -83.0498 -185.751 -86.9458 C -185.9175 -88.8906 -185.8853 -90.8379 -185.71 -92.7671 C -185.6274 -93.7324 -185.5117 -94.6934 -185.3667 -95.6494 C -185.2339 -96.6118 -184.8965 -97.5186 -185.6504 -98.6631 C -185.6587 -98.6753 l -186.0947 -99.3369 -185.9121 -100.2271 -185.25 -100.6636 c -184.5884 -101.0996 -183.6982 -100.917 -183.2617 -100.2549 c -182.8257 -99.5933 -183.0088 -98.7031 -183.6704 -98.2666 c -183.6719 -98.2656 l -184.8037 -97.5215 -184.8027 -96.5313 -184.9551 -95.5884 C -185.0942 -94.6396 -185.2036 -93.687 -185.2803 -92.7324 C -185.4155 -90.8232 -185.4043 -88.9004 -185.1348 -87.0156 C -184.625 -83.2358 -183.0601 -79.6875 -180.7407 -76.7275 C -178.4331 -73.751 -175.5947 -71.2168 -172.6089 -68.8555 C -171.1177 -67.6592 -169.5947 -66.4985 -168.1035 -65.2788 C -166.6011 -64.0767 -165.1011 -62.8486 -163.6865 -61.5249 C -163.4834 -61.3369 -163.4712 -61.019 -163.6592 -60.8159 c -163.8276 -60.6343 -164.1011 -60.6069 -164.3018 -60.7368 C f U %_/ArtDictionary : %_/Array : %_/Array : %_1 /Real , %_0.2888 /Real , %_; , %_; (kAIBeautifulStrokes_WidthProfileAnchors) , %_3 /Int (kAIBeautifulStrokes_WidthProfileRememberedPtCount) , %_0 /Bool (kAIBeautifulStrokes_WidthProfileRememberedPathClosure) , %_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 0 0 Xd 6 () XW %_-163.9941 -61.1309 m %_-167.3789 -63.7876 -170.3711 -65.8926 -173.7314 -68.6265 c %_-184.8633 -77.6841 -187.2432 -85.5947 -184.6611 -98.4644 c %_N %_/ArtDictionary : %_/Array : %_/Array : %_1 /Real , %_0.2888 /Real , %_; , %_; (kAIBeautifulStrokes_WidthProfileAnchors) , %_3 /Int (kAIBeautifulStrokes_WidthProfileRememberedPtCount) , %_0 /Bool (kAIBeautifulStrokes_WidthProfileRememberedPathClosure) , %_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 1 (Anon 788) XW u 0 O 0 g -81.792 -21.6758 m -84.1138 -23.5552 -86.3989 -25.3804 -88.8687 -27.0405 C -91.3477 -28.6704 -93.9624 -30.1143 -96.6387 -31.4512 C -99.3193 -32.7827 -102.0938 -33.9336 -104.8916 -35.0244 C -106.3013 -35.541 -107.7095 -36.0649 -109.1372 -36.5332 C -111.2764 -37.2417 L -111.9951 -37.4624 -112.6494 -37.873 -113.6934 -37.1182 C -114.4565 -36.5645 -115.5244 -36.7349 -116.0776 -37.4985 c -116.6309 -38.2617 -116.4609 -39.3296 -115.6973 -39.8828 c -114.9336 -40.4365 -113.8662 -40.2661 -113.313 -39.5024 c -113.2021 -39.3501 -113.1187 -39.1772 -113.0645 -39.0068 c -112.8735 -38.3921 -112.5825 -38.0767 -112.2573 -37.8643 C -111.9263 -37.6689 -111.5547 -37.5957 -111.2026 -37.4639 C -109.0654 -36.7471 L -104.7891 -35.3115 L -101.9282 -34.3779 -99.0947 -33.3516 -96.2959 -32.2109 C -93.4951 -31.0752 -90.7563 -29.7529 -88.1553 -28.1675 C -85.5493 -26.6138 -83.0283 -24.7676 -81.0967 -22.3945 C -81.0869 -22.3828 l -80.9121 -22.168 -80.9443 -21.8516 -81.1597 -21.6768 c -81.3467 -21.5244 -81.6113 -21.5293 -81.792 -21.6758 C f U %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 0 0 Xd 6 () XW %_-81.4443 -22.0352 m %_-90.0068 -30.5977 -103.3125 -34.7129 -113.3789 -38.0625 c %_N %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 1 (Anon 789) XW u 0 O 0 g -71.8784 -52.0869 m -71.7349 -53.9463 -71.9287 -55.8179 -72.1987 -57.6978 C -72.4629 -59.5771 -72.8203 -61.4717 -72.8931 -63.4141 C -72.9707 -65.3486 -72.6563 -67.3462 -71.77 -69.0742 C -71.3369 -69.9395 -70.7773 -70.7295 -70.1567 -71.459 C -69.8452 -71.8237 -69.5215 -72.1777 -69.1753 -72.5103 C -68.8154 -72.8301 -68.5098 -73.1899 -68.4365 -73.8882 C -68.4336 -73.9126 l -68.3804 -74.4194 -67.9268 -74.7866 -67.4199 -74.7334 c -66.9136 -74.6797 -66.5459 -74.2261 -66.5991 -73.7192 c -66.6528 -73.2129 -67.1064 -72.8452 -67.6133 -72.8989 c -67.6255 -72.8999 -67.6411 -72.9023 -67.6533 -72.9038 c -68.3237 -73.0044 -68.7427 -72.7412 -69.0762 -72.4058 C -69.4233 -72.0815 -69.7563 -71.7417 -70.0635 -71.3799 C -70.6797 -70.6567 -71.1855 -69.8423 -71.5537 -68.9736 C -72.3022 -67.2295 -72.4199 -65.3115 -72.2588 -63.4497 C -72.1113 -61.5757 -71.7173 -59.7158 -71.3867 -57.8267 C -71.0557 -55.9424 -70.79 -53.9971 -70.8794 -52.0381 C -70.8799 -52.0259 l -70.8926 -51.75 -71.1265 -51.5366 -71.4023 -51.5493 c -71.6782 -51.5615 -71.8916 -51.7954 -71.8794 -52.0713 c -71.8789 -52.0762 -71.8784 -52.0825 -71.8784 -52.0869 C f U %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 0 0 Xd 6 () XW %_-71.3789 -52.0625 m %_-70.9082 -59.856 -76.124 -66.9683 -68.0449 -73.396 c %_N %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 1 (Anon 790) XW u 0 O 0 g -9.50537 2.96387 m -11.5698 2.67529 -13.6528 2.28467 -15.6387 1.61572 C -17.6357 0.983398 -19.5547 0.093262 -21.2974 -1.06055 C -23.0381 -2.2168 -24.6323 -3.58594 -26.0181 -5.14307 C -26.7139 -5.91797 -27.3643 -6.73242 -27.9746 -7.57471 C -28.2808 -7.99512 -28.5747 -8.42383 -28.8623 -8.85693 C -29.1929 -9.26563 -29.25 -9.83447 -30.1094 -9.92236 C -30.6772 -9.97803 -31.0923 -10.4834 -31.0361 -11.0513 c -30.9805 -11.6187 -30.4751 -12.0337 -29.9072 -11.9775 c -29.3398 -11.9219 -28.9248 -11.4165 -28.9805 -10.8486 c -28.9902 -10.7534 -29.0156 -10.6543 -29.0488 -10.5688 c -29.3638 -9.77539 -28.8696 -9.46777 -28.627 -9.01367 C -28.3394 -8.58496 -28.0459 -8.16064 -27.7402 -7.74512 C -27.1309 -6.91357 -26.4834 -6.10986 -25.792 -5.34717 C -24.4058 -3.82764 -22.856 -2.44189 -21.0986 -1.37305 C -19.3477 -0.297363 -17.4434 0.507813 -15.4717 1.05957 C -13.4868 1.57959 -11.4644 1.88379 -9.40479 1.96875 C -9.12842 1.98047 -8.91406 2.21338 -8.92529 2.48975 c -8.93652 2.76611 -9.16992 2.98096 -9.44629 2.96973 c -9.4624 2.96875 -9.47852 2.96777 -9.49414 2.96533 c -9.50537 2.96387 L f U %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-2.904797) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 0 0 Xd 6 () XW %_-9.45508 2.46631 m %_-18.8662 1.62939 -24.7686 -2.354 -29.5791 -10.2456 c %_N %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-2.904797) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 1 (Anon 791) XW u 0 O 0 g -44.1533 60.2178 m -44.5171 60.6475 -45.043 60.7793 -45.4971 60.8145 C -45.9688 60.8247 -46.4214 60.7515 -46.874 60.4282 C -46.9297 60.3892 -46.9429 60.3125 -46.9043 60.2568 c -46.8965 60.2461 -46.8862 60.2358 -46.876 60.228 c -46.4214 59.896 -45.9663 59.8354 -45.5308 59.8149 C -45.312 59.8198 -45.0967 59.8276 -44.875 59.8794 C -44.668 59.9243 -44.4297 59.9863 -44.1709 60.1191 C -44.1401 60.1353 -44.1279 60.1729 -44.1436 60.2041 c -44.146 60.208 -44.1504 60.2144 -44.1533 60.2178 C f U %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 0 0 Xd 6 () XW %_-44.1621 60.1685 m %_-45.0518 60.354 -45.9463 60.3193 -46.875 60.3281 c %_N %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 1 (Anon 792) XW u 0 O 0 g -70.6445 66.2822 m -70.771 66.4966 -70.9834 66.6235 -71.1938 66.6865 C -71.4106 66.7559 -71.6509 66.7466 -71.8896 66.6738 C -72.1211 66.5879 -72.3535 66.4268 -72.4775 66.1899 C -72.606 65.9604 -72.6284 65.6875 -72.5073 65.459 C -72.4727 65.3936 -72.3916 65.3687 -72.3262 65.4033 c -72.3247 65.4043 -72.3232 65.4053 -72.3213 65.4063 c -72.313 65.4111 l -71.8975 65.6543 -71.7573 65.6465 -71.5488 65.7339 C -71.4487 65.7832 -71.3276 65.8262 -71.1855 65.8994 C -71.0356 65.9663 -70.8887 66.0493 -70.6641 66.1846 C -70.6323 66.2031 -70.6221 66.2441 -70.6406 66.2759 c -70.6445 66.2822 L f U %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 0 0 Xd 6 () XW %_-70.6543 66.2334 m %_-71.4248 66.4102 -72.2158 66.2183 -72.4102 65.4351 c %_N %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 1 (Anon 792) XW u 0 O 0 g -90.4214 76.0127 m -90.645 76.5249 -91.0684 76.8174 -91.521 76.9878 C -91.9829 77.1357 -92.5127 77.1675 -92.9922 76.8662 C -93.0498 76.8306 -93.0669 76.7549 -93.0308 76.6973 c -93.0249 76.6875 -93.0176 76.6792 -93.0098 76.6719 c -93.0039 76.667 l -92.7944 76.478 -92.6006 76.3667 -92.4082 76.2715 C -92.2188 76.1685 -92.0269 76.104 -91.8325 76.0376 C -91.6338 75.9844 -91.4336 75.9287 -91.2095 75.9092 C -90.9951 75.8843 -90.7515 75.8711 -90.4673 75.9238 C -90.4331 75.9302 -90.4102 75.9634 -90.4165 75.998 c -90.4175 76.0024 -90.4194 76.0083 -90.4214 76.0127 C f U %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 0 0 Xd 6 () XW %_-90.4443 75.9683 m %_-91.2256 76.3892 -92.0234 76.71 -92.998 76.7666 c %_N %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 1 (Anon 792) XW u 0 O 0 g -112.0361 64.9746 m -112.2617 64.9043 -112.4048 64.7891 -112.5161 64.5903 C -112.6201 64.4175 -112.6558 64.2192 -112.6567 64.0176 C -112.6348 63.8174 -112.5767 63.6167 -112.4492 63.4531 C -112.3223 63.2905 -112.1431 63.1655 -111.9087 63.1387 C -111.8364 63.1304 -111.771 63.1782 -111.7549 63.2476 c -111.7515 63.2627 l -111.7012 63.4858 -111.6782 63.6265 -111.6675 63.7524 C -111.645 63.8804 -111.6523 63.9819 -111.6597 64.0903 C -111.6768 64.1982 -111.6929 64.3081 -111.7437 64.4409 C -111.791 64.5454 -111.8389 64.7236 -111.9424 64.9385 C -111.9585 64.9717 -111.9956 64.9868 -112.0298 64.9766 c -112.0361 64.9746 L f U %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 0 0 Xd 6 () XW %_-111.9893 64.9565 m %_-112.248 64.3843 -112.2354 63.7148 -111.8301 63.2007 c %_N %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 1 (Anon 792) XW u 0 O 0 g -49.8574 105.1694 m -49.4858 105.355 -49.3931 105.6855 -49.4033 105.9561 C -49.4375 106.2334 -49.5757 106.52 -49.9727 106.645 C -50.0425 106.667 -50.1162 106.6396 -50.1558 106.582 c -50.1602 106.5757 l -50.3882 106.2441 -50.4155 106.0542 -50.3975 105.8481 C -50.375 105.7485 -50.3481 105.6484 -50.2764 105.5425 C -50.2109 105.4497 -50.1226 105.3208 -49.957 105.1792 C -49.9297 105.1558 -49.8877 105.1543 -49.8574 105.1694 C f U %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 0 0 Xd 6 () XW %_-49.9072 105.1743 m %_-49.8457 105.668 -49.8984 106.1563 -50.0664 106.6104 c %_N %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 1 (Anon 792) XW u 0 O 0 g -66.3462 38.5137 m -66.9702 38.8555 -67.6274 38.9272 -68.2944 38.8491 C -68.9546 38.7471 -69.6099 38.4736 -70.0566 37.9175 C -70.0957 37.8687 -70.0879 37.7979 -70.0396 37.7588 c -70.021 37.7437 -69.9985 37.7358 -69.9766 37.7339 c -69.2773 37.6821 -68.7246 37.7783 -68.1445 37.8604 C -67.5718 37.9697 -66.9727 38.0669 -66.3452 38.4141 C -66.3179 38.4292 -66.3081 38.4639 -66.3232 38.4912 c -66.3286 38.501 -66.3369 38.5088 -66.3462 38.5137 C f U %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 0 0 Xd 6 () XW %_-66.3457 38.4639 m %_-67.7295 38.4595 -68.7256 38.3916 -70.0166 37.8257 c %_N %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 1 (Anon 792) XW u 0 O 0 g -210.3359 86.2144 m -210.832 86.1616 -211.1357 85.9395 -211.3877 85.6475 C -211.6138 85.3452 -211.7944 84.9546 -211.6641 84.4697 C -211.645 84.3994 -211.5728 84.3579 -211.5024 84.3765 c -211.4995 84.3774 -211.4961 84.3784 -211.4932 84.3794 c -211.4844 84.3828 l -211.25 84.4648 -211.0928 84.5625 -210.9541 84.6724 C -210.8086 84.7773 -210.7012 84.9058 -210.5942 85.0391 C -210.4048 85.3232 -210.2324 85.6484 -210.2598 86.1499 C -210.2617 86.1875 -210.2939 86.2168 -210.332 86.2148 c -210.333 86.2148 -210.335 86.2148 -210.3359 86.2144 C f U %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 0 0 Xd 6 () XW %_-210.2979 86.1821 m %_-210.751 85.6465 -211.2568 85.0806 -211.5742 84.4263 c %_N %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 1 (Anon 792) XW u 0 O 0 g -212.6646 46.2305 m -212.6143 46.7241 -212.8506 47.1108 -213.1646 47.3833 C -213.3354 47.5103 -213.5283 47.6187 -213.749 47.6631 C -213.9697 47.7075 -214.2109 47.6973 -214.4375 47.5732 C -214.501 47.5386 -214.5244 47.459 -214.4897 47.3955 c -214.4883 47.3931 -214.4868 47.3906 -214.4854 47.3882 c -214.4785 47.3779 l -214.3447 47.168 -214.2388 47.0347 -214.127 46.9165 C -214.0215 46.7876 -213.9043 46.6958 -213.7822 46.5972 C -213.6519 46.5073 -213.5186 46.4155 -213.3491 46.3447 C -213.1924 46.2754 -212.998 46.1997 -212.7417 46.167 C -212.7041 46.1621 -212.6699 46.1885 -212.665 46.2266 c -212.6646 46.23 -212.6646 46.2305 V f U %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 0 0 Xd 6 () XW %_-212.7031 46.1987 m %_-213.1533 46.7705 -213.7354 47.3232 -214.458 47.4756 c %_N %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 1 (Anon 792) XW u 0 O 0 g -265.4941 91.334 m -265.6509 91.8047 -265.9268 92.0459 -266.2314 92.2344 C -266.5562 92.3994 -266.937 92.5039 -267.396 92.3398 C -267.4648 92.3154 -267.501 92.2393 -267.4761 92.1699 c -267.4751 92.1665 -267.4736 92.1631 -267.4722 92.1602 c -267.4692 92.1543 l -267.2686 91.7148 -267.0034 91.5166 -266.6958 91.3486 C -266.3711 91.1997 -266.0166 91.106 -265.541 91.2451 C -265.5039 91.2559 -265.4829 91.2949 -265.4937 91.3315 c -265.4937 91.332 -265.4941 91.333 -265.4941 91.334 C f U %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 0 0 Xd 6 () XW %_-265.5176 91.2896 m %_-266.1445 91.6099 -266.7607 91.9814 -267.4326 92.2471 c %_N %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 1 (Anon 792) XW u 0 O 0 g -274.791 14.2524 m -275.0615 14.3359 -275.2231 14.4019 -275.4106 14.4448 C -275.5879 14.498 -275.7539 14.5225 -275.9263 14.5537 C -276.2754 14.5869 -276.6367 14.6196 -277.1309 14.458 C -277.1982 14.4375 -277.2358 14.3657 -277.2148 14.2988 c -277.2124 14.29 -277.2075 14.2793 -277.2031 14.2715 c -276.9331 13.8164 -276.501 13.6162 -276.0347 13.5596 C -275.7998 13.5469 -275.5537 13.5645 -275.3232 13.6631 C -275.1035 13.751 -274.8633 13.916 -274.7559 14.1587 C -274.7524 14.167 l -274.7383 14.1987 -274.7524 14.2358 -274.7842 14.25 c -274.7866 14.251 -274.7886 14.2515 -274.791 14.2524 C f U %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 0 0 Xd 6 () XW %_-274.7734 14.2056 m %_-275.5361 13.8853 -276.4092 14.0732 -277.167 14.3647 c %_N %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 1 (Anon 792) XW u 0 O 0 g -228.4463 -10.6694 m -228.3062 -10.1592 -228.4375 -9.72803 -228.6372 -9.35547 C -228.8608 -8.99561 -229.1719 -8.66357 -229.6909 -8.55273 C -229.7593 -8.53809 -229.8271 -8.58203 -229.8418 -8.65039 c -229.8438 -8.65918 -229.8442 -8.67188 -229.8442 -8.68066 c -229.8428 -9.19629 -229.6909 -9.53662 -229.4932 -9.87305 C -229.272 -10.1973 -229.0239 -10.4878 -228.5361 -10.7134 C -228.5039 -10.728 -228.4653 -10.7139 -228.4507 -10.6816 c -228.4492 -10.6787 -228.4473 -10.6729 -228.4463 -10.6694 C f U %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 0 0 Xd 6 () XW %_-228.4912 -10.6914 m %_-228.8311 -9.97217 -229.2529 -9.23584 -229.7676 -8.6167 c %_N %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 1 (Anon 792) XW u 0 O 0 g -293.1602 46.8833 m -293.1396 46.4224 -293.0522 46.1919 -292.9585 45.981 C -292.8472 45.7734 -292.731 45.6528 -292.4287 45.3364 C -292.4194 45.3267 l -292.3687 45.2734 -292.2856 45.2695 -292.2295 45.3149 c -291.8574 45.6182 -291.8901 46.1304 -292.083 46.4639 C -292.291 46.7974 -292.6343 47.0303 -293.0957 46.9595 C -293.1333 46.9546 -293.1606 46.9204 -293.1602 46.8833 C f U %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 0 0 Xd 6 () XW %_-293.1279 46.9214 m %_-292.6396 46.5269 -292.2588 45.9766 -292.3291 45.3257 c %_N %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 1 (Anon 792) XW u 0 O 0 g -236.3467 -60.6084 m -236.6001 -60.604 -236.791 -60.6411 -236.9443 -60.6738 C -237.1152 -60.7109 -237.2573 -60.7803 -237.4004 -60.854 C -237.6724 -61.0264 -237.9268 -61.231 -238.1079 -61.6704 C -238.1377 -61.7397 -238.1055 -61.8198 -238.0361 -61.8496 c -238.0337 -61.8506 -238.0293 -61.8521 -238.0269 -61.853 c -237.5713 -62.0093 -237.2017 -61.8984 -236.8789 -61.707 C -236.7251 -61.5977 -236.5781 -61.4722 -236.4692 -61.3008 C -236.3452 -61.1221 -236.2739 -60.9297 -236.2783 -60.6807 C -236.2764 -60.6431 -236.3096 -60.6113 -236.3467 -60.6084 C f U %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 0 0 Xd 6 () XW %_-236.3125 -60.6445 m %_-236.7637 -61.105 -237.4395 -61.4829 -238.0674 -61.7617 c %_N %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 1 (Anon 792) XW u 0 O 0 g -186.645 -88.9712 m -187.1001 -88.9219 -187.3726 -89.0371 -187.6279 -89.2441 C -187.855 -89.4609 -188.063 -89.7773 -187.9717 -90.2285 C -187.957 -90.3003 -187.8911 -90.3486 -187.8198 -90.3418 c -187.8057 -90.3408 l -187.5801 -90.3193 -187.4312 -90.2739 -187.2974 -90.2119 C -187.1577 -90.1558 -187.0532 -90.0693 -186.9468 -89.9761 C -186.7607 -89.772 -186.5669 -89.5034 -186.5776 -89.0454 C -186.5781 -89.0073 -186.6079 -88.9756 -186.645 -88.9712 C f U %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 0 0 Xd 6 () XW %_-186.6113 -89.0083 m %_-187.0098 -89.377 -187.5459 -89.7773 -187.8887 -90.2847 c %_N %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) endstream endobj 89 0 obj <>stream , %_; %_ 1 (Anon 792) XW u 0 O 0 g -305.415 -102.5679 m -305.4355 -102.5425 -305.4844 -102.5156 -305.5571 -102.52 C -305.6138 -102.5234 -305.6641 -102.54 -305.7124 -102.5605 C -305.8052 -102.603 -305.8691 -102.6621 -305.936 -102.7188 C -306.0532 -102.8384 -306.145 -102.9653 -306.2134 -103.0967 C -306.3594 -103.3584 -306.4238 -103.6323 -306.4673 -103.9067 C -306.4912 -104.1831 -306.4917 -104.4619 -306.4214 -104.7393 C -306.3564 -105.0122 -306.2437 -105.3037 -305.9922 -105.5234 C -305.9443 -105.5649 -305.8721 -105.5596 -305.8306 -105.5122 c -305.8213 -105.5015 -305.814 -105.4893 -305.8096 -105.4761 c -305.8027 -105.458 l -305.6133 -104.9336 -305.5181 -104.4912 -305.4727 -104.0122 C -305.4595 -103.7759 -305.4443 -103.54 -305.4546 -103.3057 C -305.4346 -103.0757 -305.5264 -102.8281 -305.4229 -102.6675 C -305.4111 -102.6494 l -305.3945 -102.6235 -305.397 -102.5908 -305.415 -102.5679 C f U %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 0 0 Xd 6 () XW %_-305.4189 -102.6177 m %_-305.9004 -102.5098 -306.167 -104.7075 -305.8975 -105.4907 c %_N %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 1 (Anon 792) XW u 0 O 0 g -138.999 -69.0713 m -139.1738 -69.1294 -139.2427 -69.1001 -139.3594 -69.085 C -139.6807 -69.0435 L -139.8999 -69.0103 -140.1284 -69.0015 -140.3667 -68.9976 C -140.6045 -69.0103 -140.8521 -69.0254 -141.1055 -69.0962 C -141.356 -69.1626 -141.6279 -69.2632 -141.854 -69.4854 C -141.9004 -69.5308 -141.9014 -69.6055 -141.8555 -69.6519 c -141.8457 -69.6621 -141.8345 -69.6699 -141.8223 -69.6758 c -141.812 -69.6807 l -141.3076 -69.9189 -140.856 -70.0142 -140.3315 -69.9971 C -140.0742 -69.9746 -139.8062 -69.939 -139.5371 -69.8174 C -139.4014 -69.7593 -139.2686 -69.6787 -139.146 -69.5684 C -139.0298 -69.4634 -138.8999 -69.2749 -138.9229 -69.1367 C -138.9268 -69.1147 l -138.9316 -69.0845 -138.9604 -69.0645 -138.9907 -69.0693 c -138.9932 -69.0698 -138.9961 -69.0703 -138.999 -69.0713 C f U %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 0 0 Xd 6 () XW %_-138.9609 -69.104 m %_-139.3379 -69.6802 -141.0166 -69.4063 -141.833 -69.583 c %_N %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 1 (Anon 792) XW u 0 O 0 g -103.8672 -31.2334 m -104.3384 -31.0508 -104.6558 -31.0557 -105.0161 -31.1343 C -105.3555 -31.2349 -105.7075 -31.396 -105.9561 -31.8232 C -105.9932 -31.8872 -105.9717 -31.9692 -105.9077 -32.0063 c -105.9043 -32.0083 -105.8975 -32.0117 -105.8936 -32.0137 c -105.4546 -32.2139 -105.1055 -32.1919 -104.7476 -32.0977 C -104.4106 -31.9814 -104.0332 -31.7803 -103.832 -31.3271 C -103.8149 -31.2939 -103.8276 -31.2534 -103.8604 -31.2363 c -103.8613 -31.2358 -103.8662 -31.2339 -103.8672 -31.2334 C f U %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 0 0 Xd 6 () XW %_-103.8496 -31.2803 m %_-104.5264 -31.5522 -105.2344 -31.6909 -105.9248 -31.9185 c %_N %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 1 (Anon 792) XW u 0 O 0 g -72.6147 -71.6362 m -72.855 -71.71 -73.0151 -71.8374 -73.1479 -72.0376 C -73.2715 -72.2119 -73.3345 -72.4102 -73.3735 -72.6079 C -73.418 -73.0059 -73.3442 -73.4087 -72.9883 -73.7407 C -72.9336 -73.7915 -72.8481 -73.7886 -72.7969 -73.7339 c -72.7949 -73.7314 -72.791 -73.7271 -72.7891 -73.7241 c -72.4902 -73.3496 -72.4248 -73.0391 -72.3813 -72.7324 C -72.373 -72.5781 -72.3647 -72.4287 -72.3931 -72.2612 C -72.4209 -72.1216 -72.4463 -71.9214 -72.5239 -71.6792 C -72.5356 -71.6436 -72.5732 -71.624 -72.6094 -71.6348 c -72.6147 -71.6362 L f U %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 0 0 Xd 6 () XW %_-72.5693 -71.6577 m %_-72.9053 -72.2783 -72.9463 -73.0229 -72.8887 -73.7324 c %_N %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 1 (Anon 792) XW u 0 O 0 g -73.2144 -90.2803 m -73.7866 -89.9966 -74.3818 -90.02 -74.918 -90.1123 C -75.458 -90.2329 -75.9722 -90.4272 -76.4233 -90.8711 C -76.4697 -90.916 -76.4702 -90.9897 -76.4253 -91.0361 c -76.4116 -91.0498 -76.3945 -91.0601 -76.3774 -91.0654 c -75.772 -91.2593 -75.231 -91.1958 -74.709 -91.0903 C -74.1836 -90.9565 -73.709 -90.7832 -73.2017 -90.3799 C -73.1763 -90.3594 -73.1724 -90.3228 -73.1924 -90.2974 c -73.1978 -90.2905 -73.207 -90.2842 -73.2144 -90.2803 C f U %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 0 0 Xd 6 () XW %_-73.208 -90.3301 m %_-74.2637 -90.4463 -75.3564 -90.7212 -76.4004 -90.9683 c %_N %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 1 (Anon 792) XW u 0 O 0 g -323.5586 -45.3906 m -324.0654 -45.4272 -324.3789 -45.6577 -324.6514 -45.9575 C -324.8872 -46.2661 -325.0664 -46.626 -325.0059 -47.1211 C -324.9971 -47.1934 -324.9312 -47.2451 -324.8589 -47.2363 c -324.8535 -47.2354 -324.8452 -47.2334 -324.8398 -47.2324 c -324.3589 -47.1074 -324.0972 -46.8623 -323.8701 -46.582 C -323.6704 -46.3003 -323.4907 -45.9678 -323.4844 -45.458 C -323.4839 -45.4209 -323.5137 -45.3906 -323.5508 -45.3901 c -323.5527 -45.3901 -323.5566 -45.3906 -323.5586 -45.3906 C f U %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 0 0 Xd 6 () XW %_-323.5215 -45.4243 m %_-324.0479 -45.9775 -324.4951 -46.5366 -324.9229 -47.1768 c %_N %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 1 (Anon 792) XW u 0 O 0 g -115.3774 13.4888 m -115.6211 13.4849 -115.8115 13.4365 -115.9375 13.4243 C -116.0845 13.4048 -116.1992 13.3657 -116.311 13.3291 C -116.4194 13.2852 -116.5264 13.2427 -116.6455 13.1636 C -116.7686 13.0947 -116.9028 13.0088 -117.0811 12.853 C -117.0889 12.8467 l -117.145 12.7974 -117.1523 12.7129 -117.1064 12.6548 c -116.9561 12.4663 -116.7622 12.3701 -116.5562 12.3315 C -116.3477 12.2915 -116.1348 12.3301 -115.9346 12.4028 C -115.7437 12.4985 -115.5728 12.623 -115.4561 12.8018 C -115.3223 12.9941 -115.2793 13.1777 -115.3042 13.4204 C -115.3062 13.4575 -115.3403 13.4873 -115.3774 13.4888 C f U %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 0 0 Xd 6 () XW %_-115.3408 13.4546 m %_-115.8066 12.9053 -116.3828 12.6646 -117.0938 12.7539 c %_N %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 1 (Anon 792) XW u 0 O 0 g -94.6899 16.3013 m -95.0327 16.3047 -95.3291 16.2231 -95.6294 16.0806 C -95.9175 15.9463 -96.1685 15.7554 -96.4019 15.5449 C -96.6191 15.3179 -96.8174 15.0713 -96.959 14.7881 C -97.0996 14.5049 -97.1992 14.1973 -97.2026 13.8555 C -97.2031 13.792 -97.1523 13.7402 -97.0889 13.7393 c -97.0688 13.7393 -97.0464 13.7461 -97.0298 13.7549 c -96.7334 13.915 -96.5068 14.0933 -96.2959 14.2773 C -96.0757 14.4536 -95.8882 14.6465 -95.6953 14.8369 C -95.5103 15.0352 -95.3223 15.2295 -95.1499 15.4565 C -94.9829 15.666 -94.7939 15.9106 -94.6362 16.2163 C -94.6216 16.2451 -94.6328 16.2798 -94.6611 16.2944 c -94.6694 16.2988 -94.6812 16.3008 -94.6899 16.3013 C f U %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 0 0 Xd 6 () XW %_-94.6631 16.2588 m %_-95.6914 15.6528 -96.5205 14.8267 -97.1162 13.8052 c %_N %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 1 (Anon 792) XW u 0 O 0 g -158.0815 12.0957 m -163.8667 12.2368 -169.6006 12.3613 -175.3193 12.6577 C -178.1772 12.8184 -181.0308 12.9814 -183.8735 13.2456 C -186.7202 13.459 -189.5542 13.7842 -192.3799 14.1401 C -198.0322 14.8486 -203.626 15.9482 -209.085 17.4741 C -214.5254 19.041 -219.8555 21.042 -224.7524 23.8364 C -229.6499 26.6201 -234.0762 30.2173 -237.5195 34.7139 C -240.9854 39.1621 -243.7021 44.3057 -244.6655 49.8916 C -245.6724 55.4648 -244.6831 61.3228 -242.1885 66.4556 C -240.9375 69.0239 -239.3613 71.4365 -237.5591 73.6675 C -236.6592 74.7847 -235.7065 75.8608 -234.7061 76.8926 C -233.6621 77.8652 -232.8696 79.1665 -231.0522 79.2544 C -230.3462 79.2886 -229.8018 79.8887 -229.8359 80.5947 c -229.8701 81.3008 -230.4702 81.8452 -231.1763 81.811 c -231.7749 81.7822 -232.2578 81.3462 -232.3696 80.7837 c -232.3716 80.7729 l -232.7314 78.9658 -234.0479 78.2939 -235.0298 77.2114 C -236.0586 76.1899 -237.0415 75.1211 -237.9736 74.0083 C -239.8403 71.7852 -241.4893 69.3657 -242.8164 66.7671 C -244.1406 64.1704 -245.1445 61.3892 -245.6753 58.4985 C -246.2197 55.6104 -246.2607 52.6284 -245.8726 49.7061 C -245.0933 43.8296 -242.4609 38.3413 -239.0361 33.5762 C -235.6543 28.7354 -231.1123 24.6997 -226.106 21.5791 C -221.0947 18.4277 -215.6226 16.0957 -210.0117 14.3594 C -204.4023 12.5918 -198.6328 11.4521 -192.8442 10.6411 C -189.9473 10.2402 -187.0352 9.98633 -184.1245 9.78467 C -181.21 9.63037 -178.2944 9.53418 -175.3813 9.58105 C -169.5576 9.64404 -163.7383 10.1035 -158.0103 11.0986 C -157.7368 11.1445 -157.5522 11.4038 -157.5986 11.6772 c -157.6392 11.918 -157.8467 12.0894 -158.0815 12.0957 C f U %_/ArtDictionary : %_/Array : %_/Array : %_1 /Real , %_0.6491 /Real , %_; , %_; (kAIBeautifulStrokes_WidthProfileAnchors) , %_3 /Int (kAIBeautifulStrokes_WidthProfileRememberedPtCount) , %_0 /Bool (kAIBeautifulStrokes_WidthProfileRememberedPathClosure) , %_; %_ 0 0 Xd 6 () XW %_-158.0459 11.5972 m %_-183.7314 9.67432 -220.8955 12.3906 -237.2119 32.7637 c %_-250.8789 49.8286 -246.9619 66.7637 -231.7119 80.0137 c %_N %_/ArtDictionary : %_/Array : %_/Array : %_1 /Real , %_0.6491 /Real , %_; , %_; (kAIBeautifulStrokes_WidthProfileAnchors) , %_3 /Int (kAIBeautifulStrokes_WidthProfileRememberedPtCount) , %_0 /Bool (kAIBeautifulStrokes_WidthProfileRememberedPathClosure) , %_; %_ 1 (Anon 793) XW u 0 O 0 g -89.894 38.2632 m -96.9458 37.7144 -103.9614 37.2461 -110.9971 37.2349 C -118.0269 37.2329 -125.063 37.7788 -131.9712 39.0479 C -138.875 40.3145 -145.647 42.3354 -152.022 45.2544 C -158.3613 48.1323 -163.8682 52.7393 -168.2744 58.1641 C -172.6479 63.6021 -176.0195 70.0063 -177.2212 76.915 C -177.8105 80.356 -177.8003 83.9175 -176.9824 87.3154 C -176.1777 90.7144 -174.5356 93.9038 -172.269 96.5781 C -169.9966 99.2534 -167.1602 101.4214 -164.0923 103.1416 C -161.0503 104.8965 -157.5669 105.8662 -154.0483 105.8896 C -150.5254 105.937 -147.0332 105.1343 -143.7158 103.9468 C -142.0532 103.3525 -140.4258 102.6597 -138.8247 101.9102 C -137.248 101.1196 -135.5361 100.5537 -134.3975 98.9438 C -134.1333 98.5703 -133.6162 98.4819 -133.2427 98.7461 c -132.8691 99.0103 -132.7808 99.5273 -133.0449 99.9009 c -133.1997 100.1191 -133.4463 100.2402 -133.6943 100.2505 c -135.6748 100.3174 -137.1079 101.3818 -138.7329 102.104 C -140.3325 102.8682 -141.9614 103.5767 -143.6289 104.1875 C -146.9556 105.4067 -150.4741 106.2476 -154.0513 106.2275 C -157.6221 106.2329 -161.1899 105.27 -164.2969 103.5088 C -167.4116 101.7935 -170.3105 99.6172 -172.6514 96.9048 C -175 94.2085 -176.7441 90.9614 -177.625 87.4751 C -178.5205 83.9902 -178.5859 80.3242 -178.0352 76.7832 C -176.9082 69.6714 -173.5605 63.0811 -169.1782 57.4458 C -164.7598 51.8286 -159.1899 47.001 -152.6553 43.9043 C -146.2012 40.7988 -139.2954 38.7231 -132.2905 37.3555 C -125.2754 36 -118.1357 35.3809 -111.0049 35.3169 C -103.8745 35.2505 -96.728 35.8398 -89.7563 37.2729 C -89.4854 37.3271 -89.3096 37.5913 -89.3638 37.8623 c -89.4141 38.1128 -89.6455 38.2817 -89.894 38.2632 C f U %_/ArtDictionary : %_/Array : %_/Array : %_1 /Real , %_0.3784 /Real , %_; , %_; (kAIBeautifulStrokes_WidthProfileAnchors) , %_4 /Int (kAIBeautifulStrokes_WidthProfileRememberedPtCount) , %_0 /Bool (kAIBeautifulStrokes_WidthProfileRememberedPathClosure) , %_; %_ 0 0 Xd 6 () XW %_-89.8252 37.7681 m %_-110.5176 34.832 -133.957 35.7456 -152.9277 44.8574 c %_-174.1006 55.0269 -191.2324 88.6523 -163.8398 103.5225 c %_-153.71 109.0215 -143.3408 104.5986 -134.0459 99.5972 c %_N %_/ArtDictionary : %_/Array : %_/Array : %_1 /Real , %_0.3784 /Real , %_; , %_; (kAIBeautifulStrokes_WidthProfileAnchors) , %_4 /Int (kAIBeautifulStrokes_WidthProfileRememberedPtCount) , %_0 /Bool (kAIBeautifulStrokes_WidthProfileRememberedPathClosure) , %_; %_ 1 (Anon 794) XW u 0 O 0 g 4.41406 -24.5532 m 1.95752 -24.7842 -0.543457 -25.5615 -2.73584 -26.8579 C -4.94434 -28.146 -6.83789 -29.9448 -8.35352 -31.9746 C -11.3989 -36.0684 -12.9526 -40.9707 -13.7266 -45.834 C -14.502 -50.7271 -14.4424 -55.6797 -13.9995 -60.5532 C -13.5298 -65.4297 -12.6362 -70.2549 -11.2983 -74.9556 C -10.7017 -74.793 L -11.5293 -71.8931 -13.0239 -69.2314 -14.8447 -66.8799 C -16.6587 -64.5151 -18.7368 -62.3911 -20.5464 -60.0488 C -21.4478 -58.8779 -22.2686 -57.6387 -22.9092 -56.3042 C -23.5435 -54.9678 -23.9746 -53.5352 -24.1748 -52.0684 C -24.3774 -50.6016 -24.353 -49.1079 -24.1699 -47.6387 C -24.0757 -46.9033 -23.9434 -46.1738 -23.7832 -45.4502 C -23.6372 -44.7256 -23.4321 -44 -22.7285 -43.4517 C -22.4629 -43.2451 -22.4155 -42.8623 -22.6226 -42.5967 c -22.8291 -42.3315 -23.2119 -42.2837 -23.4775 -42.4907 c -23.6836 -42.6514 -23.7573 -42.9199 -23.6836 -43.1558 c -23.4092 -44.0264 -23.6045 -44.7285 -23.7861 -45.4497 C -23.9507 -46.1724 -24.0879 -46.9014 -24.1865 -47.6362 C -24.3784 -49.106 -24.4116 -50.6016 -24.2173 -52.0742 C -23.8545 -55.04 -22.4414 -57.7725 -20.665 -60.1382 C -18.8926 -62.5244 -16.832 -64.6763 -15.1211 -67.085 C -13.3896 -69.4707 -12.0146 -72.1172 -11.2983 -74.9561 C -10.7017 -74.7935 L -11.8892 -70.0991 -12.6162 -65.2896 -12.9087 -60.4688 C -13.1997 -55.6504 -13.0254 -50.8022 -12.1953 -46.0918 C -11.3545 -41.4053 -9.75293 -36.79 -6.88086 -33.0996 C -5.45068 -31.2603 -3.6958 -29.7168 -1.74756 -28.4761 C 0.212402 -27.2305 2.33789 -26.2949 4.63867 -25.5278 C 4.90186 -25.4399 5.04395 -25.1558 4.95605 -24.8926 c 4.88086 -24.6665 4.66016 -24.5298 4.43311 -24.5513 c 4.41406 -24.5532 L f U 0 0 Xd 6 () XW %_4.52637 -25.0405 m %_-17.0342 -29.5313 -15.2744 -59.1411 -11 -74.8745 C %_-14.5381 -61.9087 -28.333 -59.8345 -23.2061 -43.3037 c %_N 1 (Anon 796) XW u 0 O 0 g 5.27393 65.416 m 2.93506 66.2617 0.729492 66.9551 -1.35156 68.1064 C -3.41064 69.2646 -5.22461 70.8579 -6.77393 72.6958 C -9.86426 76.4043 -11.9146 81.001 -13.271 85.7427 C -13.9053 85.4395 L -12.792 84.0317 -11.4219 82.8457 -9.9126 81.9194 C -8.40039 80.9927 -6.76514 80.3086 -5.09814 79.7646 C -3.42578 79.228 -1.70996 78.8589 0.009766 78.5391 C 0.871094 78.3828 1.73535 78.2476 2.60156 78.124 C 3.90137 77.9458 L 4.33545 77.8906 4.77686 77.8965 5.13672 77.2778 C 5.36377 76.8867 5.86475 76.7539 6.25586 76.981 c 6.64697 77.208 6.77979 77.709 6.55273 78.0996 c 6.32568 78.4907 5.82471 78.6235 5.43359 78.3965 c 5.37305 78.3613 5.31543 78.3159 5.26758 78.269 c 4.76025 77.7646 4.33447 77.8867 3.90186 77.9502 C 2.604 78.1426 L 1.73975 78.2754 0.876953 78.4204 0.018555 78.5854 C -1.69971 78.9087 -3.39844 79.3452 -5.0415 79.9321 C -6.68506 80.5112 -8.2666 81.2754 -9.68359 82.269 C -11.1025 83.2559 -12.3496 84.4712 -13.3311 85.8691 C -13.9653 85.5654 L -13.4106 83.1221 -12.7051 80.6992 -11.7485 78.3555 C -10.792 76.0161 -9.59961 73.7383 -8.03223 71.6924 C -6.48438 69.6387 -4.55127 67.8252 -2.30225 66.4775 C -0.084961 65.1084 2.53564 64.2305 5.13037 64.4268 C 5.13867 64.4272 l 5.41992 64.4482 5.63086 64.6934 5.60938 64.9746 c 5.59375 65.1812 5.45703 65.3496 5.27393 65.416 C f U 0 0 Xd 6 () XW %_5.20215 64.9214 m %_-5.86621 66.3882 -11.1738 76.0654 -13.6182 85.6543 C %_-9.25781 79.8242 -1.56934 78.666 5.20215 77.7734 c %_N 1 (Anon 796) XW u 0 O 0 g 4.93848 -30.0269 m 3.98486 -30.6245 3.09521 -31.4233 2.41602 -32.3384 C 1.72607 -33.2544 1.22266 -34.291 0.896484 -35.3643 C 0.563477 -36.4385 0.40918 -37.5474 0.341309 -38.6504 C 0.306152 -39.2021 0.298828 -39.7549 0.314453 -40.3062 C 0.297852 -40.8613 0.490723 -41.394 0.150391 -41.9766 C 0.041016 -42.1621 0.102051 -42.4014 0.287598 -42.5112 c 0.473145 -42.6211 0.712402 -42.5596 0.821777 -42.374 c 0.908203 -42.2285 0.886719 -42.0479 0.785156 -41.9248 c 0.35498 -41.4126 0.494629 -40.8477 0.470215 -40.3047 C 0.477539 -39.7578 0.507813 -39.2119 0.564941 -38.6694 C 0.682617 -37.585 0.938477 -36.5186 1.3335 -35.5186 C 1.73389 -34.52 2.29199 -33.5957 2.99609 -32.813 C 3.70654 -32.0254 4.53076 -31.3979 5.46582 -30.8765 C 5.70752 -30.7417 5.79395 -30.437 5.65918 -30.1958 c 5.5249 -29.9541 5.22021 -29.8677 4.97852 -30.0024 c 4.97168 -30.0063 4.96484 -30.0103 4.95801 -30.0146 c 4.93848 -30.0269 L f U 0 0 Xd 6 () XW %_5.20215 -30.4517 m %_0.995117 -32.9399 0.094727 -37.417 0.467773 -41.9507 c %_N 1 (Anon 795) XW u 0 O 0 g -88.2124 47.2637 m -90.8281 47.7163 -93.4282 47.7568 -96.0229 47.8062 C -98.6177 47.855 -101.2036 47.9956 -103.771 48.2573 C -108.8975 48.7876 -113.9927 49.8647 -118.6108 52.2271 C -123.2554 54.5293 -127.6162 57.4507 -131.9541 60.3594 C -134.1328 61.7949 -136.04 63.6025 -138.123 65.186 C -139.1626 65.9785 -140.2563 66.7124 -141.4419 67.2686 C -142.0342 67.5464 -142.6484 67.7783 -143.2803 67.9473 C -143.9189 68.1548 -144.5527 68.0439 -145.1821 68.7627 C -145.1948 68.7773 l -145.4609 69.0811 -145.9233 69.1118 -146.2271 68.8452 c -146.5313 68.5791 -146.562 68.1172 -146.2954 67.813 c -146.0293 67.5093 -145.5669 67.4785 -145.2632 67.7446 c -145.2563 67.7505 -145.248 67.7588 -145.2417 67.7646 c -144.5659 68.4063 -143.9038 68.0771 -143.2817 67.9404 C -142.6523 67.7656 -142.041 67.5288 -141.4526 67.2461 C -140.2739 66.6807 -139.1904 65.9385 -138.1597 65.1387 C -136.1006 63.5332 -134.2588 61.6543 -132.0977 60.1558 C -127.8926 57.0474 -123.6709 53.9419 -119.0615 51.3516 C -114.4663 48.6914 -109.2051 47.2651 -103.9766 46.5552 C -101.353 46.1909 -98.7148 46.0078 -96.0845 45.8887 C -93.4531 45.7705 -90.8242 45.8022 -88.2114 46.2637 C -87.9351 46.312 -87.7505 46.5752 -87.7993 46.8511 c -87.8369 47.0674 -88.0083 47.2275 -88.2124 47.2637 C f U 0 0 Xd 6 () XW %_-88.2119 46.7637 m %_-97.9229 46.7476 -108.8838 46.8252 -117.7197 51.2163 c %_-122.834 53.7578 -127.9072 57.3525 -132.5098 60.5991 c %_-136.501 63.4146 -140.0342 67.957 -145.2119 68.2637 c %_N 1 (Anon 796) XW u 0 O 0 g -152.5674 44.8618 m -153.6338 45.9175 -154.8726 46.6172 -156.1528 47.2642 C -160.001 49.2065 L -162.5864 50.4766 -165.231 51.6587 -167.9351 52.688 C -170.6377 53.7153 -173.4009 54.605 -176.2305 55.1636 C -177.6377 55.4717 -179.0635 55.6812 -180.4932 55.8179 C -181.208 55.8887 -181.9253 55.9331 -182.6426 55.9497 C -183.0015 55.9565 -183.3604 55.9575 -183.7192 55.9526 C -184.082 55.9819 -184.4238 55.7539 -184.8203 56.416 C -185.0962 56.4019 -185.3086 56.167 -185.2944 55.8911 c -185.2803 55.6152 -185.0454 55.4033 -184.7695 55.417 c -184.4492 56.1128 -184.0742 55.9067 -183.7192 55.9453 C -183.3604 55.9443 -183.002 55.9375 -182.6436 55.9248 C -181.9268 55.897 -181.2114 55.8403 -180.4995 55.7583 C -179.0752 55.5894 -177.6714 55.2861 -176.2886 54.9214 C -173.5356 54.1328 -170.8867 53.0439 -168.3276 51.7852 C -165.7666 50.5249 -163.2905 49.1045 -160.8027 47.6909 C -157.0586 45.5728 L -155.8091 44.8652 -154.5137 44.2178 -153.0225 43.9712 C -152.7368 43.9238 -152.4663 44.1167 -152.4189 44.4028 c -152.3901 44.5757 -152.4521 44.7461 -152.5674 44.8618 C f U 0 0 Xd 6 () XW %_-152.7949 44.4165 m %_-162.3242 49.2651 -173.3008 56.5034 -184.7949 55.9165 c %_N 1 (Anon 796) XW u 0 O 0 g -231.8701 27.3784 m -232.6938 28.7773 -233.8462 29.8755 -235.0107 30.9033 C -236.1792 31.9365 -237.335 32.9697 -238.4355 34.0469 C -239.5273 35.1079 -240.5967 36.2783 -241.6997 37.3765 C -242.7881 38.4883 -243.854 39.6079 -244.8271 40.7939 C -246.8013 43.1182 -248.1152 45.9414 -249.0317 48.9072 C -249.481 50.3926 -249.8433 51.9092 -250.1724 53.4355 C -250.6465 55.731 L -250.8774 56.8813 L -250.9326 57.2695 -251.1396 57.6289 -250.8047 58.0879 C -250.6089 58.356 -250.6675 58.7319 -250.9355 58.9277 c -251.2036 59.124 -251.5796 59.0654 -251.7754 58.7974 c -251.9712 58.5293 -251.9131 58.1533 -251.645 57.957 c -251.6372 57.9517 -251.627 57.9448 -251.6191 57.9395 c -251.1445 57.6289 -251.2139 57.2188 -251.1323 56.8364 C -250.9556 55.6763 L -250.5884 53.356 L -250.3306 51.8101 -250.0371 50.2651 -249.6519 48.7354 C -248.9219 45.6826 -247.7603 42.6172 -245.8237 40.0273 C -244.8896 38.7324 -243.8682 37.5176 -242.8398 36.3271 C -241.8105 35.1362 -240.7803 33.9863 -239.6802 32.8159 C -238.5854 31.6636 -237.4463 30.5693 -236.3096 29.4883 C -235.1699 28.4009 -234.0024 27.4004 -232.5537 26.6489 C -232.2993 26.5166 -231.9858 26.6162 -231.8535 26.8711 c -231.7686 27.0347 -231.7793 27.2222 -231.8652 27.3706 c -231.8701 27.3784 L f U 0 0 Xd 6 () XW %_-232.2119 27.0137 m %_-234.8916 29.5576 -237.7959 32.0049 -240.292 34.7173 c %_-242.1943 36.7856 -244.2783 38.9165 -245.9121 41.1992 c %_-249.3613 46.0176 -250.1768 52.333 -251.2119 58.0137 c %_N 1 (Anon 797) XW U %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 9 () XW U %_/ArtDictionary : %_0 /Bool (AI15PixelPerfectSymbolEnablekey) , %_171.6576 514.9728 183.5391 61.1797 0 0 /RealMatrix %_ (AI13Pattern9SliceScalingGridKey) , %_1 /Int (AI13PatternExportType) , %_5 /Int (AI13PatternRegistrationType) , %_0 /Bool (AI13PatternEnableGuides) , %_; %_ 9 () XW %AI10_EndSymbol %AI14_BeginSymbol (Grime) 0 A 0 Xw u *u 1 D 0 O 0 g 0 1 0 0 0 Xy 0 J 0 j 1 w 4 M []0 d 1 XR -94.8447 -25.8076 m -98.6152 -21.0576 -89.0371 -23.5557 -94.8447 -25.8076 C -94.8447 -25.8076 L f -107.2354 51.0264 m -106.3408 51.6201 -103.4639 53.5684 -103.0205 51.502 C -103.6396 50.7686 -106.9746 49.0537 -107.2354 51.0264 C f -89.1885 53.3145 m -85.2686 54.5693 -81.3369 51.1357 -82.0391 45.9961 C -87.791 35.957 -98.4834 50.3408 -89.1885 53.3145 c f -52.7178 -45.5029 m -51.9092 -47.9111 -54.2539 -50.4365 -55.4092 -50.7344 C -54.2002 -49.1494 -54.4023 -46.8408 -52.7178 -45.5029 C f -37.6387 -27.1318 m -38.7217 -29.1104 -38.6807 -31.668 -39.4277 -33.8193 C -39.4268 -35.2754 -38.8682 -35.1318 -38.9346 -36.7197 C -41.2598 -37.5566 -40.3848 -43.0254 -42.5459 -41.8066 C -40.9521 -37.1133 -41.1318 -29.7441 -37.6387 -27.1318 C f 18.6338 -29.6279 m 17.3721 -29.4814 14.9443 -28.2559 15.5088 -26.6973 C 16.5068 -27.7578 18.0537 -27.752 18.6338 -29.6279 C f 13.2959 -2.07324 m 13.5791 -3.54199 12.999 -4.56641 12.2041 -5.48145 C 12.2725 -4.19238 11.8369 -2.64551 13.2959 -2.07324 C f 5.60254 60.1025 m 6.2998 58.8633 5.40137 58.4434 4.52637 58.0107 C 4.25098 59.0342 4.6084 59.7314 5.60254 60.1025 C f 108.5967 -41.8564 m 105.7393 -43.3232 103.6943 -40.4482 101.6533 -39.2754 c 90.8623 -33.0781 78.2295 -30.749 67.8955 -23.8877 C 61.5479 -21.04 54.7822 -19.6729 48.2432 -17.0811 c 44.5049 -15.6006 41.1182 -13.1797 37.3857 -11.8242 c 31.6104 -9.72852 25.6338 -8.39746 20.6201 -5.8418 c 15.8701 -3.42188 6.09473 3.60449 1.9834 -2.20605 C 6.00684 -8.70605 4.5752 -18.3447 11.4834 -22.3105 C 9.42871 -22.6484 9.81738 -21.168 7.66309 -22.6602 C 5.07129 -20.8428 3.68457 -16.6787 0.641602 -15.7373 C -0.677734 -17.4863 -4.62207 -17.8809 -5.45801 -19.877 C -0.120117 -24.6572 5.53809 -33.0527 6.26074 -41.4551 C 2.54395 -38.0723 1.28613 -28.0625 -3.41309 -24.8984 C -4.16309 -25.5049 -4.43555 -26.3574 -5.93066 -26.5801 C -10.042 -24.0703 -13.2842 -19.8721 -18.3418 -19.2012 C -18.8799 -20.1885 -17.999 -20.6904 -17.5791 -21.5771 C -18.7412 -22.332 -18.54 -20.4453 -19.5459 -20.8965 C -19.0645 -24.8271 -21.1924 -29.1123 -21.1406 -33.6377 c -21.0889 -38.085 -18.4463 -43.5225 -22.2129 -46.6465 C -26.2188 -43.666 -22.5527 -37.3467 -23.3584 -32.165 c -23.5303 -31.0693 -24.4561 -30.2725 -24.7715 -29.124 c -25.5752 -26.1914 -24.5908 -21.7734 -27.5635 -20.4092 C -30.0068 -24.0254 -33.8721 -27.4004 -35.3252 -31.6309 c -35.8516 -33.1689 -35.2568 -35.8672 -37.3506 -36.2109 C -35.9707 -30.416 -35.5107 -24.1465 -33.333 -18.7627 C -37.6982 -10.9092 -43.749 -16.123 -47.5615 -20.7012 c -49.0283 -22.4639 -50.7842 -23.6533 -51.5537 -24.6016 c -52.8604 -26.2148 -53.21 -28.9453 -54.3877 -30.751 c -56.4395 -33.8994 -59.0322 -36.2656 -59.7412 -38.5811 c -60.1709 -39.9863 -59.6504 -41.6035 -60.0557 -43.0488 c -60.5752 -44.9072 -62.6406 -46.8389 -63.8076 -49.0566 c -65.1807 -51.6641 -65.749 -54.7969 -67.0537 -56.6484 c -68.0996 -58.1348 -70.0088 -58.7549 -71.1719 -60.1514 c -75.0205 -64.7695 -76.9053 -71.0586 -81.1963 -73.8486 C -82.71 -73.7861 -83.6377 -72.5898 -84.0508 -70.3945 C -82.4316 -65.9658 -78.2061 -62.8994 -76.5439 -58.3799 c -76.0361 -56.9932 -76.5654 -55.1514 -75.833 -53.7842 c -74.6846 -51.6387 -72.4316 -51.1797 -70.6553 -49.5029 c -68.5059 -47.4805 -67.751 -44.084 -65.8232 -41.4043 c -64.8027 -39.9834 -63.0967 -39.2852 -62.1016 -38.0273 c -56.3682 -30.791 -53.9893 -20.832 -48.6738 -14.5059 C -49.2676 -12.0352 -47.3975 -9.30566 -49.7695 -6.99609 C -51.2227 -8.0127 -53.6895 -8.50488 -54.0156 -10.1035 C -56.165 -5.49609 -59.6055 -3.39746 -64.0635 -3.27734 C -67.7266 -6.06445 -72.9443 -11.0664 -77.7041 -11.1426 C -79.4277 -7.38965 -74.8994 -6.57813 -72.6367 -5.15137 c -67.0732 -1.6416 -60.5029 3.74902 -63.3887 9.60547 C -62.7744 10.7227 -61.3447 9.7998 -59.8232 10.748 C -58.7334 13.1641 -61.4219 16.709 -63.0283 18.0205 c -68.5029 22.4951 -80.1748 17.1758 -81.3643 24.8115 C -73.8955 32.9229 -65.624 19.2305 -56.1045 25.0439 C -54.3105 28.1924 -52.9385 33.6328 -58.2324 34.4072 C -59.0254 36.5801 -55.3574 36.4561 -56.0791 38.5898 C -55.9854 40.2715 -57.4111 39.002 -57.5059 40.3184 C -56.8955 40.5547 -56.1162 40.7051 -56.5713 41.4902 C -57.3291 47.1699 -63.5361 54.2891 -58.2412 56.2432 C -55.8584 53.8027 -55.7197 47.002 -50.5537 49.9707 C -49.5771 54.7207 -54.0654 57.4941 -55.2803 61.9971 C -56.7471 63.752 -61.8867 68.0439 -58.8643 70.4561 C -52.4131 66.498 -50.8115 53.1123 -42.9004 51.9863 C -41.0879 55.2363 -41.292 62.6465 -42.0674 67.1045 c -42.7148 70.8428 -48.6182 80.9521 -44.3564 85.1514 c -40.1221 89.3242 -34.5322 81.9912 -33.7842 78.0576 c -32.5771 71.71 -40.4355 65.8037 -39.0049 58.9121 c -38.6426 57.1689 -37.3369 53.7793 -35.9287 52.0371 c -34.5693 50.3555 -29.0469 46.2314 -25.8779 45.21 c -22.1074 43.998 -19.3291 43.1738 -15.2295 44.6914 C -9.25684 50.7559 -2.49512 55.1543 0.371094 62.7949 c 1.39941 65.5371 0.74707 69.9346 4.93066 70.3721 C 7.11035 67.9551 4.9209 65.1455 3.14551 63.6836 C 1.87598 59.374 0.168945 55.293 -2.12891 51.5117 C -1.97559 49.8906 -1.62598 48.168 -0.874023 46.2354 C 1.08691 45.1191 3.12207 44.1455 4.2002 41.3105 C 5.04785 40.8682 5.74316 42.1943 7.36816 42.3262 C 8.45215 41.8604 8.86816 40.1006 10.2373 40.1875 C 16.7842 41.252 21.126 44.0391 27.1436 46.04 c 32.583 47.8516 34.3389 52.4883 38.8193 54.5859 c 43.6357 56.8447 45.4873 58.6924 49.5283 59.3301 C 51.5615 58.2939 51.792 56.2119 51.1768 54.1807 C 45.2881 50.8955 44.1768 45.6455 37.6494 44.6035 c 36.1611 44.3672 34.4541 45.2197 32.7842 44.791 c 27.583 43.46 23.1318 38.5166 17.5596 36.4189 C 17.5498 33.2256 14.5498 31.5703 12.3467 29.5068 C 13.0166 28.2637 13.9443 28.5264 13.6318 26.8613 C 13.1611 25.8926 11.3545 25.6094 11.3682 24.3887 C 12.3018 23.8457 12.0596 21.0166 13.8408 22.123 C 14.71 20.7637 12.1729 20.6377 13.6846 19.8896 C 18.0264 17.4385 23.4209 24.5215 27.1221 21.5742 C 26.6611 16.0254 15.8955 19.7275 15.333 14.7393 C 17.0303 14.1816 19.8604 15.8242 20.5791 13.3623 C 17.6475 11.9688 14.8291 14.3867 11.7705 13.5977 c 9.98535 13.1377 8.4541 11.3857 6.60449 10.6318 c 5.88379 10.3398 1.67285 10.7275 2.10449 8.31641 C 2.83496 8.43066 3.72363 10.0654 4.48145 9.08008 C 3.40137 8.42188 1.71973 8.07227 1.69434 6.87598 C 3.9541 4.19629 7.3916 3.80664 10.7275 3.21777 C 22.4854 -4.3584 35.4932 -9.50684 48.6689 -14.3232 C 49.0674 -14.1992 49.0381 -13.8535 49.335 -13.6738 C 49.1436 -13.1328 49.2432 -12.7441 49.3506 -12.3594 C 51.208 -11.7939 49.1768 -13.4131 49.4619 -14.0693 C 54.3779 -18.5898 61.2549 -18.7051 67.6729 -20.4648 c 74.4971 -22.3369 81.8447 -27.3545 88.7354 -30.3125 c 93.8779 -32.5186 98.7725 -35.3174 103.6494 -37.3271 c 105.8506 -38.2324 109.8018 -37.79 108.5967 -41.8564 C f -72.7021 -78.5498 m -74.5967 -80.8828 -74.7998 -84.0859 -76.7393 -86.3965 C -76.3311 -83.5146 -74.5635 -79.582 -72.7021 -78.5498 C f -62.3613 -60.3877 m -63.3145 -61.3301 -62.7998 -63.0273 -64.3721 -63.6514 C -64.4795 -62.3691 -62.8926 -60.2422 -62.3613 -60.3877 C f -56.4854 26.2314 m -58.5908 26.4355 -62.8887 25.7734 -63.3154 27.0986 C -61.0889 26.7178 -58.1768 27.6572 -56.4854 26.2314 C f -112.8467 10.5654 m -111.0332 10.7393 -109.9268 10.2061 -110.0352 8.45801 C -111.8486 8.28516 -112.8301 8.94141 -112.8467 10.5654 C f 107.9717 29.25 m 108.9893 30.1523 109.585 29.543 111.2217 29.5762 C 111.8174 28.2227 112.8584 27.3115 112.8467 25.3516 C 110.2432 24.4326 107.7646 26.2891 107.9717 29.25 C f *U %_/ArtDictionary : %_0 /Int (AI10 compound shape mode) , %_; %_ U %_/ArtDictionary : %_56.4232 169.2697 129.594 43.198 0 0 /RealMatrix %_ (AI13Pattern9SliceScalingGridKey) , %_1 /Int (AI13PatternExportType) , %_5 /Int (AI13PatternRegistrationType) , %_0 /Bool (AI13PatternEnableGuides) , %_; %_ 9 () XW %AI10_EndSymbol %AI14_BeginSymbol (Roman Trim Marks \(9-Slice\)) 0 A 0 Xw u 1 Ap 0 D 0 1 0 0 0 Xy 0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR 100 99.999 m -100 99.999 L -100 -100 L 100 -100 L 100 99.999 L n 0 O 0.75021 0.679683 0.670222 0.90164 0 0 0 ([Registration]) 0 1 Xz -79 -118 m -91 -118 l -91 -130 l -79 -130 l -79 -118 L f 0.726162 0.666468 0.652216 0.784329 0 0 0 ([Registration]) 0.1 1 Xz -67 -118 m -79 -118 l -79 -130 l -67 -130 l -67 -118 L f 0.69482 0.6318 0.621515 0.583612 0 0 0 ([Registration]) 0.2 1 Xz -55 -118 m -67 -118 l -67 -130 l -55 -130 l -55 -118 L f 0.654627 0.581201 0.569665 0.370184 0 0 0 ([Registration]) 0.3 1 Xz -43 -118 m -55 -118 l -55 -130 l -43 -130 l -43 -118 L f 0.597284 0.512352 0.507713 0.201328 0 0 0 ([Registration]) 0.4 1 Xz -31 -118 m -43 -118 l -43 -130 l -31 -130 l -31 -118 L f 0.517998 0.432929 0.432929 0.077302 0 0 0 ([Registration]) 0.5 1 Xz -19 -118 m -31 -118 l -31 -130 l -19 -130 l -19 -118 L f 0.426368 0.347875 0.353155 0.009857 0 0 0 ([Registration]) 0.6 1 Xz -7 -118 m -19 -118 l -19 -130 l -7 -130 l -7 -118 L f 0.308873 0.24448 0.24976 0 0 0 0 ([Registration]) 0.7 1 Xz 5 -118 m -7 -118 l -7 -130 l 5 -130 l 5 -118 L f 0.193668 0.150057 0.155337 0 0 0 0 ([Registration]) 0.8 1 Xz 17 -118 m 5 -118 l 5 -130 l 17 -130 l 17 -118 L f 0.08661 0.062776 0.067414 0 0 0 0 ([Registration]) 0.9 1 Xz 29 -118 m 17 -118 l 17 -130 l 29 -130 l 29 -118 L f 0 Ap 0.693446 0.140078 0 0 0 0.682353 0.937255 Xa -130 -91 m -118 -91 l -118 -79 l -130 -79 l -130 -91 L f 0 R 0.75021 0.679683 0.670222 0.90164 0 0 0 ([Registration]) 0 1 XZ 0.5 w -130 -91 m -118 -91 l -118 -79 l -130 -79 l -130 -91 L s *u 0 O 0.75021 0.679683 0.670222 0.90164 0 0 0 ([Registration]) 0 1 Xz 1 w -123.7041 -85.6074 m -123.6943 -85.6318 -123.6816 -85.6475 -123.6631 -85.6582 c -123.6484 -85.668 -123.624 -85.6719 -123.5928 -85.6719 c -123.5586 -85.6719 -123.5342 -85.666 -123.5215 -85.6475 c -123.5078 -85.6328 -123.5 -85.5986 -123.5 -85.5488 c -123.5 -85.458 -123.499 -85.375 -123.498 -85.2969 c -123.4971 -85.2217 -123.4961 -85.1875 -123.4961 -85.1982 c -123.4961 -85.1543 -123.5049 -85.127 -123.5186 -85.1094 c -123.5322 -85.0947 -123.5576 -85.0898 -123.5977 -85.0898 c -123.6572 -85.0898 -123.6953 -85.1309 -123.7148 -85.2148 c -123.7197 -85.2432 -123.7266 -85.2607 -123.7285 -85.2773 c -123.7451 -85.3428 -123.7881 -85.3994 -123.8516 -85.4434 c -123.918 -85.4844 -123.9971 -85.5068 -124.083 -85.5068 c -124.2451 -85.5068 -124.375 -85.4482 -124.4717 -85.3301 c -124.5713 -85.2119 -124.6191 -85.0557 -124.6191 -84.8564 c -124.6191 -84.6582 -124.5703 -84.498 -124.4697 -84.3799 c -124.3721 -84.2627 -124.2422 -84.2031 -124.0791 -84.2031 c -124.0254 -84.2031 -123.9727 -84.2119 -123.917 -84.2266 c -123.8613 -84.2402 -123.8096 -84.2637 -123.7549 -84.2949 c -123.7314 -84.3066 -123.6973 -84.3291 -123.6563 -84.3584 c -123.6123 -84.3896 -123.5801 -84.4043 -123.5635 -84.4043 c -123.5342 -84.4043 -123.5098 -84.3945 -123.4922 -84.377 c -123.4717 -84.3574 -123.4619 -84.334 -123.4619 -84.3076 c -123.4619 -84.2813 -123.4727 -84.2529 -123.4941 -84.2285 c -123.5166 -84.2041 -123.5547 -84.1719 -123.6133 -84.1357 c -123.6914 -84.0859 -123.7666 -84.0498 -123.8457 -84.0264 c -123.9209 -84.0029 -124.0029 -83.9912 -124.0908 -83.9912 c -124.3154 -83.9912 -124.501 -84.0713 -124.6465 -84.2285 c -124.7949 -84.3887 -124.8672 -84.5908 -124.8672 -84.8389 c -124.8672 -85.084 -124.7939 -85.2891 -124.6445 -85.4492 c -124.4951 -85.6123 -124.3076 -85.6934 -124.083 -85.6934 c -124.0234 -85.6934 -123.9629 -85.6875 -123.8984 -85.6709 c -123.8369 -85.6572 -123.7734 -85.6348 -123.7041 -85.6074 c f *U 0.006653 0.990021 0.005615 0 0.92549 0 0.54902 Xa -130 -79 m -118 -79 l -118 -67 l -130 -67 l -130 -79 L f 0 R 0.75021 0.679683 0.670222 0.90164 0 0 0 ([Registration]) 0 1 XZ 0.5 w -130 -79 m -118 -79 l -118 -67 l -130 -67 l -130 -79 L s *u 0 O 0.75021 0.679683 0.670222 0.90164 0 0 0 ([Registration]) 0 1 Xz 1 w -124.1309 -72.7041 m -123.8369 -73.5596 l -123.8252 -73.5898 -123.8086 -73.6133 -123.7861 -73.6299 c -123.7637 -73.6445 -123.7305 -73.6523 -123.6875 -73.6523 c -123.4639 -73.6523 l -123.4355 -73.6523 -123.4131 -73.6436 -123.3994 -73.6289 c -123.3818 -73.6113 -123.377 -73.5879 -123.377 -73.5596 c -123.377 -73.5244 -123.3867 -73.501 -123.4033 -73.4883 c -123.4229 -73.4727 -123.458 -73.4678 -123.5068 -73.4678 c -123.5293 -73.4678 l -123.4922 -72.2236 l -123.46 -72.2236 l -123.4004 -72.2236 -123.3594 -72.2158 -123.3408 -72.2031 c -123.3203 -72.1904 -123.3096 -72.166 -123.3096 -72.1299 c -123.3096 -72.0967 -123.3184 -72.0723 -123.334 -72.0537 c -123.3525 -72.0381 -123.376 -72.0293 -123.4053 -72.0293 c -123.79 -72.0293 l -123.8438 -72.0293 -123.8799 -72.0381 -123.8975 -72.0518 c -123.917 -72.0654 -123.9277 -72.0938 -123.9277 -72.1299 c -123.9277 -72.165 -123.916 -72.1895 -123.8926 -72.2021 c -123.8701 -72.2158 -123.8252 -72.2236 -123.7627 -72.2236 c -123.7041 -72.2236 l -123.7314 -73.3984 l -124.001 -72.6123 l -124.0146 -72.5752 -124.0332 -72.5469 -124.0508 -72.5322 c -124.0723 -72.5186 -124.1035 -72.5107 -124.1426 -72.5107 c -124.1797 -72.5107 -124.21 -72.5186 -124.2314 -72.5332 c -124.249 -72.5469 -124.2676 -72.5762 -124.2803 -72.6123 c -124.5537 -73.3984 l -124.5781 -72.2236 l -124.4883 -72.2236 l -124.4336 -72.2236 -124.3965 -72.2148 -124.374 -72.2012 c -124.3516 -72.1875 -124.3408 -72.1602 -124.3408 -72.1299 c -124.3408 -72.0938 -124.3506 -72.0654 -124.3711 -72.0518 c -124.3887 -72.0381 -124.4248 -72.0293 -124.4795 -72.0293 c -124.8633 -72.0293 l -124.8926 -72.0293 -124.917 -72.0381 -124.9346 -72.0537 c -124.9492 -72.0713 -124.958 -72.0957 -124.958 -72.1299 c -124.958 -72.166 -124.9482 -72.1904 -124.9268 -72.2031 c -124.9063 -72.2158 -124.8672 -72.2236 -124.8086 -72.2236 c -124.7773 -72.2236 l -124.7383 -73.4678 l -124.7607 -73.4678 l -124.8105 -73.4678 -124.8447 -73.4727 -124.8652 -73.4883 c -124.8828 -73.501 -124.8926 -73.5244 -124.8926 -73.5596 c -124.8926 -73.5879 -124.8867 -73.6113 -124.8691 -73.6289 c -124.8545 -73.6436 -124.832 -73.6523 -124.8047 -73.6523 c -124.5781 -73.6523 l -124.5371 -73.6523 -124.5049 -73.6445 -124.4824 -73.6299 c -124.459 -73.6133 -124.4434 -73.5898 -124.4316 -73.5596 c -124.1309 -72.7041 L f *U 0.038819 0 0.932555 0 1 0.94902 0 Xa -130 -67 m -118 -67 l -118 -55 l -130 -55 l -130 -67 L f 0 R 0.75021 0.679683 0.670222 0.90164 0 0 0 ([Registration]) 0 1 XZ 0.5 w -130 -67 m -118 -67 l -118 -55 l -130 -55 l -130 -67 L s *u 0 O 0.75021 0.679683 0.670222 0.90164 0 0 0 ([Registration]) 0 1 Xz 1 w -123.834 -60.2227 m -123.7637 -60.2227 -123.7188 -60.2148 -123.6982 -60.2021 c -123.6807 -60.1895 -123.6699 -60.165 -123.6699 -60.1289 c -123.6699 -60.0889 -123.6807 -60.0635 -123.6982 -60.0498 c -123.7188 -60.0361 -123.7568 -60.0283 -123.8164 -60.0283 c -124.4668 -60.0283 l -124.5264 -60.0283 -124.5645 -60.0361 -124.585 -60.0498 c -124.6016 -60.0635 -124.6123 -60.0889 -124.6123 -60.1289 c -124.6123 -60.165 -124.6016 -60.1895 -124.582 -60.2021 c -124.5605 -60.2148 -124.5156 -60.2227 -124.4473 -60.2227 c -124.249 -60.2227 l -124.249 -60.6748 l -124.7041 -61.4541 l -124.7275 -61.4541 l -124.7832 -61.4541 -124.8203 -61.46 -124.8408 -61.4766 c -124.8594 -61.4902 -124.8691 -61.5156 -124.8691 -61.5518 c -124.8691 -61.5859 -124.8633 -61.6104 -124.8447 -61.625 c -124.8291 -61.6426 -124.8008 -61.6484 -124.7646 -61.6484 c -124.7041 -61.6484 l -124.3906 -61.6484 l -124.3379 -61.6484 -124.3027 -61.6436 -124.2822 -61.6289 c -124.2656 -61.6123 -124.2559 -61.5879 -124.2559 -61.5518 c -124.2559 -61.5156 -124.2666 -61.4902 -124.2891 -61.4766 c -124.3125 -61.46 -124.3516 -61.4541 -124.4102 -61.4541 c -124.4561 -61.4541 l -124.126 -60.8594 l -123.7803 -61.4541 l -123.8369 -61.4541 l -123.8857 -61.4541 -123.9209 -61.46 -123.9404 -61.4766 c -123.9609 -61.4902 -123.9678 -61.5156 -123.9678 -61.5518 c -123.9678 -61.5889 -123.9619 -61.6172 -123.9434 -61.6309 c -123.9287 -61.6436 -123.8857 -61.6484 -123.8213 -61.6484 c -123.7861 -61.6484 l -123.5684 -61.6484 l -123.498 -61.6484 -123.4531 -61.6436 -123.4355 -61.6299 c -123.415 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-31 l -130 -31 l -130 -43 L s *u 0 O 0.75021 0.679683 0.670222 0.90164 0 0 0 ([Registration]) 0 1 Xz 1 w -125.1035 -36.7041 m -124.8096 -37.5596 l -124.7979 -37.5898 -124.7813 -37.6133 -124.7588 -37.6299 c -124.7363 -37.6445 -124.7031 -37.6523 -124.6602 -37.6523 c -124.4365 -37.6523 l -124.4082 -37.6523 -124.3857 -37.6436 -124.3721 -37.6289 c -124.3545 -37.6113 -124.3496 -37.5879 -124.3496 -37.5596 c -124.3496 -37.5244 -124.3594 -37.501 -124.376 -37.4883 c -124.3955 -37.4727 -124.4307 -37.4678 -124.4795 -37.4678 c -124.502 -37.4678 l -124.4648 -36.2236 l -124.4326 -36.2236 l -124.373 -36.2236 -124.332 -36.2158 -124.3135 -36.2031 c -124.293 -36.1904 -124.2822 -36.166 -124.2822 -36.1299 c -124.2822 -36.0967 -124.291 -36.0723 -124.3066 -36.0537 c -124.3252 -36.0381 -124.3486 -36.0293 -124.3779 -36.0293 c -124.7627 -36.0293 l -124.8164 -36.0293 -124.8525 -36.0381 -124.8701 -36.0518 c -124.8896 -36.0654 -124.9004 -36.0938 -124.9004 -36.1299 c -124.9004 -36.165 -124.8887 -36.1895 -124.8652 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-122.709 -37.4912 -122.7266 -37.4775 c -122.7471 -37.4609 -122.7842 -37.4551 -122.8398 -37.4551 c -122.8623 -37.4551 l -123.3281 -36.6582 l -123.3281 -36.2236 l -123.125 -36.2236 L f *U 0.827542 0.064729 0.957824 0.002594 0 0.65098 0.317647 Xa -130 -31 m -118 -31 l -118 -19 l -130 -19 l -130 -31 L f 0 R 0.75021 0.679683 0.670222 0.90164 0 0 0 ([Registration]) 0 1 XZ 0.5 w -130 -31 m -118 -31 l -118 -19 l -130 -19 l -130 -31 L s *u 0 O 0.75021 0.679683 0.670222 0.90164 0 0 0 ([Registration]) 0 1 Xz 1 w -124.6768 -25.6074 m -124.667 -25.6318 -124.6543 -25.6475 -124.6357 -25.6582 c -124.6211 -25.668 -124.5967 -25.6719 -124.5654 -25.6719 c -124.5313 -25.6719 -124.5068 -25.666 -124.4941 -25.6475 c -124.4805 -25.6328 -124.4727 -25.5986 -124.4727 -25.5488 c -124.4727 -25.458 -124.4717 -25.375 -124.4707 -25.2998 c -124.4697 -25.2217 -124.4688 -25.1875 -124.4688 -25.1982 c -124.4688 -25.1543 -124.4775 -25.127 -124.4912 -25.1123 c -124.5049 -25.0947 -124.5303 -25.0898 -124.5703 -25.0898 c -124.6299 -25.0898 -124.668 -25.1309 -124.6875 -25.2158 c -124.6924 -25.2432 -124.6992 -25.2607 -124.7012 -25.2773 c -124.7178 -25.3428 -124.7607 -25.3994 -124.8242 -25.4434 c -124.8906 -25.4844 -124.9697 -25.5068 -125.0557 -25.5068 c -125.2178 -25.5068 -125.3477 -25.4482 -125.4443 -25.3301 c -125.5439 -25.2119 -125.5918 -25.0557 -125.5918 -24.8564 c -125.5918 -24.6582 -125.543 -24.498 -125.4424 -24.3799 c -125.3447 -24.2627 -125.2148 -24.2031 -125.0518 -24.2031 c -124.998 -24.2031 -124.9453 -24.2119 -124.8896 -24.2266 c -124.834 -24.2402 -124.7822 -24.2637 -124.7275 -24.2949 c -124.7041 -24.3066 -124.6699 -24.3291 -124.6289 -24.3584 c -124.585 -24.3896 -124.5527 -24.4043 -124.5361 -24.4043 c -124.5068 -24.4043 -124.4824 -24.3955 -124.4648 -24.377 c -124.4443 -24.3574 -124.4346 -24.334 -124.4346 -24.3076 c -124.4346 -24.2813 -124.4453 -24.2529 -124.4668 -24.2285 c -124.4893 -24.2041 -124.5273 -24.1748 -124.5859 -24.1357 c -124.6641 -24.0859 -124.7393 -24.0498 -124.8184 -24.0264 c -124.8936 -24.0029 -124.9756 -23.9912 -125.0635 -23.9912 c -125.2881 -23.9912 -125.4736 -24.0713 -125.6191 -24.2285 c -125.7676 -24.3887 -125.8398 -24.5908 -125.8398 -24.8389 c -125.8398 -25.084 -125.7666 -25.2891 -125.6172 -25.4492 c -125.4678 -25.6123 -125.2803 -25.6934 -125.0557 -25.6934 c -124.9961 -25.6934 -124.9355 -25.6875 -124.8711 -25.6709 c -124.8096 -25.6572 -124.7461 -25.6348 -124.6768 -25.6074 c f *U *u -123.125 -24.2236 m -123.0547 -24.2236 -123.0127 -24.2158 -122.9922 -24.2031 c -122.9717 -24.1904 -122.9609 -24.166 -122.9609 -24.1299 c -122.9609 -24.0908 -122.9717 -24.0645 -122.9922 -24.0508 c -123.0127 -24.0371 -123.0508 -24.0293 -123.1104 -24.0293 c -123.7578 -24.0293 l -123.8203 -24.0293 -123.8584 -24.0371 -123.8789 -24.0508 c -123.8955 -24.0645 -123.9063 -24.0908 -123.9063 -24.1299 c -123.9063 -24.166 -123.8955 -24.1904 -123.873 -24.2031 c -123.8516 -24.2158 -123.8096 -24.2236 -123.7412 -24.2236 c -123.543 -24.2236 l -123.543 -24.6768 l -123.998 -25.4551 l -124.0215 -25.4551 l -124.0742 -25.4551 -124.1143 -25.4609 -124.1318 -25.4775 c -124.1533 -25.4912 -124.1631 -25.5166 -124.1631 -25.5527 c -124.1631 -25.5869 -124.1543 -25.6113 -124.1387 -25.6289 c -124.1201 -25.6436 -124.0947 -25.6523 -124.0586 -25.6523 c -123.998 -25.6523 l -123.6846 -25.6523 l -123.6289 -25.6523 -123.5938 -25.6445 -123.5762 -25.6299 c -123.5566 -25.6133 -123.5469 -25.5889 -123.5469 -25.5527 c -123.5469 -25.5166 -123.5576 -25.4912 -123.5801 -25.4775 c -123.6035 -25.4609 -123.6455 -25.4551 -123.7041 -25.4551 c -123.75 -25.4551 l -123.417 -24.8604 l -123.0742 -25.4551 l -123.1309 -25.4551 l -123.1797 -25.4551 -123.2148 -25.4609 -123.2344 -25.4775 c -123.252 -25.4912 -123.2617 -25.5166 -123.2617 -25.5527 c -123.2617 -25.5898 -123.2529 -25.6182 -123.2373 -25.6318 c -123.2227 -25.6445 -123.1797 -25.6523 -123.1123 -25.6523 c -123.0771 -25.6523 l -122.8623 -25.6523 l -122.792 -25.6523 -122.7471 -25.6445 -122.7266 -25.6309 c -122.709 -25.6172 -122.6992 -25.5889 -122.6992 -25.5527 c -122.6992 -25.5166 -122.709 -25.4912 -122.7266 -25.4775 c -122.7471 -25.4609 -122.7842 -25.4551 -122.8398 -25.4551 c -122.8623 -25.4551 l -123.3281 -24.6582 l -123.3281 -24.2236 l -123.125 -24.2236 L f *U 0.704982 0.641688 0.591638 0.538811 0.211765 0.211765 0.223529 Xa -130 -19 m -118 -19 l -118 -7 l -130 -7 l -130 -19 L f 0 R 0.75021 0.679683 0.670222 0.90164 0 0 0 ([Registration]) 0 1 XZ 0.5 w -130 -19 m -118 -19 l -118 -7 l -130 -7 l -130 -19 L s *u 0 O 0.75021 0.679683 0.670222 0.90164 0 0 0 ([Registration]) 0 1 Xz 1 w -125.6494 -13.6074 m -125.6396 -13.6318 -125.627 -13.6475 -125.6084 -13.6582 c -125.5938 -13.668 -125.5693 -13.6748 -125.5381 -13.6748 c -125.5039 -13.6748 -125.4795 -13.666 -125.4668 -13.6475 c -125.4531 -13.6328 -125.4453 -13.5986 -125.4453 -13.5488 c -125.4453 -13.458 -125.4443 -13.375 -125.4434 -13.2998 c -125.4424 -13.2217 -125.4414 -13.1875 -125.4414 -13.1982 c -125.4414 -13.1543 -125.4502 -13.127 -125.4639 -13.1123 c -125.4775 -13.0947 -125.5029 -13.0898 -125.543 -13.0898 c -125.6025 -13.0898 -125.6406 -13.1309 -125.6602 -13.2158 c -125.665 -13.2432 -125.6719 -13.2607 -125.6738 -13.2773 c -125.6904 -13.3428 -125.7334 -13.3994 -125.7969 -13.4434 c -125.8633 -13.4873 -125.9424 -13.5068 -126.0283 -13.5068 c -126.1904 -13.5068 -126.3203 -13.4482 -126.417 -13.3301 c -126.5166 -13.2119 -126.5645 -13.0557 -126.5645 -12.8564 c -126.5645 -12.6582 -126.5156 -12.498 -126.415 -12.3799 c -126.3174 -12.2627 -126.1875 -12.2031 -126.0244 -12.2031 c -125.9707 -12.2031 -125.918 -12.2119 -125.8623 -12.2266 c -125.8066 -12.2402 -125.7549 -12.2637 -125.7002 -12.2949 c -125.6768 -12.3066 -125.6426 -12.3291 -125.6016 -12.3584 c -125.5576 -12.3896 -125.5254 -12.4043 -125.5088 -12.4043 c -125.4795 -12.4043 -125.4551 -12.3955 -125.4375 -12.377 c -125.417 -12.3574 -125.4072 -12.334 -125.4072 -12.3076 c -125.4072 -12.2813 -125.418 -12.2529 -125.4395 -12.2285 c -125.4619 -12.2041 -125.5 -12.1748 -125.5586 -12.1357 c -125.6367 -12.0859 -125.7119 -12.0498 -125.791 -12.0264 c -125.8662 -12.0029 -125.9482 -11.9912 -126.0361 -11.9912 c -126.2607 -11.9912 -126.4463 -12.0713 -126.5918 -12.2285 c -126.7402 -12.3887 -126.8125 -12.5908 -126.8125 -12.8389 c -126.8125 -13.084 -126.7393 -13.2891 -126.5898 -13.4502 c -126.4404 -13.6123 -126.2529 -13.6934 -126.0283 -13.6934 c -125.9688 -13.6934 -125.9082 -13.6875 -125.8438 -13.6709 c -125.7822 -13.6572 -125.7188 -13.6348 -125.6494 -13.6074 c f *U *u -124.3975 -12.7041 m -124.1035 -13.5596 l -124.0918 -13.5908 -124.0723 -13.6143 -124.0498 -13.6299 c -124.0273 -13.6445 -123.9971 -13.6523 -123.9541 -13.6523 c -123.7305 -13.6523 l -123.6992 -13.6523 -123.6797 -13.6436 -123.6631 -13.6289 c -123.6484 -13.6113 -123.6406 -13.5879 -123.6406 -13.5596 c -123.6406 -13.5244 -123.6504 -13.501 -123.6699 -13.4883 c -123.6865 -13.4736 -123.7217 -13.4678 -123.7734 -13.4678 c -123.793 -13.4678 l -123.7559 -12.2236 l -123.7266 -12.2236 l -123.6641 -12.2236 -123.626 -12.2158 -123.6045 -12.2031 c -123.5869 -12.1904 -123.5762 -12.166 -123.5762 -12.1299 c -123.5762 -12.0967 -123.582 -12.0723 -123.6006 -12.0537 c -123.6162 -12.0381 -123.6396 -12.0293 -123.6719 -12.0293 c -124.0566 -12.0293 l -124.1074 -12.0293 -124.1436 -12.0381 -124.1641 -12.0518 c -124.1836 -12.0654 -124.1914 -12.0938 -124.1914 -12.1299 c -124.1914 -12.165 -124.1797 -12.1895 -124.1563 -12.2021 c -124.1367 -12.2158 -124.0918 -12.2236 -124.0264 -12.2236 c -123.9678 -12.2236 l -123.998 -13.3984 l -124.2676 -12.6123 l -124.2813 -12.5752 -124.2969 -12.5498 -124.3174 -12.5322 c -124.3389 -12.5186 -124.3672 -12.5107 -124.4092 -12.5107 c -124.4463 -12.5107 -124.4766 -12.5186 -124.4951 -12.5332 c -124.5156 -12.5498 -124.5313 -12.5762 -124.5469 -12.6123 c -124.8203 -13.3984 l -124.8447 -12.2236 l -124.752 -12.2236 l -124.7002 -12.2236 -124.6602 -12.2148 -124.6406 -12.2012 c -124.6182 -12.1875 -124.6074 -12.1611 -124.6074 -12.1299 c -124.6074 -12.0938 -124.6172 -12.0654 -124.6348 -12.0518 c -124.6553 -12.0381 -124.6914 -12.0293 -124.7461 -12.0293 c -125.127 -12.0293 l -125.1592 -12.0293 -125.1836 -12.0381 -125.1982 -12.0537 c -125.2158 -12.0713 -125.2217 -12.0957 -125.2217 -12.1299 c -125.2217 -12.166 -125.2148 -12.1904 -125.1934 -12.2031 c -125.1729 -12.2158 -125.1338 -12.2236 -125.0752 -12.2236 c -125.0439 -12.2236 l -125.0049 -13.4678 l -125.0273 -13.4678 l -125.0771 -13.4678 -125.1113 -13.4736 -125.1289 -13.4883 c -125.1494 -13.501 -125.1592 -13.5244 -125.1592 -13.5596 c -125.1592 -13.5879 -125.1504 -13.6113 -125.1357 -13.6289 c -125.1211 -13.6436 -125.0986 -13.6523 -125.0684 -13.6523 c -124.8447 -13.6523 l -124.8008 -13.6523 -124.7715 -13.6445 -124.749 -13.6299 c -124.7256 -13.6143 -124.707 -13.5908 -124.6953 -13.5596 c -124.3975 -12.7041 L f *U *u -122.418 -12.2236 m -122.3477 -12.2236 -122.3027 -12.2158 -122.2852 -12.2031 c -122.2646 -12.1904 -122.2539 -12.166 -122.2539 -12.1299 c -122.2539 -12.0908 -122.2646 -12.0645 -122.2852 -12.0508 c -122.3027 -12.0371 -122.3438 -12.0293 -122.4033 -12.0293 c -123.0508 -12.0293 l -123.1104 -12.0293 -123.1484 -12.0371 -123.1689 -12.0508 c -123.1885 -12.0645 -123.1992 -12.0908 -123.1992 -12.1299 c -123.1992 -12.166 -123.1885 -12.1904 -123.166 -12.2031 c -123.1445 -12.2158 -123.0996 -12.2236 -123.0313 -12.2236 c -122.8359 -12.2236 l -122.8359 -12.6768 l -123.2881 -13.4551 l -123.3115 -13.4551 l -123.3672 -13.4551 -123.4043 -13.4639 -123.4248 -13.4775 c -123.4463 -13.4912 -123.4531 -13.5166 -123.4531 -13.5527 c -123.4531 -13.5869 -123.4473 -13.6113 -123.4287 -13.6289 c -123.4131 -13.6436 -123.3877 -13.6523 -123.3516 -13.6523 c -123.2881 -13.6523 l -122.9775 -13.6523 l -122.9219 -13.6523 -122.8867 -13.6445 -122.8662 -13.6299 c -122.8496 -13.6143 -122.8398 -13.5889 -122.8398 -13.5527 c -122.8398 -13.5166 -122.8506 -13.4912 -122.873 -13.4775 c -122.8965 -13.4639 -122.9355 -13.4551 -122.9941 -13.4551 c -123.04 -13.4551 l -122.71 -12.8604 l -122.3672 -13.4551 l -122.4209 -13.4551 l -122.4727 -13.4551 -122.5078 -13.4639 -122.5244 -13.4775 c -122.5449 -13.4912 -122.5547 -13.5166 -122.5547 -13.5527 c -122.5547 -13.5908 -122.5459 -13.6182 -122.5273 -13.6318 c -122.5127 -13.6445 -122.4727 -13.6523 -122.4053 -13.6523 c -122.3701 -13.6523 l -122.1523 -13.6523 l -122.082 -13.6523 -122.04 -13.6445 -122.0195 -13.6309 c -121.999 -13.6172 -121.9922 -13.5889 -121.9922 -13.5527 c -121.9922 -13.5166 -121.999 -13.4912 -122.0195 -13.4775 c -122.04 -13.4639 -122.0771 -13.4551 -122.1328 -13.4551 c -122.1523 -13.4551 l -122.6182 -12.6582 l -122.6182 -12.2236 l -122.418 -12.2236 L f *U 0.697627 0.675227 0.638575 0.739559 0.137255 0.121569 0.12549 Xa -130 -7 m -118 -7 l -118 4.99902 l -130 4.99902 l -130 -7 L f 0 R 0.75021 0.679683 0.670222 0.90164 0 0 0 ([Registration]) 0 1 XZ 0.5 w -130 -7 m -118 -7 l -118 4.99902 l -130 4.99902 l -130 -7 L s *u 0 O 0.75021 0.679683 0.670222 0.90164 0 0 0 ([Registration]) 0 1 Xz 1 w -124.4131 -0.223633 m -124.3203 -0.223633 l -124.2686 -0.223633 -124.2314 -0.214844 -124.209 -0.201172 c -124.1865 -0.1875 -124.1758 -0.161133 -124.1758 -0.129883 c -124.1758 -0.09375 -124.1855 -0.06543 -124.2031 -0.051758 c -124.2236 -0.038086 -124.2598 -0.029297 -124.3145 -0.029297 c -124.7822 -0.029297 l -124.8115 -0.029297 -124.835 -0.038086 -124.8525 -0.053711 c -124.8672 -0.072266 -124.876 -0.09668 -124.876 -0.129883 c -124.876 -0.161133 -124.8672 -0.1875 -124.8477 -0.201172 c -124.8311 -0.214844 -124.7998 -0.223633 -124.7588 -0.223633 c -124.7148 -0.223633 l -124.625 -0.223633 l -124.625 -1.45508 l -124.7148 -1.45508 l -124.7842 -1.45508 -124.8291 -1.46387 -124.8457 -1.47656 c -124.8662 -1.49023 -124.876 -1.51563 -124.876 -1.55273 c -124.876 -1.58496 -124.8672 -1.60938 -124.8525 -1.62793 c -124.835 -1.64355 -124.8115 -1.65234 -124.7822 -1.65234 c -124.3145 -1.65234 l -124.2598 -1.65234 -124.2236 -1.64453 -124.2031 -1.62988 c -124.1855 -1.61426 -124.1758 -1.58887 -124.1758 -1.55273 c -124.1758 -1.5166 -124.1875 -1.49121 -124.2119 -1.47754 c -124.2363 -1.46387 -124.2832 -1.45508 -124.3516 -1.45508 c -124.4131 -1.45508 l -124.4131 -0.897461 l -123.8447 -1.45508 l -123.8594 -1.45508 l -123.8906 -1.45508 l -123.9336 -1.45508 -123.9668 -1.46387 -123.9873 -1.47852 c -124.0078 -1.49316 -124.0156 -1.51758 -124.0156 -1.55273 c -124.0156 -1.58789 -124.0098 -1.6123 -123.9922 -1.62988 c -123.9775 -1.64453 -123.9531 -1.65234 -123.918 -1.65234 c -123.5166 -1.65234 l -123.4844 -1.65234 -123.4609 -1.64355 -123.4453 -1.62793 c -123.4268 -1.60938 -123.418 -1.58496 -123.418 -1.55273 c -123.418 -1.5166 -123.4287 -1.49219 -123.4512 -1.47754 c -123.4727 -1.46387 -123.5098 -1.45508 -123.5654 -1.45508 c -123.5859 -1.45508 l -124.1152 -0.942383 l -124.0352 -0.927734 -123.957 -0.87793 -123.8838 -0.790039 c -123.8105 -0.705078 -123.6953 -0.516602 -123.541 -0.223633 c -123.5166 -0.223633 l -123.459 -0.223633 -123.4219 -0.21582 -123.4014 -0.202148 c -123.3818 -0.189453 -123.3711 -0.165039 -123.3711 -0.129883 c -123.3711 -0.09668 -123.3809 -0.072266 -123.3984 -0.053711 c -123.4131 -0.038086 -123.4365 -0.029297 -123.4688 -0.029297 c -123.5996 -0.029297 l -123.627 -0.029297 -123.6484 -0.03418 -123.6621 -0.039063 c -123.6748 -0.046875 -123.6875 -0.060547 -123.7041 -0.083984 c -123.71 -0.09668 -123.7627 -0.189453 -123.8555 -0.362305 c -123.9072 -0.460938 l -123.9648 -0.567383 -124.0225 -0.647461 -124.0801 -0.700195 c -124.1377 -0.753906 -124.1982 -0.786133 -124.2617 -0.793945 c -124.4131 -0.651367 l -124.4131 -0.223633 L f *U 0 R 0.75021 0.679683 0.670222 0.90164 0 0 0 ([Registration]) 0 1 XZ 0.3 w 4 M -100 -154 m -100 -118 L S -154 -100 m -118 -100 L S -154 99.999 m -118 99.999 L S -100 153.999 m -100 117.999 L S 100 -154 m 100 -118 L S 154 -100 m 118 -100 L S 154 99.999 m 118 99.999 L S 100 153.999 m 100 117.999 L S 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ([Registration]) 1 1 XZ 1.25 w 10 M -121 -127 m -121 -123.6855 -123.6855 -121 -127 -121 c -130.3145 -121 -133 -123.6855 -133 -127 c -133 -130.3145 -130.3145 -133 -127 -133 c -123.6855 -133 -121 -130.3145 -121 -127 C s -136 -127 m -118 -127 L S -127 -136 m -127 -118 L S -124 -127 m -124 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118 -127 m 136 -127 L S 127 -136 m 127 -118 L S 130 -127 m 130 -125.3428 128.6572 -124 127 -124 c 125.3428 -124 124 -125.3428 124 -127 c 124 -128.6572 125.3428 -130 127 -130 c 128.6572 -130 130 -128.6572 130 -127 C s 0.75021 0.679683 0.670222 0.90164 0 0 0 ([Registration]) 0 1 XZ 0.25 w 133 -127 m 133 -123.6855 130.3145 -121 127 -121 c 123.6855 -121 121 -123.6855 121 -127 c 121 -130.3145 123.6855 -133 127 -133 c 130.3145 -133 133 -130.3145 133 -127 C s 118 -127 m 136 -127 L S 127 -136 m 127 -118 L S 0 O 0.75021 0.679683 0.670222 0.90164 0 0 0 ([Registration]) 0 1 Xz 1 w 130 -127 m 130 -125.3428 128.6572 -124 127 -124 c 125.3428 -124 124 -125.3428 124 -127 c 124 -128.6572 125.3428 -130 127 -130 c 128.6572 -130 130 -128.6572 130 -127 C F 0 R 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ([Registration]) 1 1 XZ 0.25 w 124 -127 m 130 -127 L S 127 -130 m 127 -124 L S 1.25 w -121 126.999 m -121 130.3145 -123.6855 132.999 -127 132.999 c -130.3145 132.999 -133 130.3145 -133 126.999 c -133 123.6855 -130.3145 120.999 -127 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