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-13.4551 -122.9941 -13.4551 c -123.04 -13.4551 l -122.71 -12.8608 l -122.3672 -13.4551 l -122.4209 -13.4551 l -122.4727 -13.4551 -122.5078 -13.4639 -122.5244 -13.4775 c -122.5449 -13.4912 -122.5547 -13.5166 -122.5547 -13.5527 c -122.5547 -13.5903 -122.5459 -13.6182 -122.5273 -13.6318 c -122.5127 -13.6445 -122.4727 -13.6519 -122.4053 -13.6519 c -122.3701 -13.6519 l -122.1523 -13.6519 l -122.0825 -13.6519 -122.04 -13.6445 -122.0195 -13.6309 c -121.9995 -13.6172 -121.9922 -13.5884 -121.9922 -13.5527 c -121.9922 -13.5166 -121.9995 -13.4912 -122.0195 -13.4775 c -122.04 -13.4639 -122.0771 -13.4551 -122.1328 -13.4551 c -122.1523 -13.4551 l -122.6182 -12.6582 l -122.6182 -12.2236 l -122.4185 -12.2236 L f *U 0 0 0 1 k -130 -7 m -118 -7 l -118 4.9985 l -130 4.9985 l -130 -7 L f 0 R 1 1 1 1 ([Repérage]) 0 XS 0.5 w -130 -7 m -118 -7 l -118 4.9985 l -130 4.9985 l -130 -7 L s *u 0 O 1 1 1 1 ([Repérage]) 0 Xs 1 w -124.4131 -0.2236 m -124.3203 -0.2236 l -124.2686 -0.2236 -124.2314 -0.2144 -124.2095 -0.2012 c -124.1865 -0.1875 -124.1758 -0.1606 -124.1758 -0.1294 c -124.1758 -0.0933 -124.1855 -0.0654 -124.2031 -0.0518 c -124.2236 -0.0381 -124.2598 -0.0293 -124.3145 -0.0293 c -124.7822 -0.0293 l -124.8115 -0.0293 -124.8354 -0.0381 -124.8525 -0.0527 c -124.8672 -0.0718 -124.8765 -0.0967 -124.8765 -0.1294 c -124.8765 -0.1606 -124.8672 -0.1875 -124.8477 -0.2012 c -124.8311 -0.2144 -124.7998 -0.2236 -124.7588 -0.2236 c -124.7148 -0.2236 l -124.6255 -0.2236 l -124.6255 -1.4551 l -124.7148 -1.4551 l -124.7842 -1.4551 -124.8291 -1.4639 -124.8457 -1.4766 c -124.8662 -1.4902 -124.8765 -1.5151 -124.8765 -1.5527 c -124.8765 -1.5854 -124.8672 -1.6094 -124.8525 -1.6279 c -124.8354 -1.6431 -124.8115 -1.6519 -124.7822 -1.6519 c -124.3145 -1.6519 l -124.2598 -1.6519 -124.2236 -1.6445 -124.2031 -1.6294 c -124.1855 -1.6143 -124.1758 -1.5884 -124.1758 -1.5527 c -124.1758 -1.5166 -124.1875 -1.4912 -124.2119 -1.4775 c -124.2363 -1.4639 -124.2832 -1.4551 -124.3516 -1.4551 c -124.4131 -1.4551 l -124.4131 -0.8975 l -123.8447 -1.4551 l -123.8594 -1.4551 l -123.8906 -1.4551 l -123.9336 -1.4551 -123.9668 -1.4639 -123.9873 -1.4785 c -124.0078 -1.4927 -124.0156 -1.5176 -124.0156 -1.5527 c -124.0156 -1.5879 -124.0098 -1.6118 -123.9922 -1.6294 c -123.9775 -1.6445 -123.9531 -1.6519 -123.9185 -1.6519 c -123.5166 -1.6519 l -123.4844 -1.6519 -123.4609 -1.6431 -123.4453 -1.6279 c -123.4268 -1.6094 -123.4185 -1.5854 -123.4185 -1.5527 c -123.4185 -1.5166 -123.4287 -1.4917 -123.4512 -1.4775 c -123.4727 -1.4639 -123.5098 -1.4551 -123.5654 -1.4551 c -123.5859 -1.4551 l -124.1152 -0.9424 l -124.0352 -0.9277 -123.9575 -0.8774 -123.8838 -0.79 c -123.8105 -0.7046 -123.6953 -0.5166 -123.5415 -0.2236 c -123.5166 -0.2236 l -123.4595 -0.2236 -123.4219 -0.2158 -123.4014 -0.2021 c -123.3818 -0.1895 -123.3711 -0.1655 -123.3711 -0.1294 c -123.3711 -0.0967 -123.3809 -0.0718 -123.3984 -0.0527 c -123.4131 -0.0381 -123.4365 -0.0293 -123.4688 -0.0293 c -123.5996 -0.0293 l -123.6274 -0.0293 -123.6484 -0.0342 -123.6621 -0.0391 c -123.6748 -0.0469 -123.6875 -0.0605 -123.7041 -0.0845 c -123.71 -0.0967 -123.7627 -0.1895 -123.8555 -0.3623 c -123.9072 -0.4604 l -123.9648 -0.5669 -124.0225 -0.6475 -124.0801 -0.6997 c -124.1377 -0.7534 -124.1982 -0.7861 -124.2617 -0.7935 c -124.4131 -0.6509 l -124.4131 -0.2236 L f *U 0 R 1 1 1 1 ([Repérage]) 0 XS 0.3 w 4 M -100 -154 m -100 -118 L S -154 -100 m -118 -100 L S -154 99.9995 m -118 99.9995 L S -100 153.9995 m -100 117.9995 L S 100 -154 m 100 -118 L S 154 -100 m 118 -100 L S 154 99.9995 m 118 99.9995 L S 100 153.9995 m 100 117.9995 L S 1 1 1 1 ([Repérage]) 1 XS 1.25 w 10 M -121 -127 m -121 -123.6855 -123.6855 -121 -127 -121 c -130.3145 -121 -133 -123.6855 -133 -127 c -133 -130.3145 -130.3145 -133 -127 -133 c -123.6855 -133 -121 -130.3145 -121 -127 C s -136 -127 m -118 -127 L S -127 -136 m -127 -118 L S -124 -127 m -124 -125.3423 -125.3428 -124 -127 -124 c -128.6572 -124 -130 -125.3423 -130 -127 c -130 -128.6572 -128.6572 -130 -127 -130 c -125.3428 -130 -124 -128.6572 -124 -127 C s 1 1 1 1 ([Repérage]) 0 XS 0.25 w -121 -127 m -121 -123.6855 -123.6855 -121 -127 -121 c -130.3145 -121 -133 -123.6855 -133 -127 c -133 -130.3145 -130.3145 -133 -127 -133 c -123.6855 -133 -121 -130.3145 -121 -127 C s -136 -127 m -118 -127 L S -127 -136 m -127 -118 L S 0 O 1 1 1 1 ([Repérage]) 0 Xs 1 w -124 -127 m -124 -125.3423 -125.3428 -124 -127 -124 c -128.6572 -124 -130 -125.3423 -130 -127 c -130 -128.6572 -128.6572 -130 -127 -130 c -125.3428 -130 -124 -128.6572 -124 -127 C F 0 R 1 1 1 1 ([Repérage]) 1 XS 0.25 w -130 -127 m -124 -127 L S -127 -130 m -127 -124 L S 1.25 w 133 -127 m 133 -123.6855 130.3145 -121 127 -121 c 123.6855 -121 121 -123.6855 121 -127 c 121 -130.3145 123.6855 -133 127 -133 c 130.3145 -133 133 -130.3145 133 -127 C s 118 -127 m 136 -127 L S 127 -136 m 127 -118 L S 130 -127 m 130 -125.3423 128.6572 -124 127 -124 c 125.3428 -124 124 -125.3423 124 -127 c 124 -128.6572 125.3428 -130 127 -130 c 128.6572 -130 130 -128.6572 130 -127 C s 1 1 1 1 ([Repérage]) 0 XS 0.25 w 133 -127 m 133 -123.6855 130.3145 -121 127 -121 c 123.6855 -121 121 -123.6855 121 -127 c 121 -130.3145 123.6855 -133 127 -133 c 130.3145 -133 133 -130.3145 133 -127 C s 118 -127 m 136 -127 L S 127 -136 m 127 -118 L S 0 O 1 1 1 1 ([Repérage]) 0 Xs 1 w 130 -127 m 130 -125.3423 128.6572 -124 127 -124 c 125.3428 -124 124 -125.3423 124 -127 c 124 -128.6572 125.3428 -130 127 -130 c 128.6572 -130 130 -128.6572 130 -127 C F 0 R 1 1 1 1 ([Repérage]) 1 XS 0.25 w 124 -127 m 130 -127 L S 127 -130 m 127 -124 L S 1.25 w -121 126.9995 m -121 130.314 -123.6855 132.9995 -127 132.9995 c -130.3145 132.9995 -133 130.314 -133 126.9995 c -133 123.6851 -130.3145 120.9995 -127 120.9995 c -123.6855 120.9995 -121 123.6851 -121 126.9995 C s -136 126.9995 m -118 126.9995 L S -127 117.9995 m -127 135.9995 L S -124 126.9995 m -124 128.6577 -125.3428 129.9995 -127 129.9995 c -128.6572 129.9995 -130 128.6577 -130 126.9995 c -130 125.3433 -128.6572 123.9995 -127 123.9995 c -125.3428 123.9995 -124 125.3433 -124 126.9995 C s 1 1 1 1 ([Repérage]) 0 XS 0.25 w -121 126.9995 m -121 130.314 -123.6855 132.9995 -127 132.9995 c -130.3145 132.9995 -133 130.314 -133 126.9995 c -133 123.6851 -130.3145 120.9995 -127 120.9995 c -123.6855 120.9995 -121 123.6851 -121 126.9995 C s -136 126.9995 m -118 126.9995 L S -127 117.9995 m -127 135.9995 L S 0 O 1 1 1 1 ([Repérage]) 0 Xs 1 w -124 126.9995 m -124 128.6577 -125.3428 129.9995 -127 129.9995 c -128.6572 129.9995 -130 128.6577 -130 126.9995 c -130 125.3433 -128.6572 123.9995 -127 123.9995 c -125.3428 123.9995 -124 125.3433 -124 126.9995 C F 0 R 1 1 1 1 ([Repérage]) 1 XS 0.25 w -130 126.9995 m -124 126.9995 L S -127 123.9995 m -127 129.9995 L S 1.25 w 133 126.9995 m 133 130.314 130.3145 132.9995 127 132.9995 c 123.6855 132.9995 121 130.314 121 126.9995 c 121 123.6851 123.6855 120.9995 127 120.9995 c 130.3145 120.9995 133 123.6851 133 126.9995 C s 118 126.9995 m 136 126.9995 L S 127 117.9995 m 127 135.9995 L S 130 126.9995 m 130 128.6577 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/ActiveStyle : /CompoundFilter : (Chain Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , /BasicFilter : (Adobe Round Corners) 1 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , (Illustrator.exe) /PluginFileName , (Arrondis) /Title , /Dictionary : /NotRecorded , 2 /Real (radius) , ; /Dict ; /Part , /CompoundFilter : (Stack Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , /BasicFilter : (Stroke Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , 2 /FillOrStroke , /Dictionary : /NotRecorded , /StrokeStyle : 0 R 0 0 0 1 K 0 1 0 0 0 Xy 0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR 1 0 Xd /Def ; (StrokeStyle) , ; /Dict ; /Part , /BasicFilter : (Conduit Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , ; /Part , /BasicFilter : (Fill Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , /Dictionary : /NotRecorded , 0 /Bool (UseEvenOdd) , /FillStyle : 0 O 0 0 0 0 k 0 1 0 0 0 Xy 0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR 0 1 Xd /Def ; (FillStyle) , ; /Dict ; /Part , ; /Part , /BasicFilter : (Blend Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , /Dictionary : /NotRecorded , /BlendStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy 0 J 0 j 1 w 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, (Illustrator.exe) /PluginFileName , (Contour progressif) /Title , /Dictionary : /NotRecorded , 10 /Real (Radius) , ; /Dict ; /Part , ; /Part , /CompoundFilter : (Chain Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , /BasicFilter : (Adobe Offset Path) 1 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , (Illustrator.exe) /PluginFileName , (D\351calage) /Title , /Dictionary : /NotRecorded , 4 /Real (mlim) , 7 /Real (ofst) , 2 /Int (jntp) , ; /Dict ; /Part , /BasicFilter : (Fill Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , /Dictionary : /NotRecorded , 0 /Bool (UseEvenOdd) , /FillStyle : 0 O 0 1 0 0 0 Xy 0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR 0 1 Xd Bb 2 (Unnamed gradient 54) 0 0 -45.0002 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 Bg 0 BB /Def ; (FillStyle) , ; /Dict ; /Part , ; /Part , ; /Part , /BasicFilter : (Blend Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , /Dictionary : /NotRecorded , /BlendStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy 0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR /Def ; (BlendStyle) , ; /Dict ; /Part , ; /Execution ; /Def ; /KnownStyle : (Crépuscule) /Name , /ActiveStyle : /CompoundFilter : (Chain Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , /CompoundFilter : (Stack Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , /BasicFilter : (Stroke Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , 2 /FillOrStroke , /Dictionary : /NotRecorded , /StrokeStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy 0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR 0 0 Xd /Def ; (StrokeStyle) , ; /Dict ; /Part , /BasicFilter : (Conduit Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , ; /Part , /CompoundFilter : (Chain Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , /BasicFilter : (Fill Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , /Dictionary : /NotRecorded , 0 /Bool (UseEvenOdd) , /FillStyle : 0 O 0 1 0 0 0 Xy 0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR 0 1 Xd Bb 0 0 0 0 Bh 2 (Unnamed gradient 4) 0.0109 0.2935 0 1.2449 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 Bg 0 BB /Def ; (FillStyle) , ; /Dict ; /Part , /BasicFilter : (Adobe Transform) 1 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , (Illustrator.exe) /PluginFileName , (Transformation) /Title , /Dictionary : /NotRecorded , 0 /Real (rotate_Radians) , 0 /Real (moveV_Pts) , 100 /Real (scaleH_Percent) , 0 /Bool (scaleLines) , 4 /Int (pinPoint) , 0 /Bool (reflectX) , 0 /Int (numCopies) , 0 /Real (moveH_Pts) , 100 /Real (scaleV_Percent) , 1 /Real (scaleH_Factor) , 1 /Real (scaleV_Factor) , 0 /Bool (reflectY) , 0 /Bool (randomize) , 0 /Real (rotate_Degrees) , 0 /Bool (transformPatterns) , ; /Dict ; /Part , /BasicFilter : (Adobe Transform) 1 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , (Illustrator.exe) /PluginFileName , (Transformation) /Title , /Dictionary : /NotRecorded , 0 /Real (rotate_Radians) , 0 /Real (moveV_Pts) , 100 /Real (scaleH_Percent) , 0 /Bool (scaleLines) , 4 /Int (pinPoint) , 0 /Bool (reflectX) , 0 /Int (numCopies) , 0 /Real (moveH_Pts) , 100 /Real (scaleV_Percent) , 1 /Real (scaleH_Factor) , 1 /Real (scaleV_Factor) , 0 /Bool (reflectY) , 0 /Bool (randomize) , 0 /Real (rotate_Degrees) , 0 /Bool (transformPatterns) , ; /Dict ; /Part , /BasicFilter : (Adobe Fuzzy Mask) 1 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , (Illustrator.exe) /PluginFileName , (Contour progressif) /Title , /Dictionary : /NotRecorded , 20 /Real (Radius) , ; /Dict ; /Part , /BasicFilter : (Blend Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , /Dictionary : /NotRecorded , /BlendStyle : 0 0.74 0 0 0 Xy 0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR /Def ; (BlendStyle) , ; /Dict ; /Part , ; /Part , /CompoundFilter : (Chain Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , /BasicFilter : (Fill Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , /Dictionary : /NotRecorded , 0 /Bool (UseEvenOdd) , /FillStyle : 0 O 0 1 0 0 0 Xy 0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR 0 1 Xd Bb 0 0 0 0 Bh 2 (Unnamed gradient 41) -0.0109 -0.3587 0 0.695 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 Bg 0 BB /Def ; (FillStyle) , ; /Dict ; /Part , /BasicFilter : (Adobe Transform) 1 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , (Illustrator.exe) /PluginFileName , (Transformation) /Title , /Dictionary : /NotRecorded , 0 /Real (rotate_Radians) , 0 /Real (moveV_Pts) , 100 /Real (scaleH_Percent) , 0 /Bool (scaleLines) , 4 /Int (pinPoint) , 0 /Bool (reflectX) , 0 /Int (numCopies) , 0 /Real (moveH_Pts) , 100 /Real (scaleV_Percent) , 1 /Real (scaleH_Factor) , 1 /Real (scaleV_Factor) , 0 /Bool (reflectY) , 0 /Bool (randomize) , 0 /Real (rotate_Degrees) , 0 /Bool (transformPatterns) , ; /Dict ; /Part , /BasicFilter : (Adobe Transform) 1 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , (Illustrator.exe) /PluginFileName , (Transformation) /Title , /Dictionary : /NotRecorded , 0 /Real (rotate_Radians) , 0 /Real (moveV_Pts) , 100 /Real (scaleH_Percent) , 0 /Bool (scaleLines) , 4 /Int (pinPoint) , 0 /Bool (reflectX) , 0 /Int (numCopies) , 0 /Real (moveH_Pts) , 100 /Real (scaleV_Percent) , 1 /Real (scaleH_Factor) , 1 /Real (scaleV_Factor) , 0 /Bool (reflectY) , 0 /Bool (randomize) , 0 /Real (rotate_Degrees) , 0 /Bool (transformPatterns) , ; /Dict ; /Part , /BasicFilter : (Adobe Fuzzy Mask) 1 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , (Illustrator.exe) /PluginFileName , (Contour progressif) /Title , /Dictionary : /NotRecorded , 2 /Real (Radius) , ; /Dict ; /Part , /BasicFilter : (Blend Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , /Dictionary : /NotRecorded , /BlendStyle : 3 1 0 0 0 Xy 0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR /Def ; (BlendStyle) , ; /Dict ; /Part , ; /Part , /CompoundFilter : (Chain Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , /BasicFilter : (Fill Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , /Dictionary : /NotRecorded , 0 /Bool (UseEvenOdd) , /FillStyle : 0 O 0 1 0 0 0 Xy 0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR 0 1 Xd Bb 0 0 178.8818 1 Bh 2 (Unnamed gradient 5) -0.0035 -0.2872 0 1.2987 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 Bg 0 BB /Def ; (FillStyle) , ; /Dict ; /Part , /BasicFilter : (Adobe Transform) 1 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , (Illustrator.exe) /PluginFileName , (Transformation) /Title , /Dictionary : /NotRecorded , 0 /Real (rotate_Radians) , 0 /Real (moveV_Pts) , 100 /Real (scaleH_Percent) , 0 /Bool (scaleLines) , 4 /Int (pinPoint) , 0 /Bool (reflectX) , 0 /Int (numCopies) , 0 /Real (moveH_Pts) , 100 /Real (scaleV_Percent) , 1 /Real (scaleH_Factor) , 1 /Real (scaleV_Factor) , 0 /Bool (reflectY) , 0 /Bool (randomize) , 0 /Real (rotate_Degrees) , 0 /Bool (transformPatterns) , ; /Dict ; /Part , /BasicFilter : (Blend Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , /Dictionary : /NotRecorded , /BlendStyle : 1 0.45 0 0 0 Xy 0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR /Def ; (BlendStyle) , ; /Dict ; /Part , ; /Part , /CompoundFilter : (Chain Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , /BasicFilter : (Fill Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , /Dictionary : /NotRecorded , 0 /Bool (UseEvenOdd) , /FillStyle : 0 O 0 1 0 0 0 Xy 0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR 0 1 Xd Bb 0 0 0 0 Bh 2 (Unnamed gradient 18) -0.0177 -0.3511 0 1.1983 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 Bg 0 BB /Def ; (FillStyle) , ; /Dict ; /Part , /BasicFilter : (Adobe Transform) 1 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , (Illustrator.exe) /PluginFileName , (Transformation) /Title , /Dictionary : /NotRecorded , 0 /Real (rotate_Radians) , 0 /Real (moveV_Pts) , 100 /Real (scaleH_Percent) , 0 /Bool (scaleLines) , 4 /Int (pinPoint) , 0 /Bool (reflectX) , 0 /Int (numCopies) , 0 /Real (moveH_Pts) , 100 /Real (scaleV_Percent) , 1 /Real (scaleH_Factor) , 1 /Real (scaleV_Factor) , 0 /Bool (reflectY) , 0 /Bool (randomize) , 0 /Real (rotate_Degrees) , 0 /Bool (transformPatterns) , ; /Dict ; /Part , /BasicFilter : (Blend Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , /Dictionary : /NotRecorded , /BlendStyle : 1 0.47 0 0 0 Xy 0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR /Def ; (BlendStyle) , ; /Dict ; /Part , ; /Part , /CompoundFilter : (Chain Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , /BasicFilter : (Fill Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , /Dictionary : /NotRecorded , 0 /Bool (UseEvenOdd) , /FillStyle : 0 O 0 1 0 0 0 Xy 0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR 0 1 Xd Bb 0 0 0 0 Bh 2 (Unnamed gradient 14) -0.0035 -0.3723 0 1.3543 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 Bg 0 BB /Def ; (FillStyle) , ; /Dict ; /Part , /BasicFilter : (Blend Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , /Dictionary : /NotRecorded , /BlendStyle : 0 0.52 0 0 0 Xy 0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR /Def ; (BlendStyle) , ; /Dict ; /Part , ; /Part , /BasicFilter : (Fill Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , /Dictionary : /NotRecorded , 0 /Bool (UseEvenOdd) , /FillStyle : 0 O 0 0 0 0 k 0 1 0 0 0 Xy 0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR 0 1 Xd /Def ; (FillStyle) , ; /Dict ; /Part , ; /Part , /BasicFilter : (Blend Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , /Dictionary : /NotRecorded , /BlendStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy 0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR /Def ; (BlendStyle) , ; /Dict ; /Part , ; /Execution ; /Def ; /KnownStyle : (Miroir dynamique X) /Name , /ActiveStyle : /CompoundFilter : (Chain Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , /CompoundFilter : (Stack Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , /BasicFilter : (Stroke Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , 2 /FillOrStroke , /Dictionary : /NotRecorded , /StrokeStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy 0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR 0 0 Xd /Def ; (StrokeStyle) , ; /Dict ; /Part , /BasicFilter : (Conduit Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , ; /Part , /BasicFilter : (Fill Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , /Dictionary : /NotRecorded , 0 /Bool (UseEvenOdd) , /FillStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy 0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR 0 0 Xd /Def ; (FillStyle) , ; /Dict ; /Part , ; /Part , /BasicFilter : (Adobe Transform) 1 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , (Illustrator.exe) /PluginFileName , (Transformation) /Title , /Dictionary : /NotRecorded , 0 /Real (rotate_Radians) , 0 /Real (moveV_Pts) , 100 /Real (scaleH_Percent) , 0 /Bool (scaleLines) , 3 /Int (pinPoint) , 1 /Bool (reflectX) , 1 /Int (numCopies) , 0 /Real (moveH_Pts) , 100 /Real (scaleV_Percent) , 1 /Real (scaleH_Factor) , 1 /Real (scaleV_Factor) , 0 /Bool (reflectY) , 0 /Bool (randomize) , 0 /Real (rotate_Degrees) , 0 /Bool (transformPatterns) , ; /Dict ; /Part , /BasicFilter : (Blend Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , /Dictionary : /NotRecorded , /BlendStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy 0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR /Def ; (BlendStyle) , ; /Dict ; /Part , ; /Execution ; /Def ; /KnownStyle : (Pompadour_GS) /Name , /ActiveStyle : /CompoundFilter : (Chain Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , /CompoundFilter : (Stack Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , /BasicFilter : (Stroke Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , 2 /FillOrStroke , /Dictionary : /NotRecorded , /StrokeStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy 0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR 0 0 Xd /Def ; (StrokeStyle) , ; /Dict ; /Part , /BasicFilter : (Conduit Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , ; /Part , /CompoundFilter : (Chain Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , /BasicFilter : (Fill Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , /Dictionary : /NotRecorded , 1 /Bool (UseEvenOdd) , /FillStyle : 0 O (Pompadour) 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 [1 0 0 1 0 0] p 0 1 0 0 0 Xy 0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR 0 1 Xd /Def ; (FillStyle) , ; /Dict ; /Part , /BasicFilter : (Blend Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , /Dictionary : /NotRecorded , /BlendStyle : 1 1 0 0 0 Xy 0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR /Def ; (BlendStyle) , ; /Dict ; /Part , ; /Part , /BasicFilter : (Fill Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , /Dictionary : /NotRecorded , 1 /Bool (UseEvenOdd) , /FillStyle : 0 O 0.65 0.15 0 0 k 0 1 0 0 0 Xy 0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR 0 1 Xd /Def ; (FillStyle) , ; /Dict ; /Part , ; /Part , /BasicFilter : (Blend Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , 1 /Visible , /Dictionary : /NotRecorded , /BlendStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy 0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR /Def ; (BlendStyle) , ; /Dict ; /Part , ; /Execution ; /Def ; /KnownStyle : ([Default]) /Name , /SimpleStyle : 0 O 0 0 0 0 k 0 R 0 0 0 1 K 0 1 0 0 0 Xy 0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR 1 1 Xd /Paint ; /Def ; /KnownStyle : ([Par défaut]) /Name , /SimpleStyle : 0 O 0 0 0 0 k 0 R 0 0 0 1 K 0 1 0 0 0 Xy 0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR 1 1 Xd /Paint ; /Def ; %AI9_EndArtStyles %AI5_End_NonPrinting-- %AI5_BeginPalette 0 0 Pb 1 1 1 1 ([Repérage]) 0 Xs ([Repérage]) Pc 0 0 0 0 k (Blanc) Pc 0 0 0 1 k (Noir) Pc 0 1 1 0 k (Rouge CMJN) Pc 0 0 1 0 k (Jaune CMJN) Pc 1 0 1 0 k (Vert CMJN) Pc 1 0 0 0 k (Cyan CMJN) Pc 1 1 0 0 k (Bleu CMJN) Pc 0 1 0 0 k (Magenta CMJN) Pc 0.15 1 0.9 0.1 k (C=15 M=100 J=90 N=10) Pc 0 0.9 0.85 0 k (C=0 M=90 J=85 N=0) Pc 0 0.8 0.95 0 k (C=0 M=80 J=95 N=0) Pc 0 0.5 1 0 k (C=0 M=50 J=100 N=0) Pc 0 0.35 0.85 0 k (C=0 M=35 J=85 N=0) Pc 0.05 0 0.9 0 k (C=5 M=0 J=90 N=0) Pc 0.2 0 1 0 k (C=20 M=0 J=100 N=0) Pc 0.5 0 1 0 k (C=50 M=0 J=100 N=0) Pc 0.75 0 1 0 k (C=75 M=0 J=100 N=0) Pc 0.85 0.1 1 0.1 k (C=85 M=10 J=100 N=10) Pc 0.9 0.3 0.95 0.3 k (C=90 M=30 J=95 N=30) Pc 0.75 0 0.75 0 k (C=75 M=0 J=75 N=0) Pc 0.8 0.1 0.45 0 k (C=80 M=10 J=45 N=0) Pc 0.7 0.15 0 0 k (C=70 M=15 J=0 N=0) Pc 0.85 0.5 0 0 k (C=85 M=50 J=0 N=0) Pc 1 0.95 0.05 0 k (C=100 M=95 J=5 N=0) Pc 1 1 0.25 0.25 k (C=100 M=100 J=25 N=25) Pc 0.75 1 0 0 k (C=75 M=100 J=0 N=0) Pc 0.5 1 0 0 k (C=50 M=100 J=0 N=0) Pc 0.35 1 0.35 0.1 k (C=35 M=100 J=35 N=10) Pc 0.1 1 0.5 0 k (C=10 M=100 J=50 N=0) Pc 0 0.95 0.2 0 k (C=0 M=95 J=20 N=0) Pc 0.25 0.25 0.4 0 k (C=25 M=25 J=40 N=0) Pc 0.4 0.45 0.5 0.05 k (C=40 M=45 J=50 N=5) Pc 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.25 k (C=50 M=50 J=60 N=25) Pc 0.55 0.6 0.65 0.4 k (C=55 M=60 J=65 N=40) Pc 0.25 0.4 0.65 0 k (C=25 M=40 J=65 N=0) Pc 0.3 0.5 0.75 0.1 k (C=30 M=50 J=75 N=10) Pc 0.35 0.6 0.8 0.25 k (C=35 M=60 J=80 N=25) Pc 0.4 0.65 0.9 0.35 k (C=40 M=65 J=90 N=35) Pc 0.4 0.7 1 0.5 k (C=40 M=70 J=100 N=50) Pc 0.5 0.7 0.8 0.7 k (C=50 M=70 J=80 N=70) Pc Bb 2 (Blanc, Noir) 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 Bg 0 BB (Blanc, Noir) Pc Bb 2 (Orange, Jaune) 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 Bg 0 BB (Orange, Jaune) Pc Bb 2 (Fondu de ciel) 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 Bg 0 BB (Fondu de ciel) Pc Bb 0 0 0 0 Bh 2 (Vignette noire très adoucie) 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 Bg 0 BB (Vignette noire très adoucie) Pc (Pompadour) 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 [1 0 0 1 0 0] p (Pompadour) Pc 0 0 0 1 k (C=0 M=0 J=0 N=100) Pc 0 0 0 0.899994 k (C=0 M=0 J=0 N=90) Pc 0 0 0 0.799988 k (C=0 M=0 J=0 N=80) Pc 0 0 0 0.699997 k (C=0 M=0 J=0 N=70) Pc 0 0 0 0.599991 k (C=0 M=0 J=0 N=60) Pc 0 0 0 0.5 k (C=0 M=0 J=0 N=50) Pc 0 0 0 0.399994 k (C=0 M=0 J=0 N=40) Pc 0 0 0 0.299988 k (C=0 M=0 J=0 N=30) Pc 0 0 0 0.199997 k (C=0 M=0 J=0 N=20) Pc 0 0 0 0.099991 k (C=0 M=0 J=0 N=10) Pc 0 0 0 0.049988 k (C=0 M=0 J=0 N=5) Pc 0 1 1 0 k (C=0 M=100 J=100 N=0) Pc 0 0.75 1 0 k (C=0 M=75 J=100 N=0) Pc 0 0.1 0.95 0 k (C=0 M=10 J=95 N=0) Pc 0.85 0.1 1 0 k (C=85 M=10 J=100 N=0) Pc 1 0.9 0 0 k (C=100 M=90 J=0 N=0) Pc 0.6 0.9 0.000031 0.000031 k (C=60 M=90 J=0 N=0) Pc 0.912474 0.787625 0.619837 0.97467 (AutoCAD Color) 0 0 Xk (AutoCAD Color) Pc PB %AI5_EndPalette %AI5_Begin_NonPrinting Np %AI9_BeginArtStyleList ([Default]) ([Par défaut]) (Arrondis 2 pt) (Miroir dynamique X) (Biseau adouci) (Crépuscule) (Pompadour_GS) %AI9_EndArtStyleList %AI5_End_NonPrinting-- %AI5_Begin_NonPrinting Np %AI10_BeginSymbolList (Rectangle quadri) (Motif tache vectorisé) (Orange lumineux) (Traits de coupe \(avec 9 tranche) (Ruban) (Gerbera) %AI10_EndSymbolList %AI5_End_NonPrinting-- %AI9_BeginDocumentData %_/Document : %_/Dictionary : %_/XMLNode : %_/Dictionary : %_; (xmlnode-attributes) , %_/Array : %_/XMLNode : %_/Dictionary : %_; (xmlnode-attributes) , %_/Array : %_/XMLNode : %_/Dictionary : %_/XMLNode : %_/Dictionary : %_; (xmlnode-attributes) , %_/Array : %_; (xmlnode-children) , %_2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , 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(xmlnode-nodename) , %_; (xmlns) , %_; (xmlnode-attributes) , %_/Array : %_/XMLNode : %_/Dictionary : %_; (xmlnode-attributes) , %_/Array : %_; (xmlnode-children) , %_1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , %_ /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , %_(slices) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , %_; , %_/XMLNode : %_/Dictionary : %_/XMLNode : %_/Dictionary : %_; (xmlnode-attributes) , %_/Array : %_; (xmlnode-children) , %_2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , %_2623.0587 /Real (xmlnode-nodevalue) , %_(width) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , %_; (width) , %_/XMLNode : %_/Dictionary : %_; (xmlnode-attributes) , %_/Array : %_; (xmlnode-children) , %_2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , %_1632.0888 /Real (xmlnode-nodevalue) , %_(height) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , %_; (height) , %_/XMLNode : %_/Dictionary : %_; (xmlnode-attributes) , %_/Array : %_; (xmlnode-children) , %_2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , %_-1610.2578 /Real (xmlnode-nodevalue) , %_(y) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , %_; (y) , %_/XMLNode : %_/Dictionary : %_; (xmlnode-attributes) , 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, %_0 /Real (/attributes/pgmk.bleedoff.left) , %_0 /Real (/attributes/pgmk.bleedoff.top) , %_0 /Real (/attributes/pgmk.bleedoff.right) , %_6 /Real (/attributes/pgmk.marksoff.left) , %_6 /Real (/attributes/pgmk.marksoff.top) , %_6 /Real (/attributes/pgmk.marksoff.right) , %_1 /Int (/attributes/fnt.dlmode) , %_0 /Int (/attributes/fnt.dlprfonts) , %_0 /Int (/attributes/fnt.subst) , %_3 /Int (/attributes/ps.level) , %_1 /Int (/attributes/ps.binary) , %_0 /Int (/attributes/ps.negative) , %_0 /Int (/attributes/ps.compression) , %_0 /Int (/attributes/ps.contone) , %_0 /Int (/attributes/ps.l1compat) , %_300 /Real (/attributes/ps.shaderes) , %_0 /Int (/attributes/ps.setflatness) , %_1 /Real (/attributes/ps.flatness) , %_75 /Int (/attributes/xp.balance) , %_300 /Int (/attributes/xp.rresolution) , %_150 /Int (/attributes/xp.gresolution) , %_0 /Int (/attributes/xp.converttext) , %_1 /Int (/attributes/xp.convertstroke) , %_1 /Int (/attributes/xp.clip) , %_0 /Int (/attributes/xp.antialiasing) , %_0 /Int (/attributes/xp.opco) , %_0 /Int (/attributes/xp.opse) , %_0 /Int (/attributes/xp.opdu) , %_2 /Int (/attributes/xp.suppresswhiteop) , %_([R\351solution moyenne]) /String (/attributes/xp.name) , %_0 /Int (/attributes/rdrs.enabled) , %_0 /Int (/attributes/rdrs.func) , %_1 /Real (/attributes/rdrs.flatteness) , %_ /String (/attributes/rdrs.annot) , %_ /String (/attributes/rdrs.custom) , %_1 /Int (/attributes/cm.mode) , %_(Coated FOGRA39 \(ISO 12647-2:2004\)) /String (/attributes/cm.profile) , %_2 /Int (/attributes/cm.inteint) , %_1 /Int (/attributes/cm.preservecmyk) , %_0 /Int (/attributes/cm.preserveother) , %_; (AI11 Print Attribute Dict) , %_0 /Bool (AI15 Document PixelPerfect) , %_; /NotRecorded , %_; %AI9_EndDocumentData %AI11_BeginTextDocument /AI11TextDocument : /ASCII85Decode , %+>5`7+?Vb/0/+M,+?ht30/+M240/+M24k5Dk4?O`>3B8386Z6mZ<-`Fo7W30d+>5Dk4?O`>0H_eC %rr>=bA,pNJ@K9s>8HY]20JPRC0H`5/2`!HO1,'hV+?ht35!C)Q4s2sM+>5Dk4?O`> 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-254.9609 C -1562.8477 -335.1592 L -1561.3657 -340.7764 -1565.6021 -346.2754 -1571.4111 -346.2754 C b 1 Ap -1128.2363 -362 m -1136.7402 -362 L -1136.7402 -176.1968 L -1128.2363 -176.1968 L -1128.2363 -362 L b %_/ArtDictionary : %_(0.000000) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_/Dictionary : %_(ai::Rectangle) /String (ai::LiveShape::HandlerName) , %_/Dictionary : %_(Invalid) /String (ai::Rectangle::CornerType::1) , %_3 /Int (ai::Rectangle::InitialQuadrant) , %_(Invalid) /String (ai::Rectangle::RoundingType::1) , %_8.5039 /Real (ai::Rectangle::Width) , %_(Invalid) /String (ai::Rectangle::RoundingType::3) , %_(Invalid) /String (ai::Rectangle::CornerType::0) , %_0 /Real (ai::Rectangle::CornerRadius::0) , %_0 /Real (ai::Rectangle::CornerRadius::2) , %_(Invalid) /String (ai::Rectangle::CornerType::2) , %_(Invalid) /String (ai::Rectangle::RoundingType::2) , %_(Invalid) /String (ai::Rectangle::CornerType::3) , %_(Invalid) /String (ai::Rectangle::RoundingType::0) , %_0 /Real (ai::Rectangle::CornerRadius::3) , %_1 /Bool (ai::Rectangle::Clockwise) , %_0 /Real (ai::Rectangle::CornerRadius::1) , %_0 /Real (ai::Rectangle::Angle) , %_185.8032 /Real (ai::Rectangle::Height) , %_; (ai::LiveShape::Params) , %_; (ai::LiveShape) , %_; %_ -1611.4238 -346.2754 m -1619.9277 -346.2754 L -1619.9277 -253.3047 L -1611.4238 -253.3047 L -1611.4238 -346.2754 L b %_/ArtDictionary : %_(0.000000) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_/Dictionary : %_(ai::Rectangle) /String (ai::LiveShape::HandlerName) , %_/Dictionary : %_(Invalid) /String (ai::Rectangle::CornerType::1) , %_3 /Int (ai::Rectangle::InitialQuadrant) , %_(Invalid) /String (ai::Rectangle::RoundingType::1) , %_8.5039 /Real (ai::Rectangle::Width) , %_(Invalid) /String (ai::Rectangle::RoundingType::3) , %_(Invalid) /String (ai::Rectangle::CornerType::0) , %_0 /Real (ai::Rectangle::CornerRadius::0) , %_0 /Real (ai::Rectangle::CornerRadius::2) , %_(Invalid) /String (ai::Rectangle::CornerType::2) , %_(Invalid) /String (ai::Rectangle::RoundingType::2) , %_(Invalid) /String (ai::Rectangle::CornerType::3) , %_(Invalid) /String (ai::Rectangle::RoundingType::0) , %_0 /Real (ai::Rectangle::CornerRadius::3) , %_1 /Bool (ai::Rectangle::Clockwise) , %_0 /Real (ai::Rectangle::CornerRadius::1) , %_0 /Real (ai::Rectangle::Angle) , %_92.9707 /Real (ai::Rectangle::Height) , %_; (ai::LiveShape::Params) , %_; (ai::LiveShape) , %_; %_ 0 Ap -196.0166 -0.031738 m -196.8833 0.061035 -197.7227 -0.053711 -198.4932 -0.325684 C -198.498 -0.321777 L -780.4336 -189.8125 L -780.4341 -189.813 L -801.4351 -196.3306 L -804.3364 -197.2007 -807.3813 -195.4946 -808.1538 -192.5659 C -819.1123 -149.646 L -819.8662 -146.7886 -822.7959 -145.0854 -825.6519 -145.8447 C -833.2007 -147.834 L -836.0488 -148.5913 -837.7461 -151.5117 -836.9941 -154.3613 C -791.3003 -334.4697 L -786.3662 -353.1689 -767.2124 -366.4297 -747.8633 -367.5239 C -747.8633 -274.6353 L -739.3594 -274.6353 L -739.3594 -367.606 L -699.3467 -367.606 L -699.3467 -367.606 L -693.5371 -367.606 -689.3008 -362.1074 -690.7827 -356.4897 C -710.3857 -276.2915 L -714.2427 -261.6729 -705.9497 -246.6338 -691.604 -242.0537 c -691.2798 -241.9502 -690.9487 -241.8618 -690.6177 -241.7813 C -333.4917 -120.6758 L -314.3716 -114.9438 -295.4727 -130.2388 -297.0928 -150.1333 C -314.019 -358.0361 L -314.439 -363.1909 -310.3687 -367.606 -305.1968 -367.606 C -305.1968 -367.606 L -264.6753 -367.606 L -264.6753 -197.5273 L -256.1714 -197.5273 L -256.1714 -367.5938 L -220.3965 -367.4097 -221.7729 -364.6128 -217.7114 -326.7305 C -190.9858 -6.05176 L -190.9922 -6.04688 L -190.7764 -3.02783 -192.9834 -0.356934 -196.0166 -0.031738 c b %_/ArtDictionary : %_(0.000000) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ 0.91873 0.753628 0 0 K 2 w 114.4569 -850.3936 m 141.9842 -850.3731 L 141.9134 -754.7344 L 150.4173 -754.7285 L 150.4881 -850.3667 L 791.1722 -849.8921 L 791.1014 -754.1807 L 799.6057 -754.1739 L 799.6765 -849.8858 L 827.2038 -849.8653 L 837.55 -849.8574 845.4309 -840.5913 843.778 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FFFEFEFDFDFCFCFBFBFAFAF9F9F8F8F7F7F6F5F5F4F4F3F3F2F2F1F1F0F0EFEFEEEEEDECECEBEBEA EAE9E9E8E8E7E7E6E6E5E5E4E4E3E2E2E1E1E0E0DFDFDEDEDDDDDCDCDBDBDAD9D9D8D8D7 > 0 1 %_Br < 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000101010101010101010101010101010101010101 01010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101 01010101010101010101010101020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202FF > < 000102030405060708090A0B0B0C0D0E0F101112121314151616171819191A1B1C1C1D1E1E1F2020 212222232324252526262727282829292A2A2B2B2C2C2D2D2E2E2E2F2F3030303131313232323333 33333434343435353535363636363636373737373737373738383838383838383838383838FF > < DBDCDDDDDEDEDFE0E0E1E1E2E3E3E4E4E5E5E6E6E7E7E8E9E9EAEAEAEBEBECECEDEDEEEEEFEFEFF0 F0F1F1F1F2F2F3F3F3F4F4F4F5F5F5F6F6F6F7F7F7F7F8F8F8F9F9F9F9FAFAFAFAFAFBFBFBFBFBFC FCFCFCFCFDFDFDFDFDFDFDFEFEFEFEFEFEFEFEFEFEFEFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF > 0 1 %_Br [ 0.0235 0.91 0.83 0 1 1 6 50 100 %_BS %_0.0235 0.91 0.83 0 1 1 6 50 100 Bs 0.0184 0.7341 0.8365 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2A292827262524232221201F1E1D1C1B1A191817161514131211100F0E0D0C0B0A09080706050403 020100 > < 00000000000001010101010101010101010202020202020202020202030303030303030303030304 04040404040404040404050505050505050505050506060606060606060606060707070707070707 070707080808080808080808080809090909090909090909090A0A0A0A0A0A0A0A0A0A0A0B0B0B0B 0B0B0B0B0B0B0B0C0C0C0C0C0C0C0C0C0C0C0D0D0D0D0D0D0D0D0D0D0D0E0E0E0E0E0E0E0E0E0E0E 0F0F0F > 0 1 %_Br < CBCAC9C7 > < A1A1A2A3 > 0 0 1 %_Br < D1D0CFCFCECDCCCCCB > < A9A8A7A6A5A4A3A2A1 > 0 0 1 %_Br [ 0.585504 0 0.057771 0 1 1 6 50 98.3146 %_BS %_0.585504 0 0.057771 0 1 1 6 50 98.3146 Bs 0.781521 0.637507 0 0 1 1 6 50 62.9213 %_BS %_0.781521 0.637507 0 0 1 1 6 50 62.9213 Bs 0.795956 0.630762 0 0 1 1 6 50 61.7977 %_BS %_0.795956 0.630762 0 0 1 1 6 50 61.7977 Bs 0.819608 0.664363 0 0 1 1 6 50 0 %_BS %_0.819608 0.664363 0 0 1 1 6 50 0 Bs BD %AI5_EndGradient %AI5_BeginGradient: (Unnamed gradient 10) (Unnamed gradient 10) 0 4 Bd [ < 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0.1647 0.0353 0.0039 1 1 6 50 29.2135 Bs 0.9294 0.5843 0.0235 0 1 1 6 51.9231 64.6067 %_BS %_0.9294 0.5843 0.0235 0 1 1 6 51.9231 64.6067 Bs 0.9412 0.7216 0.3765 0.3569 1 1 6 51.9231 100 %_BS %_0.9412 0.7216 0.3765 0.3569 1 1 6 51.9231 100 Bs BD %AI5_EndGradient %AI5_BeginGradient: (Unnamed gradient 16) (Unnamed gradient 16) 0 3 Bd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(Unnamed gradient 18) 1 4 Bd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0001010203040505060708090A0B0B0C0D0E0F10111212131415161718191A1A1B1C1D1E1F202122 23242425262728292A2B2C2D2E2F30313132333435363738393A3B3C3D3E3F404141424344454647 48494A4B4C4D4E4F50515253545556565758595A5B5C5D5E5F606162636465666768696A6B6C6D6E 6F70717273747576777879797A7B7C7D7E7F808182838485868788898A8B8C8D8E8F909192939495 969798999A9B9C9D9E9FA0A1A2A3A4A5A6A7A8A9AAABACADAE > 1 %_Br [ 0 0 0 0 1 1 6 33.3333 0 %_BS %_0 0 0 0 1 1 6 33.3333 0 Bs 0.5059 0.1647 0.0353 0.0039 1 1 6 50 35.955 %_BS %_0.5059 0.1647 0.0353 0.0039 1 1 6 50 35.955 Bs 0.9294 0.5843 0.0235 0 1 1 6 51.9231 85.3932 %_BS %_0.9294 0.5843 0.0235 0 1 1 6 51.9231 85.3932 Bs 0.9216 0.7569 0.4471 0.6824 1 1 6 51.9231 100 %_BS %_0.9216 0.7569 0.4471 0.6824 1 1 6 51.9231 100 Bs BD %AI5_EndGradient %AI5_BeginGradient: (Unnamed gradient 19) (Unnamed gradient 19) 1 2 Bd [ < 8B8B8B8B8B8B8B8C8C8C8C8C8C8C8C8C8C8C8C8C8C8C8C8C8C8D8D8D8D8D8D8D8D8D8D8D8D8D8D8D 8D8E8E8E8E8E8E8E8E8E8E8E8E8E8E8F8F8F8F8F8F8F8F8F8F8F8F8F909090909090909090909090 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232221201F1E1D1D1C1B1A191817161514131211100F0E0D0C0B0A09080706050403020100 > 0 1 %_Br [ 0.546227 0 0.619196 0 1 1 6 57.3034 0 %_BS %_0.546227 0 0.619196 0 1 1 6 57.3034 0 Bs 0.608911 0.139315 0 0 1 1 6 50 100 %_BS %_0.608911 0.139315 0 0 1 1 6 50 100 Bs BD %AI5_EndGradient %AI5_BeginGradient: (Unnamed gradient 21) (Unnamed gradient 21) 0 3 Bd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505152535455565758595A5B5C5D5E5F606162636465666768696A6B6C6D6E6F7071727374757677 78797A7B7C7D7E7F8081 > < 0000010101020202030303040404050505060606070707070808080909090A0A0A0B0B0B0C0C0C0D 0D0D0E0E0E0F0F0F101010111111121212131313141414151515151616161717171818181919191A 1A1A1B1B1B1C1C1C1D1D1D1E1E1E1F1F1F2020202121212222222323232324242425252526262627 27272828282929292A2A > < 00000000000000000101010101010101010101010101020202020202020202020202020203030303 03030303030303030303030404040404040404040404040404050505050505050505050505050506 06060606060606060606060606060707070707070707070707070707080808080808080808080808 08080909090909090909 > < 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000010101010101010101010101010101 01010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101 01010101010101010101 > 1 %_Br [ 0 0 0 0 1 1 6 50 0 %_BS %_0 0 0 0 1 1 6 50 0 Bs 0.5059 0.1647 0.0353 0.0039 1 1 6 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r < EDEDEDEDEDEDEDEDEDEDEDEDEDEDEDEDEDEDEDEDEDEDEDEDEDEDEDEDEDEDEDEDEDEDEDEDEDEDEDED EDEDEDEDEDEDEDEDEDEDECECECECECECECECECECECECECECECECECECECECECECECECECECECECECEC 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0001010203040505060708090A0B0B0C0D0E0F10111212131415161718191A1A1B1C1D1E1F202122 23242425262728292A2B2C2D2E2F30313132333435363738393A3B3C3D3E3F404141424344454647 48494A4B4C4D4E4F50515253545556565758595A5B5C5D5E5F606162636465666768696A6B6C6D6E 6F70717273747576777879797A7B7C7D7E7F808182838485868788898A8B8C8D8E8F909192939495 969798999A9B9C9D9E9FA0A1A2A3A4A5A6A7A8A9AAABACADAE > 1 %_Br [ 0 0 0 0 1 1 6 33.3333 0 %_BS %_0 0 0 0 1 1 6 33.3333 0 Bs 0.5059 0.1647 0.0353 0.0039 1 1 6 50 56.7416 %_BS %_0.5059 0.1647 0.0353 0.0039 1 1 6 50 56.7416 Bs 0.9294 0.5843 0.0235 0 1 1 6 51.9231 85.3932 %_BS %_0.9294 0.5843 0.0235 0 1 1 6 51.9231 85.3932 Bs 0.9216 0.7569 0.4471 0.6824 1 1 6 51.9231 100 %_BS %_0.9216 0.7569 0.4471 0.6824 1 1 6 51.9231 100 Bs BD %AI5_EndGradient %AI5_BeginGradient: (Unnamed gradient 51) (Unnamed gradient 51) 0 2 Bd [ < 1D1D1D1D1D1D1D1D1D1D1D1D1E1E1E1E1E1E1E1E1E1E1E1E1E1E1E1E1E1E1E1F1F1F1F1F1F1F1F1F 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548.2681 191.7285 548.1704 191.6641 c %_548.0728 191.5986 548.0298 191.4775 548.0688 191.3662 c %_548.9868 188.7852 550.5571 186.7285 553.6157 185.8936 c %_558.811 184.4756 565.6743 187.8115 567.8618 195.8252 c %_570.2114 204.4316 565.7153 214.0566 557.604 216.2715 c %_546.2036 219.3818 538.1392 211.166 534.3931 201.2383 C %_533.9263 205.8896 530.1079 210.3203 v %_530.0317 210.4092 529.9048 210.4336 529.8013 210.3818 c %_529.6978 210.3291 529.6431 210.2129 529.6665 210.0996 c %_531.106 203.6641 530.9575 196.8047 529.1099 190.0361 c %_523.9438 171.1074 503.6626 159.0977 482.479 161.0938 c %_482.354 161.1055 482.2407 161.0254 482.2114 160.9053 c %_f %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-1.837222) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ %_1 D %_512.5806 73.1348 m %_518.7739 66.666 531.0493 61.6133 541.6646 63.168 c %_541.7856 63.1855 541.9009 63.1172 541.9399 63.0039 c %_541.981 62.8906 541.936 62.7637 541.8345 62.7012 c %_536.1743 59.2617 524.8384 58.0723 513.5786 63.4609 C %_510.4536 61.1035 507.6489 59.8496 504.1919 59.2715 c %_504.0806 59.2539 503.9692 59.3125 503.9204 59.4141 c %_503.8735 59.5156 503.8989 59.6387 503.9849 59.7148 c %_508.5454 63.6484 510.8286 67.6563 512.5806 73.1348 C %_f %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-1.837222) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ %_399.7935 114.9121 m %_399.6763 114.8711 399.5454 114.9258 399.4888 115.0371 c %_399.4321 115.1484 399.4653 115.2852 399.5688 115.3594 c %_406.6938 120.4785 412.4829 128.291 415.4204 139.0566 c %_422.6802 165.6563 411.3267 186.792 395.2544 194.0146 c %_395.1509 194.0605 395.0903 194.1689 395.106 194.2803 c %_395.1216 194.3926 395.2095 194.4814 395.3208 194.4971 c %_402.0747 195.4785 411.2622 194.6729 420.7915 183.3486 c %_426.4927 176.5732 429.7271 169.373 436.0142 167.6563 c %_440.1216 166.5352 443.5103 167.9551 444.4126 171.2617 c %_445.3618 174.7393 442.9966 177.8018 439.6528 178.7148 c %_437.9653 179.1738 436.1626 179.1436 434.4146 178.6836 c %_434.2993 178.6533 434.1821 178.7051 434.1255 178.8086 c %_434.0708 178.9121 434.0923 179.04 434.1802 179.1172 c %_436.8325 181.4746 440.8677 183.125 445.5708 181.8408 c %_452.4907 179.9531 456.6606 172.457 454.4673 164.415 c %_452.104 155.7578 443.3696 150.5234 433.5864 153.1934 c %_430.2329 154.1084 426.4497 156.168 423.7603 159.4648 C %_425.5942 155.4551 427.0493 153.1855 430.8286 150.6133 C %_429.8364 140.1035 425.3091 129.8271 417.4009 122.8389 C %_423.2192 120.9863 427.604 117.7207 430.5083 112.6855 c %_430.5669 112.582 430.5454 112.4531 430.4595 112.373 c %_430.3696 112.293 430.2388 112.2832 430.1411 112.3535 c %_423.1802 117.2344 410.9048 118.582 399.7935 114.9121 c %_f %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-1.837222) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ %_383.1919 28.8809 m %_379.1548 32.3105 377.936 38.0469 379.4106 43.8672 c %_379.4419 43.9883 379.5552 44.0684 379.6782 44.0566 c %_379.8032 44.0469 379.8989 43.9492 379.9106 43.8281 c %_380.0981 41.6543 380.9458 39.748 382.4927 38.4355 c %_386.4712 35.0566 393.5571 36.834 398.4634 42.3828 c %_398.522 42.4492 398.6079 42.4805 398.6938 42.4668 c %_398.7798 42.4531 398.8521 42.3984 398.8872 42.3203 c %_401.1528 37.2539 406.1079 30.5938 419.0005 27.0742 c %_437.0239 22.1563 457.3794 29.1992 461.6235 44.752 c %_464.0493 53.6406 459.8306 62.4824 451.5845 68.7109 C %_456.0298 63.123 458.7075 56.4238 456.6177 48.7695 c %_453.5532 37.5391 439.1567 31.918 421.8755 36.6348 c %_405.5825 41.0801 389.7075 57.748 393.8833 73.0547 c %_396.1743 81.4492 404.6821 85.8887 413.4458 83.4961 c %_421.2231 81.375 424.2837 75.1016 422.7329 69.4219 c %_421.5669 65.1445 417.7407 63.0195 414.2153 62.9941 c %_414.0962 62.9941 413.9927 63.0762 413.9653 63.1934 c %_413.9419 63.3105 413.9985 63.4277 414.1079 63.4785 c %_415.1704 63.9688 416.188 64.877 416.6509 66.5742 c %_417.4263 69.4121 415.3911 71.5605 413.6353 72.0391 c %_410.3032 72.9492 407.2837 71.1211 406.272 67.416 c %_404.8911 62.3574 409.3677 56.8906 416.5239 54.9355 c %_425.4126 52.5117 435.8833 58.8066 438.2075 67.3223 c %_440.5825 76.0254 435.3501 87.4648 420.9087 91.4063 c %_406.7153 95.2813 387.7935 90.0996 383.6157 74.793 c %_381.1802 65.8691 383.1333 57.1875 388.2075 49.5508 c %_388.2739 49.4512 388.2622 49.3164 388.1763 49.2305 c %_388.0884 49.1445 387.9536 49.1328 387.854 49.2012 c %_376.5415 56.8828 364.1118 57.707 362.3267 51.1699 c %_361.4536 47.9727 363.3052 45.7188 365.7524 45.0508 c %_368.2681 44.3652 370.8462 45.6289 372.0337 48.4883 c %_372.0806 48.5996 372.2017 48.6641 372.3208 48.6406 c %_372.438 48.6133 372.5259 48.5098 372.522 48.3867 c %_372.4302 41.3477 367.0044 35.5625 360.1587 37.4316 c %_354.1021 39.084 350.8364 45.5488 352.688 52.3359 c %_355.4888 62.5977 367.6997 64.5391 377.0063 59.6504 C %_371.647 66.7715 368.1919 76.1035 371.2524 87.3184 c %_377.4517 110.0313 406.5044 114.4355 423.9087 109.6855 c %_439.7075 105.373 448.9517 99.4023 454.9087 90.6152 C %_451.1079 100.0098 445.4419 105.0039 436.8345 108.9434 C %_430.3052 117.0918 434.5161 132.5195 v %_436.2759 138.9707 440.3091 144.3418 446.1079 147.7793 C %_446.1079 147.7813 446.106 147.7842 446.1021 147.7871 C %_446.1509 147.8105 446.1997 147.8379 446.2466 147.8613 C %_446.6333 148.0879 447.0298 148.3057 447.4321 148.5146 C %_453.4438 152.1211 460.4966 160.6973 459.2661 170.6113 c %_459.2524 170.7236 459.3149 170.832 459.4185 170.877 c %_459.5239 170.9219 459.645 170.8896 459.7153 170.8018 c %_464.3677 164.9629 464.2114 157.1104 461.8794 151.8857 C %_465.7368 151.915 469.9087 151.375 474.3442 150.165 c %_490.1685 145.8457 499.0122 134.3135 501.9126 123.5566 C %_506.4106 125.5977 512.0063 123.4043 514.9888 118.9199 c %_515.0532 118.8184 515.0415 118.6855 514.9575 118.5996 c %_514.8735 118.5156 514.7407 118.5 514.6392 118.5645 c %_509.7583 121.6914 503.9556 117.9648 502.4048 111.3496 c %_502.3774 111.2305 502.2681 111.1484 502.145 111.1543 c %_502.022 111.1602 501.9204 111.2539 501.9067 111.377 c %_500.5591 122.251 493.8228 131.0566 483.1841 133.96 c %_472.0767 136.9922 461.2446 132.7852 458.3149 122.0469 c %_455.9224 113.2832 461.5571 102.3301 471.5513 99.6016 c %_479.3286 97.4785 485.0747 100.5527 486.5903 106.1074 c %_487.9048 110.9199 485.6157 115.6563 481.6665 116.7344 c %_476.0181 118.2754 472.2388 112.4844 475.7837 107.877 c %_475.8521 107.7852 475.854 107.6602 475.7837 107.5684 c %_475.7153 107.4766 475.5923 107.4434 475.4868 107.4863 c %_471.3892 109.1465 468.2739 113.3418 469.5923 118.1729 c %_470.8052 122.6152 475.7544 126.1729 483.6548 124.0166 c %_493.0356 121.457 500.0806 109.8555 496.0376 95.043 c %_490.5142 74.7988 464.6802 70.0449 449.1079 84.9043 C %_453.5278 78.2617 458.4517 72.0098 469.438 69.0117 c %_490.188 63.3496 509.813 80.0332 508.1724 106.4902 c %_508.1646 106.6152 508.2505 106.7285 508.3735 106.7539 c %_508.4946 106.7813 508.6196 106.7129 508.6646 106.5977 c %_511.7466 98.4922 517.0786 89.4316 529.2739 86.1035 c %_541.9888 82.6328 553.2876 88.5664 556.8599 101.6504 c %_559.6216 111.7734 555.2017 119.875 547.9204 121.8623 c %_542.3657 123.3789 536.9419 121.0039 535.2603 114.8398 c %_532.7563 105.6641 541.8833 99.8203 547.6411 103.3516 c %_547.7388 103.4121 547.8677 103.3965 547.9497 103.3164 c %_548.0337 103.2363 548.0513 103.1094 547.9927 103.0078 c %_545.5454 98.7324 539.6802 95.5977 532.6548 97.5156 c %_520.5571 100.8164 515.6001 114.2383 518.9673 126.5811 c %_520.5454 132.3652 523.7681 137.502 528.1685 141.1426 C %_532.0298 139.5186 536.8384 139.6777 540.3735 140.8867 C %_533.2349 140.8154 522.8794 145.8262 525.647 155.9707 c %_527.1978 161.6533 532.5923 164.2188 537.7563 162.8086 c %_543.8579 161.1436 545.2974 155.21 543.5688 151.1729 c %_543.522 151.0654 543.4106 151.0039 543.2974 151.0225 c %_543.1821 151.04 543.0942 151.1318 543.0825 151.2471 c %_542.9146 152.9375 541.6685 154.6836 539.7446 155.208 c %_537.3325 155.8662 535.3989 154.415 534.8735 152.4854 c %_534.0044 149.3066 537.063 146.5752 541.2739 146.6211 C %_541.27 146.6094 L %_544.2896 146.8984 547.5044 146.6445 550.8716 145.7266 c %_567.0415 141.3125 577.6646 119.5674 571.6235 97.4375 c %_565.2485 74.0781 545.2056 66.2363 528.0474 70.9199 c %_518.8481 73.4297 512.8228 78.7871 509.5903 84.4453 C %_506.3892 64.668 494.8618 54.7793 481.229 51.4707 C %_478.7056 56.8008 473.7114 59.8867 Y %_479.0864 52.8496 482.5845 42.3477 479.1821 29.8809 c %_474.0278 10.9961 451.4712 1.23438 431.6001 6.6582 c %_418.9888 10.0996 407.9927 18.0801 402.397 29.7266 C %_395.9556 25.2266 388.186 24.6406 383.1919 28.8809 c %_f %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-1.837222) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ %_*U %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-1.837222) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ %_u %_*u %_0 D %_0 0 0 0 k %_0 1 0 0 0 Xy %_530.1294 102.9688 m %_530.0044 102.9688 529.8989 102.877 529.8794 102.7539 c %_527.5005 86.7402 518.2271 73.3652 505.4888 65.3594 c %_505.3853 65.2949 505.3403 65.1641 505.3872 65.0508 c %_505.4321 64.9375 505.5532 64.8711 505.6724 64.8965 c %_516.145 67 525.4653 72.7598 532.1216 80.9277 C %_536.7466 67.5508 547.3579 58.9219 560.4224 55.2734 C %_555.6138 49.6816 558.1294 41.7402 565.5415 40.4375 c %_565.6548 40.416 565.7661 40.4746 565.8149 40.5781 c %_565.8638 40.6816 565.8364 40.8066 565.7485 40.8809 c %_561.7759 44.2266 563.229 52.3008 575.0864 52.3008 c %_582.8804 52.3008 587.9077 49.1211 587.9077 44.8145 c %_587.9077 41.4297 584.8452 39.584 582.2651 39.584 c %_577.8511 39.584 575.3267 43.5449 577.2231 47.127 c %_577.2778 47.2305 577.2563 47.3574 577.1685 47.4355 c %_577.0806 47.5137 576.9517 47.5215 576.854 47.4551 c %_574.606 45.8906 573.0356 43.834 573.0356 40.6641 c %_573.0356 35.2773 578.062 29.5352 586.3687 29.5332 c %_595.2905 29.5332 603.3921 36.4043 603.3921 44.8145 c %_603.3921 56.6309 593.3433 62.248 582.7788 63.248 C %_587.144 64.9219 590.4116 69.7734 v %_590.478 69.8691 590.4683 69.998 590.3901 70.084 c %_590.312 70.1719 590.1851 70.1934 590.0835 70.1387 c %_584.2534 67.0566 577.5942 65.3945 570.5806 65.3945 c %_550.9575 65.3945 534.0337 81.7988 530.3813 102.7607 c %_530.3599 102.8818 530.2524 102.9727 530.1294 102.9688 c %_f %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141592) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ %_1 D %_453.4517 50.5625 m %_448.8442 42.8867 447.1997 29.7129 451.4946 19.8809 c %_451.5435 19.7695 451.5083 19.6406 451.4087 19.5703 c endstream endobj 24 0 obj <>stream %_451.3091 19.502 451.1763 19.5117 451.0884 19.5957 c %_446.2817 24.1484 442.1489 34.7715 444.3833 47.0527 C %_441.2876 49.4473 439.3384 51.8223 437.8696 55.0059 c %_437.8228 55.1074 437.8501 55.2305 437.936 55.3047 c %_438.022 55.377 438.147 55.3848 438.2427 55.3203 c %_443.2388 51.959 447.7056 50.8125 453.4517 50.5625 C %_f %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141592) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ %_464.0591 170.3691 m %_463.9907 170.4727 464.0083 170.6133 464.1001 170.6973 c %_464.1938 170.7813 464.3345 170.7852 464.4321 170.7061 c %_471.2466 165.1797 480.3071 161.6504 491.4673 161.6504 c %_519.0376 161.6504 536.4399 178.1689 539.1743 195.5771 c %_539.1919 195.6885 539.2817 195.7734 539.3931 195.7891 c %_539.5044 195.8047 539.6138 195.7422 539.6587 195.6396 c %_542.3833 189.3818 544.0259 180.3057 535.6099 168.1309 c %_530.5747 160.8457 524.479 155.8311 524.479 149.3145 c %_524.479 145.0566 526.7407 142.1602 530.1685 142.1602 c %_533.7739 142.1602 536.106 145.248 536.104 148.7148 c %_536.104 150.4629 535.6001 152.1934 534.6958 153.7607 c %_534.6372 153.8633 534.6548 153.9902 534.7407 154.0723 c %_534.8247 154.1523 534.9556 154.165 535.0532 154.1016 c %_538.0259 152.1641 540.6802 148.7021 540.6802 143.8281 c %_540.6802 136.6563 534.5474 130.6602 526.2095 130.6602 c %_517.2368 130.6602 509.8872 137.709 509.8872 147.8477 c %_509.8872 151.3262 510.8755 155.5156 513.3501 158.9805 C %_509.9653 156.1523 508.1587 154.1523 506.6724 149.8271 C %_496.272 148.0186 485.1665 149.6797 476.3403 155.4727 C %_476.0864 149.3711 474.0903 144.2793 469.9985 140.1533 c %_469.9146 140.0684 469.7837 140.0547 469.6841 140.1182 c %_469.5825 140.1816 469.5415 140.3066 469.5806 140.4189 c %_472.4575 148.4199 470.5239 160.6152 464.0591 170.3691 c %_f %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141592) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ %_376.6938 163.7344 m %_378.938 168.5352 384.1528 171.2188 390.1548 171.3271 c %_390.2798 171.3311 390.3872 171.2432 390.4087 171.1211 c %_390.4321 170.998 390.3638 170.8779 390.2485 170.8359 c %_388.2017 170.082 386.5864 168.7637 385.7271 166.9258 c %_383.5142 162.1973 387.0942 155.8301 393.7407 152.5566 c %_393.8188 152.5186 393.8716 152.4434 393.8813 152.3594 c %_393.8911 152.2725 393.856 152.1885 393.7915 152.1318 c %_389.5005 148.6143 384.3794 142.0781 384.3794 128.7148 c %_384.3774 110.0322 396.5337 92.25 412.6548 92.25 c %_421.8677 92.25 429.2876 98.6465 433.1255 108.2422 C %_428.9028 102.4844 423.145 98.1348 415.2114 98.1348 c %_403.5708 98.1348 394.3579 110.5439 394.356 128.459 c %_394.356 145.3457 406.2583 165.0518 422.1216 165.0508 c %_430.8247 165.0488 437.3481 158.0117 437.3481 148.9277 c %_437.3481 140.8672 432.1021 136.2637 426.2173 136.2637 c %_421.7798 136.2637 418.7231 139.3936 417.772 142.7871 c %_417.7388 142.9023 417.7915 143.0254 417.897 143.0811 c %_418.0044 143.1357 418.1333 143.1104 418.2114 143.0186 c %_418.9634 142.124 420.1079 141.3809 421.8657 141.3809 c %_424.8091 141.3789 426.3442 143.9082 426.3442 145.7285 c %_426.3442 149.1836 423.7856 151.6152 419.9458 151.6152 c %_414.7036 151.6152 410.606 145.8564 410.606 138.4385 c %_410.606 129.2236 419.436 120.7813 428.2642 120.7813 c %_437.2856 120.7813 446.9438 128.8408 446.9438 143.8125 c %_446.9419 158.5234 436.9653 175.4141 421.0981 175.4141 c %_411.8481 175.4141 403.9849 171.2441 397.9556 164.3398 c %_397.8755 164.248 397.7427 164.2246 397.6392 164.2852 c %_397.5317 164.3477 397.4849 164.4727 397.5239 164.5879 c %_401.9575 177.5234 399.4771 189.7344 392.7036 189.7324 c %_389.3892 189.7324 387.7017 187.3535 387.7017 184.8154 c %_387.7017 182.21 389.6001 180.0566 392.6704 179.6611 c %_392.7915 179.6475 392.8833 179.5479 392.8931 179.4268 c %_392.8989 179.3047 392.8188 179.1943 392.7017 179.1641 c %_385.8872 177.4004 378.8774 181.1133 378.8774 188.2061 c %_378.8774 194.4854 384.2544 199.3398 391.2896 199.3398 c %_401.9263 199.3379 407.0142 188.0684 404.7485 177.8047 C %_410.2075 184.8486 418.3013 190.6396 429.9263 190.6396 c %_453.4692 190.6396 465.3677 163.7715 465.3677 145.7285 c %_465.3677 129.3525 462.0415 118.8604 455.1313 110.8018 C %_463.1938 116.9404 466.52 123.7227 468.0552 133.0645 C %_474.1958 141.5078 490.188 141.5078 v %_496.8755 141.5078 503.1177 139.0322 507.9614 134.3438 C %_507.9634 134.3447 507.9653 134.3477 507.9673 134.3486 C %_508.0024 134.3105 508.0396 134.2695 508.0767 134.2314 C %_508.397 133.915 508.7114 133.5918 509.02 133.2578 C %_514.0806 128.4102 524.2114 123.8633 533.4517 127.6602 c %_533.5571 127.7031 533.6782 127.6699 533.7485 127.582 c %_533.8188 127.4932 533.8188 127.3672 533.7524 127.2754 c %_529.3462 121.252 521.729 119.335 516.0747 120.21 C %_517.1177 116.4941 517.6958 112.3281 517.6958 107.7305 c %_517.6978 91.3262 508.8989 79.7598 499.2856 74.1289 C %_502.438 70.3281 501.7954 64.3535 498.2544 60.2949 c %_498.1743 60.2051 498.0435 60.1816 497.938 60.2402 c %_497.8345 60.2988 497.7837 60.4238 497.8188 60.5391 c %_499.5513 66.0703 494.4282 70.6875 487.6392 70.4395 c %_487.5161 70.4355 487.4067 70.5195 487.3813 70.6406 c %_487.356 70.7617 487.4185 70.8828 487.5337 70.9277 c %_497.6685 75.0918 504.3911 83.9102 504.3892 94.9355 c %_504.3911 106.4492 497.481 115.79 486.3501 115.79 c %_477.2661 115.79 468.1821 107.4727 468.1821 97.1133 c %_468.1821 89.0508 472.6587 84.3184 478.4165 84.3164 c %_483.4067 84.3184 487.3735 87.7715 487.3735 91.8672 c %_487.3735 97.7188 480.7896 99.8408 477.2778 95.209 c %_477.2095 95.1172 477.0864 95.084 476.981 95.127 c %_476.8755 95.1689 476.811 95.2773 476.8228 95.3926 c %_477.3462 99.7813 480.5767 103.8926 485.5825 103.8926 c %_490.188 103.8926 494.9224 100.0518 494.9224 91.8652 c %_494.9224 82.1406 485.5845 72.291 470.231 72.2891 c %_449.2466 72.2891 437.8599 95.959 448.0942 114.8945 C %_442.8501 108.8809 438.1157 102.4844 438.1157 91.0977 c %_438.1138 69.5898 459.3794 55.0488 484.4692 63.5977 c %_484.5884 63.6367 484.7192 63.584 484.7759 63.4746 c %_484.8345 63.3633 484.8013 63.2266 484.6997 63.1523 c %_477.6938 58.043 470.356 50.5137 470.356 37.873 c %_470.356 24.6934 479.0552 15.3535 492.6196 15.3535 c %_503.1099 15.3535 509.7642 21.752 509.7642 29.2988 c %_509.7642 35.0566 506.0454 39.6641 499.6567 39.6641 c %_490.1431 39.6641 486.9087 29.3203 491.8325 24.6953 c %_491.9165 24.6152 491.936 24.4902 491.8813 24.3887 c %_491.8247 24.2871 491.7056 24.2344 491.5942 24.2637 c %_486.8247 25.5 482.2563 30.332 482.2563 37.6152 c %_482.2544 50.1563 493.897 58.4727 506.6919 58.4727 c %_512.688 58.4727 518.4907 56.7188 523.1646 53.4297 C %_522.6118 49.2773 524.0317 44.6816 526.1313 41.5879 C %_524.1821 48.457 526.2915 59.7656 536.8032 59.7676 c %_542.6958 59.7656 546.5903 55.2383 546.5903 49.8867 c %_546.5903 43.5605 541.2446 40.6094 536.895 41.2148 c %_536.7798 41.2305 536.6899 41.3223 536.6763 41.4375 c %_536.6646 41.5527 536.731 41.6602 536.8384 41.7031 c %_538.4243 42.3105 539.7817 43.9727 539.7817 45.9668 c %_539.7817 48.4668 537.8696 49.9492 535.8696 49.9492 c %_532.5767 49.9492 530.7466 46.2793 531.8989 42.2305 C %_531.8872 42.2285 L %_532.9595 39.3926 533.561 36.2246 533.561 32.7363 c %_533.561 15.9746 515.3813 0.001953 492.4399 0 c %_468.229 0 455.3872 17.2734 455.3892 35.0566 c %_455.3892 44.5938 458.9692 51.8184 463.5767 56.4258 C %_443.6548 54.3066 431.0786 62.8223 424.2974 75.1035 C %_428.7759 78.9414 430.438 84.5723 Y %_425.0649 77.5352 415.854 71.3945 402.9321 71.3945 c %_383.356 71.3945 368.0005 90.5859 368.0005 111.1836 c %_368.0005 124.2568 372.8032 136.9648 382.5649 145.4307 C %_376.5278 150.459 373.9185 157.8018 376.6938 163.7344 c %_f %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141592) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ %_*U %_U %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141592) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ %_0 0.25 0 0 0 Xy %_0 0 Xd %_6 () XW %_U %_/ArtDictionary : %_1 /Bool (AIPattern_Is_Main_Copy_of_EditGroup) , %_1 /Bool 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197.356 155.5059 197.356 158.6768 c %_197.356 164.0635 192.3306 169.8066 184.0239 169.8066 c %_175.1021 169.8066 167.0005 162.9355 167.0005 154.5254 c %_167.0005 142.71 177.0493 137.0918 187.6138 136.0918 C %_183.2485 134.4189 179.98 129.5664 v %_179.9146 129.4697 179.9243 129.3418 180.0015 129.2559 c %_180.0796 129.1689 180.2056 129.1475 180.3091 129.2012 c %_186.1392 132.2822 192.7954 133.9453 199.811 133.9453 c %_219.4321 133.9453 236.3579 117.541 240.0103 96.5801 c %_240.0317 96.4561 240.1382 96.3691 240.2622 96.3711 c %_f %_1 D %_316.9399 148.7773 m %_321.5493 156.4551 323.1919 169.627 318.897 179.46 c %_318.8481 179.5703 318.8833 179.6992 318.9829 179.7686 c %_319.0806 179.8379 319.2153 179.8281 319.3032 179.7461 c %_324.1099 175.1914 328.2427 164.5684 326.0083 152.2871 C %_329.106 149.8936 331.0532 147.5176 332.522 144.335 c %_332.5688 144.2314 332.5415 144.1104 332.4556 144.0352 c %_332.3696 143.9629 332.2446 143.9551 332.1489 144.0186 c %_327.1528 147.3809 322.686 148.5283 316.9399 148.7773 C %_f %_306.3306 28.9707 m %_306.4009 28.8672 306.3833 28.7266 306.2915 28.6426 c %_306.1978 28.5586 306.0571 28.5547 305.9595 28.6348 c %_299.145 34.1621 290.0845 37.6895 278.9243 37.6895 c %_251.3521 37.6895 233.9517 21.1719 231.2163 3.76367 c %_231.1987 3.65234 231.1099 3.56641 230.9985 3.55078 c %_230.8862 3.53711 230.7778 3.59766 230.7329 3.70117 c %_228.0073 9.95898 226.3657 19.0352 234.7817 31.209 c %_239.8159 38.4941 245.9106 43.5098 245.9106 50.0273 c %_245.9106 54.2852 243.6509 57.1797 240.2231 57.1797 c %_236.6177 57.1797 234.2866 54.0918 234.2866 50.625 c %_234.2866 48.877 234.7915 47.1465 235.6958 45.5801 c %_235.7544 45.4766 235.7358 45.3496 235.6509 45.2676 c %_235.5649 45.1875 235.436 45.1758 235.3384 45.2402 c %_232.3657 47.1777 229.7114 50.6367 229.7114 55.5117 c %_229.7114 62.6836 235.8442 68.6816 244.1802 68.6816 c %_253.1548 68.6816 260.5044 61.6328 260.5044 51.4922 c %_260.5044 48.0156 259.5142 43.8242 257.0415 40.3613 C %_260.4263 43.1875 262.2329 45.1875 263.7192 49.5117 C %_274.1196 51.3223 285.2251 49.6602 294.0493 43.8691 C %_294.3052 49.9707 296.3013 55.0605 300.3931 59.1875 c %_300.4771 59.2715 300.6079 59.2852 300.7075 59.2227 c %_300.8091 59.1582 300.8521 59.0332 300.811 58.9219 c %_297.9341 50.9199 299.8657 38.7246 306.3306 28.9707 c %_f %_393.6978 35.6055 m %_391.4517 30.8066 386.2388 28.1211 380.2368 28.0117 c %_380.1118 28.0098 380.0044 28.0977 379.9829 28.2188 c %_379.9595 28.3418 380.0278 28.4609 380.1431 28.5039 c %_382.1899 29.2578 383.8052 30.5762 384.6646 32.4141 c %_386.8774 37.1426 383.2974 43.5098 376.6509 46.7832 c %_376.5728 46.8223 376.52 46.8965 376.5103 46.9824 c %_376.5005 47.0684 376.5337 47.1523 376.6001 47.207 c %_380.8911 50.7266 386.0122 57.2617 386.0122 70.627 c %_386.0122 89.3086 373.8579 107.0898 357.7368 107.0898 c %_348.5239 107.0898 341.104 100.6934 337.2661 91.0977 C %_341.4868 96.8564 347.2446 101.2051 355.1782 101.2051 c %_366.8208 101.2051 376.0337 88.7969 376.0337 70.8828 c %_376.0337 53.9941 364.1333 34.2891 348.2681 34.2891 c %_339.5669 34.2891 333.0435 41.3281 333.0435 50.4121 c %_333.0435 58.4746 338.2896 63.0781 344.1763 63.0781 c %_348.6099 63.0781 351.6685 59.9473 352.6196 56.5527 c %_352.6509 56.4375 352.6001 56.3164 352.4927 56.2598 c %_352.3872 56.2051 352.2583 56.2305 352.1802 56.3223 c %_351.4282 57.2168 350.2837 57.9609 348.5259 57.9609 c %_345.5825 57.9609 344.0474 55.4316 344.0474 53.6113 c %_344.0474 50.1563 346.606 47.7246 350.4458 47.7246 c %_355.6899 47.7246 359.7856 53.4824 359.7856 60.9023 c %_359.7856 70.1152 350.9556 78.5586 342.1274 78.5586 c %_333.106 78.5586 323.4478 70.5 323.4478 55.5293 c %_323.4478 40.8164 333.4282 23.9258 349.2935 23.9258 c %_358.5435 23.9258 366.4048 28.0957 372.436 35.002 c %_372.5161 35.0918 372.6489 35.1152 372.7544 35.0547 c %_372.8599 34.9941 372.9067 34.8672 372.8677 34.752 c %_368.4341 21.8164 370.9126 9.60742 377.688 9.60742 c %_381.0024 9.60742 382.6899 11.9863 382.6899 14.5234 c %_382.6899 17.1309 380.7915 19.2852 377.7212 19.6777 c %_377.6001 19.6934 377.5063 19.793 377.4985 19.9141 c %_377.4927 20.0352 377.5708 20.1465 377.6899 20.1758 c %_384.5044 21.9395 391.5142 18.2285 391.5142 11.1328 c %_391.5142 4.85547 386.1372 0.001953 379.1021 0.001953 c %_368.4653 0.001953 363.3774 11.2715 365.6431 21.5371 C %_360.1841 14.4922 352.0903 8.70117 340.4653 8.70117 c %_316.9224 8.70117 305.0239 35.5703 305.0239 53.6113 c %_305.0239 69.9883 308.3501 80.4785 315.2603 88.5391 C %_307.1978 82.3984 303.8716 75.6172 302.3384 66.2773 C %_296.1958 57.832 280.2036 57.832 v %_273.5161 57.832 267.2739 60.3086 262.4302 64.998 C %_262.4282 64.9961 262.4263 64.9941 262.4243 64.9902 C %_262.3892 65.0313 262.3501 65.0703 262.3149 65.1094 C %_261.9946 65.4238 261.6802 65.748 261.3716 66.082 C %_256.3091 70.9316 246.1802 75.4785 236.9399 71.6797 c %_236.8345 71.6367 236.7134 71.6699 236.6431 71.7578 c %_236.5728 71.8477 236.5708 71.9727 236.6382 72.0645 c %_241.0454 78.0898 248.6626 80.0059 254.3169 79.1309 C %_253.272 82.8457 252.6938 87.0117 252.6938 91.6094 c %_252.6938 108.0137 261.4927 119.5801 271.106 125.2109 C %_267.9517 129.0137 268.5962 134.9883 272.1372 139.0449 c %_272.2173 139.1357 272.3481 139.1582 272.4536 139.0996 c %_272.5571 139.041 272.606 138.918 272.5708 138.8018 c %_270.8403 133.2695 275.9634 128.6523 282.7524 128.9004 c %_282.8755 128.9033 282.9829 128.8193 283.0103 128.6992 c %_283.0356 128.5801 282.9712 128.457 282.8579 128.4111 c %_272.7212 124.248 266.0005 115.4316 266.0005 104.4033 c %_266.0005 92.8906 272.9087 83.5488 284.0415 83.5488 c %_293.1255 83.5488 302.2095 91.8672 302.2095 102.2285 c %_302.2095 110.2891 297.731 115.0225 291.9731 115.0225 c %_286.9849 115.0225 283.0181 111.5684 283.0181 107.4736 c %_283.0181 101.6211 289.6001 99.499 293.1118 104.1309 c %_293.1821 104.2227 293.3032 104.2559 293.4087 104.2129 c %_293.5161 104.1699 293.5806 104.0625 293.5669 103.9482 c %_293.0435 99.5586 289.8149 95.4482 284.8091 95.4482 c %_280.2036 95.4482 275.4692 99.2861 275.4692 107.4746 c %_275.4692 117.1982 284.8071 127.0508 300.1606 127.0508 c %_321.1431 127.0508 332.5317 103.3809 322.2974 84.4453 C %_327.5415 90.459 332.2759 96.8555 332.2759 108.2432 c %_332.2759 129.75 311.0122 144.291 285.9224 135.7441 c %_285.8032 135.7021 285.6724 135.7559 285.6157 135.8672 c %_285.5571 135.9785 285.5884 136.1143 285.6899 136.1895 c %_292.6958 141.2979 300.0337 148.8262 300.0337 161.4668 c %_300.0337 174.6475 291.3345 183.9854 277.772 183.9854 c %_267.2798 183.9854 260.6274 177.5879 260.6274 170.04 c %_260.6274 164.2822 264.3462 159.6768 270.7349 159.6768 c %_280.2466 159.6768 283.481 170.0195 278.5591 174.6445 c %_278.4751 174.7236 278.4556 174.8516 278.5103 174.9521 c %_278.5669 175.0547 278.6841 175.1055 278.7974 175.0762 c %_283.5669 173.8398 288.1353 169.0068 288.1353 161.7236 c %_288.1353 149.1855 276.4927 140.8682 263.6978 140.8682 c %_257.7017 140.8682 251.8989 142.623 247.2271 145.9102 C %_247.7778 150.0635 246.3579 154.6602 244.2603 157.752 C %_246.2095 150.8848 244.1021 139.5732 233.5864 139.5732 c %_227.6958 139.5732 223.8013 144.1025 223.8013 149.4551 c %_223.8013 155.7793 229.147 158.7314 233.4966 158.125 c %_233.6118 158.1104 233.7007 158.0186 233.7134 157.9023 c %_233.7271 157.7891 233.6606 157.6797 233.5532 157.6367 c %_231.9673 157.0293 230.6108 155.3691 230.6108 153.373 c %_230.6108 150.873 232.52 149.3906 234.52 149.3906 c %_237.8149 149.3906 239.645 153.0605 238.4927 157.1104 C %_238.5044 157.1104 L %_237.4312 159.9473 236.8286 163.1152 236.8286 166.6055 c %_236.8286 183.3672 255.0103 199.3398 277.9497 199.3398 c %_302.1626 199.3398 315.0044 182.0664 315.0044 164.2822 c %_315.0044 154.7461 311.4224 147.5225 306.8149 142.915 C %_326.7368 145.0332 339.313 136.5176 346.0942 124.2354 C %_341.6157 120.3975 339.9536 114.7676 Y %_345.3267 121.8057 354.5376 127.9453 367.4595 127.9453 c %_387.0356 127.9453 402.3911 108.7539 402.3911 88.1563 c %_402.3911 75.084 397.5884 62.375 387.8267 53.9102 C %_393.8638 48.8809 396.4731 41.5391 393.6978 35.6055 c %_f %_*U %_*u %_0 D %_1 0.2 0 0 0 Xy %_315.2114 160.9053 m %_315.1782 160.7852 315.2388 160.6582 315.3521 160.6094 c %_330.1763 154.0957 340.6372 141.6289 345.0063 127.2324 c %_345.0415 127.1152 345.1548 127.0391 345.2778 127.0527 c %_345.3989 127.0664 345.4946 127.166 345.5024 127.2871 c %_346.229 137.9434 343.1274 148.4531 337.0005 157.0234 C %_351.1216 157.9648 362.2407 165.9297 369.1997 177.5723 C %_373.3286 171.46 381.6509 171.7969 384.8599 178.6035 c %_384.9106 178.708 384.8833 178.832 384.7954 178.9063 c %_384.7075 178.9805 384.5806 178.9873 384.4868 178.9219 c %_380.2134 175.9688 372.8071 179.498 375.9282 190.9355 c %_377.981 198.4561 382.3716 202.4668 386.5259 201.333 c %_389.7915 200.4414 390.7661 197.002 390.0864 194.5146 c %_388.9243 190.2539 384.438 188.8623 381.481 191.6357 c %_381.397 191.7158 381.2681 191.7285 381.1704 191.6641 c %_381.0728 191.5986 381.0298 191.4775 381.0688 191.3662 c %_381.9868 188.7852 383.5571 186.7285 386.6157 185.8936 c %_391.811 184.4756 398.6743 187.8115 400.8618 195.8252 c %_403.2114 204.4316 398.7153 214.0566 390.604 216.2715 c %_379.2036 219.3818 371.1392 211.166 367.3931 201.2383 C %_366.9263 205.8896 363.1079 210.3203 v %_363.0317 210.4092 362.9048 210.4336 362.8013 210.3818 c %_362.6978 210.3291 362.6431 210.2129 362.6665 210.0996 c %_364.106 203.6641 363.9575 196.8047 362.1099 190.0361 c %_356.9438 171.1074 336.6626 159.0977 315.479 161.0938 c %_315.354 161.1055 315.2407 161.0254 315.2114 160.9053 c %_f %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-1.837222) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ %_1 D %_345.5806 73.1348 m %_351.7739 66.666 364.0493 61.6133 374.6646 63.168 c %_374.7856 63.1855 374.9009 63.1172 374.9399 63.0039 c %_374.981 62.8906 374.936 62.7637 374.8345 62.7012 c %_369.1743 59.2617 357.8384 58.0723 346.5786 63.4609 C %_343.4536 61.1035 340.6489 59.8496 337.1919 59.2715 c %_337.0806 59.2539 336.9692 59.3125 336.9204 59.4141 c %_336.8735 59.5156 336.8989 59.6387 336.9849 59.7148 c %_341.5454 63.6484 343.8286 67.6563 345.5806 73.1348 C %_f %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-1.837222) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ %_232.7935 114.9121 m %_232.6753 114.8711 232.5444 114.9258 232.4878 115.0371 c %_232.4312 115.1484 232.4644 115.2852 232.5679 115.3594 c %_239.6938 120.4785 245.4829 128.291 248.4204 139.0566 c %_255.6802 165.6563 244.3267 186.792 228.2534 194.0146 c %_228.1499 194.0605 228.0903 194.1689 228.105 194.2803 c %_228.1216 194.3926 228.2085 194.4814 228.3198 194.4971 c %_235.0747 195.4785 244.2622 194.6729 253.7915 183.3486 c %_259.4927 176.5732 262.7271 169.373 269.0142 167.6563 c %_273.1216 166.5352 276.5103 167.9551 277.4126 171.2617 c %_278.3618 174.7393 275.9966 177.8018 272.6528 178.7148 c %_270.9653 179.1738 269.1626 179.1436 267.4146 178.6836 c %_267.2993 178.6533 267.1821 178.7051 267.1255 178.8086 c %_267.0708 178.9121 267.0923 179.04 267.1802 179.1172 c %_269.8325 181.4746 273.8677 183.125 278.5708 181.8408 c %_285.4907 179.9531 289.6606 172.457 287.4673 164.415 c %_285.104 155.7578 276.3696 150.5234 266.5864 153.1934 c %_263.2329 154.1084 259.4497 156.168 256.7603 159.4648 C %_258.5942 155.4551 260.0493 153.1855 263.8286 150.6133 C %_262.8364 140.1035 258.3091 129.8271 250.4009 122.8389 C %_256.2192 120.9863 260.604 117.7207 263.5083 112.6855 c %_263.5669 112.582 263.5454 112.4531 263.4595 112.373 c %_263.3696 112.293 263.2388 112.2832 263.1411 112.3535 c %_256.1802 117.2344 243.9048 118.582 232.7935 114.9121 c %_f %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-1.837222) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ %_216.1919 28.8809 m %_212.1538 32.3105 210.936 38.0469 212.4106 43.8672 c %_212.4419 43.9883 212.5542 44.0684 212.6772 44.0566 c %_212.8022 44.0469 212.8989 43.9492 212.9097 43.8281 c %_213.0981 41.6543 213.9448 39.748 215.4917 38.4355 c %_219.4712 35.0566 226.5562 36.834 231.4634 42.3828 c %_231.522 42.4492 231.6079 42.4805 231.6929 42.4668 c %_231.7788 42.4531 231.8511 42.3984 231.8862 42.3203 c %_234.1519 37.2539 239.1079 30.5938 252.0005 27.0742 c %_270.0239 22.1563 290.3794 29.1992 294.6235 44.752 c %_297.0493 53.6406 292.8306 62.4824 284.5845 68.7109 C %_289.0298 63.123 291.7075 56.4238 289.6177 48.7695 c %_286.5532 37.5391 272.1567 31.918 254.8755 36.6348 c %_238.5825 41.0801 222.7065 57.748 226.8833 73.0547 c %_229.1743 81.4492 237.6821 85.8887 246.4458 83.4961 c %_254.2231 81.375 257.2837 75.1016 255.7329 69.4219 c %_254.5669 65.1445 250.7407 63.0195 247.2153 62.9941 c %_247.0962 62.9941 246.9927 63.0762 246.9653 63.1934 c %_246.9419 63.3105 246.9985 63.4277 247.1079 63.4785 c %_248.1704 63.9688 249.188 64.877 249.6509 66.5742 c %_250.4263 69.4121 248.3911 71.5605 246.6353 72.0391 c %_243.3022 72.9492 240.2827 71.1211 239.271 67.416 c %_237.8911 62.3574 242.3667 56.8906 249.5239 54.9355 c %_258.4126 52.5117 268.8833 58.8066 271.2075 67.3223 c %_273.5825 76.0254 268.3501 87.4648 253.9087 91.4063 c %_239.7153 95.2813 220.7925 90.0996 216.6157 74.793 c %_214.1802 65.8691 216.1333 57.1875 221.2075 49.5508 c %_221.2739 49.4512 221.2612 49.3164 221.1753 49.2305 c %_221.0884 49.1445 220.9536 49.1328 220.853 49.2012 c %_209.5415 56.8828 197.1108 57.707 195.3267 51.1699 c %_194.4536 47.9727 196.3042 45.7188 198.7524 45.0508 c %_201.2681 44.3652 203.8462 45.6289 205.0327 48.4883 c %_205.0796 48.5996 205.2007 48.6641 205.3198 48.6406 c %_205.438 48.6133 205.5249 48.5098 205.522 48.3867 c %_205.4292 41.3477 200.0034 35.5625 193.1577 37.4316 c %_187.1021 39.084 183.8354 45.5488 185.688 52.3359 c %_188.4888 62.5977 200.6997 64.5391 210.0063 59.6504 C %_204.647 66.7715 201.1919 76.1035 204.2524 87.3184 c %_210.4507 110.0313 239.5044 114.4355 256.9087 109.6855 c %_272.7075 105.373 281.9517 99.4023 287.9087 90.6152 C %_284.1079 100.0098 278.4419 105.0039 269.8345 108.9434 C %_263.3052 117.0918 267.5161 132.5195 v %_269.2759 138.9707 273.3091 144.3418 279.1079 147.7793 C %_279.1079 147.7813 279.106 147.7842 279.1021 147.7871 C %_279.1509 147.8105 279.1997 147.8379 279.2466 147.8613 C %_279.6333 148.0879 280.0298 148.3057 280.4321 148.5146 C %_286.4438 152.1211 293.4966 160.6973 292.2661 170.6113 c %_292.2524 170.7236 292.3149 170.832 292.4185 170.877 c %_292.5239 170.9219 292.645 170.8896 292.7153 170.8018 c %_297.3677 164.9629 297.2114 157.1104 294.8794 151.8857 C %_298.7368 151.915 302.9087 151.375 307.3442 150.165 c %_323.1685 145.8457 332.0122 134.3135 334.9126 123.5566 C %_339.4106 125.5977 345.0063 123.4043 347.9888 118.9199 c %_348.0532 118.8184 348.0415 118.6855 347.9575 118.5996 c %_347.8735 118.5156 347.7407 118.5 347.6392 118.5645 c %_342.7583 121.6914 336.9556 117.9648 335.4048 111.3496 c %_335.3774 111.2305 335.2681 111.1484 335.145 111.1543 c %_335.022 111.1602 334.9204 111.2539 334.9067 111.377 c %_333.5591 122.251 326.8228 131.0566 316.1841 133.96 c %_305.0767 136.9922 294.2446 132.7852 291.3149 122.0469 c %_288.9224 113.2832 294.5571 102.3301 304.5513 99.6016 c %_312.3286 97.4785 318.0747 100.5527 319.5903 106.1074 c %_320.9048 110.9199 318.6157 115.6563 314.6665 116.7344 c %_309.0181 118.2754 305.2388 112.4844 308.7837 107.877 c %_308.8521 107.7852 308.854 107.6602 308.7837 107.5684 c %_308.7153 107.4766 308.5923 107.4434 308.4868 107.4863 c %_304.3892 109.1465 301.2739 113.3418 302.5923 118.1729 c %_303.8052 122.6152 308.7544 126.1729 316.6548 124.0166 c %_326.0356 121.457 333.0806 109.8555 329.0376 95.043 c %_323.5142 74.7988 297.6802 70.0449 282.1079 84.9043 C %_286.5278 78.2617 291.4517 72.0098 302.438 69.0117 c %_323.188 63.3496 342.813 80.0332 341.1724 106.4902 c %_341.1646 106.6152 341.2505 106.7285 341.3735 106.7539 c %_341.4946 106.7813 341.6196 106.7129 341.6646 106.5977 c %_344.7466 98.4922 350.0786 89.4316 362.2739 86.1035 c %_374.9888 82.6328 386.2876 88.5664 389.8599 101.6504 c %_392.6216 111.7734 388.2017 119.875 380.9204 121.8623 c %_375.3657 123.3789 369.9419 121.0039 368.2603 114.8398 c %_365.7563 105.6641 374.8833 99.8203 380.6411 103.3516 c %_380.7388 103.4121 380.8677 103.3965 380.9497 103.3164 c %_381.0337 103.2363 381.0513 103.1094 380.9927 103.0078 c %_378.5454 98.7324 372.6802 95.5977 365.6548 97.5156 c %_353.5571 100.8164 348.6001 114.2383 351.9673 126.5811 c %_353.5454 132.3652 356.7681 137.502 361.1685 141.1426 C %_365.0298 139.5186 369.8384 139.6777 373.3735 140.8867 C %_366.2349 140.8154 355.8794 145.8262 358.647 155.9707 c %_360.1978 161.6533 365.5923 164.2188 370.7563 162.8086 c %_376.8579 161.1436 378.2974 155.21 376.5688 151.1729 c %_376.522 151.0654 376.4106 151.0039 376.2974 151.0225 c %_376.1821 151.04 376.0942 151.1318 376.0825 151.2471 c %_375.9146 152.9375 374.6685 154.6836 372.7446 155.208 c %_370.3325 155.8662 368.3989 154.415 367.8735 152.4854 c %_367.0044 149.3066 370.063 146.5752 374.2739 146.6211 C %_374.27 146.6094 L %_377.2896 146.8984 380.5044 146.6445 383.8716 145.7266 c %_400.0415 141.3125 410.6646 119.5674 404.6235 97.4375 c %_398.2485 74.0781 378.2056 66.2363 361.0474 70.9199 c %_351.8481 73.4297 345.8228 78.7871 342.5903 84.4453 C %_339.3892 64.668 327.8618 54.7793 314.229 51.4707 C %_311.7056 56.8008 306.7114 59.8867 Y %_312.0864 52.8496 315.5845 42.3477 312.1821 29.8809 c %_307.0278 10.9961 284.4712 1.23438 264.6001 6.6582 c %_251.9888 10.0996 240.9927 18.0801 235.397 29.7266 C %_228.9556 25.2266 221.186 24.6406 216.1919 28.8809 c %_f %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-1.837222) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ %_*U %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-1.837222) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ %_u %_*u %_0 D %_0 0 0 0 k %_0 1 0 0 0 Xy %_363.1294 102.9688 m %_363.0044 102.9688 362.8989 102.877 362.8794 102.7539 c %_360.5005 86.7402 351.2271 73.3652 338.4888 65.3594 c %_338.3853 65.2949 338.3403 65.1641 338.3872 65.0508 c %_338.4321 64.9375 338.5532 64.8711 338.6724 64.8965 c %_349.145 67 358.4653 72.7598 365.1216 80.9277 C %_369.7466 67.5508 380.3579 58.9219 393.4224 55.2734 C %_388.6138 49.6816 391.1294 41.7402 398.5415 40.4375 c %_398.6548 40.416 398.7661 40.4746 398.8149 40.5781 c %_398.8638 40.6816 398.8364 40.8066 398.7485 40.8809 c %_394.7759 44.2266 396.229 52.3008 408.0864 52.3008 c %_415.8794 52.3008 420.9067 49.1211 420.9067 44.8145 c %_420.9067 41.4297 417.8442 39.584 415.2642 39.584 c %_410.8501 39.584 408.3267 43.5449 410.2231 47.127 c %_410.2778 47.2305 410.2563 47.3574 410.1685 47.4355 c %_410.0806 47.5137 409.9517 47.5215 409.854 47.4551 c %_407.606 45.8906 406.0356 43.834 406.0356 40.6641 c %_406.0356 35.2773 411.061 29.5352 419.3677 29.5332 c %_428.2896 29.5332 436.3911 36.4043 436.3911 44.8145 c %_436.3911 56.6309 426.3423 62.248 415.7778 63.248 C %_420.1431 64.9219 423.4106 69.7734 v %_423.4771 69.8691 423.4673 69.998 423.3892 70.084 c %_423.311 70.1719 423.1841 70.1934 423.0825 70.1387 c %_417.2524 67.0566 410.5942 65.3945 403.5806 65.3945 c %_383.9575 65.3945 367.0337 81.7988 363.3813 102.7607 c %_363.3599 102.8818 363.2524 102.9727 363.1294 102.9688 c %_f %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141592) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ %_1 D %_286.4517 50.5625 m %_281.8442 42.8867 280.1997 29.7129 284.4946 19.8809 c %_284.5435 19.7695 284.5083 19.6406 284.4087 19.5703 c %_284.3091 19.502 284.1763 19.5117 284.0884 19.5957 c %_279.2817 24.1484 275.1489 34.7715 277.3833 47.0527 C %_274.2876 49.4473 272.3384 51.8223 270.8696 55.0059 c %_270.8228 55.1074 270.8501 55.2305 270.936 55.3047 c %_271.022 55.377 271.147 55.3848 271.2427 55.3203 c %_276.2388 51.959 280.7056 50.8125 286.4517 50.5625 C %_f %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141592) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ %_297.0591 170.3691 m %_296.9907 170.4727 297.0083 170.6133 297.1001 170.6973 c %_297.1938 170.7813 297.3345 170.7852 297.4321 170.7061 c %_304.2466 165.1797 313.3071 161.6504 324.4673 161.6504 c %_352.0376 161.6504 369.4399 178.1689 372.1743 195.5771 c %_372.1919 195.6885 372.2817 195.7734 372.3931 195.7891 c %_372.5044 195.8047 372.6138 195.7422 372.6587 195.6396 c %_375.3833 189.3818 377.0259 180.3057 368.6099 168.1309 c %_363.5747 160.8457 357.479 155.8311 357.479 149.3145 c %_357.479 145.0566 359.7407 142.1602 363.1685 142.1602 c %_366.7739 142.1602 369.106 145.248 369.104 148.7148 c %_369.104 150.4629 368.6001 152.1934 367.6958 153.7607 c %_367.6372 153.8633 367.6548 153.9902 367.7407 154.0723 c %_367.8247 154.1523 367.9556 154.165 368.0532 154.1016 c %_371.0259 152.1641 373.6802 148.7021 373.6802 143.8281 c %_373.6802 136.6563 367.5474 130.6602 359.2095 130.6602 c %_350.2368 130.6602 342.8872 137.709 342.8872 147.8477 c %_342.8872 151.3262 343.8755 155.5156 346.3501 158.9805 C %_342.9653 156.1523 341.1587 154.1523 339.6724 149.8271 C %_329.272 148.0186 318.1665 149.6797 309.3403 155.4727 C %_309.0864 149.3711 307.0903 144.2793 302.9985 140.1533 c %_302.9146 140.0684 302.7837 140.0547 302.6841 140.1182 c %_302.5825 140.1816 302.5415 140.3066 302.5806 140.4189 c %_305.4575 148.4199 303.5239 160.6152 297.0591 170.3691 c %_f %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141592) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ %_209.6938 163.7344 m %_211.938 168.5352 217.1528 171.2188 223.1548 171.3271 c %_223.2798 171.3311 223.3872 171.2432 223.4087 171.1211 c %_223.4321 170.998 223.3638 170.8779 223.2485 170.8359 c %_221.2017 170.082 219.5864 168.7637 218.7271 166.9258 c %_216.5142 162.1973 220.0942 155.8301 226.7407 152.5566 c %_226.8188 152.5186 226.8716 152.4434 226.8813 152.3594 c %_226.8911 152.2725 226.856 152.1885 226.7915 152.1318 c %_222.5005 148.6143 217.3794 142.0781 217.3794 128.7148 c %_217.3774 110.0322 229.5337 92.25 245.6548 92.25 c %_254.8677 92.25 262.2876 98.6465 266.1255 108.2422 C %_261.9028 102.4844 256.145 98.1348 248.2114 98.1348 c %_236.5708 98.1348 227.3579 110.5439 227.356 128.459 c %_227.356 145.3457 239.2583 165.0518 255.1216 165.0508 c %_263.8247 165.0488 270.3481 158.0117 270.3481 148.9277 c %_270.3481 140.8672 265.1021 136.2637 259.2173 136.2637 c %_254.7798 136.2637 251.7231 139.3936 250.772 142.7871 c %_250.7388 142.9023 250.7915 143.0254 250.897 143.0811 c %_251.0044 143.1357 251.1333 143.1104 251.2114 143.0186 c %_251.9634 142.124 253.1079 141.3809 254.8657 141.3809 c %_257.8091 141.3789 259.3442 143.9082 259.3442 145.7285 c %_259.3442 149.1836 256.7856 151.6152 252.9458 151.6152 c %_247.7036 151.6152 243.606 145.8564 243.606 138.4385 c %_243.606 129.2236 252.436 120.7813 261.2642 120.7813 c %_270.2856 120.7813 279.9438 128.8408 279.9438 143.8125 c %_279.9419 158.5234 269.9653 175.4141 254.0981 175.4141 c %_244.8481 175.4141 236.9849 171.2441 230.9556 164.3398 c %_230.8755 164.248 230.7427 164.2246 230.6392 164.2852 c %_230.5317 164.3477 230.4849 164.4727 230.5239 164.5879 c %_234.9575 177.5234 232.4771 189.7344 225.7036 189.7324 c %_222.3892 189.7324 220.7017 187.3535 220.7017 184.8154 c %_220.7017 182.21 222.6001 180.0566 225.6704 179.6611 c %_225.7915 179.6475 225.8833 179.5479 225.8931 179.4268 c %_225.8989 179.3047 225.8188 179.1943 225.7017 179.1641 c %_218.8872 177.4004 211.8774 181.1133 211.8774 188.2061 c %_211.8774 194.4854 217.2544 199.3398 224.2896 199.3398 c %_234.9263 199.3379 240.0142 188.0684 237.7485 177.8047 C %_243.2075 184.8486 251.3013 190.6396 262.9263 190.6396 c %_286.4692 190.6396 298.3677 163.7715 298.3677 145.7285 c %_298.3677 129.3525 295.0415 118.8604 288.1313 110.8018 C %_296.1938 116.9404 299.52 123.7227 301.0552 133.0645 C %_307.1958 141.5078 323.188 141.5078 v %_329.8755 141.5078 336.1177 139.0322 340.9614 134.3438 C %_340.9634 134.3447 340.9653 134.3477 340.9673 134.3486 C %_341.0024 134.3105 341.0396 134.2695 341.0767 134.2314 C %_341.397 133.915 341.7114 133.5918 342.02 133.2578 C %_347.0806 128.4102 357.2114 123.8633 366.4517 127.6602 c %_366.5571 127.7031 366.6782 127.6699 366.7485 127.582 c %_366.8188 127.4932 366.8188 127.3672 366.7524 127.2754 c %_362.3462 121.252 354.729 119.335 349.0747 120.21 C %_350.1177 116.4941 350.6958 112.3281 350.6958 107.7305 c %_350.6978 91.3262 341.8989 79.7598 332.2856 74.1289 C %_335.438 70.3281 334.7954 64.3535 331.2544 60.2949 c %_331.1743 60.2051 331.0435 60.1816 330.938 60.2402 c %_330.8345 60.2988 330.7837 60.4238 330.8188 60.5391 c %_332.5513 66.0703 327.4282 70.6875 320.6392 70.4395 c %_320.5161 70.4355 320.4067 70.5195 320.3813 70.6406 c %_320.356 70.7617 320.4185 70.8828 320.5337 70.9277 c %_330.6685 75.0918 337.3911 83.9102 337.3892 94.9355 c %_337.3911 106.4492 330.481 115.79 319.3501 115.79 c %_310.2661 115.79 301.1821 107.4727 301.1821 97.1133 c %_301.1821 89.0508 305.6587 84.3184 311.4165 84.3164 c %_316.4067 84.3184 320.3735 87.7715 320.3735 91.8672 c %_320.3735 97.7188 313.7896 99.8408 310.2778 95.209 c %_310.2095 95.1172 310.0864 95.084 309.981 95.127 c %_309.8755 95.1689 309.811 95.2773 309.8228 95.3926 c %_310.3462 99.7813 313.5767 103.8926 318.5825 103.8926 c %_323.188 103.8926 327.9224 100.0518 327.9224 91.8652 c %_327.9224 82.1406 318.5845 72.291 303.231 72.2891 c %_282.2466 72.2891 270.8599 95.959 281.0942 114.8945 C %_275.8501 108.8809 271.1157 102.4844 271.1157 91.0977 c %_271.1138 69.5898 292.3794 55.0488 317.4692 63.5977 c %_317.5884 63.6367 317.7192 63.584 317.7759 63.4746 c %_317.8345 63.3633 317.8013 63.2266 317.6997 63.1523 c %_310.6938 58.043 303.356 50.5137 303.356 37.873 c %_303.356 24.6934 312.0552 15.3535 325.6196 15.3535 c %_336.1099 15.3535 342.7642 21.752 342.7642 29.2988 c %_342.7642 35.0566 339.0454 39.6641 332.6567 39.6641 c %_323.1431 39.6641 319.9087 29.3203 324.8325 24.6953 c %_324.9165 24.6152 324.936 24.4902 324.8813 24.3887 c %_324.8247 24.2871 324.7056 24.2344 324.5942 24.2637 c %_319.8247 25.5 315.2563 30.332 315.2563 37.6152 c %_315.2544 50.1563 326.897 58.4727 339.6919 58.4727 c %_345.688 58.4727 351.4907 56.7188 356.1646 53.4297 C %_355.6118 49.2773 357.0317 44.6816 359.1313 41.5879 C %_357.1821 48.457 359.2915 59.7656 369.8032 59.7676 c %_375.6958 59.7656 379.5903 55.2383 379.5903 49.8867 c %_379.5903 43.5605 374.2446 40.6094 369.895 41.2148 c %_369.7798 41.2305 369.6899 41.3223 369.6763 41.4375 c %_369.6646 41.5527 369.731 41.6602 369.8384 41.7031 c %_371.4243 42.3105 372.7817 43.9727 372.7817 45.9668 c %_372.7817 48.4668 370.8696 49.9492 368.8696 49.9492 c %_365.5767 49.9492 363.7466 46.2793 364.8989 42.2305 C %_364.8872 42.2285 L %_365.9595 39.3926 366.561 36.2246 366.561 32.7363 c %_366.561 15.9746 348.3813 0.001953 325.4399 0 c %_301.229 0 288.3872 17.2734 288.3892 35.0566 c %_288.3892 44.5938 291.9692 51.8184 296.5767 56.4258 C %_276.6548 54.3066 264.0786 62.8223 257.2974 75.1035 C %_261.7759 78.9414 263.438 84.5723 Y %_258.0649 77.5352 248.854 71.3945 235.9321 71.3945 c %_216.356 71.3945 201.0005 90.5859 201.0005 111.1836 c %_201.0005 124.2568 205.8032 136.9648 215.5649 145.4307 C %_209.5278 150.459 206.9185 157.8018 209.6938 163.7344 c %_f %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141592) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ %_*U %_U %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141592) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ %_0 0.25 0 0 0 Xy %_0 0 Xd %_6 () XW %_U %_/ArtDictionary : %_1 /Bool (AIPattern_Is_Main_Copy_of_EditGroup) , %_1 /Bool (AIPattern_Is_Repeated_Art) , %_; %_ %_9 () XW %_u %_*u %_0 D %_0 O %_0.35 0.6 0.8 0.25 k %_0 1 0 0 0 Xy %_73.2617 96.3711 m %_73.3867 96.3711 73.4922 96.4629 73.5098 96.585 c %_75.8906 112.5996 85.1641 125.9746 97.9023 133.9814 c %_98.0059 134.0449 98.0488 134.1758 98.0039 134.29 c %_97.957 134.4023 97.8379 134.4688 97.7168 134.4443 c %_87.2461 132.3398 77.9238 126.5811 71.2695 118.4141 C %_66.6436 131.7891 56.0332 140.418 42.9688 144.0654 C %_47.7773 149.6582 45.2617 157.5986 37.8496 158.9023 c %_37.7363 158.9229 37.624 158.8643 37.5752 158.7607 c %_37.5273 158.6563 37.5537 158.5322 37.6416 158.46 c %_41.6152 155.1143 40.1611 147.04 28.3047 147.04 c %_20.5098 147.04 15.4844 150.2188 15.4844 154.5254 c %_15.4844 157.9102 18.5459 159.7559 21.125 159.7559 c %_25.541 159.7559 28.0645 155.7949 26.167 152.2129 c %_26.1123 152.1104 26.1348 151.9814 26.2227 151.9033 c %_26.3105 151.8271 26.4395 151.8184 26.5361 151.8857 c %_28.7852 153.4492 30.3555 155.5059 30.3555 158.6768 c %_30.3555 164.0635 25.3301 169.8066 17.0234 169.8066 c %_8.10156 169.8066 0 162.9355 0 154.5254 c %_0 142.71 10.0488 137.0918 20.6133 136.0918 C %_16.248 134.4189 12.9795 129.5664 v %_12.9141 129.4697 12.9238 129.3418 13.001 129.2559 c %_13.0791 129.1689 13.2051 129.1475 13.3086 129.2012 c %_19.1387 132.2822 25.7949 133.9453 32.8105 133.9453 c %_52.4316 133.9453 69.3574 117.541 73.0098 96.5801 c %_73.0313 96.4561 73.1377 96.3691 73.2617 96.3711 c %_f %_1 D %_149.9395 148.7773 m %_154.5488 156.4551 156.1914 169.627 151.8965 179.46 c %_151.8477 179.5703 151.8828 179.6992 151.9824 179.7686 c %_152.0801 179.8379 152.2148 179.8281 152.3027 179.7461 c %_157.1094 175.1914 161.2422 164.5684 159.0078 152.2871 C %_162.1055 149.8936 164.0527 147.5176 165.5215 144.335 c %_165.5684 144.2314 165.541 144.1104 165.4551 144.0352 c %_165.3691 143.9629 165.2441 143.9551 165.1484 144.0186 c %_160.1523 147.3809 155.6855 148.5283 149.9395 148.7773 C %_f %_139.3301 28.9707 m %_139.4004 28.8672 139.3828 28.7266 139.291 28.6426 c %_139.1973 28.5586 139.0566 28.5547 138.959 28.6348 c %_132.1445 34.1621 123.084 37.6895 111.9238 37.6895 c %_84.3516 37.6895 66.9512 21.1719 64.2158 3.76367 c %_64.1982 3.65234 64.1094 3.56641 63.998 3.55078 c %_63.8857 3.53711 63.7773 3.59766 63.7324 3.70117 c %_61.0068 9.95898 59.3652 19.0352 67.7813 31.209 c %_72.8154 38.4941 78.9102 43.5098 78.9102 50.0273 c %_78.9102 54.2852 76.6504 57.1797 73.2227 57.1797 c %_69.6172 57.1797 67.2861 54.0918 67.2861 50.625 c %_67.2861 48.877 67.791 47.1465 68.6953 45.5801 c %_68.7539 45.4766 68.7354 45.3496 68.6504 45.2676 c %_68.5645 45.1875 68.4355 45.1758 68.3379 45.2402 c %_65.3652 47.1777 62.7109 50.6367 62.7109 55.5117 c %_62.7109 62.6836 68.8438 68.6816 77.1797 68.6816 c %_86.1543 68.6816 93.5039 61.6328 93.5039 51.4922 c %_93.5039 48.0156 92.5137 43.8242 90.041 40.3613 C %_93.4258 43.1875 95.2324 45.1875 96.7188 49.5117 C %_107.1191 51.3223 118.2246 49.6602 127.0488 43.8691 C %_127.3047 49.9707 129.3008 55.0605 133.3926 59.1875 c %_133.4766 59.2715 133.6074 59.2852 133.707 59.2227 c %_133.8086 59.1582 133.8516 59.0332 133.8105 58.9219 c %_130.9336 50.9199 132.8652 38.7246 139.3301 28.9707 c %_f %_226.6973 35.6055 m %_224.4512 30.8066 219.2383 28.1211 213.2363 28.0117 c %_213.1113 28.0098 213.0039 28.0977 212.9824 28.2188 c %_212.959 28.3418 213.0273 28.4609 213.1426 28.5039 c %_215.1895 29.2578 216.8047 30.5762 217.6641 32.4141 c %_219.877 37.1426 216.2969 43.5098 209.6504 46.7832 c %_209.5723 46.8223 209.5195 46.8965 209.5098 46.9824 c %_209.5 47.0684 209.5332 47.1523 209.5996 47.207 c %_213.8906 50.7266 219.0117 57.2617 219.0117 70.627 c %_219.0117 89.3086 206.8574 107.0898 190.7363 107.0898 c %_181.5234 107.0898 174.1035 100.6934 170.2656 91.0977 C %_174.4863 96.8564 180.2441 101.2051 188.1777 101.2051 c %_199.8203 101.2051 209.0332 88.7969 209.0332 70.8828 c %_209.0332 53.9941 197.1328 34.2891 181.2676 34.2891 c %_172.5664 34.2891 166.043 41.3281 166.043 50.4121 c %_166.043 58.4746 171.2891 63.0781 177.1758 63.0781 c %_181.6094 63.0781 184.668 59.9473 185.6191 56.5527 c %_185.6504 56.4375 185.5996 56.3164 185.4922 56.2598 c %_185.3867 56.2051 185.2578 56.2305 185.1797 56.3223 c %_184.4277 57.2168 183.2832 57.9609 181.5254 57.9609 c %_178.582 57.9609 177.0469 55.4316 177.0469 53.6113 c %_177.0469 50.1563 179.6055 47.7246 183.4453 47.7246 c %_188.6895 47.7246 192.7852 53.4824 192.7852 60.9023 c %_192.7852 70.1152 183.9551 78.5586 175.127 78.5586 c %_166.1055 78.5586 156.4473 70.5 156.4473 55.5293 c %_156.4473 40.8164 166.4277 23.9258 182.293 23.9258 c %_191.543 23.9258 199.4043 28.0957 205.4355 35.002 c %_205.5156 35.0918 205.6484 35.1152 205.7539 35.0547 c %_205.8594 34.9941 205.9063 34.8672 205.8672 34.752 c %_201.4336 21.8164 203.9121 9.60742 210.6875 9.60742 c %_214.002 9.60742 215.6895 11.9863 215.6895 14.5234 c %_215.6895 17.1309 213.791 19.2852 210.7207 19.6777 c %_210.5996 19.6934 210.5059 19.793 210.498 19.9141 c %_210.4922 20.0352 210.5703 20.1465 210.6895 20.1758 c %_217.5039 21.9395 224.5137 18.2285 224.5137 11.1328 c %_224.5137 4.85547 219.1367 0.001953 212.1016 0.001953 c %_201.4648 0.001953 196.377 11.2715 198.6426 21.5371 C %_193.1836 14.4922 185.0898 8.70117 173.4648 8.70117 c %_149.9219 8.70117 138.0234 35.5703 138.0234 53.6113 c %_138.0234 69.9883 141.3496 80.4785 148.2598 88.5391 C %_140.1973 82.3984 136.8711 75.6172 135.3379 66.2773 C %_129.1953 57.832 113.2031 57.832 v %_106.5156 57.832 100.2734 60.3086 95.4297 64.998 C %_95.4277 64.9961 95.4258 64.9941 95.4238 64.9902 C %_95.3887 65.0313 95.3496 65.0703 95.3145 65.1094 C %_94.9941 65.4238 94.6797 65.748 94.3711 66.082 C %_89.3086 70.9316 79.1797 75.4785 69.9395 71.6797 c %_69.834 71.6367 69.7129 71.6699 69.6426 71.7578 c %_69.5723 71.8477 69.5703 71.9727 69.6377 72.0645 c %_74.0449 78.0898 81.6621 80.0059 87.3164 79.1309 C %_86.2715 82.8457 85.6934 87.0117 85.6934 91.6094 c %_85.6934 108.0137 94.4922 119.5801 104.1055 125.2109 C %_100.9512 129.0137 101.5957 134.9883 105.1367 139.0449 c %_105.2168 139.1357 105.3477 139.1582 105.4531 139.0996 c %_105.5566 139.041 105.6055 138.918 105.5703 138.8018 c %_103.8398 133.2695 108.9629 128.6523 115.752 128.9004 c %_115.875 128.9033 115.9824 128.8193 116.0098 128.6992 c %_116.0352 128.5801 115.9707 128.457 115.8574 128.4111 c %_105.7207 124.248 99 115.4316 99 104.4033 c %_99 92.8906 105.9082 83.5488 117.041 83.5488 c %_126.125 83.5488 135.209 91.8672 135.209 102.2285 c %_135.209 110.2891 130.7305 115.0225 124.9727 115.0225 c %_119.9844 115.0225 116.0176 111.5684 116.0176 107.4736 c %_116.0176 101.6211 122.5996 99.499 126.1113 104.1309 c %_126.1816 104.2227 126.3027 104.2559 126.4082 104.2129 c %_126.5156 104.1699 126.5801 104.0625 126.5664 103.9482 c %_126.043 99.5586 122.8145 95.4482 117.8086 95.4482 c %_113.2031 95.4482 108.4688 99.2861 108.4688 107.4746 c %_108.4688 117.1982 117.8066 127.0508 133.1602 127.0508 c %_154.1426 127.0508 165.5313 103.3809 155.2969 84.4453 C %_160.541 90.459 165.2754 96.8555 165.2754 108.2432 c %_165.2754 129.75 144.0117 144.291 118.9219 135.7441 c %_118.8027 135.7021 118.6719 135.7559 118.6152 135.8672 c %_118.5566 135.9785 118.5879 136.1143 118.6895 136.1895 c %_125.6953 141.2979 133.0332 148.8262 133.0332 161.4668 c %_133.0332 174.6475 124.334 183.9854 110.7715 183.9854 c %_100.2793 183.9854 93.627 177.5879 93.627 170.04 c %_93.627 164.2822 97.3457 159.6768 103.7344 159.6768 c %_113.2461 159.6768 116.4805 170.0195 111.5586 174.6445 c %_111.4746 174.7236 111.4551 174.8516 111.5098 174.9521 c %_111.5664 175.0547 111.6836 175.1055 111.7969 175.0762 c %_116.5664 173.8398 121.1348 169.0068 121.1348 161.7236 c %_121.1348 149.1855 109.4922 140.8682 96.6973 140.8682 c %_90.7012 140.8682 84.8984 142.623 80.2266 145.9102 C %_80.7773 150.0635 79.3574 154.6602 77.2598 157.752 C %_79.209 150.8848 77.1016 139.5732 66.5859 139.5732 c %_60.6953 139.5732 56.8008 144.1025 56.8008 149.4551 c %_56.8008 155.7793 62.1465 158.7314 66.4961 158.125 c %_66.6113 158.1104 66.7002 158.0186 66.7129 157.9023 c %_66.7266 157.7891 66.6602 157.6797 66.5527 157.6367 c %_64.9668 157.0293 63.6104 155.3691 63.6104 153.373 c %_63.6104 150.873 65.5195 149.3906 67.5195 149.3906 c %_70.8145 149.3906 72.6445 153.0605 71.4922 157.1104 C %_71.5039 157.1104 L %_70.4307 159.9473 69.8281 163.1152 69.8281 166.6055 c %_69.8281 183.3672 88.0098 199.3398 110.9492 199.3398 c %_135.1621 199.3398 148.0039 182.0664 148.0039 164.2822 c %_148.0039 154.7461 144.4219 147.5225 139.8145 142.915 C %_159.7363 145.0332 172.3125 136.5176 179.0938 124.2354 C %_174.6152 120.3975 172.9531 114.7676 Y %_178.3262 121.8057 187.5371 127.9453 200.459 127.9453 c %_220.0352 127.9453 235.3906 108.7539 235.3906 88.1563 c %_235.3906 75.084 230.5879 62.375 220.8262 53.9102 C %_226.8633 48.8809 229.4727 41.5391 226.6973 35.6055 c %_f %_*U %_*u %_0 D %_1 0.2 0 0 0 Xy %_148.2109 160.9053 m %_148.1777 160.7852 148.2383 160.6582 148.3516 160.6094 c %_163.1758 154.0957 173.6367 141.6289 178.0059 127.2324 c %_178.041 127.1152 178.1543 127.0391 178.2773 127.0527 c %_178.3984 127.0664 178.4941 127.166 178.502 127.2871 c %_179.2285 137.9434 176.127 148.4531 170 157.0234 C %_184.1211 157.9648 195.2402 165.9297 202.1992 177.5723 C %_206.3281 171.46 214.6504 171.7969 217.8594 178.6035 c %_217.9102 178.708 217.8828 178.832 217.7949 178.9063 c %_217.707 178.9805 217.5801 178.9873 217.4863 178.9219 c %_213.2129 175.9688 205.8066 179.498 208.9277 190.9355 c %_210.9805 198.4561 215.3711 202.4668 219.5254 201.333 c %_222.791 200.4414 223.7656 197.002 223.0859 194.5146 c %_221.9238 190.2539 217.4375 188.8623 214.4805 191.6357 c %_214.3965 191.7158 214.2676 191.7285 214.1699 191.6641 c %_214.0723 191.5986 214.0293 191.4775 214.0684 191.3662 c %_214.9863 188.7852 216.5566 186.7285 219.6152 185.8936 c %_224.8105 184.4756 231.6738 187.8115 233.8613 195.8252 c %_236.2109 204.4316 231.7148 214.0566 223.6035 216.2715 c %_212.2031 219.3818 204.1387 211.166 200.3926 201.2383 C %_199.9258 205.8896 196.1074 210.3203 v %_196.0313 210.4092 195.9043 210.4336 195.8008 210.3818 c %_195.6973 210.3291 195.6426 210.2129 195.666 210.0996 c %_197.1055 203.6641 196.957 196.8047 195.1094 190.0361 c %_189.9434 171.1074 169.6621 159.0977 148.4785 161.0938 c %_148.3535 161.1055 148.2402 161.0254 148.2109 160.9053 c %_f %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-1.837222) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ %_1 D %_178.5801 73.1348 m %_184.7734 66.666 197.0488 61.6133 207.6641 63.168 c %_207.7852 63.1855 207.9004 63.1172 207.9395 63.0039 c %_207.9805 62.8906 207.9355 62.7637 207.834 62.7012 c %_202.1738 59.2617 190.8379 58.0723 179.5781 63.4609 C %_176.4531 61.1035 173.6484 59.8496 170.1914 59.2715 c %_170.0801 59.2539 169.9688 59.3125 169.9199 59.4141 c %_169.873 59.5156 169.8984 59.6387 169.9844 59.7148 c %_174.5449 63.6484 176.8281 67.6563 178.5801 73.1348 C %_f %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-1.837222) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ %_65.793 114.9121 m %_65.6748 114.8711 65.5439 114.9258 65.4873 115.0371 c %_65.4307 115.1484 65.4639 115.2852 65.5674 115.3594 c %_72.6934 120.4785 78.4824 128.291 81.4199 139.0566 c %_88.6797 165.6563 77.3262 186.792 61.2529 194.0146 c %_61.1494 194.0605 61.0898 194.1689 61.1045 194.2803 c %_61.1211 194.3926 61.208 194.4814 61.3193 194.4971 c %_68.0742 195.4785 77.2617 194.6729 86.791 183.3486 c %_92.4922 176.5732 95.7266 169.373 102.0137 167.6563 c %_106.1211 166.5352 109.5098 167.9551 110.4121 171.2617 c %_111.3613 174.7393 108.9961 177.8018 105.6523 178.7148 c %_103.9648 179.1738 102.1621 179.1436 100.4141 178.6836 c %_100.2988 178.6533 100.1816 178.7051 100.125 178.8086 c %_100.0703 178.9121 100.0918 179.04 100.1797 179.1172 c %_102.832 181.4746 106.8672 183.125 111.5703 181.8408 c %_118.4902 179.9531 122.6602 172.457 120.4668 164.415 c %_118.1035 155.7578 109.3691 150.5234 99.5859 153.1934 c %_96.2324 154.1084 92.4492 156.168 89.7598 159.4648 C %_91.5938 155.4551 93.0488 153.1855 96.8281 150.6133 C %_95.8359 140.1035 91.3086 129.8271 83.4004 122.8389 C %_89.2188 120.9863 93.6035 117.7207 96.5078 112.6855 c %_96.5664 112.582 96.5449 112.4531 96.459 112.373 c %_96.3691 112.293 96.2383 112.2832 96.1406 112.3535 c %_89.1797 117.2344 76.9043 118.582 65.793 114.9121 c %_f %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-1.837222) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ %_49.1914 28.8809 m %_45.1533 32.3105 43.9355 38.0469 45.4102 43.8672 c %_45.4414 43.9883 45.5537 44.0684 45.6768 44.0566 c %_45.8018 44.0469 45.8984 43.9492 45.9092 43.8281 c %_46.0977 41.6543 46.9443 39.748 48.4912 38.4355 c %_52.4707 35.0566 59.5557 36.834 64.4629 42.3828 c %_64.5215 42.4492 64.6074 42.4805 64.6924 42.4668 c %_64.7783 42.4531 64.8506 42.3984 64.8857 42.3203 c %_67.1514 37.2539 72.1074 30.5938 85 27.0742 c %_103.0234 22.1563 123.3789 29.1992 127.623 44.752 c %_130.0488 53.6406 125.8301 62.4824 117.584 68.7109 C %_122.0293 63.123 124.707 56.4238 122.6172 48.7695 c %_119.5527 37.5391 105.1563 31.918 87.875 36.6348 c %_71.582 41.0801 55.7061 57.748 59.8828 73.0547 c %_62.1738 81.4492 70.6816 85.8887 79.4453 83.4961 c %_87.2227 81.375 90.2832 75.1016 88.7324 69.4219 c %_87.5664 65.1445 83.7402 63.0195 80.2148 62.9941 c %_80.0957 62.9941 79.9922 63.0762 79.9648 63.1934 c %_79.9414 63.3105 79.998 63.4277 80.1074 63.4785 c %_81.1699 63.9688 82.1875 64.877 82.6504 66.5742 c %_83.4258 69.4121 81.3906 71.5605 79.6348 72.0391 c %_76.3018 72.9492 73.2822 71.1211 72.2705 67.416 c %_70.8906 62.3574 75.3662 56.8906 82.5234 54.9355 c %_91.4121 52.5117 101.8828 58.8066 104.207 67.3223 c %_106.582 76.0254 101.3496 87.4648 86.9082 91.4063 c %_72.7148 95.2813 53.792 90.0996 49.6152 74.793 c %_47.1797 65.8691 49.1328 57.1875 54.207 49.5508 c %_54.2734 49.4512 54.2607 49.3164 54.1748 49.2305 c %_54.0879 49.1445 53.9531 49.1328 53.8525 49.2012 c %_42.541 56.8828 30.1104 57.707 28.3262 51.1699 c %_27.4531 47.9727 29.3037 45.7188 31.752 45.0508 c %_34.2676 44.3652 36.8457 45.6289 38.0322 48.4883 c %_38.0791 48.5996 38.2002 48.6641 38.3193 48.6406 c %_38.4375 48.6133 38.5244 48.5098 38.5215 48.3867 c %_38.4287 41.3477 33.0029 35.5625 26.1572 37.4316 c %_20.1016 39.084 16.835 45.5488 18.6875 52.3359 c %_21.4883 62.5977 33.6992 64.5391 43.0059 59.6504 C %_37.6465 66.7715 34.1914 76.1035 37.252 87.3184 c %_43.4502 110.0313 72.5039 114.4355 89.9082 109.6855 c %_105.707 105.373 114.9512 99.4023 120.9082 90.6152 C %_117.1074 100.0098 111.4414 105.0039 102.834 108.9434 C %_96.3047 117.0918 100.5156 132.5195 v %_102.2754 138.9707 106.3086 144.3418 112.1074 147.7793 C %_112.1074 147.7813 112.1055 147.7842 112.1016 147.7871 C %_112.1504 147.8105 112.1992 147.8379 112.2461 147.8613 C %_112.6328 148.0879 113.0293 148.3057 113.4316 148.5146 C %_119.4434 152.1211 126.4961 160.6973 125.2656 170.6113 c %_125.252 170.7236 125.3145 170.832 125.418 170.877 c %_125.5234 170.9219 125.6445 170.8896 125.7148 170.8018 c %_130.3672 164.9629 130.2109 157.1104 127.8789 151.8857 C %_131.7363 151.915 135.9082 151.375 140.3438 150.165 c %_156.168 145.8457 165.0117 134.3135 167.9121 123.5566 C %_172.4102 125.5977 178.0059 123.4043 180.9883 118.9199 c %_181.0527 118.8184 181.041 118.6855 180.957 118.5996 c %_180.873 118.5156 180.7402 118.5 180.6387 118.5645 c %_175.7578 121.6914 169.9551 117.9648 168.4043 111.3496 c %_168.377 111.2305 168.2676 111.1484 168.1445 111.1543 c %_168.0215 111.1602 167.9199 111.2539 167.9063 111.377 c %_166.5586 122.251 159.8223 131.0566 149.1836 133.96 c %_138.0762 136.9922 127.2441 132.7852 124.3145 122.0469 c %_121.9219 113.2832 127.5566 102.3301 137.5508 99.6016 c %_145.3281 97.4785 151.0742 100.5527 152.5898 106.1074 c %_153.9043 110.9199 151.6152 115.6563 147.666 116.7344 c %_142.0176 118.2754 138.2383 112.4844 141.7832 107.877 c %_141.8516 107.7852 141.8535 107.6602 141.7832 107.5684 c %_141.7148 107.4766 141.5918 107.4434 141.4863 107.4863 c %_137.3887 109.1465 134.2734 113.3418 135.5918 118.1729 c %_136.8047 122.6152 141.7539 126.1729 149.6543 124.0166 c %_159.0352 121.457 166.0801 109.8555 162.0371 95.043 c %_156.5137 74.7988 130.6797 70.0449 115.1074 84.9043 C %_119.5273 78.2617 124.4512 72.0098 135.4375 69.0117 c %_156.1875 63.3496 175.8125 80.0332 174.1719 106.4902 c %_174.1641 106.6152 174.25 106.7285 174.373 106.7539 c %_174.4941 106.7813 174.6191 106.7129 174.6641 106.5977 c %_177.7461 98.4922 183.0781 89.4316 195.2734 86.1035 c %_207.9883 82.6328 219.2871 88.5664 222.8594 101.6504 c %_225.6211 111.7734 221.2012 119.875 213.9199 121.8623 c %_208.3652 123.3789 202.9414 121.0039 201.2598 114.8398 c %_198.7559 105.6641 207.8828 99.8203 213.6406 103.3516 c %_213.7383 103.4121 213.8672 103.3965 213.9492 103.3164 c %_214.0332 103.2363 214.0508 103.1094 213.9922 103.0078 c %_211.5449 98.7324 205.6797 95.5977 198.6543 97.5156 c %_186.5566 100.8164 181.5996 114.2383 184.9668 126.5811 c %_186.5449 132.3652 189.7676 137.502 194.168 141.1426 C %_198.0293 139.5186 202.8379 139.6777 206.373 140.8867 C %_199.2344 140.8154 188.8789 145.8262 191.6465 155.9707 c %_193.1973 161.6533 198.5918 164.2188 203.7559 162.8086 c %_209.8574 161.1436 211.2969 155.21 209.5684 151.1729 c %_209.5215 151.0654 209.4102 151.0039 209.2969 151.0225 c %_209.1816 151.04 209.0938 151.1318 209.082 151.2471 c %_208.9141 152.9375 207.668 154.6836 205.7441 155.208 c %_203.332 155.8662 201.3984 154.415 200.873 152.4854 c %_200.0039 149.3066 203.0625 146.5752 207.2734 146.6211 C %_207.2695 146.6094 L %_210.2891 146.8984 213.5039 146.6445 216.8711 145.7266 c %_233.041 141.3125 243.6641 119.5674 237.623 97.4375 c %_231.248 74.0781 211.2051 66.2363 194.0469 70.9199 c %_184.8477 73.4297 178.8223 78.7871 175.5898 84.4453 C %_172.3887 64.668 160.8613 54.7793 147.2285 51.4707 C %_144.7051 56.8008 139.7109 59.8867 Y %_145.0859 52.8496 148.584 42.3477 145.1816 29.8809 c %_140.0273 10.9961 117.4707 1.23438 97.5996 6.6582 c %_84.9883 10.0996 73.9922 18.0801 68.3965 29.7266 C %_61.9551 25.2266 54.1855 24.6406 49.1914 28.8809 c %_f %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-1.837222) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ %_*U %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-1.837222) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ %_u %_*u %_0 D %_0 0 0 0 k %_0 1 0 0 0 Xy %_196.1289 102.9688 m %_196.0039 102.9688 195.8984 102.877 195.8789 102.7539 c %_193.5 86.7402 184.2266 73.3652 171.4883 65.3594 c %_171.3848 65.2949 171.3398 65.1641 171.3867 65.0508 c %_171.4316 64.9375 171.5527 64.8711 171.6719 64.8965 c %_182.1445 67 191.4648 72.7598 198.1211 80.9277 C %_202.7461 67.5508 213.3574 58.9219 226.4219 55.2734 C %_221.6133 49.6816 224.1289 41.7402 231.541 40.4375 c %_231.6543 40.416 231.7656 40.4746 231.8145 40.5781 c %_231.8633 40.6816 231.8359 40.8066 231.748 40.8809 c %_227.7754 44.2266 229.2285 52.3008 241.0859 52.3008 c %_248.8794 52.3008 253.9067 49.1211 253.9067 44.8145 c %_253.9067 41.4297 250.8442 39.584 248.2642 39.584 c %_243.8501 39.584 241.3262 43.5449 243.2227 47.127 c %_243.2773 47.2305 243.2559 47.3574 243.168 47.4355 c %_243.0801 47.5137 242.9512 47.5215 242.8535 47.4551 c %_240.6055 45.8906 239.0352 43.834 239.0352 40.6641 c %_239.0352 35.2773 244.061 29.5352 252.3677 29.5332 c %_261.2896 29.5332 269.3911 36.4043 269.3911 44.8145 c %_269.3911 56.6309 259.3423 62.248 248.7778 63.248 C %_253.1431 64.9219 256.4106 69.7734 v %_256.4771 69.8691 256.4673 69.998 256.3892 70.084 c %_256.311 70.1719 256.1841 70.1934 256.0825 70.1387 c %_250.2524 67.0566 243.5938 65.3945 236.5801 65.3945 c %_216.957 65.3945 200.0332 81.7988 196.3809 102.7607 c %_196.3594 102.8818 196.252 102.9727 196.1289 102.9688 c %_f %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141592) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ %_1 D %_119.4512 50.5625 m %_114.8438 42.8867 113.1992 29.7129 117.4941 19.8809 c %_117.543 19.7695 117.5078 19.6406 117.4082 19.5703 c %_117.3086 19.502 117.1758 19.5117 117.0879 19.5957 c %_112.2813 24.1484 108.1484 34.7715 110.3828 47.0527 C %_107.2871 49.4473 105.3379 51.8223 103.8691 55.0059 c %_103.8223 55.1074 103.8496 55.2305 103.9355 55.3047 c %_104.0215 55.377 104.1465 55.3848 104.2422 55.3203 c %_109.2383 51.959 113.7051 50.8125 119.4512 50.5625 C %_f %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141592) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ %_130.0586 170.3691 m %_129.9902 170.4727 130.0078 170.6133 130.0996 170.6973 c %_130.1934 170.7813 130.334 170.7852 130.4316 170.7061 c %_137.2461 165.1797 146.3066 161.6504 157.4668 161.6504 c %_185.0371 161.6504 202.4395 178.1689 205.1738 195.5771 c %_205.1914 195.6885 205.2813 195.7734 205.3926 195.7891 c %_205.5039 195.8047 205.6133 195.7422 205.6582 195.6396 c %_208.3828 189.3818 210.0254 180.3057 201.6094 168.1309 c %_196.5742 160.8457 190.4785 155.8311 190.4785 149.3145 c %_190.4785 145.0566 192.7402 142.1602 196.168 142.1602 c %_199.7734 142.1602 202.1055 145.248 202.1035 148.7148 c %_202.1035 150.4629 201.5996 152.1934 200.6953 153.7607 c %_200.6367 153.8633 200.6543 153.9902 200.7402 154.0723 c %_200.8242 154.1523 200.9551 154.165 201.0527 154.1016 c %_204.0254 152.1641 206.6797 148.7021 206.6797 143.8281 c %_206.6797 136.6563 200.5469 130.6602 192.209 130.6602 c %_183.2363 130.6602 175.8867 137.709 175.8867 147.8477 c %_175.8867 151.3262 176.875 155.5156 179.3496 158.9805 C %_175.9648 156.1523 174.1582 154.1523 172.6719 149.8271 C %_162.2715 148.0186 151.166 149.6797 142.3398 155.4727 C %_142.0859 149.3711 140.0898 144.2793 135.998 140.1533 c %_135.9141 140.0684 135.7832 140.0547 135.6836 140.1182 c %_135.582 140.1816 135.541 140.3066 135.5801 140.4189 c %_138.457 148.4199 136.5234 160.6152 130.0586 170.3691 c %_f %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141592) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ %_42.6934 163.7344 m %_44.9375 168.5352 50.1523 171.2188 56.1543 171.3271 c %_56.2793 171.3311 56.3867 171.2432 56.4082 171.1211 c %_56.4316 170.998 56.3633 170.8779 56.248 170.8359 c %_54.2012 170.082 52.5859 168.7637 51.7266 166.9258 c %_49.5137 162.1973 53.0938 155.8301 59.7402 152.5566 c %_59.8184 152.5186 59.8711 152.4434 59.8809 152.3594 c %_59.8906 152.2725 59.8555 152.1885 59.791 152.1318 c %_55.5 148.6143 50.3789 142.0781 50.3789 128.7148 c %_50.377 110.0322 62.5332 92.25 78.6543 92.25 c %_87.8672 92.25 95.2871 98.6465 99.125 108.2422 C %_94.9023 102.4844 89.1445 98.1348 81.2109 98.1348 c %_69.5703 98.1348 60.3574 110.5439 60.3555 128.459 c %_60.3555 145.3457 72.2578 165.0518 88.1211 165.0508 c %_96.8242 165.0488 103.3477 158.0117 103.3477 148.9277 c %_103.3477 140.8672 98.1016 136.2637 92.2168 136.2637 c %_87.7793 136.2637 84.7227 139.3936 83.7715 142.7871 c %_83.7383 142.9023 83.791 143.0254 83.8965 143.0811 c %_84.0039 143.1357 84.1328 143.1104 84.2109 143.0186 c %_84.9629 142.124 86.1074 141.3809 87.8652 141.3809 c %_90.8086 141.3789 92.3438 143.9082 92.3438 145.7285 c %_92.3438 149.1836 89.7852 151.6152 85.9453 151.6152 c %_80.7031 151.6152 76.6055 145.8564 76.6055 138.4385 c %_76.6055 129.2236 85.4355 120.7813 94.2637 120.7813 c %_103.2852 120.7813 112.9434 128.8408 112.9434 143.8125 c %_112.9414 158.5234 102.9648 175.4141 87.0977 175.4141 c %_77.8477 175.4141 69.9844 171.2441 63.9551 164.3398 c %_63.875 164.248 63.7422 164.2246 63.6387 164.2852 c %_63.5313 164.3477 63.4844 164.4727 63.5234 164.5879 c %_67.957 177.5234 65.4766 189.7344 58.7031 189.7324 c %_55.3887 189.7324 53.7012 187.3535 53.7012 184.8154 c %_53.7012 182.21 55.5996 180.0566 58.6699 179.6611 c %_58.791 179.6475 58.8828 179.5479 58.8926 179.4268 c %_58.8984 179.3047 58.8184 179.1943 58.7012 179.1641 c %_51.8867 177.4004 44.877 181.1133 44.877 188.2061 c %_44.877 194.4854 50.2539 199.3398 57.2891 199.3398 c %_67.9258 199.3379 73.0137 188.0684 70.748 177.8047 C %_76.207 184.8486 84.3008 190.6396 95.9258 190.6396 c %_119.4688 190.6396 131.3672 163.7715 131.3672 145.7285 c %_131.3672 129.3525 128.041 118.8604 121.1309 110.8018 C %_129.1934 116.9404 132.5195 123.7227 134.0547 133.0645 C %_140.1953 141.5078 156.1875 141.5078 v %_162.875 141.5078 169.1172 139.0322 173.9609 134.3438 C %_173.9629 134.3447 173.9648 134.3477 173.9668 134.3486 C %_174.002 134.3105 174.0391 134.2695 174.0762 134.2314 C %_174.3965 133.915 174.7109 133.5918 175.0195 133.2578 C %_180.0801 128.4102 190.2109 123.8633 199.4512 127.6602 c %_199.5566 127.7031 199.6777 127.6699 199.748 127.582 c %_199.8184 127.4932 199.8184 127.3672 199.752 127.2754 c %_195.3457 121.252 187.7285 119.335 182.0742 120.21 C %_183.1172 116.4941 183.6953 112.3281 183.6953 107.7305 c %_183.6973 91.3262 174.8984 79.7598 165.2852 74.1289 C %_168.4375 70.3281 167.7949 64.3535 164.2539 60.2949 c %_164.1738 60.2051 164.043 60.1816 163.9375 60.2402 c %_163.834 60.2988 163.7832 60.4238 163.8184 60.5391 c %_165.5508 66.0703 160.4277 70.6875 153.6387 70.4395 c %_153.5156 70.4355 153.4063 70.5195 153.3809 70.6406 c %_153.3555 70.7617 153.418 70.8828 153.5332 70.9277 c %_163.668 75.0918 170.3906 83.9102 170.3887 94.9355 c %_170.3906 106.4492 163.4805 115.79 152.3496 115.79 c %_143.2656 115.79 134.1816 107.4727 134.1816 97.1133 c %_134.1816 89.0508 138.6582 84.3184 144.416 84.3164 c %_149.4063 84.3184 153.373 87.7715 153.373 91.8672 c %_153.373 97.7188 146.7891 99.8408 143.2773 95.209 c %_143.209 95.1172 143.0859 95.084 142.9805 95.127 c %_142.875 95.1689 142.8105 95.2773 142.8223 95.3926 c %_143.3457 99.7813 146.5762 103.8926 151.582 103.8926 c %_156.1875 103.8926 160.9219 100.0518 160.9219 91.8652 c %_160.9219 82.1406 151.584 72.291 136.2305 72.2891 c %_115.2461 72.2891 103.8594 95.959 114.0938 114.8945 C %_108.8496 108.8809 104.1152 102.4844 104.1152 91.0977 c %_104.1133 69.5898 125.3789 55.0488 150.4688 63.5977 c %_150.5879 63.6367 150.7188 63.584 150.7754 63.4746 c %_150.834 63.3633 150.8008 63.2266 150.6992 63.1523 c %_143.6934 58.043 136.3555 50.5137 136.3555 37.873 c %_136.3555 24.6934 145.0547 15.3535 158.6191 15.3535 c %_169.1094 15.3535 175.7637 21.752 175.7637 29.2988 c %_175.7637 35.0566 172.0449 39.6641 165.6563 39.6641 c %_156.1426 39.6641 152.9082 29.3203 157.832 24.6953 c %_157.916 24.6152 157.9355 24.4902 157.8809 24.3887 c %_157.8242 24.2871 157.7051 24.2344 157.5938 24.2637 c %_152.8242 25.5 148.2559 30.332 148.2559 37.6152 c %_148.2539 50.1563 159.8965 58.4727 172.6914 58.4727 c %_178.6875 58.4727 184.4902 56.7188 189.1641 53.4297 C %_188.6113 49.2773 190.0313 44.6816 192.1309 41.5879 C %_190.1816 48.457 192.291 59.7656 202.8027 59.7676 c %_208.6953 59.7656 212.5898 55.2383 212.5898 49.8867 c %_212.5898 43.5605 207.2441 40.6094 202.8945 41.2148 c %_202.7793 41.2305 202.6895 41.3223 202.6758 41.4375 c %_202.6641 41.5527 202.7305 41.6602 202.8379 41.7031 c %_204.4238 42.3105 205.7813 43.9727 205.7813 45.9668 c %_205.7813 48.4668 203.8691 49.9492 201.8691 49.9492 c %_198.5762 49.9492 196.7461 46.2793 197.8984 42.2305 C %_197.8867 42.2285 L %_198.959 39.3926 199.5605 36.2246 199.5605 32.7363 c %_199.5605 15.9746 181.3809 0.001953 158.4395 0 c %_134.2285 0 121.3867 17.2734 121.3887 35.0566 c %_121.3887 44.5938 124.9688 51.8184 129.5762 56.4258 C %_109.6543 54.3066 97.0781 62.8223 90.2969 75.1035 C %_94.7754 78.9414 96.4375 84.5723 Y %_91.0645 77.5352 81.8535 71.3945 68.9316 71.3945 c %_49.3555 71.3945 34 90.5859 34 111.1836 c %_34 124.2568 38.8027 136.9648 48.5645 145.4307 C %_42.5273 150.459 39.918 157.8018 42.6934 163.7344 c %_f %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141592) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ %_*U %_U %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141592) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ %_0 0.25 0 0 0 Xy %_0 0 Xd %_6 () XW %_U %_/ArtDictionary : %_1 /Bool (AIPattern_Is_Main_Copy_of_EditGroup) , %_1 /Bool (AIPattern_Is_Repeated_Art) , %_; %_ %_9 () XW %_u %_*u %_0 D %_0 O %_0.35 0.6 0.8 0.25 k %_0 1 0 0 0 Xy %_407.2622 263.3711 m %_407.3872 263.3711 407.4927 263.4629 407.5103 263.585 c %_409.8911 279.5996 419.1646 292.9746 431.9028 300.9814 c %_432.0063 301.0449 432.0493 301.1758 432.0044 301.29 c %_431.9575 301.4023 431.8384 301.4688 431.7173 301.4443 c %_421.2466 299.3398 411.9243 293.5811 405.27 285.4141 C %_400.645 298.7891 390.0337 307.418 376.9692 311.0654 C %_381.7778 316.6582 379.2622 324.5986 371.8501 325.9023 c %_371.7368 325.9229 371.6255 325.8643 371.5767 325.7607 c %_371.5278 325.6563 371.5552 325.5322 371.6431 325.46 c %_375.6157 322.1143 374.1626 314.04 362.3052 314.04 c %_354.5103 314.04 349.4849 317.2188 349.4849 321.5254 c %_349.4849 324.9102 352.5474 326.7559 355.1255 326.7559 c %_359.5415 326.7559 362.0649 322.7949 360.1685 319.2129 c %_360.1138 319.1104 360.1353 318.9814 360.2231 318.9033 c %_360.311 318.8271 360.4399 318.8184 360.5376 318.8857 c %_362.7856 320.4492 364.356 322.5059 364.356 325.6768 c %_364.356 331.0635 359.3306 336.8066 351.0239 336.8066 c %_342.1021 336.8066 334.0005 329.9355 334.0005 321.5254 c %_334.0005 309.71 344.0493 304.0918 354.6138 303.0918 C %_350.2485 301.4189 346.981 296.5664 v %_346.9146 296.4697 346.9243 296.3418 347.0024 296.2559 c %_347.0806 296.1689 347.2056 296.1475 347.3091 296.2012 c %_353.1392 299.2822 359.7954 300.9453 366.811 300.9453 c %_386.4321 300.9453 403.3579 284.541 407.0103 263.5801 c %_407.0317 263.4561 4 endstream endobj 25 0 obj <>stream 07.1392 263.3691 407.2622 263.3711 c %_f %_1 D %_483.9399 315.7773 m %_488.5493 323.4551 490.1919 336.627 485.897 346.46 c %_485.8481 346.5703 485.8833 346.6992 485.9829 346.7686 c %_486.0806 346.8379 486.2153 346.8281 486.3032 346.7461 c %_491.1099 342.1914 495.2427 331.5684 493.0083 319.2871 C %_496.106 316.8936 498.0532 314.5176 499.522 311.335 c %_499.5688 311.2314 499.5415 311.1104 499.4556 311.0352 c %_499.3696 310.9629 499.2446 310.9551 499.1489 311.0186 c %_494.1528 314.3809 489.686 315.5283 483.9399 315.7773 C %_f %_473.3306 195.9707 m %_473.4009 195.8672 473.3833 195.7266 473.2915 195.6426 c %_473.1978 195.5586 473.0571 195.5547 472.9595 195.6348 c %_466.145 201.1621 457.0845 204.6895 445.9243 204.6895 c %_418.3521 204.6895 400.9517 188.1719 398.2173 170.7637 c %_398.1997 170.6523 398.1099 170.5664 397.9985 170.5508 c %_397.8872 170.5371 397.7778 170.5977 397.7329 170.7012 c %_395.0083 176.959 393.3657 186.0352 401.7817 198.209 c %_406.8169 205.4941 412.9106 210.5098 412.9106 217.0273 c %_412.9106 221.2852 410.6509 224.1797 407.2231 224.1797 c %_403.6177 224.1797 401.2876 221.0918 401.2876 217.625 c %_401.2876 215.877 401.7915 214.1465 402.6958 212.5801 c %_402.7544 212.4766 402.7368 212.3496 402.6509 212.2676 c %_402.5649 212.1875 402.436 212.1758 402.3384 212.2402 c %_399.3657 214.1777 396.7114 217.6367 396.7114 222.5117 c %_396.7114 229.6836 402.8442 235.6816 411.1802 235.6816 c %_420.1548 235.6816 427.5044 228.6328 427.5044 218.4922 c %_427.5044 215.0156 426.5142 210.8242 424.0415 207.3613 C %_427.4263 210.1875 429.2329 212.1875 430.7192 216.5117 C %_441.1196 218.3223 452.2251 216.6602 461.0493 210.8691 C %_461.3052 216.9707 463.3013 222.0605 467.3931 226.1875 c %_467.4771 226.2715 467.6079 226.2852 467.7075 226.2227 c %_467.8091 226.1582 467.8521 226.0332 467.811 225.9219 c %_464.9341 217.9199 466.8657 205.7246 473.3306 195.9707 c %_f %_560.6978 202.6055 m %_558.4517 197.8066 553.2388 195.1211 547.2368 195.0117 c %_547.1118 195.0098 547.0044 195.0977 546.9829 195.2188 c %_546.9595 195.3418 547.0278 195.4609 547.1431 195.5039 c %_549.1899 196.2578 550.8052 197.5762 551.6646 199.4141 c %_553.8774 204.1426 550.2974 210.5098 543.6509 213.7832 c %_543.5728 213.8223 543.52 213.8965 543.5103 213.9824 c %_543.5005 214.0684 543.5337 214.1523 543.6001 214.207 c %_547.8911 217.7266 553.0122 224.2617 553.0122 237.627 c %_553.0122 256.3086 540.8579 274.0898 524.7368 274.0898 c %_515.5239 274.0898 508.104 267.6934 504.2661 258.0977 C %_508.4868 263.8564 514.2446 268.2051 522.1782 268.2051 c %_533.8208 268.2051 543.0337 255.7969 543.0337 237.8828 c %_543.0337 220.9941 531.1333 201.2891 515.2681 201.2891 c %_506.5669 201.2891 500.0435 208.3281 500.0435 217.4121 c %_500.0435 225.4746 505.2896 230.0781 511.1763 230.0781 c %_515.6099 230.0781 518.6685 226.9473 519.6196 223.5527 c %_519.6509 223.4375 519.6001 223.3164 519.4927 223.2598 c %_519.3872 223.2051 519.2583 223.2305 519.1802 223.3223 c %_518.4282 224.2168 517.2837 224.9609 515.5259 224.9609 c %_512.5825 224.9609 511.0474 222.4316 511.0474 220.6113 c %_511.0474 217.1563 513.606 214.7246 517.4458 214.7246 c %_522.6899 214.7246 526.7856 220.4824 526.7856 227.9023 c %_526.7856 237.1152 517.9556 245.5586 509.1274 245.5586 c %_500.106 245.5586 490.4478 237.5 490.4478 222.5293 c %_490.4478 207.8164 500.4282 190.9258 516.2935 190.9258 c %_525.5435 190.9258 533.4048 195.0957 539.436 202.002 c %_539.5161 202.0918 539.6489 202.1152 539.7544 202.0547 c %_539.8599 201.9941 539.9067 201.8672 539.8677 201.752 c %_535.4341 188.8164 537.9126 176.6074 544.688 176.6074 c %_548.0024 176.6074 549.6899 178.9863 549.6899 181.5234 c %_549.6899 184.1309 547.7915 186.2852 544.7212 186.6777 c %_544.6001 186.6934 544.5063 186.793 544.4985 186.9141 c %_544.4927 187.0352 544.5708 187.1465 544.6899 187.1758 c %_551.5044 188.9395 558.5142 185.2285 558.5142 178.1328 c %_558.5142 171.8555 553.1372 167.002 546.1021 167.002 c %_535.4653 167.002 530.3774 178.2715 532.6431 188.5371 C %_527.1841 181.4922 519.0903 175.7012 507.4653 175.7012 c %_483.9224 175.7012 472.0239 202.5703 472.0239 220.6113 c %_472.0239 236.9883 475.3501 247.4785 482.2603 255.5391 C %_474.1978 249.3984 470.8716 242.6172 469.3384 233.2773 C %_463.1958 224.832 447.2036 224.832 v %_440.5161 224.832 434.2739 227.3086 429.4302 231.998 C %_429.4282 231.9961 429.4263 231.9941 429.4243 231.9902 C %_429.3892 232.0313 429.3501 232.0703 429.3149 232.1094 C %_428.9946 232.4238 428.6802 232.748 428.3716 233.082 C %_423.3091 237.9316 413.1802 242.4785 403.9399 238.6797 c %_403.8345 238.6367 403.7134 238.6699 403.6431 238.7578 c %_403.5728 238.8477 403.5708 238.9727 403.6392 239.0645 c %_408.0454 245.0898 415.6626 247.0059 421.3169 246.1309 C %_420.272 249.8457 419.6938 254.0117 419.6938 258.6094 c %_419.6938 275.0137 428.4927 286.5801 438.106 292.2109 C %_434.9517 296.0137 435.5962 301.9883 439.1372 306.0449 c %_439.2173 306.1357 439.3481 306.1582 439.4536 306.0996 c %_439.5571 306.041 439.606 305.918 439.5708 305.8018 c %_437.8403 300.2695 442.9634 295.6523 449.7524 295.9004 c %_449.8755 295.9033 449.9829 295.8193 450.0103 295.6992 c %_450.0356 295.5801 449.9712 295.457 449.8579 295.4111 c %_439.7212 291.248 433.0005 282.4316 433.0005 271.4033 c %_433.0005 259.8906 439.9087 250.5488 451.0415 250.5488 c %_460.1255 250.5488 469.2095 258.8672 469.2095 269.2285 c %_469.2095 277.2891 464.731 282.0225 458.9731 282.0225 c %_453.9849 282.0225 450.0181 278.5684 450.0181 274.4736 c %_450.0181 268.6211 456.6001 266.499 460.1118 271.1309 c %_460.1821 271.2227 460.3032 271.2559 460.4087 271.2129 c %_460.5161 271.1699 460.5806 271.0625 460.5669 270.9482 c %_460.0435 266.5586 456.8149 262.4482 451.8091 262.4482 c %_447.2036 262.4482 442.4692 266.2861 442.4692 274.4746 c %_442.4692 284.1982 451.8071 294.0508 467.1606 294.0508 c %_488.1431 294.0508 499.5317 270.3809 489.2974 251.4453 C %_494.5415 257.459 499.2759 263.8555 499.2759 275.2432 c %_499.2759 296.75 478.0122 311.291 452.9224 302.7441 c %_452.8032 302.7021 452.6724 302.7559 452.6157 302.8672 c %_452.5571 302.9785 452.5884 303.1143 452.6899 303.1895 c %_459.6958 308.2979 467.0337 315.8262 467.0337 328.4668 c %_467.0337 341.6475 458.3345 350.9854 444.772 350.9854 c %_434.2798 350.9854 427.6274 344.5879 427.6274 337.04 c %_427.6274 331.2822 431.3462 326.6768 437.7349 326.6768 c %_447.2466 326.6768 450.481 337.0195 445.5591 341.6445 c %_445.4751 341.7236 445.4556 341.8516 445.5103 341.9521 c %_445.5669 342.0547 445.6841 342.1055 445.7974 342.0762 c %_450.5669 340.8398 455.1353 336.0068 455.1353 328.7236 c %_455.1353 316.1855 443.4927 307.8682 430.6978 307.8682 c %_424.7017 307.8682 418.8989 309.623 414.2271 312.9102 C %_414.7778 317.0635 413.3579 321.6602 411.2603 324.752 C %_413.2095 317.8848 411.1021 306.5732 400.5864 306.5732 c %_394.6958 306.5732 390.8013 311.1025 390.8013 316.4551 c %_390.8013 322.7793 396.147 325.7314 400.4966 325.125 c %_400.6118 325.1104 400.7017 325.0186 400.7134 324.9023 c %_400.7271 324.7891 400.6606 324.6797 400.5532 324.6367 c %_398.9673 324.0293 397.6118 322.3691 397.6118 320.373 c %_397.6118 317.873 399.52 316.3906 401.52 316.3906 c %_404.8149 316.3906 406.645 320.0605 405.4927 324.1104 C %_405.5044 324.1104 L %_404.4321 326.9473 403.8286 330.1152 403.8286 333.6055 c %_403.8286 350.3672 422.0103 366.3398 444.9497 366.3398 c %_469.1626 366.3398 482.0044 349.0664 482.0044 331.2822 c %_482.0044 321.7461 478.4224 314.5225 473.8149 309.915 C %_493.7368 312.0332 506.313 303.5176 513.0942 291.2354 C %_508.6157 287.3975 506.9536 281.7676 Y %_512.3267 288.8057 521.5376 294.9453 534.4595 294.9453 c %_554.0356 294.9453 569.3911 275.7539 569.3911 255.1563 c %_569.3911 242.084 564.5884 229.375 554.8267 220.9102 C %_560.8638 215.8809 563.4731 208.5391 560.6978 202.6055 c %_f %_*U %_*u %_0 D %_1 0.2 0 0 0 Xy %_482.2114 327.9053 m %_482.1782 327.7852 482.2388 327.6582 482.3521 327.6094 c %_497.1763 321.0957 507.6372 308.6289 512.0063 294.2324 c %_512.0415 294.1152 512.1548 294.0391 512.2778 294.0527 c %_512.3989 294.0664 512.4946 294.166 512.5024 294.2871 c %_513.229 304.9434 510.1274 315.4531 504.0005 324.0234 C %_518.1216 324.9648 529.2407 332.9297 536.1997 344.5723 C %_540.3286 338.46 548.6509 338.7969 551.8599 345.6035 c %_551.9106 345.708 551.8833 345.832 551.7954 345.9063 c %_551.7075 345.9805 551.5806 345.9873 551.4868 345.9219 c %_547.2134 342.9688 539.8071 346.498 542.9282 357.9355 c %_544.981 365.4561 549.3716 369.4668 553.5259 368.333 c %_556.7915 367.4414 557.7661 364.002 557.0864 361.5146 c %_555.9243 357.2539 551.438 355.8623 548.481 358.6357 c %_548.397 358.7158 548.2681 358.7285 548.1704 358.6641 c %_548.0728 358.5986 548.0298 358.4775 548.0688 358.3662 c %_548.9868 355.7852 550.5571 353.7285 553.6157 352.8936 c %_558.811 351.4756 565.6743 354.8115 567.8618 362.8252 c %_570.2114 371.4316 565.7153 381.0566 557.604 383.2715 c %_546.2036 386.3818 538.1392 378.166 534.3931 368.2383 C %_533.9263 372.8896 530.1079 377.3203 v %_530.0317 377.4092 529.9048 377.4336 529.8013 377.3818 c %_529.6978 377.3291 529.6431 377.2129 529.6665 377.0996 c %_531.106 370.6641 530.9575 363.8047 529.1099 357.0361 c %_523.9438 338.1074 503.6626 326.0977 482.479 328.0938 c %_482.354 328.1055 482.2407 328.0254 482.2114 327.9053 c %_f %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-1.837222) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ %_1 D %_512.5806 240.1348 m %_518.7739 233.666 531.0493 228.6133 541.6646 230.168 c %_541.7856 230.1855 541.9009 230.1172 541.9399 230.0039 c %_541.981 229.8906 541.936 229.7637 541.8345 229.7012 c %_536.1743 226.2617 524.8384 225.0723 513.5786 230.4609 C %_510.4536 228.1035 507.6489 226.8496 504.1919 226.2715 c %_504.0806 226.2539 503.9692 226.3125 503.9204 226.4141 c %_503.8735 226.5156 503.8989 226.6387 503.9849 226.7148 c %_508.5454 230.6484 510.8286 234.6563 512.5806 240.1348 C %_f %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-1.837222) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ %_399.7935 281.9121 m %_399.6763 281.8711 399.5454 281.9258 399.4888 282.0371 c %_399.4321 282.1484 399.4653 282.2852 399.5688 282.3594 c %_406.6938 287.4785 412.4829 295.291 415.4204 306.0566 c %_422.6802 332.6563 411.3267 353.792 395.2544 361.0146 c %_395.1509 361.0605 395.0903 361.1689 395.106 361.2803 c %_395.1216 361.3926 395.2095 361.4814 395.3208 361.4971 c %_402.0747 362.4785 411.2622 361.6729 420.7915 350.3486 c %_426.4927 343.5732 429.7271 336.373 436.0142 334.6563 c %_440.1216 333.5352 443.5103 334.9551 444.4126 338.2617 c %_445.3618 341.7393 442.9966 344.8018 439.6528 345.7148 c %_437.9653 346.1738 436.1626 346.1436 434.4146 345.6836 c %_434.2993 345.6533 434.1821 345.7051 434.1255 345.8086 c %_434.0708 345.9121 434.0923 346.04 434.1802 346.1172 c %_436.8325 348.4746 440.8677 350.125 445.5708 348.8408 c %_452.4907 346.9531 456.6606 339.457 454.4673 331.415 c %_452.104 322.7578 443.3696 317.5234 433.5864 320.1934 c %_430.2329 321.1084 426.4497 323.168 423.7603 326.4648 C %_425.5942 322.4551 427.0493 320.1855 430.8286 317.6133 C %_429.8364 307.1035 425.3091 296.8271 417.4009 289.8389 C %_423.2192 287.9863 427.604 284.7207 430.5083 279.6855 c %_430.5669 279.582 430.5454 279.4531 430.4595 279.373 c %_430.3696 279.293 430.2388 279.2832 430.1411 279.3535 c %_423.1802 284.2344 410.9048 285.582 399.7935 281.9121 c %_f %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-1.837222) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ %_383.1919 195.8809 m %_379.1548 199.3105 377.936 205.0469 379.4106 210.8672 c %_379.4419 210.9883 379.5552 211.0684 379.6782 211.0566 c %_379.8032 211.0469 379.8989 210.9492 379.9106 210.8281 c %_380.0981 208.6543 380.9458 206.748 382.4927 205.4355 c %_386.4712 202.0566 393.5571 203.834 398.4634 209.3828 c %_398.522 209.4492 398.6079 209.4805 398.6938 209.4668 c %_398.7798 209.4531 398.8521 209.3984 398.8872 209.3203 c %_401.1528 204.2539 406.1079 197.5938 419.0005 194.0742 c %_437.0239 189.1563 457.3794 196.1992 461.6235 211.752 c %_464.0493 220.6406 459.8306 229.4824 451.5845 235.7109 C %_456.0298 230.123 458.7075 223.4238 456.6177 215.7695 c %_453.5532 204.5391 439.1567 198.918 421.8755 203.6348 c %_405.5825 208.0801 389.7075 224.748 393.8833 240.0547 c %_396.1743 248.4492 404.6821 252.8887 413.4458 250.4961 c %_421.2231 248.375 424.2837 242.1016 422.7329 236.4219 c %_421.5669 232.1445 417.7407 230.0195 414.2153 229.9941 c %_414.0962 229.9941 413.9927 230.0762 413.9653 230.1934 c %_413.9419 230.3105 413.9985 230.4277 414.1079 230.4785 c %_415.1704 230.9688 416.188 231.877 416.6509 233.5742 c %_417.4263 236.4121 415.3911 238.5605 413.6353 239.0391 c %_410.3032 239.9492 407.2837 238.1211 406.272 234.416 c %_404.8911 229.3574 409.3677 223.8906 416.5239 221.9355 c %_425.4126 219.5117 435.8833 225.8066 438.2075 234.3223 c %_440.5825 243.0254 435.3501 254.4648 420.9087 258.4063 c %_406.7153 262.2813 387.7935 257.0996 383.6157 241.793 c %_381.1802 232.8691 383.1333 224.1875 388.2075 216.5508 c %_388.2739 216.4512 388.2622 216.3164 388.1763 216.2305 c %_388.0884 216.1445 387.9536 216.1328 387.854 216.2012 c %_376.5415 223.8828 364.1118 224.707 362.3267 218.1699 c %_361.4536 214.9727 363.3052 212.7188 365.7524 212.0508 c %_368.2681 211.3652 370.8462 212.6289 372.0337 215.4883 c %_372.0806 215.5996 372.2017 215.6641 372.3208 215.6406 c %_372.438 215.6133 372.5259 215.5098 372.522 215.3867 c %_372.4302 208.3477 367.0044 202.5625 360.1587 204.4316 c %_354.1021 206.084 350.8364 212.5488 352.688 219.3359 c %_355.4888 229.5977 367.6997 231.5391 377.0063 226.6504 C %_371.647 233.7715 368.1919 243.1035 371.2524 254.3184 c %_377.4517 277.0313 406.5044 281.4355 423.9087 276.6855 c %_439.7075 272.373 448.9517 266.4023 454.9087 257.6152 C %_451.1079 267.0098 445.4419 272.0039 436.8345 275.9434 C %_430.3052 284.0918 434.5161 299.5195 v %_436.2759 305.9707 440.3091 311.3418 446.1079 314.7793 C %_446.1079 314.7813 446.106 314.7842 446.1021 314.7871 C %_446.1509 314.8105 446.1997 314.8379 446.2466 314.8613 C %_446.6333 315.0879 447.0298 315.3057 447.4321 315.5146 C %_453.4438 319.1211 460.4966 327.6973 459.2661 337.6113 c %_459.2524 337.7236 459.3149 337.832 459.4185 337.877 c %_459.5239 337.9219 459.645 337.8896 459.7153 337.8018 c %_464.3677 331.9629 464.2114 324.1104 461.8794 318.8857 C %_465.7368 318.915 469.9087 318.375 474.3442 317.165 c %_490.1685 312.8457 499.0122 301.3135 501.9126 290.5566 C %_506.4106 292.5977 512.0063 290.4043 514.9888 285.9199 c %_515.0532 285.8184 515.0415 285.6855 514.9575 285.5996 c %_514.8735 285.5156 514.7407 285.5 514.6392 285.5645 c %_509.7583 288.6914 503.9556 284.9648 502.4048 278.3496 c %_502.3774 278.2305 502.2681 278.1484 502.145 278.1543 c %_502.022 278.1602 501.9204 278.2539 501.9067 278.377 c %_500.5591 289.251 493.8228 298.0566 483.1841 300.96 c %_472.0767 303.9922 461.2446 299.7852 458.3149 289.0469 c %_455.9224 280.2832 461.5571 269.3301 471.5513 266.6016 c %_479.3286 264.4785 485.0747 267.5527 486.5903 273.1074 c %_487.9048 277.9199 485.6157 282.6563 481.6665 283.7344 c %_476.0181 285.2754 472.2388 279.4844 475.7837 274.877 c %_475.8521 274.7852 475.854 274.6602 475.7837 274.5684 c %_475.7153 274.4766 475.5923 274.4434 475.4868 274.4863 c %_471.3892 276.1465 468.2739 280.3418 469.5923 285.1729 c %_470.8052 289.6152 475.7544 293.1729 483.6548 291.0166 c %_493.0356 288.457 500.0806 276.8555 496.0376 262.043 c %_490.5142 241.7988 464.6802 237.0449 449.1079 251.9043 C %_453.5278 245.2617 458.4517 239.0098 469.438 236.0117 c %_490.188 230.3496 509.813 247.0332 508.1724 273.4902 c %_508.1646 273.6152 508.2505 273.7285 508.3735 273.7539 c %_508.4946 273.7813 508.6196 273.7129 508.6646 273.5977 c %_511.7466 265.4922 517.0786 256.4316 529.2739 253.1035 c %_541.9888 249.6328 553.2876 255.5664 556.8599 268.6504 c %_559.6216 278.7734 555.2017 286.875 547.9204 288.8623 c %_542.3657 290.3789 536.9419 288.0039 535.2603 281.8398 c %_532.7563 272.6641 541.8833 266.8203 547.6411 270.3516 c %_547.7388 270.4121 547.8677 270.3965 547.9497 270.3164 c %_548.0337 270.2363 548.0513 270.1094 547.9927 270.0078 c %_545.5454 265.7324 539.6802 262.5977 532.6548 264.5156 c %_520.5571 267.8164 515.6001 281.2383 518.9673 293.5811 c %_520.5454 299.3652 523.7681 304.502 528.1685 308.1426 C %_532.0298 306.5186 536.8384 306.6777 540.3735 307.8867 C %_533.2349 307.8154 522.8794 312.8262 525.647 322.9707 c %_527.1978 328.6533 532.5923 331.2188 537.7563 329.8086 c %_543.8579 328.1436 545.2974 322.21 543.5688 318.1729 c %_543.522 318.0654 543.4106 318.0039 543.2974 318.0225 c %_543.1821 318.04 543.0942 318.1318 543.0825 318.2471 c %_542.9146 319.9375 541.6685 321.6836 539.7446 322.208 c %_537.3325 322.8662 535.3989 321.415 534.8735 319.4854 c %_534.0044 316.3066 537.063 313.5752 541.2739 313.6211 C %_541.27 313.6094 L %_544.2896 313.8984 547.5044 313.6445 550.8716 312.7266 c %_567.0415 308.3125 577.6646 286.5674 571.6235 264.4375 c %_565.2485 241.0781 545.2056 233.2363 528.0474 237.9199 c %_518.8481 240.4297 512.8228 245.7871 509.5903 251.4453 C %_506.3892 231.668 494.8618 221.7793 481.229 218.4707 C %_478.7056 223.8008 473.7114 226.8867 Y %_479.0864 219.8496 482.5845 209.3477 479.1821 196.8809 c %_474.0278 177.9961 451.4712 168.2344 431.6001 173.6582 c %_418.9888 177.0996 407.9927 185.0801 402.397 196.7266 C %_395.9556 192.2266 388.186 191.6406 383.1919 195.8809 c %_f %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-1.837222) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ %_*U %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-1.837222) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ %_u %_*u %_0 D %_0 0 0 0 k %_0 1 0 0 0 Xy %_530.1294 269.9688 m %_530.0044 269.9688 529.8989 269.877 529.8794 269.7539 c %_527.5005 253.7402 518.2271 240.3652 505.4888 232.3594 c %_505.3853 232.2949 505.3403 232.1641 505.3872 232.0508 c %_505.4321 231.9375 505.5532 231.8711 505.6724 231.8965 c %_516.145 234 525.4653 239.7598 532.1216 247.9277 C %_536.7466 234.5508 547.3579 225.9219 560.4224 222.2734 C %_555.6138 216.6816 558.1294 208.7402 565.5415 207.4375 c %_565.6548 207.416 565.7661 207.4746 565.8149 207.5781 c %_565.8638 207.6816 565.8364 207.8066 565.7485 207.8809 c %_561.7759 211.2266 563.229 219.3008 575.0864 219.3008 c %_582.8804 219.3008 587.9077 216.1211 587.9077 211.8145 c %_587.9077 208.4297 584.8452 206.584 582.2651 206.584 c %_577.8511 206.584 575.3267 210.5449 577.2231 214.127 c %_577.2778 214.2305 577.2563 214.3574 577.1685 214.4355 c %_577.0806 214.5137 576.9517 214.5215 576.854 214.4551 c %_574.606 212.8906 573.0356 210.834 573.0356 207.6641 c %_573.0356 202.2773 578.062 196.5352 586.3687 196.5332 c %_595.2905 196.5332 603.3921 203.4043 603.3921 211.8145 c %_603.3921 223.6309 593.3433 229.248 582.7788 230.248 C %_587.144 231.9219 590.4116 236.7734 v %_590.478 236.8691 590.4683 236.998 590.3901 237.084 c %_590.312 237.1719 590.1851 237.1934 590.0835 237.1387 c %_584.2534 234.0566 577.5942 232.3945 570.5806 232.3945 c %_550.9575 232.3945 534.0337 248.7988 530.3813 269.7607 c %_530.3599 269.8818 530.2524 269.9727 530.1294 269.9688 c %_f %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141592) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ %_1 D %_453.4517 217.5625 m %_448.8442 209.8867 447.1997 196.7129 451.4946 186.8809 c %_451.5435 186.7695 451.5083 186.6406 451.4087 186.5703 c %_451.3091 186.502 451.1763 186.5117 451.0884 186.5957 c %_446.2817 191.1484 442.1489 201.7715 444.3833 214.0527 C %_441.2876 216.4473 439.3384 218.8223 437.8696 222.0059 c %_437.8228 222.1074 437.8501 222.2305 437.936 222.3047 c %_438.022 222.377 438.147 222.3848 438.2427 222.3203 c %_443.2388 218.959 447.7056 217.8125 453.4517 217.5625 C %_f %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141592) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ %_464.0591 337.3691 m %_463.9907 337.4727 464.0083 337.6133 464.1001 337.6973 c %_464.1938 337.7813 464.3345 337.7852 464.4321 337.7061 c %_471.2466 332.1797 480.3071 328.6504 491.4673 328.6504 c %_519.0376 328.6504 536.4399 345.1689 539.1743 362.5771 c %_539.1919 362.6885 539.2817 362.7734 539.3931 362.7891 c %_539.5044 362.8047 539.6138 362.7422 539.6587 362.6396 c %_542.3833 356.3818 544.0259 347.3057 535.6099 335.1309 c %_530.5747 327.8457 524.479 322.8311 524.479 316.3145 c %_524.479 312.0566 526.7407 309.1602 530.1685 309.1602 c %_533.7739 309.1602 536.106 312.248 536.104 315.7148 c %_536.104 317.4629 535.6001 319.1934 534.6958 320.7607 c %_534.6372 320.8633 534.6548 320.9902 534.7407 321.0723 c %_534.8247 321.1523 534.9556 321.165 535.0532 321.1016 c %_538.0259 319.1641 540.6802 315.7021 540.6802 310.8281 c %_540.6802 303.6563 534.5474 297.6602 526.2095 297.6602 c %_517.2368 297.6602 509.8872 304.709 509.8872 314.8477 c %_509.8872 318.3262 510.8755 322.5156 513.3501 325.9805 C %_509.9653 323.1523 508.1587 321.1523 506.6724 316.8271 C %_496.272 315.0186 485.1665 316.6797 476.3403 322.4727 C %_476.0864 316.3711 474.0903 311.2793 469.9985 307.1533 c %_469.9146 307.0684 469.7837 307.0547 469.6841 307.1182 c %_469.5825 307.1816 469.5415 307.3066 469.5806 307.4189 c %_472.4575 315.4199 470.5239 327.6152 464.0591 337.3691 c %_f %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141592) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ %_376.6938 330.7344 m %_378.938 335.5352 384.1528 338.2188 390.1548 338.3271 c %_390.2798 338.3311 390.3872 338.2432 390.4087 338.1211 c %_390.4321 337.998 390.3638 337.8779 390.2485 337.8359 c %_388.2017 337.082 386.5864 335.7637 385.7271 333.9258 c %_383.5142 329.1973 387.0942 322.8301 393.7407 319.5566 c %_393.8188 319.5186 393.8716 319.4434 393.8813 319.3594 c %_393.8911 319.2725 393.856 319.1885 393.7915 319.1318 c %_389.5005 315.6143 384.3794 309.0781 384.3794 295.7148 c %_384.3774 277.0322 396.5337 259.25 412.6548 259.25 c %_421.8677 259.25 429.2876 265.6465 433.1255 275.2422 C %_428.9028 269.4844 423.145 265.1348 415.2114 265.1348 c %_403.5708 265.1348 394.3579 277.5439 394.356 295.459 c %_394.356 312.3457 406.2583 332.0518 422.1216 332.0508 c %_430.8247 332.0488 437.3481 325.0117 437.3481 315.9277 c %_437.3481 307.8672 432.1021 303.2637 426.2173 303.2637 c %_421.7798 303.2637 418.7231 306.3936 417.772 309.7871 c %_417.7388 309.9023 417.7915 310.0254 417.897 310.0811 c %_418.0044 310.1357 418.1333 310.1104 418.2114 310.0186 c %_418.9634 309.124 420.1079 308.3809 421.8657 308.3809 c %_424.8091 308.3789 426.3442 310.9082 426.3442 312.7285 c %_426.3442 316.1836 423.7856 318.6152 419.9458 318.6152 c %_414.7036 318.6152 410.606 312.8564 410.606 305.4385 c %_410.606 296.2236 419.436 287.7813 428.2642 287.7813 c %_437.2856 287.7813 446.9438 295.8408 446.9438 310.8125 c %_446.9419 325.5234 436.9653 342.4141 421.0981 342.4141 c %_411.8481 342.4141 403.9849 338.2441 397.9556 331.3398 c %_397.8755 331.248 397.7427 331.2246 397.6392 331.2852 c %_397.5317 331.3477 397.4849 331.4727 397.5239 331.5879 c %_401.9575 344.5234 399.4771 356.7344 392.7036 356.7324 c %_389.3892 356.7324 387.7017 354.3535 387.7017 351.8154 c %_387.7017 349.21 389.6001 347.0566 392.6704 346.6611 c %_392.7915 346.6475 392.8833 346.5479 392.8931 346.4268 c %_392.8989 346.3047 392.8188 346.1943 392.7017 346.1641 c %_385.8872 344.4004 378.8774 348.1133 378.8774 355.2061 c %_378.8774 361.4854 384.2544 366.3398 391.2896 366.3398 c %_401.9263 366.3379 407.0142 355.0684 404.7485 344.8047 C %_410.2075 351.8486 418.3013 357.6396 429.9263 357.6396 c %_453.4692 357.6396 465.3677 330.7715 465.3677 312.7285 c %_465.3677 296.3525 462.0415 285.8604 455.1313 277.8018 C %_463.1938 283.9404 466.52 290.7227 468.0552 300.0645 C %_474.1958 308.5078 490.188 308.5078 v %_496.8755 308.5078 503.1177 306.0322 507.9614 301.3438 C %_507.9634 301.3447 507.9653 301.3477 507.9673 301.3486 C %_508.0024 301.3105 508.0396 301.2695 508.0767 301.2314 C %_508.397 300.915 508.7114 300.5918 509.02 300.2578 C %_514.0806 295.4102 524.2114 290.8633 533.4517 294.6602 c %_533.5571 294.7031 533.6782 294.6699 533.7485 294.582 c %_533.8188 294.4932 533.8188 294.3672 533.7524 294.2754 c %_529.3462 288.252 521.729 286.335 516.0747 287.21 C %_517.1177 283.4941 517.6958 279.3281 517.6958 274.7305 c %_517.6978 258.3262 508.8989 246.7598 499.2856 241.1289 C %_502.438 237.3281 501.7954 231.3535 498.2544 227.2949 c %_498.1743 227.2051 498.0435 227.1816 497.938 227.2402 c %_497.8345 227.2988 497.7837 227.4238 497.8188 227.5391 c %_499.5513 233.0703 494.4282 237.6875 487.6392 237.4395 c %_487.5161 237.4355 487.4067 237.5195 487.3813 237.6406 c %_487.356 237.7617 487.4185 237.8828 487.5337 237.9277 c %_497.6685 242.0918 504.3911 250.9102 504.3892 261.9355 c %_504.3911 273.4492 497.481 282.79 486.3501 282.79 c %_477.2661 282.79 468.1821 274.4727 468.1821 264.1133 c %_468.1821 256.0508 472.6587 251.3184 478.4165 251.3164 c %_483.4067 251.3184 487.3735 254.7715 487.3735 258.8672 c %_487.3735 264.7188 480.7896 266.8408 477.2778 262.209 c %_477.2095 262.1172 477.0864 262.084 476.981 262.127 c %_476.8755 262.1689 476.811 262.2773 476.8228 262.3926 c %_477.3462 266.7813 480.5767 270.8926 485.5825 270.8926 c %_490.188 270.8926 494.9224 267.0518 494.9224 258.8652 c %_494.9224 249.1406 485.5845 239.291 470.231 239.2891 c %_449.2466 239.2891 437.8599 262.959 448.0942 281.8945 C %_442.8501 275.8809 438.1157 269.4844 438.1157 258.0977 c %_438.1138 236.5898 459.3794 222.0488 484.4692 230.5977 c %_484.5884 230.6367 484.7192 230.584 484.7759 230.4746 c %_484.8345 230.3633 484.8013 230.2266 484.6997 230.1523 c %_477.6938 225.043 470.356 217.5137 470.356 204.873 c %_470.356 191.6934 479.0552 182.3535 492.6196 182.3535 c %_503.1099 182.3535 509.7642 188.752 509.7642 196.2988 c %_509.7642 202.0566 506.0454 206.6641 499.6567 206.6641 c %_490.1431 206.6641 486.9087 196.3203 491.8325 191.6953 c %_491.9165 191.6152 491.936 191.4902 491.8813 191.3887 c %_491.8247 191.2871 491.7056 191.2344 491.5942 191.2637 c %_486.8247 192.5 482.2563 197.332 482.2563 204.6152 c %_482.2544 217.1563 493.897 225.4727 506.6919 225.4727 c %_512.688 225.4727 518.4907 223.7188 523.1646 220.4297 C %_522.6118 216.2773 524.0317 211.6816 526.1313 208.5879 C %_524.1821 215.457 526.2915 226.7656 536.8032 226.7676 c %_542.6958 226.7656 546.5903 222.2383 546.5903 216.8867 c %_546.5903 210.5605 541.2446 207.6094 536.895 208.2148 c %_536.7798 208.2305 536.6899 208.3223 536.6763 208.4375 c %_536.6646 208.5527 536.731 208.6602 536.8384 208.7031 c %_538.4243 209.3105 539.7817 210.9727 539.7817 212.9668 c %_539.7817 215.4668 537.8696 216.9492 535.8696 216.9492 c %_532.5767 216.9492 530.7466 213.2793 531.8989 209.2305 C %_531.8872 209.2285 L %_532.9595 206.3926 533.561 203.2246 533.561 199.7363 c %_533.561 182.9746 515.3813 167.002 492.4399 167 c %_468.229 167 455.3872 184.2734 455.3892 202.0566 c %_455.3892 211.5938 458.9692 218.8184 463.5767 223.4258 C %_443.6548 221.3066 431.0786 229.8223 424.2974 242.1035 C %_428.7759 245.9414 430.438 251.5723 Y %_425.0649 244.5352 415.854 238.3945 402.9321 238.3945 c %_383.356 238.3945 368.0005 257.5859 368.0005 278.1836 c %_368.0005 291.2568 372.8032 303.9648 382.5649 312.4307 C %_376.5278 317.459 373.9185 324.8018 376.6938 330.7344 c %_f %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141592) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ %_*U %_U %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141592) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ %_0 0.25 0 0 0 Xy %_0 0 Xd %_6 () XW %_U %_/ArtDictionary : %_1 /Bool (AIPattern_Is_Main_Copy_of_EditGroup) , %_1 /Bool (AIPattern_Is_Repeated_Art) , %_; %_ %_9 () XW %_u %_*u %_0 D %_0 O %_0.35 0.6 0.8 0.25 k %_0 1 0 0 0 Xy %_240.2622 263.3711 m %_240.3872 263.3711 240.4927 263.4629 240.5103 263.585 c %_242.8911 279.5996 252.1646 292.9746 264.9028 300.9814 c %_265.0063 301.0449 265.0493 301.1758 265.0044 301.29 c %_264.9575 301.4023 264.8384 301.4688 264.7173 301.4443 c %_254.2466 299.3398 244.9243 293.5811 238.27 285.4141 C %_233.644 298.7891 223.0337 307.418 209.9692 311.0654 C %_214.7778 316.6582 212.2622 324.5986 204.8501 325.9023 c %_204.7368 325.9229 204.6245 325.8643 204.5757 325.7607 c %_204.5278 325.6563 204.5542 325.5322 204.6421 325.46 c %_208.6157 322.1143 207.1616 314.04 195.3052 314.04 c %_187.5103 314.04 182.4849 317.2188 182.4849 321.5254 c %_182.4849 324.9102 185.5464 326.7559 188.1255 326.7559 c %_192.5415 326.7559 195.0649 322.7949 193.1675 319.2129 c %_193.1128 319.1104 193.1353 318.9814 193.2231 318.9033 c %_193.311 318.8271 193.4399 318.8184 193.5366 318.8857 c %_195.7856 320.4492 197.356 322.5059 197.356 325.6768 c %_197.356 331.0635 192.3306 336.8066 184.0239 336.8066 c %_175.1021 336.8066 167.0005 329.9355 167.0005 321.5254 c %_167.0005 309.71 177.0493 304.0918 187.6138 303.0918 C %_183.2485 301.4189 179.98 296.5664 v %_179.9146 296.4697 179.9243 296.3418 180.0015 296.2559 c %_180.0796 296.1689 180.2056 296.1475 180.3091 296.2012 c %_186.1392 299.2822 192.7954 300.9453 199.811 300.9453 c %_219.4321 300.9453 236.3579 284.541 240.0103 263.5801 c %_240.0317 263.4561 240.1382 263.3691 240.2622 263.3711 c %_f %_1 D %_316.9399 315.7773 m %_321.5493 323.4551 323.1919 336.627 318.897 346.46 c %_318.8481 346.5703 318.8833 346.6992 318.9829 346.7686 c %_319.0806 346.8379 319.2153 346.8281 319.3032 346.7461 c %_324.1099 342.1914 328.2427 331.5684 326.0083 319.2871 C %_329.106 316.8936 331.0532 314.5176 332.522 311.335 c %_332.5688 311.2314 332.5415 311.1104 332.4556 311.0352 c %_332.3696 310.9629 332.2446 310.9551 332.1489 311.0186 c %_327.1528 314.3809 322.686 315.5283 316.9399 315.7773 C %_f %_306.3306 195.9707 m %_306.4009 195.8672 306.3833 195.7266 306.2915 195.6426 c %_306.1978 195.5586 306.0571 195.5547 305.9595 195.6348 c %_299.145 201.1621 290.0845 204.6895 278.9243 204.6895 c %_251.3521 204.6895 233.9517 188.1719 231.2163 170.7637 c %_231.1987 170.6523 231.1099 170.5664 230.9985 170.5508 c %_230.8862 170.5371 230.7778 170.5977 230.7329 170.7012 c %_228.0073 176.959 226.3657 186.0352 234.7817 198.209 c %_239.8159 205.4941 245.9106 210.5098 245.9106 217.0273 c %_245.9106 221.2852 243.6509 224.1797 240.2231 224.1797 c %_236.6177 224.1797 234.2866 221.0918 234.2866 217.625 c %_234.2866 215.877 234.7915 214.1465 235.6958 212.5801 c %_235.7544 212.4766 235.7358 212.3496 235.6509 212.2676 c %_235.5649 212.1875 235.436 212.1758 235.3384 212.2402 c %_232.3657 214.1777 229.7114 217.6367 229.7114 222.5117 c %_229.7114 229.6836 235.8442 235.6816 244.1802 235.6816 c %_253.1548 235.6816 260.5044 228.6328 260.5044 218.4922 c %_260.5044 215.0156 259.5142 210.8242 257.0415 207.3613 C %_260.4263 210.1875 262.2329 212.1875 263.7192 216.5117 C %_274.1196 218.3223 285.2251 216.6602 294.0493 210.8691 C %_294.3052 216.9707 296.3013 222.0605 300.3931 226.1875 c %_300.4771 226.2715 300.6079 226.2852 300.7075 226.2227 c %_300.8091 226.1582 300.8521 226.0332 300.811 225.9219 c %_297.9341 217.9199 299.8657 205.7246 306.3306 195.9707 c %_f %_393.6978 202.6055 m %_391.4517 197.8066 386.2388 195.1211 380.2368 195.0117 c %_380.1118 195.0098 380.0044 195.0977 379.9829 195.2188 c %_379.9595 195.3418 380.0278 195.4609 380.1431 195.5039 c %_382.1899 196.2578 383.8052 197.5762 384.6646 199.4141 c %_386.8774 204.1426 383.2974 210.5098 376.6509 213.7832 c %_376.5728 213.8223 376.52 213.8965 376.5103 213.9824 c %_376.5005 214.0684 376.5337 214.1523 376.6001 214.207 c %_380.8911 217.7266 386.0122 224.2617 386.0122 237.627 c %_386.0122 256.3086 373.8579 274.0898 357.7368 274.0898 c %_348.5239 274.0898 341.104 267.6934 337.2661 258.0977 C %_341.4868 263.8564 347.2446 268.2051 355.1782 268.2051 c %_366.8208 268.2051 376.0337 255.7969 376.0337 237.8828 c %_376.0337 220.9941 364.1333 201.2891 348.2681 201.2891 c %_339.5669 201.2891 333.0435 208.3281 333.0435 217.4121 c %_333.0435 225.4746 338.2896 230.0781 344.1763 230.0781 c %_348.6099 230.0781 351.6685 226.9473 352.6196 223.5527 c %_352.6509 223.4375 352.6001 223.3164 352.4927 223.2598 c %_352.3872 223.2051 352.2583 223.2305 352.1802 223.3223 c %_351.4282 224.2168 350.2837 224.9609 348.5259 224.9609 c %_345.5825 224.9609 344.0474 222.4316 344.0474 220.6113 c %_344.0474 217.1563 346.606 214.7246 350.4458 214.7246 c %_355.6899 214.7246 359.7856 220.4824 359.7856 227.9023 c %_359.7856 237.1152 350.9556 245.5586 342.1274 245.5586 c %_333.106 245.5586 323.4478 237.5 323.4478 222.5293 c %_323.4478 207.8164 333.4282 190.9258 349.2935 190.9258 c %_358.5435 190.9258 366.4048 195.0957 372.436 202.002 c %_372.5161 202.0918 372.6489 202.1152 372.7544 202.0547 c %_372.8599 201.9941 372.9067 201.8672 372.8677 201.752 c %_368.4341 188.8164 370.9126 176.6074 377.688 176.6074 c %_381.0024 176.6074 382.6899 178.9863 382.6899 181.5234 c %_382.6899 184.1309 380.7915 186.2852 377.7212 186.6777 c %_377.6001 186.6934 377.5063 186.793 377.4985 186.9141 c %_377.4927 187.0352 377.5708 187.1465 377.6899 187.1758 c %_384.5044 188.9395 391.5142 185.2285 391.5142 178.1328 c %_391.5142 171.8555 386.1372 167.002 379.1021 167.002 c %_368.4653 167.002 363.3774 178.2715 365.6431 188.5371 C %_360.1841 181.4922 352.0903 175.7012 340.4653 175.7012 c %_316.9224 175.7012 305.0239 202.5703 305.0239 220.6113 c %_305.0239 236.9883 308.3501 247.4785 315.2603 255.5391 C %_307.1978 249.3984 303.8716 242.6172 302.3384 233.2773 C %_296.1958 224.832 280.2036 224.832 v %_273.5161 224.832 267.2739 227.3086 262.4302 231.998 C %_262.4282 231.9961 262.4263 231.9941 262.4243 231.9902 C %_262.3892 232.0313 262.3501 232.0703 262.3149 232.1094 C %_261.9946 232.4238 261.6802 232.748 261.3716 233.082 C %_256.3091 237.9316 246.1802 242.4785 236.9399 238.6797 c %_236.8345 238.6367 236.7134 238.6699 236.6431 238.7578 c %_236.5728 238.8477 236.5708 238.9727 236.6382 239.0645 c %_241.0454 245.0898 248.6626 247.0059 254.3169 246.1309 C %_253.272 249.8457 252.6938 254.0117 252.6938 258.6094 c %_252.6938 275.0137 261.4927 286.5801 271.106 292.2109 C %_267.9517 296.0137 268.5962 301.9883 272.1372 306.0449 c %_272.2173 306.1357 272.3481 306.1582 272.4536 306.0996 c %_272.5571 306.041 272.606 305.918 272.5708 305.8018 c %_270.8403 300.2695 275.9634 295.6523 282.7524 295.9004 c %_282.8755 295.9033 282.9829 295.8193 283.0103 295.6992 c %_283.0356 295.5801 282.9712 295.457 282.8579 295.4111 c %_272.7212 291.248 266.0005 282.4316 266.0005 271.4033 c %_266.0005 259.8906 272.9087 250.5488 284.0415 250.5488 c %_293.1255 250.5488 302.2095 258.8672 302.2095 269.2285 c %_302.2095 277.2891 297.731 282.0225 291.9731 282.0225 c %_286.9849 282.0225 283.0181 278.5684 283.0181 274.4736 c %_283.0181 268.6211 289.6001 266.499 293.1118 271.1309 c %_293.1821 271.2227 293.3032 271.2559 293.4087 271.2129 c %_293.5161 271.1699 293.5806 271.0625 293.5669 270.9482 c %_293.0435 266.5586 289.8149 262.4482 284.8091 262.4482 c %_280.2036 262.4482 275.4692 266.2861 275.4692 274.4746 c %_275.4692 284.1982 284.8071 294.0508 300.1606 294.0508 c %_321.1431 294.0508 332.5317 270.3809 322.2974 251.4453 C %_327.5415 257.459 332.2759 263.8555 332.2759 275.2432 c %_332.2759 296.75 311.0122 311.291 285.9224 302.7441 c %_285.8032 302.7021 285.6724 302.7559 285.6157 302.8672 c %_285.5571 302.9785 285.5884 303.1143 285.6899 303.1895 c %_292.6958 308.2979 300.0337 315.8262 300.0337 328.4668 c %_300.0337 341.6475 291.3345 350.9854 277.772 350.9854 c %_267.2798 350.9854 260.6274 344.5879 260.6274 337.04 c %_260.6274 331.2822 264.3462 326.6768 270.7349 326.6768 c %_280.2466 326.6768 283.481 337.0195 278.5591 341.6445 c %_278.4751 341.7236 278.4556 341.8516 278.5103 341.9521 c %_278.5669 342.0547 278.6841 342.1055 278.7974 342.0762 c %_283.5669 340.8398 288.1353 336.0068 288.1353 328.7236 c %_288.1353 316.1855 276.4927 307.8682 263.6978 307.8682 c %_257.7017 307.8682 251.8989 309.623 247.2271 312.9102 C %_247.7778 317.0635 246.3579 321.6602 244.2603 324.752 C %_246.2095 317.8848 244.1021 306.5732 233.5864 306.5732 c %_227.6958 306.5732 223.8013 311.1025 223.8013 316.4551 c %_223.8013 322.7793 229.147 325.7314 233.4966 325.125 c %_233.6118 325.1104 233.7007 325.0186 233.7134 324.9023 c %_233.7271 324.7891 233.6606 324.6797 233.5532 324.6367 c %_231.9673 324.0293 230.6108 322.3691 230.6108 320.373 c %_230.6108 317.873 232.52 316.3906 234.52 316.3906 c %_237.8149 316.3906 239.645 320.0605 238.4927 324.1104 C %_238.5044 324.1104 L %_237.4312 326.9473 236.8286 330.1152 236.8286 333.6055 c %_236.8286 350.3672 255.0103 366.3398 277.9497 366.3398 c %_302.1626 366.3398 315.0044 349.0664 315.0044 331.2822 c %_315.0044 321.7461 311.4224 314.5225 306.8149 309.915 C %_326.7368 312.0332 339.313 303.5176 346.0942 291.2354 C %_341.6157 287.3975 339.9536 281.7676 Y %_345.3267 288.8057 354.5376 294.9453 367.4595 294.9453 c %_387.0356 294.9453 402.3911 275.7539 402.3911 255.1563 c %_402.3911 242.084 397.5884 229.375 387.8267 220.9102 C %_393.8638 215.8809 396.4731 208.5391 393.6978 202.6055 c %_f %_*U %_*u %_0 D %_1 0.2 0 0 0 Xy %_315.2114 327.9053 m %_315.1782 327.7852 315.2388 327.6582 315.3521 327.6094 c %_330.1763 321.0957 340.6372 308.6289 345.0063 294.2324 c %_345.0415 294.1152 345.1548 294.0391 345.2778 294.0527 c %_345.3989 294.0664 345.4946 294.166 345.5024 294.2871 c %_346.229 304.9434 343.1274 315.4531 337.0005 324.0234 C %_351.1216 324.9648 362.2407 332.9297 369.1997 344.5723 C %_373.3286 338.46 381.6509 338.7969 384.8599 345.6035 c %_384.9106 345.708 384.8833 345.832 384.7954 345.9063 c %_384.7075 345.9805 384.5806 345.9873 384.4868 345.9219 c %_380.2134 342.9688 372.8071 346.498 375.9282 357.9355 c %_377.981 365.4561 382.3716 369.4668 386.5259 368.333 c %_389.7915 367.4414 390.7661 364.002 390.0864 361.5146 c %_388.9243 357.2539 384.438 355.8623 381.481 358.6357 c %_381.397 358.7158 381.2681 358.7285 381.1704 358.6641 c %_381.0728 358.5986 381.0298 358.4775 381.0688 358.3662 c %_381.9868 355.7852 383.5571 353.7285 386.6157 352.8936 c %_391.811 351.4756 398.6743 354.8115 400.8618 362.8252 c %_403.2114 371.4316 398.7153 381.0566 390.604 383.2715 c %_379.2036 386.3818 371.1392 378.166 367.3931 368.2383 C %_366.9263 372.8896 363.1079 377.3203 v %_363.0317 377.4092 362.9048 377.4336 362.8013 377.3818 c %_362.6978 377.3291 362.6431 377.2129 362.6665 377.0996 c %_364.106 370.6641 363.9575 363.8047 362.1099 357.0361 c %_356.9438 338.1074 336.6626 326.0977 315.479 328.0938 c %_315.354 328.1055 315.2407 328.0254 315.2114 327.9053 c %_f %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-1.837222) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ %_1 D %_345.5806 240.1348 m %_351.7739 233.666 364.0493 228.6133 374.6646 230.168 c %_374.7856 230.1855 374.9009 230.1172 374.9399 230.0039 c %_374.981 229.8906 374.936 229.7637 374.8345 229.7012 c %_369.1743 226.2617 357.8384 225.0723 346.5786 230.4609 C %_343.4536 228.1035 340.6489 226.8496 337.1919 226.2715 c %_337.0806 226.2539 336.9692 226.3125 336.9204 226.4141 c %_336.8735 226.5156 336.8989 226.6387 336.9849 226.7148 c %_341.5454 230.6484 343.8286 234.6563 345.5806 240.1348 C %_f %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-1.837222) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ %_232.7935 281.9121 m %_232.6753 281.8711 232.5444 281.9258 232.4878 282.0371 c %_232.4312 282.1484 232.4644 282.2852 232.5679 282.3594 c %_239.6938 287.4785 245.4829 295.291 248.4204 306.0566 c %_255.6802 332.6563 244.3267 353.792 228.2534 361.0146 c %_228.1499 361.0605 228.0903 361.1689 228.105 361.2803 c %_228.1216 361.3926 228.2085 361.4814 228.3198 361.4971 c %_235.0747 362.4785 244.2622 361.6729 253.7915 350.3486 c %_259.4927 343.5732 262.7271 336.373 269.0142 334.6563 c %_273.1216 333.5352 276.5103 334.9551 277.4126 338.2617 c %_278.3618 341.7393 275.9966 344.8018 272.6528 345.7148 c %_270.9653 346.1738 269.1626 346.1436 267.4146 345.6836 c %_267.2993 345.6533 267.1821 345.7051 267.1255 345.8086 c %_267.0708 345.9121 267.0923 346.04 267.1802 346.1172 c %_269.8325 348.4746 273.8677 350.125 278.5708 348.8408 c %_285.4907 346.9531 289.6606 339.457 287.4673 331.415 c %_285.104 322.7578 276.3696 317.5234 266.5864 320.1934 c %_263.2329 321.1084 259.4497 323.168 256.7603 326.4648 C %_258.5942 322.4551 260.0493 320.1855 263.8286 317.6133 C %_262.8364 307.1035 258.3091 296.8271 250.4009 289.8389 C %_256.2192 287.9863 260.604 284.7207 263.5083 279.6855 c %_263.5669 279.582 263.5454 279.4531 263.4595 279.373 c %_263.3696 279.293 263.2388 279.2832 263.1411 279.3535 c %_256.1802 284.2344 243.9048 285.582 232.7935 281.9121 c %_f %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-1.837222) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ %_216.1919 195.8809 m %_212.1538 199.3105 210.936 205.0469 212.4106 210.8672 c %_212.4419 210.9883 212.5542 211.0684 212.6772 211.0566 c %_212.8022 211.0469 212.8989 210.9492 212.9097 210.8281 c %_213.0981 208.6543 213.9448 206.748 215.4917 205.4355 c %_219.4712 202.0566 226.5562 203.834 231.4634 209.3828 c %_231.522 209.4492 231.6079 209.4805 231.6929 209.4668 c %_231.7788 209.4531 231.8511 209.3984 231.8862 209.3203 c %_234.1519 204.2539 239.1079 197.5938 252.0005 194.0742 c %_270.0239 189.1563 290.3794 196.1992 294.6235 211.752 c %_297.0493 220.6406 292.8306 229.4824 284.5845 235.7109 C %_289.0298 230.123 291.7075 223.4238 289.6177 215.7695 c %_286.5532 204.5391 272.1567 198.918 254.8755 203.6348 c %_238.5825 208.0801 222.7065 224.748 226.8833 240.0547 c %_229.1743 248.4492 237.6821 252.8887 246.4458 250.4961 c %_254.2231 248.375 257.2837 242.1016 255.7329 236.4219 c %_254.5669 232.1445 250.7407 230.0195 247.2153 229.9941 c %_247.0962 229.9941 246.9927 230.0762 246.9653 230.1934 c %_246.9419 230.3105 246.9985 230.4277 247.1079 230.4785 c %_248.1704 230.9688 249.188 231.877 249.6509 233.5742 c %_250.4263 236.4121 248.3911 238.5605 246.6353 239.0391 c %_243.3022 239.9492 240.2827 238.1211 239.271 234.416 c %_237.8911 229.3574 242.3667 223.8906 249.5239 221.9355 c %_258.4126 219.5117 268.8833 225.8066 271.2075 234.3223 c %_273.5825 243.0254 268.3501 254.4648 253.9087 258.4063 c %_239.7153 262.2813 220.7925 257.0996 216.6157 241.793 c %_214.1802 232.8691 216.1333 224.1875 221.2075 216.5508 c %_221.2739 216.4512 221.2612 216.3164 221.1753 216.2305 c %_221.0884 216.1445 220.9536 216.1328 220.853 216.2012 c %_209.5415 223.8828 197.1108 224.707 195.3267 218.1699 c %_194.4536 214.9727 196.3042 212.7188 198.7524 212.0508 c %_201.2681 211.3652 203.8462 212.6289 205.0327 215.4883 c %_205.0796 215.5996 205.2007 215.6641 205.3198 215.6406 c %_205.438 215.6133 205.5249 215.5098 205.522 215.3867 c %_205.4292 208.3477 200.0034 202.5625 193.1577 204.4316 c %_187.1021 206.084 183.8354 212.5488 185.688 219.3359 c %_188.4888 229.5977 200.6997 231.5391 210.0063 226.6504 C %_204.647 233.7715 201.1919 243.1035 204.2524 254.3184 c %_210.4507 277.0313 239.5044 281.4355 256.9087 276.6855 c %_272.7075 272.373 281.9517 266.4023 287.9087 257.6152 C %_284.1079 267.0098 278.4419 272.0039 269.8345 275.9434 C %_263.3052 284.0918 267.5161 299.5195 v %_269.2759 305.9707 273.3091 311.3418 279.1079 314.7793 C %_279.1079 314.7813 279.106 314.7842 279.1021 314.7871 C %_279.1509 314.8105 279.1997 314.8379 279.2466 314.8613 C %_279.6333 315.0879 280.0298 315.3057 280.4321 315.5146 C %_286.4438 319.1211 293.4966 327.6973 292.2661 337.6113 c %_292.2524 337.7236 292.3149 337.832 292.4185 337.877 c %_292.5239 337.9219 292.645 337.8896 292.7153 337.8018 c %_297.3677 331.9629 297.2114 324.1104 294.8794 318.8857 C %_298.7368 318.915 302.9087 318.375 307.3442 317.165 c %_323.1685 312.8457 332.0122 301.3135 334.9126 290.5566 C %_339.4106 292.5977 345.0063 290.4043 347.9888 285.9199 c %_348.0532 285.8184 348.0415 285.6855 347.9575 285.5996 c %_347.8735 285.5156 347.7407 285.5 347.6392 285.5645 c %_342.7583 288.6914 336.9556 284.9648 335.4048 278.3496 c %_335.3774 278.2305 335.2681 278.1484 335.145 278.1543 c %_335.022 278.1602 334.9204 278.2539 334.9067 278.377 c %_333.5591 289.251 326.8228 298.0566 316.1841 300.96 c %_305.0767 303.9922 294.2446 299.7852 291.3149 289.0469 c %_288.9224 280.2832 294.5571 269.3301 304.5513 266.6016 c %_312.3286 264.4785 318.0747 267.5527 319.5903 273.1074 c %_320.9048 277.9199 318.6157 282.6563 314.6665 283.7344 c %_309.0181 285.2754 305.2388 279.4844 308.7837 274.877 c %_308.8521 274.7852 308.854 274.6602 308.7837 274.5684 c %_308.7153 274.4766 308.5923 274.4434 308.4868 274.4863 c %_304.3892 276.1465 301.2739 280.3418 302.5923 285.1729 c %_303.8052 289.6152 308.7544 293.1729 316.6548 291.0166 c %_326.0356 288.457 333.0806 276.8555 329.0376 262.043 c %_323.5142 241.7988 297.6802 237.0449 282.1079 251.9043 C %_286.5278 245.2617 291.4517 239.0098 302.438 236.0117 c %_323.188 230.3496 342.813 247.0332 341.1724 273.4902 c %_341.1646 273.6152 341.2505 273.7285 341.3735 273.7539 c %_341.4946 273.7813 341.6196 273.7129 341.6646 273.5977 c %_344.7466 265.4922 350.0786 256.4316 362.2739 253.1035 c %_374.9888 249.6328 386.2876 255.5664 389.8599 268.6504 c %_392.6216 278.7734 388.2017 286.875 380.9204 288.8623 c %_375.3657 290.3789 369.9419 288.0039 368.2603 281.8398 c %_365.7563 272.6641 374.8833 266.8203 380.6411 270.3516 c %_380.7388 270.4121 380.8677 270.3965 380.9497 270.3164 c %_381.0337 270.2363 381.0513 270.1094 380.9927 270.0078 c %_378.5454 265.7324 372.6802 262.5977 365.6548 264.5156 c %_353.5571 267.8164 348.6001 281.2383 351.9673 293.5811 c %_353.5454 299.3652 356.7681 304.502 361.1685 308.1426 C %_365.0298 306.5186 369.8384 306.6777 373.3735 307.8867 C %_366.2349 307.8154 355.8794 312.8262 358.647 322.9707 c %_360.1978 328.6533 365.5923 331.2188 370.7563 329.8086 c %_376.8579 328.1436 378.2974 322.21 376.5688 318.1729 c %_376.522 318.0654 376.4106 318.0039 376.2974 318.0225 c %_376.1821 318.04 376.0942 318.1318 376.0825 318.2471 c %_375.9146 319.9375 374.6685 321.6836 372.7446 322.208 c %_370.3325 322.8662 368.3989 321.415 367.8735 319.4854 c %_367.0044 316.3066 370.063 313.5752 374.2739 313.6211 C %_374.27 313.6094 L %_377.2896 313.8984 380.5044 313.6445 383.8716 312.7266 c %_400.0415 308.3125 410.6646 286.5674 404.6235 264.4375 c %_398.2485 241.0781 378.2056 233.2363 361.0474 237.9199 c %_351.8481 240.4297 345.8228 245.7871 342.5903 251.4453 C %_339.3892 231.668 327.8618 221.7793 314.229 218.4707 C %_311.7056 223.8008 306.7114 226.8867 Y %_312.0864 219.8496 315.5845 209.3477 312.1821 196.8809 c %_307.0278 177.9961 284.4712 168.2344 264.6001 173.6582 c %_251.9888 177.0996 240.9927 185.0801 235.397 196.7266 C %_228.9556 192.2266 221.186 191.6406 216.1919 195.8809 c %_f %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-1.837222) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ %_*U %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-1.837222) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ %_u %_*u %_0 D %_0 0 0 0 k %_0 1 0 0 0 Xy %_363.1294 269.9688 m %_363.0044 269.9688 362.8989 269.877 362.8794 269.7539 c %_360.5005 253.7402 351.2271 240.3652 338.4888 232.3594 c %_338.3853 232.2949 338.3403 232.1641 338.3872 232.0508 c %_338.4321 231.9375 338.5532 231.8711 338.6724 231.8965 c %_349.145 234 358.4653 239.7598 365.1216 247.9277 C %_369.7466 234.5508 380.3579 225.9219 393.4224 222.2734 C %_388.6138 216.6816 391.1294 208.7402 398.5415 207.4375 c %_398.6548 207.416 398.7661 207.4746 398.8149 207.5781 c %_398.8638 207.6816 398.8364 207.8066 398.7485 207.8809 c %_394.7759 211.2266 396.229 219.3008 408.0864 219.3008 c %_415.8794 219.3008 420.9067 216.1211 420.9067 211.8145 c %_420.9067 208.4297 417.8442 206.584 415.2642 206.584 c %_410.8501 206.584 408.3267 210.5449 410.2231 214.127 c %_410.2778 214.2305 410.2563 214.3574 410.1685 214.4355 c %_410.0806 214.5137 409.9517 214.5215 409.854 214.4551 c %_407.606 212.8906 406.0356 210.834 406.0356 207.6641 c %_406.0356 202.2773 411.061 196.5352 419.3677 196.5332 c %_428.2896 196.5332 436.3911 203.4043 436.3911 211.8145 c %_436.3911 223.6309 426.3423 229.248 415.7778 230.248 C %_420.1431 231.9219 423.4106 236.7734 v %_423.4771 236.8691 423.4673 236.998 423.3892 237.084 c %_423.311 237.1719 423.1841 237.1934 423.0825 237.1387 c %_417.2524 234.0566 410.5942 232.3945 403.5806 232.3945 c %_383.9575 232.3945 367.0337 248.7988 363.3813 269.7607 c %_363.3599 269.8818 363.2524 269.9727 363.1294 269.9688 c %_f %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141592) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ %_1 D %_286.4517 217.5625 m %_281.8442 209.8867 280.1997 196.7129 284.4946 186.8809 c %_284.5435 186.7695 284.5083 186.6406 284.4087 186.5703 c %_284.3091 186.502 284.1763 186.5117 284.0884 186.5957 c %_279.2817 191.1484 275.1489 201.7715 277.3833 214.0527 C %_274.2876 216.4473 272.3384 218.8223 270.8696 222.0059 c %_270.8228 222.1074 270.8501 222.2305 270.936 222.3047 c %_271.022 222.377 271.147 222.3848 271.2427 222.3203 c %_276.2388 218.959 280.7056 217.8125 286.4517 217.5625 C %_f %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141592) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ %_297.0591 337.3691 m %_296.9907 337.4727 297.0083 337.6133 297.1001 337.6973 c %_297.1938 337.7813 297.3345 337.7852 297.4321 337.7061 c %_304.2466 332.1797 313.3071 328.6504 324.4673 328.6504 c %_352.0376 328.6504 369.4399 345.1689 372.1743 362.5771 c %_372.1919 362.6885 372.2817 362.7734 372.3931 362.7891 c %_372.5044 362.8047 372.6138 362.7422 372.6587 362.6396 c %_375.3833 356.3818 377.0259 347.3057 368.6099 335.1309 c %_363.5747 327.8457 357.479 322.8311 357.479 316.3145 c %_357.479 312.0566 359.7407 309.1602 363.1685 309.1602 c %_366.7739 309.1602 369.106 312.248 369.104 315.7148 c %_369.104 317.4629 368.6001 319.1934 367.6958 320.7607 c %_367.6372 320.8633 367.6548 320.9902 367.7407 321.0723 c %_367.8247 321.1523 367.9556 321.165 368.0532 321.1016 c %_371.0259 319.1641 373.6802 315.7021 373.6802 310.8281 c %_373.6802 303.6563 367.5474 297.6602 359.2095 297.6602 c %_350.2368 297.6602 342.8872 304.709 342.8872 314.8477 c %_342.8872 318.3262 343.8755 322.5156 346.3501 325.9805 C %_342.9653 323.1523 341.1587 321.1523 339.6724 316.8271 C %_329.272 315.0186 318.1665 316.6797 309.3403 322.4727 C %_309.0864 316.3711 307.0903 311.2793 302.9985 307.1533 c %_302.9146 307.0684 302.7837 307.0547 302.6841 307.1182 c %_302.5825 307.1816 302.5415 307.3066 302.5806 307.4189 c %_305.4575 315.4199 303.5239 327.6152 297.0591 337.3691 c %_f %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141592) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ %_209.6938 330.7344 m %_211.938 335.5352 217.1528 338.2188 223.1548 338.3271 c %_223.2798 338.3311 223.3872 338.2432 223.4087 338.1211 c %_223.4321 337.998 223.3638 337.8779 223.2485 337.8359 c %_221.2017 337.082 219.5864 335.7637 218.7271 333.9258 c %_216.5142 329.1973 220.0942 322.8301 226.7407 319.5566 c %_226.8188 319.5186 226.8716 319.4434 226.8813 319.3594 c %_226.8911 319.2725 226.856 319.1885 226.7915 319.1318 c %_222.5005 315.6143 217.3794 309.0781 217.3794 295.7148 c %_217.3774 277.0322 229.5337 259.25 245.6548 259.25 c %_254.8677 259.25 262.2876 265.6465 266.1255 275.2422 C %_261.9028 269.4844 256.145 265.1348 248.2114 265.1348 c %_236.5708 265.1348 227.3579 277.5439 227.356 295.459 c %_227.356 312.3457 239.2583 332.0518 255.1216 332.0508 c %_263.8247 332.0488 270.3481 325.0117 270.3481 315.9277 c %_270.3481 307.8672 265.1021 303.2637 259.2173 303.2637 c %_254.7798 303.2637 251.7231 306.3936 250.772 309.7871 c %_250.7388 309.9023 250.7915 310.0254 250.897 310.0811 c %_251.0044 310.1357 251.1333 310.1104 251.2114 310.0186 c %_251.9634 309.124 253.1079 308.3809 254.8657 308.3809 c %_257.8091 308.3789 259.3442 310.9082 259.3442 312.7285 c %_259.3442 316.1836 256.7856 318.6152 252.9458 318.6152 c %_247.7036 318.6152 243.606 312.8564 243.606 305.4385 c %_243.606 296.2236 252.436 287.7813 261.2642 287.7813 c %_270.2856 287.7813 279.9438 295.8408 279.9438 310.8125 c %_279.9419 325.5234 269.9653 342.4141 254.0981 342.4141 c %_244.8481 342.4141 236.9849 338.2441 230.9556 331.3398 c %_230.8755 331.248 230.7427 331.2246 230.6392 331.2852 c %_230.5317 331.3477 230.4849 331.4727 230.5239 331.5879 c %_234.9575 344.5234 232.4771 356.7344 225.7036 356.7324 c %_222.3892 356.7324 220.7017 354.3535 220.7017 351.8154 c %_220.7017 349.21 222.6001 347.0566 225.6704 346.6611 c %_225.7915 346.6475 225.8833 346.5479 225.8931 346.4268 c %_225.8989 346.3047 225.8188 346.1943 225.7017 346.1641 c %_218.8872 344.4004 211.8774 348.1133 211.8774 355.2061 c %_211.8774 361.4854 217.2544 366.3398 224.2896 366.3398 c %_234.9263 366.3379 240.0142 355.0684 237.7485 344.8047 C %_243.2075 351.8486 251.3013 357.6396 262.9263 357.6396 c %_286.4692 357.6396 298.3677 330.7715 298.3677 312.7285 c %_298.3677 296.3525 295.0415 285.8604 288.1313 277.8018 C %_296.1938 283.9404 299.52 290.7227 301.0552 300.0645 C %_307.1958 308.5078 323.188 308.5078 v %_329.8755 308.5078 336.1177 306.0322 340.9614 301.3438 C %_340.9634 301.3447 340.9653 301.3477 340.9673 301.3486 C %_341.0024 301.3105 341.0396 301.2695 341.0767 301.2314 C %_341.397 300.915 341.7114 300.5918 342.02 300.2578 C %_347.0806 295.4102 357.2114 290.8633 366.4517 294.6602 c %_366.5571 294.7031 366.6782 294.6699 366.7485 294.582 c %_366.8188 294.4932 366.8188 294.3672 366.7524 294.2754 c %_362.3462 288.252 354.729 286.335 349.0747 287.21 C %_350.1177 283.4941 350.6958 279.3281 350.6958 274.7305 c %_350.6978 258.3262 341.8989 246.7598 332.2856 241.1289 C %_335.438 237.3281 334.7954 231.3535 331.2544 227.2949 c %_331.1743 227.2051 331.0435 227.1816 330.938 227.2402 c %_330.8345 227.2988 330.7837 227.4238 330.8188 227.5391 c %_332.5513 233.0703 327.4282 237.6875 320.6392 237.4395 c %_320.5161 237.4355 320.4067 237.5195 320.3813 237.6406 c %_320.356 237.7617 320.4185 237.8828 320.5337 237.9277 c %_330.6685 242.0918 337.3911 250.9102 337.3892 261.9355 c %_337.3911 273.4492 330.481 282.79 319.3501 282.79 c %_310.2661 282.79 301.1821 274.4727 301.1821 264.1133 c %_301.1821 256.0508 305.6587 251.3184 311.4165 251.3164 c %_316.4067 251.3184 320.3735 254.7715 320.3735 258.8672 c %_320.3735 264.7188 313.7896 266.8408 310.2778 262.209 c %_310.2095 262.1172 310.0864 262.084 309.981 262.127 c %_309.8755 262.1689 309.811 262.2773 309.8228 262.3926 c %_310.3462 266.7813 313.5767 270.8926 318.5825 270.8926 c %_323.188 270.8926 327.9224 267.0518 327.9224 258.8652 c %_327.9224 249.1406 318.5845 239.291 303.231 239.2891 c %_282.2466 239.2891 270.8599 262.959 281.0942 281.8945 C %_275.8501 275.8809 271.1157 269.4844 271.1157 258.0977 c %_271.1138 236.5898 292.3794 222.0488 317.4692 230.5977 c %_317.5884 230.6367 317.7192 230.584 317.7759 230.4746 c %_317.8345 230.3633 317.8013 230.2266 317.6997 230.1523 c %_310.6938 225.043 303.356 217.5137 303.356 204.873 c %_303.356 191.6934 312.0552 182.3535 325.6196 182.3535 c %_336.1099 182.3535 342.7642 188.752 342.7642 196.2988 c %_342.7642 202.0566 339.0454 206.6641 332.6567 206.6641 c %_323.1431 206.6641 319.9087 196.3203 324.8325 191.6953 c %_324.9165 191.6152 324.936 191.4902 324.8813 191.3887 c %_324.8247 191.2871 324.7056 191.2344 324.5942 191.2637 c %_319.8247 192.5 315.2563 197.332 315.2563 204.6152 c %_315.2544 217.1563 326.897 225.4727 339.6919 225.4727 c %_345.688 225.4727 351.4907 223.7188 356.1646 220.4297 C %_355.6118 216.2773 357.0317 211.6816 359.1313 208.5879 C %_357.1821 215.457 359.2915 226.7656 369.8032 226.7676 c %_375.6958 226.7656 379.5903 222.2383 379.5903 216.8867 c %_379.5903 210.5605 374.2446 207.6094 369.895 208.2148 c %_369.7798 208.2305 369.6899 208.3223 369.6763 208.4375 c %_369.6646 208.5527 369.731 208.6602 369.8384 208.7031 c %_371.4243 209.3105 372.7817 210.9727 372.7817 212.9668 c %_372.7817 215.4668 370.8696 216.9492 368.8696 216.9492 c %_365.5767 216.9492 363.7466 213.2793 364.8989 209.2305 C %_364.8872 209.2285 L %_365.9595 206.3926 366.561 203.2246 366.561 199.7363 c %_366.561 182.9746 348.3813 167.002 325.4399 167 c %_301.229 167 288.3872 184.2734 288.3892 202.0566 c %_288.3892 211.5938 291.9692 218.8184 296.5767 223.4258 C %_276.6548 221.3066 264.0786 229.8223 257.2974 242.1035 C %_261.7759 245.9414 263.438 251.5723 Y %_258.0649 244.5352 248.854 238.3945 235.9321 238.3945 c %_216.356 238.3945 201.0005 257.5859 201.0005 278.1836 c %_201.0005 291.2568 205.8032 303.9648 215.5649 312.4307 C %_209.5278 317.459 206.9185 324.8018 209.6938 330.7344 c %_f %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141592) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ %_*U %_U %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141592) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ %_0 0.25 0 0 0 Xy %_0 0 Xd %_6 () XW %_U 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322.5059 30.3555 325.6768 c %_30.3555 331.0635 25.3301 336.8066 17.0234 336.8066 c %_8.10156 336.8066 0 329.9355 0 321.5254 c %_0 309.71 10.0488 304.0918 20.6133 303.0918 C %_16.248 301.4189 12.9795 296.5664 v %_12.9141 296.4697 12.9238 296.3418 13.001 296.2559 c %_13.0791 296.1689 13.2051 296.1475 13.3086 296.2012 c %_19.1387 299.2822 25.7949 300.9453 32.8105 300.9453 c %_52.4316 300.9453 69.3574 284.541 73.0098 263.5801 c %_73.0313 263.4561 73.1377 263.3691 73.2617 263.3711 c %_f %_1 D %_149.9395 315.7773 m %_154.5488 323.4551 156.1914 336.627 151.8965 346.46 c %_151.8477 346.5703 151.8828 346.6992 151.9824 346.7686 c %_152.0801 346.8379 152.2148 346.8281 152.3027 346.7461 c %_157.1094 342.1914 161.2422 331.5684 159.0078 319.2871 C %_162.1055 316.8936 164.0527 314.5176 165.5215 311.335 c %_165.5684 311.2314 165.541 311.1104 165.4551 311.0352 c %_165.3691 310.9629 165.2441 310.9551 165.1484 311.0186 c %_160.1523 314.3809 155.6855 315.5283 149.9395 315.7773 C %_f %_139.3301 195.9707 m %_139.4004 195.8672 139.3828 195.7266 139.291 195.6426 c %_139.1973 195.5586 139.0566 195.5547 138.959 195.6348 c %_132.1445 201.1621 123.084 204.6895 111.9238 204.6895 c %_84.3516 204.6895 66.9512 188.1719 64.2158 170.7637 c %_64.1982 170.6523 64.1094 170.5664 63.998 170.5508 c %_63.8857 170.5371 63.7773 170.5977 63.7324 170.7012 c %_61.0068 176.959 59.3652 186.0352 67.7813 198.209 c %_72.8154 205.4941 78.9102 210.5098 78.9102 217.0273 c %_78.9102 221.2852 76.6504 224.1797 73.2227 224.1797 c %_69.6172 224.1797 67.2861 221.0918 67.2861 217.625 c %_67.2861 215.877 67.791 214.1465 68.6953 212.5801 c %_68.7539 212.4766 68.7354 212.3496 68.6504 212.2676 c %_68.5645 212.1875 68.4355 212.1758 68.3379 212.2402 c %_65.3652 214.1777 62.7109 217.6367 62.7109 222.5117 c %_62.7109 229.6836 68.8438 235.6816 77.1797 235.6816 c %_86.1543 235.6816 93.5039 228.6328 93.5039 218.4922 c %_93.5039 215.0156 92.5137 210.8242 90.041 207.3613 C %_93.4258 210.1875 95.2324 212.1875 96.7188 216.5117 C %_107.1191 218.3223 118.2246 216.6602 127.0488 210.8691 C %_127.3047 216.9707 129.3008 222.0605 133.3926 226.1875 c %_133.4766 226.2715 133.6074 226.2852 133.707 226.2227 c %_133.8086 226.1582 133.8516 226.0332 133.8105 225.9219 c %_130.9336 217.9199 132.8652 205.7246 139.3301 195.9707 c %_f %_226.6973 202.6055 m %_224.4512 197.8066 219.2383 195.1211 213.2363 195.0117 c %_213.1113 195.0098 213.0039 195.0977 212.9824 195.2188 c %_212.959 195.3418 213.0273 195.4609 213.1426 195.5039 c %_215.1895 196.2578 216.8047 197.5762 217.6641 199.4141 c %_219.877 204.1426 216.2969 210.5098 209.6504 213.7832 c %_209.5723 213.8223 209.5195 213.8965 209.5098 213.9824 c %_209.5 214.0684 209.5332 214.1523 209.5996 214.207 c %_213.8906 217.7266 219.0117 224.2617 219.0117 237.627 c %_219.0117 256.3086 206.8574 274.0898 190.7363 274.0898 c %_181.5234 274.0898 174.1035 267.6934 170.2656 258.0977 C %_174.4863 263.8564 180.2441 268.2051 188.1777 268.2051 c %_199.8203 268.2051 209.0332 255.7969 209.0332 237.8828 c %_209.0332 220.9941 197.1328 201.2891 181.2676 201.2891 c %_172.5664 201.2891 166.043 208.3281 166.043 217.4121 c %_166.043 225.4746 171.2891 230.0781 177.1758 230.0781 c %_181.6094 230.0781 184.668 226.9473 185.6191 223.5527 c %_185.6504 223.4375 185.5996 223.3164 185.4922 223.2598 c %_185.3867 223.2051 185.2578 223.2305 185.1797 223.3223 c %_184.4277 224.2168 183.2832 224.9609 181.5254 224.9609 c %_178.582 224.9609 177.0469 222.4316 177.0469 220.6113 c %_177.0469 217.1563 179.6055 214.7246 183.4453 214.7246 c %_188.6895 214.7246 192.7852 220.4824 192.7852 227.9023 c %_192.7852 237.1152 183.9551 245.5586 175.127 245.5586 c %_166.1055 245.5586 156.4473 237.5 156.4473 222.5293 c %_156.4473 207.8164 166.4277 190.9258 182.293 190.9258 c %_191.543 190.9258 199.4043 195.0957 205.4355 202.002 c %_205.5156 202.0918 205.6484 202.1152 205.7539 202.0547 c %_205.8594 201.9941 205.9063 201.8672 205.8672 201.752 c %_201.4336 188.8164 203.9121 176.6074 210.6875 176.6074 c %_214.002 176.6074 215.6895 178.9863 215.6895 181.5234 c %_215.6895 184.1309 213.791 186.2852 210.7207 186.6777 c %_210.5996 186.6934 210.5059 186.793 210.498 186.9141 c %_210.4922 187.0352 210.5703 187.1465 210.6895 187.1758 c %_217.5039 188.9395 224.5137 185.2285 224.5137 178.1328 c %_224.5137 171.8555 219.1367 167.002 212.1016 167.002 c %_201.4648 167.002 196.377 178.2715 198.6426 188.5371 C %_193.1836 181.4922 185.0898 175.7012 173.4648 175.7012 c %_149.9219 175.7012 138.0234 202.5703 138.0234 220.6113 c %_138.0234 236.9883 141.3496 247.4785 148.2598 255.5391 C %_140.1973 249.3984 136.8711 242.6172 135.3379 233.2773 C %_129.1953 224.832 113.2031 224.832 v %_106.5156 224.832 100.2734 227.3086 95.4297 231.998 C %_95.4277 231.9961 95.4258 231.9941 95.4238 231.9902 C %_95.3887 232.0313 95.3496 232.0703 95.3145 232.1094 C %_94.9941 232.4238 94.6797 232.748 94.3711 233.082 C %_89.3086 237.9316 79.1797 242.4785 69.9395 238.6797 c %_69.834 238.6367 69.7129 238.6699 69.6426 238.7578 c %_69.5723 238.8477 69.5703 238.9727 69.6377 239.0645 c %_74.0449 245.0898 81.6621 247.0059 87.3164 246.1309 C %_86.2715 249.8457 85.6934 254.0117 85.6934 258.6094 c %_85.6934 275.0137 94.4922 286.5801 104.1055 292.2109 C %_100.9512 296.0137 101.5957 301.9883 105.1367 306.0449 c %_105.2168 306.1357 105.3477 306.1582 105.4531 306.0996 c %_105.5566 306.041 105.6055 305.918 105.5703 305.8018 c %_103.8398 300.2695 108.9629 295.6523 115.752 295.9004 c %_115.875 295.9033 115.9824 295.8193 116.0098 295.6992 c %_116.0352 295.5801 115.9707 295.457 115.8574 295.4111 c %_105.7207 291.248 99 282.4316 99 271.4033 c %_99 259.8906 105.9082 250.5488 117.041 250.5488 c %_126.125 250.5488 135.209 258.8672 135.209 269.2285 c %_135.209 277.2891 130.7305 282.0225 124.9727 282.0225 c %_119.9844 282.0225 116.0176 278.5684 116.0176 274.4736 c %_116.0176 268.6211 122.5996 266.499 126.1113 271.1309 c %_126.1816 271.2227 126.3027 271.2559 126.4082 271.2129 c %_126.5156 271.1699 126.5801 271.0625 126.5664 270.9482 c %_126.043 266.5586 122.8145 262.4482 117.8086 262.4482 c %_113.2031 262.4482 108.4688 266.2861 108.4688 274.4746 c %_108.4688 284.1982 117.8066 294.0508 133.1602 294.0508 c %_154.1426 294.0508 165.5313 270.3809 155.2969 251.4453 C %_160.541 257.459 165.2754 263.8555 165.2754 275.2432 c %_165.2754 296.75 144.0117 311.291 118.9219 302.7441 c %_118.8027 302.7021 118.6719 302.7559 118.6152 302.8672 c %_118.5566 302.9785 118.5879 303.1143 118.6895 303.1895 c %_125.6953 308.2979 133.0332 315.8262 133.0332 328.4668 c %_133.0332 341.6475 124.334 350.9854 110.7715 350.9854 c %_100.2793 350.9854 93.627 344.5879 93.627 337.04 c %_93.627 331.2822 97.3457 326.6768 103.7344 326.6768 c %_113.2461 326.6768 116.4805 337.0195 111.5586 341.6445 c %_111.4746 341.7236 111.4551 341.8516 111.5098 341.9521 c %_111.5664 342.0547 111.6836 342.1055 111.7969 342.0762 c %_116.5664 340.8398 121.1348 336.0068 121.1348 328.7236 c %_121.1348 316.1855 109.4922 307.8682 96.6973 307.8682 c %_90.7012 307.8682 84.8984 309.623 80.2266 312.9102 C %_80.7773 317.0635 79.3574 321.6602 77.2598 324.752 C %_79.209 317.8848 77.1016 306.5732 66.5859 306.5732 c %_60.6953 306.5732 56.8008 311.1025 56.8008 316.4551 c %_56.8008 322.7793 62.1465 325.7314 66.4961 325.125 c %_66.6113 325.1104 66.7002 325.0186 66.7129 324.9023 c %_66.7266 324.7891 66.6602 324.6797 66.5527 324.6367 c %_64.9668 324.0293 63.6104 322.3691 63.6104 320.373 c %_63.6104 317.873 65.5195 316.3906 67.5195 316.3906 c %_70.8145 316.3906 72.6445 320.0605 71.4922 324.1104 C %_71.5039 324.1104 L %_70.4307 326.9473 69.8281 330.1152 69.8281 333.6055 c %_69.8281 350.3672 88.0098 366.3398 110.9492 366.3398 c %_135.1621 366.3398 148.0039 349.0664 148.0039 331.2822 c %_148.0039 321.7461 144.4219 314.5225 139.8145 309.915 C %_159.7363 312.0332 172.3125 303.5176 179.0938 291.2354 C %_174.6152 287.3975 172.9531 281.7676 Y %_178.3262 288.8057 187.5371 294.9453 200.459 294.9453 c %_220.0352 294.9453 235.3906 275.7539 235.3906 255.1563 c %_235.3906 242.084 230.5879 229.375 220.8262 220.9102 C %_226.8633 215.8809 229.4727 208.5391 226.6973 202. endstream endobj 26 0 obj <>stream 6055 c %_f %_*U %_*u %_0 D %_1 0.2 0 0 0 Xy %_148.2109 327.9053 m %_148.1777 327.7852 148.2383 327.6582 148.3516 327.6094 c %_163.1758 321.0957 173.6367 308.6289 178.0059 294.2324 c %_178.041 294.1152 178.1543 294.0391 178.2773 294.0527 c %_178.3984 294.0664 178.4941 294.166 178.502 294.2871 c %_179.2285 304.9434 176.127 315.4531 170 324.0234 C %_184.1211 324.9648 195.2402 332.9297 202.1992 344.5723 C %_206.3281 338.46 214.6504 338.7969 217.8594 345.6035 c %_217.9102 345.708 217.8828 345.832 217.7949 345.9063 c %_217.707 345.9805 217.5801 345.9873 217.4863 345.9219 c %_213.2129 342.9688 205.8066 346.498 208.9277 357.9355 c %_210.9805 365.4561 215.3711 369.4668 219.5254 368.333 c %_222.791 367.4414 223.7656 364.002 223.0859 361.5146 c %_221.9238 357.2539 217.4375 355.8623 214.4805 358.6357 c %_214.3965 358.7158 214.2676 358.7285 214.1699 358.6641 c %_214.0723 358.5986 214.0293 358.4775 214.0684 358.3662 c %_214.9863 355.7852 216.5566 353.7285 219.6152 352.8936 c %_224.8105 351.4756 231.6738 354.8115 233.8613 362.8252 c %_236.2109 371.4316 231.7148 381.0566 223.6035 383.2715 c %_212.2031 386.3818 204.1387 378.166 200.3926 368.2383 C %_199.9258 372.8896 196.1074 377.3203 v %_196.0313 377.4092 195.9043 377.4336 195.8008 377.3818 c %_195.6973 377.3291 195.6426 377.2129 195.666 377.0996 c %_197.1055 370.6641 196.957 363.8047 195.1094 357.0361 c %_189.9434 338.1074 169.6621 326.0977 148.4785 328.0938 c %_148.3535 328.1055 148.2402 328.0254 148.2109 327.9053 c %_f %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-1.837222) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ %_1 D %_178.5801 240.1348 m %_184.7734 233.666 197.0488 228.6133 207.6641 230.168 c %_207.7852 230.1855 207.9004 230.1172 207.9395 230.0039 c %_207.9805 229.8906 207.9355 229.7637 207.834 229.7012 c %_202.1738 226.2617 190.8379 225.0723 179.5781 230.4609 C %_176.4531 228.1035 173.6484 226.8496 170.1914 226.2715 c %_170.0801 226.2539 169.9688 226.3125 169.9199 226.4141 c %_169.873 226.5156 169.8984 226.6387 169.9844 226.7148 c %_174.5449 230.6484 176.8281 234.6563 178.5801 240.1348 C %_f %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-1.837222) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ %_65.793 281.9121 m %_65.6748 281.8711 65.5439 281.9258 65.4873 282.0371 c %_65.4307 282.1484 65.4639 282.2852 65.5674 282.3594 c %_72.6934 287.4785 78.4824 295.291 81.4199 306.0566 c %_88.6797 332.6563 77.3262 353.792 61.2529 361.0146 c %_61.1494 361.0605 61.0898 361.1689 61.1045 361.2803 c %_61.1211 361.3926 61.208 361.4814 61.3193 361.4971 c %_68.0742 362.4785 77.2617 361.6729 86.791 350.3486 c %_92.4922 343.5732 95.7266 336.373 102.0137 334.6563 c %_106.1211 333.5352 109.5098 334.9551 110.4121 338.2617 c %_111.3613 341.7393 108.9961 344.8018 105.6523 345.7148 c %_103.9648 346.1738 102.1621 346.1436 100.4141 345.6836 c %_100.2988 345.6533 100.1816 345.7051 100.125 345.8086 c %_100.0703 345.9121 100.0918 346.04 100.1797 346.1172 c %_102.832 348.4746 106.8672 350.125 111.5703 348.8408 c %_118.4902 346.9531 122.6602 339.457 120.4668 331.415 c %_118.1035 322.7578 109.3691 317.5234 99.5859 320.1934 c %_96.2324 321.1084 92.4492 323.168 89.7598 326.4648 C %_91.5938 322.4551 93.0488 320.1855 96.8281 317.6133 C %_95.8359 307.1035 91.3086 296.8271 83.4004 289.8389 C %_89.2188 287.9863 93.6035 284.7207 96.5078 279.6855 c %_96.5664 279.582 96.5449 279.4531 96.459 279.373 c %_96.3691 279.293 96.2383 279.2832 96.1406 279.3535 c %_89.1797 284.2344 76.9043 285.582 65.793 281.9121 c %_f %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-1.837222) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ %_49.1914 195.8809 m %_45.1533 199.3105 43.9355 205.0469 45.4102 210.8672 c %_45.4414 210.9883 45.5537 211.0684 45.6768 211.0566 c %_45.8018 211.0469 45.8984 210.9492 45.9092 210.8281 c %_46.0977 208.6543 46.9443 206.748 48.4912 205.4355 c %_52.4707 202.0566 59.5557 203.834 64.4629 209.3828 c %_64.5215 209.4492 64.6074 209.4805 64.6924 209.4668 c %_64.7783 209.4531 64.8506 209.3984 64.8857 209.3203 c %_67.1514 204.2539 72.1074 197.5938 85 194.0742 c %_103.0234 189.1563 123.3789 196.1992 127.623 211.752 c %_130.0488 220.6406 125.8301 229.4824 117.584 235.7109 C %_122.0293 230.123 124.707 223.4238 122.6172 215.7695 c %_119.5527 204.5391 105.1563 198.918 87.875 203.6348 c %_71.582 208.0801 55.7061 224.748 59.8828 240.0547 c %_62.1738 248.4492 70.6816 252.8887 79.4453 250.4961 c %_87.2227 248.375 90.2832 242.1016 88.7324 236.4219 c %_87.5664 232.1445 83.7402 230.0195 80.2148 229.9941 c %_80.0957 229.9941 79.9922 230.0762 79.9648 230.1934 c %_79.9414 230.3105 79.998 230.4277 80.1074 230.4785 c %_81.1699 230.9688 82.1875 231.877 82.6504 233.5742 c %_83.4258 236.4121 81.3906 238.5605 79.6348 239.0391 c %_76.3018 239.9492 73.2822 238.1211 72.2705 234.416 c %_70.8906 229.3574 75.3662 223.8906 82.5234 221.9355 c %_91.4121 219.5117 101.8828 225.8066 104.207 234.3223 c %_106.582 243.0254 101.3496 254.4648 86.9082 258.4063 c %_72.7148 262.2813 53.792 257.0996 49.6152 241.793 c %_47.1797 232.8691 49.1328 224.1875 54.207 216.5508 c %_54.2734 216.4512 54.2607 216.3164 54.1748 216.2305 c %_54.0879 216.1445 53.9531 216.1328 53.8525 216.2012 c %_42.541 223.8828 30.1104 224.707 28.3262 218.1699 c %_27.4531 214.9727 29.3037 212.7188 31.752 212.0508 c %_34.2676 211.3652 36.8457 212.6289 38.0322 215.4883 c %_38.0791 215.5996 38.2002 215.6641 38.3193 215.6406 c %_38.4375 215.6133 38.5244 215.5098 38.5215 215.3867 c %_38.4287 208.3477 33.0029 202.5625 26.1572 204.4316 c %_20.1016 206.084 16.835 212.5488 18.6875 219.3359 c %_21.4883 229.5977 33.6992 231.5391 43.0059 226.6504 C %_37.6465 233.7715 34.1914 243.1035 37.252 254.3184 c %_43.4502 277.0313 72.5039 281.4355 89.9082 276.6855 c %_105.707 272.373 114.9512 266.4023 120.9082 257.6152 C %_117.1074 267.0098 111.4414 272.0039 102.834 275.9434 C %_96.3047 284.0918 100.5156 299.5195 v %_102.2754 305.9707 106.3086 311.3418 112.1074 314.7793 C %_112.1074 314.7813 112.1055 314.7842 112.1016 314.7871 C %_112.1504 314.8105 112.1992 314.8379 112.2461 314.8613 C %_112.6328 315.0879 113.0293 315.3057 113.4316 315.5146 C %_119.4434 319.1211 126.4961 327.6973 125.2656 337.6113 c %_125.252 337.7236 125.3145 337.832 125.418 337.877 c %_125.5234 337.9219 125.6445 337.8896 125.7148 337.8018 c %_130.3672 331.9629 130.2109 324.1104 127.8789 318.8857 C %_131.7363 318.915 135.9082 318.375 140.3438 317.165 c %_156.168 312.8457 165.0117 301.3135 167.9121 290.5566 C %_172.4102 292.5977 178.0059 290.4043 180.9883 285.9199 c %_181.0527 285.8184 181.041 285.6855 180.957 285.5996 c %_180.873 285.5156 180.7402 285.5 180.6387 285.5645 c %_175.7578 288.6914 169.9551 284.9648 168.4043 278.3496 c %_168.377 278.2305 168.2676 278.1484 168.1445 278.1543 c %_168.0215 278.1602 167.9199 278.2539 167.9063 278.377 c %_166.5586 289.251 159.8223 298.0566 149.1836 300.96 c %_138.0762 303.9922 127.2441 299.7852 124.3145 289.0469 c %_121.9219 280.2832 127.5566 269.3301 137.5508 266.6016 c %_145.3281 264.4785 151.0742 267.5527 152.5898 273.1074 c %_153.9043 277.9199 151.6152 282.6563 147.666 283.7344 c %_142.0176 285.2754 138.2383 279.4844 141.7832 274.877 c %_141.8516 274.7852 141.8535 274.6602 141.7832 274.5684 c %_141.7148 274.4766 141.5918 274.4434 141.4863 274.4863 c %_137.3887 276.1465 134.2734 280.3418 135.5918 285.1729 c %_136.8047 289.6152 141.7539 293.1729 149.6543 291.0166 c %_159.0352 288.457 166.0801 276.8555 162.0371 262.043 c %_156.5137 241.7988 130.6797 237.0449 115.1074 251.9043 C %_119.5273 245.2617 124.4512 239.0098 135.4375 236.0117 c %_156.1875 230.3496 175.8125 247.0332 174.1719 273.4902 c %_174.1641 273.6152 174.25 273.7285 174.373 273.7539 c %_174.4941 273.7813 174.6191 273.7129 174.6641 273.5977 c %_177.7461 265.4922 183.0781 256.4316 195.2734 253.1035 c %_207.9883 249.6328 219.2871 255.5664 222.8594 268.6504 c %_225.6211 278.7734 221.2012 286.875 213.9199 288.8623 c %_208.3652 290.3789 202.9414 288.0039 201.2598 281.8398 c %_198.7559 272.6641 207.8828 266.8203 213.6406 270.3516 c %_213.7383 270.4121 213.8672 270.3965 213.9492 270.3164 c %_214.0332 270.2363 214.0508 270.1094 213.9922 270.0078 c %_211.5449 265.7324 205.6797 262.5977 198.6543 264.5156 c %_186.5566 267.8164 181.5996 281.2383 184.9668 293.5811 c %_186.5449 299.3652 189.7676 304.502 194.168 308.1426 C %_198.0293 306.5186 202.8379 306.6777 206.373 307.8867 C %_199.2344 307.8154 188.8789 312.8262 191.6465 322.9707 c %_193.1973 328.6533 198.5918 331.2188 203.7559 329.8086 c %_209.8574 328.1436 211.2969 322.21 209.5684 318.1729 c %_209.5215 318.0654 209.4102 318.0039 209.2969 318.0225 c %_209.1816 318.04 209.0938 318.1318 209.082 318.2471 c %_208.9141 319.9375 207.668 321.6836 205.7441 322.208 c %_203.332 322.8662 201.3984 321.415 200.873 319.4854 c %_200.0039 316.3066 203.0625 313.5752 207.2734 313.6211 C %_207.2695 313.6094 L %_210.2891 313.8984 213.5039 313.6445 216.8711 312.7266 c %_233.041 308.3125 243.6641 286.5674 237.623 264.4375 c %_231.248 241.0781 211.2051 233.2363 194.0469 237.9199 c %_184.8477 240.4297 178.8223 245.7871 175.5898 251.4453 C %_172.3887 231.668 160.8613 221.7793 147.2285 218.4707 C %_144.7051 223.8008 139.7109 226.8867 Y %_145.0859 219.8496 148.584 209.3477 145.1816 196.8809 c %_140.0273 177.9961 117.4707 168.2344 97.5996 173.6582 c %_84.9883 177.0996 73.9922 185.0801 68.3965 196.7266 C %_61.9551 192.2266 54.1855 191.6406 49.1914 195.8809 c %_f %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-1.837222) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ %_*U %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-1.837222) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ %_u %_*u %_0 D %_0 0 0 0 k %_0 1 0 0 0 Xy %_196.1289 269.9688 m %_196.0039 269.9688 195.8984 269.877 195.8789 269.7539 c %_193.5 253.7402 184.2266 240.3652 171.4883 232.3594 c %_171.3848 232.2949 171.3398 232.1641 171.3867 232.0508 c %_171.4316 231.9375 171.5527 231.8711 171.6719 231.8965 c %_182.1445 234 191.4648 239.7598 198.1211 247.9277 C %_202.7461 234.5508 213.3574 225.9219 226.4219 222.2734 C %_221.6133 216.6816 224.1289 208.7402 231.541 207.4375 c %_231.6543 207.416 231.7656 207.4746 231.8145 207.5781 c %_231.8633 207.6816 231.8359 207.8066 231.748 207.8809 c %_227.7754 211.2266 229.2285 219.3008 241.0859 219.3008 c %_248.8794 219.3008 253.9067 216.1211 253.9067 211.8145 c %_253.9067 208.4297 250.8442 206.584 248.2642 206.584 c %_243.8501 206.584 241.3262 210.5449 243.2227 214.127 c %_243.2773 214.2305 243.2559 214.3574 243.168 214.4355 c %_243.0801 214.5137 242.9512 214.5215 242.8535 214.4551 c %_240.6055 212.8906 239.0352 210.834 239.0352 207.6641 c %_239.0352 202.2773 244.061 196.5352 252.3677 196.5332 c %_261.2896 196.5332 269.3911 203.4043 269.3911 211.8145 c %_269.3911 223.6309 259.3423 229.248 248.7778 230.248 C %_253.1431 231.9219 256.4106 236.7734 v %_256.4771 236.8691 256.4673 236.998 256.3892 237.084 c %_256.311 237.1719 256.1841 237.1934 256.0825 237.1387 c %_250.2524 234.0566 243.5938 232.3945 236.5801 232.3945 c %_216.957 232.3945 200.0332 248.7988 196.3809 269.7607 c %_196.3594 269.8818 196.252 269.9727 196.1289 269.9688 c %_f %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141592) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ %_1 D %_119.4512 217.5625 m %_114.8438 209.8867 113.1992 196.7129 117.4941 186.8809 c %_117.543 186.7695 117.5078 186.6406 117.4082 186.5703 c %_117.3086 186.502 117.1758 186.5117 117.0879 186.5957 c %_112.2813 191.1484 108.1484 201.7715 110.3828 214.0527 C %_107.2871 216.4473 105.3379 218.8223 103.8691 222.0059 c %_103.8223 222.1074 103.8496 222.2305 103.9355 222.3047 c %_104.0215 222.377 104.1465 222.3848 104.2422 222.3203 c %_109.2383 218.959 113.7051 217.8125 119.4512 217.5625 C %_f %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141592) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ %_130.0586 337.3691 m %_129.9902 337.4727 130.0078 337.6133 130.0996 337.6973 c %_130.1934 337.7813 130.334 337.7852 130.4316 337.7061 c %_137.2461 332.1797 146.3066 328.6504 157.4668 328.6504 c %_185.0371 328.6504 202.4395 345.1689 205.1738 362.5771 c %_205.1914 362.6885 205.2813 362.7734 205.3926 362.7891 c %_205.5039 362.8047 205.6133 362.7422 205.6582 362.6396 c %_208.3828 356.3818 210.0254 347.3057 201.6094 335.1309 c %_196.5742 327.8457 190.4785 322.8311 190.4785 316.3145 c %_190.4785 312.0566 192.7402 309.1602 196.168 309.1602 c %_199.7734 309.1602 202.1055 312.248 202.1035 315.7148 c %_202.1035 317.4629 201.5996 319.1934 200.6953 320.7607 c %_200.6367 320.8633 200.6543 320.9902 200.7402 321.0723 c %_200.8242 321.1523 200.9551 321.165 201.0527 321.1016 c %_204.0254 319.1641 206.6797 315.7021 206.6797 310.8281 c %_206.6797 303.6563 200.5469 297.6602 192.209 297.6602 c %_183.2363 297.6602 175.8867 304.709 175.8867 314.8477 c %_175.8867 318.3262 176.875 322.5156 179.3496 325.9805 C %_175.9648 323.1523 174.1582 321.1523 172.6719 316.8271 C %_162.2715 315.0186 151.166 316.6797 142.3398 322.4727 C %_142.0859 316.3711 140.0898 311.2793 135.998 307.1533 c %_135.9141 307.0684 135.7832 307.0547 135.6836 307.1182 c %_135.582 307.1816 135.541 307.3066 135.5801 307.4189 c %_138.457 315.4199 136.5234 327.6152 130.0586 337.3691 c %_f %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141592) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ %_42.6934 330.7344 m %_44.9375 335.5352 50.1523 338.2188 56.1543 338.3271 c %_56.2793 338.3311 56.3867 338.2432 56.4082 338.1211 c %_56.4316 337.998 56.3633 337.8779 56.248 337.8359 c %_54.2012 337.082 52.5859 335.7637 51.7266 333.9258 c %_49.5137 329.1973 53.0938 322.8301 59.7402 319.5566 c %_59.8184 319.5186 59.8711 319.4434 59.8809 319.3594 c %_59.8906 319.2725 59.8555 319.1885 59.791 319.1318 c %_55.5 315.6143 50.3789 309.0781 50.3789 295.7148 c %_50.377 277.0322 62.5332 259.25 78.6543 259.25 c %_87.8672 259.25 95.2871 265.6465 99.125 275.2422 C %_94.9023 269.4844 89.1445 265.1348 81.2109 265.1348 c %_69.5703 265.1348 60.3574 277.5439 60.3555 295.459 c %_60.3555 312.3457 72.2578 332.0518 88.1211 332.0508 c %_96.8242 332.0488 103.3477 325.0117 103.3477 315.9277 c %_103.3477 307.8672 98.1016 303.2637 92.2168 303.2637 c %_87.7793 303.2637 84.7227 306.3936 83.7715 309.7871 c %_83.7383 309.9023 83.791 310.0254 83.8965 310.0811 c %_84.0039 310.1357 84.1328 310.1104 84.2109 310.0186 c %_84.9629 309.124 86.1074 308.3809 87.8652 308.3809 c %_90.8086 308.3789 92.3438 310.9082 92.3438 312.7285 c %_92.3438 316.1836 89.7852 318.6152 85.9453 318.6152 c %_80.7031 318.6152 76.6055 312.8564 76.6055 305.4385 c %_76.6055 296.2236 85.4355 287.7813 94.2637 287.7813 c %_103.2852 287.7813 112.9434 295.8408 112.9434 310.8125 c %_112.9414 325.5234 102.9648 342.4141 87.0977 342.4141 c %_77.8477 342.4141 69.9844 338.2441 63.9551 331.3398 c %_63.875 331.248 63.7422 331.2246 63.6387 331.2852 c %_63.5313 331.3477 63.4844 331.4727 63.5234 331.5879 c %_67.957 344.5234 65.4766 356.7344 58.7031 356.7324 c %_55.3887 356.7324 53.7012 354.3535 53.7012 351.8154 c %_53.7012 349.21 55.5996 347.0566 58.6699 346.6611 c %_58.791 346.6475 58.8828 346.5479 58.8926 346.4268 c %_58.8984 346.3047 58.8184 346.1943 58.7012 346.1641 c %_51.8867 344.4004 44.877 348.1133 44.877 355.2061 c %_44.877 361.4854 50.2539 366.3398 57.2891 366.3398 c %_67.9258 366.3379 73.0137 355.0684 70.748 344.8047 C %_76.207 351.8486 84.3008 357.6396 95.9258 357.6396 c %_119.4688 357.6396 131.3672 330.7715 131.3672 312.7285 c %_131.3672 296.3525 128.041 285.8604 121.1309 277.8018 C %_129.1934 283.9404 132.5195 290.7227 134.0547 300.0645 C %_140.1953 308.5078 156.1875 308.5078 v %_162.875 308.5078 169.1172 306.0322 173.9609 301.3438 C %_173.9629 301.3447 173.9648 301.3477 173.9668 301.3486 C %_174.002 301.3105 174.0391 301.2695 174.0762 301.2314 C %_174.3965 300.915 174.7109 300.5918 175.0195 300.2578 C %_180.0801 295.4102 190.2109 290.8633 199.4512 294.6602 c %_199.5566 294.7031 199.6777 294.6699 199.748 294.582 c %_199.8184 294.4932 199.8184 294.3672 199.752 294.2754 c %_195.3457 288.252 187.7285 286.335 182.0742 287.21 C %_183.1172 283.4941 183.6953 279.3281 183.6953 274.7305 c %_183.6973 258.3262 174.8984 246.7598 165.2852 241.1289 C %_168.4375 237.3281 167.7949 231.3535 164.2539 227.2949 c %_164.1738 227.2051 164.043 227.1816 163.9375 227.2402 c %_163.834 227.2988 163.7832 227.4238 163.8184 227.5391 c %_165.5508 233.0703 160.4277 237.6875 153.6387 237.4395 c %_153.5156 237.4355 153.4063 237.5195 153.3809 237.6406 c %_153.3555 237.7617 153.418 237.8828 153.5332 237.9277 c %_163.668 242.0918 170.3906 250.9102 170.3887 261.9355 c %_170.3906 273.4492 163.4805 282.79 152.3496 282.79 c %_143.2656 282.79 134.1816 274.4727 134.1816 264.1133 c %_134.1816 256.0508 138.6582 251.3184 144.416 251.3164 c %_149.4063 251.3184 153.373 254.7715 153.373 258.8672 c %_153.373 264.7188 146.7891 266.8408 143.2773 262.209 c %_143.209 262.1172 143.0859 262.084 142.9805 262.127 c %_142.875 262.1689 142.8105 262.2773 142.8223 262.3926 c %_143.3457 266.7813 146.5762 270.8926 151.582 270.8926 c %_156.1875 270.8926 160.9219 267.0518 160.9219 258.8652 c %_160.9219 249.1406 151.584 239.291 136.2305 239.2891 c %_115.2461 239.2891 103.8594 262.959 114.0938 281.8945 C %_108.8496 275.8809 104.1152 269.4844 104.1152 258.0977 c %_104.1133 236.5898 125.3789 222.0488 150.4688 230.5977 c %_150.5879 230.6367 150.7188 230.584 150.7754 230.4746 c %_150.834 230.3633 150.8008 230.2266 150.6992 230.1523 c %_143.6934 225.043 136.3555 217.5137 136.3555 204.873 c %_136.3555 191.6934 145.0547 182.3535 158.6191 182.3535 c %_169.1094 182.3535 175.7637 188.752 175.7637 196.2988 c %_175.7637 202.0566 172.0449 206.6641 165.6563 206.6641 c %_156.1426 206.6641 152.9082 196.3203 157.832 191.6953 c %_157.916 191.6152 157.9355 191.4902 157.8809 191.3887 c %_157.8242 191.2871 157.7051 191.2344 157.5938 191.2637 c %_152.8242 192.5 148.2559 197.332 148.2559 204.6152 c %_148.2539 217.1563 159.8965 225.4727 172.6914 225.4727 c %_178.6875 225.4727 184.4902 223.7188 189.1641 220.4297 C %_188.6113 216.2773 190.0313 211.6816 192.1309 208.5879 C %_190.1816 215.457 192.291 226.7656 202.8027 226.7676 c %_208.6953 226.7656 212.5898 222.2383 212.5898 216.8867 c %_212.5898 210.5605 207.2441 207.6094 202.8945 208.2148 c %_202.7793 208.2305 202.6895 208.3223 202.6758 208.4375 c %_202.6641 208.5527 202.7305 208.6602 202.8379 208.7031 c %_204.4238 209.3105 205.7813 210.9727 205.7813 212.9668 c %_205.7813 215.4668 203.8691 216.9492 201.8691 216.9492 c %_198.5762 216.9492 196.7461 213.2793 197.8984 209.2305 C %_197.8867 209.2285 L %_198.959 206.3926 199.5605 203.2246 199.5605 199.7363 c %_199.5605 182.9746 181.3809 167.002 158.4395 167 c %_134.2285 167 121.3867 184.2734 121.3887 202.0566 c %_121.3887 211.5938 124.9688 218.8184 129.5762 223.4258 C %_109.6543 221.3066 97.0781 229.8223 90.2969 242.1035 C %_94.7754 245.9414 96.4375 251.5723 Y %_91.0645 244.5352 81.8535 238.3945 68.9316 238.3945 c %_49.3555 238.3945 34 257.5859 34 278.1836 c %_34 291.2568 38.8027 303.9648 48.5645 312.4307 C %_42.5273 317.459 39.918 324.8018 42.6934 330.7344 c %_f %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141592) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ %_*U %_U %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141592) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ %_0 0.25 0 0 0 Xy %_0 0 Xd %_6 () XW %_U %_/ArtDictionary : %_1 /Bool (AIPattern_Is_Main_Copy_of_EditGroup) , %_1 /Bool (AIPattern_Is_Repeated_Art) , %_; %_ %_9 () XW %_u %_*u %_0 D %_0 O %_0.35 0.6 0.8 0.25 k %_0 1 0 0 0 Xy %_407.2622 430.3711 m %_407.3872 430.3711 407.4927 430.4629 407.5103 430.585 c %_409.8911 446.5996 419.1646 459.9746 431.9028 467.9814 c %_432.0063 468.0449 432.0493 468.1758 432.0044 468.29 c %_431.9575 468.4023 431.8384 468.4688 431.7173 468.4443 c %_421.2466 466.3398 411.9243 460.5811 405.27 452.4141 C %_400.645 465.7891 390.0337 474.418 376.9692 478.0654 C %_381.7778 483.6582 379.2622 491.5986 371.8501 492.9023 c %_371.7368 492.9229 371.6255 492.8643 371.5767 492.7607 c %_371.5278 492.6563 371.5552 492.5322 371.6431 492.46 c %_375.6157 489.1143 374.1626 481.04 362.3052 481.04 c %_354.5103 481.04 349.4849 484.2188 349.4849 488.5254 c %_349.4849 491.9102 352.5474 493.7559 355.1255 493.7559 c %_359.5415 493.7559 362.0649 489.7949 360.1685 486.2129 c %_360.1138 486.1104 360.1353 485.9814 360.2231 485.9033 c %_360.311 485.8271 360.4399 485.8184 360.5376 485.8857 c %_362.7856 487.4492 364.356 489.5059 364.356 492.6768 c %_364.356 498.0635 359.3306 503.8066 351.0239 503.8066 c %_342.1021 503.8066 334.0005 496.9355 334.0005 488.5254 c %_334.0005 476.71 344.0493 471.0918 354.6138 470.0918 C %_350.2485 468.4189 346.981 463.5664 v %_346.9146 463.4697 346.9243 463.3418 347.0024 463.2559 c %_347.0806 463.1689 347.2056 463.1475 347.3091 463.2012 c %_353.1392 466.2822 359.7954 467.9453 366.811 467.9453 c %_386.4321 467.9453 403.3579 451.541 407.0103 430.5801 c %_407.0317 430.4561 407.1392 430.3691 407.2622 430.3711 c %_f %_1 D %_483.9399 482.7773 m %_488.5493 490.4551 490.1919 503.627 485.897 513.46 c %_485.8481 513.5703 485.8833 513.6992 485.9829 513.7686 c %_486.0806 513.8379 486.2153 513.8281 486.3032 513.7461 c %_491.1099 509.1914 495.2427 498.5684 493.0083 486.2871 C %_496.106 483.8936 498.0532 481.5176 499.522 478.335 c %_499.5688 478.2314 499.5415 478.1104 499.4556 478.0352 c %_499.3696 477.9629 499.2446 477.9551 499.1489 478.0186 c %_494.1528 481.3809 489.686 482.5283 483.9399 482.7773 C %_f %_473.3306 362.9707 m %_473.4009 362.8672 473.3833 362.7266 473.2915 362.6426 c %_473.1978 362.5586 473.0571 362.5547 472.9595 362.6348 c %_466.145 368.1621 457.0845 371.6895 445.9243 371.6895 c %_418.3521 371.6895 400.9517 355.1719 398.2173 337.7637 c %_398.1997 337.6523 398.1099 337.5664 397.9985 337.5508 c %_397.8872 337.5371 397.7778 337.5977 397.7329 337.7012 c %_395.0083 343.959 393.3657 353.0352 401.7817 365.209 c %_406.8169 372.4941 412.9106 377.5098 412.9106 384.0273 c %_412.9106 388.2852 410.6509 391.1797 407.2231 391.1797 c %_403.6177 391.1797 401.2876 388.0918 401.2876 384.625 c %_401.2876 382.877 401.7915 381.1465 402.6958 379.5801 c %_402.7544 379.4766 402.7368 379.3496 402.6509 379.2676 c %_402.5649 379.1875 402.436 379.1758 402.3384 379.2402 c %_399.3657 381.1777 396.7114 384.6367 396.7114 389.5117 c %_396.7114 396.6836 402.8442 402.6816 411.1802 402.6816 c %_420.1548 402.6816 427.5044 395.6328 427.5044 385.4922 c %_427.5044 382.0156 426.5142 377.8242 424.0415 374.3613 C %_427.4263 377.1875 429.2329 379.1875 430.7192 383.5117 C %_441.1196 385.3223 452.2251 383.6602 461.0493 377.8691 C %_461.3052 383.9707 463.3013 389.0605 467.3931 393.1875 c %_467.4771 393.2715 467.6079 393.2852 467.7075 393.2227 c %_467.8091 393.1582 467.8521 393.0332 467.811 392.9219 c %_464.9341 384.9199 466.8657 372.7246 473.3306 362.9707 c %_f %_560.6978 369.6055 m %_558.4517 364.8066 553.2388 362.1211 547.2368 362.0117 c %_547.1118 362.0098 547.0044 362.0977 546.9829 362.2188 c %_546.9595 362.3418 547.0278 362.4609 547.1431 362.5039 c %_549.1899 363.2578 550.8052 364.5762 551.6646 366.4141 c %_553.8774 371.1426 550.2974 377.5098 543.6509 380.7832 c %_543.5728 380.8223 543.52 380.8965 543.5103 380.9824 c %_543.5005 381.0684 543.5337 381.1523 543.6001 381.207 c %_547.8911 384.7266 553.0122 391.2617 553.0122 404.627 c %_553.0122 423.3086 540.8579 441.0898 524.7368 441.0898 c %_515.5239 441.0898 508.104 434.6934 504.2661 425.0977 C %_508.4868 430.8564 514.2446 435.2051 522.1782 435.2051 c %_533.8208 435.2051 543.0337 422.7969 543.0337 404.8828 c %_543.0337 387.9941 531.1333 368.2891 515.2681 368.2891 c %_506.5669 368.2891 500.0435 375.3281 500.0435 384.4121 c %_500.0435 392.4746 505.2896 397.0781 511.1763 397.0781 c %_515.6099 397.0781 518.6685 393.9473 519.6196 390.5527 c %_519.6509 390.4375 519.6001 390.3164 519.4927 390.2598 c %_519.3872 390.2051 519.2583 390.2305 519.1802 390.3223 c %_518.4282 391.2168 517.2837 391.9609 515.5259 391.9609 c %_512.5825 391.9609 511.0474 389.4316 511.0474 387.6113 c %_511.0474 384.1563 513.606 381.7246 517.4458 381.7246 c %_522.6899 381.7246 526.7856 387.4824 526.7856 394.9023 c %_526.7856 404.1152 517.9556 412.5586 509.1274 412.5586 c %_500.106 412.5586 490.4478 404.5 490.4478 389.5293 c %_490.4478 374.8164 500.4282 357.9258 516.2935 357.9258 c %_525.5435 357.9258 533.4048 362.0957 539.436 369.002 c %_539.5161 369.0918 539.6489 369.1152 539.7544 369.0547 c %_539.8599 368.9941 539.9067 368.8672 539.8677 368.752 c %_535.4341 355.8164 537.9126 343.6074 544.688 343.6074 c %_548.0024 343.6074 549.6899 345.9863 549.6899 348.5234 c %_549.6899 351.1309 547.7915 353.2852 544.7212 353.6777 c %_544.6001 353.6934 544.5063 353.793 544.4985 353.9141 c %_544.4927 354.0352 544.5708 354.1465 544.6899 354.1758 c %_551.5044 355.9395 558.5142 352.2285 558.5142 345.1328 c %_558.5142 338.8555 553.1372 334.002 546.1021 334.002 c %_535.4653 334.002 530.3774 345.2715 532.6431 355.5371 C %_527.1841 348.4922 519.0903 342.7012 507.4653 342.7012 c %_483.9224 342.7012 472.0239 369.5703 472.0239 387.6113 c %_472.0239 403.9883 475.3501 414.4785 482.2603 422.5391 C %_474.1978 416.3984 470.8716 409.6172 469.3384 400.2773 C %_463.1958 391.832 447.2036 391.832 v %_440.5161 391.832 434.2739 394.3086 429.4302 398.998 C %_429.4282 398.9961 429.4263 398.9941 429.4243 398.9902 C %_429.3892 399.0313 429.3501 399.0703 429.3149 399.1094 C %_428.9946 399.4238 428.6802 399.748 428.3716 400.082 C %_423.3091 404.9316 413.1802 409.4785 403.9399 405.6797 c %_403.8345 405.6367 403.7134 405.6699 403.6431 405.7578 c %_403.5728 405.8477 403.5708 405.9727 403.6392 406.0645 c %_408.0454 412.0898 415.6626 414.0059 421.3169 413.1309 C %_420.272 416.8457 419.6938 421.0117 419.6938 425.6094 c %_419.6938 442.0137 428.4927 453.5801 438.106 459.2109 C %_434.9517 463.0137 435.5962 468.9883 439.1372 473.0449 c %_439.2173 473.1357 439.3481 473.1582 439.4536 473.0996 c %_439.5571 473.041 439.606 472.918 439.5708 472.8018 c %_437.8403 467.2695 442.9634 462.6523 449.7524 462.9004 c %_449.8755 462.9033 449.9829 462.8193 450.0103 462.6992 c %_450.0356 462.5801 449.9712 462.457 449.8579 462.4111 c %_439.7212 458.248 433.0005 449.4316 433.0005 438.4033 c %_433.0005 426.8906 439.9087 417.5488 451.0415 417.5488 c %_460.1255 417.5488 469.2095 425.8672 469.2095 436.2285 c %_469.2095 444.2891 464.731 449.0225 458.9731 449.0225 c %_453.9849 449.0225 450.0181 445.5684 450.0181 441.4736 c %_450.0181 435.6211 456.6001 433.499 460.1118 438.1309 c %_460.1821 438.2227 460.3032 438.2559 460.4087 438.2129 c %_460.5161 438.1699 460.5806 438.0625 460.5669 437.9482 c %_460.0435 433.5586 456.8149 429.4482 451.8091 429.4482 c %_447.2036 429.4482 442.4692 433.2861 442.4692 441.4746 c %_442.4692 451.1982 451.8071 461.0508 467.1606 461.0508 c %_488.1431 461.0508 499.5317 437.3809 489.2974 418.4453 C %_494.5415 424.459 499.2759 430.8555 499.2759 442.2432 c %_499.2759 463.75 478.0122 478.291 452.9224 469.7441 c %_452.8032 469.7021 452.6724 469.7559 452.6157 469.8672 c %_452.5571 469.9785 452.5884 470.1143 452.6899 470.1895 c %_459.6958 475.2979 467.0337 482.8262 467.0337 495.4668 c %_467.0337 508.6475 458.3345 517.9854 444.772 517.9854 c %_434.2798 517.9854 427.6274 511.5879 427.6274 504.04 c %_427.6274 498.2822 431.3462 493.6768 437.7349 493.6768 c %_447.2466 493.6768 450.481 504.0195 445.5591 508.6445 c %_445.4751 508.7236 445.4556 508.8516 445.5103 508.9521 c %_445.5669 509.0547 445.6841 509.1055 445.7974 509.0762 c %_450.5669 507.8398 455.1353 503.0068 455.1353 495.7236 c %_455.1353 483.1855 443.4927 474.8682 430.6978 474.8682 c %_424.7017 474.8682 418.8989 476.623 414.2271 479.9102 C %_414.7778 484.0635 413.3579 488.6602 411.2603 491.752 C %_413.2095 484.8848 411.1021 473.5732 400.5864 473.5732 c %_394.6958 473.5732 390.8013 478.1025 390.8013 483.4551 c %_390.8013 489.7793 396.147 492.7314 400.4966 492.125 c %_400.6118 492.1104 400.7017 492.0186 400.7134 491.9023 c %_400.7271 491.7891 400.6606 491.6797 400.5532 491.6367 c %_398.9673 491.0293 397.6118 489.3691 397.6118 487.373 c %_397.6118 484.873 399.52 483.3906 401.52 483.3906 c %_404.8149 483.3906 406.645 487.0605 405.4927 491.1104 C %_405.5044 491.1104 L %_404.4321 493.9473 403.8286 497.1152 403.8286 500.6055 c %_403.8286 517.3672 422.0103 533.3398 444.9497 533.3398 c %_469.1626 533.3398 482.0044 516.0664 482.0044 498.2822 c %_482.0044 488.7461 478.4224 481.5225 473.8149 476.915 C %_493.7368 479.0332 506.313 470.5176 513.0942 458.2354 C %_508.6157 454.3975 506.9536 448.7676 Y %_512.3267 455.8057 521.5376 461.9453 534.4595 461.9453 c %_554.0356 461.9453 569.3911 442.7539 569.3911 422.1563 c %_569.3911 409.084 564.5884 396.375 554.8267 387.9102 C %_560.8638 382.8809 563.4731 375.5391 560.6978 369.6055 c %_f %_*U %_*u %_0 D %_1 0.2 0 0 0 Xy %_482.2114 494.9053 m %_482.1782 494.7852 482.2388 494.6582 482.3521 494.6094 c %_497.1763 488.0957 507.6372 475.6289 512.0063 461.2324 c %_512.0415 461.1152 512.1548 461.0391 512.2778 461.0527 c %_512.3989 461.0664 512.4946 461.166 512.5024 461.2871 c %_513.229 471.9434 510.1274 482.4531 504.0005 491.0234 C %_518.1216 491.9648 529.2407 499.9297 536.1997 511.5723 C %_540.3286 505.46 548.6509 505.7969 551.8599 512.6035 c %_551.9106 512.708 551.8833 512.832 551.7954 512.9063 c %_551.7075 512.9805 551.5806 512.9873 551.4868 512.9219 c %_547.2134 509.9688 539.8071 513.498 542.9282 524.9355 c %_544.981 532.4561 549.3716 536.4668 553.5259 535.333 c %_556.7915 534.4414 557.7661 531.002 557.0864 528.5146 c %_555.9243 524.2539 551.438 522.8623 548.481 525.6357 c %_548.397 525.7158 548.2681 525.7285 548.1704 525.6641 c %_548.0728 525.5986 548.0298 525.4775 548.0688 525.3662 c %_548.9868 522.7852 550.5571 520.7285 553.6157 519.8936 c %_558.811 518.4756 565.6743 521.8115 567.8618 529.8252 c %_570.2114 538.4316 565.7153 548.0566 557.604 550.2715 c %_546.2036 553.3818 538.1392 545.166 534.3931 535.2383 C %_533.9263 539.8896 530.1079 544.3203 v %_530.0317 544.4092 529.9048 544.4336 529.8013 544.3818 c %_529.6978 544.3291 529.6431 544.2129 529.6665 544.0996 c %_531.106 537.6641 530.9575 530.8047 529.1099 524.0361 c %_523.9438 505.1074 503.6626 493.0977 482.479 495.0938 c %_482.354 495.1055 482.2407 495.0254 482.2114 494.9053 c %_f %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-1.837222) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ %_1 D %_512.5806 407.1348 m %_518.7739 400.666 531.0493 395.6133 541.6646 397.168 c %_541.7856 397.1855 541.9009 397.1172 541.9399 397.0039 c %_541.981 396.8906 541.936 396.7637 541.8345 396.7012 c %_536.1743 393.2617 524.8384 392.0723 513.5786 397.4609 C %_510.4536 395.1035 507.6489 393.8496 504.1919 393.2715 c %_504.0806 393.2539 503.9692 393.3125 503.9204 393.4141 c %_503.8735 393.5156 503.8989 393.6387 503.9849 393.7148 c %_508.5454 397.6484 510.8286 401.6563 512.5806 407.1348 C %_f %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-1.837222) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ %_399.7935 448.9121 m %_399.6763 448.8711 399.5454 448.9258 399.4888 449.0371 c %_399.4321 449.1484 399.4653 449.2852 399.5688 449.3594 c %_406.6938 454.4785 412.4829 462.291 415.4204 473.0566 c %_422.6802 499.6563 411.3267 520.7921 395.2544 528.0146 c %_395.1509 528.0605 395.0903 528.1689 395.106 528.2803 c %_395.1216 528.3926 395.2095 528.4814 395.3208 528.4971 c %_402.0747 529.4785 411.2622 528.6729 420.7915 517.3486 c %_426.4927 510.5732 429.7271 503.373 436.0142 501.6563 c %_440.1216 500.5352 443.5103 501.9551 444.4126 505.2617 c %_445.3618 508.7393 442.9966 511.8018 439.6528 512.7148 c %_437.9653 513.1738 436.1626 513.1436 434.4146 512.6836 c %_434.2993 512.6533 434.1821 512.7051 434.1255 512.8086 c %_434.0708 512.9121 434.0923 513.04 434.1802 513.1172 c %_436.8325 515.4746 440.8677 517.125 445.5708 515.8408 c %_452.4907 513.9531 456.6606 506.457 454.4673 498.415 c %_452.104 489.7578 443.3696 484.5234 433.5864 487.1934 c %_430.2329 488.1084 426.4497 490.168 423.7603 493.4648 C %_425.5942 489.4551 427.0493 487.1855 430.8286 484.6133 C %_429.8364 474.1035 425.3091 463.8271 417.4009 456.8389 C %_423.2192 454.9863 427.604 451.7207 430.5083 446.6855 c %_430.5669 446.582 430.5454 446.4531 430.4595 446.373 c %_430.3696 446.293 430.2388 446.2832 430.1411 446.3535 c %_423.1802 451.2344 410.9048 452.582 399.7935 448.9121 c %_f %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-1.837222) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ %_383.1919 362.8809 m %_379.1548 366.3105 377.936 372.0469 379.4106 377.8672 c %_379.4419 377.9883 379.5552 378.0684 379.6782 378.0566 c %_379.8032 378.0469 379.8989 377.9492 379.9106 377.8281 c %_380.0981 375.6543 380.9458 373.748 382.4927 372.4355 c %_386.4712 369.0566 393.5571 370.834 398.4634 376.3828 c %_398.522 376.4492 398.6079 376.4805 398.6938 376.4668 c %_398.7798 376.4531 398.8521 376.3984 398.8872 376.3203 c %_401.1528 371.2539 406.1079 364.5938 419.0005 361.0742 c %_437.0239 356.1563 457.3794 363.1992 461.6235 378.752 c %_464.0493 387.6406 459.8306 396.4824 451.5845 402.7109 C %_456.0298 397.123 458.7075 390.4238 456.6177 382.7695 c %_453.5532 371.5391 439.1567 365.918 421.8755 370.6348 c %_405.5825 375.0801 389.7075 391.748 393.8833 407.0547 c %_396.1743 415.4492 404.6821 419.8887 413.4458 417.4961 c %_421.2231 415.375 424.2837 409.1016 422.7329 403.4219 c %_421.5669 399.1445 417.7407 397.0195 414.2153 396.9941 c %_414.0962 396.9941 413.9927 397.0762 413.9653 397.1934 c %_413.9419 397.3105 413.9985 397.4277 414.1079 397.4785 c %_415.1704 397.9688 416.188 398.877 416.6509 400.5742 c %_417.4263 403.4121 415.3911 405.5605 413.6353 406.0391 c %_410.3032 406.9492 407.2837 405.1211 406.272 401.416 c %_404.8911 396.3574 409.3677 390.8906 416.5239 388.9355 c %_425.4126 386.5117 435.8833 392.8066 438.2075 401.3223 c %_440.5825 410.0254 435.3501 421.4648 420.9087 425.4063 c %_406.7153 429.2813 387.7935 424.0996 383.6157 408.793 c %_381.1802 399.8691 383.1333 391.1875 388.2075 383.5508 c %_388.2739 383.4512 388.2622 383.3164 388.1763 383.2305 c %_388.0884 383.1445 387.9536 383.1328 387.854 383.2012 c %_376.5415 390.8828 364.1118 391.707 362.3267 385.1699 c %_361.4536 381.9727 363.3052 379.7188 365.7524 379.0508 c %_368.2681 378.3652 370.8462 379.6289 372.0337 382.4883 c %_372.0806 382.5996 372.2017 382.6641 372.3208 382.6406 c %_372.438 382.6133 372.5259 382.5098 372.522 382.3867 c %_372.4302 375.3477 367.0044 369.5625 360.1587 371.4316 c %_354.1021 373.084 350.8364 379.5488 352.688 386.3359 c %_355.4888 396.5977 367.6997 398.5391 377.0063 393.6504 C %_371.647 400.7715 368.1919 410.1035 371.2524 421.3184 c %_377.4517 444.0313 406.5044 448.4355 423.9087 443.6855 c %_439.7075 439.373 448.9517 433.4023 454.9087 424.6152 C %_451.1079 434.0098 445.4419 439.0039 436.8345 442.9434 C %_430.3052 451.0918 434.5161 466.5195 v %_436.2759 472.9707 440.3091 478.3418 446.1079 481.7793 C %_446.1079 481.7813 446.106 481.7842 446.1021 481.7871 C %_446.1509 481.8105 446.1997 481.8379 446.2466 481.8613 C %_446.6333 482.0879 447.0298 482.3057 447.4321 482.5146 C %_453.4438 486.1211 460.4966 494.6973 459.2661 504.6113 c %_459.2524 504.7236 459.3149 504.832 459.4185 504.877 c %_459.5239 504.9219 459.645 504.8896 459.7153 504.8018 c %_464.3677 498.9629 464.2114 491.1104 461.8794 485.8857 C %_465.7368 485.915 469.9087 485.375 474.3442 484.165 c %_490.1685 479.8457 499.0122 468.3135 501.9126 457.5566 C %_506.4106 459.5977 512.0063 457.4043 514.9888 452.9199 c %_515.0532 452.8184 515.0415 452.6855 514.9575 452.5996 c %_514.8735 452.5156 514.7407 452.5 514.6392 452.5645 c %_509.7583 455.6914 503.9556 451.9648 502.4048 445.3496 c %_502.3774 445.2305 502.2681 445.1484 502.145 445.1543 c %_502.022 445.1602 501.9204 445.2539 501.9067 445.377 c %_500.5591 456.251 493.8228 465.0566 483.1841 467.96 c %_472.0767 470.9922 461.2446 466.7852 458.3149 456.0469 c %_455.9224 447.2832 461.5571 436.3301 471.5513 433.6016 c %_479.3286 431.4785 485.0747 434.5527 486.5903 440.1074 c %_487.9048 444.9199 485.6157 449.6563 481.6665 450.7344 c %_476.0181 452.2754 472.2388 446.4844 475.7837 441.877 c %_475.8521 441.7852 475.854 441.6602 475.7837 441.5684 c %_475.7153 441.4766 475.5923 441.4434 475.4868 441.4863 c %_471.3892 443.1465 468.2739 447.3418 469.5923 452.1729 c %_470.8052 456.6152 475.7544 460.1729 483.6548 458.0166 c %_493.0356 455.457 500.0806 443.8555 496.0376 429.043 c %_490.5142 408.7988 464.6802 404.0449 449.1079 418.9043 C %_453.5278 412.2617 458.4517 406.0098 469.438 403.0117 c %_490.188 397.3496 509.813 414.0332 508.1724 440.4902 c %_508.1646 440.6152 508.2505 440.7285 508.3735 440.7539 c %_508.4946 440.7813 508.6196 440.7129 508.6646 440.5977 c %_511.7466 432.4922 517.0786 423.4316 529.2739 420.1035 c %_541.9888 416.6328 553.2876 422.5664 556.8599 435.6504 c %_559.6216 445.7734 555.2017 453.875 547.9204 455.8623 c %_542.3657 457.3789 536.9419 455.0039 535.2603 448.8398 c %_532.7563 439.6641 541.8833 433.8203 547.6411 437.3516 c %_547.7388 437.4121 547.8677 437.3965 547.9497 437.3164 c %_548.0337 437.2363 548.0513 437.1094 547.9927 437.0078 c %_545.5454 432.7324 539.6802 429.5977 532.6548 431.5156 c %_520.5571 434.8164 515.6001 448.2383 518.9673 460.5811 c %_520.5454 466.3652 523.7681 471.502 528.1685 475.1426 C %_532.0298 473.5186 536.8384 473.6777 540.3735 474.8867 C %_533.2349 474.8154 522.8794 479.8262 525.647 489.9707 c %_527.1978 495.6533 532.5923 498.2188 537.7563 496.8086 c %_543.8579 495.1436 545.2974 489.21 543.5688 485.1729 c %_543.522 485.0654 543.4106 485.0039 543.2974 485.0225 c %_543.1821 485.04 543.0942 485.1318 543.0825 485.2471 c %_542.9146 486.9375 541.6685 488.6836 539.7446 489.208 c %_537.3325 489.8662 535.3989 488.415 534.8735 486.4854 c %_534.0044 483.3066 537.063 480.5752 541.2739 480.6211 C %_541.27 480.6094 L %_544.2896 480.8984 547.5044 480.6445 550.8716 479.7266 c %_567.0415 475.3125 577.6646 453.5674 571.6235 431.4375 c %_565.2485 408.0781 545.2056 400.2363 528.0474 404.9199 c %_518.8481 407.4297 512.8228 412.7871 509.5903 418.4453 C %_506.3892 398.668 494.8618 388.7793 481.229 385.4707 C %_478.7056 390.8008 473.7114 393.8867 Y %_479.0864 386.8496 482.5845 376.3477 479.1821 363.8809 c %_474.0278 344.9961 451.4712 335.2344 431.6001 340.6582 c %_418.9888 344.0996 407.9927 352.0801 402.397 363.7266 C %_395.9556 359.2266 388.186 358.6406 383.1919 362.8809 c %_f %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-1.837222) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ %_*U %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-1.837222) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ %_u %_*u %_0 D %_0 0 0 0 k %_0 1 0 0 0 Xy %_530.1294 436.9688 m %_530.0044 436.9688 529.8989 436.877 529.8794 436.7539 c %_527.5005 420.7402 518.2271 407.3652 505.4888 399.3594 c %_505.3853 399.2949 505.3403 399.1641 505.3872 399.0508 c %_505.4321 398.9375 505.5532 398.8711 505.6724 398.8965 c %_516.145 401 525.4653 406.7598 532.1216 414.9277 C %_536.7466 401.5508 547.3579 392.9219 560.4224 389.2734 C %_555.6138 383.6816 558.1294 375.7402 565.5415 374.4375 c %_565.6548 374.416 565.7661 374.4746 565.8149 374.5781 c %_565.8638 374.6816 565.8364 374.8066 565.7485 374.8809 c %_561.7759 378.2266 563.229 386.3008 575.0864 386.3008 c %_582.8804 386.3008 587.9077 383.1211 587.9077 378.8145 c %_587.9077 375.4297 584.8452 373.584 582.2651 373.584 c %_577.8511 373.584 575.3267 377.5449 577.2231 381.127 c %_577.2778 381.2305 577.2563 381.3574 577.1685 381.4355 c %_577.0806 381.5137 576.9517 381.5215 576.854 381.4551 c %_574.606 379.8906 573.0356 377.834 573.0356 374.6641 c %_573.0356 369.2773 578.062 363.5352 586.3687 363.5332 c %_595.2905 363.5332 603.3921 370.4043 603.3921 378.8145 c %_603.3921 390.6309 593.3433 396.248 582.7788 397.248 C %_587.144 398.9219 590.4116 403.7734 v %_590.478 403.8691 590.4683 403.998 590.3901 404.084 c %_590.312 404.1719 590.1851 404.1934 590.0835 404.1387 c %_584.2534 401.0566 577.5942 399.3945 570.5806 399.3945 c %_550.9575 399.3945 534.0337 415.7988 530.3813 436.7607 c %_530.3599 436.8818 530.2524 436.9727 530.1294 436.9688 c %_f %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141592) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ %_1 D %_453.4517 384.5625 m %_448.8442 376.8867 447.1997 363.7129 451.4946 353.8809 c %_451.5435 353.7695 451.5083 353.6406 451.4087 353.5703 c %_451.3091 353.502 451.1763 353.5117 451.0884 353.5957 c %_446.2817 358.1484 442.1489 368.7715 444.3833 381.0527 C %_441.2876 383.4473 439.3384 385.8223 437.8696 389.0059 c %_437.8228 389.1074 437.8501 389.2305 437.936 389.3047 c %_438.022 389.377 438.147 389.3848 438.2427 389.3203 c %_443.2388 385.959 447.7056 384.8125 453.4517 384.5625 C %_f %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141592) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ %_464.0591 504.3691 m %_463.9907 504.4727 464.0083 504.6133 464.1001 504.6973 c %_464.1938 504.7813 464.3345 504.7852 464.4321 504.7061 c %_471.2466 499.1797 480.3071 495.6504 491.4673 495.6504 c %_519.0376 495.6504 536.4399 512.1689 539.1743 529.5771 c %_539.1919 529.6885 539.2817 529.7734 539.3931 529.7891 c %_539.5044 529.8047 539.6138 529.7422 539.6587 529.6396 c %_542.3833 523.3818 544.0259 514.3057 535.6099 502.1309 c %_530.5747 494.8457 524.479 489.8311 524.479 483.3145 c %_524.479 479.0566 526.7407 476.1602 530.1685 476.1602 c %_533.7739 476.1602 536.106 479.248 536.104 482.7148 c %_536.104 484.4629 535.6001 486.1934 534.6958 487.7607 c %_534.6372 487.8633 534.6548 487.9902 534.7407 488.0723 c %_534.8247 488.1523 534.9556 488.165 535.0532 488.1016 c %_538.0259 486.1641 540.6802 482.7021 540.6802 477.8281 c %_540.6802 470.6563 534.5474 464.6602 526.2095 464.6602 c %_517.2368 464.6602 509.8872 471.709 509.8872 481.8477 c %_509.8872 485.3262 510.8755 489.5156 513.3501 492.9805 C %_509.9653 490.1523 508.1587 488.1523 506.6724 483.8271 C %_496.272 482.0186 485.1665 483.6797 476.3403 489.4727 C %_476.0864 483.3711 474.0903 478.2793 469.9985 474.1533 c %_469.9146 474.0684 469.7837 474.0547 469.6841 474.1182 c %_469.5825 474.1816 469.5415 474.3066 469.5806 474.4189 c %_472.4575 482.4199 470.5239 494.6152 464.0591 504.3691 c %_f %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141592) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ %_376.6938 497.7344 m %_378.938 502.5352 384.1528 505.2188 390.1548 505.3271 c %_390.2798 505.3311 390.3872 505.2432 390.4087 505.1211 c %_390.4321 504.998 390.3638 504.8779 390.2485 504.8359 c %_388.2017 504.082 386.5864 502.7637 385.7271 500.9258 c %_383.5142 496.1973 387.0942 489.8301 393.7407 486.5566 c %_393.8188 486.5186 393.8716 486.4434 393.8813 486.3594 c %_393.8911 486.2725 393.856 486.1885 393.7915 486.1318 c %_389.5005 482.6143 384.3794 476.0781 384.3794 462.7148 c %_384.3774 444.0322 396.5337 426.25 412.6548 426.25 c %_421.8677 426.25 429.2876 432.6465 433.1255 442.2422 C %_428.9028 436.4844 423.145 432.1348 415.2114 432.1348 c %_403.5708 432.1348 394.3579 444.5439 394.356 462.459 c %_394.356 479.3457 406.2583 499.0518 422.1216 499.0508 c %_430.8247 499.0488 437.3481 492.0117 437.3481 482.9277 c %_437.3481 474.8672 432.1021 470.2637 426.2173 470.2637 c %_421.7798 470.2637 418.7231 473.3936 417.772 476.7871 c %_417.7388 476.9023 417.7915 477.0254 417.897 477.0811 c %_418.0044 477.1357 418.1333 477.1104 418.2114 477.0186 c %_418.9634 476.124 420.1079 475.3809 421.8657 475.3809 c %_424.8091 475.3789 426.3442 477.9082 426.3442 479.7285 c %_426.3442 483.1836 423.7856 485.6152 419.9458 485.6152 c %_414.7036 485.6152 410.606 479.8564 410.606 472.4385 c %_410.606 463.2236 419.436 454.7813 428.2642 454.7813 c %_437.2856 454.7813 446.9438 462.8408 446.9438 477.8125 c %_446.9419 492.5234 436.9653 509.4141 421.0981 509.4141 c %_411.8481 509.4141 403.9849 505.2441 397.9556 498.3398 c %_397.8755 498.248 397.7427 498.2246 397.6392 498.2852 c %_397.5317 498.3477 397.4849 498.4727 397.5239 498.5879 c %_401.9575 511.5234 399.4771 523.7344 392.7036 523.7324 c %_389.3892 523.7324 387.7017 521.3535 387.7017 518.8154 c %_387.7017 516.21 389.6001 514.0566 392.6704 513.6611 c %_392.7915 513.6475 392.8833 513.5479 392.8931 513.4268 c %_392.8989 513.3047 392.8188 513.1943 392.7017 513.1641 c %_385.8872 511.4004 378.8774 515.1133 378.8774 522.2061 c %_378.8774 528.4854 384.2544 533.3398 391.2896 533.3398 c %_401.9263 533.3379 407.0142 522.0684 404.7485 511.8047 C %_410.2075 518.8486 418.3013 524.6396 429.9263 524.6396 c %_453.4692 524.6396 465.3677 497.7715 465.3677 479.7285 c %_465.3677 463.3525 462.0415 452.8604 455.1313 444.8018 C %_463.1938 450.9404 466.52 457.7227 468.0552 467.0645 C %_474.1958 475.5078 490.188 475.5078 v %_496.8755 475.5078 503.1177 473.0322 507.9614 468.3438 C %_507.9634 468.3447 507.9653 468.3477 507.9673 468.3486 C %_508.0024 468.3105 508.0396 468.2695 508.0767 468.2314 C %_508.397 467.915 508.7114 467.5918 509.02 467.2578 C %_514.0806 462.4102 524.2114 457.8633 533.4517 461.6602 c %_533.5571 461.7031 533.6782 461.6699 533.7485 461.582 c %_533.8188 461.4932 533.8188 461.3672 533.7524 461.2754 c %_529.3462 455.252 521.729 453.335 516.0747 454.21 C %_517.1177 450.4941 517.6958 446.3281 517.6958 441.7305 c %_517.6978 425.3262 508.8989 413.7598 499.2856 408.1289 C %_502.438 404.3281 501.7954 398.3535 498.2544 394.2949 c %_498.1743 394.2051 498.0435 394.1816 497.938 394.2402 c %_497.8345 394.2988 497.7837 394.4238 497.8188 394.5391 c %_499.5513 400.0703 494.4282 404.6875 487.6392 404.4395 c %_487.5161 404.4355 487.4067 404.5195 487.3813 404.6406 c %_487.356 404.7617 487.4185 404.8828 487.5337 404.9277 c %_497.6685 409.0918 504.3911 417.9102 504.3892 428.9355 c %_504.3911 440.4492 497.481 449.79 486.3501 449.79 c %_477.2661 449.79 468.1821 441.4727 468.1821 431.1133 c %_468.1821 423.0508 472.6587 418.3184 478.4165 418.3164 c %_483.4067 418.3184 487.3735 421.7715 487.3735 425.8672 c %_487.3735 431.7188 480.7896 433.8408 477.2778 429.209 c %_477.2095 429.1172 477.0864 429.084 476.981 429.127 c %_476.8755 429.1689 476.811 429.2773 476.8228 429.3926 c %_477.3462 433.7813 480.5767 437.8926 485.5825 437.8926 c %_490.188 437.8926 494.9224 434.0518 494.9224 425.8652 c %_494.9224 416.1406 485.5845 406.291 470.231 406.2891 c %_449.2466 406.2891 437.8599 429.959 448.0942 448.8945 C %_442.8501 442.8809 438.1157 436.4844 438.1157 425.0977 c %_438.1138 403.5898 459.3794 389.0488 484.4692 397.5977 c %_484.5884 397.6367 484.7192 397.584 484.7759 397.4746 c %_484.8345 397.3633 484.8013 397.2266 484.6997 397.1523 c %_477.6938 392.043 470.356 384.5137 470.356 371.873 c %_470.356 358.6934 479.0552 349.3535 492.6196 349.3535 c %_503.1099 349.3535 509.7642 355.752 509.7642 363.2988 c %_509.7642 369.0566 506.0454 373.6641 499.6567 373.6641 c %_490.1431 373.6641 486.9087 363.3203 491.8325 358.6953 c %_491.9165 358.6152 491.936 358.4902 491.8813 358.3887 c %_491.8247 358.2871 491.7056 358.2344 491.5942 358.2637 c %_486.8247 359.5 482.2563 364.332 482.2563 371.6152 c %_482.2544 384.1563 493.897 392.4727 506.6919 392.4727 c %_512.688 392.4727 518.4907 390.7188 523.1646 387.4297 C %_522.6118 383.2773 524.0317 378.6816 526.1313 375.5879 C %_524.1821 382.457 526.2915 393.7656 536.8032 393.7676 c %_542.6958 393.7656 546.5903 389.2383 546.5903 383.8867 c %_546.5903 377.5605 541.2446 374.6094 536.895 375.2148 c %_536.7798 375.2305 536.6899 375.3223 536.6763 375.4375 c %_536.6646 375.5527 536.731 375.6602 536.8384 375.7031 c %_538.4243 376.3105 539.7817 377.9727 539.7817 379.9668 c %_539.7817 382.4668 537.8696 383.9492 535.8696 383.9492 c %_532.5767 383.9492 530.7466 380.2793 531.8989 376.2305 C %_531.8872 376.2285 L %_532.9595 373.3926 533.561 370.2246 533.561 366.7363 c %_533.561 349.9746 515.3813 334.002 492.4399 334 c %_468.229 334 455.3872 351.2734 455.3892 369.0566 c %_455.3892 378.5938 458.9692 385.8184 463.5767 390.4258 C %_443.6548 388.3066 431.0786 396.8223 424.2974 409.1035 C %_428.7759 412.9414 430.438 418.5723 Y %_425.0649 411.5352 415.854 405.3945 402.9321 405.3945 c %_383.356 405.3945 368.0005 424.5859 368.0005 445.1836 c %_368.0005 458.2568 372.8032 470.9648 382.5649 479.4307 C %_376.5278 484.459 373.9185 491.8018 376.6938 497.7344 c %_f %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141592) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ %_*U %_U %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141592) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ %_0 0.25 0 0 0 Xy %_0 0 Xd %_6 () XW %_U %_/ArtDictionary : %_1 /Bool (AIPattern_Is_Main_Copy_of_EditGroup) , %_1 /Bool (AIPattern_Is_Repeated_Art) , %_; %_ %_9 () XW %_u %_*u %_0 D %_0 O %_0.35 0.6 0.8 0.25 k %_0 1 0 0 0 Xy %_240.2622 430.3711 m %_240.3872 430.3711 240.4927 430.4629 240.5103 430.585 c %_242.8911 446.5996 252.1646 459.9746 264.9028 467.9814 c %_265.0063 468.0449 265.0493 468.1758 265.0044 468.29 c %_264.9575 468.4023 264.8384 468.4688 264.7173 468.4443 c %_254.2466 466.3398 244.9243 460.5811 238.27 452.4141 C %_233.644 465.7891 223.0337 474.418 209.9692 478.0654 C %_214.7778 483.6582 212.2622 491.5986 204.8501 492.9023 c %_204.7368 492.9229 204.6245 492.8643 204.5757 492.7607 c %_204.5278 492.6563 204.5542 492.5322 204.6421 492.46 c %_208.6157 489.1143 207.1616 481.04 195.3052 481.04 c %_187.5103 481.04 182.4849 484.2188 182.4849 488.5254 c %_182.4849 491.9102 185.5464 493.7559 188.1255 493.7559 c %_192.5415 493.7559 195.0649 489.7949 193.1675 486.2129 c %_193.1128 486.1104 193.1353 485.9814 193.2231 485.9033 c %_193.311 485.8271 193.4399 485.8184 193.5366 485.8857 c %_195.7856 487.4492 197.356 489.5059 197.356 492.6768 c %_197.356 498.0635 192.3306 503.8066 184.0239 503.8066 c %_175.1021 503.8066 167.0005 496.9355 167.0005 488.5254 c %_167.0005 476.71 177.0493 471.0918 187.6138 470.0918 C %_183.2485 468.4189 179.98 463.5664 v %_179.9146 463.4697 179.9243 463.3418 180.0015 463.2559 c %_180.0796 463.1689 180.2056 463.1475 180.3091 463.2012 c %_186.1392 466.2822 192.7954 467.9453 199.811 467.9453 c %_219.4321 467.9453 236.3579 451.541 240.0103 430.5801 c %_240.0317 430.4561 240.1382 430.3691 240.2622 430.3711 c %_f %_1 D %_316.9399 482.7773 m %_321.5493 490.4551 323.1919 503.627 318.897 513.46 c %_318.8481 513.5703 318.8833 513.6992 318.9829 513.7686 c %_319.0806 513.8379 319.2153 513.8281 319.3032 513.7461 c %_324.1099 509.1914 328.2427 498.5684 326.0083 486.2871 C %_329.106 483.8936 331.0532 481.5176 332.522 478.335 c %_332.5688 478.2314 332.5415 478.1104 332.4556 478.0352 c %_332.3696 477.9629 332.2446 477.9551 332.1489 478.0186 c %_327.1528 481.3809 322.686 482.5283 316.9399 482.7773 C %_f %_306.3306 362.9707 m %_306.4009 362.8672 306.3833 362.7266 306.2915 362.6426 c %_306.1978 362.5586 306.0571 362.5547 305.9595 362.6348 c %_299.145 368.1621 290.0845 371.6895 278.9243 371.6895 c %_251.3521 371.6895 233.9517 355.1719 231.2163 337.7637 c %_231.1987 337.6523 231.1099 337.5664 230.9985 337.5508 c %_230.8862 337.5371 230.7778 337.5977 230.7329 337.7012 c %_228.0073 343.959 226.3657 353.0352 234.7817 365.209 c %_239.8159 372.4941 245.9106 377.5098 245.9106 384.0273 c %_245.9106 388.2852 243.6509 391.1797 240.2231 391.1797 c %_236.6177 391.1797 234.2866 388.0918 234.2866 384.625 c %_234.2866 382.877 234.7915 381.1465 235.6958 379.5801 c %_235.7544 379.4766 235.7358 379.3496 235.6509 379.2676 c %_235.5649 379.1875 235.436 379.1758 235.3384 379.2402 c %_232.3657 381.1777 229.7114 384.6367 229.7114 389.5117 c %_229.7114 396.6836 235.8442 402.6816 244.1802 402.6816 c %_253.1548 402.6816 260.5044 395.6328 260.5044 385.4922 c %_260.5044 382.0156 259.5142 377.8242 257.0415 374.3613 C %_260.4263 377.1875 262.2329 379.1875 263.7192 383.5117 C %_274.1196 385.3223 285.2251 383.6602 294.0493 377.8691 C %_294.3052 383.9707 296.3013 389.0605 300.3931 393.1875 c %_300.4771 393.2715 300.6079 393.2852 300.7075 393.2227 c %_300.8091 393.1582 300.8521 393.0332 300.811 392.9219 c %_297.9341 384.9199 299.8657 372.7246 306.3306 362.9707 c %_f %_393.6978 369.6055 m %_391.4517 364.8066 386.2388 362.1211 380.2368 362.0117 c %_380.1118 362.0098 380.0044 362.0977 379.9829 362.2188 c %_379.9595 362.3418 380.0278 362.4609 380.1431 362.5039 c %_382.1899 363.2578 383.8052 364.5762 384.6646 366.4141 c %_386.8774 371.1426 383.2974 377.5098 376.6509 380.7832 c %_376.5728 380.8223 376.52 380.8965 376.5103 380.9824 c %_376.5005 381.0684 376.5337 381.1523 376.6001 381.207 c %_380.8911 384.7266 386.0122 391.2617 386.0122 404.627 c %_386.0122 423.3086 373.8579 441.0898 357.7368 441.0898 c %_348.5239 441.0898 341.104 434.6934 337.2661 425.0977 C %_341.4868 430.8564 347.2446 435.2051 355.1782 435.2051 c %_366.8208 435.2051 376.0337 422.7969 376.0337 404.8828 c %_376.0337 387.9941 364.1333 368.2891 348.2681 368.2891 c %_339.5669 368.2891 333.0435 375.3281 333.0435 384.4121 c %_333.0435 392.4746 338.2896 397.0781 344.1763 397.0781 c %_348.6099 397.0781 351.6685 393.9473 352.6196 390.5527 c %_352.6509 390.4375 352.6001 390.3164 352.4927 390.2598 c %_352.3872 390.2051 352.2583 390.2305 352.1802 390.3223 c %_351.4282 391.2168 350.2837 391.9609 348.5259 391.9609 c %_345.5825 391.9609 344.0474 389.4316 344.0474 387.6113 c %_344.0474 384.1563 346.606 381.7246 350.4458 381.7246 c %_355.6899 381.7246 359.7856 387.4824 359.7856 394.9023 c %_359.7856 404.1152 350.9556 412.5586 342.1274 412.5586 c %_333.106 412.5586 323.4478 404.5 323.4478 389.5293 c %_323.4478 374.8164 333.4282 357.9258 349.2935 357.9258 c %_358.5435 357.9258 366.4048 362.0957 372.436 369.002 c %_372.5161 369.0918 372.6489 369.1152 372.7544 369.0547 c %_372.8599 368.9941 372.9067 368.8672 372.8677 368.752 c %_368.4341 355.8164 370.9126 343.6074 377.688 343.6074 c %_381.0024 343.6074 382.6899 345.9863 382.6899 348.5234 c %_382.6899 351.1309 380.7915 353.2852 377.7212 353.6777 c %_377.6001 353.6934 377.5063 353.793 377.4985 353.9141 c %_377.4927 354.0352 377.5708 354.1465 377.6899 354.1758 c %_384.5044 355.9395 391.5142 352.2285 391.5142 345.1328 c %_391.5142 338.8555 386.1372 334.002 379.1021 334.002 c %_368.4653 334.002 363.3774 345.2715 365.6431 355.5371 C %_360.1841 348.4922 352.0903 342.7012 340.4653 342.7012 c %_316.9224 342.7012 305.0239 369.5703 305.0239 387.6113 c %_305.0239 403.9883 308.3501 414.4785 315.2603 422.5391 C %_307.1978 416.3984 303.8716 409.6172 302.3384 400.2773 C %_296.1958 391.832 280.2036 391.832 v %_273.5161 391.832 267.2739 394.3086 262.4302 398.998 C %_262.4282 398.9961 262.4263 398.9941 262.4243 398.9902 C %_262.3892 399.0313 262.3501 399.0703 262.3149 399.1094 C %_261.9946 399.4238 261.6802 399.748 261.3716 400.082 C %_256.3091 404.9316 246.1802 409.4785 236.9399 405.6797 c %_236.8345 405.6367 236.7134 405.6699 236.6431 405.7578 c %_236.5728 405.8477 236.5708 405.9727 236.6382 406.0645 c %_241.0454 412.0898 248.6626 414.0059 254.3169 413.1309 C %_253.272 416.8457 252.6938 421.0117 252.6938 425.6094 c %_252.6938 442.0137 261.4927 453.5801 271.106 459.2109 C %_267.9517 463.0137 268.5962 468.9883 272.1372 473.0449 c %_272.2173 473.1357 272.3481 473.1582 272.4536 473.0996 c %_272.5571 473.041 272.606 472.918 272.5708 472.8018 c %_270.8403 467.2695 275.9634 462.6523 282.7524 462.9004 c %_282.8755 462.9033 282.9829 462.8193 283.0103 462.6992 c %_283.0356 462.5801 282.9712 462.457 282.8579 462.4111 c %_272.7212 458.248 266.0005 449.4316 266.0005 438.4033 c %_266.0005 426.8906 272.9087 417.5488 284.0415 417.5488 c %_293.1255 417.5488 302.2095 425.8672 302.2095 436.2285 c %_302.2095 444.2891 297.731 449.0225 291.9731 449.0225 c %_286.9849 449.0225 283.0181 445.5684 283.0181 441.4736 c %_283.0181 435.6211 289.6001 433.499 293.1118 438.1309 c %_293.1821 438.2227 293.3032 438.2559 293.4087 438.2129 c %_293.5161 438.1699 293.5806 438.0625 293.5669 437.9482 c %_293.0435 433.5586 289.8149 429.4482 284.8091 429.4482 c %_280.2036 429.4482 275.4692 433.2861 275.4692 441.4746 c %_275.4692 451.1982 284.8071 461.0508 300.1606 461.0508 c %_321.1431 461.0508 332.5317 437.3809 322.2974 418.4453 C %_327.5415 424.459 332.2759 430.8555 332.2759 442.2432 c %_332.2759 463.75 311.0122 478.291 285.9224 469.7441 c %_285.8032 469.7021 285.6724 469.7559 285.6157 469.8672 c %_285.5571 469.9785 285.5884 470.1143 285.6899 470.1895 c %_292.6958 475.2979 300.0337 482.8262 300.0337 495.4668 c %_300.0337 508.6475 291.3345 517.9854 277.772 517.9854 c %_267.2798 517.9854 260.6274 511.5879 260.6274 504.04 c %_260.6274 498.2822 264.3462 493.6768 270.7349 493.6768 c %_280.2466 493.6768 283.481 504.0195 278.5591 508.6445 c %_278.4751 508.7236 278.4556 508.8516 278.5103 508.9521 c %_278.5669 509.0547 278.6841 509.1055 278.7974 509.0762 c %_283.5669 507.8398 288.1353 503.0068 288.1353 495.7236 c %_288.1353 483.1855 276.4927 474.8682 263.6978 474.8682 c %_257.7017 474.8682 251.8989 476.623 247.2271 479.9102 C %_247.7778 484.0635 246.3579 488.6602 244.2603 491.752 C %_246.2095 484.8848 244.1021 473.5732 233.5864 473.5732 c %_227.6958 473.5732 223.8013 478.1025 223.8013 483.4551 c %_223.8013 489.7793 229.147 492.7314 233.4966 492.125 c %_233.6118 492.1104 233.7007 492.0186 233.7134 491.9023 c %_233.7271 491.7891 233.6606 491.6797 233.5532 491.6367 c %_231.9673 491.0293 230.6108 489.3691 230.6108 487.373 c %_230.6108 484.873 232.52 483.3906 234.52 483.3906 c %_237.8149 483.3906 239.645 487.0605 238.4927 491.1104 C %_238.5044 491.1104 L %_237.4312 493.9473 236.8286 497.1152 236.8286 500.6055 c %_236.8286 517.3672 255.0103 533.3398 277.9497 533.3398 c %_302.1626 533.3398 315.0044 516.0664 315.0044 498.2822 c %_315.0044 488.7461 311.4224 481.5225 306.8149 476.915 C %_326.7368 479.0332 339.313 470.5176 346.0942 458.2354 C %_341.6157 454.3975 339.9536 448.7676 Y %_345.3267 455.8057 354.5376 461.9453 367.4595 461.9453 c %_387.0356 461.9453 402.3911 442.7539 402.3911 422.1563 c %_402.3911 409.084 397.5884 396.375 387.8267 387.9102 C %_393.8638 382.8809 396.4731 375.5391 393.6978 369.6055 c %_f %_*U %_*u %_0 D %_1 0.2 0 0 0 Xy %_315.2114 494.9053 m %_315.1782 494.7852 315.2388 494.6582 315.3521 494.6094 c %_330.1763 488.0957 340.6372 475.6289 345.0063 461.2324 c %_345.0415 461.1152 345.1548 461.0391 345.2778 461.0527 c %_345.3989 461.0664 345.4946 461.166 345.5024 461.2871 c %_346.229 471.9434 343.1274 482.4531 337.0005 491.0234 C %_351.1216 491.9648 362.2407 499.9297 369.1997 511.5723 C %_373.3286 505.46 381.6509 505.7969 384.8599 512.6035 c %_384.9106 512.708 384.8833 512.832 384.7954 512.9063 c %_384.7075 512.9805 384.5806 512.9873 384.4868 512.9219 c %_380.2134 509.9688 372.8071 513.498 375.9282 524.9355 c %_377.981 532.4561 382.3716 536.4668 386.5259 535.333 c %_389.7915 534.4414 390.7661 531.002 390.0864 528.5146 c %_388.9243 524.2539 384.438 522.8623 381.481 525.6357 c %_381.397 525.7158 381.2681 525.7285 381.1704 525.6641 c %_381.0728 525.5986 381.0298 525.4775 381.0688 525.3662 c %_381.9868 522.7852 383.5571 520.7285 386.6157 519.8936 c %_391.811 518.4756 398.6743 521.8115 400.8618 529.8252 c %_403.2114 538.4316 398.7153 548.0566 390.604 550.2715 c %_379.2036 553.3818 371.1392 545.166 367.3931 535.2383 C %_366.9263 539.8896 363.1079 544.3203 v %_363.0317 544.4092 362.9048 544.4336 362.8013 544.3818 c %_362.6978 544.3291 362.6431 544.2129 362.6665 544.0996 c %_364.106 537.6641 363.9575 530.8047 362.1099 524.0361 c %_356.9438 505.1074 336.6626 493.0977 315.479 495.0938 c %_315.354 495.1055 315.2407 495.0254 315.2114 494.9053 c %_f %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-1.837222) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ %_1 D %_345.5806 407.1348 m %_351.7739 400.666 364.0493 395.6133 374.6646 397.168 c %_374.7856 397.1855 374.9009 397.1172 374.9399 397.0039 c %_374.981 396.8906 374.936 396.7637 374.8345 396.7012 c %_369.1743 393.2617 357.8384 392.0723 346.5786 397.4609 C %_343.4536 395.1035 340.6489 393.8496 337.1919 393.2715 c %_337.0806 393.2539 336.9692 393.3125 336.9204 393.4141 c %_336.8735 393.5156 336.8989 393.6387 336.9849 393.7148 c %_341.5454 397.6484 343.8286 401.6563 345.5806 407.1348 C %_f %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-1.837222) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ %_232.7935 448.9121 m %_232.6753 448.8711 232.5444 448.9258 232.4878 449.0371 c %_232.4312 449.1484 232.4644 449.2852 232.5679 449.3594 c %_239.6938 454.4785 245.4829 462.291 248.4204 473.0566 c %_255.6802 499.6563 244.3267 520.7921 228.2534 528.0146 c %_228.1499 528.0605 228.0903 528.1689 228.105 528.2803 c %_228.1216 528.3926 228.2085 528.4814 228.3198 528.4971 c %_235.0747 529.4785 244.2622 528.6729 253.7915 517.3486 c %_259.4927 510.5732 262.7271 503.373 269.0142 501.6563 c %_273.1216 500.5352 276.5103 501.9551 277.4126 505.2617 c %_278.3618 508.7393 275.9966 511.8018 272.6528 512.7148 c %_270.9653 513.1738 269.1626 513.1436 267.4146 512.6836 c %_267.2993 512.6533 267.1821 512.7051 267.1255 512.8086 c %_267.0708 512.9121 267.0923 513.04 267.1802 513.1172 c %_269.8325 515.4746 273.8677 517.125 278.5708 515.8408 c %_285.4907 513.9531 289.6606 506.457 287.4673 498.415 c %_285.104 489.7578 276.3696 484.5234 266.5864 487.1934 c %_263.2329 488.1084 259.4497 490.168 256.7603 493.4648 C %_258.5942 489.4551 260.0493 487.1855 263.8286 484.6133 C %_262.8364 474.1035 258.3091 463.8271 250.4009 456.8389 C %_256.2192 454.9863 260.604 451.7207 263.5083 446.6855 c %_263.5669 446.582 263.5454 446.4531 263.4595 446.373 c %_263.3696 446.293 263.2388 446.2832 263.1411 446.3535 c %_256.1802 451.2344 243.9048 452.582 232.7935 448.9121 c %_f %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-1.837222) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ %_216.1919 362.8809 m %_212.1538 366.3105 210.936 372.0469 212.4106 377.8672 c %_212.4419 377.9883 212.5542 378.0684 212.6772 378.0566 c %_212.8022 378.0469 212.8989 377.9492 212.9097 377.8281 c %_213.0981 375.6543 213.9448 373.748 215.4917 372.4355 c %_219.4712 369.0566 226.5562 370.834 231.4634 376.3828 c %_231.522 376.4492 231.6079 376.4805 231.6929 376.4668 c %_231.7788 376.4531 231.8511 376.3984 231.8862 376.3203 c %_234.1519 371.2539 239.1079 364.5938 252.0005 361.0742 c %_270.0239 356.1563 290.3794 363.1992 294.6235 378.752 c %_297.0493 387.6406 292.8306 396.4824 284.5845 402.7109 C %_289.0298 397.123 291.7075 390.4238 289.6177 382.7695 c %_286.5532 371.5391 272.1567 365.918 254.8755 370.6348 c %_238.5825 375.0801 222.7065 391.748 226.8833 407.0547 c %_229.1743 415.4492 237.6821 419.8887 246.4458 417.4961 c %_254.2231 415.375 257.2837 409.1016 255.7329 403.4219 c %_254.5669 399.1445 250.7407 397.0195 247.2153 396.9941 c %_247.0962 396.9941 246.9927 397.0762 246.9653 397.1934 c %_246.9419 397.3105 246.9985 397.4277 247.1079 397.4785 c %_248.1704 397.9688 249.188 398.877 249.6509 400.5742 c %_250.4263 403.4121 248.3911 405.5605 246.6353 406.0391 c %_243.3022 406.9492 240.2827 405.1211 239.271 401.416 c %_237.8911 396.3574 242.3667 390.8906 249.5239 388.9355 c %_258.4126 386.5117 268.8833 392.8066 271.2075 401.3223 c %_273.5825 410.0254 268.3501 421.4648 253.9087 425.4063 c %_239.7153 429.2813 220.7925 424.0996 216.6157 408.793 c %_214.1802 399.8691 216.1333 391.1875 221.2075 383.5508 c %_221.2739 383.4512 221.2612 383.3164 221.1753 383.2305 c %_221.0884 383.1445 220.9536 383.1328 220.853 383.2012 c %_209.5415 390.8828 197.1108 391.707 195.3267 385.1699 c %_194.4536 381.9727 196.3042 379.7188 198.7524 379.0508 c %_201.2681 378.3652 203.8462 379.6289 205.0327 382.4883 c %_205.0796 382.5996 205.2007 382.6641 205.3198 382.6406 c %_205.438 382.6133 205.5249 382.5098 205.522 382.3867 c %_205.4292 375.3477 200.0034 369.5625 193.1577 371.4316 c %_187.1021 373.084 183.8354 379.5488 185.688 386.3359 c %_188.4888 396.5977 200.6997 398.5391 210.0063 393.6504 C %_204.647 400.7715 201.1919 410.1035 204.2524 421.3184 c %_210.4507 444.0313 239.5044 448.4355 256.9087 443.6855 c %_272.7075 439.373 281.9517 433.4023 287.9087 424.6152 C %_284.1079 434.0098 278.4419 439.0039 269.8345 442.9434 C %_263.3052 451.0918 267.5161 466.5195 v %_269.2759 472.9707 273.3091 478.3418 279.1079 481.7793 C %_279.1079 481.7813 279.106 481.7842 279.1021 481.7871 C %_279.1509 481.8105 279.1997 481.8379 279.2466 481.8613 C %_279.6333 482.0879 280.0298 482.3057 280.4321 482.5146 C %_286.4438 486.1211 293.4966 494.6973 292.2661 504.6113 c %_292.2524 504.7236 292.3149 504.832 292.4185 504.877 c %_292.5239 504.9219 292.645 504.8896 292.7153 504.8018 c %_297.3677 498.9629 297.2114 491.1104 294.8794 485.8857 C %_298.7368 485.915 302.9087 485.375 307.3442 484.165 c %_323.1685 479.8457 332.0122 468.3135 334.9126 457.5566 C %_339.4106 459.5977 345.0063 457.4043 347.9888 452.9199 c %_348.0532 452.8184 348.0415 452.6855 347.9575 452.5996 c %_347.8735 452.5156 347.7407 452.5 347.6392 452.5645 c %_342.7583 455.6914 336.9556 451.9648 335.4048 445.3496 c %_335.3774 445.2305 335.2681 445.1484 335.145 445.1543 c %_335.022 445.1602 334.9204 445.2539 334.9067 445.377 c %_333.5591 456.251 326.8228 465.0566 316.1841 467.96 c %_305.0767 470.9922 294.2446 466.7852 291.3149 456.0469 c %_288.9224 447.2832 294.5571 436.3301 304.5513 433.6016 c %_312.3286 431.4785 318.0747 434.5527 319.5903 440.1074 c %_320.9048 444.9199 318.6157 449.6563 314.6665 450.7344 c %_309.0181 452.2754 305.2388 446.4844 308.7837 441.877 c %_308.8521 441.7852 308.854 441.6602 308.7837 441.5684 c %_308.7153 441.4766 308.5923 441.4434 308.4868 441.4863 c %_304.3892 443.1465 301.2739 447.3418 302.5923 452.1729 c %_303.8052 456.6152 308.7544 460.1729 316.6548 458.0166 c %_326.0356 455.457 333.0806 443.8555 329.0376 429.043 c %_323.5142 408.7988 297.6802 404.0449 282.1079 418.9043 C %_286.5278 412.2617 291.4517 406.0098 302.438 403.0117 c %_323.188 397.3496 342.813 414.0332 341.1724 440.4902 c %_341.1646 440.6152 341.2505 440.7285 341.3735 440.7539 c %_341.4946 440.7813 341.6196 440.7129 341.6646 440.5977 c %_344.7466 432.4922 350.0786 423.4316 362.2739 4 endstream endobj 27 0 obj <>stream 20.1035 c %_374.9888 416.6328 386.2876 422.5664 389.8599 435.6504 c %_392.6216 445.7734 388.2017 453.875 380.9204 455.8623 c %_375.3657 457.3789 369.9419 455.0039 368.2603 448.8398 c %_365.7563 439.6641 374.8833 433.8203 380.6411 437.3516 c %_380.7388 437.4121 380.8677 437.3965 380.9497 437.3164 c %_381.0337 437.2363 381.0513 437.1094 380.9927 437.0078 c %_378.5454 432.7324 372.6802 429.5977 365.6548 431.5156 c %_353.5571 434.8164 348.6001 448.2383 351.9673 460.5811 c %_353.5454 466.3652 356.7681 471.502 361.1685 475.1426 C %_365.0298 473.5186 369.8384 473.6777 373.3735 474.8867 C %_366.2349 474.8154 355.8794 479.8262 358.647 489.9707 c %_360.1978 495.6533 365.5923 498.2188 370.7563 496.8086 c %_376.8579 495.1436 378.2974 489.21 376.5688 485.1729 c %_376.522 485.0654 376.4106 485.0039 376.2974 485.0225 c %_376.1821 485.04 376.0942 485.1318 376.0825 485.2471 c %_375.9146 486.9375 374.6685 488.6836 372.7446 489.208 c %_370.3325 489.8662 368.3989 488.415 367.8735 486.4854 c %_367.0044 483.3066 370.063 480.5752 374.2739 480.6211 C %_374.27 480.6094 L %_377.2896 480.8984 380.5044 480.6445 383.8716 479.7266 c %_400.0415 475.3125 410.6646 453.5674 404.6235 431.4375 c %_398.2485 408.0781 378.2056 400.2363 361.0474 404.9199 c %_351.8481 407.4297 345.8228 412.7871 342.5903 418.4453 C %_339.3892 398.668 327.8618 388.7793 314.229 385.4707 C %_311.7056 390.8008 306.7114 393.8867 Y %_312.0864 386.8496 315.5845 376.3477 312.1821 363.8809 c %_307.0278 344.9961 284.4712 335.2344 264.6001 340.6582 c %_251.9888 344.0996 240.9927 352.0801 235.397 363.7266 C %_228.9556 359.2266 221.186 358.6406 216.1919 362.8809 c %_f %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-1.837222) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ %_*U %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-1.837222) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ %_u %_*u %_0 D %_0 0 0 0 k %_0 1 0 0 0 Xy %_363.1294 436.9688 m %_363.0044 436.9688 362.8989 436.877 362.8794 436.7539 c %_360.5005 420.7402 351.2271 407.3652 338.4888 399.3594 c %_338.3853 399.2949 338.3403 399.1641 338.3872 399.0508 c %_338.4321 398.9375 338.5532 398.8711 338.6724 398.8965 c %_349.145 401 358.4653 406.7598 365.1216 414.9277 C %_369.7466 401.5508 380.3579 392.9219 393.4224 389.2734 C %_388.6138 383.6816 391.1294 375.7402 398.5415 374.4375 c %_398.6548 374.416 398.7661 374.4746 398.8149 374.5781 c %_398.8638 374.6816 398.8364 374.8066 398.7485 374.8809 c %_394.7759 378.2266 396.229 386.3008 408.0864 386.3008 c %_415.8794 386.3008 420.9067 383.1211 420.9067 378.8145 c %_420.9067 375.4297 417.8442 373.584 415.2642 373.584 c %_410.8501 373.584 408.3267 377.5449 410.2231 381.127 c %_410.2778 381.2305 410.2563 381.3574 410.1685 381.4355 c %_410.0806 381.5137 409.9517 381.5215 409.854 381.4551 c %_407.606 379.8906 406.0356 377.834 406.0356 374.6641 c %_406.0356 369.2773 411.061 363.5352 419.3677 363.5332 c %_428.2896 363.5332 436.3911 370.4043 436.3911 378.8145 c %_436.3911 390.6309 426.3423 396.248 415.7778 397.248 C %_420.1431 398.9219 423.4106 403.7734 v %_423.4771 403.8691 423.4673 403.998 423.3892 404.084 c %_423.311 404.1719 423.1841 404.1934 423.0825 404.1387 c %_417.2524 401.0566 410.5942 399.3945 403.5806 399.3945 c %_383.9575 399.3945 367.0337 415.7988 363.3813 436.7607 c %_363.3599 436.8818 363.2524 436.9727 363.1294 436.9688 c %_f %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141592) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ %_1 D %_286.4517 384.5625 m %_281.8442 376.8867 280.1997 363.7129 284.4946 353.8809 c %_284.5435 353.7695 284.5083 353.6406 284.4087 353.5703 c %_284.3091 353.502 284.1763 353.5117 284.0884 353.5957 c %_279.2817 358.1484 275.1489 368.7715 277.3833 381.0527 C %_274.2876 383.4473 272.3384 385.8223 270.8696 389.0059 c %_270.8228 389.1074 270.8501 389.2305 270.936 389.3047 c %_271.022 389.377 271.147 389.3848 271.2427 389.3203 c %_276.2388 385.959 280.7056 384.8125 286.4517 384.5625 C %_f %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141592) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ %_297.0591 504.3691 m %_296.9907 504.4727 297.0083 504.6133 297.1001 504.6973 c %_297.1938 504.7813 297.3345 504.7852 297.4321 504.7061 c %_304.2466 499.1797 313.3071 495.6504 324.4673 495.6504 c %_352.0376 495.6504 369.4399 512.1689 372.1743 529.5771 c %_372.1919 529.6885 372.2817 529.7734 372.3931 529.7891 c %_372.5044 529.8047 372.6138 529.7422 372.6587 529.6396 c %_375.3833 523.3818 377.0259 514.3057 368.6099 502.1309 c %_363.5747 494.8457 357.479 489.8311 357.479 483.3145 c %_357.479 479.0566 359.7407 476.1602 363.1685 476.1602 c %_366.7739 476.1602 369.106 479.248 369.104 482.7148 c %_369.104 484.4629 368.6001 486.1934 367.6958 487.7607 c %_367.6372 487.8633 367.6548 487.9902 367.7407 488.0723 c %_367.8247 488.1523 367.9556 488.165 368.0532 488.1016 c %_371.0259 486.1641 373.6802 482.7021 373.6802 477.8281 c %_373.6802 470.6563 367.5474 464.6602 359.2095 464.6602 c %_350.2368 464.6602 342.8872 471.709 342.8872 481.8477 c %_342.8872 485.3262 343.8755 489.5156 346.3501 492.9805 C %_342.9653 490.1523 341.1587 488.1523 339.6724 483.8271 C %_329.272 482.0186 318.1665 483.6797 309.3403 489.4727 C %_309.0864 483.3711 307.0903 478.2793 302.9985 474.1533 c %_302.9146 474.0684 302.7837 474.0547 302.6841 474.1182 c %_302.5825 474.1816 302.5415 474.3066 302.5806 474.4189 c %_305.4575 482.4199 303.5239 494.6152 297.0591 504.3691 c %_f %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141592) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ %_209.6938 497.7344 m %_211.938 502.5352 217.1528 505.2188 223.1548 505.3271 c %_223.2798 505.3311 223.3872 505.2432 223.4087 505.1211 c %_223.4321 504.998 223.3638 504.8779 223.2485 504.8359 c %_221.2017 504.082 219.5864 502.7637 218.7271 500.9258 c %_216.5142 496.1973 220.0942 489.8301 226.7407 486.5566 c %_226.8188 486.5186 226.8716 486.4434 226.8813 486.3594 c %_226.8911 486.2725 226.856 486.1885 226.7915 486.1318 c %_222.5005 482.6143 217.3794 476.0781 217.3794 462.7148 c %_217.3774 444.0322 229.5337 426.25 245.6548 426.25 c %_254.8677 426.25 262.2876 432.6465 266.1255 442.2422 C %_261.9028 436.4844 256.145 432.1348 248.2114 432.1348 c %_236.5708 432.1348 227.3579 444.5439 227.356 462.459 c %_227.356 479.3457 239.2583 499.0518 255.1216 499.0508 c %_263.8247 499.0488 270.3481 492.0117 270.3481 482.9277 c %_270.3481 474.8672 265.1021 470.2637 259.2173 470.2637 c %_254.7798 470.2637 251.7231 473.3936 250.772 476.7871 c %_250.7388 476.9023 250.7915 477.0254 250.897 477.0811 c %_251.0044 477.1357 251.1333 477.1104 251.2114 477.0186 c %_251.9634 476.124 253.1079 475.3809 254.8657 475.3809 c %_257.8091 475.3789 259.3442 477.9082 259.3442 479.7285 c %_259.3442 483.1836 256.7856 485.6152 252.9458 485.6152 c %_247.7036 485.6152 243.606 479.8564 243.606 472.4385 c %_243.606 463.2236 252.436 454.7813 261.2642 454.7813 c %_270.2856 454.7813 279.9438 462.8408 279.9438 477.8125 c %_279.9419 492.5234 269.9653 509.4141 254.0981 509.4141 c %_244.8481 509.4141 236.9849 505.2441 230.9556 498.3398 c %_230.8755 498.248 230.7427 498.2246 230.6392 498.2852 c %_230.5317 498.3477 230.4849 498.4727 230.5239 498.5879 c %_234.9575 511.5234 232.4771 523.7344 225.7036 523.7324 c %_222.3892 523.7324 220.7017 521.3535 220.7017 518.8154 c %_220.7017 516.21 222.6001 514.0566 225.6704 513.6611 c %_225.7915 513.6475 225.8833 513.5479 225.8931 513.4268 c %_225.8989 513.3047 225.8188 513.1943 225.7017 513.1641 c %_218.8872 511.4004 211.8774 515.1133 211.8774 522.2061 c %_211.8774 528.4854 217.2544 533.3398 224.2896 533.3398 c %_234.9263 533.3379 240.0142 522.0684 237.7485 511.8047 C %_243.2075 518.8486 251.3013 524.6396 262.9263 524.6396 c %_286.4692 524.6396 298.3677 497.7715 298.3677 479.7285 c %_298.3677 463.3525 295.0415 452.8604 288.1313 444.8018 C %_296.1938 450.9404 299.52 457.7227 301.0552 467.0645 C %_307.1958 475.5078 323.188 475.5078 v %_329.8755 475.5078 336.1177 473.0322 340.9614 468.3438 C %_340.9634 468.3447 340.9653 468.3477 340.9673 468.3486 C %_341.0024 468.3105 341.0396 468.2695 341.0767 468.2314 C %_341.397 467.915 341.7114 467.5918 342.02 467.2578 C %_347.0806 462.4102 357.2114 457.8633 366.4517 461.6602 c %_366.5571 461.7031 366.6782 461.6699 366.7485 461.582 c %_366.8188 461.4932 366.8188 461.3672 366.7524 461.2754 c %_362.3462 455.252 354.729 453.335 349.0747 454.21 C %_350.1177 450.4941 350.6958 446.3281 350.6958 441.7305 c %_350.6978 425.3262 341.8989 413.7598 332.2856 408.1289 C %_335.438 404.3281 334.7954 398.3535 331.2544 394.2949 c %_331.1743 394.2051 331.0435 394.1816 330.938 394.2402 c %_330.8345 394.2988 330.7837 394.4238 330.8188 394.5391 c %_332.5513 400.0703 327.4282 404.6875 320.6392 404.4395 c %_320.5161 404.4355 320.4067 404.5195 320.3813 404.6406 c %_320.356 404.7617 320.4185 404.8828 320.5337 404.9277 c %_330.6685 409.0918 337.3911 417.9102 337.3892 428.9355 c %_337.3911 440.4492 330.481 449.79 319.3501 449.79 c %_310.2661 449.79 301.1821 441.4727 301.1821 431.1133 c %_301.1821 423.0508 305.6587 418.3184 311.4165 418.3164 c %_316.4067 418.3184 320.3735 421.7715 320.3735 425.8672 c %_320.3735 431.7188 313.7896 433.8408 310.2778 429.209 c %_310.2095 429.1172 310.0864 429.084 309.981 429.127 c %_309.8755 429.1689 309.811 429.2773 309.8228 429.3926 c %_310.3462 433.7813 313.5767 437.8926 318.5825 437.8926 c %_323.188 437.8926 327.9224 434.0518 327.9224 425.8652 c %_327.9224 416.1406 318.5845 406.291 303.231 406.2891 c %_282.2466 406.2891 270.8599 429.959 281.0942 448.8945 C %_275.8501 442.8809 271.1157 436.4844 271.1157 425.0977 c %_271.1138 403.5898 292.3794 389.0488 317.4692 397.5977 c %_317.5884 397.6367 317.7192 397.584 317.7759 397.4746 c %_317.8345 397.3633 317.8013 397.2266 317.6997 397.1523 c %_310.6938 392.043 303.356 384.5137 303.356 371.873 c %_303.356 358.6934 312.0552 349.3535 325.6196 349.3535 c %_336.1099 349.3535 342.7642 355.752 342.7642 363.2988 c %_342.7642 369.0566 339.0454 373.6641 332.6567 373.6641 c %_323.1431 373.6641 319.9087 363.3203 324.8325 358.6953 c %_324.9165 358.6152 324.936 358.4902 324.8813 358.3887 c %_324.8247 358.2871 324.7056 358.2344 324.5942 358.2637 c %_319.8247 359.5 315.2563 364.332 315.2563 371.6152 c %_315.2544 384.1563 326.897 392.4727 339.6919 392.4727 c %_345.688 392.4727 351.4907 390.7188 356.1646 387.4297 C %_355.6118 383.2773 357.0317 378.6816 359.1313 375.5879 C %_357.1821 382.457 359.2915 393.7656 369.8032 393.7676 c %_375.6958 393.7656 379.5903 389.2383 379.5903 383.8867 c %_379.5903 377.5605 374.2446 374.6094 369.895 375.2148 c %_369.7798 375.2305 369.6899 375.3223 369.6763 375.4375 c %_369.6646 375.5527 369.731 375.6602 369.8384 375.7031 c %_371.4243 376.3105 372.7817 377.9727 372.7817 379.9668 c %_372.7817 382.4668 370.8696 383.9492 368.8696 383.9492 c %_365.5767 383.9492 363.7466 380.2793 364.8989 376.2305 C %_364.8872 376.2285 L %_365.9595 373.3926 366.561 370.2246 366.561 366.7363 c %_366.561 349.9746 348.3813 334.002 325.4399 334 c %_301.229 334 288.3872 351.2734 288.3892 369.0566 c %_288.3892 378.5938 291.9692 385.8184 296.5767 390.4258 C %_276.6548 388.3066 264.0786 396.8223 257.2974 409.1035 C %_261.7759 412.9414 263.438 418.5723 Y %_258.0649 411.5352 248.854 405.3945 235.9321 405.3945 c %_216.356 405.3945 201.0005 424.5859 201.0005 445.1836 c %_201.0005 458.2568 205.8032 470.9648 215.5649 479.4307 C %_209.5278 484.459 206.9185 491.8018 209.6938 497.7344 c %_f %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141592) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ %_*U %_U %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141592) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ %_0 0.25 0 0 0 Xy %_0 0 Xd %_6 () XW %_U %_/ArtDictionary : %_1 /Bool (AIPattern_Is_Main_Copy_of_EditGroup) , %_1 /Bool 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498.0635 25.3301 503.8066 17.0234 503.8066 c %_8.10156 503.8066 0 496.9355 0 488.5254 c %_0 476.71 10.0488 471.0918 20.6133 470.0918 C %_16.248 468.4189 12.9795 463.5664 v %_12.9141 463.4697 12.9238 463.3418 13.001 463.2559 c %_13.0791 463.1689 13.2051 463.1475 13.3086 463.2012 c %_19.1387 466.2822 25.7949 467.9453 32.8105 467.9453 c %_52.4316 467.9453 69.3574 451.541 73.0098 430.5801 c %_73.0313 430.4561 73.1377 430.3691 73.2617 430.3711 c %_f %_1 D %_149.9395 482.7773 m %_154.5488 490.4551 156.1914 503.627 151.8965 513.46 c %_151.8477 513.5703 151.8828 513.6992 151.9824 513.7686 c %_152.0801 513.8379 152.2148 513.8281 152.3027 513.7461 c %_157.1094 509.1914 161.2422 498.5684 159.0078 486.2871 C %_162.1055 483.8936 164.0527 481.5176 165.5215 478.335 c %_165.5684 478.2314 165.541 478.1104 165.4551 478.0352 c %_165.3691 477.9629 165.2441 477.9551 165.1484 478.0186 c %_160.1523 481.3809 155.6855 482.5283 149.9395 482.7773 C %_f %_139.3301 362.9707 m %_139.4004 362.8672 139.3828 362.7266 139.291 362.6426 c %_139.1973 362.5586 139.0566 362.5547 138.959 362.6348 c %_132.1445 368.1621 123.084 371.6895 111.9238 371.6895 c %_84.3516 371.6895 66.9512 355.1719 64.2158 337.7637 c %_64.1982 337.6523 64.1094 337.5664 63.998 337.5508 c %_63.8857 337.5371 63.7773 337.5977 63.7324 337.7012 c %_61.0068 343.959 59.3652 353.0352 67.7813 365.209 c %_72.8154 372.4941 78.9102 377.5098 78.9102 384.0273 c %_78.9102 388.2852 76.6504 391.1797 73.2227 391.1797 c %_69.6172 391.1797 67.2861 388.0918 67.2861 384.625 c %_67.2861 382.877 67.791 381.1465 68.6953 379.5801 c %_68.7539 379.4766 68.7354 379.3496 68.6504 379.2676 c %_68.5645 379.1875 68.4355 379.1758 68.3379 379.2402 c %_65.3652 381.1777 62.7109 384.6367 62.7109 389.5117 c %_62.7109 396.6836 68.8438 402.6816 77.1797 402.6816 c %_86.1543 402.6816 93.5039 395.6328 93.5039 385.4922 c %_93.5039 382.0156 92.5137 377.8242 90.041 374.3613 C %_93.4258 377.1875 95.2324 379.1875 96.7188 383.5117 C %_107.1191 385.3223 118.2246 383.6602 127.0488 377.8691 C %_127.3047 383.9707 129.3008 389.0605 133.3926 393.1875 c %_133.4766 393.2715 133.6074 393.2852 133.707 393.2227 c %_133.8086 393.1582 133.8516 393.0332 133.8105 392.9219 c %_130.9336 384.9199 132.8652 372.7246 139.3301 362.9707 c %_f %_226.6973 369.6055 m %_224.4512 364.8066 219.2383 362.1211 213.2363 362.0117 c %_213.1113 362.0098 213.0039 362.0977 212.9824 362.2188 c %_212.959 362.3418 213.0273 362.4609 213.1426 362.5039 c %_215.1895 363.2578 216.8047 364.5762 217.6641 366.4141 c %_219.877 371.1426 216.2969 377.5098 209.6504 380.7832 c %_209.5723 380.8223 209.5195 380.8965 209.5098 380.9824 c %_209.5 381.0684 209.5332 381.1523 209.5996 381.207 c %_213.8906 384.7266 219.0117 391.2617 219.0117 404.627 c %_219.0117 423.3086 206.8574 441.0898 190.7363 441.0898 c %_181.5234 441.0898 174.1035 434.6934 170.2656 425.0977 C %_174.4863 430.8564 180.2441 435.2051 188.1777 435.2051 c %_199.8203 435.2051 209.0332 422.7969 209.0332 404.8828 c %_209.0332 387.9941 197.1328 368.2891 181.2676 368.2891 c %_172.5664 368.2891 166.043 375.3281 166.043 384.4121 c %_166.043 392.4746 171.2891 397.0781 177.1758 397.0781 c %_181.6094 397.0781 184.668 393.9473 185.6191 390.5527 c %_185.6504 390.4375 185.5996 390.3164 185.4922 390.2598 c %_185.3867 390.2051 185.2578 390.2305 185.1797 390.3223 c %_184.4277 391.2168 183.2832 391.9609 181.5254 391.9609 c %_178.582 391.9609 177.0469 389.4316 177.0469 387.6113 c %_177.0469 384.1563 179.6055 381.7246 183.4453 381.7246 c %_188.6895 381.7246 192.7852 387.4824 192.7852 394.9023 c %_192.7852 404.1152 183.9551 412.5586 175.127 412.5586 c %_166.1055 412.5586 156.4473 404.5 156.4473 389.5293 c %_156.4473 374.8164 166.4277 357.9258 182.293 357.9258 c %_191.543 357.9258 199.4043 362.0957 205.4355 369.002 c %_205.5156 369.0918 205.6484 369.1152 205.7539 369.0547 c %_205.8594 368.9941 205.9063 368.8672 205.8672 368.752 c %_201.4336 355.8164 203.9121 343.6074 210.6875 343.6074 c %_214.002 343.6074 215.6895 345.9863 215.6895 348.5234 c %_215.6895 351.1309 213.791 353.2852 210.7207 353.6777 c %_210.5996 353.6934 210.5059 353.793 210.498 353.9141 c %_210.4922 354.0352 210.5703 354.1465 210.6895 354.1758 c %_217.5039 355.9395 224.5137 352.2285 224.5137 345.1328 c %_224.5137 338.8555 219.1367 334.002 212.1016 334.002 c %_201.4648 334.002 196.377 345.2715 198.6426 355.5371 C %_193.1836 348.4922 185.0898 342.7012 173.4648 342.7012 c %_149.9219 342.7012 138.0234 369.5703 138.0234 387.6113 c %_138.0234 403.9883 141.3496 414.4785 148.2598 422.5391 C %_140.1973 416.3984 136.8711 409.6172 135.3379 400.2773 C %_129.1953 391.832 113.2031 391.832 v %_106.5156 391.832 100.2734 394.3086 95.4297 398.998 C %_95.4277 398.9961 95.4258 398.9941 95.4238 398.9902 C %_95.3887 399.0313 95.3496 399.0703 95.3145 399.1094 C %_94.9941 399.4238 94.6797 399.748 94.3711 400.082 C %_89.3086 404.9316 79.1797 409.4785 69.9395 405.6797 c %_69.834 405.6367 69.7129 405.6699 69.6426 405.7578 c %_69.5723 405.8477 69.5703 405.9727 69.6377 406.0645 c %_74.0449 412.0898 81.6621 414.0059 87.3164 413.1309 C %_86.2715 416.8457 85.6934 421.0117 85.6934 425.6094 c %_85.6934 442.0137 94.4922 453.5801 104.1055 459.2109 C %_100.9512 463.0137 101.5957 468.9883 105.1367 473.0449 c %_105.2168 473.1357 105.3477 473.1582 105.4531 473.0996 c %_105.5566 473.041 105.6055 472.918 105.5703 472.8018 c %_103.8398 467.2695 108.9629 462.6523 115.752 462.9004 c %_115.875 462.9033 115.9824 462.8193 116.0098 462.6992 c %_116.0352 462.5801 115.9707 462.457 115.8574 462.4111 c %_105.7207 458.248 99 449.4316 99 438.4033 c %_99 426.8906 105.9082 417.5488 117.041 417.5488 c %_126.125 417.5488 135.209 425.8672 135.209 436.2285 c %_135.209 444.2891 130.7305 449.0225 124.9727 449.0225 c %_119.9844 449.0225 116.0176 445.5684 116.0176 441.4736 c %_116.0176 435.6211 122.5996 433.499 126.1113 438.1309 c %_126.1816 438.2227 126.3027 438.2559 126.4082 438.2129 c %_126.5156 438.1699 126.5801 438.0625 126.5664 437.9482 c %_126.043 433.5586 122.8145 429.4482 117.8086 429.4482 c %_113.2031 429.4482 108.4688 433.2861 108.4688 441.4746 c %_108.4688 451.1982 117.8066 461.0508 133.1602 461.0508 c %_154.1426 461.0508 165.5313 437.3809 155.2969 418.4453 C %_160.541 424.459 165.2754 430.8555 165.2754 442.2432 c %_165.2754 463.75 144.0117 478.291 118.9219 469.7441 c %_118.8027 469.7021 118.6719 469.7559 118.6152 469.8672 c %_118.5566 469.9785 118.5879 470.1143 118.6895 470.1895 c %_125.6953 475.2979 133.0332 482.8262 133.0332 495.4668 c %_133.0332 508.6475 124.334 517.9854 110.7715 517.9854 c %_100.2793 517.9854 93.627 511.5879 93.627 504.04 c %_93.627 498.2822 97.3457 493.6768 103.7344 493.6768 c %_113.2461 493.6768 116.4805 504.0195 111.5586 508.6445 c %_111.4746 508.7236 111.4551 508.8516 111.5098 508.9521 c %_111.5664 509.0547 111.6836 509.1055 111.7969 509.0762 c %_116.5664 507.8398 121.1348 503.0068 121.1348 495.7236 c %_121.1348 483.1855 109.4922 474.8682 96.6973 474.8682 c %_90.7012 474.8682 84.8984 476.623 80.2266 479.9102 C %_80.7773 484.0635 79.3574 488.6602 77.2598 491.752 C %_79.209 484.8848 77.1016 473.5732 66.5859 473.5732 c %_60.6953 473.5732 56.8008 478.1025 56.8008 483.4551 c %_56.8008 489.7793 62.1465 492.7314 66.4961 492.125 c %_66.6113 492.1104 66.7002 492.0186 66.7129 491.9023 c %_66.7266 491.7891 66.6602 491.6797 66.5527 491.6367 c %_64.9668 491.0293 63.6104 489.3691 63.6104 487.373 c %_63.6104 484.873 65.5195 483.3906 67.5195 483.3906 c %_70.8145 483.3906 72.6445 487.0605 71.4922 491.1104 C %_71.5039 491.1104 L %_70.4307 493.9473 69.8281 497.1152 69.8281 500.6055 c %_69.8281 517.3672 88.0098 533.3398 110.9492 533.3398 c %_135.1621 533.3398 148.0039 516.0664 148.0039 498.2822 c %_148.0039 488.7461 144.4219 481.5225 139.8145 476.915 C %_159.7363 479.0332 172.3125 470.5176 179.0938 458.2354 C %_174.6152 454.3975 172.9531 448.7676 Y %_178.3262 455.8057 187.5371 461.9453 200.459 461.9453 c %_220.0352 461.9453 235.3906 442.7539 235.3906 422.1563 c %_235.3906 409.084 230.5879 396.375 220.8262 387.9102 C %_226.8633 382.8809 229.4727 375.5391 226.6973 369.6055 c %_f %_*U %_*u %_0 D %_1 0.2 0 0 0 Xy %_148.2109 494.9053 m %_148.1777 494.7852 148.2383 494.6582 148.3516 494.6094 c %_163.1758 488.0957 173.6367 475.6289 178.0059 461.2324 c %_178.041 461.1152 178.1543 461.0391 178.2773 461.0527 c %_178.3984 461.0664 178.4941 461.166 178.502 461.2871 c %_179.2285 471.9434 176.127 482.4531 170 491.0234 C %_184.1211 491.9648 195.2402 499.9297 202.1992 511.5723 C %_206.3281 505.46 214.6504 505.7969 217.8594 512.6035 c %_217.9102 512.708 217.8828 512.832 217.7949 512.9063 c %_217.707 512.9805 217.5801 512.9873 217.4863 512.9219 c %_213.2129 509.9688 205.8066 513.498 208.9277 524.9355 c %_210.9805 532.4561 215.3711 536.4668 219.5254 535.333 c %_222.791 534.4414 223.7656 531.002 223.0859 528.5146 c %_221.9238 524.2539 217.4375 522.8623 214.4805 525.6357 c %_214.3965 525.7158 214.2676 525.7285 214.1699 525.6641 c %_214.0723 525.5986 214.0293 525.4775 214.0684 525.3662 c %_214.9863 522.7852 216.5566 520.7285 219.6152 519.8936 c %_224.8105 518.4756 231.6738 521.8115 233.8613 529.8252 c %_236.2109 538.4316 231.7148 548.0566 223.6035 550.2715 c %_212.2031 553.3818 204.1387 545.166 200.3926 535.2383 C %_199.9258 539.8896 196.1074 544.3203 v %_196.0313 544.4092 195.9043 544.4336 195.8008 544.3818 c %_195.6973 544.3291 195.6426 544.2129 195.666 544.0996 c %_197.1055 537.6641 196.957 530.8047 195.1094 524.0361 c %_189.9434 505.1074 169.6621 493.0977 148.4785 495.0938 c %_148.3535 495.1055 148.2402 495.0254 148.2109 494.9053 c %_f %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-1.837222) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ %_1 D %_178.5801 407.1348 m %_184.7734 400.666 197.0488 395.6133 207.6641 397.168 c %_207.7852 397.1855 207.9004 397.1172 207.9395 397.0039 c %_207.9805 396.8906 207.9355 396.7637 207.834 396.7012 c %_202.1738 393.2617 190.8379 392.0723 179.5781 397.4609 C %_176.4531 395.1035 173.6484 393.8496 170.1914 393.2715 c %_170.0801 393.2539 169.9688 393.3125 169.9199 393.4141 c %_169.873 393.5156 169.8984 393.6387 169.9844 393.7148 c %_174.5449 397.6484 176.8281 401.6563 178.5801 407.1348 C %_f %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-1.837222) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ %_65.793 448.9121 m %_65.6748 448.8711 65.5439 448.9258 65.4873 449.0371 c %_65.4307 449.1484 65.4639 449.2852 65.5674 449.3594 c %_72.6934 454.4785 78.4824 462.291 81.4199 473.0566 c %_88.6797 499.6563 77.3262 520.7921 61.2529 528.0146 c %_61.1494 528.0605 61.0898 528.1689 61.1045 528.2803 c %_61.1211 528.3926 61.208 528.4814 61.3193 528.4971 c %_68.0742 529.4785 77.2617 528.6729 86.791 517.3486 c %_92.4922 510.5732 95.7266 503.373 102.0137 501.6563 c %_106.1211 500.5352 109.5098 501.9551 110.4121 505.2617 c %_111.3613 508.7393 108.9961 511.8018 105.6523 512.7148 c %_103.9648 513.1738 102.1621 513.1436 100.4141 512.6836 c %_100.2988 512.6533 100.1816 512.7051 100.125 512.8086 c %_100.0703 512.9121 100.0918 513.04 100.1797 513.1172 c %_102.832 515.4746 106.8672 517.125 111.5703 515.8408 c %_118.4902 513.9531 122.6602 506.457 120.4668 498.415 c %_118.1035 489.7578 109.3691 484.5234 99.5859 487.1934 c %_96.2324 488.1084 92.4492 490.168 89.7598 493.4648 C %_91.5938 489.4551 93.0488 487.1855 96.8281 484.6133 C %_95.8359 474.1035 91.3086 463.8271 83.4004 456.8389 C %_89.2188 454.9863 93.6035 451.7207 96.5078 446.6855 c %_96.5664 446.582 96.5449 446.4531 96.459 446.373 c %_96.3691 446.293 96.2383 446.2832 96.1406 446.3535 c %_89.1797 451.2344 76.9043 452.582 65.793 448.9121 c %_f %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-1.837222) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ %_49.1914 362.8809 m %_45.1533 366.3105 43.9355 372.0469 45.4102 377.8672 c %_45.4414 377.9883 45.5537 378.0684 45.6768 378.0566 c %_45.8018 378.0469 45.8984 377.9492 45.9092 377.8281 c %_46.0977 375.6543 46.9443 373.748 48.4912 372.4355 c %_52.4707 369.0566 59.5557 370.834 64.4629 376.3828 c %_64.5215 376.4492 64.6074 376.4805 64.6924 376.4668 c %_64.7783 376.4531 64.8506 376.3984 64.8857 376.3203 c %_67.1514 371.2539 72.1074 364.5938 85 361.0742 c %_103.0234 356.1563 123.3789 363.1992 127.623 378.752 c %_130.0488 387.6406 125.8301 396.4824 117.584 402.7109 C %_122.0293 397.123 124.707 390.4238 122.6172 382.7695 c %_119.5527 371.5391 105.1563 365.918 87.875 370.6348 c %_71.582 375.0801 55.7061 391.748 59.8828 407.0547 c %_62.1738 415.4492 70.6816 419.8887 79.4453 417.4961 c %_87.2227 415.375 90.2832 409.1016 88.7324 403.4219 c %_87.5664 399.1445 83.7402 397.0195 80.2148 396.9941 c %_80.0957 396.9941 79.9922 397.0762 79.9648 397.1934 c %_79.9414 397.3105 79.998 397.4277 80.1074 397.4785 c %_81.1699 397.9688 82.1875 398.877 82.6504 400.5742 c %_83.4258 403.4121 81.3906 405.5605 79.6348 406.0391 c %_76.3018 406.9492 73.2822 405.1211 72.2705 401.416 c %_70.8906 396.3574 75.3662 390.8906 82.5234 388.9355 c %_91.4121 386.5117 101.8828 392.8066 104.207 401.3223 c %_106.582 410.0254 101.3496 421.4648 86.9082 425.4063 c %_72.7148 429.2813 53.792 424.0996 49.6152 408.793 c %_47.1797 399.8691 49.1328 391.1875 54.207 383.5508 c %_54.2734 383.4512 54.2607 383.3164 54.1748 383.2305 c %_54.0879 383.1445 53.9531 383.1328 53.8525 383.2012 c %_42.541 390.8828 30.1104 391.707 28.3262 385.1699 c %_27.4531 381.9727 29.3037 379.7188 31.752 379.0508 c %_34.2676 378.3652 36.8457 379.6289 38.0322 382.4883 c %_38.0791 382.5996 38.2002 382.6641 38.3193 382.6406 c %_38.4375 382.6133 38.5244 382.5098 38.5215 382.3867 c %_38.4287 375.3477 33.0029 369.5625 26.1572 371.4316 c %_20.1016 373.084 16.835 379.5488 18.6875 386.3359 c %_21.4883 396.5977 33.6992 398.5391 43.0059 393.6504 C %_37.6465 400.7715 34.1914 410.1035 37.252 421.3184 c %_43.4502 444.0313 72.5039 448.4355 89.9082 443.6855 c %_105.707 439.373 114.9512 433.4023 120.9082 424.6152 C %_117.1074 434.0098 111.4414 439.0039 102.834 442.9434 C %_96.3047 451.0918 100.5156 466.5195 v %_102.2754 472.9707 106.3086 478.3418 112.1074 481.7793 C %_112.1074 481.7813 112.1055 481.7842 112.1016 481.7871 C %_112.1504 481.8105 112.1992 481.8379 112.2461 481.8613 C %_112.6328 482.0879 113.0293 482.3057 113.4316 482.5146 C %_119.4434 486.1211 126.4961 494.6973 125.2656 504.6113 c %_125.252 504.7236 125.3145 504.832 125.418 504.877 c %_125.5234 504.9219 125.6445 504.8896 125.7148 504.8018 c %_130.3672 498.9629 130.2109 491.1104 127.8789 485.8857 C %_131.7363 485.915 135.9082 485.375 140.3438 484.165 c %_156.168 479.8457 165.0117 468.3135 167.9121 457.5566 C %_172.4102 459.5977 178.0059 457.4043 180.9883 452.9199 c %_181.0527 452.8184 181.041 452.6855 180.957 452.5996 c %_180.873 452.5156 180.7402 452.5 180.6387 452.5645 c %_175.7578 455.6914 169.9551 451.9648 168.4043 445.3496 c %_168.377 445.2305 168.2676 445.1484 168.1445 445.1543 c %_168.0215 445.1602 167.9199 445.2539 167.9063 445.377 c %_166.5586 456.251 159.8223 465.0566 149.1836 467.96 c %_138.0762 470.9922 127.2441 466.7852 124.3145 456.0469 c %_121.9219 447.2832 127.5566 436.3301 137.5508 433.6016 c %_145.3281 431.4785 151.0742 434.5527 152.5898 440.1074 c %_153.9043 444.9199 151.6152 449.6563 147.666 450.7344 c %_142.0176 452.2754 138.2383 446.4844 141.7832 441.877 c %_141.8516 441.7852 141.8535 441.6602 141.7832 441.5684 c %_141.7148 441.4766 141.5918 441.4434 141.4863 441.4863 c %_137.3887 443.1465 134.2734 447.3418 135.5918 452.1729 c %_136.8047 456.6152 141.7539 460.1729 149.6543 458.0166 c %_159.0352 455.457 166.0801 443.8555 162.0371 429.043 c %_156.5137 408.7988 130.6797 404.0449 115.1074 418.9043 C %_119.5273 412.2617 124.4512 406.0098 135.4375 403.0117 c %_156.1875 397.3496 175.8125 414.0332 174.1719 440.4902 c %_174.1641 440.6152 174.25 440.7285 174.373 440.7539 c %_174.4941 440.7813 174.6191 440.7129 174.6641 440.5977 c %_177.7461 432.4922 183.0781 423.4316 195.2734 420.1035 c %_207.9883 416.6328 219.2871 422.5664 222.8594 435.6504 c %_225.6211 445.7734 221.2012 453.875 213.9199 455.8623 c %_208.3652 457.3789 202.9414 455.0039 201.2598 448.8398 c %_198.7559 439.6641 207.8828 433.8203 213.6406 437.3516 c %_213.7383 437.4121 213.8672 437.3965 213.9492 437.3164 c %_214.0332 437.2363 214.0508 437.1094 213.9922 437.0078 c %_211.5449 432.7324 205.6797 429.5977 198.6543 431.5156 c %_186.5566 434.8164 181.5996 448.2383 184.9668 460.5811 c %_186.5449 466.3652 189.7676 471.502 194.168 475.1426 C %_198.0293 473.5186 202.8379 473.6777 206.373 474.8867 C %_199.2344 474.8154 188.8789 479.8262 191.6465 489.9707 c %_193.1973 495.6533 198.5918 498.2188 203.7559 496.8086 c %_209.8574 495.1436 211.2969 489.21 209.5684 485.1729 c %_209.5215 485.0654 209.4102 485.0039 209.2969 485.0225 c %_209.1816 485.04 209.0938 485.1318 209.082 485.2471 c %_208.9141 486.9375 207.668 488.6836 205.7441 489.208 c %_203.332 489.8662 201.3984 488.415 200.873 486.4854 c %_200.0039 483.3066 203.0625 480.5752 207.2734 480.6211 C %_207.2695 480.6094 L %_210.2891 480.8984 213.5039 480.6445 216.8711 479.7266 c %_233.041 475.3125 243.6641 453.5674 237.623 431.4375 c %_231.248 408.0781 211.2051 400.2363 194.0469 404.9199 c %_184.8477 407.4297 178.8223 412.7871 175.5898 418.4453 C %_172.3887 398.668 160.8613 388.7793 147.2285 385.4707 C %_144.7051 390.8008 139.7109 393.8867 Y %_145.0859 386.8496 148.584 376.3477 145.1816 363.8809 c %_140.0273 344.9961 117.4707 335.2344 97.5996 340.6582 c %_84.9883 344.0996 73.9922 352.0801 68.3965 363.7266 C %_61.9551 359.2266 54.1855 358.6406 49.1914 362.8809 c %_f %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-1.837222) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ %_*U %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-1.837222) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ %_u %_*u %_0 D %_0 0 0 0 k %_0 1 0 0 0 Xy %_196.1289 436.9688 m %_196.0039 436.9688 195.8984 436.877 195.8789 436.7539 c %_193.5 420.7402 184.2266 407.3652 171.4883 399.3594 c %_171.3848 399.2949 171.3398 399.1641 171.3867 399.0508 c %_171.4316 398.9375 171.5527 398.8711 171.6719 398.8965 c %_182.1445 401 191.4648 406.7598 198.1211 414.9277 C %_202.7461 401.5508 213.3574 392.9219 226.4219 389.2734 C %_221.6133 383.6816 224.1289 375.7402 231.541 374.4375 c %_231.6543 374.416 231.7656 374.4746 231.8145 374.5781 c %_231.8633 374.6816 231.8359 374.8066 231.748 374.8809 c %_227.7754 378.2266 229.2285 386.3008 241.0859 386.3008 c %_248.8794 386.3008 253.9067 383.1211 253.9067 378.8145 c %_253.9067 375.4297 250.8442 373.584 248.2642 373.584 c %_243.8501 373.584 241.3262 377.5449 243.2227 381.127 c %_243.2773 381.2305 243.2559 381.3574 243.168 381.4355 c %_243.0801 381.5137 242.9512 381.5215 242.8535 381.4551 c %_240.6055 379.8906 239.0352 377.834 239.0352 374.6641 c %_239.0352 369.2773 244.061 363.5352 252.3677 363.5332 c %_261.2896 363.5332 269.3911 370.4043 269.3911 378.8145 c %_269.3911 390.6309 259.3423 396.248 248.7778 397.248 C %_253.1431 398.9219 256.4106 403.7734 v %_256.4771 403.8691 256.4673 403.998 256.3892 404.084 c %_256.311 404.1719 256.1841 404.1934 256.0825 404.1387 c %_250.2524 401.0566 243.5938 399.3945 236.5801 399.3945 c %_216.957 399.3945 200.0332 415.7988 196.3809 436.7607 c %_196.3594 436.8818 196.252 436.9727 196.1289 436.9688 c %_f %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141592) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ %_1 D %_119.4512 384.5625 m %_114.8438 376.8867 113.1992 363.7129 117.4941 353.8809 c %_117.543 353.7695 117.5078 353.6406 117.4082 353.5703 c %_117.3086 353.502 117.1758 353.5117 117.0879 353.5957 c %_112.2813 358.1484 108.1484 368.7715 110.3828 381.0527 C %_107.2871 383.4473 105.3379 385.8223 103.8691 389.0059 c %_103.8223 389.1074 103.8496 389.2305 103.9355 389.3047 c %_104.0215 389.377 104.1465 389.3848 104.2422 389.3203 c %_109.2383 385.959 113.7051 384.8125 119.4512 384.5625 C %_f %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141592) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ %_130.0586 504.3691 m %_129.9902 504.4727 130.0078 504.6133 130.0996 504.6973 c %_130.1934 504.7813 130.334 504.7852 130.4316 504.7061 c %_137.2461 499.1797 146.3066 495.6504 157.4668 495.6504 c %_185.0371 495.6504 202.4395 512.1689 205.1738 529.5771 c %_205.1914 529.6885 205.2813 529.7734 205.3926 529.7891 c %_205.5039 529.8047 205.6133 529.7422 205.6582 529.6396 c %_208.3828 523.3818 210.0254 514.3057 201.6094 502.1309 c %_196.5742 494.8457 190.4785 489.8311 190.4785 483.3145 c %_190.4785 479.0566 192.7402 476.1602 196.168 476.1602 c %_199.7734 476.1602 202.1055 479.248 202.1035 482.7148 c %_202.1035 484.4629 201.5996 486.1934 200.6953 487.7607 c %_200.6367 487.8633 200.6543 487.9902 200.7402 488.0723 c %_200.8242 488.1523 200.9551 488.165 201.0527 488.1016 c %_204.0254 486.1641 206.6797 482.7021 206.6797 477.8281 c %_206.6797 470.6563 200.5469 464.6602 192.209 464.6602 c %_183.2363 464.6602 175.8867 471.709 175.8867 481.8477 c %_175.8867 485.3262 176.875 489.5156 179.3496 492.9805 C %_175.9648 490.1523 174.1582 488.1523 172.6719 483.8271 C %_162.2715 482.0186 151.166 483.6797 142.3398 489.4727 C %_142.0859 483.3711 140.0898 478.2793 135.998 474.1533 c %_135.9141 474.0684 135.7832 474.0547 135.6836 474.1182 c %_135.582 474.1816 135.541 474.3066 135.5801 474.4189 c %_138.457 482.4199 136.5234 494.6152 130.0586 504.3691 c %_f %_/ArtDictionary : %_(-3.141592) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_; %_ %_42.6934 497.7344 m %_44.9375 502.5352 50.1523 505.2188 56.1543 505.3271 c %_56.2793 505.3311 56.3867 505.2432 56.4082 505.1211 c %_56.4316 504.998 56.3633 504.8779 56.248 504.8359 c %_54.2012 504.082 52.5859 502.7637 51.7266 500.9258 c %_49.5137 496.1973 53.0938 489.8301 59.7402 486.5566 c %_59.8184 486.5186 59.8711 486.4434 59.8809 486.3594 c %_59.8906 486.2725 59.8555 486.1885 59.791 486.1318 c %_55.5 482.6143 50.3789 476.0781 50.3789 462.7148 c %_50.377 444.0322 62.5332 426.25 78.6543 426.25 c %_87.8672 426.25 95.2871 432.6465 99.125 442.2422 C %_94.9023 436.4844 89.1445 432.1348 81.2109 432.1348 c %_69.5703 432.1348 60.3574 444.5439 60.3555 462.459 c %_60.3555 479.3457 72.2578 499.0518 88.1211 499.0508 c %_96.8242 499.0488 103.3477 492.0117 103.3477 482.9277 c %_103.3477 474.8672 98.1016 470.2637 92.2168 470.2637 c %_87.7793 470.2637 84.7227 473.3936 83.7715 476.7871 c %_83.7383 476.9023 83.791 477.0254 83.8965 477.0811 c %_84.0039 477.1357 84.1328 477.1104 84.2109 477.0186 c %_84.9629 476.124 86.1074 475.3809 87.8652 475.3809 c %_90.8086 475.3789 92.3438 477.9082 92.3438 479.7285 c %_92.3438 483.1836 89.7852 485.6152 85.9453 485.6152 c %_80.7031 485.6152 76.6055 479.8564 76.6055 472.4385 c %_76.6055 463.2236 85.4355 454.7813 94.2637 454.7813 c %_103.2852 454.7813 112.9434 462.8408 112.9434 477.8125 c %_112.9414 492.5234 102.9648 509.4141 87.0977 509.4141 c %_77.8477 509.4141 69.9844 505.2441 63.9551 498.3398 c %_63.875 498.248 63.7422 498.2246 63.6387 498.2852 c %_63.5313 498.3477 63.4844 498.4727 63.5234 498.5879 c %_67.957 511.5234 65.4766 523.7344 58.7031 523.7324 c %_55.3887 523.7324 53.7012 521.3535 53.7012 518.8154 c %_53.7012 516.21 55.5996 514.0566 58.6699 513.6611 c %_58.791 513.6475 58.8828 513.5479 58.8926 513.4268 c %_58.8984 513.3047 58.8184 513.1943 58.7012 513.1641 c %_51.8867 511.4004 44.877 515.1133 44.877 522.2061 c %_44.877 528.4854 50.2539 533.3398 57.2891 533.3398 c %_67.9258 533.3379 73.0137 522.0684 70.748 511.8047 C %_76.207 518.8486 84.3008 524.6396 95.9258 524.6396 c %_119.4688 524.6396 131.3672 497.7715 131.3672 479.7285 c %_131.3672 463.3525 128.041 452.8604 121.1309 444.8018 C %_129.1934 450.9404 132.5195 457.7227 134.0547 467.0645 C %_140.1953 475.5078 156.1875 475.5078 v %_162.875 475.5078 169.1172 473.0322 173.9609 468.3438 C %_173.9629 468.3447 173.9648 468.3477 173.9668 468.3486 C %_174.002 468.3105 174.0391 468.2695 174.0762 468.2314 C %_174.3965 467.915 174.7109 467.5918 175.0195 467.2578 C %_180.0801 462.4102 190.2109 457.8633 199.4512 461.6602 c %_199.5566 461.7031 199.6777 461.6699 199.748 461.582 c %_199.8184 461.4932 199.8184 461.3672 199.752 461.2754 c %_195.3457 455.252 187.7285 453.335 182.0742 454.21 C %_183.1172 450.4941 183.6953 446.3281 183.6953 441.7305 c %_183.6973 425.3262 174.8984 413.7598 165.2852 408.1289 C %_168.4375 404.3281 167.7949 398.3535 164.2539 394.2949 c %_164.1738 394.2051 164.043 394.1816 163.9375 394.2402 c %_163.834 394.2988 163.7832 394.4238 163.8184 394.5391 c %_165.5508 400.0703 160.4277 404.6875 153.6387 404.4395 c %_153.5156 404.4355 153.4063 404.5195 153.3809 404.6406 c %_153.3555 404.7617 153.418 404.8828 153.5332 404.9277 c %_163.668 409.0918 170.3906 417.9102 170.3887 428.9355 c %_170.3906 440.4492 163.4805 449.79 152.3496 449.79 c %_143.2656 449.79 134.1816 441.4727 134.1816 431.1133 c %_134.1816 423.0508 138.6582 418.3184 144.416 418.3164 c %_149.4063 418.3184 153.373 421.7715 153.373 425.8672 c %_153.373 431.7188 146.7891 433.8408 143.2773 429.209 c %_143.209 429.1172 143.0859 429.084 142.9805 429.127 c %_142.875 429.1689 142.8105 429.2773 142.8223 429.3926 c %_143.3457 433.7813 146.5762 437.8926 151.582 437.8926 c %_156.1875 437.8926 160.9219 434.0518 160.9219 425.8652 c %_160.9219 416.1406 151.584 406.291 136.2305 406.2891 c %_115.2461 406.2891 103.8594 429.959 114.0938 448.8945 C %_108.8496 442.8809 104.1152 436.4844 104.1152 425.0977 c %_104.1133 403.5898 125.3789 389.0488 150.4688 397.5977 c %_150.5879 397.6367 150.7188 397.584 150.7754 397.4746 c %_150.834 397.3633 150.8008 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3603.0115 m -3517.4153 3603.272 L -3517.0991 3603.3032 -3517.0413 3603.1792 -3517.0613 3603.0115 C f -3515.5583 3604.0955 m -3514.9768 3603.5479 L -3515.6704 3604.103 L -3515.5583 3604.0955 L f -3518.5449 3602.3936 m -3518.3442 3602.0422 L -3518.7017 3602.5732 L -3518.5449 3602.3936 L f -3519.4417 3602.4551 m -3519.2932 3602.1638 -3519.6453 3601.9624 -3519.4883 3601.7832 C -3519.7319 3601.8352 -3519.9399 3602.0854 -3520.1272 3602.3096 C -3519.9282 3602.1848 -3519.7161 3602.2168 -3519.4417 3602.4551 C f -3520.4417 3602.6375 m -3520.3423 3602.5679 -3520.2393 3602.4424 -3520.1272 3602.3096 C -3520.2329 3602.3774 -3520.3369 3602.4739 -3520.4417 3602.6375 C f -3518.0183 3603.1973 m -3518.0457 3603.1055 -3518.0984 3602.8652 -3518.2969 3602.7632 C -3518.1577 3603.1907 L -3518.1152 3603.1936 -3518.0671 3603.1951 -3518.0183 3603.1973 C f -3518.1528 3603.2046 m -3518.1577 3603.1907 L -3518.3088 3603.1814 -3518.4136 3603.1719 -3518.4585 3603.167 c -3518.4199 3603.1707 -3518.3279 3603.1814 -3518.1528 3603.2046 C f -3517.9832 3603.1992 m -3517.9961 3603.1982 -3518.0056 3603.1973 -3518.0183 3603.1973 C -3518.0049 3603.2393 -3517.9968 3603.2534 -3517.9832 3603.1992 C f -3516.4863 3603.7092 m -3516.6943 3603.9482 -3517.1279 3604.2039 -3516.7083 3604.5684 C -3516.5591 3604.2759 -3516.7993 3604.0684 -3516.4863 3603.7092 c f -3517.8103 3603.7334 m -3517.4343 3603.8311 L -3517.4417 3603.7183 -3517.5095 3603.5535 -3517.4065 3603.4351 C -3517.8103 3603.7334 L f -3517.9944 3603.8691 m -3517.8103 3603.7334 L -3517.9497 3603.6973 L -3517.9944 3603.8691 L f -3519.7976 3603.0376 m -3519.96 3603.2231 -3520.1377 3603.2393 -3520.3384 3603.269 C -3520.1233 3603.353 -3519.9009 3603.3982 -3519.6897 3603.3975 C -3519.6599 3603.2632 -3519.5671 3603.0222 -3519.7976 3603.0376 C f -3518.9983 3603.1563 m -3519.0095 3603.1663 -3519.0239 3603.1707 -3519.0344 3603.1807 C -3519.0122 3603.2168 -3518.9944 3603.2283 -3518.9983 3603.1563 C f -3522.3142 3603.2659 m -3522.3032 3603.2896 -3522.2937 3603.3184 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3602.917 C -3526.3752 3602.9238 -3526.4441 3602.9326 -3526.5583 3602.9404 c f -3586.2932 3606.9558 m -3586.3042 3606.9424 -3586.3169 3606.9336 -3586.3289 3606.915 C -3586.4968 3607.0952 -3586.4231 3607.0664 -3586.2932 3606.9558 C f -3546.7783 3607.6563 m -3546.7705 3607.6519 -3546.7664 3607.6406 -3546.7593 3607.6353 C -3546.7671 3607.6304 -3546.7769 3607.625 -3546.7839 3607.6199 C -3546.7783 3607.6563 L f -3547.3762 3607.9795 m -3547.1216 3607.4395 -3546.9768 3607.5059 -3546.7839 3607.6199 C -3546.9817 3606.3691 L -3547.3762 3607.9795 L f *u -3570.5383 3608.1416 m -3570.1184 3608.5313 L -3570.6252 3609.1726 -3570.9919 3608.9512 -3570.5977 3609.5 C -3570.5383 3608.1416 -3568.9656 3609.3606 -3568.9072 3608.0039 C -3568.6304 3608.2896 L -3568.7097 3608.2764 -3568.7224 3608.356 -3568.8008 3608.3428 C -3568.2625 3608.9932 -3568.4009 3607.3606 -3567.7073 3607.5542 C -3567.4656 3607.6582 -3567.2969 3607.8555 -3567.4617 3608.0166 C -3566.9231 3607.6807 L -3566.7664 3607.707 -3566.8047 3607.9424 -3566.9607 3607.917 C -3566.1392 3607.8086 L -3566.1453 3607.8486 L -3566.0281 3607.6353 -3565.7625 3607.3064 -3565.6328 3607.1663 C -3565.4241 3607.3606 -3565.7375 3607.3096 -3565.6841 3607.4795 C -3565.2292 3607.1504 L -3565.0439 3607.5022 -3565.4209 3607.8442 -3565.7351 3607.7935 C -3565.3103 3609.1494 -3565.3577 3607.4512 -3564.4409 3608.2432 C -3564.8704 3608.4163 L -3564.5935 3609.1863 -3564.2583 3608.9072 -3563.7727 3609.3875 C -3563.8879 3609.1367 -3564.7449 3608.1772 -3564.2512 3607.8384 C -3564.1121 3607.9414 -3563.9287 3607.9902 -3563.6624 3607.7168 C -3563.6599 3608.1995 -3563.3999 3608.0811 -3563.0745 3608.0535 C -3563.0967 3608.6936 L -3562.7449 3608.5088 -3562.7727 3608.1831 -3562.5657 3607.895 C -3562.1736 3607.9583 -3562.0923 3608.4536 -3562 3608.8711 C -3561.3721 3608.9727 -3562.4336 3608.0767 -3561.6904 3607.9558 C -3561.1682 3608.2007 -3560.8015 3607.9395 -3560.1768 3607.5566 C -3559.8113 3607.7766 -3560.2407 3607.9482 -3560.1096 3608.1304 C -3559.7856 3607.6206 L -3559.7063 3607.6328 -3559.7319 3607.7896 -3559.7449 3607.8687 C -3559.4719 3607.6707 -3559.7224 3607.2295 -3559.2932 3607.0552 C -3559.1775 3606.3511 -3558.4121 3608.0854 -3557.8809 3607.2852 C -3557.75 3607.4668 -3557.9441 3607.6772 -3557.9041 3607.9248 C -3557.1753 3607.3999 -3557.2793 3607.5435 -3556.6809 3606.8367 C -3556.1711 3607.2566 L -3556.5457 3606.7764 -3556.0671 3606.2083 -3555.6479 3605.7412 C -3555.7808 3605.5093 -3555.8943 3605.3064 -3555.9705 3605.2095 C -3555.3015 3604.8662 L -3555.2207 3604.9712 -3555.2881 3605.1907 -3555.3977 3605.4583 C -3555.3521 3605.4053 -3555.3088 3605.353 -3555.2751 3605.3047 C -3555.0359 3605.541 -3555.1599 3605.9104 -3555.3313 3606.2676 C -3555.4128 3606.1416 -3555.4937 3606.0063 -3555.5723 3605.873 C -3555.7375 3606.2615 -3555.8921 3606.6919 -3555.8577 3607.0664 C -3555.8142 3606.9927 -3555.7305 3606.9292 -3555.6384 3606.8936 C -3555.6816 3606.999 -3555.7092 3607.0933 -3555.6892 3607.1572 c -3555.6665 3607.2246 -3555.5967 3607.083 -3555.4873 3606.9199 C -3555.3352 3607.6328 L -3555.2983 3607.3496 L -3554.4231 3607.7959 L -3553.7969 3607.0779 -3553.2522 3606.0215 -3552.2583 3605.7271 C -3552.5049 3606.25 -3552.3113 3606.5811 -3552.3247 3607.2007 C -3552.5959 3606.5447 -3553.0945 3607.4795 -3553.6096 3607.3462 c -3553.3408 3607.415 -3553.3999 3607.7102 -3553.4683 3607.8135 C -3552.5496 3607.2168 L -3552.5703 3607.7231 -3552.3545 3607.5967 -3552.1145 3607.8064 C -3552.2959 3606.8047 -3551.4297 3607.1392 -3551.0559 3606.8323 C -3551.0327 3607.168 -3551.1223 3607.5115 -3551.5784 3607.4307 C -3551.0752 3608.1848 -3550.9282 3606.2544 -3550.4343 3606.895 C -3550.5457 3606.9031 -3550.6057 3606.8516 -3550.6497 3607.0222 C -3550.3896 3606.7231 -3549.7537 3606.96 -3549.9033 3607.2534 C -3550.0144 3607.2603 L -3549.2751 3607.3787 -3547.7639 3607.2676 -3547.6536 3606.417 C -3547.6462 3606.5264 -3547.7505 3607.4424 -3547.7952 3607.6143 C -3546.4761 3604.752 L -3546.5923 3605.4827 -3546.1462 3607.2227 -3546.7593 3607.6353 C -3546.5833 3607.7393 -3546.3655 3607.8606 -3545.9944 3607.603 C -3546.1145 3607.499 -3546.2937 3606.5464 -3546.1296 3606.48 C -3545.6792 3607.2935 -3545.8169 3606.915 -3545.2617 3607.6084 C -3545.4417 3607.4512 -3545.2417 3606.3064 -3544.9573 3606.3428 C -3545.0017 3606.5144 -3544.9336 3607.4734 -3545.0376 3607.5928 C -3544.3296 3606.4683 L -3544.5063 3606.6707 -3544.3608 3607.4216 -3544.2024 3607.7393 C -3544.2759 3607.519 -3543.5903 3607.76 -3543.4016 3607.6479 C -3543.7017 3607.3875 L -3542.9023 3607.5576 -3542.9121 3605.8064 -3542.1191 3605.8652 C -3542.2151 3606.0974 -3542.3562 3607.2947 -3541.9529 3607.4363 C -3541.7681 3606.8604 -3541.1345 3604.6663 -3540.4329 3604.2227 C -3540.2983 3604.5522 L -3539.76 3604.1768 L -3540.0952 3605.0435 -3541.0359 3606.8672 -3541.5496 3607.5767 C -3541.2505 3607.8374 -3541.4663 3607.9646 -3541.0183 3607.9351 C -3540.8601 3608.2432 -3541.2625 3608.4031 -3541.3943 3608.4216 C -3540.3513 3608.6206 L -3540.3977 3607.9482 -3539.5537 3607.9463 -3539.5935 3607.3862 C -3540.7263 3608.083 L -3540.7722 3607.4119 -3540.0713 3606.1748 -3539.3323 3606.2935 C -3539.1443 3606.561 -3539.4729 3607.4902 -3539.4575 3607.7144 C -3539.3616 3607.4827 -3538.7561 3607.272 -3538.6882 3607.4363 C -3539.0017 3607.7959 L -3538.5903 3608.0488 -3538.3303 3606.9048 -3537.8359 3607.5464 C -3537.6653 3607.5896 -3537.3264 3608.4119 -3537.2969 3608.0144 C -3537.5752 3607.2471 -3537.6296 3604.8743 -3537.4441 3604.2979 C -3537.3843 3604.3496 -3536.5481 3605.0313 -3536.3533 3605.4104 C -3536.0723 3606.0115 -3536.7751 3606.8442 -3536.5359 3607.3604 C -3536.5256 3607.1768 -3536.3704 3606.9502 -3536.3057 3606.8774 C -3536.1265 3607.0344 -3536.3799 3607.4463 -3535.9905 3607.3633 C -3535.9255 3606.6814 -3535.1985 3607.4207 -3535.8064 3606.7871 C -3535.4255 3606.5923 -3535.4016 3606.9272 -3534.9543 3606.8975 C -3535.0967 3606.457 -3534.5527 3605.3982 -3534.1711 3605.2039 C -3534.1936 3605.3774 -3534.1079 3605.603 -3534.0664 3605.7056 C -3533.2856 3605.7676 -3532.8665 3606.0771 -3532.1384 3606.083 C -3532.0713 3606.2483 -3531.72 3606.4482 -3531.8696 3606.7412 C -3531.7649 3606.6206 -3531.6687 3606.3894 -3531.4441 3606.373 C -3531.0095 3606.9624 -3531.9448 3606.4646 -3531.6135 3607.1726 C -3531.5852 3606.7766 -3531.0327 3606.6262 -3530.7129 3606.3787 C -3530.8113 3605.7671 -3531.4519 3606.2615 -3531.7722 3606.5088 C -3531.7737 3605.665 -3531.2161 3604.7813 -3530.4551 3604.3911 C -3529.8503 3604.1814 -3530.1929 3604.9363 -3530.0879 3604.8164 C -3528.9519 3604.9639 -3529.1201 3603.3428 -3528.1768 3603.9512 C -3527.8025 3604.4893 -3528.1599 3605.0215 -3528.0769 3605.4092 C -3528.5696 3605.6128 -3528.8333 3605.0679 -3529.1672 3605.0896 C -3528.7561 3605.3442 L -3528.9128 3605.5222 -3529.2417 3605.6582 -3529.4209 3605.5022 C -3529.1072 3605.9856 -3527.5017 3605.5952 -3526.6252 3606.041 C -3526.4695 3605.8606 -3526.2007 3605.6743 -3526.3279 3605.4583 C -3526.6052 3605.5332 L -3526.8601 3605.0996 -3526.0833 3604.9336 -3526.4343 3604.7312 C -3526.0623 3604.4263 -3525.6453 3603.9473 -3525.1216 3604.1924 C -3525.0232 3604.8054 L -3525.0344 3604.6262 -3525.3655 3604.4404 -3525.5127 3604.6272 c -3525.2944 3604.3555 -3524.7097 3605.457 -3524.4705 3604.6543 C -3524.8376 3604.2295 L -3524.4641 3603.9216 -3524.0024 3603.2703 -3523.5383 3603.4639 C -3523.7495 3602.8584 -3523.6453 3603.5332 -3523.9751 3602.8247 C -3523.6892 3603.7056 -3525.1624 3602.7876 -3524.7031 3603.7139 C -3525.0415 3602.8916 -3525.2888 3603.3652 -3525.7312 3602.6638 C -3525.7175 3602.8662 -3525.5745 3603.0508 -3525.9641 3602.9512 C -3525.9817 3603.0103 -3526.0232 3603.0854 -3526.0496 3603.1294 C -3526.0615 3603.1243 -3526.0657 3603.1206 -3526.0759 3603.1143 C -3526.0681 3603.1216 -3526.0623 3603.1304 -3526.0544 3603.1384 C -3526.0713 3603.168 -3526.0728 3603.1748 -3526.0464 3603.1462 C -3525.9536 3603.2344 -3525.8784 3603.3411 -3525.8479 3603.4539 C -3526.0413 3603.9182 -3526.6609 3603.9038 -3526.8704 3604.1443 C -3527.1016 3604.0479 -3526.7737 3603.9119 -3526.8999 3603.6963 C -3527.2129 3604.0552 L -3527.2439 3603.6062 -3527.8271 3603.3096 -3527.2825 3603.0464 C -3527.7727 3603.0264 L -3528.0613 3602.7744 -3528.4583 3602.6743 -3528.7031 3602.8633 C -3528.9343 3602.7659 -3529.2871 3603.3604 -3529.0857 3603.0088 C -3529.8545 3603.2871 L -3529.8616 3603.1748 L -3530.6201 3603.1184 -3531.4231 3603.9182 -3532.2903 3603.1079 C -3532.5457 3603.2212 -3532.8096 3603.3599 -3533.2368 3603.2324 C -3533.3201 3602.8442 L -3533.6479 3602.9795 -3534.3047 3602.4551 -3534.4456 3602.8599 C -3534.7993 3601.8142 -3536.0369 3602.6318 -3536.6135 3602.4463 C -3536.6353 3602.9536 L -3537.0322 3602.9248 -3537.4128 3603.0686 -3537.9055 3603.272 C -3537.8752 3603.7207 L -3538.3 3604.0886 -3538.9673 3603.4019 -3539.6392 3603.4482 C -3539.5935 3603.2764 -3539.4231 3603.3213 -3539.3025 3603.4248 C -3540.1052 3602.4119 -3540.9961 3604.1616 -3541.7241 3603.4238 C -3541.9055 3603.5867 -3542.0369 3603.5313 -3542.1641 3603.4182 C -3542.1472 3603.4175 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-3548.3289 3604.7344 -3548.4641 3604.4075 C -3548.9656 3603.6553 -3550.9456 3604.3035 -3552.2329 3603.604 C -3551.9832 3604.77 -3552.8313 3603.0823 -3552.8823 3603.9856 C -3552.9573 3603.71 -3553.1367 3603.5542 -3552.9282 3603.3142 C -3553.5852 3603.5854 -3553.9153 3602.8774 -3554.3689 3603.6392 C -3554.4441 3603.3623 -3554.2283 3603.2344 -3554.2952 3603.0713 C -3554.3479 3603.1304 -3554.5039 3603.311 -3554.5723 3603.1462 c -3554.6392 3602.9824 -3554.4761 3602.915 -3554.3721 3602.7947 C -3555.0432 3602.8411 -3555.1111 3603.6907 -3555.1599 3604.4883 C -3555.5 3604.1104 -3555.6697 3604.1638 -3555.9153 3604.687 C -3556.0337 3604.4263 -3556.2312 3604.1531 -3555.8142 3604.0596 C -3556.0488 3604.0215 -3557.2473 3603.6772 -3557.2712 3604.3164 C -3557.3447 3604.1543 -3557.5991 3604.269 -3557.6609 3604.3428 C -3558.1873 3604.3047 -3558.2336 3604.2471 -3558.7505 3604.3076 C -3558.6072 3604.4119 L -3558.8113 3605.1831 -3559.0369 3604.584 -3559.4536 3604.6768 C -3559.4417 3604.5974 L -3560.3972 3604.0415 -3559.8542 3604.8643 -3560.7969 3604.2295 C -3560.7456 3604.7092 L -3560.8335 3605.7407 -3561.5808 3604.1008 -3562.1279 3604.4951 C -3561.9304 3604.769 L -3562.2292 3605.1216 -3562.7656 3603.3662 -3563.0657 3603.2371 C -3563.1311 3603.1475 -3562.9624 3603.0933 -3562.8711 3603.0264 C -3563.6567 3602.4182 -3562.9729 3603.6553 -3563.5583 3603.8013 C -3563.6663 3603.4624 -3563.4192 3602.9395 -3563.8132 3602.876 C -3564.0095 3602.6016 -3564.9561 3603.9768 -3565.4937 3603.3267 C -3565.3752 3603.5879 -3565.2576 3603.8486 -3565.5295 3604.0447 C -3565.9463 3604.1384 -3566.6563 3603.0576 -3567.0327 3603.8806 C -3567.0857 3603.8096 -3567.1057 3603.7412 -3567.1079 3603.6763 C -3567.4265 3603.8887 -3568.1433 3604.0291 -3568.3352 3604.4756 C -3568.6296 3602.8184 -3570.3159 3605.2813 -3570.3088 3603.7534 C -3571.2888 3603.8352 L -3571.2632 3603.6792 L -3571.8896 3603.5779 -3572.1111 3603.9443 -3572.3313 3604.311 C -3572.4761 3604.207 -3572.3704 3604.064 -3572.3584 3603.9844 C -3573.2737 3603.6763 -3573.3647 3603.7412 -3574.1321 3604.5022 C -3574.2119 3604.0063 L -3574.4199 3604.2947 -3575.5352 3603.2295 -3576.4329 3603.8076 C -3576.4241 3603.7515 -3576.4055 3603.6553 -3576.3342 3603.5854 C -3577.3442 3604.167 -3578.7522 3602.2102 -3579.1223 3604.0156 C -3579.7888 3604.46 L -3578.9265 3604.6008 -3579.9172 3605.2432 -3579.5625 3605.5435 C -3579.9016 3605.6494 -3580.4392 3604.999 -3580.0225 3604.9063 C -3579.9573 3604.9968 L -3579.8042 3604.0552 -3581.0288 3604.6631 -3581.0056 3604.0222 C -3582.7024 3604.0686 -3584.3562 3603.5479 -3585.9456 3603.5078 C -3585.7625 3604.2393 L -3586.3169 3604.1973 L -3586.4624 3604.0264 -3586.5122 3603.625 -3586.1167 3603.6553 C -3586.3247 3603.2407 -3586.78 3604.0022 -3586.7913 3604.1616 C -3587.5657 3603.8652 -3586.4888 3603.3086 -3586.7263 3603.291 C -3587.0488 3603.3455 L -3586.9761 3603.4312 L -3587.2375 3603.73 -3587.2607 3604.0464 -3587.7361 3604.0107 C -3588.0369 3603.8643 -3587.8904 3603.5596 -3588.0088 3603.5313 C -3588.0081 3603.4795 -3588.0481 3603.4551 -3588.1904 3603.5103 C -3588.8889 3603.4482 L -3588.6096 3604.0254 L -3588.9192 3604.3096 -3589.2664 3603.9951 -3588.9441 3604.6494 c -3589.4172 3603.6406 -3591.5496 3604.2871 -3591.8401 3603.9739 C -3592.2737 3604.395 -3592.7017 3604.3875 -3593.2319 3604.3367 C -3593.1001 3604.457 -3593.0212 3605.1062 -3593.4785 3605.0264 C -3593.3113 3603.687 -3594.3159 3604.4451 -3594.6855 3603.4814 C -3594.3552 3604.1206 -3595.9856 3603.6392 -3595.4673 3604.5464 C -3595.8489 3604.4382 -3595.4905 3604.0454 -3595.78 3603.73 C -3596.6882 3604.249 -3597.7815 3603.3928 -3598.9041 3603.5679 C -3598.9216 3603.7432 -3598.7336 3604.0127 -3598.9744 3604.2744 C -3599.5671 3603.395 L -3599.7888 3603.4814 -3599.7712 3604.4104 -3600.1763 3603.7998 C -3600.1191 3603.9482 -3600.0337 3604.1707 -3600.1824 3604.2271 C -3602.3816 3603.3699 -3604.6763 3604.9292 -3606.9097 3603.3184 C -3606.6072 3603.6592 -3606.8088 3603.6936 -3607.0398 3603.7056 C -3606.8896 3603.7876 -3607.0432 3604.1406 -3607.0137 3604.3787 C -3607.9487 3603.7168 L -3608.1191 3604.3784 -3608.9512 3603.7615 -3609.0488 3604.3943 C -3608.7527 3604.2803 L -3609.1465 3605.0264 -3608.2017 3605.9395 -3608.2593 3606.8975 C -3607.8184 3606.0488 -3607.0967 3608.1543 -3606.3733 3606.9395 C -3606.2136 3607.1348 -3606.5095 3607.2483 -3606.4241 3607.4702 C -3606.2407 3607.0596 -3606.0193 3606.9739 -3605.6089 3607.1582 C -3605.6553 3607.26 L -3604.5024 3607.1592 -3604.0081 3607.564 -3602.7129 3607.8342 C -3602.8088 3607.3604 L -3602.5305 3607.4238 -3602.4719 3607.5723 -3602.3416 3607.6907 C -3602.0222 3606.9727 -3603.1233 3607.6504 -3602.8323 3606.8584 C -3602.4631 3607.8223 -3600.8696 3606.873 -3600.6201 3607.9683 C -3600.1919 3607.9739 -3600.7456 3607.4199 -3600.3176 3607.4263 C -3600.2041 3607.7227 L -3600.0959 3607.3408 L -3599.8152 3607.4038 -3599.6736 3607.7744 -3599.6631 3608.0254 C -3599.7312 3607.9956 -3599.8567 3608.0955 -3599.9297 3608.1172 C -3599.5657 3608.4663 -3598.9033 endstream endobj 28 0 obj <>stream 3607.9983 -3598.7783 3608.1118 C -3599.1897 3607.9292 L -3598.0212 3607.6519 -3596.5945 3608.041 -3595.4656 3607.4382 C -3595.5513 3607.2144 L -3594.6892 3606.8013 -3594.8608 3607.46 -3593.9143 3607.269 C -3593.9487 3607.3223 L -3593.7593 3607.0996 -3593.5063 3606.9871 -3593.2473 3607.0127 C -3593.4863 3607.2744 -3592.7976 3607.5215 -3593.1111 3607.811 C -3592.1763 3607.3672 -3592.6487 3607.4624 -3592.0313 3606.6318 C -3591.8889 3607.0022 L -3591.6785 3606.667 -3591.6609 3606.4902 -3591.1882 3606.3943 C -3591.5759 3606.7124 -3590.8865 3606.9592 -3591.3208 3607.3799 C -3590.3289 3608.1907 -3589.8479 3606.561 -3589.3928 3607.7471 C -3588.9373 3606.7207 -3590.2512 3607.1772 -3589.9961 3606.9575 C -3590.2097 3606.6216 -3589.6201 3606.1904 -3589.3088 3606.2935 C -3588.9919 3606.3164 -3588.77 3607.6062 -3587.9729 3607.5867 C -3588.0522 3607.5823 -3588.0576 3607.6592 -3588.1367 3607.6553 C -3587.8384 3607.917 -3587.5522 3607.3008 -3587.1863 3607.7256 C -3586.9812 3607.1055 -3586.7112 3607.7615 -3586.6521 3606.9702 C -3587.3833 3607.1531 L -3586.9688 3606.9463 -3586.5801 3606.02 -3585.8972 3606.4692 C -3585.9504 3606.6287 -3586.1536 3606.8384 -3586.2932 3606.9558 C -3586.0935 3607.1895 -3585.9087 3606.8013 -3585.7017 3607.041 C -3585.7607 3607.8335 -3586.5903 3607.2136 -3587.0344 3607.8176 C -3586.8201 3608.1519 -3586.1943 3607.2432 -3586.4175 3608.1016 c -3586.0967 3607.0107 -3585.6321 3608.2393 -3585.0923 3607.4063 C -3585.1279 3607.8806 L -3585.0425 3607.8064 -3584.8655 3607.5823 -3584.7083 3607.5942 C -3584.9929 3608.2095 L -3584.5559 3607.6848 -3584.1504 3608.668 -3583.7312 3608.3828 C -3584.6089 3608.3975 -3583.9282 3607.811 -3584.2993 3607.4646 C -3583.2168 3606.8296 -3583.6768 3608.7056 -3582.4648 3608.4783 C -3582.6289 3608.5454 -3583.0808 3608.1936 -3582.8242 3607.9734 C -3582.5935 3608.0713 -3582.2888 3608.2534 -3582.1472 3608.5022 C -3581.3442 3608.4038 -3582.2705 3608.0144 -3581.9287 3607.7227 C -3581.6553 3608.3008 -3581.5344 3607.4871 -3581.1824 3607.3022 C -3581.1799 3607.7847 L -3580.2649 3608.0942 -3580.9373 3606.7791 -3580.1135 3607.1531 C -3580.4617 3607.8223 L -3580.0322 3607.6494 L -3580.1208 3608.1982 L -3579.6536 3607.791 -3579.5081 3607.896 -3579.0503 3608.0503 C -3579.1567 3607.7102 -3578.9905 3607.1748 -3578.5852 3607.1592 C -3578.3088 3607.4463 -3578.74 3607.6184 -3578.1655 3607.5491 C -3578.2952 3607.8511 -3578.4373 3608.23 -3578.6873 3607.7854 C -3578.7129 3607.9424 -3578.8152 3608.0884 -3578.8416 3608.2432 C -3578.5439 3608.5732 -3578.0935 3608.3184 -3577.8855 3608.3142 C -3577.9656 3608.2964 -3578.0613 3608.2703 -3578.1104 3608.2014 C -3577.2776 3607.5332 L -3577.1465 3607.7144 -3577.2505 3607.8599 -3577.3535 3608.0022 C -3577.1848 3607.9502 -3577.0681 3607.7283 -3576.8201 3607.687 C -3576.8843 3608.0791 -3576.8689 3608.4839 -3577.22 3608.668 C -3576.4265 3608.2334 L -3576.3735 3608.4038 -3576.0193 3608.7014 -3576.1223 3608.8462 C -3575.6824 3609.0767 -3575.0432 3608.0854 -3574.46 3608.3894 C -3574.4297 3608.3135 -3574.3689 3608.2407 -3574.2449 3608.1848 C -3573.6968 3608.2734 -3573.2112 3608.7544 -3572.5615 3608.2168 C -3572.1929 3608.9199 L -3571.6841 3608.7603 -3572.6919 3608.0344 -3571.8447 3607.769 C -3571.2449 3607.5447 -3571.6208 3608.3687 -3571.4104 3608.564 C -3571.1121 3608.21 -3570.5935 3607.4888 -3570.0425 3608.061 C -3570.2249 3608.1936 -3570.3679 3608.0896 -3570.5383 3608.1416 C f 1 D -3564.2632 3607.8296 m -3564.3848 3607.9312 -3564.6272 3608.2432 -3564.7161 3607.9592 C -3564.5776 3607.4063 -3564.4705 3607.6707 -3564.2632 3607.8296 C f -3554.7241 3606.668 m -3554.8145 3606.8279 -3554.9543 3606.749 -3555.1121 3606.5664 C -3554.9976 3606.5264 -3554.8679 3606.5447 -3554.7241 3606.668 C f -3528.1511 3603.3096 m -3528.1563 3603.3176 -3528.1599 3603.3232 -3528.1641 3603.333 C -3528.4353 3603.145 -3528.3391 3603.2192 -3528.1511 3603.3096 C f 0 D -3527.5879 3603.519 m -3527.5313 3603.4512 -3527.5352 3603.3848 -3527.5591 3603.3176 C -3527.5984 3603.4395 -3527.7249 3603.4482 -3527.8689 3603.4136 C -3527.8289 3603.54 -3527.7561 3603.6272 -3527.5879 3603.519 C f 1 D -3588.0713 3603.7092 m -3587.9617 3603.8352 L -3588.2092 3603.9739 -3588.1399 3603.8486 -3588.0713 3603.7092 C f *U 0 D -3555.8057 3607.3286 m -3555.8401 3607.2471 -3555.8496 3607.1572 -3555.8577 3607.0664 C -3555.9055 3607.1475 -3555.9065 3607.2412 -3555.8057 3607.3286 C f -3574.4409 3608.395 m -3574.4473 3608.3911 -3574.4536 3608.3928 -3574.46 3608.3894 C -3574.4705 3608.4182 -3574.4761 3608.4482 -3574.4792 3608.4768 C -3574.4409 3608.395 L f -3536.3123 3607.6096 m -3536.4282 3607.54 -3536.4929 3607.4512 -3536.5359 3607.3604 C -3536.5422 3607.4783 -3536.4895 3607.5779 -3536.3123 3607.6096 C f -3524.6033 3602.6992 m -3524.9641 3602.8247 L -3524.7896 3602.8008 -3524.7273 3602.9063 -3524.6392 3602.9827 C -3524.6472 3602.8699 -3524.7161 3602.707 -3524.6033 3602.6992 C f -3521.4719 3605.6848 m -3521.4192 3605.6255 -3521.3601 3605.6782 -3521.3081 3605.6184 C -3521.3225 3605.3943 L -3521.5471 3605.4087 -3521.7041 3605.5896 -3521.4719 3605.6848 C f -3524.2693 3604.3022 m -3524.2407 3604.7083 -3524.0144 3604.5703 -3523.7617 3604.4951 C -3523.7769 3604.4968 -3523.7913 3604.5 -3523.8064 3604.4951 C -3523.7319 3603.9272 -3524.0012 3604.1152 -3524.2693 3604.3022 C f -3523.7031 3604.4814 m -3523.6252 3604.4624 -3523.5457 3604.4512 -3523.4695 3604.4712 C -3523.4399 3604.2432 -3523.5642 3604.4238 -3523.7031 3604.4814 C f -3526.8735 3603.25 m -3526.7537 3603.3542 -3526.7983 3602.7312 -3526.7305 3602.896 C -3526.5967 3602.3799 -3527.5295 3603.5215 -3526.8735 3603.25 C f -3524.0647 3605.6392 m -3524.1553 3605.1384 L -3524.2969 3605.5422 L -3524.0647 3605.6392 L f -3526.0601 3605.2715 m -3525.6563 3605.4104 L -3525.6624 3605.3264 -3525.6111 3605.2766 -3525.5481 3605.2393 C -3525.7969 3605.2227 -3526.0696 3605.123 -3526.0601 3605.2715 C f -3525.5481 3605.2393 m -3525.4185 3605.249 -3525.2952 3605.2383 -3525.2231 3605.1563 C -3525.2932 3605.1616 -3525.4441 3605.1782 -3525.5481 3605.2393 C f -3524.6167 3605.7896 m -3524.7361 3605.6851 L -3525.0212 3605.6479 L -3524.6167 3605.7896 L f -3530.4009 3605.1748 m -3530.8416 3605.3184 L -3530.8865 3605.4902 -3530.7664 3605.5952 -3530.6023 3605.5264 C -3530.4968 3605.4072 -3530.3333 3605.3408 -3530.4009 3605.1748 C f -3529.0681 3606.5464 m -3529.1873 3606.4424 -3529.1953 3606.3311 -3529.2625 3606.1663 C -3529.2759 3606.7871 L -3529.0681 3606.5464 L f -3530.3533 3606.6919 m -3530.3972 3606.8643 -3530.9929 3607.1863 -3530.4343 3607.1475 C -3530.3896 3606.9768 -3529.9482 3606.8335 -3530.3533 3606.6919 C f -3536.9937 3605.9063 m -3536.8816 3605.8982 L -3536.8977 3604.8799 L -3536.9937 3605.9063 L f -3542.8464 3608.3428 m -3542.3242 3608.5867 -3542.7224 3607.7144 -3542.2505 3608.019 C -3542.1279 3607.7783 -3542.6362 3607.7703 -3542.5105 3607.5623 C -3542.8257 3607.8164 -3542.9912 3607.6726 -3542.8464 3608.3428 C f -3542.5105 3607.5623 m -3542.46 3607.5222 -3542.4065 3607.4734 -3542.3496 3607.4075 C -3542.4409 3607.4712 -3542.4839 3607.52 -3542.5105 3607.5623 C f -3608.5745 3603.1924 m -3608.9104 3602.98 L -3608.6936 3603.3223 L -3608.5745 3603.1924 L f -3609.2192 3603.9482 m -3609.2983 3603.2988 L -3609.5 3603.8862 L -3609.4241 3603.8574 -3609.2769 3603.8013 -3609.2192 3603.9482 C f -3563.3303 3609.1375 m -3563.3047 3608.9814 L -3563.3567 3608.8123 -3563.4353 3608.7998 -3563.5928 3608.7734 C -3563.3303 3609.1375 L f -3567.8848 3608.6519 m -3567.8064 3608.665 L -3567.9529 3608.0779 L -3567.8848 3608.6519 L f -3571.7073 3609.4004 m -3571.5513 3609.4248 -3571.3679 3609.2939 -3571.2112 3609.3184 C -3571.5513 3609.4248 -3571.7495 3608.668 -3571.7073 3609.4004 C f U 9 () XW U 9 () XW U %AI8_EndBrushPattern %AI8_BeginBrushPattern (Unnamed Brush Pat 1) 0 A 0 Xw u 0 1 0 0 0 Xy 0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR -7481.75 7476.8213 m -7402.1685 7476.8213 L -7402.1685 7459.2422 L -7481.75 7459.2422 L -7481.75 7476.8213 L n 0 R 0.1098 0.7333 0.9725 0.0196 K 1 J 1 j 0.25 w 4 M -7417.8325 7462.1836 m -7466.0845 7462.1836 L S u u 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(xmlnode-nodetype) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (filter) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; /Def ; /SVGFilter : /XMLNode : /Dictionary : /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (100%) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (width) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (width) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (100%) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (height) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (height) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (0%) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (y) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (y) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (0%) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (x) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (x) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (AI_Alpha_4) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (id) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (objectBoundingBox) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (filterUnits) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (filterUnits) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : /XMLNode : /Dictionary : /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (fractalNoise) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (type) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (type) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (noStitch) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (stitchTiles) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (stitchTiles) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (4) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (numOctaves) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (numOctaves) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (turb) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (result) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (result) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (0.1) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (baseFrequency) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (baseFrequency) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (feTurbulence) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (in) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (operator) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (operator) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (turb) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (in2) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (in2) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (SourceGraphic) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (in) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (in) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (feComposite) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; , ; (xmlnode-children) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (filter) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; /Def ; /SVGFilter : /XMLNode : /Dictionary : /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (110%) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (width) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (width) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (140%) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (height) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (height) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (-40%) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (y) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (y) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (-5%) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (x) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (x) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (AI_BriseL\351g\350re) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (id) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (objectBoundingBox) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (filterUnits) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (filterUnits) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : /XMLNode : /Dictionary : /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (dilate) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (operator) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (operator) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (SourceAlpha) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (in) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (in) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (1.2) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (radius) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (radius) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (a) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (result) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (result) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (a) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (id) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (feMorphology) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (dilate) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (operator) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (operator) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (a) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (in) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (in) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (1.2) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (radius) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (radius) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (b) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (result) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (result) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (b) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (id) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (feMorphology) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (-4) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (dy) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (dy) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (b) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (in) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (in) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (b1) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (result) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (result) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (b1) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (id) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (feOffset) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (fractalNoise) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (type) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (type) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (b1) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (in) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (in) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (noStitch) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (stitchTiles) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (stitchTiles) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (5) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (numOctaves) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (numOctaves) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (b2) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (result) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (result) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (0.2) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (baseFrequency) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (baseFrequency) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (b2) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (id) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (feTurbulence) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (3) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (scale) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (scale) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (b2) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (in2) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (in2) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (b1) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (in) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (in) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (b3) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (result) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (result) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (b3) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (id) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (A) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (yChannelSelector) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (yChannelSelector) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (R) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (xChannelSelector) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (xChannelSelector) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (feDisplacementMap) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (matrix) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (type) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (type) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (values) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (values) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (b3) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (in) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (in) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (b4) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (result) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (result) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (b4) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (id) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (feColorMatrix) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (1) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (stdDeviation) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (stdDeviation) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (b4) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (in) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (in) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (b5) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (result) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (result) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (b5) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (id) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : /XMLNode : /Dictionary : /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (freeze) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (fill) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (fill) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (5s) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (dur) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (dur) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (1) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (from) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (from) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (5) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (to) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (to) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (linear) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (calcMode) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (calcMode) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (stdDeviation) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (attributeName) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (attributeName) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (none) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (accumulate) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (accumulate) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (0s) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (begin) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (begin) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (replace) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (additive) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (additive) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (always) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (restart) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (restart) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (animate) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; , ; (xmlnode-children) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (feGaussianBlur) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (-8) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (dy) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (dy) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (b) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (in) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (in) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (c1) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (result) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (result) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (c1) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (id) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (feOffset) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (fractalNoise) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (type) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (type) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (c1) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (in) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (in) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (noStitch) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (stitchTiles) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (stitchTiles) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (10) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (numOctaves) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (numOctaves) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (c2) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (result) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (result) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (0.05) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (baseFrequency) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (baseFrequency) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (c2) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (id) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (feTurbulence) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (8) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (scale) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (scale) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (c2) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (in2) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (in2) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (c1) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (in) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (in) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (c3) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (result) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (result) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (c3) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (id) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (A) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (yChannelSelector) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (yChannelSelector) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (R) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (xChannelSelector) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (xChannelSelector) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (feDisplacementMap) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (matrix) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (type) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (type) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (values) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (values) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (c3) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (in) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (in) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (c4) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (result) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (result) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (c4) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (id) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (feColorMatrix) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (1) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (stdDeviation) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (stdDeviation) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (c4) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (in) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (in) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (c5) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (result) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (result) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (c5) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (id) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (feGaussianBlur) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : /XMLNode : /Dictionary : /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (c5) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (in) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (in) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (feMergeNode) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (b5) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (in) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (in) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (feMergeNode) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (a) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (in) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (in) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (feMergeNode) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; , ; (xmlnode-children) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (feMerge) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; , ; (xmlnode-children) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (filter) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; /Def ; /SVGFilter : /XMLNode : /Dictionary : /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (AI_Dilatation_3) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (id) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : /XMLNode : /Dictionary : /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (dilate) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (operator) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (operator) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (SourceGraphic) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (in) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (in) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (3) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (radius) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (radius) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (feMorphology) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; , ; (xmlnode-children) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (filter) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; /Def ; /SVGFilter : /XMLNode : /Dictionary : /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (AI_Dilatation_6) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (id) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : /XMLNode : /Dictionary : /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (dilate) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (operator) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (operator) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (SourceGraphic) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (in) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (in) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (6) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (radius) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (radius) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (feMorphology) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; , ; (xmlnode-children) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (filter) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; /Def ; /SVGFilter : /XMLNode : /Dictionary : /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (AI_Erosion_3) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (id) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : /XMLNode : /Dictionary : /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (erode) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (operator) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (operator) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (SourceGraphic) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (in) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (in) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (3) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (radius) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (radius) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (feMorphology) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; , ; (xmlnode-children) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (filter) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; /Def ; /SVGFilter : /XMLNode : /Dictionary : /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (AI_Erosion_6) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (id) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : /XMLNode : /Dictionary : /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (erode) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (operator) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (operator) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (SourceGraphic) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (in) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (in) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (6) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (radius) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (radius) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (feMorphology) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; , ; (xmlnode-children) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (filter) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; /Def ; /SVGFilter : /XMLNode : /Dictionary : /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (AI_FlouGaussien_4) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (id) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : /XMLNode : /Dictionary : /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (4) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (stdDeviation) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (stdDeviation) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (feGaussianBlur) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; , ; (xmlnode-children) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (filter) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; /Def ; /SVGFilter : /XMLNode : /Dictionary : /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (AI_FlouGaussien_7) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (id) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : /XMLNode : /Dictionary : /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (7) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (stdDeviation) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (stdDeviation) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (feGaussianBlur) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; , ; (xmlnode-children) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (filter) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; /Def ; /SVGFilter : /XMLNode : /Dictionary : /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (150%) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (width) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (width) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (150%) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (height) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (height) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (-10%) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (y) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (y) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (-10%) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (x) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (x) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (AI_ImitationBois) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (id) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (objectBoundingBox) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (filterUnits) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (filterUnits) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : /XMLNode : /Dictionary : /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (4) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (stdDeviation) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (stdDeviation) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (SourceGraphic) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (in) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (in) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (blur) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (result) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (result) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (blur) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (id) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (feGaussianBlur) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (4) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (dy) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (dy) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (blur) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (in) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (in) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (offsetBlurredAlpha) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (result) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (result) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (offset) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (id) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (4) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (dx) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (dx) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (feOffset) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (flood-color:black; flood-opacity:0.4) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (style) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (style) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (color) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (result) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (result) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (color) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (id) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (feFlood) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (in) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (operator) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (operator) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (offsetBlurredAlpha) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (in2) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (in2) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (color) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (in) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (in) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (offsetBlurredAlpha) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (result) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (result) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (shadowColor) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (id) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (feComposite) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (blur) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (in) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (in) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (diffuse) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (result) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (result) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (diffuse) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (id) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (1) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (diffuseConstant) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (diffuseConstant) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (white) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (lighting-color) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (lighting-color) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (5) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (surfaceScale) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (surfaceScale) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (1) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (resultScale) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (resultScale) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : /XMLNode : /Dictionary : /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (light2) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (id) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (135) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (azimuth) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (azimuth) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (60) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (elevation) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (elevation) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (feDistantLight) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; , ; (xmlnode-children) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (feDiffuseLighting) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (blur) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (in) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (in) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (specularOut) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (result) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (result) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (10) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (specularExponent) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (specularExponent) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (1) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (specularConstant) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (specularConstant) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (white) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (lighting-color) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (lighting-color) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (5) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (surfaceScale) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (surfaceScale) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : /XMLNode : /Dictionary : /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (light) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (id) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (135) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (azimuth) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (azimuth) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (60) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (elevation) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (elevation) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (feDistantLight) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; , ; (xmlnode-children) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (feSpecularLighting) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (in) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (operator) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (operator) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (SourceAlpha) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (in2) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (in2) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (specularOut) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (in) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (in) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (specularOut) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (result) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (result) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (feComposite) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (arithmetic) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (operator) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (operator) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (diffuse) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (in2) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (in2) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (SourceGraphic) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (in) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (in) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (litPaint) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (result) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (result) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (1) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (k1) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (k1) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (0) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (k4) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (k4) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (0) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (k3) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (k3) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (0) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (k2) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (k2) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (feComposite) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (arithmetic) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (operator) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (operator) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (specularOut) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (in2) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (in2) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (litPaint) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (in) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (in) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (litPaint) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (result) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (result) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (0) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (k1) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (k1) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (0) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (k4) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (k4) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (1) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (k3) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (k3) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (1) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (k2) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (k2) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (feComposite) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : /XMLNode : /Dictionary : /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (offsetBlurredAlpha) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (in) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (in) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (feMergeNode) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (litPaint) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (in) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (in) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (feMergeNode) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; , ; (xmlnode-children) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (feMerge) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (fractalNoise) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (type) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (type) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (SourceAlpha) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (in) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (in) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (noStitch) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (stitchTiles) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (stitchTiles) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (10) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (numOctaves) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (numOctaves) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (Turbulence) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (result) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (result) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (.05) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (baseFrequency) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (baseFrequency) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (feTurbulence) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (matrix) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (type) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (type) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (values) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (values) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (Turbulence) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (in) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (in) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (Grayscale) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (result) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (result) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (feColorMatrix) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (4) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (stdDeviation) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (stdDeviation) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (SourceAlpha) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (in) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (in) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (BlurredAlpha) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (result) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (result) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (feGaussianBlur) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (-5) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (dy) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (dy) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (BlurredAlpha) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (in) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (in) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (OffsetBlurredAlpha) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (result) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (result) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (-4) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (dx) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (dx) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (feOffset) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (in) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (operator) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (operator) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (OffsetBlurredAlpha) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (in2) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (in2) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (Grayscale) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (in) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; endstream endobj 29 0 obj <>stream (in) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (CompBlurTurb) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (result) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (result) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (feComposite) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (1.5) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (stdDeviation) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (stdDeviation) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (CompBlurTurb) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (in) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (in) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (CompBlurTurb2) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (result) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (result) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (feGaussianBlur) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (Grayscale) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (in) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (in) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (CompXferFire) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (result) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (result) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : /XMLNode : /Dictionary : /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (table) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (type) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (type) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (2 0) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (tableValues) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (tableValues) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (feFuncR) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (table) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (type) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (type) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (.7 0 ) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (tableValues) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (tableValues) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (feFuncG) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (table) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (type) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (type) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (.1 0) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (tableValues) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (tableValues) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (feFuncB) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; , ; (xmlnode-children) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (feComponentTransfer) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (in) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (operator) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (operator) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (SourceGraphic) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (in2) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (in2) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (CompXferFire) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (in) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (in) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (CompSourceFire) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (result) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (result) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (feComposite) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (MergeAll) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (result) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (result) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : /XMLNode : /Dictionary : /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (CompSourceFire) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (in) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (in) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (feMergeNode) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; , ; (xmlnode-children) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (feMerge) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; , ; (xmlnode-children) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (filter) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; /Def ; /SVGFilter : /XMLNode : /Dictionary : /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (AI_Pixel_1) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (id) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (objectBoundingBox) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (filterUnits) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (filterUnits) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (50 50) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (filterRes) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (filterRes) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : /XMLNode : /Dictionary : /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (remove) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (fill) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (fill) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (10s) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (dur) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (dur) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (spline) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (calcMode) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (calcMode) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (filterRes) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (attributeName) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (attributeName) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (none) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (accumulate) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (accumulate) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (0s) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (begin) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (begin) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (replace) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (additive) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (additive) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (1 1;20 15;200 200; 15 20;1 1 ) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (values) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (values) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (indefinite) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (repeatDur) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (repeatDur) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (always) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (restart) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (restart) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (animate) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (7) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (stdDeviation) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (stdDeviation) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (SourceAlpha) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (in) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (in) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (blur) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (result) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (result) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (blur) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (id) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (feGaussianBlur) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (in) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (operator) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (operator) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (SourceGraphic) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (in2) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (in2) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (blur) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (in) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (in) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (compositeOut) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (result) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (result) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (feComposite) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (arithmetic) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (operator) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (operator) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (SourceAlpha) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (in2) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (in2) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (compositeOut) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (in) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (in) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (compositeOut1) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (result) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (result) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (0) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (k1) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (k1) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (0) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (k4) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (k4) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (1) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (k3) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (k3) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (1) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (k2) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (k2) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (feComposite) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : /XMLNode : /Dictionary : /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (compositeOut1) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (in) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (in) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (feMergeNode) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; , ; (xmlnode-children) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (feMerge) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; , ; (xmlnode-children) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (filter) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; /Def ; /SVGFilter : /XMLNode : /Dictionary : /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (AI_Pixel_2) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (id) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (objectBoundingBox) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (filterUnits) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (filterUnits) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (50 50) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (filterRes) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (filterRes) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : /XMLNode : /Dictionary : /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (remove) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (fill) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (fill) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (10s) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (dur) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (dur) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (linear) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (calcMode) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (calcMode) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (filterRes) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (attributeName) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (attributeName) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (none) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (accumulate) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (accumulate) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (0s) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (begin) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (begin) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (replace) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (additive) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (additive) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (50 50;20 20;50 50) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (values) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (values) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (indefinite) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (repeatDur) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (repeatDur) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (always) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (restart) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (restart) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (animate) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (7) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (stdDeviation) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (stdDeviation) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (SourceAlpha) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (in) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (in) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (blur) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (result) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (result) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (blur) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (id) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (feGaussianBlur) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (blur) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (in) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (in) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (diffuse) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (result) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (result) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (diffuse) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (id) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (1) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (diffuseConstant) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (diffuseConstant) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (yellow) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (lighting-color) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (lighting-color) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (5) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (surfaceScale) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (surfaceScale) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (1) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (resultScale) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (resultScale) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : /XMLNode : /Dictionary : /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (remove) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (fill) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (fill) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (15s) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (dur) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (dur) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (linear) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (calcMode) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (calcMode) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (lighting-color) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (attributeName) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (attributeName) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (none) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (accumulate) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (accumulate) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (0s) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (begin) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (begin) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (replace) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (additive) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (additive) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (yellow;green;blue;indigo;violet;red;orange) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (values) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (values) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (indefinite) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (repeatDur) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (repeatDur) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (always) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (restart) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (restart) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (animate) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (180) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (azimuth) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (azimuth) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (60) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (elevation) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (elevation) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (feDistantLight) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; , ; (xmlnode-children) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (feDiffuseLighting) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (blur) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (in) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (in) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (specularOut) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (result) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (result) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (15) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (specularExponent) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (specularExponent) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (10) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (specularConstant) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (specularConstant) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (red) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (lighting-color) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (lighting-color) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (15) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (surfaceScale) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (surfaceScale) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : /XMLNode : /Dictionary : /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (remove) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (fill) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (fill) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (15s) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (dur) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (dur) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (linear) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (calcMode) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (calcMode) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (lighting-color) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (attributeName) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (attributeName) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (none) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (accumulate) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (accumulate) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (0s) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (begin) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (begin) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (replace) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (additive) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (additive) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (indigo;green;yellow;blue;violet;red;orange) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (values) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (values) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (indefinite) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (repeatDur) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (repeatDur) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (always) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (restart) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (restart) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (animate) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (light) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (id) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (180) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (azimuth) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (azimuth) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (60) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (elevation) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (elevation) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (feDistantLight) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; , ; (xmlnode-children) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (feSpecularLighting) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (in) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (operator) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (operator) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (SourceAlpha) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (in2) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (in2) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (specularOut) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (in) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (in) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (specularOut) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (result) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (result) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (feComposite) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (arithmetic) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (operator) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (operator) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (diffuse) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (in2) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (in2) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (SourceGraphic) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (in) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (in) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (litPaint) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (result) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (result) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (1) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (k1) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (k1) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (0) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (k4) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (k4) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (0) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (k3) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (k3) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (0) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (k2) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (k2) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (feComposite) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (arithmetic) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (operator) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (operator) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (specularOut) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (in2) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (in2) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (litPaint) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (in) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (in) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (litPaint1) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (result) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (result) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (0) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (k1) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (k1) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (0) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (k4) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (k4) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (1) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (k3) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (k3) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (1) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (k2) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (k2) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (feComposite) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : /XMLNode : /Dictionary : /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (litPaint1) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (in) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (in) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (feMergeNode) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; , ; (xmlnode-children) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (feMerge) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; , ; (xmlnode-children) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (filter) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; /Def ; /SVGFilter : /XMLNode : /Dictionary : /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (AI_Statique) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (id) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (objectBoundingBox) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (filterUnits) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (filterUnits) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : /XMLNode : /Dictionary : /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (fractalNoise) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (type) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (type) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (c1) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (in) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (in) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (noStitch) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (stitchTiles) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (stitchTiles) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (10) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (numOctaves) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (numOctaves) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (c2) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (result) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (result) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (0.5) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (baseFrequency) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (baseFrequency) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (c2) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (id) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : /XMLNode : /Dictionary : /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (remove) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (fill) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (fill) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (5s) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (dur) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (dur) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (0.5) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (from) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (from) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (0.7) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (to) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (to) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (linear) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (calcMode) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (calcMode) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (baseFrequency) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (attributeName) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (attributeName) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (none) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (accumulate) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (accumulate) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (replace) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (additive) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (additive) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (indefinite) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (repeatDur) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (repeatDur) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (always) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (restart) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (restart) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (animate) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; , ; (xmlnode-children) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (feTurbulence) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (in) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (operator) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (operator) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (SourceAlpha) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (in2) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (in2) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (c2) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (in) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (in) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (feComposite) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; , ; (xmlnode-children) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (filter) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; /Def ; /SVGFilter : /XMLNode : /Dictionary : /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (140%) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (width) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (width) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (140%) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (height) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (height) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (-20%) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (y) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (y) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (-20%) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (x) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (x) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (AI_TonFonc\351DuBiseautage_1) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (id) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : /XMLNode : /Dictionary : /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (4) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (stdDeviation) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (stdDeviation) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (SourceAlpha) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (in) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (in) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (blur) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (result) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (result) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (feGaussianBlur) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (4) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (dy) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (dy) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (blur) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (in) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (in) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (offsetBlur) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (result) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (result) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (4) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (dx) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (dx) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (feOffset) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (lighting-color:white) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (style) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (style) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (blur) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (in) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (in) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (specOut) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (result) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (result) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (10) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (specularExponent) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (specularExponent) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (1) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (specularConstant) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (specularConstant) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (5) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (surfaceScale) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (surfaceScale) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : /XMLNode : /Dictionary : /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (-10000) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (y) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (y) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (-5000) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (x) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (x) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (-20000) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (z) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (z) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (fePointLight) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; , ; (xmlnode-children) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (feSpecularLighting) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (in) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (operator) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (operator) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (SourceAlpha) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (in2) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (in2) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (specOut) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (in) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (in) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (specOut) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (result) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (result) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (feComposite) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (arithmetic) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (operator) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (operator) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (specOut) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (in2) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (in2) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (SourceGraphic) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (in) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (in) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (litPaint) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (result) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (result) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (0) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (k1) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (k1) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (0) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (k4) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (k4) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (1) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (k3) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (k3) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (1) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (k2) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (k2) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (feComposite) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : /XMLNode : /Dictionary : /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (offsetBlur) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (in) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (in) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (feMergeNode) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (litPaint) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (in) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (in) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (feMergeNode) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; , ; (xmlnode-children) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (feMerge) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; , ; (xmlnode-children) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (filter) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; /Def ; /SVGFilter : /XMLNode : /Dictionary : /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (AI_TonFonc\351_1) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (id) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (objectBoundingBox) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (filterUnits) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (filterUnits) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : /XMLNode : /Dictionary : /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (2) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (stdDeviation) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (stdDeviation) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (SourceAlpha) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (in) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (in) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (blur) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (result) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (result) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (feGaussianBlur) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (4) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (dy) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (dy) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (blur) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (in) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (in) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (offsetBlurredAlpha) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (result) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (result) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (4) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (dx) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (dx) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (feOffset) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : /XMLNode : /Dictionary : /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (offsetBlurredAlpha) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (in) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (in) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (feMergeNode) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (SourceGraphic) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (in) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (in) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (feMergeNode) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; , ; (xmlnode-children) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (feMerge) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; , ; (xmlnode-children) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (filter) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; /Def ; /SVGFilter : /XMLNode : /Dictionary : /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (140%) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (width) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (width) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (130%) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (height) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (height) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (-15%) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (y) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (y) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (-15%) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (x) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (x) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (AI_TonFonc\351_2) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (id) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (objectBoundingBox) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (filterUnits) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (filterUnits) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : /XMLNode : /Dictionary : /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (6) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (stdDeviation) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (stdDeviation) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (SourceAlpha) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (in) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (in) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (blur) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (result) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (result) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (feGaussianBlur) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (8) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (dy) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (dy) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (blur) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (in) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (in) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (offsetBlurredAlpha) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (result) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (result) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (8) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (dx) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (dx) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (feOffset) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : /XMLNode : /Dictionary : /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (offsetBlurredAlpha) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (in) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (in) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (feMergeNode) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (SourceGraphic) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (in) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (in) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (feMergeNode) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; , ; (xmlnode-children) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (feMerge) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; , ; (xmlnode-children) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (filter) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; /Def ; /SVGFilter : /XMLNode : /Dictionary : /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (100%) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (width) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (width) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (100%) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (height) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (height) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (0%) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (y) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (y) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (0%) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (x) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (x) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (AI_Turbulence_3) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (id) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (objectBoundingBox) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (filterUnits) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (filterUnits) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : /XMLNode : /Dictionary : /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (turbulence) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (type) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (type) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (noStitch) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (stitchTiles) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (stitchTiles) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (8) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (numOctaves) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (numOctaves) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (turb) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (result) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (result) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (0.05) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (baseFrequency) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (baseFrequency) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (feTurbulence) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (in) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (operator) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (operator) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (SourceAlpha) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (in2) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (in2) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (turb) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (in) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (in) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (feComposite) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; , ; (xmlnode-children) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (filter) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; /Def ; /SVGFilter : /XMLNode : /Dictionary : /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (100%) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (width) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (width) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (100%) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (height) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (height) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (0%) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (y) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (y) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (0%) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (x) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (x) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (AI_Turbulence_5) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (id) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; 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(xmlnode-nodename) , ; (in) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (feComposite) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; , ; (xmlnode-children) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (filter) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; /Def ; %AI10_EndSVGFilter %AI5_End_NonPrinting-- %AI5_Begin_NonPrinting Np %AI14_BeginSymbol (Gerbera) 0 A 0 Xw u 0 1 0 0 0 Xy 0 J 0 j 1 w 4 M []0 d 0 XR -22.9814 23.0923 m 23.0869 23.0923 L 23.0869 -23.1484 L -22.9814 -23.1484 L -22.9814 23.0923 L n u 0 O 0.0196 0.78 0.6157 0 k -15.7139 -6.5093 m -20.2578 -7.626 -21.2402 -6.5024 Y -20.6367 -5.4966 -19.6787 -4.7085 -18.5508 -4.0879 C -16.1255 -3.9653 -13.3047 -3.6367 -11.4512 -3.3936 C -12.9165 -4.334 -14.4395 -5.4863 -15.7139 -6.5093 C f 23.0869 -1.1768 m 20.4414 -1.6733 17.75 -1.7959 V 16.7598 -0.9829 13.0898 -0.3013 10.1641 0.1265 C 12.6641 0.1587 15.6621 1.248 17.4707 2.0195 C 19.6484 1.4004 24.2246 -0.0654 23.0869 -1.1768 C f 0.0165 0.5916 0.5189 0 k 7.0405 0.5889 m 7.0547 0.6904 7.0664 0.7939 7.0732 0.8979 C 7.1582 0.96 L 7.4648 0.7178 7.8086 0.5259 8.1992 0.3979 C 7.8662 0.4385 7.5645 0.4771 7.3037 0.5059 C 7.0405 0.5889 L f 0.0196 0.78 0.6157 0 k 17.7891 -2.0703 m 18.9648 -2.3135 21.1777 -2.9385 19.3105 -3.9912 C 16.6006 -5.4478 14.0205 -5.2524 V 12.1582 -3.9937 10.4531 -2.9727 10.2578 -2.8545 C 13.4219 -2.9736 16.9766 -2.25 17.7891 -2.0703 C f 8.0068 -6.4072 m 7.2197 -5.6108 L 10.3213 -7.6191 15.0312 -9.3008 17.1914 -10.0142 C 18.0405 -10.9937 19.7852 -13.2559 17.29 -12.752 C 15.2676 -12.2573 13.8457 -11.7061 V 13.5645 -11.3184 13.3691 -11.0625 Y 8.0068 -6.4072 L f 0.0185 0.7 0.5827 0 k -0.4512 -19.1196 m 0.8389 -15.8408 0.9229 -12.1455 0.7461 -9.5054 C 0.9229 -10.4248 L 1.4746 -11.9575 1.9565 -13.2256 2.3789 -14.2837 C 1.8418 -17.6172 -0.0508 -28.1021 -1.4453 -20.3638 C -0.8779 -20.0854 -0.4512 -19.1196 Y f 0.0196 0.78 0.6157 0 k -3.2734 -14.1943 m -3.2578 -15.1597 -3.1963 -16.0225 -3.1191 -16.7676 C -3.4688 -17.6655 -4.0469 -18.4478 -4.9902 -18.4639 C -4.7031 -17.8188 -4.4219 -17.0703 -4.1641 -16.3052 C -3.2734 -14.1943 L f 0.0185 0.7 0.5827 0 k -7.0957 -17.874 m -6.6621 -17.5527 -5.0635 -13.4966 -3.7773 -10.0981 C -2.6914 -7.9185 L -3.0996 -9.8765 -3.2539 -11.7314 -3.2715 -13.3677 C -3.5117 -14.2393 -3.8203 -15.2876 -4.1641 -16.3052 c -4.4219 -17.0703 -4.7031 -17.8188 -4.9902 -18.4639 c -5.8613 -20.4175 -6.8027 -21.4185 -7.4629 -19.0415 C -7.5957 -17.7646 L -7.5059 -17.5854 L -7.2944 -17.8188 -7.0957 -17.874 Y f 0.0196 0.78 0.6157 0 k -9.0078 -5.4429 m -9.7246 -6.1694 -10.3086 -6.9116 -10.8008 -7.6455 C -13.8926 -10.6865 -18.5605 -14.9951 -17.3164 -12.0044 C -16.9219 -10.7212 -16.1123 -9.5669 V -14.21 -8.5806 -11.8115 -7.1069 -9.8066 -5.8271 C -9.0078 -5.4429 L f 0.0185 0.7 0.5827 0 k -16.8711 -1.4688 m -17.7715 -1.8398 -18.3477 -2.1069 Y -22.2119 -4.0527 -13.6797 -2.7871 -8.8711 -1.9785 C -9.6611 -2.3135 -10.5435 -2.8101 -11.4512 -3.3936 C -13.3047 -3.6367 -16.1255 -3.9653 -18.5508 -4.0879 c -22.5435 -4.2876 -25.4375 -3.9116 -21.1255 -1.6416 C -19.9023 -1.6865 -18.2852 -1.5884 -16.8711 -1.4688 C f 0.0165 0.5916 0.5189 0 k -10.2598 0.666 m -9.9727 0.6587 -9.7012 0.6479 -9.4473 0.6445 C -9.8184 0.6113 -10.2051 0.5586 -10.5977 0.4907 C -10.2598 0.666 L f 0.0196 0.78 0.6157 0 k -10.2598 0.666 m -10.5977 0.4907 L -12.8291 0.0937 -15.3291 -0.8364 -16.8711 -1.4688 C -18.2852 -1.5884 -19.9023 -1.6865 -21.1255 -1.6416 c -23.0957 -1.5708 -24.0293 -1.1372 -21.3535 0.1592 C -19.0176 0.7617 -16.4473 1.1899 V -14.3574 0.8594 -12.0176 0.7217 -10.2598 0.666 C f -11.0742 5.4912 m -11.0703 5.4561 -11.0645 5.4194 -11.0645 5.3809 C -12.7461 5.7578 -14.6699 5.9873 -16.3691 6.126 C -20.71 7.71 -25.6426 9.8555 -21.0781 10.0308 C -20.8164 9.9858 -20.3867 9.9043 V -19.0845 9.2432 -17.3867 8.7739 -16.2539 8.5034 C -14.6387 7.4434 -12.71 6.3633 -11.0742 5.4912 C f 0.0185 0.7 0.5827 0 k -16.2539 8.5034 m -17.3867 8.7739 -19.0845 9.2432 -20.3867 9.9043 c -21.3574 10.3979 -22.1055 10.9912 -22.2285 11.6836 C -20.9023 12.0576 -19.6094 11.7778 V -19.6309 10.985 endstream endobj 30 0 obj <>stream 8 -18.1738 9.7651 -16.2539 8.5034 C f 0.0196 0.78 0.6157 0 k -15.1787 14.3545 m -18.3906 14.6948 -16.4688 12.6445 -13.4902 10.3525 C -13.5352 10.3457 -13.5723 10.3315 -13.6172 10.3232 C -22.3291 17.3193 -16.9551 15.7827 V -15.7813 15.2915 -14.5107 14.5928 V -14.0508 14.1362 -13.5645 13.6816 -13.0996 13.2568 C -14.3203 13.9346 -15.1787 14.3545 Y f 0.0185 0.7 0.5827 0 k -6.6299 8.8555 m -8.4531 10.5483 -11.2109 12.21 -13.0996 13.2568 C -13.5645 13.6816 -14.0508 14.1362 -14.5107 14.5928 c -16.5859 16.6592 -18.0527 18.7124 -13.8496 17.2354 C -11.7578 15.6816 -9.8242 13.7505 V -8.7383 12.0361 -7.5684 10.2827 -6.6387 8.9121 C -6.6367 8.8945 -6.6299 8.874 -6.6299 8.8555 C f 0.0196 0.78 0.6157 0 k -0.9395 9.0186 m -1.2422 8.9873 -1.5371 8.9297 -1.8242 8.8628 C -2.5195 12.1738 -3.6094 14.6729 -4.6543 16.4468 C -5.6445 19.8721 -6.0825 22.9033 -4.2754 22.2651 C -3.9595 21.5615 -3.5117 20.4736 V -3.5078 17.1729 -1.7871 11.5796 -0.9375 9.0186 C -0.9395 9.0186 l f 2.5332 8.5015 m 4.4883 14.5796 4.7109 17.874 4.4922 19.6226 C 5.4316 21.1938 8.2969 25.6362 8.2021 21.3076 C 7.9336 18.0361 7.1641 15.2324 V 5.1016 12.6948 3.2129 9.5137 2.6113 8.4731 C 2.5859 8.4819 2.5586 8.4912 2.5332 8.5015 C f 0.0185 0.7 0.5827 0 k 9.1934 11.3242 m 11.5527 14.7026 12.7754 18.0752 Y 12.7549 18.0996 12.7324 18.1152 12.7129 18.1392 C 14.5234 19.5459 17.9258 21.7617 15.3027 16.2065 C 13.6655 15.1851 11.4648 13.2563 9.4883 11.3857 C 9.1934 11.3242 L f 0.0196 0.78 0.6157 0 k 17.9961 13.2964 m 15.6357 10.5537 13.3594 9.4067 V 15.2129 11.5259 16.5977 13.7026 17.2754 14.8545 C 18.3672 15.2686 19.7227 15.5215 17.9961 13.2964 C f 0.0165 0.5916 0.5189 0 k 8.1992 0.3979 m 7.8086 0.5259 7.4648 0.7178 7.1582 0.96 c 7.1318 0.9819 7.1045 0.9956 7.0801 1.0171 C 7.1074 1.4434 7.1074 1.8755 7.0605 2.3135 c 7.0371 2.5483 6.9976 2.7808 6.9531 3.0088 C 16.1221 4.7114 L 16.75 4.918 17.3242 5.1362 17.8457 5.3633 C 18.8652 5.3579 19.9453 5.3232 21.1172 5.23 C 22.6172 4.9033 19.0937 2.7617 V 18.4541 2.4385 17.4707 2.0195 v 15.6621 1.248 12.6641 0.1587 10.1641 0.1265 C 9.4453 0.2324 8.7754 0.3232 8.1992 0.3979 C f 10.2578 -2.8545 m 10.2441 -2.8477 10.2324 -2.8398 Y 6.4141 -1.6475 L 6.7246 -0.9653 6.9365 -0.2314 7.0342 0.5396 C 7.1191 0.5312 7.2085 0.5171 7.3037 0.5059 c 7.5645 0.4771 7.8662 0.4385 8.1992 0.3979 c 8.7754 0.3232 9.4453 0.2324 10.1641 0.1265 c 13.0898 -0.3013 16.7598 -0.9829 17.75 -1.7959 c 17.8457 -1.874 17.9229 -1.9517 17.9648 -2.0352 C 17.9004 -2.0493 17.7891 -2.0703 v 16.9766 -2.25 13.4219 -2.9736 10.2578 -2.8545 C f 0.0141 0.5043 0.4424 0 k 6.6465 -5.2222 m 5.1113 -3.8896 L 5.0693 -3.8447 5.0273 -3.8008 4.9893 -3.752 C 5.5781 -3.1455 6.0586 -2.4302 6.4141 -1.6475 C 10.2324 -2.8398 L 10.2441 -2.8477 10.2578 -2.8545 v 10.4531 -2.9727 12.1582 -3.9937 14.0205 -5.2524 c 17.0996 -7.3301 20.5918 -10.0508 18.3477 -10.3813 C 17.9102 -10.2524 17.1914 -10.0142 v 15.0312 -9.3008 10.3213 -7.6191 7.2197 -5.6108 c 7.0234 -5.4844 6.8301 -5.3545 6.6465 -5.2222 C f 0.0165 0.5916 0.5189 0 k 4.9717 -3.77 m 5.1113 -3.8896 L 6.6465 -5.2222 L 8.0068 -6.4072 L 13.3691 -11.0625 L 13.5645 -11.3184 13.8457 -11.7061 v 14.9102 -13.1685 17.2852 -16.6157 15.6914 -16.1445 C 10.8838 -15.3545 7.7715 -10.5181 V 4.1816 -4.4653 L 4.4609 -4.2524 4.7285 -4.0225 4.9717 -3.77 C f 0.0185 0.7 0.5827 0 k 2.9219 -5.2393 m 3.3691 -5.0254 3.79 -4.7646 4.1816 -4.4653 C 7.7715 -10.5181 L 11.9043 -22.0254 8.4453 -18.5127 V 6.6504 -17.2959 5.8726 -15.5918 V 6.0371 -14.0352 3.9668 -8.1094 2.9219 -5.2393 C f 0.0165 0.5916 0.5189 0 k 0.7461 -9.5054 m 0.6045 -7.4028 0.2969 -5.9727 Y 0.0898 -5.9199 L 0.2637 -5.9185 0.4365 -5.9141 0.6152 -5.8945 c 1.3281 -5.8223 2.0059 -5.6367 2.6357 -5.3711 C 2.7422 -5.752 2.8828 -6.2744 3.0488 -6.8945 c 3.7539 -9.9199 4.6655 -13.5625 5.0469 -15.0703 C 5.4785 -17.1543 5.6992 -18.7437 5.3828 -18.8335 C 5.1348 -21.1543 2.3789 -14.2837 v 1.9565 -13.2256 1.4746 -11.9575 0.9229 -10.4248 C 0.7461 -9.5054 L f 0.0141 0.5043 0.4424 0 k -3.2715 -13.3677 m -3.2539 -11.7314 -3.0996 -9.8765 -2.6914 -7.9185 c -2.5371 -7.1694 -2.3438 -6.4102 -2.1094 -5.6416 C -1.4082 -5.8486 -0.6699 -5.9453 0.0898 -5.9199 C 0.2969 -5.9727 L 0.6045 -7.4028 0.7461 -9.5054 v 0.9229 -12.1455 0.8389 -15.8408 -0.4512 -19.1196 C -0.8779 -20.0854 -1.4453 -20.3638 v -1.8262 -20.5527 -2.2676 -20.4385 -2.6895 -19.5127 C -2.9453 -18.4668 -3.1191 -16.7676 v -3.1963 -16.0225 -3.2578 -15.1597 -3.2734 -14.1943 c -3.2773 -13.9277 -3.2734 -13.6475 -3.2715 -13.3677 c f 0.0165 0.5916 0.5189 0 k -3.5137 -5.0625 m -3.0742 -5.3013 -2.6094 -5.4941 -2.1255 -5.6367 C -2.3477 -6.25 -3.0039 -8.0527 -3.7773 -10.0981 c -5.0635 -13.4966 -6.6621 -17.5527 -7.0957 -17.874 C -7.2944 -17.8188 -7.5059 -17.5854 v -8.0024 -17.0415 -8.5771 -15.5225 -6.9551 -11.4072 C -6.6934 -10.6318 -6.2754 -9.6157 V -5.2012 -7.8271 -4.3008 -6.2012 -3.8164 -5.3052 C -3.7148 -5.2109 -3.6152 -5.1318 -3.5137 -5.0625 C f -5.1406 -3.9341 m -5.1235 -3.9248 -5.1055 -3.9175 -5.0879 -3.9023 C -4.6504 -4.3237 -4.1685 -4.6904 -3.6445 -4.9902 C -3.6934 -5.0806 -3.7524 -5.1865 -3.8164 -5.3052 c -4.3008 -6.2012 -5.2012 -7.8271 -6.2754 -9.6157 c -8.6094 -13.4951 -11.7524 -18.0879 -13.1738 -17.3774 C -14.1445 -15.8677 -11.9453 -13.54 V -11.9336 -13.5181 -11.9185 -13.4863 V -9.7031 -11.5054 -6.1665 -5.666 -5.1406 -3.9341 C f 0.0141 0.5043 0.4424 0 k -8.5566 -5.0181 m -6.9688 -3.9868 -5.8535 -3.2256 Y -5.8516 -3.1582 -5.8604 -3.1021 -5.8604 -3.04 C -5.6309 -3.3408 -5.3818 -3.6245 -5.1123 -3.8848 C -5.1211 -3.9023 -5.1309 -3.9185 -5.1406 -3.9341 c -6.1665 -5.666 -9.7031 -11.5054 -11.9185 -13.4863 c -12.4238 -13.9429 -12.8613 -14.1982 -13.1836 -14.1543 C -13.0664 -11.0181 -10.8008 -7.6455 v -10.3086 -6.9116 -9.7246 -6.1694 -9.0078 -5.4429 c -8.8652 -5.3013 -8.71 -5.1621 -8.5566 -5.0181 C f 0.0165 0.5916 0.5189 0 k -8.8711 -1.9785 m -7.9985 -1.8335 -7.25 -1.7036 -6.7207 -1.6064 C -6.4844 -2.1196 -6.1963 -2.5996 -5.8604 -3.04 C -5.8604 -3.1021 -5.8516 -3.1582 -5.8535 -3.2256 C -6.9688 -3.9868 -8.5566 -5.0181 v -8.9482 -5.2744 -9.3672 -5.5439 -9.8066 -5.8271 c -11.8115 -7.1069 -14.21 -8.5806 -16.1123 -9.5669 c -18.7207 -10.9199 -20.3867 -11.3555 -18.7598 -9.0879 C -17.4746 -7.9248 -15.7139 -6.5093 v -14.4395 -5.4863 -12.9165 -4.334 -11.4512 -3.3936 c -10.5435 -2.8101 -9.6611 -2.3135 -8.8711 -1.9785 C f -6.7207 -1.6064 m -7.25 -1.7036 -7.9985 -1.8335 -8.8711 -1.9785 c -13.6797 -2.7871 -22.2119 -4.0527 -18.3477 -2.1069 C -17.7715 -1.8398 -16.8711 -1.4688 v -15.3291 -0.8364 -12.8291 0.0937 -10.5977 0.4907 c -10.2051 0.5586 -9.8184 0.6113 -9.4473 0.6445 C -8.7773 0.6289 -8.2461 0.6289 -7.9199 0.6289 C -7.7139 0.6011 -7.5215 0.5576 -7.3398 0.5034 C -7.2314 -0.2437 -7.0195 -0.9517 -6.7207 -1.6064 C f 0.0185 0.7 0.5827 0 k -7.3994 2.29 m -7.4395 1.8057 -7.4395 1.3105 -7.3867 0.8091 c -7.3848 0.7969 -7.3828 0.7866 -7.3818 0.7778 C -7.4395 0.7266 -7.4883 0.6816 -7.5586 0.6289 C -7.6895 0.6289 -7.9199 0.6289 v -8.2461 0.6289 -8.7773 0.6289 -9.4473 0.6445 c -9.7012 0.6479 -9.9727 0.6587 -10.2598 0.666 c -12.0176 0.7217 -14.3574 0.8594 -16.4473 1.1899 c -18.8242 1.5659 -20.8735 2.1899 -21.3477 3.2256 C -24.4268 5.1147 -20.5215 4.9219 V -17.5635 3.9648 -10.7656 3.0063 -7.9902 2.6416 C -7.7598 2.5312 -7.5605 2.4116 -7.3994 2.29 C f 0.0165 0.5916 0.5189 0 k -10.7148 5.3003 m -8.9102 4.3491 -7.5508 3.6948 Y -7.4443 3.7217 -7.3574 3.7505 -7.2637 3.7808 C -7.2227 3.7402 -7.1855 3.6987 -7.1484 3.6553 C -7.2461 3.3003 -7.3184 2.9331 -7.3643 2.5586 C -7.5391 2.5825 -7.7461 2.6104 -7.9902 2.6416 c -10.7656 3.0063 -17.5635 3.9648 -20.5215 4.9219 c -22.0771 5.4248 -22.5771 5.9297 -20.8574 6.3418 C -18.8604 6.3281 -16.3691 6.126 v -14.6699 5.9873 -12.7461 5.7578 -11.0645 5.3809 c -10.9453 5.3579 -10.8301 5.3281 -10.7148 5.3003 C f -6.4307 5.3809 m -6.7075 4.8931 -6.9355 4.3755 -7.1016 3.8306 C -7.1514 3.8135 -7.21 3.7969 -7.2637 3.7808 c -7.3574 3.7505 -7.4443 3.7217 -7.5508 3.6948 C -8.9102 4.3491 -10.7148 5.3003 v -10.8345 5.3633 -10.9512 5.4258 -11.0742 5.4912 c -12.71 6.3633 -14.6387 7.4434 -16.2539 8.5034 c -18.1738 9.7651 -19.6309 10.9858 -19.6094 11.7778 c -19.5996 12.1362 -19.2949 12.4072 -18.5723 12.5483 C -15.6387 11.2866 -12.6299 9.7041 V -10.5059 8.1377 -8.0825 6.5547 -6.5996 5.6113 C -6.5391 5.5332 -6.4795 5.4561 -6.4307 5.3809 C f 0.0141 0.5043 0.4424 0 k -15.1787 14.3545 m -14.3203 13.9346 -13.0996 13.2568 v -11.2109 12.21 -8.4531 10.5483 -6.6299 8.8555 c -6.6035 8.8306 -6.5771 8.8096 -6.5508 8.7866 C -6.0117 7.9922 -5.5635 7.3418 -5.2695 6.9209 C -5.6973 6.4873 -6.0664 5.9985 -6.3779 5.4707 C -6.4473 5.5156 -6.5234 5.5615 -6.5996 5.6113 c -8.0825 6.5547 -10.5059 8.1377 -12.6299 9.7041 c -12.9219 9.9209 -13.2109 10.1377 -13.4902 10.3525 c -16.4688 12.6445 -18.3906 14.6948 -15.1787 14.3545 C f 0.0165 0.5916 0.5189 0 k -4.0137 7.9355 m -4.4688 7.6445 -4.8906 7.3057 -5.2695 6.9209 C -5.5635 7.3418 -6.0117 7.9922 -6.5508 8.7866 c -6.5801 8.8271 -6.6094 8.8721 -6.6387 8.9121 c -7.5684 10.2827 -8.7383 12.0361 -9.8242 13.7505 c -12.5723 18.0923 -14.7461 22.1445 -10.9219 18.8315 C -8.5771 16.3892 -6.6172 13.6362 V -5.5947 11.3779 -4.5254 9.2256 -4.0234 8.23 C -4.0176 8.1284 -4.0107 8.0308 -4.0137 7.9355 C f -3.9102 8.001 m -3.9443 8.0659 -3.9834 8.1426 -4.0234 8.23 c -4.5254 9.2256 -5.5947 11.3779 -6.6172 13.6362 c -8.6191 18.0449 -10.4375 22.8203 -7.4595 19.9985 C -6.1094 18.9146 -4.6543 16.4468 v -3.6094 14.6729 -2.5195 12.1738 -1.8242 8.8628 C -2.5771 8.6875 -3.2754 8.3931 -3.9102 8.001 C f 0.0185 0.7 0.5827 0 k 0.3701 9.46 m 0.3281 9.3135 0.2812 9.1738 0.2305 9.0347 C -0.1543 9.0586 -0.5435 9.0605 -0.9375 9.0186 C -1.7871 11.5796 -3.5078 17.1729 -3.5117 20.4736 c -3.5137 22.1987 -3.0488 23.2964 -1.7461 23.0132 C 0.0996 18.8721 0.6265 14.585 V 0.3335 12.5459 0.3335 10.6064 0.3701 9.46 C f 0.0165 0.5916 0.5189 0 k 2.5332 8.5015 m 1.8555 8.7866 1.1367 8.9648 0.3877 9.0264 C 0.3828 9.1553 0.3765 9.3003 0.3701 9.46 c 0.3335 10.6064 0.3335 12.5459 0.6265 14.585 c 1.0059 17.2388 1.8726 20.0537 3.7861 21.4946 C 4.3027 21.1362 4.4922 19.6226 v 4.7109 17.874 4.4883 14.5796 2.5332 8.5015 C f 0.0141 0.5043 0.4424 0 k 9.1934 11.3242 m 9.0234 11.0815 8.8486 10.8418 8.6699 10.6011 C 6.9414 8.9312 5.5029 7.4399 4.9453 6.8545 C 4.2773 7.54 3.4844 8.0928 2.6113 8.4731 C 3.2129 9.5137 5.1016 12.6948 7.1641 15.2324 c 9.2109 17.7563 11.4229 19.6323 12.7129 18.1392 c 12.7324 18.1152 12.7549 18.0996 12.7754 18.0752 C 11.5527 14.7026 9.1934 11.3242 v f 0.0165 0.5916 0.5189 0 k 6.4043 4.71 m 6.0371 5.5137 5.5449 6.2402 4.9453 6.8545 C 5.5029 7.4399 6.9414 8.9312 8.6699 10.6011 c 8.9365 10.8594 9.2085 11.1211 9.4883 11.3857 c 11.4648 13.2563 13.6655 15.1851 15.3027 16.2065 c 16.8984 17.2026 17.9609 17.3345 17.7461 15.6899 C 17.5815 15.3755 17.2754 14.8545 v 16.5977 13.7026 15.2129 11.5259 13.3594 9.4067 c 12.3691 8.2754 11.2539 7.1636 10.0273 6.2388 C 8.5332 5.6226 7.25 5.0635 6.4199 4.6914 C 6.4043 4.71 L f 0.0185 0.7 0.5827 0 k 6.9531 3.0088 m 6.8379 3.6011 6.6523 4.1602 6.4141 4.6899 C 6.4141 4.6904 6.4175 4.6914 6.4199 4.6914 c 7.25 5.0635 8.5332 5.6226 10.0273 6.2388 c 15.0898 8.3232 22.5234 10.9985 22.5405 8.7686 C 21.4844 6.9297 17.8457 5.3633 v 17.3242 5.1362 16.75 4.918 16.1221 4.7114 C 6.9531 3.0088 L f 0.0196 0.78 0.6157 0 k 2.6953 -5.3486 m 2.7715 -5.3149 2.8457 -5.2769 2.9219 -5.2393 C 3.9668 -8.1094 6.0371 -14.0352 5.8726 -15.5918 c 5.8301 -15.999 5.6357 -16.1104 5.2285 -15.7837 C 5.1602 -15.5127 5.0469 -15.0703 v 4.6655 -13.5625 3.7539 -9.9199 3.0488 -6.8945 c 2.9229 -6.3545 2.8037 -5.834 2.6953 -5.3486 C f *u 1 D 0 0 0 1 k 7.0405 0.5889 m 7.0381 0.5713 7.0371 0.5547 7.0342 0.5396 c 6.9365 -0.2314 6.7246 -0.9653 6.4141 -1.6475 c 6.0586 -2.4302 5.5781 -3.1455 4.9893 -3.752 c 4.9844 -3.7598 4.9785 -3.7646 4.9717 -3.77 c 4.7285 -4.0225 4.4609 -4.2524 4.1816 -4.4653 c 3.79 -4.7646 3.3691 -5.0254 2.9219 -5.2393 c 2.8457 -5.2769 2.7715 -5.3149 2.6953 -5.3486 c 2.6777 -5.3555 2.6562 -5.3623 2.6357 -5.3711 c 2.0059 -5.6367 1.3281 -5.8223 0.6152 -5.8945 c 0.4365 -5.9141 0.2637 -5.9185 0.0898 -5.9199 c -0.6699 -5.9453 -1.4082 -5.8486 -2.1094 -5.6416 c -2.1133 -5.6416 -2.1191 -5.6367 -2.1255 -5.6367 c -2.6094 -5.4941 -3.0742 -5.3013 -3.5137 -5.0625 c -3.5586 -5.04 -3.6016 -5.0142 -3.6445 -4.9902 c -4.1685 -4.6904 -4.6504 -4.3237 -5.0879 -3.9023 c -5.0957 -3.8989 -5.1035 -3.8901 -5.1123 -3.8848 c -5.3818 -3.6245 -5.6309 -3.3408 -5.8604 -3.04 c -6.1963 -2.5996 -6.4844 -2.1196 -6.7207 -1.6064 c -7.0195 -0.9517 -7.2314 -0.2437 -7.3398 0.5034 c -7.3516 0.5937 -7.3711 0.6836 -7.3818 0.7778 c -7.3828 0.7866 -7.3848 0.7969 -7.3867 0.8091 c -7.4395 1.3105 -7.4395 1.8057 -7.3994 2.29 c -7.3906 2.3809 -7.3755 2.4697 -7.3643 2.5586 c -7.3184 2.9331 -7.2461 3.3003 -7.1484 3.6553 c -7.1338 3.7124 -7.1172 3.7739 -7.1016 3.8306 c -6.9355 4.3755 -6.7075 4.8931 -6.4307 5.3809 c -6.4141 5.4082 -6.3965 5.4399 -6.3779 5.4707 c -6.0664 5.9985 -5.6973 6.4873 -5.2695 6.9209 c -4.8906 7.3057 -4.4688 7.6445 -4.0137 7.9355 c -3.9795 7.9585 -3.9453 7.9819 -3.9102 8.001 c -3.2754 8.3931 -2.5771 8.6875 -1.8242 8.8628 c -1.5371 8.9297 -1.2422 8.9873 -0.9395 9.0186 c -0.9375 9.0186 l -0.5435 9.0605 -0.1543 9.0586 0.2305 9.0347 c 0.2822 9.0312 0.3335 9.0312 0.3877 9.0264 c 1.1367 8.9648 1.8555 8.7866 2.5332 8.5015 c 2.5586 8.4912 2.5859 8.4819 2.6113 8.4731 c 3.4844 8.0928 4.2773 7.54 4.9453 6.8545 c 5.5449 6.2402 6.0371 5.5137 6.4043 4.71 c 6.4053 4.7026 6.4102 4.6987 6.4141 4.6899 c 6.6523 4.1602 6.8379 3.6011 6.9531 3.0088 c 6.9976 2.7808 7.0371 2.5483 7.0605 2.3135 c 7.1074 1.8755 7.1074 1.4434 7.0801 1.0171 c 7.0781 0.9775 7.0781 0.9375 7.0732 0.8979 c 7.0664 0.7939 7.0547 0.6904 7.0405 0.5889 c f *U u 1 Ap 0 D 0.2 0.3961 0.9647 0.0667 k 6.8281 1.3408 m 5.9155 2.5322 L 6.3877 3.9771 L 5.6875 5.0752 L 4.5195 5.7227 L 3.5059 6.3203 L 2.9727 7.8135 L 1.6826 8.0923 L 0.6113 7.8525 L -0.1299 7.5312 L -1.4248 7.9146 L -2.4961 7.1938 L -4.0098 7.3818 L -4.7412 6.2324 L -5.5869 5.3267 L -6.2012 4.248 L -6.9355 3.1636 L -6.8184 2.0986 L -6.6694 1.3408 L -6.8906 0.0088 L -6.3018 -1.1548 L -5.6055 -2.1772 L -5.1777 -3.4204 L -4.0615 -4.0469 L -2.8457 -4.3335 L -1.8008 -4.8965 L -0.8525 -5.0615 L -0.1299 -4.8428 L 1.1162 -4.9854 L 2.3594 -4.8125 L 3.7402 -4.6821 L 4.3691 -3.4287 L 5.2812 -2.6069 L 6.3037 -1.7393 L 6.6348 -0.4688 L 6.2363 0.6211 L 6.8281 1.3408 L f U 0 0 Xd 6 () XW 0 O 0.1317 0.2608 0.6353 0.0439 k 4.5391 1.3418 m 4.5391 3.9194 2.4492 6.0098 -0.1299 6.0098 c -2.7095 6.0098 -4.7988 3.9194 -4.7988 1.3418 c -4.7988 -1.2373 -2.7095 -3.3276 -0.1299 -3.3276 c 2.4492 -3.3276 4.5391 -1.2373 4.5391 1.3418 c f 0.08 0.1583 0.3857 0.0266 k 2.9727 1.3418 m 2.9727 3.0547 1.5835 4.4434 -0.1299 4.4434 c -1.8438 4.4434 -3.2324 3.0547 -3.2324 1.3418 c -3.2324 -0.3711 -1.8438 -1.7612 -0.1299 -1.7612 c 1.5835 -1.7612 2.9727 -0.3711 2.9727 1.3418 c f 0 Ap 0.1317 0.2608 0.6353 0.0439 k 4.9199 -0.043 m 4.4766 -0.8096 L 4.9199 -1.5757 L 5.8047 -1.5757 L 6.2461 -0.8096 L 5.8047 -0.043 L 4.9199 -0.043 L f 3.7324 4.5059 m 3.2905 3.7402 L 3.7324 2.9746 L 4.6172 2.9746 L 5.0605 3.7402 L 4.6172 4.5059 L 3.7324 4.5059 L f 0.1719 4.1104 m -0.2695 3.3457 L 0.1719 2.5796 L 1.0566 2.5796 L 1.5 3.3457 L 1.0566 4.1104 L 0.1719 4.1104 L f -0.6191 -0.835 m -1.0615 -1.6021 L -0.6191 -2.3677 L 0.2656 -2.3677 L 0.7065 -1.6021 L 0.2656 -0.835 L -0.6191 -0.835 L f -2.5391 -3.1836 m -2.9824 -3.9478 L -2.5391 -4.7158 L -1.6543 -4.7158 L -1.2129 -3.9478 L -1.6543 -3.1836 L -2.5391 -3.1836 L f -5.5068 -1.2031 m -5.9492 -1.9717 L -5.5068 -2.7383 L -4.6221 -2.7383 L -4.1797 -1.9717 L -4.6221 -1.2031 L -5.5068 -1.2031 L f -5.3086 2.9482 m -5.7524 2.1812 L -5.3086 1.4146 L -4.4238 1.4146 L -3.9824 2.1812 L -4.4238 2.9482 L -5.3086 2.9482 L f -5.9385 3.3691 m -6.3809 2.6025 L -5.9385 1.8345 L -5.0537 1.8345 L -4.6113 2.6025 L -5.0537 3.3691 L -5.9385 3.3691 L f -4.4824 5.0996 m -4.9238 4.334 L -4.4824 3.5674 L -3.5977 3.5674 L -3.1543 4.334 L -3.5977 5.0996 L -4.4824 5.0996 L f -1.3164 3.9121 m -1.7598 3.1455 L -1.3164 2.3809 L -0.4316 2.3809 L 0.0098 3.1455 L -0.4316 3.9121 L -1.3164 3.9121 L f 0.4629 0.9473 m 0.0215 0.1812 L 0.4629 -0.5854 L 1.3477 -0.5854 L 1.7905 0.1812 L 1.3477 0.9473 L 0.4629 0.9473 L f 2.4414 3.7163 m 1.9976 2.9492 L 2.4414 2.1826 L 3.3262 2.1826 L 3.7686 2.9492 L 3.3262 3.7163 L 2.4414 3.7163 L f 2.2441 -0.6367 m 1.8008 -1.4028 L 2.2441 -2.1694 L 3.1289 -2.1694 L 3.5703 -1.4028 L 3.1289 -0.6367 L 2.2441 -0.6367 L f U 9 () XW U %_/ArtDictionary : %_; %_ 9 () XW %AI10_EndSymbol %AI14_BeginSymbol (Motif tache vectorisé) 0 A 0 Xw u *u 0 O 0 g 0 1 0 0 0 Xy 0 J 0 j 1 w 4 M []0 d 1 XR -11.3574 -86.7861 m -10.7935 -89.4727 -15.4346 -89.1084 -13.9575 -86.7861 C -12.5186 -86.9414 -12.3418 -86.3398 -11.3574 -86.7861 C f 1 D -12.6572 -68.2661 m -11.2783 -67.8735 -9.8828 -67.8022 -10.7075 -65.9917 C -9.0508 -66.3726 -7.4414 -65.2837 -6.1582 -64.3677 C -3.7949 -64.9385 -2.3828 -64.4775 -0.6348 -63.7183 C 0.0928 -66.4565 2.7998 -67.2144 4.8877 -68.5928 C 4.3345 -70.1582 4.7178 -71.4795 6.1885 -71.8408 C 6.6309 -75.0127 4.2505 -76.2808 5.5391 -79.3145 C 2.2656 -80.0469 1.2725 -83.0615 -1.2852 -84.5127 C -1.5444 -83.7964 -1.9365 -83.2158 -2.9092 -83.2124 C -3.79 -83.4155 -3.7188 -84.5708 -4.8594 -84.5127 C -5.2969 -82.9829 -7.0107 -82.5635 -8.7578 -83.2124 C -9.7578 -80.9639 -11.4736 -79.4302 -13.6309 -78.3398 C -11.9395 -76.8096 -13.7754 -74.4902 -14.6064 -73.4653 C -13.9512 -71.3237 -12.3818 -70.8555 -12.6572 -68.2661 C f 42.5791 -77.6885 m 45.6094 -76.7646 48.2686 -78.8965 48.4277 -81.9136 C 45.8135 -82.4429 42.8291 -80.8945 42.2539 -78.3398 C 42.5068 -78.2671 42.6318 -78.0669 42.5791 -77.6885 C f 71.8213 -65.0166 m 71.8926 -66.2061 72.2686 -66.2637 71.8213 -67.2925 C 70.0195 -67.2935 69.0898 -69.0278 67.2725 -69.5664 c 65.5225 -70.0854 63.2939 -69.27 62.0742 -70.8662 C 61.4893 -69.6191 60.1084 -69.2959 58.5 -69.8911 C 58.0635 -67.1885 54.7363 -67.3735 54.9258 -64.043 C 54.3604 -64.0669 53.9155 -63.9702 53.6265 -63.7183 C 53.3838 -62.7183 54.5176 -63.0933 54.2764 -62.0942 C 53.9902 -61.1885 52.6641 -61.3223 52.6523 -60.1445 C 54.5825 -59.4766 54.6675 -56.9614 55.2505 -54.9463 C 57.2085 -54.1948 57.7441 -52.0239 59.7998 -51.3711 C 57.1992 -50.3975 55.0156 -49.0063 54.9258 -45.522 C 61.9707 -42.0317 62.3916 -53.894 69.8721 -52.0215 C 71.3594 -55.4277 74.9307 -58.4326 72.7959 -62.7432 C 73.2021 -63.5293 74.4346 -63.4878 74.4199 -64.6934 C 73.6445 -64.8901 72.0645 -64.2837 71.8213 -65.0166 C f -48.7227 -29.6016 m -50.5732 -30.0254 -52.0967 -30.7759 -53.9209 -31.2261 C -53.8418 -29.2422 -50.0107 -29.2959 -48.7227 -29.6016 C f 76.6953 -2.958 m 77.5898 -1.7959 80.2607 -2.2988 80.2695 -3.9326 C 79.5303 -5.6221 76.6504 -4.8076 76.6953 -2.958 C f -34.7515 51.9531 m -36.1426 51.7515 -36.0762 53.0107 -37.3516 52.9272 C -38.8779 52.397 -39.0049 50.4673 -39.6245 49.0283 C -40.9492 48.7876 -40.7441 50.0752 -42.2246 49.6792 C -43.1924 49.2378 -43.5732 48.2114 -44.1738 47.4043 C -47.1523 47.9976 -47.8145 46.2793 -49.3735 45.4546 C -49.9424 45.9673 -50.0459 46.9473 -50.9971 47.0801 C -54.1035 45.7832 -54.4688 49.8667 -57.8203 48.3779 C -58.8926 52.085 -61.7568 54.1812 -65.9434 53.9023 C -66.0586 55.8594 -63.7485 55.3882 -63.3438 56.8271 C -62.7783 59.666 -64.3774 60.3428 -64.6445 62.3506 C -63.5605 64.1689 -62.7607 66.8403 -62.3691 70.1489 C -60.6885 70.0923 -60.3916 71.4209 -59.7695 72.4224 C -58.0381 72.2065 -56.9258 72.6113 -56.5215 73.7227 C -56.1665 75.4858 -57.1768 75.8833 -57.1709 77.2964 C -55.6338 76.5586 -54.4297 75.4873 -52.2959 75.3472 C -50.8623 76.4023 -49.9131 77.9473 -46.7734 77.2964 C -46.5967 76.2827 -45.9995 75.6865 -45.1484 75.3472 C -44.1582 75.7632 -44.2793 77.293 -42.8745 77.2964 C -41.7959 76.6504 -43.4063 73.6099 -41.25 73.397 C -39.8867 73.3345 -40.2451 74.9922 -38.6504 74.6978 C -38.2949 73.209 -38.2949 72.6113 -38.6504 71.1226 C -36.5146 69.8042 -36.0415 72.7266 -34.7515 72.0986 C -34.7578 70.6953 -36.3701 70.9009 -36.3765 69.4976 C -34.8945 67.4961 -36.8584 63.6714 -34.7515 62.0259 C -33.3076 61.3027 -28.6191 63.0171 -26.6279 61.3745 C -33.1543 63.166 -38.3291 57.3921 -34.7515 51.9531 C f 39.0059 51.3032 m 40.6265 53.6611 43.1963 52.0361 46.8027 52.6025 C 45.8857 50.502 41.5166 50.8052 39.0059 51.3032 C f -26.6279 64.2993 m -24.3379 64.7163 -21.9385 65.0259 -19.4805 65.2744 C -20.4595 63.7578 -24.7148 63.8018 -26.6279 64.2993 C f -75.6914 73.397 m -76.9385 70.96 -79.9707 72.8706 -80.2393 74.6968 c -80.5762 76.981 -78.0098 77.5825 -77.9648 79.5713 C -73.6738 80.9731 -74.0176 75.71 -72.1162 73.7217 C -72.2852 73.2417 -72.5977 72.9023 -72.7676 72.4219 C -74.3037 72.1855 -74.9023 72.8857 -75.6914 73.397 C f 36.7305 78.2705 m 36.8066 80.1187 40.0166 80.2891 40.9541 80.2212 C 40.3887 78.729 38.4155 78.6436 36.7305 78.2705 C f 25.6836 88.6675 m 25.0264 85.8594 24.0225 83.3965 22.4346 81.5195 C 23.0615 84.3584 24.1738 86.7104 25.6836 88.6675 C f u 58.1748 -40.6479 m 58.1748 -41.9487 L 56.3633 -42.5352 56.6504 -42.3032 54.9258 -41.2988 C 53.7075 -42.2144 52.8369 -41.5151 51.6768 -42.2744 C 51.1289 -40.8716 50.2041 -39.8477 47.7783 -40.3237 C 46.6455 -37.6333 43.5371 -35.6572 43.5537 -32.2012 c 43.5625 -30.3823 45.4561 -28.582 44.2041 -27.0029 C 38.8252 -32.6558 26.0928 -26.6909 19.5098 -28.627 C 20.3437 -31.1504 21.5869 -33.2661 22.4336 -35.7749 C 23.6406 -36.0977 25.0879 -37.5039 24.0586 -39.0239 C 19.6953 -37.54 19.8066 -31.5791 15.2861 -30.251 C 13.5273 -32.2197 11.5596 -32.7749 9.4365 -34.7998 C 9.2002 -39.5703 6.9248 -41.9111 5.2129 -44.8735 c 4.5059 -46.0977 4.7734 -47.8184 2.9395 -47.7974 C 2.7568 -47.3286 2.4316 -47.0039 1.9648 -46.8232 C 1.7085 -44.9429 2.8691 -44.478 2.6143 -42.5981 C -0.7295 -40.7749 -6.3755 -43.0981 -10.0576 -44.8735 C -10.4521 -42.8535 -9.3213 -42.3599 -9.4082 -40.6479 C -12.8008 -38.9238 -14.9375 -41.4224 -18.1807 -39.999 C -19.9697 -41.1333 -20.6484 -43.3804 -23.0547 -43.8984 C -25.2207 -45.7388 -25.5283 -49.438 -28.2529 -50.7212 C -28.3325 -48.5015 -27.25 -48.2534 -26.3027 -46.8232 c -25.2246 -45.1919 -24.1855 -42.3677 -23.0547 -40.9727 c -21.5771 -39.1543 -19.6816 -38.5391 -19.8047 -36.75 c -19.9727 -34.2949 -22.8379 -34.166 -25.0039 -32.8501 C -27.0322 -23.8535 -37.2998 -26.6245 -44.4995 -28.9512 C -40.2969 -26.7637 -34.8027 -25.8677 -31.1768 -23.103 C -33.5835 -21.1782 -35.8438 -19.1055 -37.3496 -16.2798 C -39.2607 -16.4277 -39.7441 -18.0029 -42.2246 -17.5791 C -42.5098 -15.7788 -40.4717 -16.2998 -39.9502 -15.3052 C -44.9912 -14.1445 -47.0557 -18.5439 -52.6211 -17.5791 C -52.6992 -18.043 -53.1572 -18.1279 -53.2715 -18.5552 C -53.4854 -19.7432 -52.5693 -19.8013 -52.6211 -20.8271 C -54.0566 -21.9072 -55.1797 -23.4492 -54.8945 -25.3774 C -57.1963 -26.4351 -59.1523 -27.8359 -59.4453 -30.9014 C -61.0361 -31.1919 -60.3223 -29.1792 -62.0439 -29.6021 C -62.9199 -32.3037 -64.5283 -30.4912 -66.9185 -31.5518 C -67.2988 -31.0654 -67.3223 -30.2222 -67.8916 -29.9263 C -71.4014 -30.7261 -71.4199 -28.0391 -73.4165 -27.3271 C -75.6235 -28.1509 -76.6699 -29.9351 -79.2646 -28.9512 C -79.1748 -27.2012 -76.2041 -28.3286 -75.6914 -27.0029 C -76.8789 -23.9663 -77.7354 -20.5981 -79.2646 -17.9053 C -77.9185 -17.0518 -77.1309 -15.1392 -77.9648 -13.0313 C -75.9502 -11.1758 -73.9092 -9.0142 -73.0908 -6.8574 C -71.9033 -6.6431 -71.8447 -7.5615 -70.8174 -7.5068 C -69.7979 -6.7925 -68.8008 -6.0566 -68.5425 -4.582 C -65.3779 -6.2847 -61.8545 -6.1196 -58.4707 -6.8574 C -57.9297 -7.291 -58.3613 -8.6982 -57.8203 -9.1318 C -56.8174 -9.2119 -55.9834 -9.4604 -55.2207 -9.7822 C -54.3906 -10.1948 -55.5225 -11.3735 -54.8945 -11.4063 C -50.4414 -10.8032 -43.4395 -11.4561 -39.9502 -8.4824 C -38.9336 -4.9863 -38.1934 -1.5215 -39.9502 1.9146 C -40.5146 2.3179 -42.1074 1.6665 -43.5244 1.9146 C -44.3545 1.6626 -44.0752 0.3003 -45.1484 0.2905 C -50.8291 1.3252 -54.7422 4.1284 -56.5215 9.0635 C -56.1826 10.7842 -55.8857 12.5459 -55.8701 14.5874 C -54.3213 17.8018 -50.8535 19.1011 -48.7227 21.7354 C -48.0625 20.4209 -45.6143 20.6299 -44.4995 21.4106 C -40.8447 19.541 -37.2588 17.6025 -36.0508 13.2881 C -31.1826 13.293 -31.0244 18.0083 -27.9277 19.7856 C -28.8125 24.6411 -30.2988 28.8945 -31.5024 33.4331 C -29.1084 31.5107 -28.2148 27.5337 -27.6035 23.0347 C -26.2539 22.6523 -25.3271 21.8452 -24.0293 21.4106 C -23.2095 22.2144 -21.8311 22.4609 -21.7539 24.0098 c -21.7266 25.229 -22.9443 25.2017 -23.0547 26.2842 C -19.2773 25.8682 -13.2021 25.5137 -13.6309 31.4834 C -11.7676 32.0474 -12.4063 30.1089 -11.0322 30.1826 C -7.9473 32.4321 -7.2676 41.6729 -9.0825 44.8042 C -11.0283 42.3828 -10.7676 38.5488 -14.6064 38.9561 c -18.4111 39.3604 -19.1299 44.8418 -16.5557 48.0532 C -13.2314 49.1572 -10.2676 51.2754 -8.4326 47.4043 C -4.9961 50.4307 -7.1631 57.7808 -10.3828 59.75 C -11.7129 60.0449 -13.0117 60.3716 -13.3057 61.7002 C -13.0527 61.7715 -12.9287 61.9722 -12.9824 62.3496 C -11.8154 63.0249 -9.4678 62.5186 -7.7842 62.6753 C -6.8975 64.2803 -5.6265 65.5 -5.5088 67.873 C -6.4155 68.9233 -9.1719 69.833 -8.4326 71.4468 C -7.5781 69.79 -4.04 69.3091 -2.2598 70.4731 C -2.1318 71.645 -1.8389 72.6523 -1.6094 73.7217 C 0.7334 74.5928 2.5898 76.6929 5.5391 75.9961 C 6.3789 76.9976 5.9785 79.2388 7.1631 79.8955 C 9.0439 80.0439 8.4687 77.7363 10.4121 77.9458 C 11.1719 78.9204 10.0825 81.7417 12.0371 81.52 C 13.3477 81.0986 12.7578 78.7764 13.6621 77.9458 C 16.3779 77.2305 17.9609 78.0034 20.4844 77.9458 C 20.8652 78.4321 20.8877 79.2754 21.46 79.5713 C 21.6533 78.9922 20.5068 78.2217 21.46 77.9458 C 22.8213 77.9922 22.9092 79.3115 24.7075 78.9209 C 24.6787 77.5312 24.0576 76.541 24.7075 75.3467 C 30.9482 74.98 31.5498 68.9736 34.7812 65.5986 C 38.7578 64.8745 41.4102 67.1978 43.8789 66.9009 C 42.7266 66.21 40.8789 66.2168 40.3047 64.9497 C 40.9883 64.0835 42.6816 63.7266 41.9287 62.3496 C 39.8594 62.23 39.2168 63.5371 38.0303 64.2993 C 36.9971 63.6011 34.9238 63.9409 34.4565 62.6753 C 34.0835 60.2451 35.5498 59.6528 36.4062 58.4507 C 36.1523 56.8643 35.0557 56.1187 35.1055 54.2275 C 35.3291 52.9336 37.4805 53.5688 37.3809 51.9531 c 37.2949 50.6313 35.2578 51.2593 34.4565 50.6528 C 34.0459 48.2769 34.6255 48.0308 34.7812 45.7793 C 32.5859 45.1577 30.6357 44.293 30.8818 41.2305 C 28.3301 40.8594 26.0967 40.1675 26.3335 37.0063 C 25.7441 36.1875 24.1992 36.3252 23.7344 35.3818 C 24.1084 35.2769 24.8525 33.9648 24.0586 33.7568 C 23.3335 35.7266 19.5908 34.269 18.5352 33.4331 C 17.2656 33.6802 17.2715 35.2017 15.6104 35.0571 C 15.4707 34.4385 14.9111 34.2417 14.9609 33.4331 C 17.2178 31.8979 21.6675 32.5576 24.0586 31.1577 C 24.0361 27.6753 22.3955 24.2329 24.3838 20.7607 C 24.71 20.7617 24.7695 20.4976 25.0332 20.4355 C 25.5586 20.9937 26.3926 21.2427 27.6328 21.0859 C 30.4756 25.1284 35.4619 25.2192 39.3301 27.9092 C 37.2505 24.1284 28.3848 24.3491 29.5825 16.2129 C 27.4575 15.7129 27.9014 19.146 26.3335 18.1611 C 27.0645 15.5337 29.9111 15.0249 31.2065 12.9634 C 39.0576 10.6875 44.1572 17.8481 51.6768 15.2368 C 53.8691 6.2656 37.6543 8.1201 37.0557 1.5898 c 36.6855 -2.4512 40.3271 -1.207 42.9043 -2.3071 C 42.1152 -4.8872 38.2607 -2.8896 37.0557 -4.582 C 36.9111 -7.4351 39.6836 -7.3701 41.2793 -8.4824 C 40.7529 -11.6504 43.29 -11.8813 44.5293 -14.0063 C 43.7422 -15.71 40.7344 -15.1934 40.3047 -17.2534 C 42.0732 -19.8262 44.6143 -25.3237 48.7529 -22.4541 C 50.6123 -23.9512 51.8916 -22.4053 53.3018 -21.1543 C 54.4609 -22.6006 55.7393 -21.8447 57.5264 -21.479 C 59.6865 -24.2847 64.9189 -26.4287 63.0488 -31.2261 C 63.1572 -32.5254 64.3936 -32.6973 64.3486 -34.1509 C 61.9717 -35.9966 61.6953 -39.9453 58.1748 -40.6479 C f 0 D 6.8379 33.7568 m 7.8306 33.4443 9.8745 33.646 9.7627 35.3818 C 8.5742 36.1665 7.0264 35.0034 6.8379 33.7568 C f 28.2832 18.1611 m 29.7998 18.7017 29.7832 20.7769 30.5566 22.0596 C 28.9565 21.6562 26.5937 19.8491 28.2832 18.1611 C f U 9 () XW 1 D -14.6064 35.3818 m -17.0771 36.9204 -20.4551 39.2788 -21.4297 41.2305 C -19.0449 39.3921 -16.2207 37.9912 -14.6064 35.3818 C f -25.9785 61.7002 m -25.3076 61.1147 -21.1655 62.3994 -20.4551 60.7251 C -22.4258 60.7114 -26.2666 60.5371 -25.9785 61.7002 C f *U %_/ArtDictionary : %_0 /Int (AI10 compound shape mode) , %_; %_ U %_/ArtDictionary : %_0 /Bool (AI15PixelPerfectSymbolEnablekey) , %_0 /Bool (AI13PatternEnableGuides) , %_1 /Int (AI13PatternExportType) , %_5 /Int (AI13PatternRegistrationType) , %_40.1348 120.4043 133.0009 44.3336 0 0 /RealMatrix %_ (AI13Pattern9SliceScalingGridKey) , %_; %_ 9 () XW %AI10_EndSymbol %AI14_BeginSymbol (Orange lumineux) 0 A 0 Xw u u 1 Ap 0 D 0 O 0 1 0 0 0 Xy 0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR 12.1064 -0.0015 m 12.1064 6.6841 6.6855 12.106 0 12.106 c -6.6865 12.106 -12.1064 6.6841 -12.1064 -0.0015 c -12.1064 -6.6865 -6.6865 -12.1064 0 -12.1064 c 6.6855 -12.1064 12.1064 -6.6865 12.1064 -0.0015 c Bb 1 (Unnamed gradient 42) 0 0 90 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 Bg 0 24.2124 28.2128 0 -7071.1064 7328.894 Xm 0 27.2124 28.2128 0 -7071.1064 7301.6816 Bc 0 14.9627 28.2128 0 -7071.1064 7328.894 Bm 0 0.272051 28.2128 0 -7071.1064 7343.8567 Bm 0 8.56957 28.2128 0 -7071.1064 7344.1288 Bm 0 27.2124 28.2128 0 -7071.1064 7352.6983 Bc f 0 BB 12.1064 -0.0015 m 12.1064 6.6841 6.6855 12.106 0 12.106 c -6.6865 12.106 -12.1064 6.6841 -12.1064 -0.0015 c -12.1064 -6.6865 -6.6865 -12.1064 0 -12.1064 c 6.6855 -12.1064 12.1064 -6.6865 12.1064 -0.0015 c Bb 1 (Unnamed gradient 10) 0 0 90 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 Bg 0 24.2124 28.2128 0 -7071.1064 7328.894 Xm 0 27.2124 28.2128 0 -7071.1064 7301.6816 Bc 0 14.9627 28.2128 0 -7071.1064 7328.894 Bm 0 5.07979 28.2128 0 -7071.1064 7343.8567 Bm 0 3.76183 28.2128 0 -7071.1064 7348.9365 Bm 0 27.2124 28.2128 0 -7071.1064 7352.6983 Bc f 0 BB 2 0.7 0 0 0 Xy 12.1064 -0.0015 m 12.1064 6.6841 6.6855 12.106 0 12.106 c -6.6865 12.106 -12.1064 6.6841 -12.1064 -0.0015 c -12.1064 -6.6865 -6.6865 -12.1064 0 -12.1064 c 6.6855 -12.1064 12.1064 -6.6865 12.1064 -0.0015 c Bb 1 (Unnamed gradient 8) 0 0 -90 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 Bg 0 -24.2124 -28.2128 0 -7042.8936 7353.1064 Xm 0 -27.2124 -28.2128 0 -7042.8936 7380.3188 Bc 0 -4.92231 -28.2128 0 -7042.8936 7353.1064 Bm 0 -3.45891 -28.2128 0 -7042.8936 7348.1841 Bm 0 -3.99105 -28.2128 0 -7042.8936 7344.7252 Bm 0 -11.8401 -28.2128 0 -7042.8936 7340.7341 Bm 0 -27.2124 -28.2128 0 -7042.8936 7328.894 Bc f 0 BB u *u 0 Ap 0 0 0 0 k 0 1 0 0 0 Xy 0 -10.3062 m 5.6831 -10.3062 10.3066 -5.6831 10.3066 -0.0015 C 10.3066 5.6816 5.6831 10.3057 0 10.3057 C -5.6831 10.3057 -10.3066 5.6816 -10.3066 -0.0015 C -10.3066 -5.6831 -5.6831 -10.3062 0 -10.3062 C F 1 D 0 -12.1064 m -6.6865 -12.1064 -12.1064 -6.6865 -12.1064 -0.0015 C -12.1064 6.6836 -6.6865 12.1055 0 12.1055 C 6.6855 12.1055 12.1064 6.6836 12.1064 -0.0015 C 12.1064 -6.6865 6.6855 -12.1064 0 -12.1064 C 0 -12.1064 L f *U U 0 0.6 0 0 0 Xy 0 0 Xd 6 () XW 1 Ap 0 D 0 R 0.010376 0.458503 0.82089 0 K 0 1 0 0 0 Xy 2 w 1 M 12.1064 -0.0015 m 12.1064 6.6841 6.6855 12.106 0 12.106 c -6.6865 12.106 -12.1064 6.6841 -12.1064 -0.0015 c -12.1064 -6.6865 -6.6865 -12.1064 0 -12.1064 c 6.6855 -12.1064 12.1064 -6.6865 12.1064 -0.0015 c s U 1 w 10 M 0 0 Xd 6 () XW U %_/ArtDictionary : %_0 /Bool (AI13PatternEnableGuides) , %_2 /Int (AI13PatternExportType) , %_; %_ 9 () XW %AI10_EndSymbol %AI14_BeginSymbol (Rectangle quadri) 0 A 0 Xw u u 0 Ap 0 O 0 1 0 0 0 Xy 0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR -20.7314 10.4146 m -20.8003 10.4146 -20.8564 10.3594 -20.8564 10.2896 C -20.8564 -10.29 L -20.8564 -10.3589 -20.8003 -10.415 -20.7314 -10.415 C 20.7295 -10.415 L 20.7988 -10.415 20.8545 -10.3589 20.8545 -10.29 C 20.8545 10.2896 L 20.8545 10.3594 20.7988 10.4146 20.7295 10.4146 C -20.7314 10.4146 L Bb 1 (Unnamed gradient 1) 0 0 90 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 Bg 0 20.8296 45.7109 0 -7079.8564 7330.5854 Xm 0 23.8306 45.7109 0 -7079.8564 7306.7548 Bc 0 12.8722 45.7109 0 -7079.8564 7330.5854 Bm 0 0.234041 45.7109 0 -7079.8564 7343.4576 Bm 0 7.37228 45.7109 0 -7079.8564 7343.6917 Bm 0 23.8306 45.7109 0 -7079.8564 7351.0639 Bc f 0 BB -20.7314 10.4146 m -20.8003 10.4146 -20.8564 10.3594 -20.8564 10.2896 C -20.8564 -10.29 L -20.8564 -10.3589 -20.8003 -10.415 -20.7314 -10.415 C 20.7295 -10.415 L 20.7988 -10.415 20.8545 -10.3589 20.8545 -10.29 C 20.8545 10.2896 L 20.8545 10.3594 20.7988 10.4146 20.7295 10.4146 C -20.7314 10.4146 L Bb 1 (Unnamed gradient 21) 0 0 90 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 Bg 0 20.8296 45.7109 0 -7079.8564 7330.5854 Xm 0 23.8306 45.7109 0 -7079.8564 7306.7548 Bc 0 10.4148 45.7109 0 -7079.8564 7330.5854 Bm 0 10.4148 45.7109 0 -7079.8564 7341.0002 Bm 0 23.8306 45.7109 0 -7079.8564 7351.415 Bc f 0 BB 2 0.51 0 0 0 Xy -20.7314 10.4146 m -20.8003 10.4146 -20.8564 10.3594 -20.8564 10.2896 C -20.8564 -10.29 L -20.8564 -10.3589 -20.8003 -10.415 -20.7314 -10.415 C 20.7295 -10.415 L 20.7988 -10.415 20.8545 -10.3589 20.8545 -10.29 C 20.8545 10.2896 L 20.8545 10.3594 20.7988 10.4146 20.7295 10.4146 C -20.7314 10.4146 L Bb 0 0 0 0 Bh 1 (Unnamed gradient 19) 0 0 0 0.790864 1 0 0 0.5 0 0 1 Bg 16.4836 0 0 -8.2418 -7057.001 7341.0002 Bm f 0 BB %_/ArtDictionary : %_/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , %_1 0 0 0.5 0 0 /RealMatrix %_ (CAIGradientTformMatrix) , %_; (Adobe_AI9_ArtStyle_Dictionary) , %_; %_ 0 1 Xd Bb 0 0 0 0 Bh 2 (Unnamed gradient 19) 0 0 0 0.790864 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 Bg 0 BB 6 () XW 2 0.7 0 0 0 Xy -20.7314 10.4146 m -20.8003 10.4146 -20.8564 10.3594 -20.8564 10.2896 C -20.8564 -10.29 L -20.8564 -10.3589 -20.8003 -10.415 -20.7314 -10.415 C 20.7295 -10.415 L 20.7988 -10.415 20.8545 -10.3589 20.8545 -10.29 C 20.8545 10.2896 L 20.8545 10.3594 20.7988 10.4146 20.7295 10.4146 C -20.7314 10.4146 L Bb 1 (Unnamed gradient 16) 0 0 -90 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 Bg 0 -20.8296 -45.7109 0 -7034.1455 7351.415 Xm 0 -23.8306 -45.7109 0 -7034.1455 7375.2456 Bc 0 -9.37332 -45.7109 0 -7034.1455 7351.415 Bm 0 -11.4563 -45.7109 0 -7034.1455 7342.0417 Bm 0 -23.8306 -45.7109 0 -7034.1455 7330.5854 Bc f 0 BB u *u 0.75 0.6 0 0 k 0 1 0 0 0 Xy 20.7295 -10.29 m 20.7295 10.2896 L -20.7314 10.2896 L -20.7314 -10.29 L 20.7295 -10.29 L F 1 D 20.7295 -10.54 m -20.7314 -10.54 L -20.8696 -10.54 -20.9814 -10.4277 -20.9814 -10.29 C -20.9814 10.2896 L -20.9814 10.4272 -20.8696 10.5396 -20.7314 10.5396 C 20.7295 10.5396 L 20.8672 10.5396 20.9795 10.4272 20.9795 10.2896 C 20.9795 -10.29 L 20.9795 -10.4277 20.8672 -10.54 20.7295 -10.54 C 20.7295 -10.54 L f *U U 0 1 1 0 0 Xy 0 0 Xd 6 () XW U 0 1 0 0 0 Xy 0 0 Xd 6 () XW U %_/ArtDictionary : %_0 /Bool (AI13PatternEnableGuides) , %_2 /Int (AI13PatternExportType) , %_; %_ 9 () XW %AI10_EndSymbol %AI14_BeginSymbol (Ruban) 0 A 0 Xw u u 0 D 0 R 0 0 0 1 K 0 1 0 0 0 Xy 0 J 0 j 0.25 w 4 M []0 d 0 XR -0.4233 -31.8975 m 4.8706 -31.9653 5.9731 -18.1821 8.7329 -16.7437 c 11.8765 -15.1064 24.7114 -21.1904 27.8599 -15.5557 c 30.6411 -10.5781 18.8638 -3.1104 18.8462 0.0308 c 18.8286 3.3027 30.4067 11.1465 27.6445 15.9443 c 24.8657 20.7705 12.2778 14.6587 9.1997 16.3809 c 6.2388 18.0347 5.1055 31.9492 -0.2563 31.8984 c -5.5029 31.8496 -6.2866 17.9482 -9.0005 16.4707 c -12.0151 14.8291 -24.7808 21.0083 -27.8267 15.5571 c -30.7314 10.3579 -18.8931 2.7163 -18.8027 -0.5605 c -18.7183 -3.6016 -30.3389 -11.0625 -27.8315 -15.5605 c -25.0493 -20.5493 -12.3228 -14.7246 -9.1631 -16.4902 c -6.3325 -18.0718 -5.5552 -31.8325 -0.4233 -31.8975 c s %_/ArtDictionary : %_(0.509492) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_(ALL) /String (ShapeBlendMatchToBefore) , %_(K) /String (ShapeBlendPathType) , %_(B) /String (ShapeBlendPathID) , %_; %_ 1.3945 -31.4248 m 6.6372 -31.1768 6.9302 -17.5132 9.5825 -15.9063 c 12.5522 -14.1064 25.5288 -19.4092 28.3091 -13.7983 c 30.7876 -8.7974 18.7622 -2.0669 18.5825 1.0273 c 18.3843 4.2715 29.3618 12.6611 26.3013 17.2651 c 23.2534 21.8779 11.2153 15.1289 8.1147 16.6499 c 5.1445 18.1104 3.3081 31.7866 -1.9565 31.4468 c -7.1763 31.1099 -7.2144 17.3076 -9.8335 15.6592 c -12.6782 13.8682 -25.5645 19.2905 -28.2793 13.8745 c -30.8687 8.665 -18.8301 1.749 -18.5742 -1.4678 c -18.3315 -4.522 -29.2939 -12.5596 -26.4678 -16.9272 c -23.4106 -21.6509 -11.3047 -15.1958 -8.1421 -16.752 c -5.2671 -18.1665 -3.6997 -31.6733 1.3945 -31.4248 c s 3.2134 -30.9517 m 8.4038 -30.3877 7.8872 -16.8477 10.4321 -15.0669 c 13.2275 -13.1104 26.3433 -17.6265 28.7573 -12.0415 c 30.9312 -7.0127 18.6675 -1.022 18.3179 2.0234 c 17.9487 5.2402 28.3062 14.1675 24.9585 18.585 c 21.6304 22.9761 10.1528 15.6001 7.0308 16.9194 c 4.0522 18.1865 1.5103 31.6201 -3.6577 30.9956 c -8.8501 30.3672 -8.1421 16.6714 -10.6646 14.8467 c -13.3403 12.9121 -26.3638 17.5811 -28.7314 12.1938 c -31.0215 6.9805 -18.7612 0.7817 -18.3452 -2.3774 c -17.9414 -5.4438 -28.2573 -14.0591 -25.1035 -18.2935 c -21.7817 -22.7534 -10.2847 -15.6636 -7.1201 -17.0127 c -4.1997 -18.2588 -1.8438 -31.5151 3.2134 -30.9517 c s 5.0327 -30.4795 m 10.1704 -29.5991 8.8462 -16.187 11.2817 -14.2295 c 13.9048 -12.1206 27.1548 -15.8408 29.2056 -10.2847 c 31.0718 -5.2271 18.5688 0.0234 18.0542 3.0205 c 17.5063 6.21 27.2593 15.6787 23.6147 19.9058 c 20.0151 24.0801 9.0884 16.0635 5.9458 17.1875 c 2.9565 18.2568 -0.29 31.4497 -5.3579 30.5425 c -10.5259 29.6191 -9.0718 16.04 -11.4976 14.0352 c -14.0063 11.9619 -27.1538 15.8667 -29.1841 10.5137 c -31.1655 5.29 -18.6895 -0.1865 -18.1167 -3.2837 c -17.5469 -6.3662 -27.2295 -15.5605 -23.7397 -19.6597 c -20.1641 -23.8608 -9.2622 -16.1309 -6.0991 -17.2749 c -3.1294 -18.3496 0.0112 -31.3564 5.0327 -30.4795 c s 6.8511 -30.0063 m 11.9365 -28.8101 9.8062 -15.5293 12.1313 -13.3911 c 14.5854 -11.1343 27.9644 -14.0527 29.6548 -8.5269 c 31.2114 -3.4399 18.4683 1.0688 17.7905 4.0176 c 17.0635 7.1787 26.2144 17.1914 22.2715 21.2256 c 18.4028 25.1851 8.0259 16.5322 4.8618 17.4561 c 1.8628 18.3315 -2.0898 31.2739 -7.0591 30.0913 c -12.2002 28.8672 -10.0034 15.4131 -12.3296 13.2241 c -14.6738 11.0176 -27.9399 14.1489 -29.6362 8.8306 c -31.3057 3.5977 -18.6128 -1.1543 -17.8877 -4.1919 c -17.1489 -7.2876 -26.2095 -17.0654 -22.3755 -21.0264 c -18.5542 -24.9736 -8.2383 -16.5942 -5.0776 -17.5366 c -2.0591 -18.4375 1.8667 -31.1982 6.8511 -30.0063 c s 8.6694 -29.5342 m 13.7036 -28.0215 10.7686 -14.875 12.9805 -12.5527 c 15.2681 -10.1519 28.77 -12.2632 30.1035 -6.77 c 31.3472 -1.6519 18.3657 2.1138 17.5259 5.0146 c 16.6187 8.1475 25.1704 18.7065 20.9282 22.5459 c 16.7915 26.29 6.9624 17.0034 3.7769 17.7256 c 0.7705 18.4072 -3.8887 31.0937 -8.7593 29.6401 c -13.8755 28.1123 -10.9385 14.79 -13.1616 12.4116 c -15.3447 10.0762 -28.7241 12.4307 -30.0884 7.1499 c -31.4434 1.9043 -18.5332 -2.1216 -17.6597 -5.1006 c -16.7476 -8.21 -25.1978 -18.5791 -21.0122 -22.3926 c -16.9517 -26.0933 -7.2129 -17.0542 -4.0562 -17.7983 c -0.9868 -18.5225 3.7222 -31.04 8.6694 -29.5342 c s 10.4878 -29.0625 m 15.4702 -27.2319 11.7349 -14.2236 13.8306 -11.7144 c 15.9536 -9.1709 29.5708 -10.4727 30.5522 -5.0127 c 31.4785 0.1377 18.2622 3.1587 17.2622 6.0107 c 16.1733 9.1162 24.1294 20.2217 19.5854 23.8667 c 15.1812 27.3984 5.9019 17.4746 2.6919 17.9956 c -0.3228 18.4849 -5.6855 30.9092 -10.4595 29.1875 c -15.5479 27.3521 -11.8779 14.1699 -13.9941 11.6001 c -16.0215 9.1377 -29.5059 10.7124 -30.5415 5.4683 c -31.5786 0.2114 -18.4487 -3.0864 -17.4302 -6.0078 c -16.3418 -9.1294 -24.1909 -20.0991 -19.6479 -23.7598 c -15.3555 -27.2192 -6.1875 -17.5117 -3.0347 -18.0605 c 0.0854 -18.6045 5.5786 -30.8813 10.4878 -29.0625 c s 12.3071 -28.5894 m 17.2368 -26.4429 12.7056 -13.5728 14.6792 -10.8765 c 16.6421 -8.1919 30.3667 -8.6821 31.0005 -3.2573 c 31.6055 1.9268 18.1587 4.2017 16.9985 7.0083 c 15.7261 10.0835 23.0874 21.7393 18.2417 25.1865 c 13.5737 28.5083 4.8394 17.9521 1.6079 18.2651 c -1.4155 18.5664 -7.4805 30.7217 -12.1602 28.7354 c -17.2178 26.5889 -12.8223 13.5537 -14.8262 10.7881 c -16.7007 8.2026 -30.2842 8.9937 -30.9932 3.7866 c -31.7109 -1.4839 -18.3633 -4.0508 -17.2021 -6.9165 c -15.9336 -10.0469 -23.1885 -21.6284 -18.2842 -25.1265 c -13.7612 -28.3525 -5.1611 -17.9653 -2.0132 -18.3223 c 1.1597 -18.6821 7.4341 -30.7231 12.3071 -28.5894 c s 14.1255 -28.1167 m 19.0034 -25.6543 13.6792 -12.9253 15.5288 -10.0376 c 17.3364 -7.2144 31.1597 -6.8936 31.4497 -1.5 c 31.73 3.7163 18.0493 5.2427 16.7339 8.0049 c 15.2729 11.0488 22.0513 23.2666 16.8989 26.5073 c 11.9692 29.6265 3.7769 18.4233 0.5229 18.5332 c -2.5083 18.6426 -9.2734 30.5322 -13.8608 28.2842 c -18.8862 25.8218 -13.7705 12.9375 -15.6582 9.9761 c -17.3838 7.2676 -31.0591 7.2744 -31.4453 2.1055 c -31.8398 -3.1772 -18.2739 -5.0127 -16.9731 -7.8247 c -15.5215 -10.9629 -22.1895 -23.1655 -16.9204 -26.4927 c -12.1699 -29.4927 -4.1357 -18.4155 -0.9917 -18.5845 c 2.2305 -18.7568 9.2896 -30.5645 14.1255 -28.1167 c s -31.8979 0.4243 m -31.9663 -4.8701 -18.1831 -5.9727 -16.7446 -8.7324 c -15.1069 -11.8774 -21.1909 -24.7109 -15.5562 -27.8589 c -10.5786 -30.6406 -3.1118 -18.8623 0.0298 -18.8447 c 3.3022 -18.8271 11.1445 -30.4063 15.9438 -27.6445 c 20.77 -24.8652 14.6577 -12.2773 16.3784 -9.1992 c 18.0327 -6.2383 31.9487 -5.1055 31.8979 0.2568 c 31.8491 5.5044 17.9478 6.2881 16.4702 9.001 c 14.8286 12.0171 21.0073 24.7817 15.5552 27.8271 c 10.3569 30.7339 2.7144 18.8936 -0.5615 18.8027 c -3.6021 18.7187 -11.0635 30.3403 -15.5615 27.8315 c -20.5503 25.0498 -14.7251 12.3232 -16.4907 9.1641 c -18.0728 6.333 -31.8325 5.5571 -31.8979 0.4243 c s %_/ArtDictionary : %_(2.080288) /String (BBAccumRotation) , %_(ALL) /String (ShapeBlendMatchToAfter) , %_(K) /String (ShapeBlendPathType) , %_(A) /String (ShapeBlendPathID) , %_; %_ U 0 1 0 1 0 Xy 1 w 0 0 Xd 6 () XW U %_/ArtDictionary : %_; %_ 9 () XW %AI10_EndSymbol %AI14_BeginSymbol (Traits de coupe \(avec 9 tranche) 0 A 0 Xw u 1 Ap 0 1 0 0 0 Xy 0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR 100 99.9995 m -100 99.9995 L -100 -100 L 100 -100 L 100 99.9995 L n 0 O 1 1 1 1 ([Repérage]) 0 Xs -79 -118 m -91 -118 l -91 -130 l -79 -130 l -79 -118 L f 1 1 1 1 ([Repérage]) 0.1 Xs -67 -118 m -79 -118 l -79 -130 l -67 -130 l -67 -118 L f 1 1 1 1 ([Repérage]) 0.2 Xs -55 -118 m -67 -118 l -67 -130 l -55 -130 l -55 -118 L f 1 1 1 1 ([Repérage]) 0.3 Xs -43 -118 m -55 -118 l -55 -130 l -43 -130 l -43 -118 L f 1 1 1 1 ([Repérage]) 0.4 Xs -31 -118 m -43 -118 l -43 -130 l -31 -130 l -31 -118 L f 1 1 1 1 ([Repérage]) 0.5 Xs -19 -118 m -31 -118 l -31 -130 l -19 -130 l -19 -118 L f 1 1 1 1 ([Repérage]) 0.6 Xs -7 -118 m -19 -118 l -19 -130 l -7 -130 l -7 -118 L f 1 1 1 1 ([Repérage]) 0.7 Xs 5 -118 m -7 -118 l -7 -130 l 5 -130 l 5 -118 L f 1 1 1 1 ([Repérage]) 0.8 Xs 17 -118 m 5 -118 l 5 -130 l 17 -130 l 17 -118 L f 1 1 1 1 ([Repérage]) 0.9 Xs 29 -118 m 17 -118 l 17 -130 l 29 -130 l 29 -118 L f 0 Ap 1 0 0 0 k -130 -91 m -118 -91 l -118 -79 l -130 -79 l -130 -91 L f 0 R 1 1 1 1 ([Repérage]) 0 XS 0.5 w -130 -91 m -118 -91 l -118 -79 l -130 -79 l -130 -91 L s *u 0 O 1 1 1 1 ([Repérage]) 0 Xs 1 w -123.7041 -85.6069 m -123.6943 -85.6318 -123.6816 -85.6475 -123.6631 -85.6582 c -123.6484 -85.6685 -123.6245 -85.6719 -123.5928 -85.6719 c -123.5586 -85.6719 -123.5342 -85.666 -123.5215 -85.6475 c -123.5078 -85.6328 -123.5 -85.5981 -123.5 -85.5488 c -123.5 -85.458 -123.4995 -85.375 -123.4985 -85.2959 c -123.4971 -85.2207 -123.4961 -85.1875 -123.4961 -85.1982 c -123.4961 -85.1543 -123.5049 -85.127 -123.5186 -85.1094 c -123.5322 -85.0942 -123.5576 -85.0894 -123.5977 -85.0894 c -123.6572 -85.0894 -123.6953 -85.1309 -123.7148 -85.2144 c -123.7197 -85.2432 -123.7266 -85.2607 -123.7285 -85.2773 c -123.7451 -85.3423 -123.7881 -85.3989 -123.8516 -85.4429 c -123.9185 -85.4844 -123.9971 -85.5068 -124.0835 -85.5068 c -124.2451 -85.5068 -124.3755 -85.4478 -124.4717 -85.3301 c -124.5713 -85.2119 -124.6191 -85.0557 -124.6191 -84.8564 c -124.6191 -84.6582 -124.5703 -84.498 -124.4697 -84.3799 c -124.3721 -84.2622 -124.2422 -84.2031 -124.0791 -84.2031 c -124.0254 -84.2031 -123.9727 -84.2119 -123.9175 -84.2261 c -123.8613 -84.2397 -123.8096 -84.2637 -123.7549 -84.2949 c -123.7314 -84.3062 -123.6973 -84.3286 -123.6563 -84.3584 c -123.6123 -84.3896 -123.5801 -84.4038 -123.5635 -84.4038 c -123.5342 -84.4038 -123.5098 -84.3945 -123.4922 -84.3774 c -123.4717 -84.3574 -123.4619 -84.334 -123.4619 -84.3071 c -123.4619 -84.2813 -123.4727 -84.2524 -123.4941 -84.2285 c -123.5166 -84.2031 -123.5547 -84.1719 -123.6133 -84.1357 c -123.6914 -84.0854 -123.7666 -84.0493 -123.8457 -84.0264 c -123.9209 -84.0029 -124.0029 -83.9912 -124.0908 -83.9912 c -124.3154 -83.9912 -124.5015 -84.0703 -124.6465 -84.2285 c -124.7949 -84.3887 -124.8672 -84.5903 -124.8672 -84.8389 c -124.8672 -85.0845 -124.7939 -85.2886 -124.6445 -85.4492 c -124.4951 -85.6118 -124.3076 -85.6934 -124.0835 -85.6934 c -124.0234 -85.6934 -123.9629 -85.6875 -123.8984 -85.6709 c -123.8369 -85.6572 -123.7734 -85.6353 -123.7041 -85.6069 c f *U 0 1 0 0 k -130 -79 m -118 -79 l -118 -67 l -130 -67 l -130 -79 L f 0 R 1 1 1 1 ([Repérage]) 0 XS 0.5 w -130 -79 m -118 -79 l -118 -67 l -130 -67 l -130 -79 L s *u 0 O 1 1 1 1 ([Repérage]) 0 Xs 1 w -124.1309 -72.7036 m -123.8369 -73.5596 l -123.8252 -73.5894 -123.8086 -73.6133 -123.7861 -73.6294 c -123.7637 -73.6445 -123.7305 -73.6519 -123.6875 -73.6519 c -123.4639 -73.6519 l -123.4355 -73.6519 -123.4131 -73.6431 -123.3994 -73.6284 c -123.3818 -73.6108 -123.3774 -73.5879 -123.3774 -73.5596 c -123.3774 -73.5244 -123.3867 -73.5015 -123.4033 -73.4878 c -123.4229 -73.4727 -123.4585 -73.4678 -123.5068 -73.4678 c -123.5293 -73.4678 l -123.4922 -72.2236 l -123.46 -72.2236 l -123.4004 -72.2236 -123.3594 -72.2158 -123.3408 -72.2031 c -123.3203 -72.1904 -123.3096 -72.166 -123.3096 -72.1294 c 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