Disc Wheel (Wheel Hub, Wheel Rim) For 275mm Tires 3D Printer Model

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License: CC BY-SA
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This is my success design of disc wheel (wheel hub) for 275mm tires (4.00-4 2PR). The original iron disc was made of totally bad material and many times broke up. SO i designed this one with very good results. Im using it for kite buggy (big dynamic stress and load of my own weight).
Original tire parameters:
Outer diameter: 275 mm
Inner diameter: 125 mm
Width: 85 mm
Max Pressure: 2 Bar
Max load: 136 kg

For this design im using original MTB bearings for moutainboards:
MBS Bearings 28x12mm.

Im printing it with 0.8mm nozzle PETG with variable layer height 0.3-0.55mm. No supports needed (see images from slicer). 100% infill and 12 walls. This take 4 hours of printing and 70m (180g) of filament per one disc (2 needed for one tire).

The disc are in two verisons: with or without the adapters for small disc brake.

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