two versions of my cartridge chute for my Dillon 550.
I bought mine used and it didn't come with the regular bin that the completed cartridges would fall into, so I designed this chute instead.
Its designed for use with cartridges from 9mm to 30-06 in size, but would probably work with larger and smaller cartridges too. there are two loops below the hole to attach some sort of tube with (I just used zip ties) to guide the cartridges down directly into an ammo can sitting on the floor. I have not found a good tube material yet so temporarily zip tied a bunch of corn cans together until I can find a real tube. I also affixed a piece of rag to the bottom to cushion their drop.
theres a mk1 and a mk3 version. when designing mk1 I didnt take into account the arm of the press, so you can't use the press properly because the ram can't lower all the way. but I figure if you had a bent arm like can be found from Inline Fabrication, and it feeds cartridges extremely well, so I figured id add it.
mk3 is my finished product and works great, and there's plenty of room for the arm. I added a bunch of lightening cuts to cut print time down and to save on filament after screwing up mk2. (measure once cut twice am I right? lol) mk3 still seems plenty strong being printed with 3x walls, top layers and bottom layers, with 10% gyroid infill, and .28mm layer hight. (with took approximately 70 grams of filament.)
so far only actually loaded 223 with it and its worked like a charm except one in about 100 will fall between a small gap between the chute and the press, but it doesn't actually effect function, so I'm not too concerned about fixing it. only other thing I think id add is to make the large deflector wing wider because I still feel that occasionally if you were too enthusiastic turning the shell plate you could possibly fling one off.
he models were created in tinkercad, and I'm not great at modeling so they aren't very pretty, lol. but this (the mk3) is probably my most functional print yet.
Hopefully this will be useful to someone besides me I can helped save you some time.
dillon_cartridge_chute_mk1_wont_work_with_straight_arm.stl | 108.2KB | |
dillon_cartridge_chute_mk3.stl | 103.3KB |