This quick and dirty bracket allows you to use the excellent Diiicooler on your stock FolgerTech 2020 i3 extruder (or anything else with the same heat break)
The fit isn't absolutely perfect but it works fine. There are a couple mm of clearance on all sides of the hot end.
There is a 3mm angle where the bracket meets the DiiiCooler to counteract the heating cartridge/thermistor wires pushing the cooler down. Holes are oversized 1mm so you can make small adjustments before tightening all the bolts.
There are a few mm of clearance to the nozzle tip. To adjust in in either direction just add a few washers on either the heat break side or the Diiicooler side, depending on which way you want it to go.
Requires 2x M3 bolts plus the hardware listed for the DiiiCooler, 6 mm or longer will do. I used 20mm because that's what I have on hand.
diiicooler__adapter.stl | 36.3KB |