Metalgarurumon is one of the forms taken by the character Garurumon, in the anime Digimon. The project was carried out using the model available on the model-resource website, adding all possible details that were originally only represented through texture. A small contribution of mine to Digimon fans. Did you like the project? Follow us on instagram to learn about other projects involving Digimon and other characters . If you really like it, you can also buy me a coffee :-)
metal_garurumon_base.stl | 70.4KB | |
metal_garurumon_posed-body.stl | 14.0MB | |
metal_garurumon_posed-head.stl | 10.7MB | |
metal_garurumon_posed-paw_front_d.stl | 6.4MB | |
metal_garurumon_posed-paw_front_e.stl | 6.4MB | |
metal_garurumon_posed-paw_rear_d.stl | 8.0MB | |
metal_garurumon_posed-paw_rear_e.stl | 8.0MB | |
metal_garurumon_posed-tail.stl | 9.3KB |