Dice Box And Tray For 21+ Dice 3D Printer Model

Author: @
License: CC BY-NC-SA
File formats: stl
Download type: zip

The file 'Dice Box And Tray For 21+ Dice 3D Printer Model' is (stl) file type, size is 161.8KB.


Good day,

Inspired by https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3248479

I decided to make my own box for more dice. I created 3 versions. I meant to use the bottom side to have your dice organized and the top side as a small dice tray :)

Used 5mm diameter x 1mm magnets.

Version 1:
Top and Bottom (hexagons) have the same height.
Version 2:
The bottom is 3 mm shorter (top side is 3mm longer), this is to make it easier to take dice from the hexagons in the bottom side.
Version 3:
No hexagons, basically an empty box, most likely more dice will fit there.

Printed in Kodama Copper PLA :)
Dice in the photo printed with Kodama Bronze PLA and Kodama Hickory Wood PLA

Let me know if you find any issue and I will fix it.

Dice_Bigbox_Botom_v1.stl 114.7KB
Dice_Bigbox_Botom_v2.stl 114.8KB
Dice_Bigbox_Botom_v3.stl 95.4KB
Dice_Bigbox_Top_v1.stl 167.4KB
Dice_Bigbox_Top_v2.stl 109.5KB
Dice_Bigbox_Top_v3.stl 108.7KB