Desktop Widget (clock, Weather Forecast, World Timer ….) 3D Printer Model

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License: CC BY-NC
File formats: stl
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Size:96.64 KB

The file 'Desktop Widget (clock, Weather Forecast, World Timer ….) 3D Printer Model' is (stl) file type, size is 96.64 KB.


Update #2: Someone asked whether the body can be reshaped to host a node MCU. This doesn't work but a Wemos Mini fits into the housing. Therefore I added a tray that can hold this ESP8266 board.

Update #1: Forum for exchange of widget app ideas and code

I deal international and have a lot of those time and weather widgets on my windows desktop. But windows rearrange them always so It's much better to have them in real on my desk.

With a ESP8266 and a 128x64 OLED display you can build it for only around 5$! The ESP fetch the information from the internet by WLAN and the OLED display it - done

Here I made a tiny, well looking housing for them. I had a simple, "BRAUN"-style design in mind. But it the finish result doesn't remind a BRAUN device very much. For me it rather associates with the helmet of a star wars storm trooper. However it appears likely to me.

For switching anything I made also a version with two push buttons but as this destroy the design I made a further version with a gesture sensor. This works perfect and doesn't impact the design but double the cost at least.

For the hosting of the electronics there are two version as well. One with only OLED display and ESP 8266 (ESP-03) and one with an additional Arduino mini pro (ESP-01 in this case)
