My first upload in a LONG time. My old Makerbot died so I got a new cheap printer.
I needed the ability to direct light onto printed models in order to paint them and decided to make a stand for a a bunch of cheap Sunbeam brand LED flashlights I had bought at the dollar store.
The original AutoCAD DWG file is included in the downloads so others can modify the design to fit their own mini flashlights.
Printing instructions:
Print everything in the default orientations at <= 2mm^3 for best results.
Base.stl & CapBracket.stl - Print using your own choice of settings. I'd recommend 10-15% infil with a single .5 - .8 wall.
TowerSection.stl & DollarStoreLightBracket.stl - Full support, I chose 10% with lines in an old version of Cura. PRINT THESE PARTS SOLID. The light bracket is very "bendy" and somewhat fragile...this was intentional to save material. Don't skimp and try for infil. Make it solid.
Do not glue the cap bracket and flashlight bracket together. The flashlight is meant to be able to spin 360 degrees.
Print as many of the TowerSection.stl as you need to make it as high as you want. I made 3 for mine.
Base.stl | 25.5KB | |
CapBracket.stl | 30.2KB | |
DollarStoreLightBracket.stl | 70.2KB | |
FlashlightStand.dwg | 217.9KB | |
Tower_Section.stl | 90.7KB |