This is a remix of the extremely popular Desert's Kiss - Diorama Dice Tower. ArsMoriendi3D were very kind in giving me permission to post this remix.
After my modification of the popular Desert Kiss Dice Tower got a lot of attention on Reddit I have put together a blog about how I did the modifications. This Thing contains the files that are required to recreate it yourself!
Check out the blog here:
The Test_All.stl model can be used to check whether your electronics will fit inside the modified Skull Tower. It can also be used to practice pausing a print and integrating the electronics. It has been designed so the electronics can be recovered from the print by cutting the top off (snip the small pillars).
The following are the settings that are required to pause the Skull Tower print at the correct layer height, assuming a layer height of 0.2mm. Go to Extensions > Post Processing > Modify G-Code. Click Add a script > Pause at height and enter the following settings:
Electronics Shopping List:
SkullTowerHollowed_-_LowRes_-_v3.stl | 9.1MB | |
Test_All.stl | 145.2KB |