Denver Broncos Coaster & Keychain Logo 3D Printer Model

Author: @
License: CC BY-NC
File formats: skp,stl,txt
Download type: zip

The file 'Denver Broncos Coaster & Keychain Logo 3D Printer Model' is (skp,stl,txt) file type, size is 2.8MB.



A coaster with the Broncos logo on it. I remixed from my Seahawks coaster (use care, they probably should be kept in different drawers just to be safe!

Its designed to switch filaments at different levels.

Start with White, then Orange, then Blue for the Logo.
Then back to white or orange for the face of the coaster.
Then Orange or Blue for the ring of the coaster.

The first 2.4mm should be White
The next .4mm should be Orange (change at 2.6mm)
The next .4mm should be Blue (change at 3.0mm)
The next .6mm are the face (change at 3.4mm)
Thin the ring can start anytime after the face is done. (4.0mm is fine)

It's best to watch a small sample first

Broncos_Coaster.skp 3.4MB
Broncos_Coaster.stl 831.9KB
Broncos_Keychain.skp 1.3MB
Broncos_Keychain.stl 126.0KB
Broncos_Logo.skp 1.2MB
Broncos_Logo.stl 121.1KB
Readme_instructions.txt 2.1KB
Vertical_Layer_Ruler.skp 1.1MB
Vertical_Layer_Ruler.stl 3.1KB