The file 'Deltoidal Icositetrahedron Puzzle Lamp Shade – Clover 3D Printer Model' is (STL) file type, size is 657.3KB.
Deltoidal Icositetrahedron Puzzle Lamp Shade - Clover
Print 24 pieces and put them together.
After assembly, the diameter of the lamp shade will be
Large version: ~ 18 cm
Medium version: ~15cm
Small version: ~11 cm
Recommended settings:
In stead of commonly used PLA filaments, use Nylon or ABS filaments for higher toughness and resistance to the heat from the lamp.
For Large and Medium versions: Layer height 0.2 mm
For Small version: Layer height 0.15 mm
For all versions: At least 5 perimeter loops to enhance the shear strength
Updated 2016/09/30
The STL files are modified to have larger tolerances at the vertices for those who feel difficult during assembly.
Similar things:
Icosahedron Puzzle Lamp Shade (I) Dahlia
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Icosahedron Puzzle Lamp shade (III) Fractal
DeltoidalIcositetrahedronPuzzleLampShade_L.STL | 822.9KB | |
DeltoidalIcositetrahedronPuzzleLampShade_M.STL | 822.9KB | |
DeltoidalIcositetrahedronPuzzleLampShade_S.STL | 822.9KB |