DELTARUNNER, The Universal Delta 3d Printer Carriage For Kossel, Mini, K800 Etc. 3D Printer Model

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Wanna get perfect prints on your delta?Try these :-) And publish a Made, please! Thanks!

EDIT added 50mm spaced 15mm magnets face

I've been playing with lot of wheels, many extrusion profile types, mostly 2020 with different slots, and I got tired of downloading and adjusting carriages all the time. I played with magnetic arms as well, so I also had to reprint my carriages when switching to fisheye arms.

After months of trial and error, I'm sharing my final design, tested on my own delta with great success. It is a direct replacement for most fisheye bearing or magnets based delta printers like Kossel, Mini, Flsun, etc. With the right Face, it could adapt to many others.

This carriage comes in 3 parts, and is "universal", as long as it is running on a 2020 extrusion (although 1515 or 3030 may work as well, untested).

For the perfectionists, an optional guide can be printed, it will help align the face horizontally and center it against the aluminium extrusion. Or check out this excellent derivative:

Specs & Features:

1) 3 wheels (M3, M4 or M5 bolts, size can vary from diameter 12mm to 40mm)
2) Precise & strong grip system with slider (using M3 screw & bearing).
3) Centerable Face (current faces available: M3/40mm; M3/42mm; M3/50mm; Magnetic 46mm spaced (K800...))
4) Solid: when tightened, the 3 face bolts makes the whole carriage stronger.

Non 3d printed parts:

  • 1 x 623ZZ bearing (10mmx4mmx3mm) (I'd recommend to get one, but you can also, instead, use a washer outside the bolt hole and tighten this way. It will be harder to loose the grip, though)
  • 1 long M3 bolt (+/- 45 to 65 mm) depending on wheels sizes;
  • 3 shorter M3 bolts. They need to be short enough NOT to go through both the Face and the Base, so it wont touch the aluminium extrusions.
  • 6 x M3 nuts
  • 3 wheels and the bolts, nuts and washers that go with them;
  • Some small pliers to help with the bearing installation.

What to download:

You need 3 parts: Base, Slider & Face. Base and Slider comes in 3 flavors: M3, M4 or M5. Pick the right type based on your wheels inner diameter. Pick the face based on the distance between two rods on your printer. If it is neither 40 nor 42mm nor 50mm, or if you're using magnetic arms, you may still adjust, or download Face base or GT2 Kit to create your own face.

Wanna ask me print it?

Deltarunner_1-3_Base_M3.stl 122.2KB
Deltarunner_1-3_Base_M4.stl 121.3KB
Deltarunner_1-3_Base_M5.stl 120.1KB
Deltarunner_2-3_Slider_M3.stl 77.8KB
Deltarunner_2-3_Slider_M4.stl 78.3KB
Deltarunner_2-3_Slider_M5.stl 78.0KB
Deltarunner_3-3_Face_40mm_M3.stl 286.8KB
Deltarunner_3-3_Face_42mm_M3.stl 292.5KB
Deltarunner_3-3_Face_50mm_M3.stl 1.5MB
Deltarunner_3-3_Face_Base_kit.stl 255.8KB
Deltarunner_3-3_Face_GT2_kit.stl 177.4KB
Deltarunner_3-3_Face_Mag_46mm_d12.stl 354.0KB
Deltarunner_3-3_Face_Mag_50mm_d15.stl 423.3KB
Deltarunner_Centering_Guide.stl 18.9KB