Here’s a special effector I designed to mount a laser engraving module on my delta 3D printer.
The advantage is that it can be mounted and disassembled without disturbing the settings and the mechanical parts of the printer. It’s placed in a simple slide and locked by a small part. You can switch quickly and easily from printing to engraving. When the laser isn’t mounted, it can be placed on its support on the side of the printer.
In addition, the two radial fans provide optimum cooling for 3D printing.
The laser is positioned at -42.5mm on the Y axis with respect to the nozzle. I glued a wooden disc on a borosilicate disc with the same difference. The engraving bed is simply moved but the available area remains the same.
List of parts to be printed (without supports) :
List of screws required :
List of material :
Softwares :
To engrave an image :
To engrave outline and to cut :
Ask me if you are interested in the electrical connections and softwares configuration. I will add more info if needed.
Have fun and think safety first by protecting your eyes !
Delta_Kossel_Effector_+_Laser_Mount.skb | 6.3MB | |
Delta_Kossel_Effector_+_Laser_Mount.skp | 6.2MB | |
diffusers.stl | 10.2KB | |
effector.stl | 375.1KB | |
laser_slide.stl | 71.2KB | |
laser_support.stl | 121.7KB | |
locking_effector_part.stl | 317.9KB | |
locking_slide_part.stl | 11.6KB | |
mounting_bracket_with_supports.stl | 139.8KB |