I printed a very tiny version of this several years ago and now that I've got a decent printer (TRONXY XY-3 3D) I can print it lifesize! I'm going to slice it so you can print it in parts and glue them together to make a life size skull.
This thing was made with Tinkercad. Edit it online https://www.tinkercad.com/things/ezVvyozWeGJ
Deinonychus_Skull_-_Back_Oriented_to_print.stl | 1.1MB | |
Deinonychus_Skull_-_Front_Part_with_a_little_support_Oriented_to_print.stl | 1.7MB | |
Deinonychus_Skull_-_Original.stl | 2.6MB | |
Deinonychus_Skull_-_Scaled_to_Lifesize.stl | 2.6MB |