Last year I remixed a Deathclaw for warmachine. I cut it up into printable chunks, and scaled it down. It took me a week to do, because I was still new. I made a lot of mistakes. One of those prints sits on my desk and every day I look at those mistakes. Yesterday, in a couple hours, using all the things I've learned over a year of 3d printing and model work, I remixed the deathclaw again.
This model is scaled for the game Warmachine, but it should be about right for D&D as well.
During assembly I found it very handy to have a small 1.75mm drill bit on hand to clean out the holes. I used CA glue, which I find works very well on PLA. The most difficult part of assembly was figuring out the right and left shins. I would recommend building from the body out. If you start with the base and feet you are going to have a bad time.
50mm_TexturedBase.stl | 2.2MB | |
DC_Print.mix | 21.9MB | |
DC_PrintLayout.stl | 18.9MB |