Where I store my SD cards and SD Holders, I needed a better place than the bottom of my desk draws. So here is my solution to organize and store my thumb drives and SD cards.
This is a Lockable Box with 3 wheel combination.
I've included a Tray that can hold 10 of my SD Wallet Cards and a top drop tray for what-not.
LockBox_v2_Base.stl | 527.6KB | |
LockBox_v2_BaseLockCover.stl | 111.6KB | |
LockBox_v2_Combo_KeyRings.stl | 487.0KB | |
LockBox_v2_Combo_ShaftLocks.stl | 25.0KB | |
LockBox_v2_Combo_Shafts.stl | 157.1KB | |
LockBox_v2_Cover.stl | 381.7KB | |
LockBox_v2_Cover_Pins.stl | 98.5KB | |
LockBox_v2_Hinge_Arms.stl | 90.3KB | |
LockBox_v2_Tray_10SDWalletCards.stl | 21.8KB | |
LockBox_v2_Tray_Top.stl | 174.2KB |