I needed to put a micro-usb female connector in a case where there was a cutout for a standard db9 serial connector. So I made this simple adapter.
It allows for soldering in place, room for wires or pinheader.
The small lock keeps the board in place quite nicely but do break easily when removed.
It was made to just press in and lock.. If it's to loose just widen the "legs" a bit..
There is a model of the board included, I've made a margin of around .2mm to allow for slightly variation in sizes... The pcb was measured with a digital caliber..
Easy to modify if you have another board or different case..
Original sketchup 2017 file included..
Adapter.stl | 78.3KB | |
DB9_-_MicroUSB.skp | 156.5KB | |
Lock.stl | 52.2KB | |
MicroUSB-Board.stl | 22.9KB |