I edited Thain's files in tinkercad to allow the billy clubs to be used as one staff, 2 escrima sticks, or nunchucks.
This included making a sturdier twist-lock system, adding a hole that goes throughout the staff to allow a string to pass through, a separate end-cap piece with an anchor to tie the other end of the string, and stronger connection areas between each piece.
I have printed and assembled each piece to ensure they all fit and function without modification (the pieces will of course need to be glued together but they work fine when dry fit as well)
end_connector.stl | 210.1KB | |
end_connector_2.stl | 318.1KB | |
middle_connector.stl | 166.3KB | |
stick_bottom.stl | 1.4MB | |
stick_cap.stl | 171.4KB | |
stick_top.stl | 2.4MB |