If you need to store stuff in letters, this is the way to go! Use the customizer to adapt the text and sizes as needed.
New: If you need a closed box, please use the version Customizable text box with lid.
Each letter and also the dots of 'i' and 'j' are connected together, so after printing it will not fall apart.
If you like it, please have a look at all my customizable creations.
There are more configurable-text-based creations, multi-line label, floor stand, gadget display stand, sweeping name plate, bunting banner, customizable text box III, pyramid text, name plate, Customizable text box with lid and round text. Have also a look at my configurable pack of dogs, rabbits, reindeers and santas. There are also useful coat hangers and finger toys.
Or see the customizable filament swatches to have an overview over your material.
Have fun!
Text_Storage_V1.stl | 693.5KB | |
Text_Storage_V1_BabyKruffyBox.stl | 174.9KB | |
Text_Storage_V1_Lilly.stl | 144.7KB | |
Text_Storage_V1_Pen.stl | 333.5KB | |
Text_Storage_V3.scad | 12.3KB |