I like [https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2562937] very much. But I found very annoying that Cura is trying to fill gaps between wall (at least with layer height = 0.3) which dramatically increases printing time.
I made my own easy to customize version of sartemch's bin using openscad in which you can change wall thickness and some other stuff.
Just change variables values as you need and export result to stl (I hope variable names is pretty self-explanatory):
width = 80;
depth = 80;
height = 20;
rows = 2;
columns = 2;
floor_thickness = 0.8;
outer_wall_thickness = 1.2;
inner_wall_thickness = 0.8;
add_label_holder = true;
custom_walls = [
[[0, 100], [100, 0]],
[[0, 50], [50, 0]],
[[50, 100], [100, 50]]
Just add to array 'custom_walls' start point and end point of the wall in format [[x_1, y_1],[x_2, y_2]] (сoordinates are measured in percent of box length / width).
label holder added
custom walls added
Check out more of my customizable stuff: https://www.thingiverse.com/al0ha/collections/my-customizable-stuff-openscad
customizable_bin.scad | 3.3KB | |
customizable_bin_random_example_1.stl | 1.2MB | |
customizable_bin_random_example_2.stl | 1.3MB | |
customizable_bin_random_example_3.stl | 1.2MB | |
customizable_bin_random_example_cover.stl | 262.4KB | |
customizable_bin_random_example_label_holder.stl | 1.2MB |