The file 'Customizable Round Box With Threaded Lid 3D Printer Model' is (scad,stl) file type, size is 581.11 KB.
This is a round box with a lid, that can be screwed off.
The sizes can be customized.
Pay attention to the value of Durchmesser_Rand, or your thread may be cut off at the top! - Durchmesser_Rand must be less than Breite_Dose + 2 * Wanddicke. Look at the pictures and check all values, when you customize!
The default values fit a can for salted peanuts.
You can make smaller ones for your medicine or longer and thinner ones for your toothbrush and toothpaste, medium-sized ones for herbs or flat ones for temporarily storing small parts, sewing-accessories like needles or buttons.
When you want to give it a thread with fewer turns to make it easier to handle, please note, that a minimum value of about 2.85 for thread_turns is required to have a complete turn holding the lid!
Corrected the functionality of cut_thread_percent and increased the default value for wackel to 0.5. I will test, whether this is sufficient.
Added pictures to visualize the effects of the geometry-parameters.
So many customized versions of this have a too short thread on the box (in comparison to the lid), because they leave the value for Durchmesser_Rand as it is.
Dose.scad |
Dose.stl |
Dose_box.stl |
Dose_lid.stl |