Customizable Duct/Pipe Adaptor (small Printbeds Too) 3D Printer Model

Author: @
License: CC BY-SA
File formats: stl,scad
Download type: zip

The file 'Customizable Duct/Pipe Adaptor (small Printbeds Too) 3D Printer Model' is (stl,scad) file type, size is 296.8KB.


Connects any fan to duct. Shown is 120mm fans to 100mm duct.
Has a flange on one side and a tube on the other.
[edit: - now with circular flange option and rounded corners]

Originally derived from dcartoon's excellent 120mm Duct adaptor.

Cleaned up and extended to be customizable.

Now with:

  • full or quarter printing (small printbeds),
  • overlaps for easy F6 creation,
  • added lip to make it easier to cable-tie or attach the ducting,
  • circular or square flange shape,
  • rounded corners option for square flange.
  • if 4 pieces then:
    • overlaps are curved and fit well,
    • strain and fitting relief channel at joins. (see closeup image)
Adaptor_100-60_quarter.stl 862.3KB
Adaptor_120-100.stl 1.6MB
Adaptor_120-100_quarter.stl 815.8KB
Duct_Adaptor.scad 6.8KB