The file 'Customizable Atom Deluxe (every Element Preconfigured) 3D Printer Model' is (stl,scad) file type, size is 321.0MB.
Choose your favorite Element and print it out.
No, not the Atom itself, but a bohr-model of the atom anyway.
Feedback requested!
Let me know if you are about to discover some new elements! I gladly extend my script with your new discovered element "Thingiversium"!
You can now customize a base for your printed atom:
Update II:
This Thing Has Been Featured!
Theres a blog post about this thing in the makerbot blog:
AND another blog post in the adafruit blog:
AND another blog post here:
Edit 2013-10-23: The Customizer has some troubles to render the atoms with a lot of electrons. So I pre-rendered the largest elements and uploaded them here.
Edit 2013-12-05: I did a few improvements in the OPENSCAD script and optimized it for braille font. See here or the braille optimized version:
001_-_H_-_Hydrogen.stl | 1.3MB | |
002_-_He_-_Helium.stl | 1.8MB | |
003_-_Li_-_Lithium.stl | 2.9MB | |
004_-_Be_-_Beryllium.stl | 3.4MB | |
005_-_B_-_Boron.stl | 3.8MB | |
006_-_C_-_Carbon.stl | 4.3MB | |
007_-_N_-_Nitrogen.stl | 4.7MB | |
008_-_O_-_Oxygen.stl | 5.3MB | |
009_-_F_-_Fluorine.stl | 5.7MB | |
010_-_Ne_-_Neon.stl | 6.2MB | |
011_-_Na_-_Sodium.stl | 7.3MB | |
012_-_Mg_-_Magnesium.stl | 7.8MB | |
013_-_Al_-_Aluminium.stl | 8.3MB | |
014_-_Si_-_Silicon.stl | 8.7MB | |
015_-_P_-_Phosphorus.stl | 9.2MB | |
016_-_Si_-_Sulfur.stl | 9.7MB | |
017_-_Cl_-_Chlorine.stl | 10.1MB | |
018_-_Ar_-_Argon.stl | 10.7MB | |
019_-_K_-_Potassium.stl | 11.6MB | |
020_-_Ca_-_Calcium.stl | 12.2MB | |
021_-_Sc_-_Scandium.stl | 12.6MB | |
022_-_Ti_-_Titanium.stl | 13.1MB | |
023_-_V_-_Vanadium.stl | 13.6MB | |
024_-_Cr_-_Chromium.stl | 14.0MB | |
025_-_Mn_-_Manganese.stl | 14.5MB | |
026_-_Fe_-_Iron.stl | 15.0MB | |
027_-_Co_-_Cobalt.stl | 15.5MB | |
028_-_Ni_-_Nickel.stl | 16.0MB | |
029_-_Cu_-_Copper.stl | 16.5MB | |
030_-_Zn_-_Zinc.stl | 16.9MB | |
031_-_Ga_-_Gallium.stl | 17.4MB | |
032_-_Ge_-_Germanium.stl | 17.9MB | |
033_-_As_-_Arsenic.stl | 18.4MB | |
034_-_Se_-_Selenium.stl | 18.9MB | |
035_-_Br_-_Bromine.stl | 19.3MB | |
036_-_Kr_-_Krypton.stl | 19.8MB | |
037_-_Rb_-_Rubidium.stl | 20.8MB | |
038_-_Sr_-_Strontium.stl | 21.3MB | |
039_-_Y_-_Yttrium.stl | 21.7MB | |
040_-_Zr_-_Zirconium.stl | 22.2MB | |
041_-_Nb_-_Niobium.stl | 22.7MB | |
042_-_Mo_-_Molybdenum.stl | 23.2MB | |
043_-_Tc_-_Technetium.stl | 23.7MB | |
044_-_Ru_-_Ruthenium.stl | 24.1MB | |
045_-_Rh_-_Rhodium.stl | 24.6MB | |
046_-_Pd_-_Palladium.stl | 24.6MB | |
047_-_Ag_-_Silver.stl | 25.6MB | |
048_-_Cd_-_Cadmium.stl | 26.1MB | |
049_-_In_-_Indium.stl | 26.5MB | |
050_-_Sn_-_Tin.stl | 28.5MB | |
051_-_Sb_-_Antimony.stl | 27.5MB | |
052_-_Te_-_Tellurium.stl | 28.0MB | |
053_-_I_-_Iodine.stl | 28.5MB | |
054_-_Xe_-_Xenon.stl | 28.9MB | |
055_-_Cs_-_Caesium.stl | 29.9MB | |
056_-_Ba_-_Barium.stl | 30.4MB | |
057_-_La_-_Lanthanum.stl | 30.8MB | |
058_-_Ce_-_Cerium.stl | 31.3MB | |
059_-_Pr_-_Praseodymium.stl | 31.8MB | |
060_-_Nd_-_Neodymium.stl | 32.3MB | |
061_-_Pm_-_Promethium.stl | 32.7MB | |
062_-_Sm_-_Samarium.stl | 33.3MB | |
063_-_Eu_-_Europium.stl | 33.7MB | |
064_-_Gd_-_Gadolinium.stl | 34.2MB | |
065_-_Tb_-_Terbium.stl | 34.7MB | |
066_-_Dy_-_Dysprosium.stl | 35.2MB | |
067_-_Ho_-_Holmium.stl | 35.6MB | |
068_-_Er_-_Erbium.stl | 36.1MB | |
069_-_Tm_-_Thulium.stl | 36.6MB | |
070_-_Yb_-_Ytterbium.stl | 37.0MB | |
071_-_Lu_-_Lutetium.stl | 37.5MB | |
072_-_Hf_-_Hafnium.stl | 38.0MB | |
073_-_Ta_-_Tantalum.stl | 38.5MB | |
074_-_Tu_-_Tungsten.stl | 38.9MB | |
075_-_Re_-_Rhenium.stl | 39.4MB | |
076_-_Os_-_Osmium.stl | 39.9MB | |
077_-_Ir_-_Iridium.stl | 40.4MB | |
078_-_Pt_-_Platinum.stl | 40.9MB | |
079_-_Au_-_Gold.stl | 41.4MB | |
080_-_Hg_-_Mercury.stl | 41.9MB | |
081_-_Tl_-_Thallium.stl | 42.3MB | |
082_-_Pb_-_Lead.stl | 42.8MB | |
083_-_Bi_-_Bismuth.stl | 43.3MB | |
084_-_Po_-_Polonium.stl | 43.8MB | |
085_-_At_-_Astatine.stl | 44.3MB | |
086_-_Rn_-_Radon.stl | 44.7MB | |
087_-_Fr_-_Francium.stl | 45.6MB | |
088_-_Ra_-_Radium.stl | 46.2MB | |
089_-_Ac_-_Actinium.stl | 46.6MB | |
090_-_Th_-_Thorium.stl | 47.1MB | |
091_-_Pa_-_Protactinium.stl | 47.6MB | |
092_-_U_-_Uranium.stl | 48.0MB | |
093_-_Np_-_Neptunium.stl | 48.5MB | |
094_-_Pu_-_Plutonium.stl | 49.0MB | |
095_-_Am_-_Americium.stl | 49.5MB | |
096_-_Cm_-_Curium.stl | 50.0MB | |
097_-_Bk_-_Berkelium.stl | 50.5MB | |
098_-_Cf_-_Californium.stl | 51.0MB | |
099_-_Es_-_Einsteinium.stl | 51.4MB | |
100_-_Fm_-_Fermium.stl | 51.9MB | |
101_-_Md_-_Mendelevium.stl | 52.4MB | |
102_-_No_-_Nobelium.stl | 52.9MB | |
103_-_Lr_-_Lawrencium.stl | 53.3MB | |
104_-_Rf_-_Rutherfordium.stl | 53.8MB | |
105_-_Db_-_Dubnium.stl | 54.3MB | |
106_-_Sg_-_Seaborgium.stl | 54.8MB | |
107_-_Bh_-_Bohrium.stl | 55.2MB | |
108_-_Hs_-_Hassium.stl | 55.7MB | |
109_-_Mt_-_Meitnerium.stl | 56.2MB | |
110_-_Ds_-_Darmstadtium.stl | 56.7MB | |
111_-_Rg_-_Roentgenium.stl | 57.1MB | |
112_-_Cn_-_Copernicium.stl | 57.6MB | |
113_-_Uut_-_Ununtrium.stl | 58.1MB | |
114_-_Fl_-_Flerovium.stl | 58.6MB | |
115_-_Uup_-_Ununpentium.stl | 59.1MB | |
116_-_Lv_-_Livermorium.stl | 59.5MB | |
117_-_Uus_-_Ununseptium.stl | 60.0MB | |
118_-_Uuo_-_Ununoctium.stl | 60.5MB | |
Customizalbe_Atom_Deluxe_-_with_Text.scad | 18.1KB |