,h1>Customizable Functional Springs!
Printed from the side, so layer lines do not weaken the flex points.Various shape and size parameters are available.
- Square - allows square or rectangular cross-section
- Circular - allows round, hex, pentagon, etc. using $fn
- "S" - Profile - creates a zig-zag pattern
- "T" - Profile - flex members are supported by a middle post, stiffer than "S" profile
- Center Hole - size and $fn to allow various shapes, round, hex, etc.
- Size Parameters* - Uncompressed Height, Web Thickness, Width, Z-height
- Compression Ratio* - defaults to 50%
The program calculates the number of spring replicates and gap width based on all of the height, web thickness, and compression ratio. This makes it EASY to design a custom spring to fit into your next project. OpenSCAD users can use this as an imported module, to add end fittings or to join in with a printed assembly.