Customisable Hero Factory Core [2.0 Version] 3D Printer Model

Author: @
License: CC BY-SA
File formats: json,scad,3mf,stl
Download type: zip

The file 'Customisable Hero Factory Core [2.0 Version] 3D Printer Model' is (json,scad,3mf,stl) file type, size is 536.0KB.


This is a customisable Hero Factory Core. It can be customised with a text or svg image(only in OpenScad). It can be generated as a full piece or lower/top half. If you print the top half and change the filament color after the second layer, the backround of the symbol will be a different color.

If you export to a 3mf file the background,symbol and core will be seperate objects.

To create the villain core put the scad,svg and json file in the same folder and select the villain core parameter list in the customiser. The svg will can only be downloaded through the download all option .The json file also includes the settings for the XL core.

This is the 2.0 Version of the Hero Factory Core the Breakout Version is also available

Importand Note:

The Customiser on Thingiverse only works partially. For a better experience use OpenScad.

Customisable_Hero_Core_2.0.json 2.1KB
Customisable_Hero_Core_2.0.scad 9.4KB
Customisable_Hero_Core_2.0_Bottom.3mf 26.3KB
Customisable_Hero_Core_2.0_H_Symbol_Full.3mf 38.5KB
Customisable_Hero_Core_2.0_H_Symbol_Full.stl 159.3KB
Customisable_Hero_Core_2.0_H_Symbol_Top.3mf 25.3KB
Customisable_Hero_Core_2.0_V_Symbol_Full.3mf 109.1KB
Customisable_Hero_Core_2.0_V_Symbol_Full.stl 456.1KB
Customisable_Hero_Core_2.0_V_Symbol_Top.3mf 96.7KB
Customisable_Hero_Core_2.0_XL_Bottom.3mf 28.1KB
Customisable_Hero_Core_2.0_XL_Full.3mf 35.9KB
Customisable_Hero_Core_2.0_XL_H_Symbol_Full.stl 147.8KB
Customisable_Hero_Core_2.0_XL_Top.3mf 21.3KB