Custom Weighted Fireball Island Dice 3D Printer Model

Author: @
License: CC BY-SA
File formats: STL
Download type: zip

The file 'Custom Weighted Fireball Island Dice 3D Printer Model' is (STL) file type, size is 793.9KB.


As a continuation of my 3D printed weighted dice series, I created a custom die for the fireball island board game, replacing the number 1 with a fireball image.

If you want to stack the odds for or against the fireball to increase chaos or reduce game time, check out the weighted dice options. The Weighted 1 model will see the probability of a fireball increase to around 26%, while the Weighted 6 (Anti-Fireball) model results in fireball probability decreasing to around 10%. For a more conventional game play, use the solid die for the typical balanced probability (16.7%).

After printing, paint the dice to make the numbers and fireball stick out and feel free to share your results.

Standard_Solid_Die_Fireball_Island_Edition.STL 885.7KB
Weighted_Die_1_Fireball_Island_Edition.STL 886.3KB
Weighted_Die_6_Anti_Fireball_Die.STL 886.3KB