Custom Cabochon Template And Dop Stick 3D Printer Model

Author: @
License: CC BY-SA
File formats: stl,scad
Download type: zip

The file 'Custom Cabochon Template And Dop Stick 3D Printer Model' is (stl,scad) file type, size is 38.2KB.


This is intended to be a cabochon cutting template that either replaces the dop stick or mates with it.


  • Dimensions can be customized to create any sufficiently large round or oval cabochon shape. The length and diameter of the dop stick (or socket) can be adjusted.
  • Texture can be enabled on the surface of the template to provide better adhesion from glue or wax.
  • A socket (hole) to receive a dowel will be generated if the dop stick is disabled - unless the size of this hole is well tuned you will probably need glue or wax to hold it onto your dowel.
  • A notch on the end of the dop stick can be enabled or disabled to allow it to be indexed in the dop stick holder.

Please use customizer or download and edit the .scad file to adjust it to your needs.

The pictured print was done in ProtoParadigm Dark Stone Gray ProSpec PLA.

cab_template.stl 450.0KB
cab_templates.scad 2.9KB