Create A Story Ornament 3D Printer Model

Author: @
License: CC0
File formats: stl
Download type: zip

The file 'Create A Story Ornament 3D Printer Model' is (stl) file type, size is 2.5MB.


This ornament is an empty stage, inviting you to make your own holiday story using other Thingiverse models or your own creations.
After the holidays it can hold Fairy Houses, Crystals, Gaming minis, etc..
There are two landscape choices, flat and contoured. They slip easily into the body.
The hanger can be installed or a cord threaded through the top slot and knotted for hanging, but this tiny stage can also stand on a table or mantle.

The church and tree featured in the sample ornament can be found here:

GodChurch by Mynameisnotjude:
Evergreen LED Candle by C47-3D:

The ornament body, hanger and smooth landscape print with no supports.
The contoured landscape requires supports.
All parts created using Fusion 360.

Hanger.stl 143.0KB
Landscape.Contoured.stl 3.3MB
Landscape.Flat.stl 2.1MB
Ornament_Body.stl 9.8MB