This is a top spool holder for the K1/K1C. It uses 608 bearings. The legs should be glued onto the tub when done. The version shown in the pictures was the very first iteration. I have added radii and opened things up to make the print fit together better.
I would suggest printing the roller at 5 or 6 wall thicknesses in order to beef up the ends.
You should be able to print the brackets/legs 2 at a time.
I'm debating designing a version that will enclose everything. If enough people ask, I guess. I don't own a K1.
K1_Top_Spool.STEP | 41.3KB | |
K1_Top_Spool.STL | 43.8KB | |
K1_Top_Spool_Bracket_-_LF.STEP | 80.6KB | |
K1_Top_Spool_Bracket_-_LF.STL | 12.0KB | |
K1_Top_Spool_Bracket_-_RT.STEP | 80.7KB | |
K1_Top_Spool_Bracket_-_RT.STL | 12.0KB | |
K1_Top_Spool_Holder.STEP | 135.8KB | |
K1_Top_Spool_Holder.STL | 37.6KB |