Creality K1 Max Bowden-tube Guidance 3D Printer Model

Author: @
License: CC BY-NC-SA
File formats: STL
Download type: zip

The file 'Creality K1 Max Bowden-tube Guidance 3D Printer Model' is (STL) file type, size is 4.7MB.


Hello, I like the job made by Der_Dennis, thank to share it is cool !, i remix and added a M3 nut on arm in order to add a metric screw, in addition you can find a two versions washer to position inside the machine since the hole for the original bownden tube support is moreless 6,5 mm. Two version washer to use a socket countersunk headscrew or a socket button head screw.


added an adapter to use the PTFE tube, if you want to lock the pipe, use the original clips one on top amd one on bottom



Arm_V2_REV1.STL 18.7MB
PTFE_pipe_Adapter_ok.STL 1.1MB
Washer_custom_1.STL 87.3KB
Washer_custom_2.STL 62.6KB