In search of a corner clamp which can be tensioned by a spring, I did't found nothing useful. So I redesigned it. This is very useful in helping to mount a box, picture frames and so on easily and quickly !
You still need a spring with 100 up to 120mm length and a diameter of 22mm.
You need also two screws M4 x 12
Part1_0.15mm_PLA_MK3.stl | 956.0KB | |
Part2_0.15mm_PLA_MK3.stl | 228.5KB | |
Part3_0.15mm_PLA_MK3.stl | 44.4KB | |
Part4_0.15mm_PLA_MK3.stl | 45.0KB | |
Part5_0.15mm_PLA_MK3.stl | 181.9KB | |
Part6_0.15mm_PLA_MK3.stl | 437.3KB |