Controller Joystick Grip Cover Protection – Playstation & Xbox 3D Printer Model

Author: @
License: CC BY-NC-ND
File formats: stl
Download type: zip

The file 'Controller Joystick Grip Cover Protection – Playstation & Xbox 3D Printer Model' is (stl) file type, size is 42.0MB.


  • For licensing and commercial inquires - [email protected]
    If this saved you a couple bucks and a trip to the store, send a tip my way ;)

    29.07.2018 - Added 2 new configurations
    After extended use on a daily basis for console and PC gaming, the soft padding on my joysticks began to wear off. Today I spent some time creating and testing these!


  • 4 Different grip textures for unique playstyles
  • Very easy and cheap to print
  • 20mm and 22mm, tight PLA fit
  • Printable in PLA, PETG and good for a silicone template.
  • Note that even the flat grips will have print layers as textures (as seen in fig 1), so you can create your own texture by playing with the printing resolution size!
cover_pro.stl 28.5MB
cover_shell.stl 18.3MB
grip-circles.stl 13.4MB
grip-dots.stl 27.0MB
grip-flat.stl 9.6MB
grip-lines.stl 11.2MB