Concealed Aileron Control Linkage 3D Printer Model

Author: @
License: CC BY-NC-SA
File formats: stl
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New Version 2 design.

After some testing I found that using skewers even short sections is not ideal for this linkage. Being wood every piece of skewer has a different amount of torque it can handle., The skewers end up torsioning under load at different rates. Thios can make the aircraft very unstable.

Version 2 now uses 1-1/2" long brad nails in place of the skewers.

Also after testing different adhesives. I found Gorilla brand super glue seems to work the best for glueing the nails into the holes. (Though they should be tight to begin with). Hot glue was rubbery and did not hold well, and a few other brands of super glue I had on hand also did not bond as strongly.

When installing the raised side of the linkage must be inline with the pivot point of the ailerons hinging.

This was designed to work with simple beveled foamboard as the hinge, but I also created thesre matching hinges. They are much easier to achieve a correct aslignment with then just the paper hinge, but are not required to use this linkage.

Use a 1-1/2" long brad nail to connect the linkage, or other similar material. Make sure the arms are snug while the hub section spins freely. Use CA glue (super glue) when attaching the arms as extra reinforcement.

Note: I model knowing the limitations of my 3D printer. Its old and has a few minor quirks. In general its accurate but holes especially tend to print out smaller than they are sized in the model. As such I model holes slightly larger to accommodate this. Test print any part and make sure any attached hardware like wire or skewers fit properly before bulk printing.

Aileron_Linkage.stl 168.8KB
Aileron_Linkage_v2.stl 157.5KB