Commodore User Port And Cassette Port Connector Cases 3D Printer Model

Author: @
License: CC BY-NC
File formats: stl
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The file 'Commodore User Port And Cassette Port Connector Cases 3D Printer Model' is (stl) file type, size is 359.9KB.


Simple cases for the user and cassette port edge connectors for vintage Commodore 8-bit computers (including Commodore PET, VIC-20, C64, C64c, C128 and the Plus/4, C16, SX-64 minus the cassette port). You'll need two small screws to attach the connector on either side. This case gives you something to grip while plugging and unplugging it from the computer. All models except one have the text "TOP"

I built these for my homemade C64 diagnostic harness cable.

cassette_port_case.stl 531.2KB
user_port_case_left_exit.stl 1.2MB
user_port_case_no_exit.stl 516.6KB
user_port_case_no_exit_no_text.stl 162.3KB
user_port_case_rear_exit.stl 642.8KB
user_port_case_right_exit.stl 1.2MB