The file 'Comedy & Tragedy Earrings 3D Printer Model' is (stl) file type, size is 23.0KB.
Comedy & Tragedy earrings. Just slice, print and glue earring backings on. When dry, wear them out!
I made these earrings to match the 2023 FIRST Robotics Tech Challenge theme: CENTERSTAGE (
I wore these while volunteering at the local competition and they were a hit!
These can be printed in multicolor on any printer. Just add a pause to your print in the slicer corresponding to the layer you'd like to change the colors of. This is do-able in Cura Slicer and Prusa Slicer. Multi-color printing in Bambu Slicer is also doable via their color painting tool.
☕ If you like any of my designs, feel free to support me with a coffee:
comedy_earring.stl | 66.3KB | |
tragedy_earring.stl | 50.3KB |