Combination Ball/Bit/Ring Gag With Tongue Depressor 3D Printer Model

Author: @
License: CC BY-NC
File formats: SLDPRT,STL
Download type: zip

The file 'Combination Ball/Bit/Ring Gag With Tongue Depressor 3D Printer Model' is (SLDPRT,STL) file type, size is 1.5MB.


Years ago, I came across this thread (NSFW). I liked the combination gag someone made, and printed it. Since then, I mostly forgot about it, until today. I decided to start it from scratch, copying mostly from user SissyTina's design. I fixed some issues, and made it really nice. The SolidWorks 2016 file is fully parametric and variable driven, too.

I would recommend using medium to large metal rings through the holes in the bit gag, in order to avoid the tongue rotating the gag in the mouth.

gag_new.SLDPRT 725.6KB
gag_new_fine.STL 1.9MB
