I received a request for a coffee stencil from a friend. So I made 11. They can of course be used as stencils for any purpose.
Please feel free to request designs for stencils. I'll happily add more!
In this collections are stencils for:
I've tested one and am currently printing the rest. Photo's of the finished prints and test patterns with cocoa are coming soon :)
bunny.stl | 1003.5KB | |
coffee.stl | 1.0MB | |
deer.stl | 1.3MB | |
flower_1.stl | 1.0MB | |
flower_2.stl | 1.0MB | |
flower_3.stl | 1.1MB | |
flower_4.stl | 1.1MB | |
heart.stl | 1002.6KB | |
maple_leaf.stl | 1.3MB | |
star.stl | 926.6KB | |
tree.stl | 1.0MB |